Th.9.24.15...Devotion and Betrayal, part 2...John 13:21-38

Yesterday we read about Jesus washing his disciples’ feet. He set us an example to cleanse the dirt of sin from each other. This is essential for a couple, a family and a team to work together. While washing their feet, Jesus made a cryptic statement, "You are clean, but not all of you." Thankfully John deciphers it for us. "For he knew who was going to betray him, and that is why he said not every one was clean." 13:10-11. Let's jump right into our reading today about the betrayal- John 13:21-30. To get a running start, begin reading at 13:18 and continue for now through 13:30. You'll notice right off the bat, that the very heel of Judas which Jesus just washed, will be lifted up against him. But things were not getting out of control, as you might expect in a typical story of betrayal. This event was predicted in Ps.41:9 a thousand years earlier. Wow!

Are you done reading John 13:21-30? Did you notice how John ends that betrayal passage with Satan entering Judas? He ends it on a dark and ominous note- "And it was night." This is good literature! John wasn't obsessed with telling us what time of day things happened. He uses night as the backdrop for the evil plotted. John had earlier recorded, "Men loved darkness instead of the light because their deeds were evil" 3:19. At his arrest, Jesus declares, "This is your hour when darkness reigns" Luke 22:53. And at his crucifixion, darkness came over the land, Luke 23:44. 

In light of this dark hour (pun intended), Jesus now begins to train his 11 warriors for worldwide impact (Read John 13:31-38). He gives them a powerful command. But rather than calling them warriors, he calls them "My children" 13:33. Victory begins, not by amassing the most weapons, but by knowing you and I are dearly loved children. Children!? Children on the verge of a dark battle? Children are so helpless. There are so many things children can't do that soldiers can. But children can trust and children can love. I love the love and hugs of little children! Yes, of course they can be brats as well. But a loving child is wonderful and exerts a powerful influence on others. I heard one grandpa say when his little grandchild hugged him and patted his face, "Okay, what color of car do you want?" Yes, love is so influential. If we want to really influence the lost toward Christ, it will be by our love. Surprisingly, Jesus revealed that it not so much of our acclaimed love for him, but our love for one another that influences the world. "By this all men will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another" 13:35. 

The early church took seriously this command to love one another. The pagans were apt to declare, "Behold, how they love one another." A Greek philosopher named Aristides wrote out his speech in 125 AD for the Roman emperor Hadrian about those loving Christians-  "...if one or other of them have bondmen and bondwomen or children, through love towards them they persuade them to become Christians, and when they have done so, they call them brethren without distinction. They do not worship strange gods, and they go their way in all modesty and cheerfulness. Falsehood is not found among them; and they love one another,"

If we in M3 are going to make a significant impact on other men, it will be by our love for one another. Don't get me wrong, I think we have a great army of loving men. But as Paul said regarding showing love, "We urge you to do so more and more" 1 Th.4:10. Without love we are nothing (see 1 Cor.13). That is why we will continue to stress being devoted to one another in brotherly love (Rom.12:10). Your wingmen and squad members are a good test case of your brotherly love. So evaluate your love. Here's a couple ways to look at it- responsive love and initiating love. Responsive love is how you respond when someone reaches out to you. For example, how good are you at responding to a brothers call or text promptly?  To not do so is rude, especially in M3. That is part of our pledged code of conduct to one another. You owe your brother a sincere apology if you fail to return a call or text promptly in which he is asking for your response. 

Initiating love, unlike responsive love, is active, not passive. It's where I pick up the phone to call, rather than waiting for someone to call me. Here are examples in scripture of loving one another in this initiating manner (Such love is also a powerful weapon, like a spear against the enemy who seeks to divide us or overpower one of your brothers. So use your S.P.E.A.R!)

