Mon.9.21.15...John 12:20-36

Do you text and drive? Don't answer that! Have you ever heard a pastor or Bible teacher call a passage of Scripture a text? It's certainly not to be compared to a dull, school textbook, or a phone text. But just what does that word mean? The word "text" hearkens back to the ancient textile or clothing industry. So it refers to the fabric or weave of words. The Scriptures are so beautifully woven together. 

Today and over the next few days, we will look at the text or the woven fabric of John 12:20-50. Yes, I've included a few of the verses we looked at Friday because they are all tightly woven together. Because there are so many golden threads within, we will just focus on verses 20-36 today. 

1.- So read through that text now (John 12:20-36) and pick out one verse that especially grabs your attention. Then use the arsenal of commentaries you now have via Remember, all you have to do is click on John 12 and then click on the verse that you want more info on. If you haven't bookmarked that link yet, please do so now.

Note: I like Dave Guzik's commentary on John, but occasionally he or another commentator might not cover in depth the very verse you want more info on. This new site should always give you plenty of info on any verse you pick.

Evaluation is the breakfast of champions. So look over your scoring below from last week and note where you did well and where you want to also improve. What is your manly, numerical goal for improvement in one area? (You might decide: This week I will shoot to score a weekly total of 10 in the Encouragement column. Or I will seek to Attack in prayer everyday (earning a 7), as I pray for myself and my fire team brothers by name.   

Setting a numerical goal is part of setting new, SMART goals. A lot of people set dumb goals. "I'm gonna try and lose a lot of weight fast." Ugh! Dumb goals aren't really goals at all. They're just wishful thinking. Let's set SMART goals-
Significant- Is this worthy of pursuing? In M3 we are a pursuing GREAT things in God's eyes.
Measurable- example: How many M3 men will you seek to encourage by next week?
Accountable- Who are you sharing this with to motivate you to succeed? In M3, it's your wingmen.
Reviewed- Will you look at your goals for the week, daily? If not, it will probably get sidelined.
Time bound- When will you achieve this by? Date it. For our purposes, it's next week.

Here are some examples of both: 
Dumb: I need to walk more.
SMART: This week, I will take 5 walks for at least 20 minutes.
Dumb: I need to do better in the Encouragement column.
SMART: I will encourage 2 brothers on the blog each day and call my wingmen twice each week. 
Dumb: I wanna do better at Recruiting
SMART: I will talk to at least one brother at church each week about M3 and give each one a follow up call by midweek.  
Dumb: I need to witness more.
SMART: I will give out 5 Greatest Minimovies cards a week. 

2.- After evaluating how you did below, write out one SMART goal for this week that you need to work on. If you have not been daily at putting up your points on the board, please make that your daily goal for this week.

Don't use the the words, "I'll try to..." Those are weak words, not manly words. Instead begin your SMART goal by stating, "By God's power, I will..."  Make sure you include a number of what you are aiming for so that it's measurable. Here's mine- "By God's power, I will read the word and pray with my wife all 7 days this week." Doing something daily has great power in it. Other things you will find are best accomplished by assigning a day or days to it. For example, you might set the following goal- "By God's power, every Sunday, I will talk to at least one brother about joining M3.  If you're ambitious, you can write out a second goal- M3 or non M3 related. 

3.- Write down your SMART goal on a card, sticky note, in your phone, or in your computer, wherever you can review it each day this week. When you have written it down on such, write, "Did it." ("Will do it" does not count:) 

Next Monday, we will see how you did. I believe you will be pleased at how well you will do as you follow this SMART approach to achieving in any area of life. If you need help with any of this, it's just a phone call away. Together Everyone Accomplishes More. Being on a GREAT TEAM has an added benefit. When you go public with a goal, you gain added internal motivation and external encouragement. Go for it! (Next Monday, we'll discover how to make even SMARTER goals:)

Yoda's counsel was right on...
Do, or do not. There is no try.

Congrats once again to Squad 5 and also to their Fire Team 1 for highest scores this week. Many of you have also done very well this past week. I can't wait to see how well you by next Monday in light of the goals you will be achieving. Watch out! 

Squad 128
Eddie MoralesUR554468669
Fire Team 139.25
William DyckmanUR1101243139
Phil RaymondUR1165247254
Ismael AndradeR256153130
James SchmidtU611611034
Fire Team 213
Gary RemsonR1502209
Luis OrtizU5075017
Alex DyckmanU7060013
Squad 221.83
Sam VargasUR32021115553
Fire Team 132.5
Oscar NunezU95915038
Lou OjedaU51174027
Fire Team 216.5
Israel FuentesR15059019
Dave Ramirez000000
Dave DeBoerUR1110610128
Tim DearbornU8325119
Squad 328.66
Robert RomanUR1100157234
Fire Team 125
Vince DiazUR150405252
Nic PalhegyiUR15084118
Mike DunnU10003013
Rich Petre5093017
Fire Team 236
Osiris AldayUR1871212443
Mark LauberNew
Ed Lake511110229
Squad 436
George RabielaUR119322262292
Fire Team 118.66
Dave HeidekrugerUR2100108230
Michael Gonzalez000000
Chuy CervantesU54116026
Fire Team 253.3
Rich GuardiolaUR11541513350
Mark Estrada1012419348
Horacio De La TorreU15911171062
Squad 542.42
Jack RogersUR5353349687
Fire Team 158
Roger VinlasacaUR1600255090
Armando HernandezU29085042
Jose BillegasU173166042
Fire Team 230.75
George DohertyUR1102205239
Andre VargasU50015020
Lemmy LukuduUR1186710041
Kevin LongU70511023
Squad 619
Mike BerryU5183219



  1. 1. In John 12:32 "And I, when I am lifted up from earth, will draw all people to myself". What a powerful declaration made by Jesus, that when He is resurrected many people will believe and follow Him. And what a privilege and honor it is for us at M3 to be followers of Jesus and also what a great responsibility to continue to proclaim the gospel.

