Tues.8.4.15...How'm I Doin'?...Review of Ecclesiastes

How'm I doin'? New York City's Mayor Ed Koch was famous for asking that question. 
Here's what a wiki article in part said about him- Edward Irving "Ed" Koch, December 12, 1924 – February 1, 2013) was an American lawyer, politician, political commentator, movie critic and reality television arbitrator. He served in the United States House of Representatives from 1969 to 1977 and three terms as mayor of New York City, which he led from fiscal insolvency to economic boom, from 1978 to 1989...A popular figure, he rode the New York City Subway and stood at street corners greeting passersby with the slogan, "How'm I doin'?"
That's a very good question to ask. How'm I doin'? Business owners go out of business when they stop asking that of their customers. Employees sometimes lose their jobs if they are not concerned about how their boss thinks they're doing. Marriages crumble if spouses aren't concerned with how they're doing. We may think we're doing well, but we need to ask to find out how others think we're doing. So here's the dare- Ask your spouse, supervisor, friend or M3 squad leader, "How'm I doin'?" Try ever so hard not to debate with them. Instead, thank them. Then reflect on their feedback and see if there might be a grain of truth in what they courageously shared. Then work to improve. 
Yesterday we finished our study of Ecclesiastes. I so enjoyed going through this challenging book with you. We covered a lot, but it's time for me to ask, How'm I doin? I know M3 is challenging; it's not for posers, but for those who are hungry to grow and committed to pursue a GREAT life. But still I want to know...
1.- How'm I doin'? I'm putting in about 4 hours a day on M3, and I guess I'm feeling a need for a bit of encouragement myself. Are you enjoying my blogs and the mentoring and multiplying mission we are on? Any suggestions for improvement?
2.- What was a blog post that you really enjoyed or got a lot out of? (You can look to the right and see our recent archives of all our past blogs on Ecclesiastes.)
3.- What is one verse in Ecclesiastes that really stuck out to you? No  need to comment again on it, just share the verse. Thanks.
Tomorrow we will begin a brand new study through the gospel of John. We will find the meaning of life clearly revealed in even the very first few verses. See you then! 


  1. 1. Dave thank you so much for your godly leadership throughout this journey. I have been greatly blessed by your insight into the word of God through the daily blogs.
    Thank you also for taking all the time to write them and for always having an uplifting comment to say to our daily posts. Because of your loving and caring heart toward us you are always the first one to notice when one of us has missed a day and you always reach out to make sure we are fine.
    You are truly a great shepherd towards us and we are honored to be part of M3. Thank you.
    2. I really enjoyed the blog called:" How do you want to be remembered "
    3. Eccl. 8:10 "Though a sinner does evil a hundred times and prolongs his life, yet I know that it will be well with those who fear God, because they fear before him."

    1. Roger thanks for your dedication to the blog. Always good to see your smiling face!

    2. Thank you Roger! You have helped me out more than once regarding the blog when it didn't launch properly. You are a faithful and encouraging friend I want to have for life. Best of blessings!

    3. Grea to words, Roger. Very up lifting.

    4. Roger, that was a nice "Thank You" to Dave. I also like the verse you picked.

  2. 1. Dave, your dedication and tremendous effort are unmatched as you strive to advance the Kingdom. Thx for your mentoring of us hungry men as you are planting so many seeds that you are not even aware of. The way you present and touch hearts leads us and makes us want more. God is with you as you unselfishly teach his children. Thanks and thanks and thanks my dear friend
    2. You don't have to be an Einstein--it all comes down to fear the Lord and be faithful and obedient to God and his word

    1. Hey Jack. There is a food brand named Hungry Jack. I think that would be a good nickname for you because you are so hungry for the word and understanding it more, not just for yourself but to pass on to others.

    2. Thank you Jack! August marks the one year anniversary of sharing my early thoughts of M3 and your encouragement to move forward with it. Don't think we would be here without you. Thanks so much for your friendship!

