Fri.- Day 12...REAP...Apply

Today, you're going to learn how to prevent your life from becoming a disaster.

We have been learning how to REAP from God’s word. It starts by Reading it to find out what it says. Then it involves Exploring what it means. Now we come today to Applying it. Without this step, we become spiritual fat heads like the Pharisees. They knew a lot of Bible information, but because there was no application, it didn’t result in transformation. They were huge hypocrites.
Oh that more people would study the Scriptures, but if it's just to learn it and not live it, that’s worse than tragic. Note Jesus’ rebuke to the Pharisees- “You study the Scriptures diligently because you think that in them you have eternal life. These are the very Scriptures that testify about me, yet you refuse to come to me to have life." John 5:39-40. (O that we wouldn’t just study the Scriptures, but we would also come to the One they reveal- Jesus, our life giver!)

Have you ever met someone who said the right God words, but something just didn’t seem quite right? Jesus reveals the heart issue of many such people- “These people honor me with their lips, but their hearts are far from me” Mt.15:8. Jesus also said, “Why do you call me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ and do not do what I say? As for everyone who comes to me and hears my words and puts them into practice, I will show you what they are like. They are like a man building a house, who dug down deep and laid the foundation on rock. When a flood came, the torrent struck that house but could not shake it, because it was well built. But the one who hears my words and does not put them into practice is like a man who built a house on the ground without a foundation. The moment the torrent struck that house, it collapsed and its destruction was complete.” Luke 6:46-49
So putting into practice or Applying the words of Jesus is essential. Those people heard the words of Jesus, but didn’t put them into practice. They were so fortunate that they heard Jesus speak to them, yet their end was so terrible. Some people today go off the deep end trying to hear Jesus speak to them when he already has spoken to us in his word. I confess one time while out on a prayer walk, I prayed in anger to the Lord, “My dad speaks to me, why don’t you Father?” You know what the Lord then said? Nothing! The heavens were silent. I was like a person longing to hear a word from his radio, but he never turns it on. If you long to hear God speak to you, open up his word. Then ask the following application questions to hear God SP.E.A.K. to you as you read and explore his word-

S- Is there a Sin mentioned that I need to confess?
P- Is there a Promise that applies to me that I should claim?
E- Is there an Example to follow or an Error to avoid?
A- Is there an Action I should take or an Answer to a question I’ve had?
K- Is there Knowledge of my Lord for which I can praise him?

1.-Let’s ask God to SPEAK to us as we Read, Explore, Apply and Pray over 1 Corinthians 10:1-13. List one Scripture phrase from the passage and share how it spoke to you in light of the SPEAK questions.

For example, if verse 14 was included, you might share the following- “Therefore my dear friends, flee from idolatry.” 1 Cor.10:14. Paul gives me such a great example to follow. Though idolatry was such a terrible sin that people were struck dead for in  the Old Testament, Paul still appealed to them as "dear friends." Help me to be firm (flee it!), but ever so loving and patient with the sins an old friend of mine is struggling with. I want to hep him, but I need to make sure to flee the old bar scene as well. That's not the place for me to try and help him, though he has invited me. Hate the sin, love the sinner.
Thank you Lord for delivering me. I want to stay that way!

2.-Write out the verse you picked out onto your MP3 card. When you did it, write “Did it.” Don't forget to enrich others this weekend with the gold on your MP3 card that you've gleaned from God's word.   

Write down the total number of times you shared your MP3 card with others since you blogged yesterday. 

R? Righted any Wrongs?

E? Encouraged other M3 teammates via the blog, call, text or email?

A? Attacked in prayer that God would help us to be and recruit Power HOUSE men- men who are Hungry for God, Obedient, Unstoppable, Strong in the Lord and Encouraging.

T? Told lost people of Transformation- your testimony, a tract, an outreach minimovie, etc.

On our GREAT scoreboard page, please click the Contacts tab at the bottom and fill in the missing info by your name. I also asked you to please recruit 2 prayer partners. Please do this by Sunday. (Yes, your faithfulness to carry out a small but vital request/assignment is being tested.:)

You are doing well in becoming Unstoppable in God's word. TYF! (Thank You Father!) So that you don't feel left out from what the Coaches are reading on the blog, we will have you join us starting Monday for a mini-series on apologetics called "What Would You Say to That?"-responding to objections people bring against your Christian faith or the call to salvation. (Get your popcorn- you'll get to watch mini-movies as well as dive into some vital Scriptures. Will the movies be better than seeing Han Solo in carbonite? You'll see:) 

It's the weekend!
Saturdays are a day of rest from the blog. Sundays we will focus on the pastor's message. Of course, feel free to read any place else you wish in the word. If you wish to post a verse or an important point you got from the message, that's excellent, but this is not required. You do need to visit Sunday's blog to post your thoughts to the GDP (Growing Deeper Project). This will often be a video to watch or sometimes a short article to read. Then post what you gleaned from such. You'll have all week to come back to Sunday's blog to post your comments.

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