Fri.2.6.15...Being a Godly MENTOR...Encourage part 5

He was having a good time fishing on that lazy river. He had an ice chest full of beer, his headphones on and the tunes blasting. Though the fish weren't biting, he was happy to just drift along. He even got in a snooze. But when he woke up, the little boat was being pulled powerfully downstream. The current was far too much for his little battery powered trolling motor to conquer. He slept through the warning signs on the banks and the people yelling at him from the banks. He was horrified as were the people who watched him perish over the Niagara Falls. The story is fictional, but there are people dumber than that.

This is the last picture of Jessie Sharp, who attempted the feat of going over Niagara Falls on June 5, 1990, in a whitewater kayak without a helmet or a life vest. He confidently had dinner reservations downstream, as his plan had been to continue riding the Niagara rapids after he successfully went over the Falls. His body was never recovered. (There is no cure for stupid!)

Alright, back to my story regarding the danger of drifting. Hebrews 2:1 says, “We must pay the most careful attention, therefore, to what we have heard, so that we do not drift away.” Think of how badly Solomon drifted away from the truth. He was the wisest man on Earth and wrote the book of Proverbs, Song of Songs and Ecclesiastes. Yet he drifted from what he knew to be true and ended his life in a shambles- as foolishly as the above kayaker. Solomon built high places for the vile gods of his many foreign wives and even worshiped them! Ugh!

If even Solomon could drift so far from the Lord, what hope is there for us? Plenty! The verse we just read tells us- We must pay the most careful attention, therefore, to what we have heard, so that we do not drift away.” We need to pay careful attention to God’s word. So how can we do that? You are doing even now. You are reading the word of God daily and writing down MP3 verses to reflect on, pray over, praise God for, and pass on to others. The daily intake of God’s word is essential to keep us from drifting. As it’s been said, “This Book will keep you from sin, or sin will keep you from this Book.”

But the book of Hebrews reveals another key to keep us from drifting to our ruin as Solomon and sadly so many others have. “Encourage one another daily, as long as it is called Today, so that none of you may be hardened by sin’s deceitfulness.” Heb.3:13. Daily encouragement is vital. It was fairly easy to do, in small villages when believers would see each other often. But now we are scattered so far from each other. Yet technology has now made it easy to encourage one another daily. We can do that on our blog as we post encouraging comments to one another. And we can do it via texts, emails and phone calls. Imagine how encouraged a wobbly, new believer protégé would be if he got almost daily calls. But you calling him so often might seem a bit much. If only there was a way to frequently contact him and each other for that daily encouragement!  Would you like to know a simple strategy for powerfully accomplishing such? Great! I look forward to sharing it with you at our Sunday meeting.  

1.-Share one thought from today's blog.

2.-Heb.3:13 is such a important verse. Please write it out on your MP3 card “Encourage one another daily, as long as it is called Today, so that none of you may be hardened by sin’s deceitfulness.”

We are all battling against sin's deceitfulness. So please pass on some encouragement to a fellow soldier battling to stay strong as you are. Do this especially for the "last man standing" above your comments today. Thanks!



5.-Please help me help you. Write just 2 or 3 sentences regarding what you really like about M3. Write it as if you were sharing such with a man you are seeking to recruit. I will edit this into an outreach tool that you can then pass on to men you are seeking to recruit.

Here's the link to our M3 website that you can pass on to men you're reaching out to-  This site is newly updated. Pass it on! It will help you influence others. 

Words Worth Repeating
Alvin wrote: "The thing that stands out to me is the idea that we need to think of Job in context. We have the benefit of knowing the end of the story, but Job was not privy to the final chapter of his own book. Job had to go through what he did without the knowledge that God would restore everything he lost and then some! Oh that I would have that type of submission!"

See you this Sunday at Jack's 10749 Cherrywood Dr. Palos Park.
We'll start our important meeting at 3:00 sharp so please be early. Please remember to bring a free will offering to defray the cost of the award pins and such. Thanks! (And thank you Jack for lightening my load and being our treasurer.) 

And yes, you may invite men to come to our M3 meeting. I think that is a great way to help them to experience what a great group of men on a mission they could join. 

