Th.9.17.15...Celebrating a Hero...John 12:12-20

Don't you just love the ending of a movie where the guy, despite all kinds of opposition, triumphs and is celebrated as the hero. I think of the ending of the movie, Rudy. (Disclaimer: Movie clips I use do not mean I give an endorsement for the entire film, such as the profanity in Rudy.) As you may know, the movie is based on a true story. Rudy Ruetteger grew up in Joliet and went to Notre Dame University. He longed to play football, but was considered too short to ever be put into the game. This ending scene is all true. It happened on Nov.8th,1975 while playing at home against Georgia Tech.

How beautiful to see the crowd so happy and to see the team carrying Rudy on their shoulders as their hero. This reminds me of our story today. Though the circumstances were certainly different, the feeling of jubilation was probably much the same in both crowds. They were celebrating their hero! With this feeling in mind, read now John 12:12-19.

1.- As you read this story, use your online commentary to dig out the gold that is within the story. Then share some of it to enrich us as well. 

As always, write you verse down on your MP3 and look for opportunities to share such with others.

2.- Speaking of movies, share a recent opportunity you took to hand out a Greatest Minimovies card or it's link, or to Tell others of Transformation in some other way.

And speaking of things like football games, doesn't it bug you when your team could have played so much better?! As you go from here to the scoreboard, please contact your fireteam members. Commend him if he's been getting his points on the board, or ask him for the sake of the team to score. Thanks! Sometimes we all need a holy kick in the pants. I believe in you. You can play better than this!


  1. 1. John 12:13 " They took palm branches and went out to meet him, shouting, "Hosanna! " "Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord!" "Blessed is the King of Israel!"

    -palm branches.They were used in celebration of victory and were symbols of Jewish nationalism. John saw a multitude with palm branches in heaven (Rev 7:9). Hosanna! Blessed is the king of Israel! The people’s addition to the words of the psalm, which John alone records. It reflects his special interest in Jesus’ royalty, which he brings out throughout the passion narrative.

    2. I've been able to share the link with a handful of acquaintances through Facebook. It's Very easy to do and its bearing rewarding conversations!

    1. Palm trees a symbol of victory. Thanks be to God that He remains and ever will remain victorious!

    2. Great thoughts from your digging Dave and glad to hear the minimovies are sparking rewarding conversations.:)

    3. Great job digging. Thanks for adding what the palm trees mean.

  2. 1. John 12:13 " So they took branches of palm trees and went out to meet him, crying out hosanna Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord , even the King of Israel."
    How wonderful to read in this verse that crowds of people knew who Jesus was and had heard about this miracles even calling him the King of Israel as they received Him. According to the Bible commentary: "The King of Israel: This shows that the crowd, in shouting save now! had in mind political salvation from the oppression of the Romans. But Jesus showed that His purpose was peace by riding a donkey, in fulfillment of prophecy (the cited passage in Zechariah 9:9)."
    May we all be just as enthusiastic about sharing the good news of our Kind and Savior.
    2. Last week I went to get a hair cut to the same place I have been going to for several years. Somehow we got on the topic of attending church I told the lady that cuts my hair that I attend New Life and she mentioned that she attended a Catholic Church but was not very happy there. I mentioned what I liked about our church and before I left I gave her a Minimovies card. Look forward to continuing the conversation next time I go there.

    1. Awesome Roger. Thank you for making the most of every opportunity. Col. 4:5.

    2. That is a great faith sharing story Roger!

    3. Beautiful, witnessing Christ is the most hilarious thing ever to a believer. God bless you brother Roger.

    4. Great planting Roger. He knows every hair on your head and hopefully your efforts will multiply seeds planted to more than the Hairs

  3. 1. 13They took palm branches and went out to meet him, shouting,

    “Hosanna!d ”
    “Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord!”e
    “Blessed is the king of Israel!”

    c. Took branches of palm trees: Palm branches were a symbol of Jewish nationalism since the time of the Maccabees. This was a patriotic rally, and the crowds looked to Jesus as a political and national savior, but not a spiritual savior.

    2. I usually do followup calls for NL for new guests. I was talking to this man and he was telling me about his situation. He is actually an ordained minister and him and his wife are in a time of transition. He said that he really had a heart for working with men. I shared with him M3 and told him that I thought this might be a really great place for him to encourage others and share his wisdom as we grow together.

    1. Wow Eddie! You are fulfilling a crucial ministry of reaching out to new comers. I could see offering those open to conversation a minimovies link.