Serve Gal.5:13; Spur on to love Heb.10:24; Submit Eph.5:21; Speak scripture to one another Eph.5:19; Col.3:16
Pray for, confess and forgive one another- Ja.5:16; Col.3:13
Encourage 2 Cor.13:11; 1 Th.4:18; 5:11; Heb.3:13; 10:25. Eliminate evil thoughts toward one another Zech 7:10
Accept one another as Christ has accepted you- Rom.15:17. Admonish  one another- Col.3:16.
Regard one another with honor- 1 Th.5:13; Rom.12:10 

A number of these go right along with what we already do in M3. We share God's word with one another on the blog and via other means. We pray for each other. We encourage one another. We regard one another with honor, returning calls promptly and honoring those who serve God and others well.  

1.- In light of this supreme importance of being devoted to one another in brotherly love, write out the following verse on your MP3 card- "By this all men will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another" John 13:35. Then simply write Did it, when you did it. 

As always, be on the look out to share Scripture with others. 

2.- Share one thing that impressed you from the blog and/or our readings today.

3.- Be devoted to one another in brotherly love. So get in touch with your fire team brothers and find out how they are doing.  Also find out who they are seeking to recruit. Then pray for each other. (I'll ask you tomorrow who you called :)


  1. 1. " By this all men will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another." John 13:35
    2. I was very impressed by the way you have lead us through Christ to love one another. Some of my brothers in M3 may not have ever been brought together nor would I ever get to know them personnaly if it weren't for God's calling us together for a cause- to advance his Kingdom. But wonderful souls are being compiled with great hearts and dedication. I feel a close bond of love and respect growing among us that displaces the lonely heart some of us had. A confidence of unstoppable band of brothers. I truly enjoy talking and meeting and praying with my brothers. I thank you Dave for the foresight to put this band of quality believers together.
    We won't betray each other like Judas-- as we are in this together. Phileo my brothers

    1. Amen Jack, well said brother, you have been all that plus more, thank you for your inspirational leadership, thoughts and care, you are loved

    2. I echo Armando's words. Thank you for your inspiration, faithfulness, and care.

    3. Thank you so much Jack! It is truly a great gift from God to be blessed with such quality men to partner with and grow in friendship with.
      PS- Hope you can get some more sleep. You are up so early.

    4. Thank you brother Jack. You are truly a disciple of God.Phileo.

    5. Jack thank you boldness in sharing your faith, you truly are a great example for us to follow.

    6. Thank you Jack. You have been a great leader for our squad. It's been nice getting to know you too.

  2. 1. Did it.
    2. John 13:34 "A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another: just as I have loved you, you also are to love one another."
    This verse goes right along with what we learned in our lesson yesterday, that we are to forgive those that harm us. It may not always be easy to love someone whom we have forgiven but Jesus commands us to so if we are to be His followers and a light to this dark world. May we always be reminded of His great love for us by which we were forgiven.
    3. Will do.

    1. Amen Brother Roger, loving one another as Christ has commanded, peaceful and soothing to our hearts!

    2. Amen Roger! Loving those who are easy to love isn't always easy to do, how much harder to love those we have forgiven or are still trying to forgive? But, He is our example; He first loved us, He forgives us, even while we don't deserve it.

    3. Amen Roger, "May we always be reminded of His great love for us..."

    4. Very good Roger. No matter how difficult we must show love just as Jesus does


  3. 1.- Did it

    As soon as Judas took the bread, Satan entered into him.

    The devil knew that Jesus was God’s Son. So the devil wanted to kill Jesus. He thought that this would stop God’s plan to save people from the results of their sins. Jesus had to die in order to do this. But the devil did not realise that. And the devil did not realise that Jesus would become alive again. So the devil did not stop God’s plan. And Jesus knew that the time had come for the most important part of this plan. He wanted his death to happen quickly for the salvation of humanity through his death.

    The blogging on M3 has kept me on a committed regiment of scripture study. The tools supplied by you David have been instrumental in the interpretation and understanding of my study of the verses I target.
    Brothers l am honored and appreciate the opportunity given in M3 to read and hear the sharing of our daily walk in Christ, in our desire for the word and the fellowship that encourages and unites us in our mission in the advancement of God's Kingdom.