    3. Jack thank you for being such an important part in getting M3 started.

    4. Jack, your words and your testimonials have alway encouraged me. Thank you for your leadership.

    5. Jack, thank you for being a great squad leader.

  3. 1. Dave, you're definitely feeding us. I thank you for the posts. They do add a deeper understanding to what we are reading. I do understand that you are putting a lot of time and effort into this ministry. I sincerely thank you. I do believe men are growing in character and pursuing the word.
    I had a suggestion to ease your efforts a bit...What if the squads took more ownership? What if each squad was responsible for the main blog post for a week? Or making sure to encourage everyone. I'm learning about how to delegate so I can be utilized effectively in leading ministry and for others on my team to grow and use their gifts effectively. You have 40 guys in this ministry, I'm sure we have some capable men that can decrease your 4 hour involvement per day to free you up a bit more.

    2. I liked the recent blog A Man's Search for Meaning. I read that book before, so it stuck out to me.

    3. 13Now all has been heard;
    here is the conclusion of the matter:
    Fear God and keep his commandments,
    for this is the duty of all mankind.

    1. Thank you Eddie! I cherish our friendship and walks we've enjoyed together. I like writing the blog so I'm not wanting to delegate that. But I am eager to see the squads encourage and gel all the more. Let's talk about that more. Udabest!

    2. I know there is alot of talent in M3. Eddie, you are one who definitely has it. Me, I'm hungry for the word ( move over, Jack)and enjoy encouraging .

  4. 1. David what an example you are to all the men of M3. Your dedication and hard work and your consistency will without a doubt be your legacy. Thank you for blogging. It's come in a difficult time in my life and has helped me tremendously.

    3. I like versus a time in a season for everything.

    2. I like the study on proverbs 6-23 -15 on the sluggard. I love all of God's Word and this is a good way to get down deep and learn how to meditate on it.

    1. Brother George, it's such a blessing knowing what you've been through and can still find it in your heart to praise God.

    2. George thank for being a faithful member of M3 and living your life accordingly.

    3. Thanks for the kind words George. You've been such a giving friend since we met. You're the real deal!

    4. I agree with you , George. Dave has been lots of help for me

    5. Great job being dedicated to the Blog George!

  5. 1- Thank you Dave. You have put together something truly amazing. I know it must take sacrifice for you to run this blog but it has been an impact on my life. Even before I met you guys whom you have mentored told me that you were such a great bible teacher and they really enjoyed learning from you. Now I can see for myself how great of a teacher you are. Thank You.

    2- The very first post in Ecclesiastes would probably be my favorite. I was excited about it and it also got straight to the point especially when we all shared past experiences of event in our lives that left us feeling empty.

    3- Ecclesiastes 3:14
    I know that everything God does will endure forever; nothing can be added to it and nothing taken from it. God does it so that people will fear him.

    1. Wow Luis, what uplifting words! Thank you! Looking forward to getting to know you better as we do life and battle together.

    2. Luis , before I met Dave, I use to see him up for during prayer call. I use to think he was a very quiet person. Now I see him differently. He is a very energetic, teacher of God's word. An unstoppable Leader!

    3. Love having you with us Lou! You bring such an awesome flavor and Insight to this team! Glad to count you as a great friend of mine

  6. 1. The blog content is always very good! It is full of great principles and relevant info that is easy to remember! I believe in the the mission if M3 and I'm exited to see how God uses it in the church to challenge the men.
    2. 7.24.15 man's search for meaning. I really got a lot out of thinking of the futility of man's purpose and man searching for meaning outside of Christ.
    3."Seize life! Eat bread with gusto,
    Drink wine with a robust heart.
    Oh yes—God takes pleasure in your pleasure!
    Dress festively every morning.
    Don’t skimp on colors and scarves.
    Relish life with the spouse you love
    Each and every day of your precarious life.
    Each day is God’s gift. It’s all you get in exchange
    For the hard work of staying alive.
    Make the most of each one!
    Whatever turns up, grab it and do it. And heartily!
    This is your last and only chance at it,
    For there’s neither work to do nor thoughts to think
    In the company of the dead, where you’re most certainly headed." -Ecclesiastes 9: 7-10 Msg

    1. Thanks Dave! Udabest! You are such a joyous friend. But I can't picture you wearing a colorful scarf though :)

    2. Dave ,thank you for your item 3, Eccles 9: 7-10 . My bible words different. Very good words.

  7. 1. You are doing great Dave! I'm glad you are doing this. Is there a way to cut down the time you spent on the blog? I certainly don't want it to affect your relationships at home. Do you read everyone's post?

    2. How do you want to be remembered was a good post. It puts things in perspective and what we should be living for. I certainly want to leave a legacy behind.

