Tues.9.8.15...Sharing Your Story

Yesterday we read about the man born blind. Read again John 9:8-11 and underline the word man. Then notice the progress of faith the blind man had in Jesus from being a mere man. Underline this phrase in 9:17- He is a prophet. Then underline 9:33. Finally underline 9:38. This is what John wants each of his readers to come to. 

1.- Did you underline these words, phrases and verses?

It's important in M3 that you have and use a Bible that you can underline. This helps you to see what a lot of people are blind to. It will help you see key ideas when you come back to the passage later. 

John has also shown us how the Lord uses people to spread his message. We saw this with the woman at the well telling the townspeople about Jesus. "Many of the Samaritans of that town believed in him because of the woman's testimony, 'He told me everything I ever did' John 4:39. And now we see the blind man giving his testimony to others about Jesus and what he did for him- "I once was blind, but now I see!" Use these two points to share how you got saved. 

"I once was blind,"
Here are some questions to help you share how you were blind. What was missing in your life? What was a struggle you were dealing with? These could include emptiness, bitterness, loneliness, guilt, fear of death, insecurity. What did you try to use to fill the hole in your soul? Some ways people use to fill the holes in their souls include work, money and the things money can buy, drugs, food, gambling, relationships, entertainment, sports and sex. 

People love to listen to stories, so present your testimony using a story you remember going through that illustrates such. Also include a key word or two that describes how you were feeling before you came to new life in Christ? (Some of you seasoned veterans have done this before, so this will be easy peasy.) Let me illustrate from my BC days. 
Key phrase- Looking in the mirror at my bloodshot eyes
Key feeling- emptiness
I remember coming home from a party and looking in the mirror and my hollow, bloodshot eyes. I felt so empty. And I remember asking myself, "Is this all there is to life?" Then I guessed that those at the party, who were acting like they were having the time of their lives, were also going home wondering the same thing- "It this all there is to life?"

2.- So write down the key phrase and the key feeling of that time when you were blind to the light of the world- salvation in Christ.

"but now I see."
How did you get saved? Where were you when you came to new life in Christ? Who or what was instrumental in helping you come to the Lord? See if you can also weave in a verse of scripture. Here are some excellent ones-
"There is a way that seems right to a man, but in the end it leads to death" Prov.14:12.
"For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life through Christ Jesus our Lord" Rom.6:23.
Jesus said, "I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me." John 14:6

3.- Write down a phrase that represents where you were when you got saved and also write down a key feeling at the time.

Here's my key phrase and feeling word- Playground / hatred, tears, transformation.
I was kicking around in a pile of autumn leaves in a schoolyard when an overwhelming sense of hatred came over me toward my Christian sister. How could I hate someone who loved me and loved God so much? It was as if God was holding up a mirror so I could see how messed up I was. I went to my knees in tears and cried out to God. It wasn't a fancy prayer, but it was from a broken heart. God heard me and forgave me. I got up a transformed person. The wrong things that used to have a hold on me fell off like those autumn leaves I was kneeling in. I discovered that Jesus truly is who he claimed to be- the way, the truth, and the life.

Beware of using Christianese- "I realized I was a reprobate and needed to be washed in the blood of the lamb."

Beware of being a boring story teller. Don't go on and on. And don't get sidetracked with unnecessary details. "I will never forget the day I got saved. It was a fall day. I think it was late October, but maybe it was early November. Anyway, I know it was a Sunday and there were lots of leaves on the ground. I have thought maybe I could find out the exact date if I could only find the weather for each Sunday in the fall of 1976. It's amazing what you can find out just by doing a Google search, but so far I haven't figured out...why nobody likes to listen to me." 

What if you got saved as a child or didn't have a pagan past? Focus on how Christ helps you now. Or share a story of a friend you know who got saved from the things the person you are sharing with may be struggling with. 

How do you get good at sharing your testimony? Practice! So call up one of your wingmen (one of the men in your fire team) this week and share your testimony with him. 

Want a couple minutes of help in preparing your two minute testimony? Here ya go!

Ismael took a good opportunity to share his testimony with a co-worker recently. Here's what he wrote-  "Through work the last couple weeks, I was given the opportunity to mentor someone underneath me. I took it, as my co worker riding along with me, showing him the proper ways. I also was given an opportunity to share my testimony with him on how I came to Christ. Also his eyes were caught on verses I had taped in front of my glove compartment." Excellent Ismael!

This is a test question: What do you do as soon as you finish commenting on the blog? Correct! You go over to the scoreboard and put up your points. Thanks for doing such. (No scoreboard, no sleep? :)


  1. 1. Done

    2. I had a rage of anger. I lived in a fantasy world until it came crushing down on me. Everything was perfect but then it got swept away. I couldn't believe this happen to me. I felt betrayed and still struggle with people trying to do me harm. Trust is an issue that arises often. I can trust you once and that was your chance if you lost it. My world gradually crumbled upon my very own eyes.

    3. Unfortunately i was already saved before this happened. I got lost in my feelings that were an anchor to my spiritual growth. I had a mother that prayed for me and i soon realized that it was not about me but helping others. I'm still broken in many ways but with God love and mercy i will overcome this trial to.

    1. I so appreciate you and your honest sharing Horacio. You are easy to like.

    2. I always struggled with trust too. But it was the other way, as if the constant judgment of breaking someone's trust that would never be forgiven- and therefore why I would never try. The grace of God is my only trust in myself now.