    Coffman in his cometary had this to say about this verse:
    "Lifted up ... See under John 3:14. The primary reference of this is to Jesus' death by being lifted up upon the cross; but the words suggest other truth also. Christ was lifted up from the grave; he was lifted up into heaven; he has been lifted up in the hearts of men by the preaching of the gospel in all ages since then.

    Draw all men unto myself ... He draws men in that he alone loved men sufficiently to die for them, in that he is the only true revelation of God, in that he is the only perfect soul who ever lived on earth, and in that he alone is the satisfaction of the soul's deepest desires."
    2. I will talk to at least one person about M3 Tuesday night at men's group.
    3. Did it.

    1. Excellent Roger! As the first one to post, what you did is a great example for others to follow.

    2. Amen. "He draws men in that he alone loved men sufficiently to die for them."

    3. Amen brother, that's a great place to recruit.

    4. Roger. Keep multiplying brother as you continue to follow his light. Know that your kindness is visible to others and The Holy Spirit comes through in you bro

    5. Amen Roger, JESUS's glory is still alive and working today!

  2. 1. "They loved the glory that comes from man more than the glory that comes from God." John 12:43
    Barnes says this about v. 43:
    "The praise of men - The approval of human beings. It does not appear that they had a living, active faith, but that they were convinced in their understanding that he was the Messiah. They had that kind of faith which is so common among people - a speculative acknowledgment that religion is true, but an acknowledgment which leads to no self-denial, which shrinks from the active duties of piety, and fears man more than God. True faith is active. It overcomes the fear of man; it prompts to self-denying duties, Hebrews 11."
    2. By God's power I will talk to 2 men this week about joining M3. I already know the first 2 guys I want to try and recruit and will get together with them this week.

    1. Thanks for enriching us with the gold you found Mike.
      I am praying for you and for the men you are seeking to recruit. Please let me know if I might be able to help.
      I always like to have men look over the M3 video-

    2. Great goal Pastor Mike! Looks like you have your sights (+) already set :)

  3. 1) So Jesus said to them, “The light is among you for a little while longer. Walk while you have the light, lest darkness overtake you. The one who walks in the darkness does not know where he is going. (John 12:35 ESV)

    Jesus was warning the people that he will not be on earth long and to walk with him till then so that they can be with the light even in the dark days to come ahead.

    2) I will do more prayer through out the day

    3)will do

    1. Prayer is powerful Andre. How can I pray for you this week?

    2. We still have the word of God that is our light. During dark ages it was illegal for regular church members to have bible but priest only. Without the word of God, the whole world would be in spiritual darkness.

    3. Yes indeed Andre we must walk with the Light so we can face the darkness ahead of us.

    4. Hey Andre!
      2. I noticed that your A column is your strongest column. Please pick a weak area to strengthen and make it a Measurable goal for the weak. Thanks.

  4. 1.Serving and following, The Lord is the right and should go hand and in hand.
    "Whoever serves me must follow me; and where I am, my servant also will be. My Father will honor the one who serves me."
    John 12:26

    2. I will talk to at least two people.

    3.Did it.

    1. May God bless you George and give you the right words of encouragement, the boldness and courage to talk to others about Him. May your heart be obedient to the promptings.

    2. Great goal there George to reach out to two people and tell them about Jesus

    3. 1. Good verse and point George.
      2.- I will talk to at least two people...about M3?
      Great being with you yesterday!

  5. 1. John 12 : 26
    Whoever serves me must follow me; and where I am,
    my servant also will be. My Father will honor the one who serves me.

    Let him follow me - Let him imitate me; do what I do, bear what I bear, and love what I love. He is discoursing here particularly of his own sufferings and death, and this passage has reference, therefore, to calamity and persecution.

    Just also thinking about fan or follower series. There's an attachment before the invitation to follow.

    2. My goal this week is to have 20 minutes of uninterrupted prayer time each day, aside for my morning devotional time. Just spending more time with Him. There's some major things going on in my life and I feel I havent been giving appropriate time to committing them to the Lord and seeking Him out on them.

    3. Yes. Done.

    1. Great goal. Way to make spending time with Him a priority. God Bless.

    2. I agree whoever claim to serve the lord must follow, and imitate him as well.

    3. Very good Eddie! I am praying for you too.

  6. 1. "If anyone serves Me, let him follow Me" John 12:26a "If we are Christians, we must follow Jesus in this path of others-centered and heaven-centered living." (David Guzik Commentary)

    2. As many of you have already noticed, I'm not a strong recruiter! I've never been much of a pitch/salesman. It's not from a lack of trying and/or follow up, the people I've shared with are "not interested", "not into technology" or "busy". Another area would be telling others. I don't have a problem telling others of my faith and often do so when conversing with them, I've never been much of an Evangelist either. My goal is to continue to be faithful in all categories/areas to the Lord as opportunities arise and post my scores accordingly.

