Tues.10.6.15...Let Them Go!...John 18:1-27

How many movie scenes have you seen where evil men have taken innocent people hostage? Then the hero steps forward and courageously says, "I'm the one you want. Let them go." We see such a scene occurring in today's drama. The gospel of John is unfolding like a movie. Jesus steps forward to spare his own. It's a foreshadowing of what he will soon do for all of us. It's also a reminder of what manly men do for those they are devoted to. A man will lay down his life for his wife and children. A fireman will run into a burning building to rescue people when everyone else is running out. A soldier will throw his body on a grenade to spare his buddies. Such sacrifices are so manly, heroic and loving. They remind us of Jesus' love for us of which John 3:16 speaks. But do you know 1 John 3:16? "This is how we know what love is: Jesus Christ laid down his life for us. And we ought to lay down our lives for our brothers." Such sacrificial love for one's Christian brothers was expected back then. Now it seems so foreign. 

Most contemporary Christians have little sense of sacrificial devotion to others. They view being a Christian as one who goes to church and tries to be good. They have no sense of devotion to the mission, the fight to set captives free and multiply manly men. They have no covenant friends, none that have their backs, none that they are devoted to, none that they fight in prayer for by name. Thus, if they ever felt their life was under fire, they would have no fireteam brothers to call on who would fight for them. They have no sense of fighting together as a team. They have a cruise ship versus a battle ship mentality. See what I mean-

What would it take for you to quit- to go back to a cruise ship Christianity? No one is forcing you to stay on board the M3 battleship. It's easier not to be devoted to others and to Christ and his mission. Peter found that out the hard way. He thought he was so devoted to Jesus. He declared, "Lord, I am ready to go to prison and to death" Luke 22:33. But Jesus saw through his self-confident heart- "Will you really lay down your life for me? I tell you the truth, before the rooster crows, you will disown me three times!" John 13:38. Thank God for the Lord's restorative grace and the gift of his Spirit to transform Peter. O Lord help us to remain devoted to you and each other, otherwise we could cower and disown you before even a servant girl as Peter did.

1.- Read through John 18:1-27 and share some of your thoughts on it. As always, feel free to use your arsenal of commentaries at http://www.studylight.org/commentary/john/18.html

2.- True NT Christianity calls us to be devoted Christ, to lay down our lives for him and for one another and to the mission, to make every effort to grow and make multiplying disciples. It can be very challenging. But that's what we are about. We even set goals to pry ourselves out of our comfort zones for God's glory and our good and the good of others. So why do you prefer to be on the M3 battleship than simply the Sunday morning cruise ship? 

I want to commend Mike Dunn who has done something manly and worthy of honor. He has shown himself unstoppable for four weeks in a row. Thus, I look forward to presenting him with his Unstoppable Award Pin at our next meeting, October 18th. Way to go Mike! You will see a U by your name on the scoreboard starting tomorrow.  Who-ra! 

I see some other brothers that are showing renewed unstoppable determination as well. Remember, as crazy as the day may get and ruin your plans, you can still fulfill your goal and commitment at night- No scripture, no sleep. A little sacrifice of sleep is a little sacrifice indeed. Manly men make noble sacrifices to fulfill the mission and that's what you are. Just do it! You are a "no excuses" man. You are made new in Christ to conquer. Thank you Lord!


  1. 1. John 18: 20 Jesus answered him, “I have spoken openly to the world. I have always taught in synagogues and in the temple, where all Jews come together. I have said nothing in secret. 21 Why do you ask me? Ask those who have heard me what I said to them; they know what I said.” I spake openly to the world; to all sorts of men, my enemies as well as my friends.

    I ever taught in the synagogue, and in the temple, whither the Jews always resort; the Jews for instruction do use to resort to the temple, which was in Jerusalem, and whither three times in the year all the males were wont to come from all parts of the country: and in the public assemblies of the Jews, and in the places where they use to meet.

    And in secret have I said nothing; I have said nothing in secret contrary to the doctrine which I have publicly taught; though I have preached in other places, yet it hath been the same thing which I have said in public.

    Nothing to hide! Jesus taught all nations. Still, Jesus knew what was going to happen and he could of stopped but it was Gods plan. He remains faithful to his destiny for he loved us. If i could only have a sprinkle of his loyalty in my life.

    2. The reason i prefer M3 is for a core of Godly men to set me straight. I'm a strong believer that if you hang around with ducks is a matter of time you act like one to. If you hang around with eagles you soar high in your standards. I see this value in M3. Learning scripture and being accountable for your actions is what i need at times. Having men that are passionate about God and faithful to one another is priceless. I pay that i remain faithful and for me to be a blessing onto others. Thank you brothers for all of your support.

    1. Thanks brother Horacio, "He remains faithful to his destiny for he loved us". That is a true sacrificial love - to die for those you love.

    2. Yes it's all God's plan, and he loved us that much!
      I'm happy to see your posts daily and I'm confident you will remain faithful as you trust in the Lord.

    3. Brother Horacio, the blessing is ours :-). Keep up the good work, God bless.

    4. Yes Horacio I agree with all the reasons you are happy to be part of M3

    5. Glad you are with us Horacio. You are a great example.

  2. 1. John 18:25 "Now Simon Peter was standing and warming himself. So they said to him, "You are not also one of His disciples, are you?" He denied it, and said, "I am not."

    While it certainly does take a LOT of courage to die for someone, or a cause, it takes much more to LIVE for someone, or a cause. You can only die once in this life. While living for something, and the sacrifices it may take are ongoing.

    2. I need to be challenged. Constantly. I detest stagnation. Even if I were independently wealthy I would still have some sort of work that I would do. Every day. I cannot just sit around. I have to conquer new territory. Be it, spiritually, mentally, musically, or physically. I must be better than I've ever been before.