    3. Ecclesiastes 7:14 (NIV) When times are good, be happy; but when times are bad, consider this: God has made the one as well as the other. Therefore, no one can discover anything about their future.

    1. Thank you Sam! I typically comment on everyone's blog I read, but there are nights where I don't get to all of them, especially the late nighters. My wife hasn't complained yet and still remembers my name :)

    2. Dave replys even on Friday nites. I've already checked that out.

  8. 1. Brother Dave, God bless you for your integrity and commitment to M3!you are definitely a blessing to many man that are seeking God. I have a difficult time trying to do my blog daily but for you to put 4 hours plus a day, well may God multiply your blessings. Commitment is a must and with my schedule it can sometimes add added stresses at times. I have had numerous complaints from sisters that would be interested in our blog but when i let them know it's for men the get disappointed. Maybe in the future we can get one stayed to increase our mission. Brother keep it up you are definitely blessing me and I'm pretty sure many more. God bless!

    2. Brothers, i enjoy the great mini movies! I rarely see people at work let alone at home due to my work schedule but when i do they are a blessing to many. Many complements from many people.

    3. Ecclesiastes 12 : 7 and the dust returns to the earth as it was, and the spirit returns to God who gave it.

    1. Horacio thank you for faithfully blogging despite your hard work schedule. This shows you are unstoppable.

    2. Thanks Horacio! So good chatting with you again this morning my friend.
      Lord, please give Horacio a new job with sane hours.

    3. You're right , Horacio, Dave is a blessing.

  9. 1. Brother Dave, God has definitely given you a passion and a gift for teaching. Your efforts in M3 have been as Colossians 3:23 says "Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for human masters,"

    2. "How you want to be remembered?" Provided a sobering and honest look at the legacy we leave behind!

    3. The summary of Ecclesiastes 12:13-14 "Now all has been heard; here is the conclusion of the matter: Fear God and keep his commandments, for this is the duty of all mankind. For God will bring every deed into judgment, including every hidden thing, whether it is good or evil."

    1. Thank you Robert! I was thinking of you today and wondering how it was being back at work after your sabbatical.
      So enjoyed our walk together. Glad we can do life and ministry together my friend.

    2. Robert, you too have been a blessing in my life.

    3. I'll second that. Robert you have been a big blessing in my life too. Thanks for all the encouragement! :)

  10. Let's try this again... I was logged into the wrong gmail account of mine...


    1. I've always admired you as a "Spiritual Chuck Norris" and an all around man's man. Being a new member to the blog I cannot comment on how you've been doing over the last several months. However, I can definitely see the time and devotion you put into the blog. I see how frequently your name shows up commenting on others' comments. I can only assume that this is not the exception, but the rule.

    2. Being that yesterday was my first day, I'd have to say that yesterdays blog stuck out to me the most. For reasons detailed in my comments yesterday.

    3. Ecc 12:11 "The words of the wise are as goads, and as nails fastened by the master of assemblies, which are given from one shepherd."

    Looking forward to my future in M3,


    1. welcome on board brother. You're gonna love it.

    2. Welcome brother Michael. There is definitely a lot of knowledge to be received.

    3. What's up Mike! Welcome to m3.

    4. Brother Michael, welcome to M3. You're off to a running start, great job! God bless :-)

    5. Thanks Mike! Look at all the welcomes and I haven't even introduced you yet. As we discussed, I will do that tomorrow :)
      Your post yesterday was excellent!

    6. Mike, Welcome to M3. Looking forward to meeting you.

    7. Mike, "Spiritual Chuck Norris"...you nailed it right on the head, brother. Welcome to M3. Glad to have you with us brother. God bless you as you embark on this tour of duty with your fellow men of God in the making.

    8. Welcome to M3, Mike! You'll definitely enjoy it!

  11. Dave I think your doing a great job with this blog, I know its not easy teaching a bunch of brothers trying to get them all on the same page

    1. Thanks Flo for being a friend since I started at New Life 27 years ago. Wow, we're getting old :)

    2. Yea, you brothers are getting old. And a lot wiser with each year that God blesses you two.

  12. 1. Dave, don't get discouraged, your a great leader to us all. I've learned a lot from M3. I appreciate the encouragement. If it wasn't for M3 I know I would have lost faith, but from all the encouragement I get on a daily basis, my walk with Christ is strong. I thank you Dave for starting M3 and thank you brothers for the encouragement.