    3. You sure will overcome with God's love, mercy and grace.

    4. What most Christians didn't realize is that when you get save, the devil intensify his snares and temptation trying hard to befalls you. Satan wants to prove to God that NO one is capable of living to his standards. Never stop praying when you are bombarded with temptations, that helped our savior Jesus Christ in the Garden of Gethsemane.

  2. 1. Yes
    2. Before knowing Christ I did not have a clear conviction in my heart of doing what was right. Since I was a young kid I remember wanting to obey my parents but did not know that God also wanted me to obey my parents and also wanted me to obey Him.
    3. I had heard the Gospel and how Jesus had died on the cross for my sins several times in Sunday school and church so when a missionary asked me if I wanted to receive Christ as my personal Savior I said "yes". I knew that there was nothing better for my life than to follow Jesus.

    1. Great decision Roger. There is nothing better for our lives than to follow Jesus.

    2. That's beautiful Roger. A missionary asking. We need to ask people.

    3. I remember when Jesus called his disciples by the lake to follow him and they left their nets and followed him.

  3. 1. Done
    2. I was immersed in my business and focused on its success so that I could provide for my employees and security for my family. I worked day and night and thought I could overcome by myself all my guilt and shame for my sins. I had reached great business success, but had a whole in my heart and was deteriorating physically, as I didn't know how to be freed. Finally I awoke to a dream about God with tears in my eyes and my blinders were off, " Then you will know the truth and the truth will set you free." John 8:32. I was led to Salvation and freedom.
    3. I was in bed in my brand new house with my wife on the 1st night at the house-- feeling shame for my sins against Gid and my betrayal to my wife. Begging the Lord for forgiveness and to take the enormous load from guilt from me. I remembered a message I heard from Pastor Mark 8 yrs prior and immediately called to find out where he was preaching. I became consumed with the word and following Jesus

    1. Wow Jack! I didn't know it was your first night in your new home. So glad drew you to the Lord.

    2. Thank you for sharing again Jack. Your life is truly transformed and you are a great man of God. Love to see how you are spreading the gospel.

    3. Amazing brother jack, you truly are an inspiration, thank you for sharing and encouragement.

  4. 1. Yes.
    2. A broken relationship brought me to a place of brokenness. I was devastated and crushed, thinking that my whole world was over. I had been with a girl for over 9 years. I had idolized the relationship, putting it before many other things in my life, especially God. God was far down my priority list. But in the midst of this chaos, feeling empty and broken, I felt like I needed to seek God.

    3. I had a Bible on my dresser that my mom bought me while I was in college. Never opened it. It was collecting dust. I grew up knowing God, but never reading the Bible. But something in my heart said to open it and find out why this was all happening to me. I was hurting and asking why, but I turned to my mom for help. She had been through a divorce with my father (and as I share a few weeks ago, by God's amazing grace, they're now remarried,) so I believed she could help me with going through a breakup. She was there for me to encourage me, pray with me, direct me to the word, listen to me, etc. I remember going to church on Sundays crying through the whole service. Nearly 4 years ago around this time, I was responding to an altar call Pastor Mark gave while preaching from 1 Thessalonians 5: 16-20. He said that if I wanted to see my life change in one year to implement these principles into my life. At that time I was looking to change, thinking if I changed I would get the girl back. But when I fully surrendered to Christ, He grabbed a hold on me and my heart was set on pursuing Him.

    1. Wow and how He has changed your life Eddie! Thank You Father! (TYF!)

    2. Thanks for sharing. Glad you are pursuing God for the right reasons now. God bless.

    3. Great powerful testimony Eddie, you are a great servant of God following his will and not yours.

  5. 1- will do it when I get home to my bible.

    2- I had grown up in church. I had left church for nearly 3 years. Morning after morning I woke up hungover. I felt that this was the only thing had to offer and that I would never do anything other than drink myself stupid with my friends at the time. Pounding headaches were the consequences of last nights choices.

    3- I remember when I couldn't handle it anymore. I was miserable. I remember getting on my knees next to my bed. I prayed and told God that I needed him to take me back to church because I wouldn't do it on my own. A friend who had moved away contacted me shortly after to hangout as she was back visiting. She asked me to go to New Life Midway. From there pastor Mike contacted me via visitors card. He and I connected because he was a member at the gym I was managing at the time. I felt God had answered my prayer.

    1. Great story Luis! My how wonderfully God works, that Pastor Mike would be working out at the gym you managed. TYF!

    2. Luis you have a powerful testimony of how God can change someone's life.

  6. 1. Man, Prophet, Lord.
    2. (Isaiah 5:20 NIV) “Woe to those who call evil good and good evil, who put darkness for light and light for darkness, who put bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter. Woe to those who are wise in their own eyes and clever in their own sight."
    I felt masked, really different in character- I wanted to do evil. I was attracted to it, and I tried living differently from my 'dark passenger' who secretly was breaking the world around me. I shivered with cold.

    3. When in High School, I always thought that the experience of having parties, girlfriends, sports and a social life was it. I thought oh the need to do good would be recognized by all that I wanted to have approval from. But this wasn't some caddy teenage movie that has the perfect plotline of all the events that make a perfect HS career or life progression.- I woke up broken, ashamed and softened by the reality of my problems- and I physically felt them.
    Nick Palhegyi invited me to a Bible study at our school that he had after and before classes. I never read the Bible before that, I never knew Gods way.

    1. Well said Rich regarding the 'dark passenger.'
      Thank you Lord for saving and transforming Rich and for using Nic in the process.

