Mon.8.24.15...Witnesses Called to Testify...John 5:31-47

It ran from 1957-1966 and my parents loved watching it. So as a boy I watched Perry Mason with them too. I still like the dramatic theme song. Check out this brief snippet. My older friends will remember it (or those who watch it on MeTV:).

Whether it's a courtroom TV program or movie, often there is a scene where there are witnesses called in to testify on behalf of the accused. What's that got to do with our passage today in John 5:31-47? A lot!

Last time we read in 5:16-30 that Jesus "testified" before those seeking the death penalty that he was not blaspheming, but was indeed the Son of God (God the Son). Today, let the record show that Jesus uses the word testify or testimony ten times in the NIV. Please underline those words as you read through this case. You will also note that Jesus honored the court's rules regarding personal testimony. Under Jewish law, a man's sole testimony was not accepted. Though Jesus' testimony about himself was certainly true (8:14), he did not rest his case on that alone. He proved his case by calling various witnesses to the stand. For according to biblical jurisprudence, it is by the testimony of two or three witnesses every matter would be established (Mt.18:16).

1.- So as a legal eagle, study this legal brief before you in John 5:31-47 and list the witnesses that Jesus calls upon to testify. Put those also on your MP3 card as a reminder.

(2.- You'll find the instructions for #2. at the end of the announcements below. I didn't want you to miss seeing it all the way at the end.)

Hint: One of the character witnesses is the work his Father gave him to do (5:36). What's he talking about? He is referring back to 5:16-17. So name that character witness in your own words.

Yesterday, you underlined the word sent. Do that again today in this passage.

Note the incredibly high regard Jesus has and people need to have for the Scriptures, v.38-39, 45-47.
Note also the great theme of Scripture in v.39b.
Note also the great tragedy found in v.40.

Though the Jews were accusing Jesus of blasphemy (v.18) which was worthy of death, Jesus turned the case around on them, charging them as the ones to be accused. See v.45. Lest we forget, Jesus is still so evangelistic, even toward his accusers. See 5:33-34.

Great scoring men! The majority of you scored 25 or more points and all fire teams were close to that target or above it. Once again, kudos to Squad 5 and also fire team 1 within Squad 5 for highest scoring. 

I just read a piece about Navy SEAL training and it talked about how they set daily goals to accomplish their training. Follow their lead. Set a goal each day to blog and to score 5 or more points daily. Then post your scores after you comment on the blog. That is how the men who are kickin' it are doin' it. Here's a simple suggestion. Look at your totals below and see where you are weak at. Then work on improving in that area. Is it Encouraging more of your teammates? Then Encourage a few of them on the blog daily and send your wingmen and others texts or calls. How about Attacking in prayer daily? Join me as I daily pray for you and that God would give you power HOUSE men to recruit (Hungry, Obedient, Unstoppable, Strong in the Lord, Encouraging). And pray with me that we would WAR well (Walking Worthy, Activating sidelined saints to join, Releasing the locked up lost as we share the good news).

(Speaking of prayer, I was ready to send out an email to our prayer warriors, but I noticed a number of you have yet to include their email addresses on our Contacts tab. Please do that this week. We will score you and your team on how many have done this by next Monday. Thank you.) 

2.- So what is one or more of the areas below for our GREAT God and our GREAT growth and impact that you will seek to improve in?

See a special note at the bottom.

Squad 126.85
Eddie MoralesUR552177132
Fire Team 129.75
William DyckmanUR173221033
Phil RaymondU6675125
Ismael AndradeUR290142025
James SchmidtU651114036
Fire Team 223
Gary RemsonUR1103162031
Luis OrtizU7123013
Alex DyckmanU80170025
Fire Team 227.66
Sam VargasUR32021552062
Fire Team 137
Oscar NunezU89810944
Lou OjedaU41231130
Fire Team 223
Israel FuentesUR112098029
Flo JuarezU2090213
Dave DeBoerU20094336
Tim Dearborn7015114
Squad 327.8
Robert RomanUR1102356053
Fire Team 1