    Thank you for the encouragement brothers. I really appreciate what this group has already brought to my life. I do need some prayer now though. I am not performing well at my new job. My mind is constantly clouded and I am simply not able to perform the tasks given to me in a timely matter. It is very discouraging. On a more personal note, I am not doing well as a parent. I need to be more gentle and loving with my children. I need to spend quality time with them. I am always so irritable, I honestly prefer to be away from them. It kills them, and it kills me. I feel so weak. Unable to bear their emotional needs. Like my father always was. I cannot go on like that. My children need me. So I need you to lift me up as often as you remember. Even it it means I take one on one time with only one child per day. (I really struggle with all three of them, as they are starving for my attention, it is quite overwhelming...)

    Please pray!

    1. Thank you for your honesty and bringing it it to light Mike. I pray that you stay focused at your job and that they have patience with you while you learn. I also pray that you try harder to foster the relationship with your kids. They grow up so fast, and you don't want to regret missing out in their lives. I know you can be a cycle breaker. God bless.

    2. Michael, it's a battle as David put it in the lesson. We are not battling against flesh but against powers of Spiritual principalities. The Devil is fighting hard to win the battle but through the POWER of our savior Jesus Christ you are an OVERCOMER . We are praying for your job, family relations, sound health in Jesus name. If & when you get chance take the family for an outing, it could be a movie, ice cream, park. Socialize and talk openly with each other.

    3. Mike. I'm praying for you and I feel your distress
      I'd be happy to meet with you on the phone or in person. Please feel free to call me or I'd be happy to contact you. Jack. 417-459-8342

    4. Brother Mike, please know that you are in our prayers.

      "Let God's promises shine on your problems.” (Corrie Ten Boom)

    5. Its interesting to consider that when Jesus asked who the soldiers were looking for he told them twice "I am he" directly, but Peter denied who he was even to a little girl.

    6. Mike, thank you for that honesty and for seeking prayers. I will keep you in my prayers as well. I think it's awe inspiring that you are trying to be a different [better] man and father than what it sound like you had for role model(s) growing up. Way to look after your kids. Keep it up -- everything you're doing -- change is difficult, but it does get better. Look for many small victories with your family and your job. Great journeys always happen one step at a time, at every victory take time to enjoy it and look back over where you've been. Beg Jesus for strength.

    7. I can relate. Sometimes I am so tired and irritable and my kids get the worst of me. My work too often gets my energy and attention. I'll lift you up Mike.

    8. Love and prayers my brother! I have 2 babies at home and I can understand. If u can shoot me a text tmrw so that we can encourage each other ;)

    9. I've been praying for you since I read your post early this morning Mike. Call me anytime.

  3. 1. John 18:8 "Jesus answered, "I told you that I am he. So, if you seek me, let these men go."
    This verse demonstrates Jesus' great love for his disciples, He openly declared that He was Jesus the one they were looking for thus giving up His life for His disciples.

    This is what Barnes has to say about this verse in this commentary: "Let these go their way - These apostles. This shows his care and love even in the hour of danger. He expected to die. They were to carry the news of his death to the ends of the earth. Hence he, the faithful Captain of salvation, went foremost into trials; he, the Good Shepherd, secured the safety of the flock, and went before them into danger. By the question which he asked those who came out against him, he had secured the safety of his apostles. He was answered that they sought for him. He demanded that, agreeably to their declaration, they should take him only, and leave his followers at liberty. The wisdom, caution, and prudence of Jesus forsook him in no peril, however sudden, and in no circumstances, however difficult or trying."
    2. In enjoy being in M3 because it has challenged and helped me be in God's words every single day, which in turn is helping me grow in Him. Also one of the greatest benefits is having dear brothers next to me holding me accountable, asking me how I am doing and encouraging me with prayer and comments on the blog.
    It is great to know that when I need a group of warriors to help face this world I can count on them, thanks to all of you for being there.

    1. Roger. You are a great brother and example. We are blessed to have you

    2. Brother Roger, "It is great to know that when I need a group of warriors to help face this world I can count on them, thanks to all of you for being there." Ditto :-)

    3. Thanks for being such a consistent example Roger!

  4. 1. These passages hit home with me although nowhere to the level of severity; but I can relate on a much smaller scale. Jesus was being persecuted and lead to his unjustified death to provide Salvation for all of us-- and glorifying the Father. As he fulfilled the prophesies.
    When I was a young teenager and my dad was a mean drunk-- he would come home drunk and look for anything that was wrong or broken and make me and my 5 brothers and sister line up for a whipping with a belt. He would ask who was responsible-- and time and time again it was my next youngest brother who caused it; but no one would speak up. So I felt it better for 1 to take the hits than all-- so I would admit that I did it and take the whooping. It hurt a lot getting hit with the leather, but sometimes it was the buckle that would cut the skin.
    Jesus situation was intensively multiplied as he was almost beaten to death and then killed-- but my small sacrifice for my brother welfare provides me with some basic understanding of what Jesus went through. By no means am I implying that my situation was anywhere to the degree of Jesus, nor for the glorification of the Father, and was necessary for us to receive Sslvation. But it helps me relate to what our Jesus went through.
    2. My story in number 1 tells a lot of who I am and my dedication to others. I will never abandon a brother or sister in a time of need and I would go to the mat for any of you. I also expect it is reciprocal. Thank you my brithers for being an unstoppable team. Our support for each other should be permanent and constant in spite of persecution. Sunday I was confronted with a.serious issue and talked to only 4 men about it for advice and support-- but only 2 reached out unconditionally-- and I thank my Brothers Brian and Julian.

    1. Brother Jack, thanks for sharing your experience and I'm sorry you were subjected to such cruel punishment.

    2. Jack you do demonstrate with your actions that you are there to help any brother in need. Thank you for the great example.

    3. Wow Jack! That's terrible! I'm so sorry you had to go through that as a child.

    4. You are such a dedicated man of God and friend Jack. I and the team are very blessed because of you.
      One year ago today, you sat in my dining room with a half dozen other men listening and discussing my vision for a group to be known as M3. You encouraged me even before that to pursue such. Thank you so much my friend!

  5. 1.27Again Peter denied it, and at that moment a rooster began to crow.