    As iron sharpens iron, so one man sharpens another.
    Proverb 27:17

    What we do in M3, Grateful and thankful being part of M3, God bless us all !

    3.- Will do.

    1. Amen Armando. Glad this is a resource that is helping you out.

    2. Armando it is so good to see how much you are growing in The Lord!

    3. Amen brother Armando."As iron sharpens iron, so one man sharpens another"

    4. So glad you are in M3 Armando. It''s been a joy to see your growth and the depth of your thoughts.

    5. Armando it is always great to read your posts on the blog, always uplifting and inspiring

    6. Armondo. How great it is to see your powerful posts. It's a pleasure to have you with us bro

  4. 1. Did it.

    2."By this all men will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another" 13:35.

    The thing that impressed me most today is the verse we are going to remember. It's not because of our confession, testimony, forgiveness, because of what we do or how we act that tells this world we are not part of it, we are Jesus'. Sure these qualities come along with love, but the real defining fact of who we are is that we love one another -- and not just brothers, not only the lovable: "love your neighbor"(Mk 12:31), "love your enemies" (Mt 5:43-44)

    1. Thanks for sharing Kevin. That's a really good point.

    2. Wow, that was an awesome elaboration Mr. Long, Love or "Agape" is NOT only something to talk about verbally but to act out indiscriminately one to another.

    3. Right on Kevin. It's not that we all dress the same or carry Bibles with us or have similar haircuts. The world will know we are Christ's followers by our love.

    4. Great words of encouragement Kevin, may we all show the love of God in our life.

    5. Christ is Love. Great points Kevin

  5. 1. Copied down.
    2. "Love is influential." As we seek to be men, leaders of intentional influence, it is important that we lead from a platform of love. As Kevin, Dave and others mentioned, other actions stem from our love. Our love for God is demonstrated by obeying and following Him and loving others. We were created in God's image. When talked about in Genesis 1 the Hebrew word is Tselem, meaning idol. It is better translated as representation. We were created to be God's representations here on Earth from the beginning. God is love. One of his characteristics is that He is a loving God. We should reflect that.

    Lord, we want to be MANLY men. Help us to love. Help us to wear the universal garment of love that you created us to wear for this new life. We want to be loving in our relationships with family, friends and strangers alike. Instill in us hearts of love, so that we can follow through well on our assignment of bearing your image here on Earth. In Jesus Name.

    3. Will do.

    1. Amen Eddie, may we a bearing image of God.

    2. Oh yes Eddie. I prayed your good prayer out loud.

  6. 1. Did it.

    2.“I am telling you now before it happens, so that when it does happen you will believe that" I am who I am. "John 13:19 Jesus is declaring that He is God." I am who I am"
    God said to Moses, “ I am who I am . This is what you are to say to the Israelites: ‘ I am has sent me to you.’ ”
    Exodus 3:14

    3.Will do.

    1. Great cross reference verse George.

    2. Brother George, I chose the same verses! I know what it looks like but truthfully, there's no plagiarism going on here ;-)

  7. 1- Will do later at home. I do my blog on the train or at work. I don't have any of my material with me.

    2- John 13:35 By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another.”
    Along with this verse there are 2 other passages in scripture that I think about when I think of love. Colossians 3:5-14 and 1 Corinthians 13. If ever I have to check myself I run through the list of things that are mentioned in these passages. For example I ask my self "is Lou patient, is Lou kind, does Lou envy? ETC. In my personal opinion this is a very hard thing to live this out. To love like Christ loves. But thank God for his grace, that day by day we become more like him in the way he has shown us how to live out love.

    3- I will be connecting with one of my fire team members later this afternoon.