    2. Great job Eddie reaching out and seeking to recruit.

  4. 1. The crowd is appears to be strongly in favor of Jesus (v. 18) while the Pharisees are completely opposed to Him (v. 19). The commentary puts it this way, "For this reason the people also met Him, because they heard that He had done this sign: The crowds adored Jesus because they believed that the raising of Lazarus from the dead established Jesus credentials as a conquering Messiah....The popularity of Jesus was offensive to His enemies. It made them feel that they were accomplishing nothing. "
    However, the crowds' approval did not mean that most of them had faith in Jesus as Savior and Leader. The religious leaders were more political than spiritual, more concerned about popularity than pleasing God.
    So Jesus was controversial but even some of the 'fans' didn't turn out to be 'followers'. (Shameless plug for our current message series!)
    2. A young man working at the gas station looked familiar and said hi to me. It took a moment for me to remember that he had attended New Life a couple years ago and had gone to the youth group with a friend of his. I talked to him, invited him back to church, and gave him a mini-movies card. Follow up should be easy since I know where he works and his old friend.

    1. Good digging Mike and so glad you were able to re-connect and sow seeds into that young man..

    2. "the crowds' approval did not mean that most of them had faith in Jesus as Savior and Leader"
      Oh wow, great insight pastor Mike.

    3. Great job reaching out, I think I could use that as an ice breaker. You look familiar, do you go to NewLife Community Church? Oh, you don't, well here is a card you are welcome to join us :)

  5. 1- John 12:13
    They took palm branches and went out to meet him, shouting,
    “Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord!”
    “Blessed is the king of Israel!”

    Hosanna! Blessed is He who comes in the name of the LORD! This large, enthusiastic crowd greeted Jesus with words from the Messianic Psalm 118:25-26. The cry Hosanna! meant save now, and on this day the crowd received Jesus as a triumphant Messiah.

    All I could think of while reading this was the song Hosanna by Hillsong. In the song it says "I see the king of glory
    Coming on the clouds with fire . The whole earth shakes".
    The people in this passage were hoping for a king in a political sense. I believe we will get to experience that if Christ were to return in our generation. We will see him come down in the clouds as he promised and then Hosanna will be a reality. In a sense he will be coming in with political power to save.

    2- I haven't handed out any card in the past 2 or 3 weeks. I have however been trying to get 2 of my childhood buddies to check out M3.

    1. Amen! I love Hilsong too! Yes Hosanna will be a reality! That's an awesome perspective there my brother Luis!

    2. Good job trying to recruit Luis. Keep on them and keep up the good work. God bless bro.

    3. Glad you've been seeking to recruit your two old friends Luis. Way to go!
      You've done well before in outreach. You will will see and seize opportunities again soon.

  6. a. Hosanna! Blessed is He who comes in the name of the Lord! This large, enthusiastic crowd greeted Jesus with words from the Messianic Psalm 118:25-26 ( Psalm 118:25-26 Lord, save us! Lord, grant us success! 26 Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord.From the house of the Lord we bless you). The cry Hosanna! meant save now, and on this day the crowd received Jesus as a triumphant Messiah.(Guzik)

    Interesting to know for palm Sunday, what Hosanna means and that palms are a sign of triumph/victory. I pray that God continues to save more of us.

    2. This past Monday I handed a couple of cards to the guys I play basketball with. The rest I placed on their cars.

    1. Wow that's beautiful Sam! I didn't know what Hosanna meant either! Thanks for breaking that down for us!

    2. Yes amen Sam. Great prayer... May we continue to be used by God to spread the Word of Salvation

  7. 1. By his entry into Jerusalem on a donkey, Jesus publicly for fill the profehetic prediction by the prophet Zechariah

    Rejoice greatly, Daughter Zion! Shout, Daughter Jerusalem! See, your king comes to you, righteous and victorious, lowly and riding on a donkey, on a colt, the foal of a donkey.
    Zechariah 9:9

    1. I was previously unaware of that prophecy until today. Thanks for sharing that verse with us brother George!

    2. Thanks George. I'll contact you yet this evening.

  8. 1.John 12:19
    So the Pharisees said to one another, “See, this is getting us nowhere. Look how the whole world has gone after him!”

    And the whole world still today goes after him! The Pharisees must have just hated that, kinda like the Atheists hate it today.

    2. Yesterday I slipped a greatest mini movies card into my Co workers (unbeliever) wallet while he was sleeping on our lunch break. Also I shared my testimony with him because he shares a lot of my old characteristics from my BC days and he struggles with drinking.

    1. Way to go Phil! I pray that he will be touched and moved by your testimony. Keep up the good work bro.

    2. LOL. that's awesome, slipping a card into his wallet.

    3. Quite daring there Phil! Good thing he didn't open his eyes when you were placing the card in his wallet :)
      Any update on Michael J.?

  9. 1. “So they took branches of palm trees and went out to meet him, crying out, “Hosanna! Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord, even the King of Israel!”” ‭John‬ ‭12:13‬ ‭ESV

    c. Took branches of palm trees: Palm branches were a symbol of Jewish nationalism since the time of the Maccabees. This was a patriotic rally, and the crowds looked to Jesus as a political and national savior, but not a spiritual savior.