  7. 1. Done
    2. "Looking for Life". As a College Freshman I felt empty and lost. I was often angry but didn't even know why I was angry. There was no higher purpose or dream for my life. I had friends but really was not excited about pursuing 'the American dream' as most of them.
    3. "New Boss". In the midst of a bunch of ignorant young men there was one guy who seemed to have more happiness and peace in his life than the rest of us. I didn't know why but he did seem to have his life in a better place than everyone else. One night he invited me to a church service on a Saturday night. I considered myself a Christian but in reality only had a small understanding of God. This Church was a Bible believing place (Assembly of God) and for the first time I heard the clear message of the gospel. The Pastor challenged us to make a commitment right there to repent and follow Christ. After wrestling with conviction I did receive the Lord at that service. The light went on and I realized that the main problem in my life wasn't my circumstances but it was me. There was something broken and wrong deep inside of me. I had the image in my mind of standing up and getting out of a chair and allowing Jesus to sit down in the place of authority in my life. I knew Jesus Christ would do an infinitely better job of leading my life than I would and so I was blessed to begin the journey of the Christian life.

    1. Pastor Mike, "I realized that the main problem in my life wasn't my circumstances but it was me." well said!

  8. 1. Yes
    2. I had turned away from God & faith for over 20 yrs. I was at my wits end and had nowhere to turn to but God. In a moment of desperation, I prayed to the Lord. I felt a sense of release and relief, thus began my journey of restoration.
    3. Basement/broken/prayer/saved

  9. 1. My sister in law Nancy what come and pick up the kids while we partied the night away. The kid would come back with scriptures that they had to memorize. We started going to church play's and then to church. That's how I got saved.

    Now Samuel did not yet know the Lord : The word of the Lord had not yet been revealed to him.
    1 Samuel 3:7
    3.I was not serving the Lord.

    1. George so happy you are now serving the Lord and are a light to people around you pointing to Christ.

  10. 1. yes
    2. "I was selfish, lustful, prideful and hurt". I tried filling these holes with alcohol, women, and materialistic things.
    3. I went to a men's retreat partly out of guilt. "I was at the retreat with disbelief. I was an agnostic at the time". The leader prayed for me and i felt the love of God. There was no denying what He could do. How could this stranger have the love of Christ with him? I asked myself. I gave my life to Christ and I began my walk with Jesus.

    1. Sam wonderful testimony, so glad to see you on fire for God

  11. 1. Did it

    2. I remember drinking and party to escape. It helped for a little bit but then it started to become old and not as filling as it use to be. I remember just feeling terrible And empty the next day after partying. I knew who God was but never really applied myself to him. I got saved when I was about 8 years old but as I grew older I started to seek after the world instead of him.

    3. When I joined m3 it got me back on track with God. I was challenged to read scripture and pray. I now feel complete and avoid partying. My eyes are also now opened more to what his plan is for my life.

    1. Yes James, so glad to have you as part of M3. Keep up the good work

    2. Praise God that He brought you to a place of repentance in Him. Proud of you James!

    3. Thank you Lord for how you are at work in James!

  12. 1. Did it.
    2. My issue that blinded
    Me was selfishness and a self seeking attitude.

  13. 1. Will do

    2.Growing up in average Episcopalian family I didn't know much about God thought we went to church every Sunday, getting saved was out of equation. Around November/December 1992 I went to reside with my aunt and my cousin got save and he introduce me to Christ and explained what it meant to be save.

    3.In small village in South Sudan when I got baptized by immersion. I was baptized as a baby by sprinkling of water on my head and olive oil smeared on my face with a sign of a cross. but then I didn't know any better. This time it was my desire to surrender my life to God and to adhere to his standard by his grace. Most of my teen friends wondered why I wasn't partying, drinking or smoking, some made fun of my lifestyle others ignored. my catholic uncle gave his life to God as a result of my lifestyle in Jesus got baptized by immersion.

    1. Praise the Lord, you have come a long way brother, good to have you with us.

    2. Oh that's wonderful how your changed life impacted your uncle as well Lemmy.

  14. 1) Did it

    2) I was empty and devoid of life. Health issues and Anxiety had taken any remnant of hope I had I my heart. In desperation, I looked to God, whom I was taught about all my life. As I approached Him closer, I could see through the reflection of His holiness on me, how dirty and wretched I was inside and out, full of Selfishness, Anger, Lust, idolatry, and Fear. How could this be, I thought, I am a good person. But I realized how far I was from God. My heart was not His his home. How could a good God ever accept me. More hopelessness consumed me......the God I thought was in me all along, didn't even know me.

    3) I turned to the scriptures - The Gospels - the "Good News" and read about Jesus Christ. This was something I was always taught, just with a half baked heart. As I read, I knew I just wanted God in my life. Jesus, His son, the ONLY WAY to God. This was evident in the word. I needed to give my heart to Him first! I came across this scripture as I studied:

    “Jesus replied, “Anyone who loves me will obey my teaching. My Father will love them, and we will come to them and make our home with them.”
    ‭‭John‬ ‭14:23‬ ‭NIV‬‬

    My lack of obedience to the sword had kept me far from God....so I set out on correcting that, giving myself fully to Christ, to have His way in me, praying that at the Alter. In that time, He would go on to heal my life, Spiritually, Physically, and Mentally. My Joy was overflowing. Depression had left me. Guilt and shame were lifted. And purpose to my life was given.

