Th.4.30.15...Hurricane Party...Prov.1:20-33

Warnings Against the Hurricane Party

The following story is fiction based on fact: A massive category 5 hurricane was headed for the shores North of Miami. State troopers were busy warning people to take shelter inland. But several college students stayed for a "hurricane party!" They stocked up on beer and ice and were ready to party hearty. They mocked those warning them and prepared for a wild ride party. But things turned horrible when the front of the hurricane came slamming ashore. Their boastful shouts at the sea to "Bring it on!" turned to frantic calls for help. But it was too late. The next day they were all found- dead.

Now read Prov.1:20-33. Note here that wisdom is personified as the woman of wisdom. (She will appear again calling out at the end of this big section of Proverbs in chapters 8-9.) 

Many have a hard time with the woman of wisdom (or God) laughing at their calamity (1:26-27). She had earlier asked, "How long will you mockers delight in your mockery?" 1:22. Now she says, "I will mock when calamity overtakes a storm" 1:26-27. Here's my take on such. The loving heart of God never laughs heartlessly at people. He takes no pleasure in the death of the wicked (Ez.18:23). In the book of Jonah, we saw God's compassion on display for even the wicked Ninevites. Also He was grieved, not glad, when He destroyed the wicked in the flood. His laughter at the wicked (also pictured in Ps.2:4; 37:13; 59:8) appears to be a figure of speech for His truth and justice being vindicated. His wise warnings were proven true. Ignoring them, and now the gospel call to salvation, only leads to certain disaster. Here's a powerful cross reference-"How shall we escape if we ignore such a great a salvation?" Heb.2:3.

The passage ends, "but whoever listen to me will live in safety and be at ease, without fear of harm." 1:33. Of course this is not an earthly promise we can claim, because this is a proverb. Even the most godly, including our Lord, suffered terribly here. But we can spare ourselves from God's judgment by heeding such warnings. And when our Lord returns, we will forever live in safety without fear of harm.

1.-What's one thing that strikes you about what you've read here today?

2.-Pick one verse from Prov.1:20-33 or any cross references that you may choose and enrich us with it. Also jot it down on your MP3 card. 

Wow! Your testimonies yesterday regarding your dad were powerful! Thank you! They all are well worth going back to read, if you haven't done so yet. It's helped me to get to know you better and respect you more. Congrats, we had almost 100% participation. It seemed only Ismael was MIA. Please encourage him. Thanks!

Thanks for your prayers for Roger's wife Julie. She came through the surgery fine.

Thanks to all of you who are faithfully putting your points on the board. This is vital for me being able to give honor to whom honor is due. And this Sunday's meeting will include that. 

Wed.4.29.15...Life Saving Fatherly Advice...Prov.1:8-19

If anybody that thinks the Bible is too old to speak to the problems of our day, then it's proof he's never read much of it. For example, Proverbs deals with all kinds of timeless issues because human nature doesn't change. That's why we need to read the book of Proverbs. It speaks to life. I've taken many young men through it. Monday we noted that Proverbs is presented as a father urging wise, skillful living upon his son. 20 times in the first section of the book (ch.1-9), "my son(s)" is used. Right near the beginning of the book, the father directly speaks to his son. Three times in 1:8-19 he says, "my son." It sounds like what he has to say is of utmost importance. So let's read his vital words of advice now in 1:8-19. (Wow! A warning against joining gangs! How up to date!)

I grew up in Michigan, far from any gangs, though I came to Chicago as a youth missionary in gang-banging Humboldt Park. "Whachubeabout?" If you grew up around gangs, maybe your dad or mom warned you to stay away from them. Or maybe not.

1.-My dad was not a man given to giving advice as we see this father doing so often in Proverbs. My dad had his faults, but he also modeled some great traits. Some of you may have grown up with no dad or a very bad dad. But rather than staying bitter, we can choose to forgive and get better. Even the 10 commandments remind us to "honor your father and mother." So what's one thing you could say in honor of your father? You can start by sharing his hurtful faults if that helps. With your permission, I'd like to share your stories with teenage guys that will be joining us down the road. So please write with them in mind.

Many of you have made peace with your past. But you will meet men who have tried to bury their bitterness. It doesn't work. Hopefully you can help such a man forgive those who have painfully wronged him, so he can get free and move forward.  

If it's been a long time since you verbally honored your father, why not seek to pay honor to him this week, if he is still living?  

2.-Write out Prov.1:8 on your MP3 card.

1:9 speaks of honor being bestowed and worn on the obedient son. I look forward on Sunday to bestowing rightful honor on many of you. Be unstoppable!

Young men and old need to be a part of a good gang, a band of brothers. It is not good for man to be alone. Yet so many men are lone strangers. So keep seeking to enrich and enlist others to join our life changing group versus a life taking group. 

Please pray for Roger's wife Julie. She is having surgery today to remove half of her thyroid gland that was found to have a benign nodule on it. Please pray that the surgery will go well and that both Julie and Roger will have peace through this whole process. 

I commend the men on today's fire team- Sam, Gary, Israel, Daniel and Oscar. Please give a word of encouragement to Guillermo and Lucas who were MIA on the blog yesterday. If those two are in your fire team, please contact them as well.

Here's a late edition add on illustrating- "Do not forsake your mother's teaching." This Baltimore mom was determined to keep her son from joining in with the wrong crowd!

Tues.4.28.15...The FEAR of the Lord

Don't Leave Home Without It!