    Can you imagine how Peter felt at that moment...the moment a rooster began to crow? Jesus predicted this would happen and Peter denied that it would. Yet as we read yesterday Jesus said in Matt.26:41 Watch and Pray so that you don't fall into temptation. The spirit is willing but the flesh is weak.

    Peter hears the rooster crow and realizes he failed. And although at this part of the story and until Jesus restores him in John 21, Peter may hear the rooster and think failure. But i believe it's a humbling sign and a reminder of God's mercy in the end. I believe we all have something in our lives that we can look back and reminds us of God's mercy and grace. Some event or time that keeps us from getting to prideful thinking that we got this on our own.

    2. We are in a battle daily, not just on Sundays. We need support and backup as we fight this battle daily, as we deny ourselves daily, as we live counter cultural, as we follow Jesus. Being involved and serving on this battleship as allowed for me to experiencing this life with other broken men and continue to help me pour out and give and learn from others and walk with others. The J.O.Y concept comes into play, Jesus. Others. Yourself.

    1. you struck something there bro. Doing it together. In a cruise ship everyone is on their own and wants to be left alone but in a battleship all hands must be on deck. Lets go to battle bro!!!!

    2. Brother Eddie, "We are in a battle daily, not just on Sundays." yes, amen!!

    3. Yes amen Eddie great words of encouragement

    4. You too were with me one year ago today Eddie. Thanks for being a foundational member and leader in M3.

  6. 1) It is an amazing situation when the soldiers arrive to arrest Jesus and Peter decides to fight them. Apparently he thought that Jesus would perform a miracle and enable these few disciples to defeat a group of armed soldiers and a crowd. Of course Jesus could have brought about that type of victory, but He tells His followers again that He needs to go to the cross. There is a time to physically fight for things, to defend people, and to use force. However, there are other times where we need to accept suffering and injustice for a while to accomplish a greater good.
    John 18:11, “Jesus commanded Peter, “Put your sword away! Shall I not drink the cup the Father has given me?” “
    Gill’s exposition of the Bible says this about John 18:11.
    shall I not drink it? which expresses his, willingness to do it, his eager desire after it, his delight in it, and displeasure at Peter's attempt to hinder him; he being now perfectly reconciled in his human nature to drink it, though it was so bitter a potion: he found it was impossible, considering the decree of God, his own agreement, and the salvation of his people, that it should be otherwise; and besides, it was his Father's will and pleasure, he considered it as coming from him; and therefore cheerfully accepted it, and was, resolved to drink it up, and that nothing should hinder him. The Persic version reads it, "I will not give it to another to drink"; Peter, by this rash action, seeming as if he would have the cup out of Christ's hands, and have drank it himself; which, as it could not be, nor would Christ suffer it, so if he had, it would have been of no advantage to the salvation of his people.

    2) I think the Cruise Ship vs. Battle Ship picture is right on target. This is one of the major problems with Christians in America. It's a challenge for churches because there does need to be a place for people to come around and observe, get to know people, & count the cost of following Christ. We can't expect everyone at every gathering to be fully committed and involved. It's not realistic or biblical. If you invite your neighbor to church you want them to be able to check it out without a lot of pressure. But we do need to have a clear expectation of those who are followers of Christ. It's too easy for Church to sink to the lowest level of an optional gathering where a few people are trying to bring a blessing to whoever happens to be there on that day. Apart from the large Sunday services there needs to be groups specifically for those who are choosing to 'fight the good fight' and are willing to be held accountable and are willing to serve others.
    The M3 ministry is this type of group. I love M3 for many reasons including the fact that it has clear expectations and a clear set of relationships. It is a 'covenant relationship' where the men have agreed to communicate daily, pursue spiritual disciplines, and live the Christian life. Proverbs 27:17 says that "As iron sharpens iron so one man sharpens another." I believe this ministry enables us to be in that sharpening, strengthening, growing type of fellowship.

    1. Wow Pastor, the cruise vs battleship thought. I couldn't have said it better myself. That was on point.

    2. Yes pastor Mike, great words fully agree with everything you said. Thank you

    3. I agree with you Mike. So glad to talk with you at length today. And thanks for your blessing to make M3 a reality at New Life. It wouldn't have been able to launch here without you.

  7. 1- I did not chose a specific verse but rather I have an observation. The text grabbed my attention when it said that peter and another disciple followed Jesus. Before I proceed I also have a question, who is this other disciple? Is it John talking about himself in third person? Anyway, In all my years in church I have heard about Peter denying Jesus. Every one has always focused in on his mistake and on the negative. Although he did screw up the text lets us know that he followed the soldiers and Jesus when the majority of the disciples ran away. I was also thinking of how we as the church (not a specific church but just church in general) sometimes don't do such a great job. Sometimes we may judge a person or be quick to point out their mistakes but fail to acknowledged the good they do and or the progress they are making. I pray that we wouldn't be a judgmental (not saying that we are, but again speaking in general terms) people that turns off others in pursuing Christ.

    2- I'd rather be on a battle ship than a cruise ship because a cruise ship experience quickly fades away and all it is, is a fond memory. But a battleship experience is something that stays with you forever. It is something that you are proud of and take honor in being a part of.

    1. Brother Luis, I'm glad we've been battling together for years! As for John, yes, many theologians and scholars agree that he was referring to himself. As for Peter, his desires to live up to his claims (not denying Jesus and even dying for him) far outpaced his abilities to do so initially, but later came to fruition.

    2. Luis I like your observation, as fallen humans we often tend to point fingers - In this instance is at Peter for denying his master. The blame fame started back in the garden........"Have you eaten from the tree of which I commanded you that you should not eat?” Then the man said, “The woman whom YOU gave to be with me, she gave me of the tree, and I ate.” Interesting.

    3. I like the way you phrased your second comment.

    4. Good talking with you earlier today Luis and I'm glad we can battle onward together. I'll be praying for Johnny and Tom whom you are seeking to recruit.