As you know, you're also welcome to join "The Bible" DVD discussion. It starts at 1:00 with refreshments.

What an Unstoppable team! I commend you for Attacking so faithfully in prayer as well.

1 Tim.4:15G=God's WordRight WrongsEA= Attack PrayersT(Men Recruited)
For Wed.2.4.15
Alpha Force
Fire Team 1
1Jack Rogers U.2YR (Our Respect)GDP doneADaniel & Roger
2Daniel Contreras U.1YGDP doneAVince & Antonio
3Vince Diaz U1YGDP doneA
4Roger Vinlasaca U.2YGDP doneA
Fire Team 2
1Israel Fuentes U.2YGDP doneA
2Sam Vargas U.2YGDP doneARobert
3Robert Roman U.1YGDP doneA
4Antonio PalomarYGDP doneA
Delta Force
Fire Team 3
1Alvin James U.2YA
2Dave Heidekruger U.2YGDP doneA
3Mike Pagan U.2YGDP doneAGeorge
4George RabielaYGDP doneA
Fire Team 4
1Eddie Morales U.2YGDP doneAGary, Ismael, Kentrayle
2Gary Remson U.2YGDP doneA
3Ismael Andrade U.2YR (Our Respect)GDP doneA
4Kentrayle Adams U.1YR (Our Respect)GDP doneA



  1. 1. Solomon as wise as he was still lost sight of the prize as he allowed others to influence him with Satan taking hold of his mind. Why? Because his heart and mind drifted and his priorities shifted from what he had learned and loved most--The Lord. His priority became his wives and pleasing them instead of The Lord --and then breaking even the 1st commandment and honoring false idols. It is so easy for our minds to stray or drift if we are not aware of and focused daily on God's Word and what is his will for us. That is why M3 is helping our constant focus to be on The Lord and keeping us from drifting. Encouraging each other helps us to know we are on the right track and stay focussed--
    2. " Encourage 1 another daily as long as it is called today, so that none of you may be hardened by sin's deceitfulness."
    Hebrews 3:13. Did it
    3. R
    4. 4
    5. M3 has helped me stay focused on our ultimate mission, as i am more confident in the Word and have a deeper understanding of it, and what God's will is for me -- to be a Godly mentor and disciple of Christ. I am dedicated to help bring more men to the Kingdom of God as I am now a Coach.

    1. Jack, thanks for all that you do for the Kingdom, Newlife and're making an impact for Christ,with Christ, by Christ.

    2. Excellent Jack!
      Sure hope you are able to catch up on your sleep. You've got a lot on your plate I know.
      You have R Respect.

  2. Dave. Thanks for your perseverance and helping bring the best out of all of us. We are so grateful for your wisdom, dedication, love and support as you help us to develop.
    Praise God for you my friend.
    How can you paint? :-)))

    1. Thanks for your friendship and encouragement Jack.
      Are you scrambling for painters?

  3. 1.- How true I am finding Heb 3:13 to be. In the last couple of days as I have received encouraging words from my brothers I have really felt uplifted and blessed in a special way, knowing that there are other brothers praying that I may succeed in Christ is such a powerful way to face my daily life and not drift away. Thank you brothers!
    As I have received encouraging words I am trying to do the same towards people that surround me, specially brothers that may be facing difficult situations since I see the powerful impact that encouraging words have in someone's life.

    2.- Did it

    4.- A

    5.- Being part of M3 has helped me be in the Word on a daily basis without missing a single day knowing that I will be held accountable. And by doing so I have been developing a deeper love and appreciation for God and His Word because of the positive effects I have seen in y life lately. One added benefit of M3 has been the wonderful prayerful support of my brothers.

    1. Roger, thanks for your commitment to the group. I will also being lifting you up today, with other, praying that you would succeed in Christ. Be encouraged!

    2. So glad you are with us in M3 Roger. You are a solid rock of faithfulness and encouragement to me and others.

  4. Jack thank you so much for being the person that invited me to be part of M3, I have surely been richly blessed by being part of this group.
    Because of your faithfulness and love for Christ many people are being blessed and many souls will be reached for Christ. Keep strong Jack you are a great example of a faithful servant.