    2. I haven't passed any out in awhile. Pray that I grow stronger in that area.

    1. Honestly I'm not the greatest in that area myself bro, but lets keep trying. God bless you man.

    2. How 'bout setting a goal for yourself- By God's grace, I will give out X cards by the end of the month.
      Keep cards with you and watch what happens.

  10. 1. "At first his disciples did not understand all this. Only after Jesus was glorified did they realize that these things had been written about him and that these things had been done to him." John 12:16

    No commentary found in David Guzik's resource. My NIV Life Application Study Bible states the following commentary:

    "After Jesus' resurrection, the disciples understood for the first time many of the prophecies that they had missed along the way. Jesus' words and actions took on new meaning and made more sense. In retrospect, the disciples saw how Jesus had led them into deeper and better understanding of his truth. Stop now and think about the events in your life leading up to where you are now. How has God led you to this point? As you grow older, you will look back and see God's involvement more clearly than you do now."

    2. Earlier this week I placed a dozen "greatestminimovies" cards on the men's locker room benches & cafeteria tables and I shared my faith with new trainee at work yesterday.

    1. Great job Robert at reaching out for Christ.

    2. Very good Robert!
      I'm seeing a new trend today among the men. Notice Phil and Sam's card strategies also :)

    3. Go Robert! Keep being a blessing. Praying for you today!

  11. John.12.12-13.nkjv The next day a great multitude that had come to the feast, when they heard that Jesus was coming to Jerusalem, took branches of palm trees and went out to meet Him, and cried out: “Hosanna! ‘Blessed is He who comes in the name of the Lord !’ The King of Israel!”

    1-"Never before in His earthly life had Jesus permitted such a demonstration. He clearly foresaw the result. It would bring Him to the cross. But it was His purpose thus publicly to present Himself as the Redeemer. He desired to call attention to the sacrifice that was to crown His mission to a fallen world. While the people were assembling at Jerusalem to celebrate the Passover, He, the antitypical Lamb, by a voluntary act set Himself apart as an oblation. It would be needful for His church in all succeeding ages to make His death for the sins of the world a subject of deep thought and study. Every fact connected with it should be verified beyond a doubt. It was necessary, then, that the eyes of all people should now be directed to Him; the events which preceded His great sacrifice must be such as to call attention to the sacrifice itself. After such a demonstration as that attending His entry into Jerusalem, all eyes would follow His rapid progress to the final scene. DA 571.2

    The events connected with this triumphal ride would be the talk of every tongue, and would bring Jesus before every mind. After His crucifixion, many would recall these events in their connection with His trial and death. They would be led to search the prophecies, and would be convinced that Jesus was the Messiah; and in all lands converts to the faith would be multiplied. DA 571.3

    Reports have reached the rulers in Jerusalem that Jesus is approaching the city with a great concourse of people. But they have no welcome for the Son of God. In fear they go out to meet Him, hoping to disperse the throng. As the procession is about to descend the Mount of Olives, it is intercepted by the rulers. They inquire the cause of the tumultuous rejoicing. As they question, “Who is this?” the disciples, filled with the spirit of inspiration, answer this question. In eloquent strains they repeat the prophecies concerning Christ: DA 578.2
    Adam will tell you, It is the seed of the woman that shall bruise the serpent’s head. DA 578.3
    Ask Abraham, he will tell you, It is “Melchizedek King of Salem,” King of Peace. Genesis 14:18. DA 578.4
    Jacob will tell you, He is Shiloh of the tribe of Judah. DA 578.5
    Isaiah will tell you, “Immanuel,” “Wonderful, Counselor, The mighty God, The everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace.” Isaiah 7:14; 9:6. DA 578.6
    Jeremiah will tell you, The Branch of David, “the Lord our Righteousness.” Jeremiah 23:6. DA 578.7
    Daniel will tell you, He is the Messiah. DA 579.1
    Hosea will tell you, He is “the Lord God of hosts; the Lord is His memorial.” Hosea 12:5. DA 579.2
    John the Baptist will tell you, He is “the Lamb of God, which taketh away the sin of the world.” John 1:29. DA 579.3
    The great Jehovah has proclaimed from His throne, “This is My beloved Son.” Matthew 3:17. DA 579.4
    We, His disciples, declare, This is Jesus, the Messiah, the Prince of life, the Redeemer of the world. DA 579.5
    And the prince of the powers of darkness acknowledges Him, saying, “I know Thee who Thou art, the Holy One of God.” Mark 1:24. DA 579.6" (Desire of Ages, Ellen G. White)

    2-Here in Springfield we do not have minimovie cards, but I share with a friend about how great M3 is and whether I would be my prayer partner, in which he accepted.