  8. John 18:9 (NIV) This happened so that the words he had spoken would be fulfilled: “I have not lost one of those you gave me.”

    Poole's English Annotations on the Holy Bible

    But were those words of our Saviour, Of them which thou gavest me have I lost none, to be understood as to a temporary losing, or of an eternal destruction? Some of the ancients were of opinion, that they were to be understood of a losing with reference to a spiritual and eternal state; but that they were applicable also to a losing as to this life. I think that they are applicable to both, and that in this text they are primarily to be understood of a losing as to a temporal death and destruction. It was Christ’s purpose, that eleven of his twelve apostles should outlive him, receive the promise of the Father in the pouring out of the Spirit, and be his instruments to carry the gospel over a great part of the world: this they could not have done had they been put to death at this time; he therefore resolved not to lose them in this sense, but to uphold and preserve their lives, for these ends to which he had designed them; and therefore he said to these officers, You have the person whom ye seek for; for these my disciples, you have nothing against them, let them go away: and by his power upon their hearts he effected it, so that they had a liberty to forsake him, and to flee and to shift for themselves.

    This verse reminded me of being good shepherds with the ones God entrusts us with. I pray that we foster the relationships with the people that surround our lives. God bless.

    2. For me the cruise ship should represent the beginning stages of a person's Christianity and the battleship represents a mature disciple of Christ. It reminded me of 1 Corinthians 3:1-2 (NIV) The Church and Its Leaders

    3 Brothers and sisters, I could not address you as people who live by the Spirit but as people who are still worldly—mere infants in Christ. 2 I gave you milk, not solid food, for you were not yet ready for it. Indeed, you are still not ready.

    I pray that we continue to grow as followers of Christ, and step into what we are called to do.

    1. Brother Sam, "And we all, who with unveiled faces contemplate the Lord’s glory, are being transformed into his image with ever-increasing glory, which comes from the Lord, who is the Spirit." 1 Corinthians 3:18 From glory to glory!

    2. How very glad we met about a year ago Sam, serving at the altar. You have become a dear brother to me and a great warrior.

  9. Verse 11
    The cup which my Father hath given me - The cup signifies, sometimes the lot of life, whether prosperous or adverse: here it signifies the final sufferings of Christ.

    2. I think having a well balanced life between the two ships is OK.

    1. Brother George, "I think having a well balanced life between the two ships is OK." agreed. No need for the mortification of the flesh (penance for atonement of sins) as some religions require or practice. Balance can be subjective from person to person though.

      "In essentials unity, in non-essentials liberty and in all things love" (author, Augustine?)

  10. Yesterday's
    Q. 3.- So how did you do in hitting your SMARTER goal from last week?
    A. Exceeded goals to the glory and honor of God.

    Q. 4.- So what's your T goal for this week?
    A. 2 Timothy 4:2 "Preach the word; be prepared in season and out of season; correct, rebuke and encourage—with great patience and careful instruction." As the Lord allows and directs any combination of T criteria.

    1. "On the other side there was a garden, and he and his disciples went into it." John 18:1b
    It's interesting that the battle for our souls begins in a garden (Eden) and ends in one (Gethsemane).

    2. When I chose to join M3 back in December of 2014, this web based ministry appealed to me because I enjoy walking (doing battle) along side the brethren in our spiritual walk of faith and it mostly did away with the limitations of physical attendance. "For though I am absent from you in body, I am present with you in spirit and delight to see how disciplined you are and how firm your faith in Christ is." Colossians 2:5

    1. Robert. Thx for who you are in God and the example you set for us. I am proud to call you friend

    2. And I'm so glad you have joined and battled with us Robert. You are a rock of a man!

  11. 1. John 18:6 When Jesus said, “I am he,” they drew back and fell to the ground.
    - He proclamation of who Jesus is makes his enemies stumble and fall. There is power in this man Jesus!

    2. I don't find comfort in looking for comfort. However, when I look for truth and apply myself to the teachings of Christ I find He throws in comfort in with the truth as well.

    1. Brother Dave D, "when I look for truth and apply myself to the teachings of Christ I find He throws in comfort in with the truth as well." Yes amen! "Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they?" Matthew 6:26

    2. Yes Dave I am also grateful for the joy and peace that Jesus brings.

    3. Amen! He comforts us when we need Him the most.

  12.  1. John 18:27 Again Peter denied it, and at that moment a rooster began to crow.

    Just as Jesus told Peter, he denied Him 3 times and the rooster crowed. Jesus knows! ;-)

    2. I used to be on that cruise ship just going to church every Sunday and praying only when I remembered to. Now I am much happier that I am on the M3 battleship studying God's Word everyday and praying throughout the day and praying over others and for others. I don't forget to pray anymore! ;) it's great to have a band of brothers that have my back and have my best interest in mind.

    1. To your battle station Phil. Great job bro.

    2. Brother Phil, "it's great to have a band of brothers that have my back and have my best interest in mind." likewise :-)

    3. Yes Phil it is great to have a worrier like you on out team.

    4. Great to hear Philip. Keep it up brother!

    5. So glad you are battling with us Phil. I've found a good friend in you.

  13. Phil. It's a pleasure to have you as part of M3 and it's exciting to watch you grow brother


  14. 4 Jesus, knowing all that was going to happen to him, went out and asked them, “Who is it you want?”
    5 “Jesus of Nazareth,” they replied.
    “I am he,” Jesus said. (And Judas the traitor was standing there with them.) 6 When Jesus said, “I am he,” they drew back and fell to the ground.
    Its amazing that after Jesus said "I am he" the soldiers fell to the ground.
    2 I want to be on a battleship because that is what I have been called for; it would be irresponsible of me to be on a cruise ship.

    1. Also on a cruise ship there are no expectations, but also no glory and nothing to be proud of at the end of it all.

    2. I remember reading a quote that in countries where the Church is being persecuted, they have to battle with real consequences of choosing to follow Christ such as having their families disown them, imprisonment or even death, which may cause a potential believer from shrinking back from a decision to follow Christ; but in the West we have to battle against a different strategy of the enemy which attempts to make us fall asleep and forget about the battle. (the quote that I read said it in a more elegant way that my attempt).