    3. Did it :-)

    1. Brother Robert, whatever goal you set out to accomplish in advancing His kingdom, God will provide a door of opportunity. You already have the right tools and wisdom. God bless you!

    2. Robert thank you for your humble heart. God is going to indeed lift you up. I will pray that God will open doors for you find a recruit. But overall you have really excelled in all other categories despite being very busy. Thanks again for all your text messages!

    3. Robert, I love your honesty and your dedication. I too know the frustration of talking to people who are not interested, not into technology or who are are too busy. Yet we know there is good soil out there. You and the other men in M3 are proof of that. If you haven't already, perhaps make a goal to pray every day for the Lord to bring you across fertile soil by the end of this year. As for not being much of an evangelist, You're not alone. Yet I know introverts who have been passing out cards, even leaving them in key places. I know you. You are the rock and SMART. You will succeed where you prayerfully determine to.

  7. John 12:34 The crowd spoke up, “We have heard from the Law that the Messiah will remain forever, so how can you say, ‘The Son of Man must be lifted up’? Who is this ‘Son of Man’?”

    Adam Clarke's commentary
    That Christ abideth for ever - There was no part of the law nor of the Scripture that said the Messiah should not die; but there are several passages that say as expressly as they can that Christ must die, and die for the sin of the world too. See especially Isaiah 53:1, etc.; Daniel 9:24, Daniel 9:27. But as there were several passages that spoke of the perpetuity of his reign, as Isaiah 9:7; Ezekiel 37:25; Daniel 7:14, they probably confounded the one with the other, and thus drew the conclusion,...

    Calvin's Commentaries on the Bible
    ... The origin of their error was, that they judged of the splendor of Messiah’s kingdom according to their carnal views; in consequence of which, they reject Christ because he does not correspond to their foolish notion. Under the term the Law they embrace also the Prophets, and the present tense — remaineth — -is used, agreeably to the Hebrew idiom, instead of the future tense, will remain.

    2. My goal for the week is to encourage my fire team every day via text, blog or call.

    3. Done

    1. May God bless you as you seek to encourage your fire team.

    2. Excellent Sam! Your men are blessed with a great squad leader.

  8. 1. John 12:36 Believe in the light while you have the light, so that you may become children of light.” When he had finished speaking, Jesus left and hid himself from them.

    Adam Clarke's Commentary

    Children of light - Let the light, the truth of Christ, so dwell in and work by you that ye may be all light in the Lord: that as truly as a child is the produce of his own parent, and partakes of his nature, so ye may be children of the light, having nothing in you but truth and righteousness.

    2. I'm going to reach out to more people to recruit .

    3. Done

    1. I really like the Adam Clarke quote, I want truth and righteousness to dwell in me as well. Jose we need to keep believing as well because we only have a short time on this earth. Thanks for sharing!

    2. We are indeed children of light, the problem with most of us Christians is that our lights only burn brighter on church day. Nice comment brother Jose.

    3. Jose. Great scripture choice. You are showing the light bro-- keep striving to be like Jesus

    4. May God be with you Jose as you reach out to recruit more people

    5. Good talking with you again today Jose. You've got lot's of brothers encouraging you.
      2. How bout giving that good goal a measurable number? How many men this week do you want to aim to talk with?

    6. Jose, JESUS is our eternal light, good verse

    7. I'll make my goal 5 and I got 2 done already. Thank you brothers for the encouragement.

  9. 1: John 12:26
    Whoever serves me must follow me; and where I am, my servant also will be. My Father will honor the one who serves me.

    After reading the commentaries I found out in this passage Christ gives a promise of the future of his followers. A promise of heaven. 1 Corinthians 2:9 However, as it is written: "No eye has seen, no ear has heard, no mind has conceived what God has prepared for those who love him."

    2- I need to attack in prayer on a daily basis. I will pray for my squad and friends by name daily. I will also do my own personal devotionals daily. Lately my only reading has been the M3 reading. I need to do my own outside of M3.

    3- Done.

    1. Nice scripture and comments brother Luis. We all need to challenge ourselves.

    2. Very good Luis.
      2.- Great measurable goals Luis! "daily"

  10. i. Jesus focused our hatred of life when He said hates his life in this world. We are to disregard our life in this world, seeing instead that we are mere pilgrims and sojourners, with our home in heaven instead of earth (Hebrews 11:13-16).
    c. If anyone serves Me, let him follow Me: If we are Christians, we must follow Jesus in this path of others-centered and heaven-centered living.
    i. This path will lead us to the way of the cross, but it will also take us to the resurrection glory of the empty tomb.

    Its hard for me today in the hustle and bustle of life to remember I am a sojourner and traveler on this earth. Its hard to not be earthbound but heavenbound. I am going to keep this truth in mind today because I am troubled by the worries of this life at this moment.
    2. I will make two comments daily on others blog posts.
    3. Did it.

    1. 1. Very good words form the commentary and your comments Nic.
      2. Great SMART goal.