    2. How do you want to be remembered. Was a great topics in my opinion.

    3. Ecclesiastes: 2:14 The wise have eyes in their heads, while the fools walk in darkness; but I came to realize that the same fate overtakes them both.

    1. Jose it has been great to see your faithfulness to M3 from the very beginning. Keep strong brother.

    2. Thank you so much Jose!!! God is at work in you. It's a joy to read your words and to know that the men of M3 have been a blessing to you as well. We are fulfilling our mission!

    3. Stay on that path, Jose. Don't lost sight of the finish line. It's great to see a young man who seeks the word of God.

    4. Jose, it's encouraging to read your words too! Thank you for being unstoppable!

  13. 1. Dave you are doing an awesome job. I for one am grateful for the time you take out of your schedule just to invest and teach us men how to be strong followers of Christ. You defintly are the definition of a manly man. Thanks for all you do to advance gods kingdom. I pray that God continues to bless you and continues to protect you from the enemy. Thanks for accepting me in the blog. Im truly blessed to know you.

    2. How do you want to be remembered? Stuck out to me. It really got me thinking about my life.

    3. “Your body came from the earth. And when you die, it will return to the earth. But your spirit came from God, and when you die, it will return to him.” ‭Ecclesiastes‬ ‭12:7‬ ‭ERV‬‬

    1. "Wow!" Is what fell out of my mouth after reading your very encouraging words James. Thank you!
      I am so pleased to see the way you have proven yourself to be a rock of reliability when so many aren't. That's manly!

    2. James is going to be an tremendous instrument of God .

  14. 1) I think you are doin a great job with the blog, I of all people know it's hard with a busy schedule but I try my best to stay faithful, but I'm only reading and blogging, you are doing the research and posts, score keeping and phone calls, plus being a father and husband! That's a full plate Dave and I commend you.

    2) "a faithful man"

    3) Whoever loves money never has enough; whoever loves wealth is never satisfied with their income. This too is meaningless.”
    ‭‭Ecclesiastes‬ ‭5:10‬ ‭NIV‬‬

    2) "a faithful man"


    2) "a faithful man"

    1. Oh you got me smiling Ricardo! Thank you for being so appreciative. So glad you are an M3 man!

    2. Ricardo, you are a faith man of God!

  15. 1 I appreciate your efforts into running this blog. Now that I am settled in the new country. Let me know how I can help out.
    2I liked the blog "How do you want to be remembered"
    3 Ecc 12:13

    1. Ed, send pictures of the new area when you have a chance. lojeda@blueline.ws.

    2. Brother Ed, it is good to hear that you are settled in. I pray that you are acclimating yourself well, and I am glad to see you on the blog despite your, no doubt, busy transition. My prayers go out to you and your family.

  16. 1.Great job. I enjoy when we start a new book, how you explain who wrote the book and a summary of what the book was written for. I also like that "no man is left behind" mentality that everyone holds each other too.
    2.I enjoyed the "I believe in Evolution" blog and others similar to that where theories are debunked by the Bible. Good ammunition.
    3.Ecclesiastes 5:18 This is what I have observed to be good: that it is appropriate for a person to eat, to drink and to find satisfaction in their toilsome labor under the sun during the few days of life God has given them—for this is their lot.

    1. Chuy, it good to read your posts. Sometimes my phone runs out of juice before I get to yours, but I continue reading in the morning. Continue your walk with the Lord.

    2. Thanks Chuy! I really do appreciate you being in M3 and what you have to share.

  17. 1. Dave,
    last Friday, I text you to see if you read my post. In a way I was asking "how am I doing ?" You did reply right away with an encouraging word. You're always there for us. I can't thank you enough for not giving up on me when I did not want to join M3. These lessons that you invest so much time, have done so much in my life. You were the answer to my prayer when I badly needed God's word. Continue in God's service as our great teacher, encourager, and the unstoppable leader. Thanks again, Dave.
    2. The blog the I felt was interesting was " Man's search for meaning"
    3. Eccles 7: 19. Wisdom does more for a person than ten rulers can do for a city.

    1. Amen! Thats awesome Louie! He was the answer to a prayer of mine as well!

    2. Thank you Louie. I am truly touched by your kind words. So glad to know how we've helped you. You are my Barnabus whose name meant son (reflection) of encouragement.