    “For whoever wants to save their life will lose it, but whoever loses their life for me will find it.”
    ‭‭Matthew‬ ‭16:25‬ ‭NIV‬‬

    Test Question: Put your points up! ;)

    1. Great testimony William! You are really good at sharing your story. I thank God for u my brother and I'm glad we are fireteam brothers! ;)

    2. Very good testimony Will!
      Thank you Lord for so transforming Will.

  15. 1. Done
    2. Selfish ambition. Road to nothing. I kept achieving personal goals that would help me be what our country calls successful. I got to a point where I just thought that it doesn't matter how much I achieve in these world, the only thing that matters when reflecting back on the past is God and Family. I slowed down a bit on my ambition and just taking it as it comes
    3. New Life, hearing the word. It just inspires you when you hear powerful speakers.

    1. Good testimony Chuy. I would just add another thing that matters besides God and Family and that would be "God's Family" (the Church).

    2. Thank you Lord for drawing Chuy to yourself! It shows.

  16. 1) yes I did

    2) I was stressed and insecure and turned to drinking and getting high

    3) my wife and kids left me, I was all alone and finally just got on my knees and asked God to take charge, guide me, cleanse me. The day I got saved I kept sayin "man if I go up there I wanna get baptized to, I don't wanna wait!" Wouldn't u know it, pastor mark announces "we are gonna do something a little different today, anyone that comes up will also be baptized today!!" If that wasn't God speaking to me then I don't know, lol. This all happened December 2 2012

    1. Wow Ricardo, how excellent! God's ways of drawing us are wonderful!

  17. 1
    “Full of brain” I once was blinded by knowledge and seeking the word of God for merely the information. Speaking in perspective I was and surely felt unaware
    “Full of heart” But now I see by coming to Christ I know that our lives identify in building relationships.

  18. 1. Did it.

    2. – College life. I was taking my last course to complete my degree and I felt just as empty as before. I had lost the meaning of my four years of struggle and dedication. I had ended a 2 year relationship with a girlfriend and suddenly the world stopped in front of my eyes. I was lost, depressed and really powerless. I knew something was wrong with the way I was living my life but did not know how to solve it. I was always sinning, looking for self-pleasure, drinking my way out of reality and living a fantasy dream that lead me away from knowing God. I needed help. I needed to change direction. I was looking for answers in this world that did not have answers. My life had fallen apart without any warning and problem after problem worried me even more.

    Hope in Jesus Christ.
    One evening at NEIU I was on a public phone talking with my mother. From a distance I saw Missionary Moses inviting students to Bible study. During my freshman year, we had studied Genesis several times. I was a young man and still puzzled about life. So after a couple of months of Bible study I ran away. When I saw him that evening, I wanted to tell him that I was ready to study the Bible once again and ready to accept Jesus. I chased after Moses through the school building. He finally stopped, looked at me and reached out to shake my hand. He said why don’t you have Bible study with shepherd Tim? I looked up at this tall, American guy and all I could see was a bright light shining down at me over Tim’s head as the sun was hitting my face. He was doing all the talking and I just agreed to have Bible study that evening. From there on shepherd Tim became like the big brother I never had. He encouraged me to study the Bible and pray. Over several years, we studied Genesis, John, Matthew and Marks gospel. I came to know Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior. I began to have real peace in my heart and I could smile once again. With this new joy, I began to invite several people whom I met to Bible study and to the Sunday Worship Service. I also started a Bible club at Clemente high school where I work in student services. Through this job God enabled me to work with inner city students. During Genesis Bible study, I encouraged them to see their lives from God’s view point and work hard with a sense of mission.
    Through personal Bible study I received, Jeremiah 29:11 “‘For I know the plans I have for you,’ declares the LORD, ‘plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.’” In the past, I lived a very hopeless and meaningless life. But through Bible study, I came to know Jesus personally and began to have his compassion for those around me.

    3. – In college, I was lost, depressed and really powerless. From a meaningless life to a life of living hope.

    1. That's wonderful Oscar! Thanks for sharing that. Clemente high school?! Hey, when I was a missionary in Humboldt Park, I visited teens during their lunch break at Clemente- from 1981-85. When were you there?

    2. I was there from 1990 to 1994. Then I worked from 2002 to 2010 as a student advocate. I helped many students and I also planted God's seed.

  19. 1. Yes
    2. Watching the blood drip down my arm. Numb and angry.
    I was numb because I stopped caring about the world and my place in it. I felt nothing. This was also why I was angry. I was angry because I felt nothing anymore, not even the pain from cutting and self harm and I was angry at God for letting me fall so far.
    3. Dorm room. Rage and sorrow.
    I was on the verge of losing my job at school. I was addicted to self harm still and the pain was eating me alive. My coworkers who were Christians kept inviting me to church and I hated them for their happiness and their persistence, not knowing the pain I was going through. I remember sitting on my couch crying my eyes out in anger and sorrow as I prayed for God to come back into my life, not welcome me back despite my years of forsaking him. Out of nowhere I was overwhelmed with peace and the pain and rage disappeared as I felt God's presence for the first time in years.

    1. Praise God for your powerful testimony Mike. There are so many who are going through what you went through and need to hear of the hope there is in our awesome loving God. You have story that needs to be told.

    2. Wow Mike, so glad the Lord drew you back to himself. How deep the pit of pain and alienation we can fall into apart from following him. God is at work in you!

  20. 1. Done

    2. Hurting in Junior High - My parents got divorced when I was in junior high. This hurt deeply enough that I didn't tell my best friend for a year. Eye glasses that got dark in the sun and didn't turn completely clear again, straight A's, being terrible at sports, a refusal to cuss like other kids -- these were some of the things that kids picked up on to ostracize me in school. Nerd? I probably wrote the definition for it, but that was before nerds were cool. Did I forget to mention going home to a family that was now half of a family?