Vince DiazUR152362146
Nic PalhegyiUR16023112
Rich Petre500218
Fire Team 236.5
Osiris AldayU1041614650
Ed Lake41315023
Squad 428.83
George RabielaUR18222171564
Fire Team 123.66
Dave HeidekrugerUR2103125131
Michael Gonzalez4623217
Chuy CervantesU55112023
Fire Team 234
Rich GuardiolaUR11251510547
Mark Estrada000000
Horacio De La TorreU9012221255
Squad 5

Jack RogersUR4404349289
Fire Team 158.66
Roger VinlasacaUR1450205070
Jose BillegasU881414246
Fire Team 225.66
George DohertyUR1100175032
Andre VargasU80811027
Lemmy Lukudu5264118
Squad 6
Mike BerryNew

There was one miracle that Jesus performed that was so powerful that all four gospels record it. What was it? We'll bite into it tomorrow.

PS- Thank you Eddie and all you who volunteered and performed Acts of Kindness at Saturday's Convoy of Hope. I enjoyed some significant conversations, including witnessing to a young man named Alex. (You betcha I also gave him a greatestminimovies card :)


  1. 1. The witnesses are:
    a. John.
    b. Works that the Father gave Jesus to accomplish.
    c. The Father himself
    d. Scriptures
    c. Moses through his writings.
    2. The two areas are Encouraging and Testimony

    1. Hey brother, we both encourage each other, we just need to spread our encouragement to others as faithfully as we do the fire team.

    2. Roger. Thanks for your consistency and dedication to advance God's Kingdom. Keep up the encouragement bro

  2. 1. The witnesses are John the Baptist, the works of Jesus, God the Father, and the Scriptures. 2. The area I will need to put the most effort into growing is "T" for Telling Others of Transformation.

    1. Pastor Mike, your a very encouraging man of god. Its great to have you with us in M3. It goes to show we will always continue to grow in gods word.

    2. So awesome to have you Pastor Mike!

      Same here, "T" is something I need to work on too :)

  3. 1. Witnesses are John the Baptist, God the Father, the scriptures and Moses.

    2.I need improvement in all areas.

    1. Stay focused brother, you'll get your numbers up.

    2. We all are works in progress. What an encouraging verse Pastor Mark preached on yesterday from 2 Corth. Being made in his same image....Gods working on you.

  4. 1- Witnesses
    - John the Baptist (V 33)
    - His works (V 36)
    - the Father (V 37)
    - the scriptures (V 39)
    - Moses (V 46)

    2- My weakest areas are Testimony and Encouraging.

    1. Luis it is always great to read your encouraging comments on the blog.

    2. You got this Lou! I know you have some excellent insight on your posts, and I truly believe you already encourage many of us through even that

    3. I'll second what William said, Luis. Your posts have been very good!

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. 1. -John the baptist testifies
    -The works/miracles Jesus performed testifies
    -The Father (God) testifies
    -The Scriptures (OT) testifies
    2. Need to improve in all areas (I'm a work in progress)

    1. Aren't we all, brother :) One thing at a time. Jesus didn't walk among us and heal every sick man, woman, and child in a single stroke (though He could have)...He went about his mission one day at time.

    2. Robert thank you for your encouragement through scripture via txt.

    3. Robert. Thx for ur consistency and commitment to M3 you are a great encourager and friend

  7. 1.- Witnesses & Testimonies about Jesus;

    John the Baptist who proclaims Jesus the Messiah, the one who baptized with the Holy Spirit!

    the works of Jesus as testify to the Jew leaders by the invalid man who was cured at the pool

    God the Father who has sent Jesus to finish his works, which Jesus works will testify of himself

    Scripture, foretold of the coming of Messiah

    2.- Right a wrong needs improvement, not sure if apologies to someone is considered?
    Prayers of course can have to limits!

    1. Brother Armando, I believe apologizes count if your on bad terms with someone and apologize by pointing out your own faults I say its righting wrongs. Just my opinion.