  11. 1. - John 12: 36a, Believe in the light while you have the light, so that you may become children of light.

    Adam Clarke's Commentary
    Children of light - Let the light, the truth of Christ, so dwell in and work by you that ye may be all light in the Lord: that as truly as a child is the produce of his own parent, and partakes of his nature, so ye may be children of the light, having nothing in you but truth and righteousness. (Verse-by-Verse Bible Commentary)

    2. – My smart goal is, God willing, to read my bible 7 days this week and pray with my wife after diner. God willing I am going to invite my friend Vincent and his girlfriend to church.

    3. - Did it.

    1. Oscar those are wonderful goals may God richly bless your marriage as you seek to honor him.

    2. Very good SMART goals Oscar!
      It was good sitting by you and your family yesterday in church.

    3. Awesome goals Oscar! May God grant you what you need to accomplish those goals.

  12. 1. "Very truly I tell you, unless a kernel of wheat falls to the ground and dies, it remains only a single seed. But if it dies, it produces many seeds.”
    ‭‭John‬ ‭12:24‬ ‭
    Jesus compares himself death to a grain of wheat that must die in order that his resurrection would result in multiplication of believers; just as the dead grain sprouts up and multiplies to produce an abundance of fruit. He must be glorified in order for there to be a glorious church to thrive for a Jews and Gentiles. Thank you Lord for your sacrifice for our redemption.
    2. Read at least 1 chapter/ day; including commentary plus pray with my wife daily
    2. Did it

    1. Those are great goals Jack! My desire to pray with my wife has increased since that day u talked to me and Mike at your house. I will be praying with my wife everyday also ;) Thanks Jack!

    2. Good SMART goals Jack.
      Thanks also for calling me today.

    3. Amen Jack, Jesus is an abundant harvest, thank you JESUS!

  13. 1) Yet a little while is the light with you - In answer to their objection, our Lord compares himself to a light, which was about to disappear for a short time, and afterwards to shine forth with more abundant lustre; but not to their comfort, if they continued to reject its present beamings. He exhorts them to follow this light while it was among them. The Christ shall abide for ever, it is true; but he will not always be visible. When he shall depart from you, ye shall be left in the thickest darkness; in impenitence and hardness of heart. Then shall ye wish to see one of the days of the Son of man, and shall not see it, Luke 17:22. Then shall ye seek me, but shall not find me, John 7:34. For the kingdom of God shall be taken from you, and given to the Gentiles, Matthew 21:43. If ye believe not in me now, ye shall then wish ye had done it, when wishing shall be for ever fruitless.

    2) By the power of God I will do better in recruiting brothers.

    3) did it

    1. 1. Powerful cross references in what you found and shared Ricardo.
      2. I like your desire to do better n recruiting. How many men would you like to aim to talk to each week?
      How about 1-3 per week? I'll explain why next Monday.

  14. 1. John 12:27 “Now is my soul troubled. And what shall I say? ‘Father, save me from this hour’? But for this purpose I have come to this hour.

    (6) While Christ went about to suffer all the punishment which is due to our sins, and while his divinity did not yet show his might and power so that the satisfaction might be fully accomplished, he is stricken with the great fear of the curse of God, and so he cries and prays, and desires to be released: yet nonetheless he prefers the will and glory of his Father before all things, and his Father allows this obedience even from heaven.

    How much pain Jesus was going to go thru yet he did it because he loves us. He knew his day was near and he never back out. He prayed for us to his father which is the only righteous way.

    2. I have been contacting my wing men and will continue too. It's important to stay strong and faithful.

    3. Will do

    1. 1. Powerful passage and comments Horacio!
      2.- Thanks for faithfully reaching out to your wingmen. If you were to put a number to that weekly goal, what would it be?

    2. Contact my brother twice a week.

  15. 1. John 12:25 "He who loves his life loses it, and he who hates his life in this world will keep it to life eternal." This Christian paradox will be lived out by the Lord not too many hours later. The word "hate" often means "loves less". He who loves his life less than following God will end up keeping his life, as well as the One who is the Life, forever.

    2. I will share the gospel clearly with one person over the next week. To that end, I have sent out a txt to a former coworker, to possibly set up a meeting to do so.

    3. Did it.

    1. Tim, may God use you in a powerful way as you share the gospel.

    2. Thank you. Meeting set for Thursday at about 4:30pm.

    3. Excellent SMART goal Tim!
      O Father, we pray for Tim and for his former co-worker. Open his eyes and turn his heart to you.

  16. 1- John 12:26 New Living Translation (NLT)

    26 Anyone who wants to serve me must follow me, because my servants must be where I am. And the Father will honor anyone who serves me.

    Barnes' Notes on the Whole Bible
    Serve me - Will be my disciple, or will be a Christian. Perhaps this was said to inform the Greeks John 12:20 of the nature of his religion.
    Let him follow me - Let him imitate me; do what I do, bear what I bear, and love what I love. He is discoursing here particularly of his own sufferings and death, and this passage has reference, therefore, to calamity and persecution. “You see me triumph - you see (me enter Jerusalem, and you supposed that my kingdom was to be set up without opposition or calamity; but it is not. I am to die; and if you will serve me, you must follow me even in these scenes of calamity; be willing to endure trial and to bear shame, looking for future reward.”