    1. Sorry Lemmy. You should get your cards and your Unstoppable award pin soon.

    2. Lemmy, good quote from Ellen White. I like how Ellen listed all the ways Jesus was referred to in the bible.

  12. 1. I love that Jesus came humbly to save, but will come again later in His full power to establish an actual kingdom on earth and this is the picture we have of Him when He returns:

    "I saw heaven standing open and there before me was a white horse, whose rider is called Faithful and True. With justice he judges and makes war. His eyes are like blazing fire, and on his head are many crowns. He has a name written on him that no one knows but he himself. He is dressed in a robe dipped in blood, and his name is the Word of God. The armies of heaven were following him, riding on white horses and dressed in fine linen, white and clean. Out of his mouth comes a sharp sword with which to strike down the nations. “He will rule them with an iron scepter.” He treads the winepress of the fury of the wrath of God Almighty. On his robe and on his thigh he has this name written: King of kings and Lord of lords."

    2. I've been rediscovering God's heart for the poor and oppressed and talking with some of my good friends and my wife about what I'm learning, the ways God is stirring me to act on His behalf.

    1. Yes amen Mark He will return... What a glorious day that will be.

    2. Powerful cross reference you've shared there Mark. Thanks!
      I will mail you minimovies cards tomorrow.

  13. 1. – John 12:13, they took palm branches and went out to meet him, shouting, “Hosanna!” “Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord!” “Blessed is the king of Israel!”

    What a beautiful day it was. The crowd received Jesus as a triumphant Messiah. But Jesus showed that His purpose was peace by riding a donkey, in fulfillment of prophecy. (Guzik)

    2. – I am praying to reach my friends with the word of God and take care of God’s flock. Amen.

    1. Great prayer Oscar. Continue strong in reaching other for Christ

    2. Very good Oscar. Lou tells me you and he are keeping in touch. Bueno!

  14. John 12:13 - "Hosanna" means "Save Now!". But save from what? I think many in the crowd where hopeful that Jesus would save them and their country from the Romans. I don't think too many had the idea of the need to be saved from their own sin. But saving people from their sin was what was on Jesus' mind this time around. Next time, He'll work on the political saving, but that time He won't be riding a donkey. He will be riding a white horse. By the way, how is your horsemanship? Cuz you'll be be with Him!

    2. On Monday I made the following Facebook post about a children's lesson I was teaching the next day on knowing God through touch. The significance? A good portion of my 400+ friends on Facebook don't know Jesus...yet.

    God's touch melts the earth, causes mountains to smoke, heals the hurting, embraces the children. Can we touch God? Not yet, which is why we need to be God's hands to others. But one day, through Jesus Christ, we will!

    1. Ah, you made me laugh Tim- "how is your horsemanship? Cuz you'll be be with Him!"
      Great walking with you this evening. Great is our God.

  15. 1) b. The King of Israel: This shows that the crowd, in shouting save now! had in mind political salvation from the oppression of the Romans. But Jesus showed that His purpose was peace by riding a donkey, in fulfillment of prophecy (the cited passage in Zechariah 9:9).

    2) this Saturday was my dads birthday so in remembrance of him my mom wanted to eat at Nuevo León. As she was walking thru the lot she gave the attendant the card he told her "God bless", when I heard that a wall went up that stopped me in my tracks, lol.
    I felt that was the perfect opportunity to speak to this man, I gave him a card and told him a little of myself.

    1. Excellent Ricardo! Way to see and seize the opportunity.

  16. 1- John 12:17-19New Life Version (NLV)

    17 The people who had been with Jesus when He had called Lazarus from the grave kept telling of this powerful work to others. They had seen Lazarus raised from the dead. 18 Because of this the people went to meet Jesus. They had heard He had done this powerful work. 19 The proud religious law-keepers said among themselves, “Look, we are losing followers. Everyone is following Jesus!”

    a. For this reason the people also met Him, because they heard that He had done this sign: The crowds adored Jesus because they believed that the raising of Lazarus from the dead established Jesus credentials as a conquering Messiah.

    i. One who could summon a dead man back to life would certainly be able to deliver the holy city from the yoke of Caesar. (Bruce)

    b. Look, the world has gone after Him! The popularity of Jesus was offensive to His enemies. It made them feel that they were accomplishing nothing. It makes us happy to see the enemies of Jesus frustrated.

    2- I was able to talk to a couple of young people at a recent funeral. Encouraging them to go back to church. They told me that they need seek Christ. The part that I was amazed about was how accepting they were to receiving God's word.

    1. Very good Vince! God uses you!

    2. Vince keep on encouraging the prodigals to come home! Great job!

  17. 13 So they took branches of palm trees and went out to meet him, crying out, “Hosanna! Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord, even the King of Israel!”