    2. Armando it is always great to see you faithful on the blog everyday.

    3. Armondo. Keep up the great encouragement. You are valued on M3 and ur friendship bro

  8. 1) John the Baptist, His Works, God the Father, scriptures and Moses

    2) Recruiting and righting wrongs have been my weakest. Will work on these this week.

    1. Really encouraged by you Sam. You did great witnessing to men, women, children at the Convoy of Hope. 4500 people can to accept prayer.

    2. That's the spirit, Sam...the Spirit of the Living God stirring within you. Like Eddie, I had a chance to see you sharing God's word in the Connections tent. I was moved by your passion for the Word. Keep up the great work brother. Give yourself an extra point for the E column: you've encouraged me to do a better job of sharing God's word with others.

    3. Thank you brothers. Thanks Eddie for recruiting me. You did a great job yourself. Teamwork is the dream work.

  9. 1. Witnesses, testimonies, john the Baptist, the father our god, scriptures, the miracles Jesus performed.

    2. Blogging encouragement, and sharing my testimony.

    1. Jose it great to receive your encouragement through txt. Thank you.

    2. You certainly did a great job of encouraging others today Jose! Way to go! So glad we have you on the team.

    3. Jose. Thx for all your encouragement and leading by example-- you are a great man of God

  10. 1. John, His own works, The Father, The Scriptures, and Moses.

    2. I need to improve everything. Absolutely everything.

    To say that I feel "beaten down" would be a supreme understatement. I do not look forward to decades more existence on this planet. Frankly, I do not even know what I believe anymore. My life is filled with regret. The biggest of which is getting married. 12+ years of a perpetual downward spiral of misery. My mind aches. My heart is crushed. My soul is decrepit.

    On the bright side, that can be the start of an awesome heavy metal song. I need to write more. I need to play music more. Even if it is just getting out all the vile anger and bitterness that has accumulated in my being. I do not know how to deal with my life and my emotions. Not uncommon for a child of an addict. A person whose words are utterly meaningless, yet in abundance.

    I'm disgusted at my own weakness. I'm literally dizzy almost every second of the day. I don't know how much longer I can hold this.

    1. Know that I am praying for you, brother. I have felt as you do now, and can probably identify with some of the causes of this feeling. I don't have an answer to it or a quick heal-all remedy, but I have learned that when the deck is stacked against me and I feel overwhelmed, I can do more to bring the deck back down to size by removing one card at a time rather than throwing myself against the whole deck. There isn't a man in this whole group of manly men that can't improve in everything, whether it be marriage or addictions or strengthening our faith. That you can recognize areas for improvement says a lot about the man you are. In Christ Jesus, nothing is impossible. If God has brought you to it, He WILL get you through it. One step at a time, day at a time. You are already becoming a greater man than you were yesterday. You are a man of God in the making, already being molded and shaped by God's will for you. Where you see weakness, God sees an opportunity to increase you, strengthen you, and use you. Even the mightiest swords go dull over time and require sharpening or reinforcing. When it does all seem overwhelming, call a timeout, remove yourself from the environment, and breathe deeply in prayer. Going for a walk helps me. Take the time you need to regain yourself before continuing on your journey of spiritual growth. Don't let up brother. You do not fight alone.

    2. Thanks for being gut honest Mike. You have been given godly wisdom from Osiris. Please take it in. We've talked about issues and you know I and we are here for you. You are not alone, unless you choose to be. Glad you're choosing not to be alone, but to participate. Counterintuitive as it sounds, I want you to reach out an encourage someone each and every day or express appreciation to them. Do not stay at the devil's table of despair. Spit out that poison for it is killing you.

    3. Thanks for the encouraging words.

    4. I'm sorry guys. I seriously cannot even think of anything encouraging to say to anyone.

    5. Mike you are heavily weighed down and exhausted. Jesus said, "Come to me all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light. (Matthew 11:28-29) Mike, Jesus offers you rest so that you can put aside your massive burdens. He will refresh and revive you. He will give you peace and joy. And He will make all things new if you believe and trust in Him and come to Him. I join with the M3 brothers who are praying for you Mike.