    3. I agree. Though we we will not go to prison for being a Christian in America, the battle is getting people to practice their Christianity here

    4. So glad you are with us in the battle Ed. I'm glad to have you as a friend. You will be unstoppable, do great things and surely triumph.

  15. 1. John 18:11 Jesus commanded Peter, “Put your sword away! Shall I not drink the cup the Father has given me?”

    -Here Jesus is saying to put his sword away because he does not want to get away from being captured. He knows what he came to earth for and that is to die for our sins.

    2. This is a good group. Learning new things from the Bible. What things mean for the difficult passages that are hard to comprehend.

    1. Just keep at Chuy. Glad your on board.

    2. Amen to your good comments Chuy. Peter was actually resisting God's purposes and plans for Jesus to be arrested and then be crucified. We need to be careful and to seek out God's perfect will and His ways.

    3. So glad you are with us Chuy.
      Your note to Ed was spot on- "Though we we will not go to prison for being a Christian in America, the battle is getting people to practice their Christianity here."

  16. (1) 27 Again Peter denied it, and at that moment a rooster began to crow.

    From time to time, my wife and I will rehearse or "purpose in our hearts" what we would do if we were asked to choose or deny Christ under threat of prison, pain, death, etc. Until recently, I have not really seriously considered that I could actually be in that position -- things are quickly changing.

    I can only imagine what Peter must have felt, mere minutes, maybe a few hours, before he was so confident in following Jesus to prison or death. He was one of the few that followed; but when asked, he folded -- three times. I am so glad that Jesus can build up and use fallen, weak, scared people like us to do great and amazing things.

    (2) I believe that we, the general Church, do a much better job at "reaching the lost" and getting people "saved" than making true followers of Christ. Most local Churches seem to be focused on introducing people to Christ, on teaching people enough to believe in who He was and His purpose in life, death, and resurrection. Most have large missionary outreach programs both domestic and abroad. It seems rare, though, to find a strong discipleship program for new Christians after they are saved, without going through a seminary program. That is what M3 is to me.

    1. Kevin, I'm glad too that Jesus can use any of us to do amazing things.

      I love this list that Jarrid Wilson has on his website of flawed people God used for His glory.
      Abraham -Was old.
      Elijah - Was suicidal.
      Joseph - Was abused.
      Job - Went bankrupt.
      Moses - Had a speech problem.
      Gideon - Was afraid.
      Samson - Was a womanizer.
      Rahab - Was a prostitute.
      Samaritan Woman - Divorced.
      Noah - Was a Drunk.
      Jeremiah - Was young.
      Jacob - Was a liar.
      David - Was a murderer.
      Jonah - Ran from God.
      Naomi - Was a widow.
      Peter - Denied Christ three times.
      Martha - Worried about everything.
      Zacchaeus - Was small and money hungry.
      The Disciples - Fell asleep while praying.
      Paul - A Pharisee who persecuted Christians before becoming one.

    2. Wow good input Kevin! Did not see it that way but very true "to find a strong discipleship program for new Christians after they are saved, without going through a seminary program."

    3. Excellent Kevin! If churches would be doing their job, we wouldn't need seminaries.

  17. 1. – John 18:20 “I have spoken openly to the world,” Jesus replied. “I always taught in synagogues or at the temple, where all the Jews come together. I said nothing in secret. Whedon's Commentary

    Jesus answered—Jesus, though before a magistrate, is not before a legitimate court, and so he might deny the jurisdiction and refuse to answer. He does answer, by at once refusing any specific account, and yet asserting his own openness and innocence.

    Openly… synagogue… temple—He has said nothing in his teachings which all the honest world might not hear. His preaching has been in the regular public sacred places, the synagogue and the temple.

    In secret… nothing—He has no conspiracy, no secret society. On the contrary, whatever confidential utterances he has made among his friends, his actual doctrines he would have all the world hear and receive.

    2. – I prefer to be on the M3 battleship to continue my growth & relationship with Jesus Christ my Lord and Savior. I am push out of my comfort zone to be obedient to the word of God and seek to do his will. Amen.

    1. Amen brother. Praying we all step into your we are called to do

    2. So glad you are battling with us Oscar!

  18. 1) They went backward, and fell to the ground - None of the other evangelists mentions this very important circumstance. Our Lord chose to give them this proof of his infinite power, that they might know that their power could not prevail against him if he chose to exert his might, seeing that the very breath of his mouth confounded, drove back, and struck them down to the earth. Thus by the blast of God they might have perished, and by the breath of his nostrils they might have been consumed:

    2) being in M3 is more personal, and I feel it's more work than just waking up getting dressed to hear the pastor talk. We have to be more responsible and the good thing is if we miss a day we have brothers calling us to see what happened. Oh yeah and we get to give our point of view on what we read

    1. amen couldn't agree more. Keep up the good work, Ricardo!

    2. Ricardo, I've said it before to you, and I'll say it again, I'm so glad to have you with us. You are an unstoppable man of God.

  19. 1. verse. So when He said to them, “I am He,” they drew back and fell to the ground.
    sorry to repeat but so cool that the breath of God knocked them down. It's really amazing how Jesus being fully God allowed himself to be captured and died for our sins. Its shows the great humility of Jesus.

    2. I just learned early in my faith that we are too give out to others and not just receive. I have also found growth and blessing in giving out. Also, M3 gives me a routine and accountability. I'm glad. I want to be pushed and challenged.

    1. You hold a special place in my heart Nic! So glad we are battling together.

  20. Roman soldiers... lots of them (enough to need officers)... with weapons... (v.3). Roman soldiers were the best in the world. They were trained to defend a 6-foot plot of ground with their very lives. Then why did they fall to the ground when Jesus acknowledged that He was the one they sought v.6? Could it be that God was already answering his prayer in John 17:1, "Father glorify your Son?" Could it be that briefly the true glory of the Son shone through and over-awed these battle-hardened soldiers?