    3. Hope in High School - God often works in our deepest hurt to bring our greatest hope. In the midst of the pain of my parents' divorce, my mom started dating a man who was leading the Bible study to which a coworker had invited her. Due largely to his influence and the various churches we began visiting, I began to hear the gospel message clearly that we don't get to heaven by being good. In the fall of 1982, I heard a message in Sunday School on the last half of Romans 5 and clearly understood that Jesus died for me personally. 33 years ago I entered a whole family. In the same time frame, my sister and mom came to know Christ. The man she was dating has been my step-dad for the last 34 years.

    1. Oh the hurt that I didn't know you went through as a kid Tim, ugh!
      So glad the Lord lovingly drew you to himself and brought about such changes.
      So glad to have you as my friend.

  21. 1. I did not. I have been using my Bible app on my iPhone. I'll have to find my old Bible that I used to use regularly.

    2. As a teenager I smoked pot, tripped on acid, drank copious amounts of alcohol, and dabbled a bit with porn. I felt fine. I enjoyed my life. I was engulfed in music and making my own music. I had many hobbies as well. I loved to build things and repair electronics. This is what I enjoyed. I did what I wanted when I wanted. Life was good. At some point I met a Christian. His name was Tony. After meeting him I started to feel 'empty' and 'lost'. Which was pretty much what he was telling me that I was feeling. Not long after that was when I gave my life to Christ.

    3. All of a sudden I felt lost and empty. After getting saved, life was new and different. But I honestly cannot say that I have ever felt 'found' or 'filled'.

    I have a job interview tomorrow. I just shaved for the first time in almost a year.

    1. I do a lot of highlighting on my Bible app. While it doesn't do individual words, it does well in making specific verse stick out (that is until my Bible study kids get a hold of it and start highlighting everything in pink!)

      I have always appreciated how real you are and appreciate your genuineness in sharing. I know you have had (past and present) a challenging journey in life, and I also admire your perseverance and faithfulness. I pray for strength for the journey, an awareness of God's love in the midst of trials and that pieces of His joy would slip into your day, sometimes in spite of circumstances. I also pray that your job interview will go well.

    2. Thanks for your honesty brother. Just continue getting into God's word bro. Alot of praying and going to church has helped to fill my inner void. We must welcome God into our lives! The gym helps me a lil too ;)

    3. Your gut honesty Mike reveals something about our gut, our feelings. They are not the arbiter of truth.
      If my Christian life is measured by my feelings, then I am not very spiritual. For example, I don't feel filled when I start my day early. I'd rather go back to sleep. I don't even feel something unique when I pray for a person at the altar. I feel about as normal as ever. We are invited to walk by faith, not our feelings. If you want to feel great for a time, pick your pleasure. If you want to follow Christ, it may involve suffering and sacrifice. (Manly versus boyish pursuits.) Being filled with the Spirit is about cooperating with God's revealed will. Perhaps some will seek to sell you on an emotional pursuit instead. I think you can see through that though.

    4. Hope your job interview goes well.

    5. Hope your job interview goes well.

  22. 1. Did it.

    2. Key Phrase: Holding my father in my arms as his life slipped away. Key Feeling: Abandonment. The year my father passed, I was 19 and only two semesters shy of graduating from college. I had never experienced loss like this. I was only a boy when my grandfather passed away, so I didn't experience that loss as fully as I did my father's. It was rage that blinded me...a deep hatred at myself for not being able to save him and sense of abandonment because I did not feel the presence of God. I felt orphaned by two fathers, my earthly father and my heavenly Father. I don't think I ever fully overcame that rage. I feel that I carry it with me to this day, despite periods of living in Christ. It's like a bullet in my heart that never quite got removed. I find it hard to forgive, because I can't even forgive myself.

    3. I'm alive, even though a part of me has died. To quote on of my favorite K-Love songs, I AM alive, despite my brokenness. I have the opportunity, each day, to be a better man...to fight the good fight and keep on marching on. It was my experience at the men's retreat, worshipping in fraternity with other men of God, some seasoned warriors, some fresh recruits, that helped me surrender my life to Christ. I've gone AWOL right now...but there's no other King I would fight and die for, even if today it doesn't feel like He sees this one soldier. The fact that I am able to love (my wife, a new batch of students, and you, my brothers), despite the "the bullet" in my heart tells me He's real.

    1. Oh, Osiris, just seeing you on the blog and sharing your wounded heart does my heart good. You could have turned your back on God, but you didn't. Though we may regret some of the things we may say to God in our deep pain and anger, I think God is wanting us to get that out on the table so we can really process such. He let's us beat on his chest. He can take it. What is deadly is when a man turns his back on his Father in bitterness. You haven't. He loves us even when we don't feel loved or loving. You are not alone or abandoned and the bullet wound will be healed.

    2. Osiris,
      To me, you are an courageous warrior who uses the word of God as his sword. Don't stop. Keep swinging your sword.

  23. 2) Key phrase and feeling for me was emptiness and longing: "...surely this isn't all life is about". 

    I spent my 20's searching religions and philosophies but didn't find any fulfillment.

    3) My phrase and feeling after coming to Christ is "Truth is much more than a collection of facts." 

    After growing up hearing readings at mass, then searching for flaws in the Bible and Christianity, I knew facts about Christ for quite some time.  It wasn't until I heard a sermon on the Holy Spirit that I understood there's a world of difference between knowing about Christ and Knowing that you know Him.