    6. Then as I said, express appreciation. Think until you can write a few things you are thankful for. You must change the channel of negativity. You can do this; don't say you can't. Negativity is a self defeating choice. So is giving up. It's also not manly. And God has made you a new man in Christ and put his Spirit within you. Fight Mike! Start by fighting off the hopelessness with thankfulness. And when you fall down get up. Think of me as your boxing coach right now. You will eventually win if you fight, but you gotta fight if you're gonna win. I can't fight for you. I know you care abut your kids. Your kids don't need a defeated dad. Fight!

    7. Praying for you Mike. We are here for you brother.

  11. 1. I see Jesus say His works testify, the Father testifies, the Scriptures testify. We heard and know that John the Baptist was a Herald to the Gospel. And Jesus again confirms John was speaking the truth about Him. Lastily, Jesus mentions Moses, that if they looked at what they already had available to them, Moses talked about Jesus.

    2. I would like to work on my A, attacking in prayer and acts of service or kindness. I have felt that this summer has been a bit busy and I haven't cut out my schedule enough to allow for more devoted prayer time. Specifically for those I lead, serve with, and minister to.

    1. Eddie you are doing great in acts of servicies! Remember you helped me pick up chairs yesterday after church and I was thankful for that. Also all the mission trips you go on are acts of services and don't forget the events you organize and put together all to advance his kingdom. Keep up the good work bro.

  12. 1. The following are the witnesses that Jesus calls upon to testify:
    John the Baptist: Testified to the coming of the Son of Man (God the Son) and then identified Him from among the crowd
    Acts of Divine Love (Works): The miracles Christ has performed up to this point, whether healing the sick, bringing the dead or dying to life, turning water into wine, etc., are all demonstrations of God's love which serve as testimony to the nature of the Father who sent Him and to the nature of the Son who was tasked with performing these works.
    God the Father: Scripture is divinely inspired (the inspired Word of God as recorded by man). Through the Scriptures, God the Father has proclaimed the coming of His Son.
    Scripture: The Word of God heralds the Son's coming. All that had been written about Jesus, up to this point, had been fulfilled in accordance with the Scriptures.
    Moses: Moses also gave testimony to the coming of God the Son and established God's law so that the Jews, God's Chosen People, could prepare their heart for the coming Messiah.

    2. I can improve on my R (Recruiting MANLY Men). I have been a Pro for over four months and can do more to recruit men to M3 and attain R1 status. I am a pretty introverted guy and struggle reaching out to people, but this is our great commission and it is my duty as a follower of Christ to spread His word and make disciples of other men.

    1. Great Osiris! If you would like to stand near the front during altar calls, I'd be happy to introduce you to men whom you could help me follow up on.

    2. Excellent post, Osiris! It was a very good read. Thanks for sharing!

  13. 1. John the Baptist, the works of Jesus, father God, Moses, and the scriptures all are witnesses.

    2. Encouraging and testimony.

    1. Very good James! Maybe u and I can grow by encouraging each other ;-)

  14. 1. A list of witnesses that Jesus calls to testify are as followed.
    Jesus testified in himself
    John had testified the truth
    God (the Father himself had testified
    The living word Scripture had testified and
    Moses testified about Jesus in his writings

    2. R-men recruited who joined m3/Righting wrongs.
    I need to work on then all. I set standards and struggle to meet them but R is definitely my weak spot. First i don't have many encounters with others to talk to them. Second is that i work in a city 80 miles away so it hard to fellowship.

    1. Horacio, you can help me too. You already sit near the front. Just be near me at the altar call time and I will also introduce you to men I pray with that you could then seek to recruit.

