Fri.2.27.15...Finally, the Final Coaches Written Training Final!


Most of you have completed the first part of Coaches Training- 13 weeks of online blogging. And all of you are about to complete the written final exam. Yea!

Go back over the second half of our series on Being a Godly MENTOR (Feb.9th-25th). Pick out 2 things you really liked and write about them as if you were sharing with a man interested in M3. As we mentioned last time, if this helps you get started, you could begin by saying, “One of the things I really liked learning about recently in M3 was…” 


3.- What advice would you give to a new protege just joining M3?
To lighten your load on this day, just write out on your MP3 card this great verse to praise God for and pass on- "Fear not, for I have redeemed you; I have summoned you by name; you are mine." Is.43:1b.

G. How many individuals or groups did you get to share and enrich from your MP3 card?
E? Did you Encourage some teammates since yesterday?
A? Attacked in warfare prayer? O Lord we WAR to live Worthy lives, to Activate sidelined saints, and to see the lost Released from Satan's captivity.

T? Feel free to also share outreach opportunities you had, or you can just put up numbers.

Don't forget to complete the topic that you are an expert on from this past Sunday's blog. Git 'er dun by tamarer nite pleaz!
Yea! You've finished the written coaches training material. Starting Monday, we will begin working our way through portions and then entire books of Scripture. Sometimes we will read for breadth covering a chapter a day, others times we will study in depth, slowing down to dig out buried treasures. Would you like to know what we will be covering? (Can you keep a secret? So can I:)
Because some potential proteges still have not gotten their applications in yet, we will extend the deadline to turn them in until Wed. March 11th. That will also give those of you going on the Encounter Retreat (Mar.6-7), the opportunity to recruit there as well. (Who loves ya?) When you recruit 2 proteges, who complete 4 weeks of being Unstoppable, you will have passed your road test. If you have completed 13 weeks on the blog (since the beginning of December), you are now done with the written. Congratulations! For a few others of you, you will be done with that in a few more weeks.

Speaking of taking a road test, have you seen this amazing road test? (This video is purely for your driving pleasure. Warning! Do not attempt this on the road to the men's retreat.)

(Note: This also is the kind of video that I've sent to a person that I planned on sending outreach videos to. It's an ice breaker. It could lead the way before other videos, or it could be interspersed with evangelistic videos. You'll be getting new ones each week. So feel free to pass this one along as you see fit. Harness the power of the internet for the rest to your life to help you sow seeds. It's a great tool to pass on many resources.)

Congrats to the 10+ men! 
Robert with 10; Jack and Sam with 12; and Daniel with 15! 

I'd like to give out high 5's to everyone else. Please make a goal from here on out to put up at least 5 points per day. Just by blogging and Attack praying, which you all do, gets you an automatic 2 points. If you encourage two brothers on the blog that brings you to 4 points right away, without even yet sharing your MP3 card, or contacting anyone to encourage them or doing any recruiting or outreach. The guys putting up 10 to 15 points prove that 5 is not unreasonable. You know you can do this. It's just developing a new routine. I don't want the incoming proteges to see their role models not being role models in these GREAT pursuits. If the goal of 5 seems to high for you, please call me. Thanks. I believe in you and want to help you succeed. I know you do as well.

1 Tim.4:15G=God's WordG MP3 sharingRight WrongsEncouragementA= Attack PrayersTTotals
For Wed. 2.25.15
Alpha Force
Fire Team 1
Jack Rogers U.21541112
Roger Vinlasaca U.213116
Fire Team 20
Mike Pagan U.2111115
George Rabiela121138
Fire Team 30
Sam Vargas U.21331412
Gary Remson U.211417
Fire Team 40
Robert Roman U.1135110
Vince Diaz U.111417
Delta Force0%
Fire Team 10
Alvin James U.211114
Kentrayle Adams U.111215
Fire Team 20
Dave Heidekruger U.211215
Israel Fuentes U.214117
Fire Team 30
Daniel Contreras U.1111101115
Antonio Palomar1113
Fire Team 40
Eddie Morales U.2112217
Ismael Andrade U.2112

Th.2.26.15...Completing Your Coach's Training

Almost There!
Most of you are almost done with one of the two parts of Coaches training. (Just as with driver’s ed. there is the written and the road test.) Many of you have almost completed the 3 months of the blog training. Others will finish that in the next month or so. But all of you have the opportunity to complete the road test soon by recruiting 2 pros to coach. Thankfully, you won’t have to coach them all by yourself. Your whole team of fellow coaches will be making encouraging calls, texts and blog comments to those new recruits when they join us soon. 