    1. Brother Luis, self analysis, great job! "For example I ask my self "is Lou patient, is Lou kind, does Lou envy?"

    2. Great self exam on being loving Lou! That is very mature of you.

  8. 1- Did it
    2- John 13:34 "A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another: just as I have loved you, you also are to love one another."
    We are commanded to love so love isn't simply a feeling or something we 'fall into' but it is a choice, a step of obedience, an action and habit that we can control. It takes discipline and determination to love people over and over (for example- a family committed to one another). Jesus says that His followers need to love as he loved. Jesus was not just the ultimate leader, teacher, and miracle worker but he also was the perfect example of love.
    3- I will contact some potential fire team members today.

    1. Pastor Mike, "Jesus was not just the ultimate leader, teacher, and miracle worker but he also was the perfect example of love." wonderfully said :-)

    2. Very good Mike. you got me thinking- what would it have been like to have spent time one on one time with Jesus? Love and joy and earnest interest must have been radiated. I'm afraid I don't give near enough of that.

  9. 1) Done
    2) John 13:34 “A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another. 35 By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another.”

    This is the greatest of commands. After all Jesus proved it to us by dying on the cross for us. I pray that we show our love boldly to one another. God bless you all. Phileo.

    3. will do

    1. Brother Sammy, you're always faithful and have shown the brethren much love. God bless you :-)

    2. So glad you are my brother Sam. You are a man of love.

    3. Amen Sam may we all show God's to the ones around us

  10. 1. Did it. "By this all men will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another" John 13:35

    2. John 13:26 Jesus answered, “It is he to whom I will give this morsel of bread when I have dipped it.” So when he had dipped the morsel, he gave it to Judas, the son of Simon Iscariot. 27 Then after he had taken the morsel, Satan entered into him. Jesus said to him, “What you are going to do, do quickly.” 28 Now no one at the table knew why he said this to him.

    Reading today's versus let's me know that we don't know what others brothers are going thru. We all fight are own battles and only Jesus knows.

    "Heavenly father i pray for you to protect all of us everyday. Protect my family and brothers that seek to do right in your eyes Jesus. Let us make right our wrongs and and give us the ability to trump any trials that are before us. Please, God Almighty let us be sunshine in people's life and lead and that leaders you appointed us to be, men of the highest God! Amen!"

    3. Will do.

    1. Brother Horacio, "let's me know that we don't know what others brothers are going thru." reminded me of 1 Peter 5:9 "Resist him (Devil), standing firm in the faith, because you know that the family of believers throughout the world is undergoing the same kind of sufferings." Blessings to you and your family brother :-)

    2. Thanks Horacio. You are my new and loving friend. Best of blessings.

  11. 1. Done
    2. "Little Children." More and more I see that we need Love. The answers of our world is in this desperation- where we need to be as such, 'little- loving children.' There are such blessings in seeing this- Even as Jesus knew there were some older men in the room. He calls them this to mimic the curiousity, the trust, the love we have of our Father in heaven. That is our marker- our insignia.
    About that love... Funny thing is I wish to see that insignia more on me- and I hope I do not just share it with my family- but with those I work with and the people I have relationships with.
    " (Amplified Bible Footnote f John 13:34) The key to understanding this and other statements about love is to know that this love (the Greek word agape) is not so much a matter of emotion as it is of doing things for the benefit of another person, that is, having an unselfish concern for another and a willingness to seek the best for another.
    So Agape each other. Don't worry about emotion, or the perfect timing- That's what Jesus modeled.
    3. Texting the crew now.

    1. Brother Rich, "having an unselfish concern for another and a willingness to seek the best for another." reminded me of Philippians 2:3-4 "Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit. Rather, in humility value others above yourselves, not looking to your own interests but each of you to the interests of the others." Keep up the good work :-)

    2. Excellent Rich! We are men of action- and love is the greatest of actions we can take.

    3. Thanks Rich agape love is the heart of the gospel and should be what were about!

    4. Good work Rich. (Take me hunting this season...) (Not so Subliminal man...)

  12. 1. Did it

    2. "I am telling you now before it happens, so that when it does happen you will believe that I am who I am." John 13:19