    1. Very good Kevin! So glad you're feeling better and sharing with us again. I like reading what you share.

  24. 1) yes
    2) I was blind- I would never be able to see that God was working through me even when I was weak and depressed. He has opened many doors in my life and all those struggles I pass on with knowledge to others.

  25. 3) i was asking god if I should live and if I do live what should I live for. I simply decided that maybe God had better purpose for my life and he has put in the right path.

    1. Andre, stay on the right path. God had a mission for you .

    2. Yes, I'd say that He indeed has a better plan for you Andre :) It's showing.

  26. 1- taken notes

    2- I battled loneliness. thinking no one loved me and I had no purpose in my life.

    3-My mom brought me a bible. I never read it. One day noticed it was getting dusty so I decided to read it so it wouldn't get dusty. Little did I know that I would read it everyday. I began to find peace and love. most of all a purpose in Jesus. I realized I was never alone Jesus was always there with me since I was born. Since I gave me life to Christ I've grown up to learn that I can't live without Jesus in my life. Jesus came to save everyone no matter what mistakes we have done or how we feel about ourselves.

    1. I'm grateful for u brother Vince! You are a blessing to M3!

    2. Amen brother vince, your a great example to us all.

    3. First you clean off the bible, then the Word cleaned you.

    4. That's beautiful Vince- the power of God's word. So glad you are an unstoppable in it.

  27. 1. Did it.
    2. Hell was hot on my heels! Sorry for cliche but I grew up in a Christian home and prayed to accept Jesus in a Sunday school classroom at age 6. I was water baptized at 9 years old. But my faith was not alive. In junior high I was dragged to Sunday school where the teacher was teaching us through the book of Revelation. The Scripture began to speak to me and show me how sinful I truly was. I wasn't involved in doing drugs and alcohol but was enslaved by lust and porn. Preceding this I had gone to a youth retreat where I truly felt God's for the first time. I originally went to get to know this girl. But one Friday night I couldn't sleep and I was afraid of dying and going to hell. My secrets and my shame were holding me fast.

    3. A song or a concert of songs and a timely Word! One night I was invited by some friends to a Carmen concert. This is back in 1994. By the way, Carmen is so not cool. It was my mom's music. But God spoke to me that night. I saw my friends lifting their hands and praising Jesus. I was too proud to do that. Especially in public. But that night I went home and read the Bible. I started reading the book of Revelation. This passage reverberated in my soul,

    15 I know your deeds, that you are neither cold nor hot. I wish you were either one or the other! 16 So, because you are lukewarm—neither hot nor cold—I am about to spit you out of my mouth. 17 You say, ‘I am rich; I have acquired wealth and do not need a thing.’ But you do not realize that you are wretched, pitiful, poor, blind and naked. 18 I counsel you to buy from me gold refined in the fire, so you can become rich; and white clothes to wear, so you can cover your shameful nakedness; and salve to put on your eyes, so you can see.
    19Those whom I love I rebuke and discipline. So be earnest and repent. 20 Here I am! I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in and eat with that person, and they with me.

    Jesus wanted to have a relationship with me. Not too long after my mom and I switched churches and started attending New Life at Curie High School. The youth pastor and some leaders came over to my house and invited me to a small group. After the first small group I was impressed how the leader and these guys seemed real and that Jesus wasn't just a formality but a reality in their lives. I went home that night and decided to follow Jesus. So I turned from religion to relationship. I burned all my old music that wasn't glorifying God and I started reading the Bible and couldn't get enough of it. I felt filled and satisfied for the first time. I felt like I was in love. No one had to encourage me to read and pray. I felt hungry to know God.

    1. Wow, that is truly a life changing testimony Nic! And then he used you to start a Bible club in your school which influenced many others. The power of the sword of the Spirit, the word of God.

  28. 1 – Did it

    2 – Drifting through life
    I was drifting through life thinking that I was a good person by comparing myself to other people. I had vices and issues in my life but they weren’t as bad as other people I knew. I went to church on Sunday but I didn’t really pay attention or apply it to my life.

    3 – New Life
    I didn’t have an aha moment where I was saved, it took some time for me to come around. After coming to New Life for a few months on Sundays and plugging into a small group on Tuesday night I knew that I might be a good person by my standards but I wasn’t living up to God’s standard. I kept thinking that I wasn’t good enough for Jesus that I needed to change before I could go to Him. I felt that way for a few months before I realized that Jesus loved me and would accept me how I am. I’m still a work in progress but since I gave my life to Jesus I feel like my marriage has improved and I feel less anxiety and stress.

    1. I thank God for turning your life around brother George! God bless you and your family!

    2. Brother george, is good that you came to realize God loves us as we are. I'm happy for your change in life brother.

    3. George, keep pushing forward with Jesus. The Lord has given us a mission.

    4. That's a wonderful testimony George. So glad for the way the Lord drew you to him.

  29. 1. Did it

    2. Hopeless dopefine -- At the end of my road there I was sitting around the kitchen table with my mother, father, and Lil sister shooting heroin into our arms. We were all strung out drug addicts and I had lost all hope. I believed that I was going to die a junky and I was OK with that. I would look into the mirror and just cry. What had I become? I was only a shadow of a man and I hated myself. I needed dope just to function, without it I would be deathly sick. I was in and out of Cook County jail 8 times and in and out of detox facilities. Nothing could help me to stop using drugs.

    3. On my knees in my bedroom -- I got on my knees and I screamed out to God, with tears pouring from my eyes, Please Lord help me! I don't want to live like this anymore! God I need you! I don't know what to do! Please Jesus save me!