Our fantastic voyage is just beginning. We are going to explore the book of Proverbs and our destination is wisdom. But to get there, as we saw yesterday, we must begin with the fear of the Lord. "The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge" 1:7. This is similarly stressed in 9:10- "The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom." But what exactly is the fear of the Lord? We dare not leave on this expedition without it. Some have sought to simply define the fear of the Lord as reverence for God. It does include that, but a search through the word of the Lord reveals more to it than that. Here's a rhyme I composed years ago to teach my children about the fear of the Lord that encompasses the broader revelation of it-
The fear of the Lord is vital, but it's so misunderstood,
So let's take letter of it to learn it as we should.
F is for Follow by faith God's holy word.
E is for Eschew evil, O flee its trap like a bird.       (Eschew:avoid, shun)
A is for Act in accountability, for God always sees.
R is for Reverence God's rule, O worship on your knees. 

David also sought to teach his children, and all of us, the fear of the Lord in Psalm 34:11-16. Let's read that now.

In  the OT, to say, "I fear the Lord" would be the equivalent of us saying today, "I"m a Christ follower." But the fear of the Lord is not simply an OT term that disappeared with the coming of Christ. Look up any of the following NT verses to see how the fear of the Lord is still used- Luke 12:5; 2 Cor.5:11; Phil.2:12; 1 Peter 1:17; 2:17; Rev.14:7; 15:4. Or here's a longer list of verses from  the OT and NT on the fear of the Lord-

1.-Pick any one of these NT or OT verses and share what you like about it.

2.-Write that verse also on your MP3 card. Then as always, look for opportunities to share it with others.

See you this Sunday in the break room for our important M3 meeting. I want to start at 11:30 sharp, so please be early, so you're not late.  

Keep enriching men you would like to enlist into M3 and feel free to invite them to our Sunday meeting.

I'm pleased to give you this update- Everyone commented on the blog yesterday. Congratulations! Let's see how many days in a row we can be unstoppable. Way to go men!

Mon.4.27.15...Life Changing Advice!...Prov.1:1-7

Life Changing Advice!
A new series through the book of Proverbs.

Many of us did not grow up with a dad who wisely mentored us. We can't change the past, but we can change the future for many. That's what we're all about in Multiplying MANLY Men. The book of Proverbs is an outstanding" father to son" mentoring manual. "My son(s)" is used 17 times in the first 9 chapters of the book. The ultimate Father of this father is urging young men to pursue a life of wisdom. I'm excited to have you help me create a mentoring manual of sorts especially for the many young men whom you will impact over the rest of your years as you multiply manly men. I'll reveal more about that soon. For now, I want to take you on a fly-over of the book of Proverbs, piloted by Dr. John Stevenson. (Coaches, he's the one who gave us an overview of the book of Titus). Because I respect your time, I only ask you to watch the first 8 minutes of his video. As you do, copy down insights you glean. I'll ask you to share one with the team in just a bit. If you don't learn something from him, you get a full refund. But you are wise and wise men are always gathering knowledge (Prov.10:14). 

1.-Let's now read the introduction to this great book of wisdom- Proverbs 1:1-7. Share one insight from it and or from what you gleaned from Dr. Stevenson's video?

2.-Write on your MP3 card the theme verse of this book of wisdom- "The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom, and knowledge of the Holy One is understanding." Prov.9:10 

We have a war to win, but sad to say, there are some believers who seem like they would rather fight each other over even what Bible to read from. Some argue saying, "The King James Version is the only right Bible!" Sunday's blog has a very good video refuting that. And what about the Catholic Bible with it's extra books? The video touches on that as well. So watch it this week and put your comments there on Sunday's blog.

Speaking of Sunday, this coming Sunday marks the beginning of the softball season. Several of you are involved in such, so you wouldn't be able to meet at Jack's at 3:00. Eddie wisely suggested that we meet after first service in the break room at church, so that's what we will do. (It's the room in the Northeast corner of the building just past the men's restroom.) I know that this may mean some changes in driving to church, but if you need a ride home after church so your family can leave after first service, we will make sure you get a ride home. The meeting will start at 11:30 and be done by 1:00. A free will offering will be taken to help cover our costs. (Jack has all our receipts for those who want to see our open books:) And special honors will be bestowed. Thanks for the small sacrifice to be there. Udabest! Feel free to invite men you are seeking to enlist.

Speaking of honors to bestow, I would like to honor the following men who were unstoppable last week. Despite all kinds of challenges you were unstoppable- Alex, Andre, Antonio, Armando, Daniel, Dave, Eddie (he blogged when he wasn't in Cuba, where there wasn't any internet service), George D, George R, Ismael, Jack, James, Mike, Phil, Ricardo, Robert, Roger, Sam and Vince.  

Also a few of you scored 25 points or more last week- Dave H-27; George R-28; Eddie-31; Sam-36; Phil-46!
And those scoring 50 or more- Ismael-54; Jack-69 and Robert-72!

Some of you are short-changing yourself and your fire team by not daily going to the scoreboard. Please do that. It's also a great way to motivate yourself to improve. Self-motivation is often the best. Aim to be in the +25 group this week. Set an example that you would want others to follow. And if you need any help, just reach out to me or other team members who are pace setters. We are here to help each other grow.


"The King James Version is the only correct version of the Bible!"

The following video exposes that false assumption. It also talks about the Catholic Church Bible with the added books of the Apocrypha. This all starts at 16 minutes and 30 seconds, so you can fast forward to that spot. If you have more time and interest, you could watch the first part which gives an interesting overview of how we got our English Bible. Enjoy and be enlightened!