    As many have already drawn out, Guzik states that "The cry Hosanna! meant "save now," and on this day the crowd received Jesus as a triumphant Messiah." and calling him The King of Israel "...shows that the crowd, in shouting 'save now!' had in mind political salvation".

    Many who were following Him may not have had the correct "salvation" in mind. The first step to recovery is admitting you have a problem, likewise the first step in salvation is admitting you need a savior. It's sad that many people following Him won't or can't admit that they are sinners who fall short of God. The Pharisees definitely didn't think they needed a saving.

    1. Excellent point Kevin! "Many who were following Him may not have had the correct "salvation" in mind. The first step to recovery is admitting you have a problem, likewise the first step in salvation is admitting you need a savior."
      So glad you're on the team. God is going to work in and through you all the more.

    2. Kevin, like Dave said good point. I see people pride getting in their way of admitting they need a savior.

    3. This blog was definitely interesting and informative. I did not truly understand these verses the way I do now.

    4. We are happy to have you Kevin. Thx for your great posts. Hope to meet you this wknd in Branson

  18. 1. John 12:13  They took palm branches and went out to meet him, shouting,


    “Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord!”[b]

    “Blessed is the king of Israel!”

    2. This past Tuesday we started up fusion groups again, and afterwards I was telling a brother who I known for about a year about M3. He said someone else had reached out to him already about it, but while we were talking about it I noticed another brother listening. I excused myself and approach him introduced myself and asked if he was interested in making some new life time brothers. I gave him a greatest minimovies card and a M3 card, told him about how we encourage each other and keep in the word daily. I gave him my number and told him if he had any questions to give me a call. I hope he considers joining.

  19. 1. David Guzik Commentary says this, . Took branches of palm trees: Palm branches were a symbol of Jewish nationalism since the time of the Maccabees. This was a patriotic rally, and the crowds looked to Jesus as a political and national savior, but not a spiritual savior.

    The people were largely mistaken and missed Jesus's mission all together. They so badly wanted the yoke of Caesar to be lifted. They missed the true essence of the God man. God was walking in their midst to bring them back to him.

    2. I gave a card to one of my students who just lost him mom recently to cancer.

  20. 1.- In every victory, there are losers. Sometimes it is very evident who they are; they are typically the people that you’ve competed against and defeated but then there are also that you don’t see. There are those that hope you failed and when you didn’t, were upset that you persevered. The modern day term for those type of people is affectionately “Haters.” In the days of Jesus, he had many of these people; the people in the shadows that would talk under their breath and doubt although miracles were being performed in their faces! Those people exist today and just as doubtful but that’s OK because Jesus is just as alive now as he was 2000 years ago!

  21. 1. John 12:19 "So the Pharisees said to one another, "You see that you are not doing any good; look, the world has gone after Him."

    Man, the Pharisees are the earliest historical account of 'haters'. Never anything good to say. I sound a lot like them most of the time. Always looking at things in a negative light.

    Like this for instance... Until recently, I never knew that "Rudy" was based on a true story. I've known the movie for years. I just watched (most of) it in July. I've always thought the ending was horrible. The epitome of anticlimactic ending. To that, some might say, "How can you say that?!?"

    His entire college 'career' at ND he wanted to play a real game. To prove to his father that he was actually on the team. Then, the final play, of the final game, of his absolute LAST possible chance at playing before graduating, he gets in the game. On special teams for the punt. Then a play on defense. Great!!! He sacks the quarterback!!! How exciting, right?!? No. Not really. Not to me anyway. ND was already winning. The play meant nothing to the game. Nothing to the team beyond the emotional aspect of an incredibly spirited hard working kid who gave his all in everything he did for the team. Right up until the very impressive, yet utterly meaningless play.

    However, it is a true story. Therefor, that's life. That's how things go sometimes. He did fulfill his, and his father's lifelong dream. To play, and to have a son play for ND. One play.

    2. I have yet to do either.

    1. Michael, your comment of of Rudy is a riot! You get an A on the review of Rudy, and a D- for sounding alot like the Pharisees most of the times.

  22. 1 John 12:14 Jesus found a young donkey and sat on it, as it is written.
    As powerful and almighty Jesus is, he rides on a donkey. He does this because he is humble and knows that what matters is believing in him and not your social status in society.

    2. I left some cards with my cousins who I saw at a block party this past weekend.

    1. Great job Chuy, having those cards with you and looking for opportunities to share them.

    2. Great words about The Lord Chuy!

  23. 1) So the Pharisees said to one another, "You see that you are gaining nothing. Look, the world has gone after him." John 12:19

    This could have changed the belief for the priest in believing In Jesus but they chose to follow a different path and not have faith in the lord.

    2) I went to the gym with a friend and was able to share the movies that are in the website

    1. Great job Andre with sharing the movies card :)
      It never ceases to amaze me, that the scholar religious leaders were so hateful to the One in whom the Scriptures were written about!! It is so sad that they chose "no faith in Christ" :(

    2. Andre, it's sad that the priest who knew the old testament and should have see all the signs that Jesus was the savior plotted to kill him.