  18. 1- Brother Dave thanks for all your hard work. It has been a blessing for me. I've learn so much. The way you simply explain stuff is great. Also lately how you have been leaving us with a cliffhanger about tomorrows blog is Great. Continue the great work. May God continue to bless your home.

    2- "Acts of kindness" July 7-17-15 Great one

    3- Ecclesiastes 7:13-14New Century Version (NCV)

    13 Look at what God has done:
    No one can straighten what he has bent.

    14 When life is good, enjoy it.
    But when life is hard, remember:
    God gives good times and hard times,
    and no one knows what tomorrow will bring.

    1. Thanks so much Vince!
      Hey, is it your anniversary today?

    2. Vince, the verses you picked in eccles: 7 are great I have to remember them.

    3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  19. 1)
    The Blogs are very instructional and mind provoking. They help direct our thoughts to things that really matter. The blogs are loaded with practical tools and examples to help live a godly life. They are also very insightful in pointing out many principles in God's Word and showing how they are relevant to apply in our lives.

    A blog post I got a lot out of: Jul 27 Who knows Ecclesiastes 8. (Writing our own epitaph)

    A verse that stuck out to me: Ecclesiastes 5:19 Moreover, when God gives someone wealth and possessions, and the ability to enjoy them, to accept their lot and be happy in their toil—this is a gift of God.

    1. Thank you Dave! You are a very encouraging and enriching man in what you share. Expect a great harvest in the lives of men in light of the years ahead of you.

  20. Dave,

    Thank you for putting so much time and heart into these blogs. They are all so rich. Maybe one day these will become part of a book. They are so good I'm sorry if it seems taken for granted you are giving awAy nuggets of gold. I didn't realize how much time you devote. Thank you for your dedication. You are a good and faithful servant!

    2. Forgotten heroes. Good Ol george fried.

    3. “Remember also your Creator in the days of your youth, before the evil days come and the years draw near when you will say, "I have no delight in them";”
    ‭‭Ecclesiastes‬ ‭12:1‬ ‭NASB‬‬

    1. Yes! Definately nuggets of gold!!! Well put Nic!

    2. I agree with you, Nic. Very true. Pastor Dave is definitely a good and faithful servant to Christ.

      Good verse by the way! That is probably my second favorite in Ecclesiastes.

    3. Thank you Nic! You know you've held a special place in my heart over all these years.
      Unlike Captain George Fried, you are a hero who will not be forgotten.

  21. 1. Dave, On behalf of all of us i would like to tell you that you are an amazing manly man and your leadership is much appreciated. I personally have learned so much in these last few months thanks to you so freely sharing these blogs with us. You make every lesson so fascinating and interesting. I never enjoyed reading the Word as much as i do now. The way you break things down to us is so helpful. I admire your leadership! I sometimes wonder how you do it. I know i might be feeding your ego now but you deserve it! ;) Thank you for all your time Dave! I would also like to thank your family for them sharing you with us!

    2. I liked them all but i think " A mans search for meaning'' was my fave.

    3. Ecclesiastes 11:4 Farmers who wait for perfect weather never plant, if they watch every cloud, they never harvest.

    1. Thank you Phil. You fed my soul.
      You're a new friend whom I cherish!

    2. Phil, reading the word was a struggle for me . You right. I'm also captivated by these lessons. We have a great teacher and an unstoppable leader.

  22. 1) Dave I also want to thank you because you have helped me stay in the word even after a few bumps along the way. I think you are impacting many men that are able to share the words to others. we are here to win a war not a battle. Dave your a general in war and we are the soldiers that will always follow where we are needed. I think these blogs are great and I think you are doing a great job.

    2) I liked when you talked about leaving a legacy. And what do we want to be remembered as.

    1. Thank you much Andre. But I simply see myself as a foot soldier in the battle with you. We are ordinary GIs in an extraordinary battle that will indeed be won. Let us slug it out until our Commander comes in conquest.

    2. Andre, Dave is definitely impacting the lives of a lot of people.

  23. 1
    I approach your dedication and intentional leadership to move M3 forward and keep it going. Thanks back to you for your own encouragement over this weekend; and I always believe that you are correct in your question:
    Where else could we be impacted, make and impact, as well as have men that are continually raised up for God’s kingdom and gospel?