Fri.4.24.15...It's Our Time!

It's our time!

Men, it's our time. We don't have time to waste. 
1.-Read Rom.13:8-14 and copy down one verse or phrase onto your MP3 card that especially grabs you and enrich us with it as well.

It's our time to live MANLY lives, not to waste them in just going through the same ol' same ol'- going off to work, coming home to eat, watch TV, go to sleep. Repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat and then go to church on Sunday. Ugh! That is not what Jesus has commissioned us to do. He has sent us to be an unstoppable army to advance his kingdom. It's our time. We have a war to fight. That's why we need to put on the armor of light. The enemy has lulled many Christian men to sleep when they are most needed. We need to wake them and enlist them so they can be trained and activated to fight the good fight. It's our time to multiply our lives. So this past week we've been especially reminded to enrich one or more men whom you would like to enlist into M3. They will  be your legacy. They will end up making you a spiritual great, great grandfather. Look at the GREAT scoreboard. On the far right you'll see the men who have already recruited others. Pros, you graduate from basic training when you have recruited at least one other man to M3 and you have earned your Unstoppable award pin. Go get em! 

2.-So who was the man you shared with and what did you pass on to enrich him? 

Keep enriching your prospects on a weekly basis. Plants grow when they are regularly watered. Perhaps pick a day of the week that will be your day to send out enriching emails. It's been said that such simple routines enable even an ordinary man to outperform a disorganized genius. 

We dare not lose sight of our mission- to multiply MANLY men. 
Mature in char_______r
Active  in  Ment______g
Noble in Bat___e
Loving in relation______s
Yoked to Christ and to one an______r

We are about building manly men. A man is fooling himself if he thinks he's manly and he doesn't even keep his commitments. Pastor James MacDonald in his book, Act Like Men, makes it clear that a real man keeps his commitments. He isn't an excuse maker. He gets the job done, no matter what. The godly man, "Keeps his oaths, even when it hurts." Ps.15:4 (even if hurts to lose sleep, he keeps his commitment of No scripture, no sleep. God and His word is his highest priority.) 

I'm pleased to honor the following men who have kept their commitments, who were unstoppable for the week of April 13-17-
Alex, Antonio, Armando, Chuy, Dave, Eddie, George D, George R. Jack, James, John, Mike, Phil, Ricardo, Robert, Roger, Sam, Vince (and Andre joined us in the middle of the week). Way to go men! You are great examples and the Bible says to honor such men. Thus, I want to do this each week. I will normally do this on Monday's though. So hopefully you'll see your name here again this coming Monday for this week of April 20-24. Be unstoppable!

Speaking of honoring you for being unstoppable, a week from  this Sunday, May 3rd at 3;00, we will be honoring Pros who have earned their unstoppable award pin by being unstoppable with us for an entire month straight. (If you didn't achieve this, I bet you will by our June meeting. We are here to help you succeed.) At our meeting, I also will be introducing a special new focus. I also need your input on some important things. So make sure you're there. If work or being out of town prevents you from being there, make sure to call me ASAP. Thanks!

Again, thank you to all of you who have been so faithful. Just last week Friday, we all reaffirmed our commitment to be daily in God's word and sharing with the team. Unfortunately, there are a number who were MIA yesterday. If they are in your fire team, would you please give them a call and encourage/urge them on? Thank you. They are- Andre, Chuy,Guillermo, Israel, James, Oscar and Vince.

Th.4.23.15...The Islamic Dilemma

What about Islam?

The religion of Islam has certainly gotten a lot of attention, especially since 9/11. As with any religion, there are many beliefs that it teaches- far more than this short blog could cover. So here's a short, respectful presentation dealing with a major dilemma in the Koran. (Finding video clips on Islam that are short, well done, and respectful was much harder than I thought. There are several that are to the contrary.) Let's be clear. Good videos are not going to convert those who are hardened to the truth. But they can help us better understand the truth, and can help those whom God has been softening. So if you have Muslim acquaintances, perhaps this video may help to awaken them to the truth. 

No matter what religion a person may claim, they still need the same gospel. You don't need to become an expert in what they believe, you just need to point them to the truth. So once again, use our same three questions with Muslims you know, when the opportunity arises. 
-What led you to believe that? - to believe in Islam as your religion?
-Would you consider yourself to be a person who wants the truth?
-Then would you please read through the gospel of John and follow the truth wherever it leads you?

Interesting Insight: Just as there are many denominations within Christianity, there are over 70 sects of Islam. That is why you will find Muslims, especially in the U.S., who sincerely believe Islam is a religion of peace. That is what their sect teaches. Yet many others overseas are taught that they must advance Islam by all means possible, including Jihad.  

1.-Read John 1:19-34 and share one thing that stood out to you from that passage and or the video.

2.-Write on your MP3 card, "Look, the lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world." John 1:29

In Islam, and for that matter, in all other religions, man must somehow make up for his sins with enough good works. But who knows if one has ever done enough? Such people need to know the lamb of God who takes away their sins. Thank You Lord for doing that for us!

I salute the men of today's fire team- Robert, Vince, Antonio, Guillermo and Lucas. Thanks for watching out for each other and for any MIA from the blog. Thus, please give a word of encouragement to- Gary, Israel and Oscar.

So many of you have been unstoppable. I'm sure your schedule at times was very demanding. But you made time to meet with God, to read and share his word with your brothers. Way to conquer! That is manly of you. Who Ra!