    Where I am - See John 14:3; John 17:24. That is, he shall be in heaven, where the Son of God then was in his divine nature, and where he would be as the glorified Messiah. See the notes at John 3:13. The natural and obvious meaning of the expression “I am” implies that he was then in heaven. The design of this verse is to comfort them in the midst of persecution and trial. They were to follow him to any calamity; but, as he was to be glorified as the result of his sufferings, so they also were to look for their reward in the kingdom of heaven, Revelation 3:21; “To him that overcometh will I grant to sit with me in my throne.”

    2- My goal is to pray more often. I've been more active in doing that lately. I want to continue that.

    3- Did it

    1. More prayer is awesome my brother! I'm right there with you on that one

    2. 1. Powerful comments you found and shared Vince!
      2. More prayer, more power. How could you make that measurable so you know if you have succeeded or not?

    3. By adding A's in the scoreboard. am honest with it. If I have not prayed I don't mark it.

    4. Gotcha! Unfortunately the scoreboard is dumb and doesn't know how to interpret letters :)
      You scored a 5 last week. Way to go! And remember, if you pray over the weekend, as I'm sure you do, you can count Sat and Sun. too.

  17.  1.John 12:27 “Now my soul is troubled, and what shall I say? ‘Father, save me from this hour’? No, it was for this very reason I came to this hour. “Now my soul is troubled, and what shall I say? ‘Father, save me from this hour’? No, it was for this very reason I came to this hour.

    2. By God's power I will pray with my wife all 7 days this week and also hand out a Greatest Mini Movies card each day.

    3. Did it

    1. Excellent SMART goal Phil. I'll be right there with you on both. Lord, help us both.

    2. Thanks brother! I'm actually really excited about doing this! :-)

  18. 1. John 12:29 says "So the crowd of people who stood by and heard it were saying that it had thundered; others were saying, “An angel has spoken to Him.” --- I like what Coffman's commentary wrote about this passage, --That some of the multitude heard the words is obvious. The apostle John heard and understood the words himself, without any need of anyone's interpreting them to him (for no such thing is mentioned). Thus it may be assumed that they were intelligible words, wanting only attention on the part of hearers to be understood. As Frank L. Cox expressed it:

    Here we have an illustration of the fact that people often hear things differently according to what they are themselves. Some hear thunder, others an angel's voice, but Jesus understood.
    It is one of the mysteries of life that some see and hear the things of God, and others do not see nor hear. Daniel was by the river Hiddekel when he saw the holy vision, but his companions were not aware of it; and Paul's companions on the Damascus road heard the noise but not the words of the Lord out of heaven.

    2. By God's power, I will read the word and pray with my wife all 7 days this week. By God's power, I will pray for my wingmen by name 5 times each this week.

    3. Did it


    1. 1. Great comments you've found and shared Israel!
      2.- Very good SMART goals!

  19. 1. John 12:28 Father, glorify your name!” Then a voice came from heaven, “I have glorified it, and will glorify it again

    Coffmans notes:

    Three times God spoke out of heaven during the ministry of Jesus: here, at the baptism, and at the transfiguration (Mark 1:11; 9:7, and parallels). The Jews are said to have regarded thunder as an echo of the voice of God; but, "In all four Gospels, it is no mere echo of God's voice that is heard, but the direct speaking of the Father to the Son.

    2. Ill pass out at least 3 cards to someone.

    3. Did it

    1. 1. Good words you found and shared Chuy.
      2. And a good SMART goal- to pass out at least 3 cards to people. I like your words "at least." We'll touch on that next Monday.

    2. Good thing to shoot for Chuy. I believe you can do it bro.

  20. 1.John 12:32 NIV
    But I, when I am lifted up from the earth, will draw all men to myself."
    -all people. Christ will draw people to himself, without regard for nationality, ethnic affiliation or status. It is significant that Greek Gentiles were present on this occasion
    2. I will share my faith with 5 people this week by Sunday.
    3. Did it

    1. Great SMART goal Dave! O Lord, empower Dave and open up doors and hearts.

  21. 1- John 12:20;
    Now there were certain Greeks among those who came up to worship at the feast. 21 Then they came to Philip, who was from Bethsaida of Galilee, and asked him, saying, “Sir, we wish to see Jesus.”

    1.that they were Jews who spoke the Greek language, and dwelt in some of the Greek cities. It is known that Jews were scattered in Asia Minor, Greece, Macedonia, Egypt, etc., in all which places they had synagogues. See the notes at John 7:35,
    2.that they were proselytes from the Greeks.

    3.that they were still Gentiles and idolaters, who came to bring offerings to Yahweh to be deposited in the temple. Lightfoot has shown that the surrounding pagans were accustomed not only to send presents, sacrifices, and offerings to the temple, but that they also frequently attended the great feasts of the Jews. Hence, the outer court of the temple was called the court of the Gentiles. Which of these opinions is the correct one cannot be determined. (

    2- I would tabulate my points on the GREAT Scoreboard daily and by the end of the week.

    1. Lemmy, I believe you'll meet your goal this week and every week.

    2. 1.- Good sharing Lemmy!
      2.- Great SMART goal- daily is the key to success in many areas.
      And since you will be doing them daily, you won't have to do them at the end of the week.