    2. The online component appeals to me, but more importantly, I need you, and maybe in some small way, you might need me too.

    1. We are here for you brother. Phileo

    2. I am the better man for knowing you Tim, and not just for your techno skills. You are a godly, wise and enriching friend.

  21. 1. John 18:11 Jesus commanded Peter, “Put your sword away! Shall I not drink the cup the Father has given me?”

    Jesus knew what was happening. He knew that his life in our world was ending and yet he did not care. His only desire was to live his life the way God planned, "to drink the cup his Father had given," even though that meant death. It makes me wonder if I would do the same. If I knew everything God wanted me to do in my life would I do it? Would I be disappointed? Or would I choose to continue following like Jesus did.

    2. I like the idea of having a place that helps me grow in my faith outside of the church. The church is nice but I need a place to grow and be with God outside of the church as well.

    1. Those are excellent questions you ask Mike. I think as we grow and mature in the Lord, and we really get to know Him, that there comes that point when we finally decide that we will stand for Him no matter what. Even if it means facing certain danger and even death. It is best to have that all ready decided and settled in our hearts so that we will choose to honor our God without hesitation.

    2. Glad you are wanting to grow with us Mike. We grow as God intends as we enter into devoted relationships with others. So look for others to encourage and be unstoppable daily. It may be hard, but that is how we mature.

  22. 1- John 18:9New Life Version (NLV)

    9 He said this so the words He spoke might happen, “I have not lost one of those You gave Me.”

    Calvin's Commentaries on the Bible
    9.I have lost none. This passage appears to be inappropriately quoted, as it relates to their souls rather than to their bodies; for Christ did not keep the apostles safe to the last, but this he accomplished, that, amidst incessant dangers, and even in the midst of death, still their eternal salvation was secured. I reply, the Evangelist does not speak merely of their bodily life, but rather means that Christ, sparing them for a time, made provision for their eternal salvation. Let us consider how great their weakness was; what do we think they would have done, if they had been brought to the test? While, therefore, Christ did not choose that they should be tried beyond the strength which he had given to them, he rescued them from eternal destruction. And hence we may draw a general doctrine, that, though he try our faith by many temptations, still he will never allow us to come into extreme danger without supplying us also with strength to overcome. And, indeed, we see how he continually bears with our weakness, when he puts himself forward to repel so many attacks of Satan and wicked men, because he sees that we are not yet able or prepared for them. In short, he never brings his people into the field of battle till they have been fully trained, so that even in perishing they do not perish, because there is gain provided for them both in death and in life.

    2- I feel it better to be in the M3 battleship, because we have other men in battle with you. You are not alone. Where, when you are in Sunday cruise ship you may be in there alone, because everyone else is on their path going a different way. I must be honest that Sunday cruise ship is not very appealing to me.

    1. The Sunday cruise ship is not appealing to me either Vince, nor to Jesus. So glad we are battling together.

  23. 1. John 18:25 Meanwhile, Simon Peter was still standing there warming himself. So they asked him, “You aren’t one of his disciples too, are you?”

    He denied it, saying, “I am not.”

    I often forget that I deny Christ, and his recognition in my life daily. I have had those moments and they are cold, in my thoughts and my words. I come back and say sorry more often than I saw what. Its the second and third and furthermore shutdowns that numb me. Pray that I can be more sensitive to those moments and brave to take my call.

    2. I choose to stay on. I choose to sacrifice and be uncomfortable; this must be done to carry out our mission. We have many to help, I can only ask for prayer and training with these tools God has given me to use.

    1. I agree brother. One of the many benefits of M3 is that encouragement our brothers provide to keep us in the fight day after day. I will definitely pray for you that God provide you with instruction through life experience on how to make the most of the tools He has given you.

    2. Rich, I love the "unstoppableness" I am seeing in you. Keep on keepin' on my warrior friend.

  24. 1- Then Simon Peter, having a sword, drew it and struck the high priest’s servant, and cut off his right ear. The servant’s name was Malchus. So Jesus said to Peter, “Put your sword into the sheath. Shall I not drink the cup which My Father has given Me"? Mat 18:10-11.
    Again we see here Peter cutting off the priests servant ear. Jesus time and again tells them my kingdom is not of this world but the disciples couldn't comprehend.

    2-M3 is certainly a battle ship and I thank God for these wonderful band of brothers.

    1. Good point Lemmy, Sometimes I forget that in Jesus time they expected a King on earth not a kingdom in heaven.

    2. Glad you are fighting with us Lemmy. You have come out a war torn country. You know what it is to endure hardship as a good soldier of Christ Jesus. We can all learn a lot from you.

  25. 1 – John 18: 6 As Jesus said “I am he,” they all drew back and fell to the ground!
    When I read this I wondered why they fell to the ground, was it because they were in awe of Him?
    Coffman's Commentaries on the Bible says “This remarkable outflashing of Jesus' power explains why the arresting party so readily consented to permit the apostles to leave without being arrested. It was perfectly clear to that entire company that Jesus could do anything, and therefore they allowed his arrest upon his own terms, not theirs. Can there be any other possible explanation of why the whole group was not arrested? It will be further noted that Jesus referred to his prevention of their arrest as a fulfillment of his prophetic words in the great prayer (John 17:12); and from this the deduction stands that if the apostles had been arrested they might have been killed also.”

    2 – I prefer the battleship over the cruise ship because when I was on the cruise ship I wasn’t getting fed what I needed. Since I got on the battleship and in God’s word everyday I’ve learned a lot and made some good friends.

    1. I love this analogy of the cruise ship verses a battleship. George, I'm privileged to be recruited and to serve along beside you mate.

    2. I'm glad you want to be on the battleship as well George. I've made a new friend in you. Let us fight on.

  26. 1) John 18:4 Jesus, knowing all that was going to happen to him, went out and asked them, Who is it you want?