What is our God given mission? To multiply MANLY men. That's why we are making a focused effort to especially enrich men we would like to see join forces with us. Tomorrow, I'm going to ask you to share about whom you are hoping to enlist and what you've shared with him to enrich him. Remember- Enrich then Enlist. Exemplify and Encourage. So if you haven't passed on a video to him recently or something else that enriched you from M3, then please do so today.

Wed.4.22.15...What do you say to Jehovah's Witnesses?

What do you say to Jehovah's Witnesses who come knocking on your door?

Many years ago, I taught a seminar at New Life on "Witnessing to the Witnesses." Though the JWs give out all kinds of literature, I learned they are forbidden to take "apostate literature" from Christians. So I actually made photo-copies of their own material that exposed their errant beliefs.
And there are many. Just make sure you don't spend your time on secondary issues such as why they don't vote, celebrate birthdays or accept blood transfusions. Focus on Jesus. The following short video does that.

So what happened when I sought to share photocopies of their own material? They still wouldn't accept them! Ugh! Those who come to your door are hard core members. They are not at all doubting what they believe. They are also taught in their Watchtower publications to "avoid independent thinking." This brings us to a very important point. JWs claim their only authority source is the Bible. (Mormons claim three other additional books divinely guide them.) But truth be told, their real authority as to what to believe is their Watchtower organization, with its magazines, tracts and books. It tells them how to interpret the Bible. Remember they are told to "avoid independent thinking." For example, once when a JW conceded a point I made refuting a belief they held, that person was not allowed back with their leader to our follow up discussion.

To make matters worse, the Watchtower organization created their own version or perversion of the Bible, called the- New World Translation, which actually changes God's holy word to support their errant beliefs. That is a damnable sin! (Rev.22:18-20) One example of their outright distortion of God's word in their Bible is in John 1:1. In the original Greek language that it was written in, and in over 20 different Bible versions, it declares of Jesus that "the word was God." But in their perversion they changed it to read- "the word was a god." As you saw in the video, they view Jesus as less than God. By the way, this is one of two distinguishing marks of a cult. First, all cults have a lesser view of Jesus- less than God. Second, they have another authority source other than the Bible.

So what do I say now when Jehovah's Witnesses come to my door? Not much. I don't spend a lot of time with these hard core JWs. I will ask them, "Do you believe the Bible is the only inspired book from God?" When they say "Yes," I will then say, "I would like to invite you back one month from now, if you will do me just one favor. Set aside all your Watchtower literature for the next month and just read from any Bible other than the Watchtower Bible, asking God to reveal to you the truth about Jesus." This is the Bible challenge I give them. None of them has ever come back. I don't feel guilty for not spending a lot of  time with them when they knock on my door. I have exposed their reliance on their Watchtower publications and pointed them to the truth. When I see JWs on the sidewalk, and I'm heading out, I often simply say in passing, "Jesus is Jehovah!" :)

If you're interested, here's a Christian site that has loads of info on JWs-

1.-Read the great introduction John pens to his gospel-John 1:1-18 and share one thing that strikes you from this passage and/or something that was covered today.

2.-Pick any verse or part of a verse that you really like from John 1:1-18 and write on your MP3 card. Then look for opportunities to share that gold with others.

Here's a simple way to look at all the "religions" of the world. First, view all the Christian denominations as living in one high rise. Imagine there's a different floor for each, such as the Baptists, Methodists, Pentecostals, Presbyterians, Lutherans, and even those who call themselves non-denominational, such as New Life. Historically, these all have agreed that the Bible is God's inspired word and that Jesus is God come in the flesh to save all those who repent and receive him by faith alone. 

Now picture another apartment building. It's not nearly as big. It holds all those we would call cults. They talk about Jesus and the Bible, but they don't believe that Jesus is God or that the Bible is the one and only authoritative book from God. On one floor live the JW's. On other floors you'd find the Mormon's, Christian Science,  and small wacko cults that have surfaced like David Koresh's group or Jim Jones' group. These wacko cults have a wacko leader who is very controlling- "God's voice" to the gullible people who may follow such leaders even to death.

The third and final apartment building houses the many non-Christ centered religions of the world. One floor is for the Hindus, other floors are home to the Buddhists and the Muslims, for example. Since the Muslim religion of Islam is so controversial these days, we will look at it tomorrow. 

Hey Dave, which building do the Catholics live in? 
That's a good question. Unlike cults, they do believe that Jesus is God. But like cults, they do have a another authority other than the Bible, the declarations of the popes. They believe that these are also inspired of God. So you get to decide what building to put them in. Or maybe we should have a fourth building just for them. That's probably the best answer.

I'm looking forward to this Friday to read how you've enriched others with what you've been learning. This could be sharing words or videos with believers or unbelievers. Our mission is to multiply manly men. (So enrich, enlist, exemplify and encourage.)

What advice do you wish you were given when you turned 16? Today is my son David's 16th birthday. If you care to give him any wise advice, I will be sure to pass it on to him. Thanks much! He hears me talk about you guys in M3 everyday. (Yes, I'm rather fond of you all :)

Thanks to today's fire team and any and all others who would please give a word of encouragement to those that were MIA yesterday on the blog- Antonio, Chuy, Lucas, Israel and Oscar

Tues.4.21.15 How Come You Don't Believe in Mary?

How Come you Christians Don't Believe in Mary?

That's a great question. We do believe that Mary was a most favored woman. What a wonderful privilege to be chosen by God to bear the Christ child. I too admire her for her love and trust in God. Let's now consider a number of important questions regarding Mary.