  5. 1. Encouraging one another and receiving encouragement helps us to stay focused and not drift. It's about spurring one another on to finish the race,because quite frankly we all need it. Just as much as we face battles of the mind and flesh daily, having daily encouragement to press on helps us stay on target.

    2. Done it.

    4. A

    5. Recently read this quote by Allan Fromme, " people have been known to achieve more as a result of working with others than against them." It takes a team to do something that has long lasting impact. If you want to do something big, you must link up with others. (Maxwell) I think defines the M3 group. It's a group of MANLY, HOUSE men who are linked in arms pursuing the heart of God and looking to take the kingdom by force, through prayer, action, and equipping other men to be devoted followers to Jesus Christ.

    1. Excellent Eddie!
      (You know I would adopt you if I could :)

    2. Eddie, it is encouraging to see a younger man of faith obey God. I see hope in my kids future. I wish that I would have sought and obeyed God at an earlier age. I would have avoided much pain. I pray that you continue to be the light wherever God leads you.

    3. Listening to Andy Stanley this morning at the gym. He's all about decision making. Happens to be talking about Solomon. He talks about a few everything if we asked ourself what is the wise thing to do, it would help us think through things before the decisions we make. But what's most encouraging is that Solomon was considered the wisest man (next to Jesus), yet he made some of the dumbest mistakes, yet God still used him!

  6. 1) Today's scripture reminded me of Romans 12:2 Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will.

    2) Did it

    4) A

    5) I thank God that I have men of God that surround me. I am grateful to see/read/hear/witness the hand of God working in our lives. I am thankful for the band of brothers that I can go to and ask for Godly wisdom. I am amazed on the impact that the word of God has on us on a daily basis. Spiritual growth is the best growth. The word of God is so alive and relevant in our daily walk with Jesus Christ.

    1. thanks Sam that's a great scripture verse we all need A little renewing of our minds.

  7. 1 CHOICES :Solomon built high places for the vile gods of his many foreign wives and even worshiped them!
    One of the wise is kings in the old testament solomon.made some pretty bad choices. As did other men in the Old Testament make some bad choices. His father King David made some bad choices also(the adultery with Bessheba) Among many othersin the Old Testament Adam listen to Eve in the beginning of time made some bad choices. Abraham listen to Sarah and slept with the servant Hagar and that's where the Arabs came into play and are still fighting with everyone in the world. We continue to make bad choices in our present time, but thanks be to our God who is merciful and works things out for his purpose.
    2.Did it
    5.Iron sharpens iron ,that's what this blog is doing. It helps men encourage one another in growing in the Lord

  8. God is merciful to forgive and so should we be. This is very good George. Our bod should not lead us apart. But where there is true relationship there is building one another up with the example of Christ.

  9. 1
    We can loose our best skills and our greatest giftings as a result from not honing our skills. This is natural and God again connects the natural with the spiritual. We loose focus on God and our hope in Christ as our daily activity declines and as the example sleep through the warning signs. It is God only who enables, however like any relationship it is only natural to reciprocate and develop it further by investing more time; example God's word daily.

    I believe this is well timed on the blog and thank you Dave for it. Is people are so well tuned to forgetting and we forget easily. In Revelation 2:4 Christ is condemning the church saying that they have forgotten or abandoned their first love.
    Encouragement is the needed bread in our lives preventing the lies from being stuck in the brain.

    Did it


    Attack and praying for HUNGRY men!

    1. Brother Gary, I know I've shared this with you before but I want to say it again, that you have been an answer to my prayers for a Godly suitor/man for my only daughter.

    2. Good Gary! Any comments for #5 that I can pass on from you to others?

    3. This comment has been removed by the author.

    4. 5
      You bet I did not intend to miss that one. Something about M3 is a long standing bond in brotherhood and family. It is a great joy to be among such devoted individuals that are looking toward the example of Christ and wanting to build each other up. It is a bond I did not grow up having and I am grateful to be fighting along side. I also appreciate the hard work that is put out Dave, so that we might commune in such a forum that enables each of us.