  22. 1. (John 12:31 NIV) "Now is the time for judgement on this world, now the prince of this world will be driven out"
    i. Colossians 2:14-15 vividly describes the defeat of Jesus at the cross: having wiped out the handwriting of requirements that was against us, which was contrary to us. And He has taken it out of the way, having nailed it to the cross. Having disarmed principalities and powers, He made a public spectacle of them, triumphing over them in it.

    The further commentary wascan except from Guzik-9 our evil heritage. Without Christ.

    2. I will be unstoppable this week.

    3 getting it done

    1. Good post Rich. Be unstoppable!!!

    2. Great unstoppable SMART goal Rich to post your comments and points on the board daily. You will triumph!

  23. But if it dies, it produces many seeds
    I have often spoken to my children--like most parents--about sharing. I have used the example of someone that has a basket of the finest fruits; plump, shiny, ripe apples. Well, they're great to look at BUT, if they're not eaten fast enough, they begin to rot. If they are not given away, they will also surely rot. The moral of the story is: If you are not blessing someone else with those lovely treats, you will not have room for your own blessings. So, give those blessings away; share them and you will have room and space available for your father to bless you.

    2. I am going to target ALL of the men in the couples group that I am in and share M3 with them.

    3. Done, sir DONE!

    1. What a great parable on the importance of sharing, brother. I will remember it for when the Lord chooses to bless my wife and me with children of our own. I will also apply it to my own life, and seek to share God's blessings with others.

    2. 1. Great story illustrating the verse Mark!
      2.- Great SMART goal. You are goal driven. You will succeed!

  24. 1 - John 20:35 'The Son of Man must be lifted up' - Dying on a cross was the ultimate shame in Jesus' day, but this verse put a different spin on it and sets the tone for leadership in God's Kingdom. Jesus said if you want to be great, you have to be a servant of all and that's exactly what He did on the cross. I LOVE that God has made foolish the wisdom of the world and given us the keys to powerful counter-cultural leadership.

    2. My SMART goal is to earn my "U" in M3.

    3. Did it.

    1. Great goal, Mark! I have no doubt that you will accomplish it in a month's time. You have been sharing great insights with us since day one, and I will pray that God grant you the clarity of mind, sincerity of heart, and opportunities throughout your day to share His word with us.

    2. 1. Great point Mark!
      2.- Excellent goal. As you know, it takes being faithful on the blog, 5 days a week, for 4 consecutive weeks. When do you want to earn it by?

  25. 1. John 12:25 "He who loves his life will lose it, and he who hates his life in this world will keep it to life eternal."

    I am about to give up my life for the salvation of men; but I shall speedily receive it back with everlasting honor, by my resurrection from the dead. In this I should be imitated by my disciples, who should, when called to it, lay down their lives for the truth; and, if they do, they shall receive them again with everlasting honor.

    2. I will encourage at least one person on the blog each day this week.

    3. Done.

    1. I see you are already striving to achieve your SMART goal, brother. Thank you, Lord, for our brother Michael whom you have strengthened by your word and called to discipleship by the graces You have blessed him with to know your word and share it with a world in need of You.

    2. 1. There's gold there Mike. Thanks!
      2. "I love it!" is what came out of my mouth when I read your SMART goal.

    3. "Lay it down" that's the way. We all struggle with it, however He is our example.

  26. 1. John 12:24
    Unless a grain of wheat falls to the ground and dies: Just as a seed will never become a plant unless it "dies" and is "buried" so the death and burial of Jesus is necessary to His glorification. Before there can be resurrection power and fruitfulness, there must be death.

    Gave me a better understanding of significance the kernel was.

    2. I will attack in prayer once a day for my M3 brothers and all others. I will also witness to one person once a weak (by God power and authority)

    1. Good goals to set for yourself ish. I believe you can do it bro.

    2. 1. You found gold there Ismael!
      2. I like your SMART goals too!

  27. 1. John 12:27 “Now my soul is troubled, and what shall I say? ‘Father, save me from this hour’? No, it was for this very reason I came to this hour. 28 Father, glorify your name!”

    Barnes' Notes on the Whole Bible

    Now is my soul troubled - The mention of his death brought before him its approaching horrors, its pains, its darkness, its unparalleled woes. Jesus was full of acute sensibility, and his human nature shrunk from the scenes through which he was to pass. See Luke 23:41-44.

    What shall I say? - This is an expression denoting intense anxiety and perplexity. As if it were a subject of debate whether he could bear those sufferings; or whether the work of man‘s redemption should be abandoned, and he should call upon God to save him. Blessed be his name that he was willing to endure these sorrows, and did not forsake man when he was so near being redeemed! On the decision of that moment - the fixed and unwavering purpose of the Son of God depended man‘s salvation. If Jesus had forsaken his purpose then, all would have been lost.

    Father, save me - This ought undoubtedly to have been read as a question - “Shall I say, Father, save me?” Shall I apply to God to rescue me? or shall I go forward to bear these trials? As it is in our translation, it represents him as actually offering the prayer, and then checking himself. The Greek will bear either interpretation. The whole verse is full of deep feeling and anxiety. Compare Matthew 26:38; Luke 12:50.