  15. 1) John, God the father and moses

    2) my weakest areas are fixing my wrongs and my testimony. I ha even working on professing my faith more now

  16. 1. Witnesses include: John the Baptist, the Father, the scriptures, and works of Jesus.
    2. Need to improve is testimonies

  17. 1. Witnesses
    a. Jesus Himself v.31
    b. God the Father v.32, 37-38
    c. John the Baptist v.33-35
    d. The works (or signs in book of John) that Jesus did v.36
    e. Scriptures v.38-39
    f. Moses v.46-47
    2. T - telling Others

  18. 1- The scriptures
    John the Baptist
    Most of all Jesus. As we have been reading all the great acts Jesus is doing.

    2- I would like to work more on A's and T's. I have not prayed as much as I would like. I am not making excuses I am just being real. T's I've been able to put some up this month. I will try to be more active in that area and be more BOLD.

  19. 1. a) Jesus Himself b) God the Father c) John the Baptist d) The works e) Scriptures f) Moses
    2. I once heard that the road to salvation is ALWAYS under construction. I am in need of improvements everywhere and all the time

    1. You got em Mark.
      You are on the right road with all of us. Just be unstoppable and watch what great progress you make.

  20. 1) John the Baptist at the river
    God the father
    Jesus as the father.

    2) I would like to work on reading the scriptures and be able to research it more in depth and gain more information.

    1. Andre, just have to invest more time in studying. There are many times when I feel that I have done enough, or not tonight. But that is when I give my most effort. Remember reading and searching the word is getting to know Jesus better. Pray and ask Jesus to strengthen this part of your life. I will pray for you , too.

  21. 1.
    A. John the Baptist
    B. God the Father
    C. The Works/miracles
    D. The scriptures
    E. Moses

    2. The miracles and healing a demonstrated He is God.

    I need to work on sharing scripture and meditating on scripture more.

    1. Nicpal, May the Lord give you many opportunities to share the Word.

  22. 1) List the witnesses that Jesus calls upon to testify in John 5:31 to 47.

    Witnesses that Testify about Jesus John 5: verses How the Jews responded to them.

    John the Baptist ( human testimony) vs 33-35 They chose for a time to enjoy his light.

    The work that God gave Jesus to do. vs 36 (16;18) Persecuted Jesus & wanted to kill him.

    God the Father who sent Jesus vs37-38 His Word does not dwell in them.
    They do not believe who He has sent.

    The Holy Scriptures vs 39-40 They diligently studied them but refused
    to come to Jesus for salvation.

    Moses vs 45-47 They did not believe what Moses wrote about Jesus.

    2) I need to work on sowing more seeds among those who don't know Jesus that are around me.

    1. David, great job in telling of the witnesses for Jesus.

  23. 1
    a. Jesus, but not only himself (v. 31, If I alone the testimony is not true.)
    b. John the Baptist
    c. Works and signs of Jesus as directed by God for Him to do.
    d and e. The Father God (directly by His Word, in whomever it abides)
    f. Moses

    My improvement would definitely need to be in transformation.

    1. Oh Lord, please continue to sanctify and transform brother Gary from the inside out. Change him and conform him to be more like Christ, taking on Christlike characteristics.

  24. 1 – John the Baptist
    Teachings and miracles
    The Father
    The Scriptures

    2 – The areas I need to work in are righting wrongs / recruiting to M3 and sharing my testimony.

    1. Hello George, I need to recruit more to M3 and share my "T" as well :) Oh Lord, please give George more opportunities to share his testimony with others and witness the gospel boldly and confidently. Also, help him to encourage other godly men to join this special group M3, in Jesus name, Amen.

    2. It's good to see you more often at church. Also good that you are volunteering your services. That a great way to meet and share testimony.

  25. 1 Himself, John, his works, the scriptures, The Father

    2 I need more T.
    It should be easier now that I am coming in contact with more English speaking people now.

    1. Hello Ed, I need more "T" as well :) Oh Lord, please give Ed more opportunities to share his testimony with others and witness the gospel boldly and confidently, in Jesus name, Amen.