    3. The sin of hate would not free their minds and hearts into believing.


  24. 1. John 12:12 says " The next day a great multitude that had come to the feast, when they heard that Jesus was coming to Jerusalem, took branches of palm trees and went out to meet Him, and cried out: Hosanna! Blessed is He who comes in the name of the LORD! The King of Israel!" ---The Palm branches were a symbol of Jewish nationalism since the time of the Maccabees. This was a patriotic rally, and the crowds looked to Jesus as a political and national savior, but not a spiritual savior.

    2. I have not passed out any mini movie cards lately :(

  25. 1) John 12:15 Do not be afraid, O Daughter of Zion; see, your king is coming, seated on a donkey's colt.

    The spot light was on Jesus as He rode on a donkey's colt in through one of the gates of Jerusalem. The swelling crowds were all drawn to Him to loudly cheer this man on that was riding a donkey. Hopes and expectations ran high that their Messiah was arriving to deliver the Jews from their oppressive, foreign invaders. Where before Jesus concealed Himself, now He gave Himself over to the crowds but on His own terms. The built up excitement of the people eventually wound down into disappointment and let down. From the crowds point of view after Jesus entered Jerusalem, nothing significant happened to bring them the political freedom they craved. They appeared to still be in the same situation as before. But in reality, Jesus had begun on that painful path that was leading to Calvary where a far greater spiritual oppression would be destroyed.

    2) Yesterday morning on my way to work, I was praying over two cards I have been taking with me. I prayed for an opportunity to give them away. I prayed that the mini movies would be watched and that a seed of truth would be planted in a heart. After work, I had an appointment with my dentist. My dentist had to leave early but the dental technician used the appointment to clean my teeth. As she gave me a small card with my next appointment date, I told her that I had a card for her too and handed her the card with the picture showing. She turned the card over and and I told her that those greatest mini movies can be life transforming. She kindly said she would look at them.

    1. great insight brother. Yes, their bubble must have burst pretty quick, when they were expecting a political or national savior but Christ was a Spiritual Savior :)

  26. 1 – John 12: 14-15 Jesus found a young donkey and sat on it, as it is written:
    “Do not be afraid, Daughter Zion;
    see, your king is coming,
    seated on a donkey’s colt.” (Zech. 9:9)

    I wondered why Jesus would come riding on a donkey, if he was going to ride something I thought it would have been a horse. says “In the ancient Middle Eastern world, leaders rode horses if they rode to war, but donkeys if they came in peace.”

    2 – Sunday at New Life Midway I ran into the man filling the soda machine in the break room. I stopped and talked with him for a few minutes, as we finished up our conversation I left him with the Greatest Mini Movies card.

  27. 1. John 12:13b. And went down the road to meet him , shouting , " the Savior! God bless the king of Israel! Hail to Gods Ambassador !" 14. Jesus road along on a young donky, fulfilling the prophecy that said : 15. "Don't be afraid of your King , people of Israel, for he will come to you meekly , sitting on a donkeys colt!"
    This was a prophecy found in The book of Zechariah
    9:9. It was a promise to God's people that the Messiah's first coming would be" in lowly grace, on a donkey."
    2. Have not passed out cards recently.

    1. I have not read the book of Zechariah, but you sharing this, brother, has sparked my interest. I will create a reading plan for reading this OT book during my lunch break at work.

  28. John 12: 17-19) The crowds come after Jesus, to the dismay of the leaders. All who believed and followed Jesus as they knew of his raising Lazarus and this validated Jesus as the conquering messiah. Again the Jewish leaders couldn't handle the power of the Lord and his popularity, as they glorified each other instead of the only one who deserves our glory.
    2. Passed out a card at a restaurant and the waitress thanked me and said she would check it out-- seemed intrigued.

    1. Blessed are the humble, who know better than to beat their own chest, bloated with pride, and instead point back to the source of their greatness. If we have been blessed with the ability to do great things, our gifts serve only as testimony to the greatness and love of the Father, without whom nothing good we'd ever do would be possible.

  29. For the longest the question at times would question why palm trees? Did resemble something holy? Was it just for a king kinda where like kings and gladiators got treated by rose pedals? This gave an interesting perspective to me.

    . Took branches of palm trees: Palm branches were a symbol of Jewish nationalism since the time of the Maccabees. This was a patriotic rally, and the crowds looked to Jesus as a political and national savior, but not a spiritual savior.

    2. More of am update on someone I just mentored. He told me he really enjoyed the stories/testimonies and is on the look out on passing and enriching someone.