    This hour - These calamities. The word “hour,” here, doubtless has reference to his approaching sufferings the appointed hour for him to suffer. Shall I ask my Father to save me from this hour - that is, from these approaching sufferings? That it might have been done, see Matthew 26:53.

    But for this cause - That is, to suffer and die. As this was the design of his coming as he did it deliberately - -as the salvation of the world depended on it, he felt that it would not be proper to pray to be delivered from it. He came to suffer, and he submitted to it. See Luke 23:42.

    Oh, that we should demonstrate such faith in God and His divine purpose for each of us when faced with life's trials. Our Lord and Savior, knowing fully the suffering to which he must be submitted for our sins, did not shrink away from the trial of the cross and his crucifixion. He submitted to the will of the Father. Lord, let me place my trust, fully, in your sacred hands, before allowing fear to cloud my mind and worry to consume my heart. No number of trials in my life will ever amount to Your suffering for my sins. Let me look upon the image of your cross and embrace God's purpose as you embraced the wood of that cross. Let me praise the name of my Almighty God when I must suffer to glorify it.

    2. By God's power I will send an M3 and a GreatestMiniMovies card (in the form of a digital scan) to my friend, Noe, by this Friday, that he might consider joining us and increasing himself in the word of God.

    3. Done.

    1. Osiris, good idea to scan the cards.

    2. 1. Osiris, you found and shared gold!
      2. Great SMART goal!
      And it was great being out with you yesterday :)

  28. 1 – John 12:28-30 Father, glorify your name!” Then a voice came from heaven, “I have glorified it, and will glorify it again.” 29 The crowd that was there and heard it said it had thundered; others said an angel had spoken to him. 30 Jesus said, “This voice was for your benefit, not mine.

    Coffman's Commentaries on the Bible John 12:29
    The multitude therefore, that stood by, and heard it, said that it had thundered: others said, An angel hath spoken to him.
    That some of the multitude heard the words is obvious. The apostle John heard and understood the words himself, without any need of anyone's interpreting them to him (for no such thing is mentioned). Thus it may be assumed that they were intelligible words, wanting only attention on the part of hearers to be understood. As Frank L. Cox expressed it:

    Here we have an illustration of the fact that people often hear things differently according to what they are themselves. Some hear thunder, others an angel's voice, but Jesus understood.[19]
    It is one of the mysteries of life that some see and hear the things of God, and others do not see nor hear. Daniel was by the river Hiddekel when he saw the holy vision, but his companions were not aware of it; and Paul's companions on the Damascus road heard the noise but not the words of the Lord out of heaven.

    This verse reminded me of Overwhelmed by Big Daddy Weave, there is a line in it that says “I hear the sound of Your voice all at once it’s a gentle and thundering noise”

    2 – By God's power, I will pray with my wife every day this week and talk to 1 person about joining M3

    3 – Did it

    1. Good verses George! Good goals as well. Way to be manly man and leading your wife. God bless you bro.

    2. 1. Good gold!
      2. And good SMART goals George.
      And it was good to be out with you yesterday as well. Great memories for us all :)

  29. 1. “Jesus answered, “This voice has come for your sake, not mine.”John‬ ‭12:30‬ ‭

    This voice came not because of me, but for your sakes - Probably meaning those Greeks who had been brought to him by Philip and Andrew. The Jews had frequent opportunities of seeing his miracles, and of being convinced that he was the Messiah; but these Greeks, who were to be a first fruits of the Gentiles, had never any such opportunity. For their sakes, therefore, to confirm them in the faith, this miraculous voice appears to have come from heaven.

    I like how Jesus continues to give them proof of who he is. He really loves them and wants them to believe so they shall not perish.

    2. I will pray for my m3 brothers everyday and encourage 3 people everyday on the blog.

    3. Did it!

    1. 1. Excellent gold you found and shared James
      2. And "Excellent" is what came out of my mouth when I read your SMART goals.


  30. 1.- Jn. 12:24
    Very truly I tell you, unless a kernel of wheat falls to the ground and dies, it remains only a single seed. But if it dies, it produces many seeds.

    Coffman's Commentaries on v24
    Three applications of this metaphor are: (1) in nature, the death of seeds is necessary to their production of fruit; (2) Jesus consented to die as a means of winning the world to himself; and (3) for all who would be saved, the process is the same. One must renounce himself, loving not his own life, but losing it, and taking up fully the identity of Jesus in order to be saved.

    Pulpit commentary
    Verse 24. - The oracle is introduced with a solemn Ἀμὴν ἀμὴν λέγω ὑμῖν: Verily, verily, I say unto you, Except the corn (or, grain) of wheat, having fallen to the ground, die, it abideth by itself alone: but if it die, it beareth much fruit. The simple illustration of life through death, life triumphing over death. "Even nature protests against the Hellenic fear of death" (Lange). As long as the corn of wheat is scrupulously kept from decomposition and death in the granary, the hidden germ is dormant; let it be sown as "bare grain" (1 Corinthians 15:36, etc.), then the strange force within it puts forth its hidden faculty, the outer covering of this point of energy falls away, and the new thing appears. God gives it a body, and much fruit is brought forth. Thoma suggests that the Johannist here is putting into the lips of Jesus the thoughts of Paul. How much more probable is it that Paul grasped the thought of Jesus, and applied a part of it to the grand argument for the resurrection, both of Christ and Christians! Compare with this the teaching of John 6, where the Bread of life is given for the food of men. Even the "bread-making" for man involves, in another way, the temporary destruction of the living germ in the grain of which it is composed, that it may become the life of men. Christ is himself the "Son of God," the "Logos incarnate," the "Son of man." By becoming, in his death, the food of man's soul, he created thus a new life in the hearts of men. Over and over again our Lord has declared himself to be "the Life," and "the Source of life," for men; but he here lays down the principle that this life-giving power of his is conditioned by his death. The great harvest will be reaped only when he shall have sacrificed his life and put away sin by the sacrifice of himself. It is, too, only as every believing man dies to himself, is crucified with Christ, is dead with him to the world, that he rises again in the newness of life.