    Reminded me of:
    "God said to Moses, “I am who I am. This is what you are to say to the Israelites: ‘I am has sent me to you.’” Exodus 3:14

    3. Did it via text & e-mail

    1. Thanks Robert. You are a rock (so stable) of love and faithfulness.

    2. Thx again Robert for your consistent encouragement. God Bless

    3. Yes, Robert another reference to Jesus not simply be some great teacher or good guy but God-incarnate!

  13. Awesome comment brother Richard - God's love is indeed "Agape"

  14. 1. - "By this all men will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another" John 13:35. Did it.

    2. – John 13: 36 Simon Peter asked him, “Lord, where are you going?” Jesus replied, “Where I am going, you cannot follow now, but you will follow later.” I was impressed by this verse How Jesus is telling Peter that he cannot follow him now but later. I believe that we will follow or be with Jesus in heaven in God’s time.

    3. – Will do.

    1. Yes Oscar, what a day of rejoicing that will be!

  15. 1) did it

    2) I like how you said even though we do have a good relationship with one another we should continue to reach out to one another. The devil never sleeps and because we are constantly reaching out to eachother it really does help, trust me it's helped me a lot. God bless you all brothers

    1. You do my heart good to share that Ricardo. Thanks!

  16. 1. Did it.
    2. John 13:35 "By this all men will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another" - I find it interesting that is not by our love for unbelievers that they will know that we are Jesus' disciples, but by our love for believers. Loving family members can cause those outside the family to long to find out how to get inside the family.
    3. Contacted all fireteam members via txt, and prayed for one via txt.

  17. 1-To be Done

    2-John 13:26
    Jesus answered, “It is he to whom I shall give a piece of bread when I have dipped it. ” And having dipped the bread, He gave it to Judas Iscariot, the son of Simon. Now after the piece of bread, Satan entered him. Then Jesus said to him, “What you do, do quickly.”

    "Jesus would give convincing proof that He understood perfectly the character of Judas, and that He had not withheld His ministry even from him whom He knew to be working to betray Him into the hands of His enemies. And we have, in His example, the lesson that the ordinance of feet-washing is not to be deferred because there are some professed believers who are not cleansed from their sins. Christ knew the heart of Judas, yet He washed his feet. Infinite love could do no more to bring Judas to repentance, and save him from taking this fatal step. If this service of his Master, in humbling Himself to wash the feet of the worst sinner, did not break his heart, what more could be done? It was the last act of love that Jesus could evidence in behalf of Judas. Infinite love could not compel Judas to repent, confess his sin, and be saved. Every opportunity was granted him. Nothing was left undone that could be done to save him from the snare of Satan" (Desire of Ages)

    Jesus came to this sinful world as The Son of the Living God, but chose to live a simple life, a life of servitude. Image God the creator of heaven & earth lowers himself down to wash your feet and mine. Judas would have escaped eternal death had he remained in the vine. Matt 24:13 emphasis endurance to the end for our salvation in Christ, we at anytime should remain connected to the source of life, disconnection means eternal lost.

    3 - Done

    1. Thanks Jimmy. It was good chatting with you today.

  18. 1. Did it!
    2. "By this all men will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another" 13:35.
    This verse hit home because lately I have been having a lot of arguments with my wife in front of my children. It has been discouraging and I'm very disappointed by my lack of self-control. But this verse reminded me that if my children are going to know that I follow Jesus is by the way I love my wife and cherish her in front of them and when they are not around. It's having a positive attitude and showing them love and attention. I'm very convicted today and I need to be a better example of Christ in my home.