    I notice what a difference Jesus' warfare praying had on Him. Before this intense praying to His Father prior to His arrest, Jesus admitted to His disciples of the great distress He was feeling – being overwhelmed with sorrow to the point of death. But afterward, when He fully committing Himself to fulfilling God's will through prayer, He courageously “went out” to those seeking to arrest and bind Him. He was fully in control and fully submissive to His Father in Heaven. Oh Lord, help us to fully submit to Your perfect will that we my be given courage in Your power to accomplish the work you have for us to do.

    2) I prefer to be on the battleship M3 because on my own, without the continuous prompting and encouragement to do what I should, my default, unplanned goals would be to take it easy and relax rather then preparing or engaging in spiritual warfare.

    1. Thanks for your honesty David. Without M3 I to would tend to take it easy and relax. Not long before I joined M3 I started a read the bible in a year study and ended up stopping after a few weeks.

    2. Great points about why you joined Dave, very similar for me too. :)

    3. Dave, you are a mighty warrior. We are all enriched by you.

  27. 1. John 18:23 If I said something wrong,” Jesus replied, “testify as to what is wrong. But if I spoke the truth, why did you strike me?”

    Barnes' Notes on the Whole Bible

    Spoken evil - In my answer to the high priest. If there was any disrespect to the office, and lack of regard for the law which appointed him, then testify to the fact, and let punishment be inflicted according to the law; compare Exodus 22:28.

    But if well … - While an accused person is on trial he is under the protection of the court, and has a right to demand that all legal measures shall be taken to secure his rights. On this right Jesus insisted, and thus showed that, though he had no disposition to take revenge, yet he claimed that, when arraigned, strict justice should be done. This shows that his precept that when we are smitten on one cheek we should turn the other Matthew 5:39, is consistent with a firm demand that justice should be done us. That precept refers, besides, rather to private masters than to judicial proceedings. It does not demand that, when we are unjustly arraigned or assaulted, and when the law is in our favor, we should sacrifice our rights to the malignant accuser. Such a surrender would be injustice to the law and to the community, and be giving legal triumph to the wicked, and destroying the very end of all law. In private matters this effect would not follow, and we should there bear injuries without reviling or seeking for vengeance.

    2. I'd rather Be apart of M3 because, it keeps me in the word of God, by being dedicated to blogging daily is also a dedication to reading God's word daily. The encouragement is never ending as well, a band of brothers that last a lifetime is a plus. I don't think I would of ever knew any of my M3 brothers if I would of never joined.

    1. Amen Jose, dedication is very important to a growing and maturing relationship with God and with the other men

    2. Jose, I'm glad your part of M3 too. It's great how God has used M3 to bring such a diverse group of people together.

    3. Great seeing you tonight brother! Blessings my friend!

    4. I love you and love your words Jose. Glad you are with us in a band of brothers for a lifetime.

  28. First I would also like to commend and thank Mike Dunn on the new site and things look great there
    It would take a lot to quit and not just by pressure because everyone’s plate is surely different. But most importantly is is critical when I remember that dying to self is life to christ and growth in moving the kingdom forward
    Verse 18:6 needed some clarification for me.
    “This remarkable outflashing of Jesus' power explains why the arresting party so readily consented to permit the apostles to leave without being arrested.”
    In the following verses Jesus is fully intent on fulfilling the his sacrificial purpose and the word he had spoken, (18:9). To me what is remarkable is how Jesus can exert himself as God with authority and still be humble at the same time relinquishing hissed to his captors.

    My preference is because of the brotherhood the teaching and mentoring. When one brother can lift up another that is having trouble. And the excellent thriving in bible study that we all can share.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. 1.“If I said something wrong,” Jesus replied, “testify as to what is wrong. But if I spoke the truth, why did you strike me?”
      John 18:23 NIV
      Before this Jesus was being questioned about his disciples and his teachings.. Jesus answered openly to the world and didn't hide or said anything in secret, not making it seem like it's gossip but also has people to testify to that truth.. so my guess why one of the officials slapped him was he felt that he disrespected the high priest plus adding to hatred. This is what I found on Gil's commentary..

      if I have spoken evil, bear witness of the evil: meaning, either if he had, to his knowledge, delivered any wicked doctrine in the course of his ministry, or had at that time said any evil thing of the high priest, or any other person, he desires that he would make it to appear, and give proper proof and evidence of it:

      but if well, why smitest thou me? If he had said nothing contrary to truth, reason, and good manners, then he ought not to be used and treated in such an injurious way. And moreover, the officer ought to have been corrected by the Council, and have been made to pay the two hundred "zuzim", or pence, the line for such an affront, according to the Jewish canon, or more, according to the dignity of the person abused.

      2. The cruise vs battleship hit home.
      You know for short term I was on that cruise ship enjoying the service (when I felt like going), meeting my needs (only when I need a prayer or collect some good notes).. but something was hitting my core, it was the "daily bread" that the Lord was feeding to me. It was becoming eye opener, straight cutting to the core that it mad me see and know that our God Almighty did not create us to live a life of self worth or self dependability. He gave us life to live it honoring,loving, serving my fellow brethren.

    4. I love the way you put that, brother. Your words just cut through to me. "God did not create us to live a life of self dependability." I know I am guilty of that...of thinking that I can do it all on my own, without anyone's help. I almost intentionally pack onto my already heavy load because I feel able and capable, but I know this lifestyle is wearing me thin, fast. I need to learn to trust in God and to use the gifts He blesses with me to carry out His will and not my own.

    5. Gary, you are a godly man that I am glad is fighting with us. Yours for life.

    6. Ismael, so glad you have eyes to see what we are to be about- a life of honoring, loving and serving. This is the path of honor, fulfillment and glory to our King.

  29. John 18:6 "When Jesus said, “I am he,” they drew back and fell to the ground."

    Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible

    As soon then as he said unto them, I am He, they went backward — recoiled.

    and fell to the ground — struck down by a power such as that which smote Saul of Tarsus and his companions to the earth (Acts 26:14). It was the glorious effulgence of the majesty of Christ which overpowered them. “This, occurring before His surrender, would show His power over His enemies, and so the freedom with which He gave Himself up” [Meyer].