    1. I, too, was happy to finally learn the meaning behind the palm branches, brother. I had been told as a boy such things as the people used them to fan Jesus on a hot day, or they were all they could find to cover his path with (a red carpet of sorts). I had no idea of the political or patriotic significance of the palm branches. Thank you for sharing this insight.

  30. 1. John 12:13 "They took palm branches and went out to meet him, shouting, “Hosanna!” “Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord!” “Blessed is the king of Israel!”.

    a. Hosanna! Blessed is He who comes in the name of the LORD! This large, enthusiastic crowd greeted Jesus with words from the Messianic Psalm 118:25-26. The cry Hosanna! meant save now, and on this day the crowd received Jesus as a triumphant Messiah.
    b. The King of Israel: This shows that the crowd, in shouting save now! had in mind political salvation from the oppression of the Romans. But Jesus showed that His purpose was peace by riding a donkey, in fulfillment of prophecy (the cited passage in Zechariah 9:9).
    c. Took branches of palm trees: Palm branches were a symbol of Jewish nationalism since the time of the Maccabees. This was a patriotic rally, and the crowds looked to Jesus as a political and national savior, but not a spiritual savior.

    How short sighted and narrow minded the crowds greeting Jesus were. Like those people, we sometimes turn to God for remedies or relief to the personal problems of our life (and turn from Him when no remedy or relief comes). We fail to see God's greater purpose...we fail to see that through our trials, we are being shaped and strengthened in the Spirit for a greater calling. The people of Jerusalem saw Jesus as the remedy to Roman oppression, not realizing the greatness of their Messiah, whose purpose extended well beyond liberating a single nation from a single oppressor, but liberating all mankind, for all eternity, from the oppression of Sin and Death. Let us not be so short sighted or narrow minded. Let us see God's true purpose working in our lives and look for ways to amplify the gifts of the Spirit being sown in us as we live in His presence.

    1. Love what you stated brother, may I echo that into my life as well God's true purpose working in our lives and look for ways to amplify the gifts of the Spirit being sown in us as we live in His presence."

  31. 1. John 12:20 "Now among those who went up to worship at the feast were some Greeks."
    Wait a second- you mean THE GREEKS... I mean of all the details I didn't know- I know now that all, even from the nations around came to seek and worship Christ - Even as he lived . - They caused him to see the hour coming... in a cool way.

    Sorry Guys- not just a wildly trivial verse, but definitely one I thought would have little meat until I read the commentary.
    ... I read this.

    i. The fact that His hour had not yet come had delivered Him from violence before (John 7:30, 8:20). Now that the hour has come, it is time for Jesus to make the final sacrifice.

    ii. Jesus never really responded to the Greeks here, but He would on the other side of the cross. So that these Greeks, as well as others, could receive the new life He offered, then Jesus must die (be glorified) first.

    This is what I got out of that:
    "Why could Jesus not reconcile the Greeks at that moment?" 'He Couldn't Break the LAW!' They would have to be circumcised, observe kosher, keep Sabbath... and Be Jews- Jesus knew he couldn't reach them in this way... NOW WAS THE TIME TO JUSTIFY THE LAW! -

    Thanks Greeks- Could'a gave us a couple of more years of cool miracles, Pharisee evasion tactics and Logic quagmires... but no. You wanted to hear from your Saviour... and be Greeks. So there you have it. Greeks Came for Salvation- Jesus says, "Duces!" Gotta save them the ol' cross method- or would that be the 'new cross' method then- Yeah you get me...

    (Totally Kidding- don't burn me as a Heretic yet- I'll have to write a thesis and schedule a theological defense hearing, then miss it, then tack it to your door and run to Greece :} ) little bit of fun.
    2. Showed the cards to two guys I have small group with and shared it Last Sunday with a younger man at church.

  32. 1) Today's verse that caught my attention was:

    John 12:16 “At first his disciples did not understand all this. Only after Jesus was glorified did they realize that these things had been written about him and that these things had been done to him.”

    It is somewhat surprising how these details were passing over the Disciples' heads at this time. It is making me realize that they didn't understand the magnitude of what had happened, until Jesus ascended to the heavens. The commentary actually doesn't comment on this verse in particular, so I found another on

    There is a great breakdown for any that are interested.

    2) I had a chance to speak with a Co-worker about the Lord, the Gospel, and tell him my testimony. It looked like he really thought about everything that was said by me. I even prayed with him afterwards. He didn't come to Accept the Lord, but he looked very open to the Gospel! Will be praying for him.