    3. Did it.

    1. Thanks for the honesty brother. I have been through similar situations my brother. To combat that from happening every morning this week before we go off to work, me, her, and my 2 year old son will hold hands and I'll pray. My son seems to love it and so does the wife. We have been having a good week so far. Imagine that ;) just thought I would share that with u. God bless u and your family Nick

    2. Yes, I also thank you for being gut honest Nic. You are not alone. My parents never argued. I don't know how they did it. My kids have certainly seen Diane and I argue. It's not what I would want, but my wife is fallen :)
      (My only problem is blindness to my issues.) Anyway, we do fight fairly and things pass over like a summer storm rolling through. Praying as Phil mentioned can help. Of course there is no sure cure. Give yourself a bit of credit for hanging in there (and points in the R column for as you've sought to Right wrongs.) Call me anytime. I will be praying for you.

  19. 1. Did it
    2. John 13:14 “A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another.
    I love this command. I believe that love is the most important of all spiritual principles.

    3. Did it

    1. Awesome job praying as a family Phil!

    2. Good work Phil. I need to be more loving to those around me.

    3. I love your loving heart Phil. You are a pleasure to interact with.

    4. Amen brother Phil, no better anditote to combat evil forces then love and prayers, blessings to u and your family

  20. 1. Did it.

    2. Jesus said to Peter, "Will you lay down your life for me?" I ask myself this question all the time. Am I laying down my life for the Lord? Are my decisions for me or for Him? When it really comes down it, will I put Jesus first?

    3. Sent an email to all the guys in my squad to get to know them a little better.

    1. Great selection of verse to share, Mark. I will lay down my life for, Jesus, and should it be necessary, I would lay my life down for you and every one of our M3 brothers. I have no reservations about surrendering my life if by dying I glorify the God who gave me my life. Thank you for your email. I will respond to it tomorrow, brother. God bless you.

  21. 1) did it

    2) a interesting question arises for me, when all the disciples of Jesus seen every miracle he performed, what made them lose faith or lose fear In Gods power. when some betrayed Jesus you ask what happen to them in certain situations to turn their back.

    3) working on it

    1. Good ponderings there Andre.
      And glad you will be reaching out to Encourage your wingmen.

  22. 1 – Did it

    2 – Dave, I like the way you talked about responsive love and initiating love. It’s a good reminder to push myself to move from the responsive to the initiating side.

    3 – Will do

    1. Thanks George. Looking forward to our next outing together.

    2. I'm with you, George. I too need to kick it up a notch and move from being passive to being proactive about how I love, in all aspects of my life.

    3. Yes George, we should be more expressive of our love to others, good word

  23. 1- Did it

    2- John 13:34New Living Translation (NLT)

    34 So now I am giving you a new commandment: Love each other. Just as I have loved you, you should love each other.

    Great verse. A simple commandment. Jesus was and is a great example of Love.

    3- Will do

    1. Bueno Vince. You are a loving man.

    2. The greatest commandment, indeed, brother. Jesus took the original ten commandments and summed it all up into this single command. Doesn't get much simpler than that. God is love, love is love is divine. Love you, brother. You've been a faithful source of encouragement and guidance since you first recruited me onto M3.

  24. 1) Did it.

    2) I have to say that the quote you shared from the Report to the Roman Emperor Hadrian was so awesome. I had never heard that before. It is so sad to know that people do not necessarily view Christians that way anymore. We need to get back to loving the way Christ told his Disciples in John 13:35!

    3) I reached out them.

    1. what a testimony those believers had back then. What an impact they made. May the Lord reform our hearts to love each other in the same way.

    2. Glad you liked the quote Will. May we develop strong, lifelong bonds of love. Glad you got a big head start with men within your squad.

  25. 1) Did it

    2) John 13:35 By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another.”

    Jesus Christ gave the world a sign or a mark by which to identify His true Christian followers. It is not a symbol like a fish, or a cross. It is not in a slogan. It definitely is not revealed by what is printed on a T-shirt, or a sweatshirt or a hat that is worn. It is not the music we make or listened to. It is not the fancy buildings we build and meet in. That mark that Jesus said by which we can be easily and clearly recognized by everyone in the world as being Christ's true followers is …. by how we love each other as Christ loves us.

    3) Will do.