Was Mary sinless?
The Catholic church says Mary never sinned, but here we run into a problem, for the Catholic Bible says, "...all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God." (see Romans 3:23). By the way, all Bible verses quoted are from the Catholic Bible Confraternity Version. The Catholic and Protestant New Testaments are virtually identical. I think the differences we do have could be settled if we both look at what the Catholic Bible itself says. Even popes have repeatedly urged people to read the word of God. Pope Benedict said, "we shall never...desist from urging the faithful to read daily the Gospels, the Acts and the Epistles, so as to gather thence food for their souls."  

Did Mary also need a Savior for her sins?
Mary herself said, "My soul rejoices in God my Savior" (see Luke 1:47). Again, let me state that I hold Mary in high esteem. She was a godly woman, but none of us believe she was God. Even if Mary only sinned a few times in her entire life, with an unkind word or thought, she too would then need a Savior. And the Savior of Mary and all who trust in Him was born via the Holy Spirit and Mary. We too can rejoice with Mary that God would send His only Son to be the Savior of sinners like us.

Did the Virgin Mary remain a virgin all her life? 
The Catholic church teaches this, but this runs opposite of what the Catholic Bible declares. It reveals that Joseph had no sexual relations with her until after Jesus was born (see Matthew 1:25). Then what happened? They had other children. Even the people of Jesus' hometown of Nazareth said of Jesus and his family, "Is not this the carpenter's son? Is not his mother called Mary, and his brethren James and Joseph and Simon and Jude? And his sisters, are they not all with us?" (see Matthew 13:55-56).

Was Mary born by "immaculate conception?"
Some Catholics don't know much about this church declaration. For hundreds and hundreds of years, Catholics believed that Mary was born like any other child. But on December 8th, 1854, Pope Pius the IX declared that Mary was conceived without sin. To quote his words, "The most Blessed Virgin Mary, in the first instant of her conception... was preserved free from all stain of original sin." But the Catholic Bible says nothing about such.  

Did Mary really go directly to heaven without dying?
This new Catholic doctrine is known as the assumption of Mary, that she was assumed up into heaven without dying. Pardon me, but to me it does seem like quite an assumption to believe this new teaching for the following reasons. First, there is not even a hint of this happening to Mary mentioned in the Catholic Bible. Second, good Catholics did not believe this for centuries. Many Catholics alive today didn't believe such and weren't required to believe such until 1950.    
Zan Michiteru wrote the following: "The doctrine of the Assumption of Mary was officially declared to be a dogma of the Roman Catholic faith on November 1, 1950. However, in 495 A.D., Pope Gelasius declared that the doctrine of the Assumption of Mary is a heresy and people who teach it are heretics. In the sixth century, Pope Hormisdas declared that anyone teaching this doctrine is a heretic. Two "infallible" popes both declared that this doctrine is a heresy. Then on November 1, 1950, Pope Pius XII (another "infallible" pope) declared that the same doctrine is official Roman Catholic dogma, which all Catholics are required to believe. So before November 1, 1950, any Catholic who believed in the Assumption of Mary was a heretic (because of "infallible" declarations of popes). But after November 1, 1950, any Catholic who failed to believe in the Assumption of Mary was a heretic (because of the "infallible" declaration of Pope Pius XII). How could this be?"

Are the traditions of the Popes infallible?
The Catholic church teaches a doctrine called "papal infallibility"- that the pope is supposedly incapable of speaking error when he makes decrees regarding church teachings. The problem with that belief is that as the above quote pointed out, sometimes popes contradicted each other. I guess that was okay up until 1870. That is the year that the church began proclaiming that the pope was infallible. Since then, you must never disagree with the pope. Before the year 1139, priests could marry, but since then they have been forbidden to do so. Was that a good decree? Did you know the Catholic Bible denounces those who would forbid marriage as a doctrine of demons? (see 1 Timothy 4;1-3). Many believe that the results of clergy celibacy have been disastrous. Did you know that even Peter, whom Catholics call the first pope, was married? (see Matthew 8:14-15 and 1 Corinthians 9:5). 

So should we pray to Mary?
Many Catholics pray to Mary every time they use a rosary. They believe that since she was the mother of Jesus, she can thus influence her son in heaven to do what people on earth ask of her. But with all due respect to Mary, let's see if this could be true. Is Mary more concerned for us than Jesus is? Is Mary more knowing of our situation than the all-knowing Jesus? Is there anything in the Catholic Bible encouraging us to pray to Mary? No, nothing. Can Mary mediate our needs to God? No. Instead the Catholic Bible declares, "For there is one God, and one Mediator between God and men, himself man, Christ Jesus, who gave himself a ransom for all." (See 1 Timothy 2:5-6). 

Praying to Mary and doing penance cannot take away your sins. Only Jesus can. Only He died and rose again for you. Only He can come into your life and transform it. It’s not by trying and by doing good works; it’s by trusting His finished work on the cross. Jesus paid all your sin debt and now offers you a free gift of complete forgiveness by faith in Him alone. Obey His command to repent of depending on your good works and trust Him alone. (see Ephesians 2:8-9). That’s what Mary would want you to do. In John 2:5, she said, “Whatever He says to you, do it.”  

*          *          *         *          *          *          *          *          *          *

Men, the article above was written for a Catholic to read, so please copy it and pass it on to those whom you think might be receptive to it. Will it convert them? Probably not that alone. But we should be thinking and acting like farmers. Our responsibility is to spread the seed and leave the results to God to make things grow in His time. He doesn't normally without our part of sowing seeds.