  10. 1. First and foremost, God imparts wisdom (1 Kings 3:12a "I (God) will do what you have asked. I will give you a wise and discerning heart," & James 1:5 "If any of you lacks wisdom, you should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to you.") Part of Solomon's wisdom was drawn directly from his life experiences as a student/observer (Ecclesiastes 1:13) and as a teacher (Ecclesiastes 1:1). You can't learn what you haven't studied/experienced and you can't teach what you haven't learned. Wisdom is discerning how to apply and live out the knowledge we've been given (Deuteronomy 29:29 "The secret things belong to the Lord our God, but the things revealed belong to us and to our children forever, that we may follow all the words of this law.") I'm not qualified to give advice on subjects that I don't know. (i.e. I'm not an aerospace engineer, so I couldn't possibly/correctly advice you on how to successfully launch a spacecraft to Mars.) People all around us, family, friends, co-workers and even total strangers may be eager to give advice. But is it Godly advice? Job's wife and so-called friends gave him bad advice/counsel and Solomon caved-in to his pagan wive's influence of idolatry. There's no shortage of voices constantly attempting to get our attention and veer us off course but we must be attentive to His calling and voice (John 10:3-5 "The gatekeeper opens the gate for him, and the sheep listen to his voice. He calls his own sheep by name and leads them out. When he has brought out all his own, he goes on ahead of them, and his sheep follow him because they know his voice. But they will never follow a stranger; in fact, they will run away from him because they do not recognize a stranger’s voice.). Psalm 1:1-2 NKJV "Blessed is the man who walks not in the counsel of the ungodly, nor stands in the path of sinners, nor sits in the seat of the scornful; but his delight is in the law of the Lord, and in His law he meditates day and night." When receiving advice, whether sought or unsolicited, consider the source! If you're interested, read Proverbs chapter 8 ;-)
    2. Did it :-)
    4. A
    5. What's not to like, A. we get fed daily with the Word (Thanks Dave)! B. We receive/give encouragement. C. We sharpen one another. D. We pray for one another. E. We do battle together F. We meet 5-6 days a week via technology G. We're intentionally seeking to pour into others (Proteges)

  11. Excellent comments Robert! Excellent!

    1. Robert I love the way you strung together that road map of wisdom, influence, and dicernment. Great job brother.

    2. Thanks Tony, but I have to confess that the layout (road map) wasn't intentional. Thanks for highlighting it, I'm speechless and love how you condensed all that into "wisdom, influence, and discernment". Great insights brother :-)

  12. 1) "Pay careful attention", to pay careful attention we must be alert, intentional, and constantly decerning. What benefit is it to see the signs of danger but never be able to string them together and read the sign "danger". In order to pay we must offer something we have in order to recieve something we do not but and in this case need. This payment of careful attention is effort, intentional effort screening the premisis in order to see the dangers a far off, to devise and employ methods that disarm those dangers. Carefullness is'nt simply seeing the picture but the details within it. It is not simply seeing danger, but what the danger is and how to disarm it. Finially attention, maybe the most important in my opinion, for what we give our attention to we give our souls to. We with that one action say "this is important and worthy of my time, this I value and offer the prectious moments of my life to. Father in heaven allow me to be vigilent to decode the war around me, and engauge as one empowered by "THE KING".
    2) Did it.
    4) Attack prayer
    5) What I like about M3 is we are bound with a unified specific mission, To pull our brothers out of apathy and into battle.
    What I like about M3 is that we are like a rope with many strands, our brotherhood makes us sronger and together we accomplish more.

    1. Interesting insight my brother. Great to have you in M3. I pray the lord continues to use you in a mighty way.

    2. Very good Antonio, very good!

  13. It is a good thing to be confident, but over confident is not good. When a person is over confident he or she will not learn much from anyone. We have to be able to teach and be teachable. I believe we can learn something new everyday if we keep our mind and eyes opened. God is a great teacher but we have to be teachable. He uses many people and things to teach us a lesson. We just have to remain confident that He will teach us something not over confident that we think we know it all.

    Did it


    I like to see from all the men of God in this group working together to obtain a goal of planting seeds for God and then watch God do the cultivating. This group has help me stay on track with God and reading His word. It helps me stay discipline with the studies.

    1. I agree brother Mike. At the previous church I attended on the Northside, they used the acronym F.A.T. for Flexible, Available, Teachable. It's a blessing getting to know you.