    Needless to say, God rescued me from the Lions Den. I haven't used any drugs or alcohol since that day December 1st 2009 Thank you Jesus!!!! (this story makes me cry so much)

    1. Amen my brother, God has truly given you a second chance at life, I'm proud to have you here with us my brother. I've seen how that drug can control someone, your a strong brother in Christ now my brother.

    2. You truly are a man of God. You are the one who asked me to come to New Life. Honestly broski I am blessed to call you my brother through Christ. I came to church thinking it was about putting a twenty in the offering envolope and looking at girls and my phone the whole time. You helped show me that it is about not only life changing and life saving messages. But carrying that with me in my daily lives so i too can share the gift of Christ Jesus with others. As it was freely given to me. Then in the last couple weeks i have linked up with and met some of the truest most loyal caring brothers. You gave me something i couldn't have ever drempt of. So keep it up. you are a role model an awesome father and a cool laid back down to earth righteous man.

    3. Phil,
      It also brought tears to my eyes.
      I can't stop thanking Jesus for putting you in the right path. The love Jesus has for you is tremendous! Great testimony, brother.

    4. I'm near tears as well Phil! What a story of amazing grace!

  30. 1: Yes

    2: I came a long way from being an atheist. I didn't think there was any other way to life then the way I was living, I was so caught up in drugs, violence, and alcohol. I never imagined I'd be where I'm at today. I felt abandoned and alone which made me often think who would really care if I died. I wasn't afraid of death to be honest I often welcomed it. I grew to have so much hatred inside it often felt as if my heart had no feelings. I didn't care about anyone and cared even less about myself. Things changed when I first meet Dona Marques I was still back and forth with changing my life or not, but she invited me to New Life church and it changed my life forever. Everyday I'm thankful that the lord sent Dona to me and my wife, if I would of never gave church a chance I don't know where I would be, but I can tell you it wouldn't be anywhere I want to be.

    Key Phrase: Who would really care if I died
    Key Word: Abandonment.

    Matthew 10:39 Whoever finds their life will lose it, and whoever loses their life for my sake will find it.
    I chose this verse, because when I thought I was living the life I wanted, I was faced with 3 different times I could of lost it. But since I given up that life Im no longer faced with those situations, and I know god is the true way of life.

    3. Key Word: Unprepared. It was my first time attending New Life, the the warmth feeling of being accepted. The feeling that took me away at the alter call, and tears of shame for things I've done in my life.

    1. Thank you Jesus for saving our brother Jose!!!!

    2. Jose , you have a great testimony. Your words can will help many young people to draw toward Jesus. Keep praying for to use you in his work .

    3. I want to say the same thing as Phil and Louie. Thank you Lord!

    4. awesome testimony Jose. May God continue to use you for His will.

  31. 1) Did it.

    2) BC -Key word – pride (not a bad sinner)
    BC -Key phrase – I took pride that I wasn't as sinful as others.

    Convicted – Key word – dead - wrong
    Convicted - Key phrase – My sins separated me from God.

    3) After Saved – key word - assurance
    After Saved - key phrase – I have assurance that I have eternal life.

    My two minute testimony:
    God showed me that I had it all wrong about how to get to heaven.
    I got serious about God when I was much younger and went into the armed forces.
    I decided that I would still go to the chapel on Sundays and take communion and do my confessions.
    Unlike most of the guys that I knew in the service, I stayed away from partying and drinking.
    I stayed away from drugs and prostitutes. I was sort of proud that that I kept my life clean
    from those things and felt that I wasn't as big of a sinner as many other service men around me.
    But then someone challenged me to read the Bible. Some Bible verses (Eph. 2:8-9) really floored me. It showed me that I could not earn heaven by doing the things I was doing and not doing. The Bible showed me that I needed to believe in and trust the work that Jesus did for me on the cross where He paid the penalty for all the wrong, sinful things I do. I stopped relying on the religious and good things I was doing and put my faith and trust in Jesus Christ as my Savior. I now know that I have eternal life because the Bible promises in 1 John 5:12 that He who has the Son has life, he who does not have the Son of God does not have life. Would you like to know for sure how you can go to heaven too?

    1. Congratulations, Dave. It's good to know when one has made the right choice, eternal life with Jesus.

  32. 1. Done
    2. I sat alone in my room feeling lonely and depressed. Within a 5 year period , my marriage of 18 years was dissolved and my 26 year old, one time, booming business was bankrupt. I felt like Job, wondering why it was taken away from me. I had tried so hard to keep from losing both. The more I prayed the more it showed I was losing my grasp of everything.
    3. I was introduced to an Elder from a church on the north side. He reintroduced me to Jesus. It took time to get over the storms, but I was at peace. This man was very patient. He would tell me with a great smile"Jesus loves you so much. He's been calling you. " I would remind him that all I have was taken. He would respond" only Jesus knows why he pulled you away. Give God thanks for what he's taken. He will open new doors. " 10 years have gone by . My good friend has past away. Only his memories remain . I still have my Comforter, my Lord and Savior, Jesus.

    1. Wow brother Louie, I am so glad God is doing an amazing work in your life :). I love reading your posts and I am so glad you are an awesome encourager :)

    2. Wow Louie, despite such painful losses, the Lord has given you comfort and such that you give great encouragement ot others. TYF! Thank You Father!

    3. Thanks for sharing Lou. May God continue to bless you. God works in mysterious ways.

  33. 1. Did it
    2. Key phrase= I was living my life and I thought everything was OK
    Key Feeling = Pride
    3. I was out at a night club all night, came home at 8 am, took a shower and came to New Life Church for 1st time. As soon as I started hearing the music, I could not stop crying, I realized that I needed Christ :) Thank you Lord Jesus :) One person instrumental to me coming to Christ was my mother, always inviting me to this church called New Life.