1.- A number of verses were quoted or referred to. What's one that you want to remember? Share it with us and and then write it on your MP3 card.

As you've noticed, we have been also discovering gold in Romans 1-5 over the past couple weeks. Like a prosecuting attorney, Paul set forth the evidence that all men are unrighteous before a righteous God. But then he set forth the good news of salvation through faith in the sacrifice of Christ for our sins. If you have time, read through the last of our apologetics study in Romans 1-5. Read Rom.5:12-21. You'll  note the contrast between two men- the first Adam and the last Adam, Jesus Christ. Mary is never mentioned.

Jack will not be in town after all this weekend. So our meeting is rescheduled for the following Sunday, May 3rd at 3:00. See you then.

What's our mission? To Multiply MANLY Men! To do that we need to do focus on *Enriching others with what we've been learning and enjoying. "Hey, I want that too!"
*Enlisting others. We award you for doing so. You move up in rank and honor.
*Exemplifying- Be a G.R.E.A.T. example for others to be inspired by. 
*Encouraging others- You'll see on the scoreboard that some of your brothers are passing on encouragement to a few others in one day. If you are new or weak in this, then please make it a goal to pass on encouragement to at least one other brother each day. It could be on what they said or it could be a brief pray or word of commendation to them. We all need it, including our family members. M3 is also about helping you in your family life too. And we just gave you perhaps a suggestion that some family members are dying to receive from you- ongoing encouragement and appreciation. Pour such on like water on a dying plant, and watch what happens.

So who will you be enriching this week with videos we've enjoyed,etc? Target Christian men you would like to later enlist into M3. Friday, you'll get to share whom you shared with.

I'm glad to welcome Daniel Contreras back with us. He blogged late last night. Please give a word of encouragement to men I didn't see on the blog yesterday- Israel, Lucas and Oscar, who is now back from his honeymoon. Welcome back Oscar! Please reach out to these men especially if they are on your fire team and if you are on today's team standing guard- that would include the following good men- Ismael, Alex, James and Phil. Eddie is on that team too, but he is away from technology in Cuba, scouting out the land. Please keep him in your prayers.  

Mon.4.20.15...Why aren't you a Catholic?

What do you say to the person who says, Why aren't you Catholic? Here's a video by Dr. John Barnett, entitled- 7 Reasons Why I am Not Roman Catholic. Please take some notes and be ready to share something that impressed you from it. We're not looking for stones to throw, but truth to respectfully share. Only God can open hearts, but we are to know the truth so we can share it. 

1.-Read Rom.5:1-11 and share something that impressed you from the passage and or the video.

2.-Write on your MP3 card, Rom.5:1- "Therefore, since we have been justified through faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ."

Our Catholic friends need to see that we believers have already been justified. We already are right in His sight. And it is through faith alone; religious works are excluded. Thus, we have a peaceful standing with God. We are no longer facing His wrath!

I've heard Christians speak with anger regarding being led astray by the Catholic church and all it's corruptions. They may have had a very bad experience. But as you know, it's best not to be angry when we seek to share with Catholics. Asking respectful questions is still a good way to proceed with them as well. Once again, you can use our 3 helpful questions-

What led you to believe that? (Many may never have given much thought to their Catholic beliefs. They just inherited it from their parents.)

Are you a person who wants the truth?

Then would you please read through the gospel of John in your Catholic Bible and follow it wherever the truth leads you?

If they don't have a Bible, you can again give them a free online gospel of John- 

As you know, this Sunday we will be meeting at our retreat center and war room- Jack's bunker :) 10749 Cherrywood Dr. Palos Park. Our meeting starts at 3:00. Please call me if for some reason you can't make it. Otherwise, we will see you there for an important meeting. We will also be unveiling a special new focus. 

Who have you been able to enrich with our videos or things you've been learning? This Friday's blog, we'll be sharing stories of who we've been enriching and or recruiting. 

Thanks for the way you are encouraging each other. Especially pray for and encourage your fellow fire team warriors. And thanks for remembering to put your scores on the board.

Please keep Eddie, Pastor Mike and the team in your prayers as they will be gone this M-F on that exploratory trip to Cuba.

Sun.4.19.15...Here's a "Make You Feel Good" Video

Sunday Greetings!

Today, I just want to pass on to you a "make you feel good" video that came out a few months ago. I think in light of all of the police issues in the news, it's all the more appropriate. Enjoy! 

May the Lord give us opportunities to enrich others with love and truth.

PS- As always, feel free to share anything you wish from Sunday's message.

Fri.4.17.15...Teamwork Makes the Dream Work

1.-We've been working our way through Romans, so read Romans 4:13-25 and share anything that impresses you.

2.-How can you strengthen your faith? Write on your MP3 card a personalized paraphrase of Rom.4:21- "I am fully persuaded that God has the power to do what He has promised." So don't focus on trying to strengthen your faith; focus on your all powerful and faithful God. He has the power to do what He has promised. He proved it by even raising Jesus from the dead. He certainly has the power to raise us to life with Him when we die. 