    1. Excellent Dave! I certainly know you are one of his disciples.

  26. 1. Dunn.

    2. John 13:35 "By this all men will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another"

    3. Done.

  27. 1. Done.

    2. A Greek philosopher named Aristides wrote out his speech in 125 AD for the Roman emperor Hadrian about those loving Christians- "...if one or other of them have bondmen and bondwomen or children, through love towards them they persuade them to become Christians, and when they have done so, they call them brethren without distinction. They do not worship strange gods, and they go their way in all modesty and cheerfulness. Falsehood is not found among them; and they love one another,"

    Oh that the same could be said about us now. Amazing what quick work religion (mistaken for faith) has done of dividing us and leading so many astray. I don't believe this is what Jesus intended for His Church. We have a long way to go toward restoring the image of Christianity that Aristides observed. I am glad that at least here, in M3, we can begin that work by loving one another and living lives guided by faith and the Word, not religious practice or tradition. So many of the world's problems could be resolved without politics, money, or armed conflict if we each set our mind to following (not just admiring) the example of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. I think I'll stop praying for world peace, and pray instead for a world-wide increase in our capacity to love one another as Jesus calls us to.

    3. Will do.

    1. It's crazy how hateful are world has come. Praying for love in this world is a good idea. I'll be praying for that as well.

    2. Brother Osiris, as always, well said :-)

  28. 1. Did it
    2. John 13:35
    Your strong love for each other will prove to the world that you are my disciplines.
    A bible commentary I read ,says : " The badge of Christian discipleship is not the cross worn around the neck or the lapel, or some distinctive type of clothing. Anyone could profess discipleship by these means. The true mark of a Christian is love for his fellow Christians. This requires divine power, and this power is only given to those in -dwelt by the Holy Spirit ."

    1. Good research Louie. Love is the number 1 character trait we should show. Good stuff.

    2. Brother Lou, it's evident that the power of the Holy Spirit indwells you! God bless you :-)

  29. 1. Did it

    2. “Then after he had taken the morsel, Satan entered into him. Jesus said to him, “What you are going to do, do quickly.”

    A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another: just as I have loved you, you also are to love one another.”
    ‭‭John‬ ‭13:34

    3. Will do

    1. Brother James, the verse you selected reminds me that just like in the book of Job, the Devil needs God's permission before he can do anything!

  30. 1. Did it.

    2. I learned so much from M3. I would of never thought I'd be so deep into the work like I am. Dave you do an amazing job taking us through scripture.

    3. I pray for my brothers daily. :)

    1. Likewise, my sentiments also José

    2. Brother Jose, I'm glad you're growing in the Lord and learning so much. Keep it up :-)

  31. 1) Did it.

    2) I like the acronyms, topics, stories, and verses that you use on the blog, Pastor Dave. They are very interesting and useful!

    3) Will do.

    1. Brother Alex, I hope you did well with the paper you wrote for your school assignment :-)

  32. 1. Did it.

    2. The way John writes is powerfully moving and eye catching. Definitely opens and widens my picture as to when bad/evil things are done "at night".
    Also great description on using "the love spear" to others.

    3. Did it.

  33. Brother Ish, "Definitely opens and widens my picture as to when bad/evil things are done "at night". Yes, under the cover of darkness. God bless you and your lovely family :-)

  34. 1. Did it
    2.John 13:23 NIV
    One of them, the disciple whom Jesus loved, was reclining next to him.
    - I think it's great that John understood how much Jesus loved him, that he identified himself as such.
    3. Missed it

  35. 1. Did it.
    2. I enjoyed the blog on talking about how John explains how Judas will betray Jesus. I like how Dave G. says that it's great literature. It is. The great thing is that it is great reading plus its true reading not some made up story.
    3. I will do it.

  36. 1 Did it
    2 Today's topic reminds me of Romans 13:8 "Let no debt remain outstanding, except the continuing debt to love one another, for whoever loves others has fulfilled the law"
    3 Done
