Day 19... Your MANLY Manhood is Made Here- at the Crossroads of...Self will or God's will.

The Lord’s prayer is giving us a major overhaul to the typical shallow, self-centered prayer life that many believers have. We are learning that prayer is God focused. So don’t focus on how many prayers you’ve seen answered. Many people give up on prayer because they approach it like a vending machine. If it doesn’t give them what they want, they don’t go to it anymore. But prayer is first and foremost a relationship with our Father. It’s about loving and appreciating him and becoming more like him. Thus, the Lord’s prayer teaches us to start off with praise to God who is now our devoted Father, and praise that his name is so holy and wonderful. Then we saw that after Praise comes desiring his desires- his Priorities- “Thy kingdom come.”

Today we want to look at the next prayer Priority- “Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven.”  We are especially praying, “Thy will be done in my life.” But what is the will of God for my life? That’s a huge subject. Fortunately, discovering the will of God for your life is already revealed in the word of God. Apart from that, God gives us great freedom to choose such things as where we want to live and work and even what to eat. Note this freeing, permissive will of God even in the garden of Eden- “You are free to eat from any tree in the garden…” It is only in matters of sin- that which would terribly harm us- that our Father speaks out of his loving, protective will- “but you must not eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, for when you eat of it you will surely die.” Gen.2:17. This protective will is better known as his prescriptive will. Just as a doctor prescribes medicine for our well-being, so does our great physician and Father.

Insanely, our selfish, sinful nature totally opposes God’s will. But as believers we now know that God’s will for us is good, pleasing and perfect. That doesn’t mean that doing the will of God will always be easy, for our mission involves a terrible battle against the enemy to set captives free. In another garden, the last Adam struggled greatly not to pursue his own will, but the will of his Father- “Abba, Father…take this cup from me. Yet not what I will, but what you will.” Mark 14:36. To carry out the will of God includes prayer. And so Jesus prayed. And then he exhorted his sleepy disciples to pray- “watch and pray so that you will not fall into temptation...” Mark 14:38. (Thus, we need to develop and maintain a daily life of prayer, since temptations lure us daily.) God’s will is not that we fall into temptation and sin. Instead, God’s word declares, “It is God’s will that you should be sanctified” (holy, morally pure) 1 Th.4:3. Once again, we see that the will of God is revealed in the word of God. So to help ourselves be transformed and carry out the will of God, what is essential?

Read Rom.12:1-2. There we see that God’s will is that we should not be conformed, but transformed. We are not to be conformed to this fallen world’s values and thinking that excludes God’s will. Instead, we are to be transformed by the renewing of our minds. This renewing or overhauling is like overhauling an old, defective engine. The corroded parts are replaced by new parts according to the manufacturer’s specs. As we spend time in God’s word, the manufacturer’s specs, we discover that his will is good, pleasing and perfect. This creates a desire to do his will, which we gain from his word.  

G.a- Write down one thought from any of the verses or points we've covered today regarding the will of God.

G.b- Read Psalm 40:6-8 which underscores this. (It is actually a prophecy of Jesus, as confirmed in Heb.10:5-10. These are called Messianic psalms or portions.) Copy down verse 8 on your MP3 card (Do the “Did it” thing). Don't forget to review this and pray it into your heart.

G.c- With how many individuals or groups did you share the riches on your MP3 card, since you posted last?




T? Did you share that "I Thought" outreach link or any other gospel seeds with a lost persons since you posted last? If so, please put the number.

Speaking of prayer, let’s do that now. Pray through at least the first portion of the Lord’s prayer that we have covered-Praise him that he is, our Father. And you could praise him for any of His 900 names and attributes that he is known by. Then pray about God’s priorities- for His kingdom to come and advance in men's hearts. Pray to be a Power HOUSE man who forcefully advances God’s kingdom. And pray for His will to be done in your life and those you share with. His will is also that you will multiply manly men. We believe you will do great things and surely triumph as you remain true to the will of the Lord.

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