One of our goals of M3 is to strengthen you in your faith (to be MANLY) so that you can multiply many manly men- to have many spiritual descendants like Abraham. To do that, you and I need to trust God and cooperate with Him in the great commission He has given us- to make Christlike disciples- to multiply MANLY men. "Therefore, go and make disciples of all nations (Literally, all ethnic groups), baptizing them...and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you" Mt.28:19-20.
As you've experienced, the blog is a very helpful teaching tool for making or maturing MANLY men. Rather than requiring you to meet regularly with a newer believer, just recruit them to the team and together we will mentor them. We are about team coaching. Teamwork makes the dream work. But for that to happen, each team member needs to fulfill his commitments to the team, otherwise he is weakening himself and the team. By way of review, the following is a portion from our M3 website, you read and then committed to when you filled out the application to join:

Count the Cost
A Marines billboard says it well. "We don't accept applications, only commitments." You still need to apply with the Marines, but it must involve commitment. You will also need to apply to join with us. Here are the commitments we make- 
-I will follow the orders of the captain of my salvation, Jesus Christ. 
-I will read and share his word on a daily basis as my brothers are also doing. 
-I will extend encouragement to others in M3 throughout each week. 
-I will attend the monthly training and awards meetings. -I will not waste others time; so I will be on time for our monthly meetings. 
-I will return calls promptly-by the end of the following day at the very latest. My brothers are more important than the excuses I might be tempted to give for not calling back sooner. If not, I owe him a doughnut or a soft drink and vice versa. If I fail to keep my word and commitments to any of the above, I will apologize and make amends. 

We truly want to help you grow and multiply your life. As you know, anything worthwhile takes commitment. Are you sure you are willing to make the commitments spelled out on our M3 website- 
1.-reading and sharing Scripture daily with your brothers on our blog 
2.-returning phone calls or texts promptly 
3.-attending our monthly meetings (Note: Our next mtg is Sun. April 26th at 3:00)

I'm happy all of you made those commitments on your application, otherwise you wouldn't be here. Keeping commitments is not always easy to do, but that is when our manly maturity kicks in. When the going gets tough, the tough get going. For example, sometimes it's tough to make time to spend in God's word and sharing it on the blog. It's late and I'm sleepy, but I made a commitment- "No Scripture No Sleep." Many of you have proven to be unstoppable in this area. A few months ago, Jack had surgery on both hands, yet still blogged. Wow! He's on vacation this week, but is still unstoppable. Others of you have faced your own hardships, and still have remained unstoppable. Way to go! 

"No scripture, no sleep." Here's another statement I live by:"Grace people, don't guilt them." If a person misses blogging, I don't call them up and guilt them. God gives us grace when we fall. Having said that, may we never abuse grace. May we never cheapen God's grace and our our character by taking our commitments lightly. Who may live in God's presence? Psalm 15 says in part that it's the man who "keeps his oaths, even when it hurts." These days, there are few things that challenge us to be faithful, especially to the things of God. Good things push God things off to the sidelines. 

Many believers live by their emotions, not devotion. If they don't feel like going to church, or giving or reading God's word they don't. Whose to know?! But we in M3 want to be manly men, to be tough soldiers. To be strong in the Lord. To be solid in godly character. To keep our oaths even when it hurts. To read God's word and share what we get before calling it a day. To keep our commitment- "No scripture, no sleep." To be Unstoppable. Soldiers in special forces training must stay awake for over 48 hours to carry out an assignment. So "endure hardship with us like a good soldier of Christ Jesus" 2 Tim.2:3. So if it's been a long, hard day, then please don't call it a day, until you spend it with the One who gave it to you. "Blessed is the man who listens to me, watching daily at my doors" Prov.8:34. Thus, it should be the rare thing that someone needs to be called because he missed blogging. Emergencies do come up and I completely understand.  But apart from being at the hospital or such, tough it out. As a football coach was apt to say to his team when they were on the edge of either giving in to weariness or winning against the other fatigued team- "Suck it up and go!" Or as Paul put it, "Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up." Gal.6:10 

"I have treasured the words of His mouth more than my daily bread." Job.23:12
They examined the scriptures every day" Acts 17:11
3.-Will you renew your commitment to be daily in God's word and sharing with your brothers on the blog?

4.-Did you read the email I sent you Sunday about our strategy to encourage one another?
"Let us encourage one another that no one is hardened by sin's deceitfulness." Heb.3:13
"Be devoted to one another in brotherly love" Rom.12:10

This weekend's fire team members are Jack, Roger, Armando, John and George D. What good brothers. Please give a word of encouragement to Andre, Ismael and Lucas. Their contact info is within the Contacts Tab on our Scoreboard page. Also, if those brothers are on your fire team, it would be good to contact them as well. Let's encourage one another on to be unstoppable. Thanks!

Speaking of being unstoppable, here's a 3 minute video purely for your enjoyment. You can skip it if you don't have the time. But come back to it when you can, 'cause it's amazing!

Th.4.16.15...I'm Depending on Jesus and my Good Works

I'm Depending On Jesus and My Good Works.

This is such a common view people have for getting in to heaven. Want a good illustration to share to enlighten them? Then watch the following video. (This is the last of mine.)

1.-Read Rom.4:1-12. Share one thing that strikes you from this chapter and/or the video.

2.-Write on your MP3 card this great verse- "to the man who does not work but trusts God who justifies the wicked, his faith is credited as righteousness." Rom.4:5.

God does not justify righteous people, he justifies wicked people (we qualify), who put their faith in Christ to save them. Then He credits their empty spiritual bank account with His spiritual riches and righteousness. Thank You Father! How very rich we are!

If you haven't read the email I sent you Sunday, please do so today. Tomorrow I'm gonna ask you if ya' gotter dun. 