    2. Glad you are meeting English speaking people and not having to only try to communicate with Russian speaking people.

    3. Glad to hear more doors are opening to you with English speaking people. May the Lord bless you and watch over you and your family.

  26. 1. The witnesses are John the Baptiser, the works that the Father gave Jesus to accomplish, God the Father Himself, the Scriptures/Word of God, and even Moses.

    2. Witnessing more to new people that I do not know. I need to plant more seeds to unbelievers.

    1. Thanks for the encouraging words and prayers for others Israel

    2. Good thoughts on witnessing to others, Israel.

  27. 1. John the Baptist, God the father, Jesus, Scripture and Moses.

    2. To seek more of Jesus in my live and continue to serve other with the word of God.

    1. Bueno Oscar.
      Be unstoppable this week my friend :)

    2. Oscar, continue strong , brother. Hope you ate doing better health wise.

  28. 1.The witnesses that Jesus mentioned are John, the works that God the Father had given Jesus to do, God the Father, the Scriptures, and Moses.

    2. Attacking in prayer and Acts of Kindness.

  29. 1. A)John vs.32
    B)"the work"vs.36
    C) the Father vs. 37

    2. Sharing stories of transformation

  30. 1.John the Baptist, God the Father, his works, scripture, Moses

    2. I need to improve in Telling others of transformation/ Testimony

  31. 1. John the Baptist, thw works of the father, the Father himself, scriptures itself, even Moses wrote about him.

    2. Areas of improvement is on Attacking in prayer, testimony.

    1. Will definitely be praying for you to grow in these areas good brother!

  32. What a pleasant surprise to read Perry Mason on the blog today and hear the familiar theme song! I love the show, ever since my dad always watched it in the mornings on MEtv. Great plots and mysteries!

    1) Wow, some powerful scriptures in this passage! I especially love These verses:

    John 5:45-47 “But do not think I will accuse you before the Father. Your accuser is Moses, on whom your hopes are set. If you believed Moses, you would believe me, for he wrote about me. But since you do not believe what he wrote, how are you going to believe what I say?”

    In our reading today, Christ calls to testify:
    -John the Baptist
    -His own works (Jesus)
    -God the Father
    -The Scriptures

    Everything points back the Jesus Christ....and in their foolishness, these people missed the mark so greatly on Who He Was.

    2) Two areas that I know need work, and I will be putting more for is on is "Attacking Prayer" and "Telling Unbelievers of Transformation"

    I am starting to put more effort into talking with people and giving out mini movie cards, and I will make more time of intentional prayer, especially lifting up each other, and Attacking in the Spiritual Realm.

    1. You wrote a very encouraging post on today's blog. Thank you , William .

    2. That's very good Will. Glad to read your thoughts on this section. I also thought the last verses of the chapter very impactful

  33. 1. Witnesses
    a. John "the Baptist"
    b. Miracles accomplished by Jesus
    c. God "the Father"
    d. Scripture
    e. Moses
    1. My weakness falls on attack In prayer, and telling others.

  34. 1. The witnesses are:
    John the Baptist
    God the Father

    2. My weakest areas are encouraging others and testimony so I need to improve on those.

  35. 31 If I alone bear witness about myself, my testimony is not true.
    There is another who bears witness about me
    But the testimony that I have is greater than that of John
    And the Father who sent me has himself borne witness about me
    I do not receive glory from people.
    Do not think that I will accuse you to the Father. There is one who accuses you: Moses, on whom you have set your hope.
    For if you believed Moses, you would believe me; for he wrote of me.

    It's all witnessing and testimonies about christ and that he came so that the world might believe in him.

  36. Late Comment, Keeping up.
    1. Jesus -> Jesus (personal) 'I'm Awesome!'
    John -> Jesus (interpersonal- high reputation) He thinks I'm Awesome
    God -> Jesus (Highest Value- Claiming the stamped authority) "I got the Badge"
    Moses ->Jesus (Penal Code 'Genesis'- previous court files)

    I need to keep up- discipline in the word