These next two days are your final written test. (Relax, it’s an easy A. And after this, as I said, we will only do weekly reviews as need be. The proteges will do weekly reviews regularly.) Today, go back over the first half of our series on Being a Godly MENTOR (Jan.19th-Feb.6th). Pick out 2 things you really liked and write about them, as if you were sharing with a man interested in M3. If this helps you get started, you could begin by saying, “One of the things I really liked learning about recently in M3 was…” (Tomorrow we will take the second half of the series from Feb.9th-25th.)



3.- To lighten your load on this day, just write out on your MP3 card this great, short verse to praise God for and pass on- "I have loved you with an everlasting love." Jer.31:3. 

4.- Thanks for the kudos from a few of you on the video I made for you. It includes some of your testimony in it. I posted it on yesterday's blog. If you haven't watched it yet, please go back and do so now. Did ya like it? Then list your protege prospects you want to send it to. 

G. How many individuals or groups did you get to share and enrich from your MP3 card?
R? (Only type the letter R if you sought to Right a wrong.) 
E? Did you Encourage a teammate since yesterday on the blog/or apart from itThis includes passing on the new M3 testimonies video to protege prospects.
A? Attacked in warfare prayer? Then just type the letter A. O Lord we WAR to live Worthy lives, to Activate sidelined saints, and to see the lost Released from Satan's captivity.

T? Feel free to also share outreach opportunities you had, or you can just put up numbers. 
I am so proud of you men! Two nights ago, Alvin had the guts to let the team know he was feeling overwhelmed. The next day several of you responded with encouraging calls, texts and emails. Here's what Alvin wrote late last night-  "I am more than a conqueror...Today I received an incredible amount of "cover fire" from M3! The calls, texts, and emails of encouragement are exactly what I needed to move forward!" This reminds me of the true story scene from "We Were Soldiers" when 400 soldiers were being attacked by over 4,000 Viet Cong. Like Alvin, they were being overwhelemed by the enemy, but they called out for help and got it. I chocked up watching this scene, thinking of you, my fighter pilots coming to the aid of a brother being overwhelmed. If you have the time to see this powerful scene, please do so. (I cant edit these so there is a GD statement.) 

If you're ever feeling overwhelmed, then please text us- "Broken Arrow!" A text will guarantee we all get it. We'll be there for you! And the enemy is going to meet our fury!  

Congrats to our 10+ scorers (those that scored 10 or more points)- Jack and Israel both with 10 and Sam with 12! I called up Sam, thinking that perhaps misunderstanding what the T represented. He had put up a 5 in that category alone the day before. Men, Sam has been reaching out to unsaved men and even offering to pay their way to the winter retreat! God bless you Sam! He's not doing this for the praise of men, but we honor Sam. May his dedication spark more effort on the part of others. And I am really looking forward to our Sun.March 15th meeting to introduce a powerful resource to help us all greatly increase our Telling others of Transformation.

Please don't forget to knock out your weekly GPD by Saturday. You're an expert at this. See it on our Sunday 2.22 blog post.