Today's fire team warriors are Robert, Vince, Antonio, Guillermo and Lucas.
Make a point to pray for each other and encourage each other from time to time. Thanks also for reaching out today to encourage Gary, Guillermo, Lucas and Phil. If these brothers are on your fire team, please also contact them. Remember, you can find all their contact info on our Contacts tab at the bottom of our Scoreboard page. Thanks for being good shepherds to one another. I will contact them tomorrow to see who contacted them. Bless you!

Wed.4.15.15...But I'm Not a Big Sinner!

What Do You Say to That?

But I'm Not a Big Sinner!

This is a common statement people will give to justify themselves. So what do you say to that? Watch the following video and take notes so you can be ready to share.

Man's sinfulness or unrighteousness has been stressed all throughout Romans 1-3. In Romans 1:18-32 the heathen is condemned. In Rom. 2:1-16 the hypocrite is condemned; and in Rom.2:17-29 the Hebrew is condemned. Then in Rom.3:1-20 the whole world is condemned. But thank God for God! In Rom.3:21-31 we see that God came to our rescue. He condemned our sins in His Son that we might receive the gift of His righteous standing by faith, apart from law keeping or works, since that would never work anyway. 

1.-Read Rom.3:10-25 and comment on anything that strikes you from this passage and/or the video. (Feel free to read the whole outstanding chapter if you have time. I'm just trying to be respectful of your time.)

2.-Copy onto your MP3 card- "This righteousness from God comes through faith in Jesus Christ to all who believe." Rom.3:22

Today I ant to welcome our newest M3 Pro, Andre Vargas. He is in his mid 20s and just got baptized Sunday at NL Oak Lawn where he attends. Pastor Don asked Jack to mentor him. He has served two tours of duty in Afghanistan. He has a small start up business and is also a student at DePaul. Welcome Andre!
His contact info is within the Contacts tab.

Our Wednesday Fire team men are Sam, Israel, Gary, and Oscar. (Oscar has an  excused absence- he's on his honeymoon:) But you guys get a break because everyone blogged yesterday!

Tues.4.14.15...What about Those Who Have Never Even Heard of Jesus...?

What Do You Say To That?

"If Jesus is the only way, then what about people in other countries who've never even heard of Jesus? Will God send them to hell for not receiving someone they've never even heard about?" 

The following video deals with that and 4 other common objections to your faith that you need to be ready to graciously respond to. Take notes and be ready to share one that particularly grabs you.

Read Rom.2:12-16. It makes it clear that such people have their consciences bearing witness of right and wrong. But none of us lives up to even the law of our conscience, let alone the law of God. We all need a Savior. The conversion of Cornelius in Acts 10 makes it clear that God will send the gospel message to those who want such. If someone doesn't want the Savior, then there is another way of being saved. If a man perfectly obeys the law of God, he will be declared righteous in God's sight (Rom.2:12-13). To the man confident of his own righteousness, we could say, "Good luck with that approach buddy! Could we talk to your wife about how you're doing with that?:)

1.-Share one thing from the video and/or Rom.2:12-16.

2.-Write on your MP3 card "God will judge men's secrets through Jesus Christ" Rom.2:16

Thanks for being a great, encouraging band of brothers. 
There was a question regarding scoring. Give yourself one point for each group of people you mass text or mass email, and one point for each individual you text, email, call or visit with face to face.

Especially Tuesdays' team (Eddie, Phil, Alex, Ismael and James), please contact Israel and Lucas to give them a word of encouragement. They are good brothers. As a reminder to all, you'll see your name and the team you're on, by clicking on the Contacts tab at the bottom of the Scoreboard spreadsheet. 

Mon.4.13.15...Aren't You Being Pretty Narrow Minded to Think that only Christianity is True?

What Would You Say To That?

We live in a land of supposed religious tolerance. But have you noticed that many people are not very tolerant of your Christian faith? So what would you say to the person that says- "Aren't you being pretty narrow minded to think that all the other religions are wrong and only Christianity is right?" Or what would you say if the person said to you, "I respect all religions, the main thing is to be sincere"?

Please jot down things you want to remember and share from the following video-

1.-Just because a person feels good and right about their religion or their way of life, does not mean they are on the right path. Feelings don't make something true. False religions are just that- false. They reject the truth. It is only to those who repent and receive Christ and prove their repentance by their good deeds for God's honor that God gives eternal life.  Read Romans 2:5-11 and share your thoughts on it and anything from the video.

2.-Write out on your MP3 card this powerful verse- "Because of your stubbornness and unrepentant heart, you are storing up wrath against yourself for the day of God's wrath." Rom.2:5

We are in a war against the wicked one. Big Don Fulara is facing such as he is an addictions counselor of some very rough men. He visited one of our M3 meetings a couple of months ago. He sent me this prayer request just yesterday- "I could really use the prayer of your troops. Spiritual warfare at work has intensified. Satan doing all he can to discourage. The atmosphere is becoming racially polarized. I end up feeling very isolated at work. Not succumbing to self-pity yet, but it tries to creep in. Thanks for caring and your prayers." We will pray for you Don! 

A big congratulations to Oscar! He just got married Saturday to Ana. Best of blessings upon them both! 


Happy sunny day Sunday to you!

I've been sharing a number of favorite praise songs with you recently. Some of have been favorites of yours as well. If you've got one that's been lifting you up, please recommend it today. Thanks!

Feel free to also post anything that struck you from today's message or from your own reading and reflections.

PS- See you this evening for AD if it works out for you.