    2. Yes Mike, overconfidence is a killer. I'd say that kayaker who went over the falls was a bit overconfident.

  14. 1) Solomon was a wise man and for him to drift away from GOD is an eye opener for me. The word of GOD says in James 4:8 "Come near to God and he will come near to you. Wash your hands, you sinners, and purify your hearts, you double-minded." Great verse to know that no matter who you are you can always go to GOD. Those are strong words but it is the truth and it is out of love. For in 2 Peter 3:9 (NIV) says
    "The Lord is not slow in keeping his promise, as some understand slowness. Instead he is patient with you, not wanting anyone to perish, but everyone to come to repentance." I believe that as we continue to seek GODs presence and not our fleshly desires we will complete the mission GOD has for us. Now I am not saying it's going to be easy but GOD is always there for us and is patient with us. We need to give him glory in all we do for Him.
    2) DID IT
    5) A- M3 blogs gives me motivation to dig into GODs word and seek his presence daily
    B- M3 gives you the opportunity to ask a question about something in the bible and get a great insightful answer from other strong brothers in Christ

    1. Nice cross-reference verses Vince, and good insights from God's Word.

    2. Yes Vince. May the Lord keep us close to Him and to each other so that we do not drift to our ruin.

  15. 2/6/15
    1) Hebrews 2:1 says, “We must pay the most careful attention, therefore, to what we have heard, so that we do not drift away.”

    Sadly, I must confess that my heart has drifted aside from God from time to time. It happens slowly and unintentionally. I may not have drifted as far away as others by God's grace, but I was definitely heading off course each time. So I am glad to receive this warning. I take it to heart. I don't want to stray off again, even a bit. And I know being apart of M3 will make a difference.

    From a quick search on the internet I found an article entitled “How to know you are spiritually drifting”.
    Here are some of the signs of drifting spiritually from God (which I can testify to). [
    1. Not reading or studying the Word of God.
    2. A diminishing desire to be around God's people.
    3. Being unwilling, unable or ashamed to witness.
    4. Finding ourselves increasingly thrilled over the things of this world.
    5. Turning down opportunities to serve in the Church.

    Many of the men we approach to join us in becoming manly men will be in this state of drifting from God. Lord God Almighty, transform them into becoming HUNGRY men for you. Here we are Lord in preparation. Use us to accomplish it for your glory and praise and the expansion of Your Kingdom.

    2) Did it.

    3) None

    4) I like Dave G's practical, and motivational teachings in the Christian Basics such getting into God's
    the Word and Praying daily. I also needed the accountability and the encouragement I get from the brothers on M3.

    5) A

    1. Great extra digging Dave- the points you found on the internet are like warning signs along the riverbank that one is drifting into great danger.

  16. 1. It is refreshing to know that Solomon, a man known to possess abundant wisdom, messed up bad enough to get a spanking from God. Don't misunderstand my point. I am by no means suggesting that smart people deserve God's discipline any more than the rest of us, but that even our most sophisticated reasoning faculties will lead us away from God...if we let them.

    2. Did it!



    5.-M3 is an effective way for men to grow close to the Lord and each other by emphasizing the studying of God's Word, Attacking Prayer, and creating opportunities for fellowship and Brotherly support!

    1. Yes Alvin. It's a powerful reminder that what I know is no substitute for putting it into practice. If only Solomon would have relied on what he wrote in Prov.3:5-6.

  17. It's been great getting to know you and your heart through your postings Alvin! Thank you for modeling openness and coachabiloty even with your years of study and spiritual experience.

  18. 1. The things that spoke to me in today's blog was when Dave G said "The daily intake of God’s word is essential to keep us from drifting." and the signs of drifting spiritually that David H posted (great find)
    1. Not reading or studying the Word of God.
    2. A diminishing desire to be around God's people.
    3. Being unwilling, unable or ashamed to witness.
    4. Finding ourselves increasingly thrilled over the things of this world.
    5. Turning down opportunities to serve in the Church.

    I've seen this in my own life, so true! Praise God for a brotherhood of men that are MANLY to encourage me and help me keep my eyes on the prize.