    2.- I will encourage my wing man this week.

    3.- Done.

    1. 1. Very good Armando!
      2.- You are an encouraging, appreciative man Armando. How many times do you want to aim at encouraging your wingmen this week?

  31. John 12:26 …. My Father will honor the one who serves me.

    The honor given by God, our Heavenly Father is the greatest and highest honor that can be bestowed. God's recognition and honor is by far much more exceedingly beyond any mere honor that men, countries, or nations on earth can give to individuals. That greatest honor will be presented to those who complete the most worthy of tasks that can be accomplished an individual, which is serving Christ. To think that God is the one who first calls us. And God is the one who forgives, raises and transforms us. And then, God is the one who gifts, equips and empowers us. And after He has enabled us to so fully serve Christ, God the Father greatly and exceedingly honors us. By doing this, God's glory shines all the brighter.

    2) With God's help I'll make a phone call to each member of the Special Forces Team by next Monday.

    3) Did it.

    1. 1. Excellent sharing Dave!
      2. "Fantastic" is what came out of my mouth regarding your SMART goal. Bless you!

  32. 1. John 12:29
    When the crowd heard the voice , some thought it was thunder, while others declared an angel had spoken to him.
    One commentary I read said ," God's voice can only be heard and understood by those who are helped by the Holy Spirit. People can listen to the gospel over and over , and yet it might be ever so meaningless to them unless the Holy Spirit speaks to them thru it."
    2. By God's power , I will give out Greatest mini movie cards, and tell more of M3.
    3. Did it

    1. 1. I like the good insight you found and shared Lou.
      2. And I like your desire to reach out. How many cards do want to aim at giving out this week?
      And how many men do you want to talk with this week about M3?

    2. Great goals Lou, may God grant you what you need to accomplish those goals.

    3. By God's power , I will pass out 3 Greatest Mini Movie cards and talk with one person about M3 this week.

  33. 1) John 12:25 "Anyone who loves their life will lose it, while anyone who hates their life in this world will keep it for eternal life."

    Jesus was conveying the principle of dying to self. A principle which to ungodly minds seems backwards. However, we know it brings blessing and eternal rewards.

    2) I will go on 5 prayer walks this week, and I will read at least two chapters of the Bible a day (hopefully more!).

    3) Did it.

  34. 1) John 12:25 “Anyone who loves their life will lose it, while anyone who hates their life in this world will keep it for eternal life.”

    Such a significant verse in my story!

    The Fourfold Gospel Commentary:
    "Though Jesus had his own death in view, yet he shows himself governed by a principle which he had already declared to be of universal application. See . If a grain of wheat saves itself, it remains but one grain until it rots; but if it yields up its life-germ as a sacrifice to the law of growth, it multiplies itself thirty, sixty, or a hundred fold and continues its multiplication through an innumerable posterity."

    2. I am Looking to complete handing out 3 M3 cards for the group this week.

    3. Did it.

    1. 1, Good thoughts you found and shared Will.
      2. How many cards would that be approximately?

    2. That would total 5 Approximately :)

  35. Verse 12:27 Jesus was at this time was still fully committed to the will of the father. Even while His soul was burdened he knew the work of the father and all that that work would accomplish.

    A Smart Goal is to not leave the blog space without putting my points in.

    Did it

  36. (1)

    25 He who loves his [a]life loses it, and he who hates his [b]life in this world will keep it to life eternal.

    A powerful principle with many facets:
    * Jesus, of course, had to lay down His life that we would get eternal life;
    * we will often be called to give up things the world finds important for Jesus;
    * Christianity flourishes in times of persecution, including when believers literally lay down their lives for Him;
    * any or all of us may ultimately be called to give our lives for what we believe.

    (2) My goal is to become unstoppable by the end of October; I will post a comment and encourage others comments daily.

  37. 1. John 12:29
    When the crowd heard the voice , some thought it was thunder, while others declared an angel had spoken to him.
    One commentary I read said ," God's voice can only be heard and understood by those who are helped by the Holy Spirit. People can listen to the gospel over and over , and yet it might be ever so meaningless to them unless the Holy Spirit speaks to them thru it."
    2. By God's power , I will give out Greatest mini movie cards, and tell more of M3.
    3. Did it

  38. 28 Father, glorify your name!”
    Then a voice came from heaven, “I have glorified it, and will glorify it again.” 29 The crowd that was there and heard it said it had thundered; others said an angel had spoken to him.
    2 By God's power I will read and post every day this week.
    3 Did it