    1. That's awesome bro!
      My mom too was the first to go to New Life.

    2. How powerful a testimony and transformation Israel! TYF (Thank You Father!)

  34. 1. on it now
    2.I always felt the presence of god in my life. But i would never acknowledge it or give him praises and the glory he deserved. Then on my birthday on June 5th i experienced something i could not deny God spoke to me clear as daylight. i was going to kill myself when this overpowering voice came to me in my head. i have overdosed 7 times on heroin been kidnapped tortured sexually assaulted died on the operating table twice. But i still didn't fully commit my life to Jesus. I was baptized in May. I'm not going to sugar coat or lie. i smoked weed that morning. The reason i got baptized wasn't even fully for my benefit. I had other things on my mind like this beautiful woman that i met at church and was living with. But honestly God has a plan and set time when he is ready to use us. So i can say that all my life struggles and events prepared me to fully commit my life to Christ and made me the Manly man of God I am today.

    3. When God spoke to me he gave me my purpose and told my why i was spared. He also told me to no longer sacrifice myself to this world or things of it. Because we are more than this world through Gods amazing grace and his power that he instills in us. Matthew 6.33 But seek ye first the kingdom of God and his righteousness. Then all this shall be added unto you!

    1. Excellent Michael! So glad the Lord has repeatedly spared your life and then drew you to himself. He has a Master plan for your life. Welcome to M3!

    2. Michael Johnson! Welcome brother! I'm so glad your here :-)

    3. Keep fighting the good fight Mike.

  35. Key phrase - You’d think that after all of the ‘intimate’ attention I was getting, I’d be satisfied!

    Key feeling- emptiness

    After years of going from broken relationship to broken relationship, I had found someone who would do anything and everything for me… and yet, I still wasn’t satisfied with her or with she had to offer. From cooking and cleaning to buying me a $400.00 game counsel, at the moment I thought I had everything; but in reality, I had NOTHING! Deep inside, I knew that there HAD to be something more!

    I knew I had GAINED - NOTHING! I was invited to New Life by my co-worker (Lisa Garcia) and was introduced to another single Christian brother (Enrique Rico). He was reading ‘I Kiss Dating Goodbye’. I too had started reading it and remember being terribly upset at the truth that came from this book. Later on, God connected me with a wonderful couple (Billy & Michelle) and they all took me in. For that, I am so grateful for their unconditional love, great patience and time they’ve invested in me. The year was 1998.

    1. Thank you Lord for your wonderful work in saving Dave! I know you have good plans for him.

    2. Yes, Thank you Lord for transforming lives!

  36. 1) Will do!

    2) Self-Hate, Loneliness, Fear, and Identity Crisis.
    I walked around feeling very empty and conflicted because while I believe in God and Jesus Christ, I kept my distance from them for fear that I would not be able to faithfully live out the Christian Life. I was afraid of falling away.

    3) Trust, Hope, and Understanding God's Love.
    I made a decision to not be a "one-foot-in-one-foot-out"Christian. It took a leap of faith. As a result, I was very happy, and I trusted God more. I also was excited that I could be used by God to bless others. I didn't need to be a spectator anymore.

    1. So glad you made that decision Alex! You are not a spectator anymore. You are in the game.

  37. 1.- Yes

    Key phrase was of loneliness, in the shadows, non trusting, passive aggressive
    Key feeling was guilt, shame, integrity

    A key phrase after being saved was the release of the burden of my sins.

    A key feeling after being saved was of peace, freedom

    Being saved has rid me of my morally sinful haunting pass. Has given me a new life to live, GOD has shown me mercy and loves me unconditionally.

    This verse I can relate to on how I felt when I excepted Christ Jesus.

    Ps, 38:8
    I am feeble and utterly crushed; I groan in anguish of heart.

    1. Very good Armando! And an excellent verse to go along with your testimony.


  38. 1 did it

    2 Comfort and Peace-
    I got saved in the summer before I started grade 9. God opened my eyes little by little in the years before then, but that is when I made a clear decision.

    Lately I haven't been able to enjoy as many comforts such as having drinkable water from the tap, and sometimes the electricity and water goes out for 12 hours at a time, but God has filled me with joy and has helped me to be thankful for all of the small blessings he has given me.

    3 Confirming
    I went to Silver Birch Ranch as a volunteer dishwasher for a few weeks one summer; each day we had Bible study time at coffee break and chapel every evening. I was still a Catholic but God was calling me to a relationship; I made my decision before my last week as a volunteer ended.

    1. Hey Ed, my daughter Elisa volunteered at Silver birch this summer. Sounds like a very beautiful place.
      So glad you are finding things to be thankful for as you are having to do without more times than one would wish.

  39. 1. Will do
    2. I was living a life that wad full of worldly pleasures. Mostly through late teen unto mid twenties I lived a life mostly through my own dependency and self gratification. Affecting long gf/fiancé, family, friends. The end causing hurt, void/emptiness that led to depression, self hate..
    3. During that period of time, I was coming to new life bit only for the simple reason to get the blessing of God not his presence nor relationship. Still was feeling very empty especially in my soul. I remember one day just being locked in parents room, kneeling down and saying what is my purpose? Can I trust you(Jesus)? Because evidently I'm not doing a good job. By Gods grace and only by his Grace was I revealed to how much I needed Jesus as Lord and savior, through this giving me hope for eternal salvation. Opening my eyes of His true beauty through Christ.