1 Tim.4:15G=God's WordG MP3 sharingRight WrongsEncouragementA= Attack PrayersTTotals
For Tues. 2.24.15
Alpha Force
Fire Team 1
Jack Rogers U.21431110
Roger Vinlasaca U.212115
Fire Team 20
Mike Pagan U.211114
George Rabiela13318
Fire Team 30
Sam Vargas U.21331412
Gary Remson U.211316
Fire Team 411
Robert Roman U.112115
Vince Diaz U.1121217
Delta Force0%
Fire Team 10
Alvin James U.21214
Kentrayle Adams U.11113
Fire Team 20
Dave Heidekruger U.211114
Israel Fuentes U.21116110
Fire Team 30
Daniel Contreras U.11112117
Antonio Palomar11114
Fire Team 40
Eddie Morales U.211215
Ismael Andrade U.211114

Wed.2.25.15...Being a Godly MENTOR...Resource

This Wins Wars and Hearts
“December 7th, 1941, a day that will live infamy.” When Japan attacked Pearl Harbor, and the Japanese Navy was celebrating, the Japanese Admiral stated pessimistically, "I fear all we have done is to awaken a sleeping giant and fill him with a terrible resolve." How right he was! Before our entrance into WWII, America was a giant sleeping on its natural resources. We had “acres of diamonds” under our feet, yet our country was struggling through its twelfth year of the Great Depression. But the attack on Pearl Harbor awakened us. We became the greatest round the clock producer of war material the world has ever seen. For example, prior to the war, in 1939, we produced less than 3,000 military planes. But in the four years of WWII, we produced over 300,000 planes. How could we do this? Not only did we have the will for making war, we had the natural resources for making war. Our coal, crude oil, steel and aluminum production dwarfed Hitler’s German natural resources and production.

We’ve said before that to win wars, the nation with the most determination is apt to win. But we’ve also said that it takes more than the will to win, it takes more training to win. The better trained, the better odds for victory. Now we need to add one other crucial ingredient for winning and that’s resources. The Polish cavalry, who rode out against Hitler’s invading Panzer tank divisions, may have had the will to win and great training on horseback, but the German’s clearly had the far superior resources for making war. So resources along with great determination and superior training are all crucial elements for victory.  

So what do resources have to do with coaches training for M3? I’m so glad you asked. Let’s first review what we’ve covered in our series on Being a Godly MENTOR. We have spelled out what makes a godly MENTOR:
Modeling- You are striving to reflect Christ and R Righting wrongs when need be.
Encouraging- You’ve been wonderfully encouraging each other. The protégés will also be greatly encouraged.
Noble in Battle- You are at WAR battling to live Worthy lives, Activate sidelined saints and Release the lost.
Training- You’ve been doing G.R.E.A.T. in training, so you can encourage the pros to do likewise.
Observing- You’ve been observing your fellow team members on the board and will do so even more with all the incoming pros.
Resourcing- Let’s talk more about this now.

Resourcing or providing the weapons for victory is essential as we noted already in our World War II stories. Even in Old Testament times, good kings resourced or provided well for their troops. King Uzziah had a well-trained army. But he didn’t just train them well, he provided well for them with “shields, spears, helmets, coats or armor, bows and sling stones for the entire army.” 2 Chron.26:14. Doesn’t this remind you of how our King has provided for us, his soldiers, with the armor of God? Read now Eph.6:10-18 and let’s see and rely on what the Lord has resourced us for a victory far greater than any of WWII.

The armor of God reminds us that He wonderfully provides what we need to be victorious. The Lord didn’t just save us, great as that rescue was. “His divine power has given us everything we need for life and godliness” 2 Pet.1:3. You have not been shortchanged. You don’t have to be in a search for some new experience. That can be a deceptive tactic of the enemy. You already have been enriched in every way and seated with Christ in the heavenlies as a co-heir! Yes, I know you may not feel that way, especially, early on a Monday morning. But God wants us to walk by faith not by sight. Faith gives us confidence. Faith gives us a song when we might rather sigh. Faith is the hand that we use to reach out to grasp what God has already given to us. So by faith, rely on His resources. It makes all the difference in life. One man lives by faith in God’s resources and moves forward, even under fire. Another man lives by his feelings and stays stuck, despite all that he’s been given. Choose to walk by faith in the facts, not by your feelings. I am a conqueror. I am a victor, not a victim. I am a son of the all Soveriegn One, not a slave of my circumstances.