    2. Did it

    3. R

    4. Last summer, I found myself stalling in my spiritual growth, even with daily reading of the bible and regular church attendance. I prayed for The Lord to provide me with men that would hold me accountable to stay away from things that are not of God, but also to hold me accountable to grow spiritually. Thank you Lord for answering my prayer through the Multiplying MANLY Men brotherhood. Through M3 we are Growing Stronger Together!

    5. A

    1. Hey Daniel, I truly do believe that one of your spiritual gifts is "Encouragement", so keep flowing in it brother :) You certainly encourage and motivate me to pursue godliness :)

  19. Very good Daniel! You're also great at encouraging others.

  20. 1. Hebrews 3:13 states, "But encourage one another daily, as long as it is called “Today,” so that none of you may be hardened by sin’s deceitfulness." -- It never ceases to amaze me that in ONE day, our hearts can be hardened by sin's deceitfulness! Just one day! This verse is a great reminder that we need to DAILY - be in the word of God, fellowshipping with other believers, praying together, and flowing in our spiritual gifts :)
    2. did it
    4 A
    5. As all of you men already know, we live in a culture and time when men are constantly "feminized and emasculated" for our roles as leaders of the family and the church.
    I LOVE The military and warrior language of M3, and especially the Bible Verses that we have been studying as they have really helped me to understand, that we are truly in a WAR for the kingdom of God and for our loved ones in our lives. In Nehemiah 4:14, when he told the Jews the following, " After I looked things over, I stood up and said to the nobles, the officials and the rest of the people, “Don’t be afraid of them (the enemy). Remember the Lord, who is Great and Awesome, and fight for your families, your sons and your daughters, your wives and your homes.” We may not be fighting physically, but we are in a real Spiritual Battle and War for our families, friends, fellow brothers and sisters in the Lord, and this great Nation of ours!
    I would like to remind you men that we are in a spiritual war, that needs us men to put on the full armor of God, confront the enemy and to lead in Jesus name, saturated and covered in prayer, but also practicing and teaching God's Word at any cost!! I Love this Band of Brothers!

  21. Ugh! It looks like the internet monster ate the words I posted before Israel. Anyway, very well said. Thank you!

  22. One of many great things of M3 (multiplying manly men) that I am enjoying to learn is before M3 and we'll through personal growth in my walk with Christ is God has given me a heart and passion to well be a reflection and imitator of Jesus. Whether it be in my household,family,work environment, any where for that matter I wanted to be and set an example of our Savior. "M3" has broadened my views and perspectives in the Word to whole new light, with insights of my band of brothers it had sharpened me to be a M.A.N.L.Y MAN (mature in Character, active in mentoring,noble in battle,loving in relationships, Yoked to Christ).

    In light what was posted today I love the fact that we are here to encourage each other daily for the battle is not won by one but a team armored by God's truth. Another it really shows the image of Christ instilled in us by the holy spirit when in a cord of 3 cannot be easily broken by sins deceitfulness.

  23. Reading today's blog and the story of the man who went over Niagara Falls made me think of how easily I've drifted away from God in the past. I've had the times where I forgot to pray, wasn't mindful to read scripture, and got so occupied with listening to feel good music that I would seemingly "lose my connection" with God. I would notice how much more irritable and aggressive I would be at work, how much more I would be dissatisfied with relationships, and life in general. I would only be seemingly brought back to relationship when I heard a powerful message or some outside circumstance would bring my attention back to God. This is why I definitely agree that daily encouragement from others and uniting with fellow men that face the same issues as I do is important.

    2. Did it.

    5. What I really appreciate about M3 is the opportunity to reflect on God's word daily with purpose. Prior to the group I would get the scripture" of the day" on my phone, read it, and then continue with my day without necessarily reflecting on what it meant or how it pertained to my life. The opportunity with M3 has been not only to read a verse, but to dwell on it, to examine myself and question where the lesson applies to me, and to pass on what I've learned to others. As well as I've now become part of an army of men with unified purpose able to admit their downfalls, successes, able to encourage others, and be encouraged. The likelihood of drifting away lessens when you have an almost daily reminder and example of men who follow God's word and seek to draw others to God as well.

    1. Awesome words Kentrayle. I really love your #5 answer!! :)

  24. Yes Kentrayle, I agree with Eddie, very good!