    From watching, and participating, in reenactments of Jesus' passion, it strikes me that Jesus is always portrayed as the victim of an unlawful arrest based of false testimony against Him, but what the commentary emphasizes is true: Jesus, God made flesh,was no unwilling victim. The almighty Word of the living God made himself a willing sacrifice for our sins. At his command, the men who arrested him would have turned to dust, but that was not the will of the Father. Jesus' mission was clear from the start. Our mission is, too. I have always struggled with my decision not to attend seminary and become a priest (I came very close to it in my late teens). Did I, like Jonah, run from God's calling? Did I do the right thing? Like Jesus, I might have trusted in God's calling and given up all other aspirations to follow His purpose for me, but I did not. Lord, I pray that like you I would trust God's will and purpose for me, foremost, forsaking all personal desires and ambitions to carry out our Father's will.

    2. For me, my decision to join and remain in M3 was prompted by my need for disciplined Bible study. When I returned from the Men's Retreat earlier this year, my soul was on fire, and I hungered like never before for God's word. I even got a trial subscription to Bible Study Magazine to keep that fire burning, but I knew that with time, that fire my become a faint glow. I know discipline. I used to work out daily and run or bike 6-8 miles every other day (though it cost me my knees). I used to be able to adhere to a strict diet and always be on top of things, but age and added responsibilities has changed that in me. There have been days when I've considered leaving M3 because my other responsibilities pile up and I feel I'm not giving other important matters the attention they deserve, like today, when for the first time in what seems like forever, I gave my wife my undivided attention with a project she needed my help on and simply listening to her unpack her concerns about work. Still, I know that M3 provides me with that discipline to post daily and stay in God's word. A full plate and long nights is a small price to pay for the spiritual benefits of studying and sharing God's word.

    1. Osiris, it would be a sad day to not have you with us. I'm so glad you have persevered through it all and remained with us to fight the good fight. What a great legacy you will have as you continue on. I promise you that.

  30. 1) John 18:5-6 “Jesus the Nazarene,” they replied. “ I AM he,” Jesus said. (Judas, who betrayed him, was standing with them.) As Jesus said “ I AM he,” they all drew back and fell to the ground!”

    I don't remember reading this before that they drew back and fell to the ground. It is so powerful the way that it is told, Addressing these soldiers with the "I AM" name like the way Moses was introduced to God. Appealing to their Law of Moses traditions.

    2) I prefer to be on the M3 Battleship because unlike the cruise ship, I'm not fooling myself into thinking that what I do is truly living out the Christian Life and pleasing the Lord. I want to be aware of the efforts that I must put in to please the Lord, and to do my utmost for Him. To be on the cruise ship would be to go back to the life that Jesus had taken me from.

    1. Wow, good words William! So glad you are with us to fight the good fight.

    2. Good verse and thoughts, Will!

  31. This comment has been removed by the author.

  32. 1 John 18:11 But Jesus said to Peter, " Put your sword away. Shall I not drink from the cup the Father has given me.
    Peter had tried to kill a man in defense of Jesus. The Savior stopped Peter. Jesus did not want to be protected. He intended to take the suffering and torchering death as the Father willed it.
    2 Before I joined M3, I had asked God to place me where I could learn more of his word. When I looked deeper into M3 , I saw it had lots of reading and writing. Made me want to stop and pull out. Lucky for me, Dave G. made me a challenge. "Try it ,for 3 months, if you still don't like it , you can let go, no questions asked. I took the challenge. Best thing I ever did. I love this Battleship.

    1. I'm glad you do brother. Jesus showed us that He is king by not taking it by force.

  33. 1) John 18:6 "So when He said to them, "I am He," they drew back and fell to the ground."

    This is a very cool verse, I must say. What did they think about Jesus after they fell? It would be interesting to know.

    2) I like that it keeps us reading the Bible consistently and very deeply as well. In addition, I like the encouraging to do more than we do. I also like that it gives me an excuse to encourage friends and to talk to them about Biblical subjects.


  34. 1.- Jn.18:11

    Verse 11 - Adam Clarke
    The cup which my Father hath given me - The cup signifies, sometimes the lot of life, whether prosperous or adverse: here it signifies the final sufferings of Christ.

    Coffman's Commentaries on the Bible

    Jesus therefore said unto Peter, Put up the sword into the sheath: the cup which the Father hath given me, shall I not drink it?

    Put up the sword into the sheath ... There are two swords in this narrative: Peter's, and that of the authority. Jesus submitted to the latter, even when that authority was being abused by lawless and sinful men. The sword of authority is God-ordained. See my Commentary on Romans, Romans 13:1ff. For discussion of the related problem of a Christian's service in the police or military establishment, see my book on the Ten Commandments, chapter 8.

    The cup which the Father giveth me ... is a clear reference to the cup of agony (Matthew 26:39).

    The synoptics dwell upon the agony; and, from this, some critics allege that Jesus approached the arrest as a whimpering, cowering individual, completely crushed by the onset of events. Such a view is totally wrong. To be sure, there was agony; but Luke explained that an angel from heaven came and strengthened Jesus (Luke 22:43); and in John, the God-Man appears in his true strength, far more than able to cope with every situation. It is not a "different Jesus" which John presents, but the same Jesus, after the heavenly strengthening. The same "cup" appears both here and in the synoptics.

    2.- I'm honored and blessed to be in M3, it gives me access and connected with fellow brothers of Christ, we are building a solid foundation in our spiritual souls, side by side we are fortifying a bond of brotherhood, enriching ourselves with God's blessed word to activate us to promote the works of Jesus for the Glory of God.

  35. 1.“So Jesus said to Peter, “Put your sword into its sheath; shall I not drink the cup that the Father has given me?”” ‭‭John‬ ‭18:11‬ ‭ESV‬‬

    2. I'm glad m3 was created. Definitely keeps me accountable in his word on a daily basis. It also challenges me to push harder in my faith.