  33. 1.- Jn. 12:13b

    "Hosanna". - Guzik's commentary
    B. The triumphal entry.
    1. (12-16) The crowd greets Jesus as a coming King.

    a. Hosanna! Blessed is He who comes in the name of the LORD! This large, enthusiastic crowd greeted Jesus with words from the Messianic Psalm 118:25-26. The cry Hosanna! meant save now, and on this day the crowd received Jesus as a triumphant Messiah.

    a. Hosanna! Blessed is He who comes in the name of the LORD! This large, enthusiastic crowd greeted Jesus with words from the Messianic Psalm 118:25-26. The cry Hosanna! meant save now, and on this day the crowd received Jesus as a triumphant Messiah.a. Hosanna! Blessed is He who comes in the name of the LORD! This large, enthusiastic crowd greeted Jesus with words from the Messianic Psalm 118:25-26. The cry Hosanna! meant save now, and on this day the crowd received Jesus as a triumphant Messiah.

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    Actually, this "birth" of Hosanna, this proto-Hosanna, comes with a kind of double entreaty. Following the verb ישע and the particle נא, comes the rarer and even more reflective of desperation אנא, which is a contraction of אה־נא (ah-na), usually translated with something like "Ah, now! I (we) beseech thee!"

    In Christian circles, Psalm 118 quickly became one of the most popular of all. "He has become my salvation" (v14) almost perfectly contains the name Jesus. The references to God's right hand (v15-16) return in Matthew 26:64 and Mark 16:19. The stone which the builders rejected (v22) is applied to Christ by Peter (Acts 4:11 & 1 Peter 2:7). "This is the day that the Lord has made" (v24) became its own evergreen song in our times. And the Hebrew phrase hoshi'a na of verse 25 became the Hosanna with which the people of Jerusalemgreeted Christ during his triumphal entry through "the gates of righteousness; the gate of the Lord" (118:19-20).

    All four gospels cover the triumphant entry but Luke(19:28-44) never uses the word Hosanna. Why that is we don't know. Matthew uses it in 21:9 and 15. Mark uses it in 11:9-10 and John uses it in 12:13. By the time of the triumphant entree, Hosanna had curiously evolved from expression of deep anguish to a kind of cheer. The seventh day of Sukkoth — the Feasts of Booths that the Jews were celebrating in Jerusalem when Jesus entered — was known as Hosanna Rabbah, or Great Hosanna.

    By applying the word Hosanna to Jesus Christ, the celebrators of Jerusalem were (a) equating Him with the God to whom the Psalmist's original Hoshi'a na was directed, and (b) indicating that Jesus personified the completion of the Feast Of Booths.

    Soon after that, Jesus was arrested and crucified.

    The expression Hosanna means Save Us Please!

    2.- Gave a mini movie and a M3 web site cards to a brother at Sunday's church service. Said he's heard of group and will watch movie.

  34. 1) John 12:14-15 "Jesus found a young donkey and sat on it, as it is written: "Do not be afraid, Daughter Zion; see, your king is coming, seated on a donkey's colt.""

    I always liked how the Bible mentions the prophecies and when they were fulfilled. It is so interesting to read.

    2) I haven't shared anything yet as I've been recovering from being sick since the weekend. I have a plan though.

  35. 1. John 12: 20 Now among those who went up to worship at the feast were some Greeks.

    a. Sir, we wish to see Jesus: Jesus previously said that the time was not ready (John 2:4 and 7:6). He took the seeking interest of Gentiles as the signal that now the hour has come that the Son of Man should be glorified.

    i. The fact that His hour had not yet come had delivered Him from violence before (John 7:30, 8:20). Now that the hour has come, it is time for Jesus to make the final sacrifice.

    ii. Jesus never really responded to the Greeks here, but He would on the other side of the cross. So that these Greeks, as well as others, could receive the new life He offered, then Jesus must die (be glorified) first.

    b. The hour has come that the Son of Man should be glorified: Jesus didnt mean that He would be glorified in the eyes of men. That just happened at the triumphal entry. The glorification Jesus pointed to here was being glorified on the cross. Something the world could only see as disgraceful humiliation, Jesus saw as being glorified.

    Timing was everything. This message wasn't just for his people but for all across the land. This leads me to believe that everyone had their own time to surrender to God. He was not selfish of keeping salvation just to his own. He loves all.

    2. Recently i was talking to a pipe fitter at my job. We exchanged or work experiences about living on the road. He opened up and told me he was not religious but was spiritual. I really could not answer that but i told him that Jesus died on the cross for him and he just doesn't sit back for you, so why he do that. He asked me to pray for him that he struggles with gambling. I prayed for him out loud and he thanked me. I handed him a movie card and told him what he thought. The next day he arrived by my work area and thanked me again. He said he watched a few movies and he was inspired. I'm still paying for you brother Tom!

  36. 1In a short time Judas would betray Jesus, and his betrayal is so much darker when contrasted with the light of Marys devotion to Jesus. No doubt, Judas objected to Marys gift because he was convicted by her simple and powerful display of love.

    2 I started talking to a co-worker about his spiritual beliefs; he is more of a universalist and I am hoping to share the link with him this week after we talk again.