Christ is our perfect example of being a godly MENTOR. What a Model for others to follow! What an Encourager! And there never was anyone more Noble in Battle! He also devotedly Trained the disciples who turned the world upside down. He is the one who lovingly Observes everything we go through and has Resourced us with everything we need for life and godliness.

So how can we Resource others? First and foremost, we can remind them of all that God has already given them. That’s where your encouraging words from Scripture fit in. How powerful! May we never forget to point people back to God and all that we have in Christ. We can also Resource others with things that we have been learning. we can also share how Christ has carried us through similar tough times they may be fighting through. Finally, we can point pros to helpful resources we’ve come across, whether it be a book, website, article, video, small group, seminar, counselor, etc. At our next M3 meeting, you’ll be given a treasure trove of resources that you can pass on to others. When someone is in need and you can resource them, they will be strengthened and thankful. So resource people! It not only wins wars, but also hearts.

1. Share something that enriched you from what you read here today.

2. You've got what it takes! Write down on your MP3 card- “His divine power has given us everything we need for life and godliness” 2 Pet.1:3. What a great, enriching verse to also pass along to others! Please strive to do so. Thanks!

(Remember, all you have to do is put a letter up if you did such. So if you didn't have anything to R about, just skip typing the letter R. )

G. How many individuals or groups did you get to share and enrich from your MP3 card?
E? Did you Encourage any teammates since yesterday?
A? Attacked in warfare prayer? "O Lord give us Power HOUSE men to train and battle with us to forcefully advance your kingdom."

T? Feel free to also share outreach opportunities you had, or you can just put up numbers. 
Speaking of Resourcing people, I'm pleased to present to you a labor of love resource to help you recruit more men. I've taken snippets of each of your testimonies and edited them to fit in a short YouTube mini-movie that you can pass on to other potential proteges. (But hey, how often are we quoted on YouTube? Send it even to your grandma!:) You'll notice at the end of the video that we have a new, shortened M3 website address-
The old one still works. The new one actually links to it. (Just tryin' to make life easier for us.) So hopefully we can even memorize the new one- (Yes, gst stands for our blog site- Growing Stronger Together.) Anybody recognize what the musical background soundtrack is from? The slides are from places I would love to see. How great is the handiwork of our Creator and King! Hope you like it. If so, pass it on and remember to credit yourself for Encouraging other prospects to join. 

To give you a bit more time to recruit, we will start the Pros Basic Training on Monday, March 16th. (Who loves ya?:) All your Pros need to have their applications in by Wed. March 11th. They also need to be at our M3 mtg on the 15th. Otherwise the ship leaves without them, and it will be many weeks before we start another round of Basic Training. So let's get your 2 guys signed up pronto. I want you to graduate from Coaches Training soon. So let me know what more I can do to help you. My goal is your success!

Until we have our next meeting, Sunday, March 15th, I want to honor any man who scores 10 or more points. That's just excellent sharing and you deserve recogniton for such. So kudos to Jack and George with 15; Sam with 14 and Israel with 10. Way to go! Remember to give yourself credit for both Encouraging brothers on the blog and also giving Encouragement calls. Such enc0uragement and sharing of God's word is being a good coach indeed!

1 Tim.4:15G=God's WordG MP3 sharingRight WrongsEncouragementA= Attack PrayersTTotals
For Mon. 2.23.15
Alpha Force
Fire Team 1

Jack Rogers U.216141215

Roger Vinlasaca U.212115
Fire Team 20
Mike Pagan U.21113
George Rabiela1418115
Fire Team 30
Sam Vargas U.21431514
Gary Remson U.211
Fire Team 4112
Robert Roman U.11113
Vince Diaz U.1111115
Delta Force0%
Fire Team 10
Alvin James U.2112
Kentrayle Adams U.11113
Fire Team 20
Dave Heidekruger U.211215
Israel Fuentes U.21221410
Fire Team 30
Daniel Contreras U.1111115
Antonio Palomar11215
Fire Team 40
Eddie Morales U.2121419
Ismael Andrade U.211114