    First thing that comes to mind is the post very early on about putting the big rocks first
    That is December 8 2014

    One thing that I didn’t speak on was from 8:12. as long as we live the importance that we seek out of life as well as teach to others to seek is surely of the fear of God and His righteousness. Rather than striving for property and long-lives and moving in worldly wisdom which flees from God
    Ecc 8:12 Though a sinner does evil a hundred times and prolongs his life, yet I know that it will be well with those who fear God, because they fear before him.

    1. O Gary, thank you much! Stay in the trenches with me to the end. There is glory awaiting us!

  24. 3)If a man fathers a hundred children and lives many years, so that the days of his years are many, but his soul is not satisfied with life's good things, and he also has no burial, I say that a stillborn child is better off than he. Ecclesiastes 6:3

  25. This comment has been removed by the author.

  26. 1. You are doing a phenomenal job, Dave. I can't wrap my head around how you manage to find the time to be a father, provider, and fisher of men within a 24-hour span. I do hope to have the opportunity to learn that trick someday. Your blog posts are a mirror into each man's soul. Something I only recently learned in the past five years of my life is the importance of making time for reflection...in essence to ask, "How am I doing, and how can I be a better man tomorrow than I was today." The wit, humor, and trivia that go into each daily post is a refreshing touch to an otherwise monotonous day. I appreciate the biblical insights a well-studied Bible scholar like yourself provides us with. Having done other forms of Bible study, I can sincerely say this is my favorite way to study and grow in the Word.

    2. Th.7.2.15...Honest Confessions...Prov.28:1-14. This is one of those posts that I turn back to when I make an examination of my conscience and seek forgiveness for my sins through confession of these to the Father. Coming from a tradition of confessing my sins to a priest and receiving absolution (a tradition I always found questionable), I still struggle to feel that I am confessing my sins properly and reconciling myself to the Lord.

    3. Ecclesiastes 1:2 "Meaningless! Meaningless!" says the Teacher. "Utterly meaningless! Everything is meaningless." In anticipation of going back to school soon, what teacher hasn't wanted to start the year off with this line? Seriously. I would love to begin the year by looking my students square in the eyes and say, "Everything you will learn this year is utterly meaningless...everything is meaningless, except your relationship with God." I would have honestly appreciated those words earlier on in life.

    1. Thank you Osiris! I look forward to another walk with you when your schedule permits.
      Words we wish could be taught to kids in public schools-
      Only one life twill soon be past;
      only what's done for Christ will last.

    2. Osiris, you get an A+ on your writing skills and an A+ on being a manly man of God.

  27. 1 - Dave, Thank you for all you do for us, you have taught me a lot. You’re doing a great job. I appreciate all the time you spend blogging and encouraging all 30+ members of M3. If it wasn’t for M3 I probably wouldn’t be spending as much time studying the Bible.

    2 – My favorite section of blogs were the weeks you explained other religions but I also enjoy reading your explanations of Bible verses.

    3 – Ecclesiastes 6: 9 Enjoy what you have rather than desiring what you don’t have. Just dreaming about nice things is meaningless—like chasing the wind.

    1. Thank you George! You are a new friend I'm glad I have. The Lord is going to use you to influence many people for His glory.

  28. 1) Thanks for your hard work, Pastor Dave! The blogs are very mind provoking, and I do like the videos you attach to them (like the video with the cops doing acts of kindness). I also enjoy the fact that M3 helps encourage me to step out of my comfort zone to share verses and encouragement with others Anyway, I always enjoyed hearing you teach when I was younger, Pastor Dave. I'm glad to have the opportunity for that now as well. :)

    I might need a clarification. I'm still a bit confused in regards to how the M3 recruitment credit system works. I've tried to understand it in the past, but it feels quite complicated.

    2) I've enjoyed a bunch of the lessons. "A Man's Search for Meaning" and "Clarify" were fun ones.

    3) Ecclesiastes 12:13 "Now all has been heard; here is the conclusion of the matter: Fear God and keep his commandments, for this is the duty of all mankind."

    By the way, I'm going for an interview tomorrow for a job at school. Prayers would be greatly appreciated.

    1. Thank you Alex! So glad to see the way you've grown up to become a young man of God.
      My prayers are with you and I'll call you soon to clarify things.

    2. Alex, Dave is right, you have truly grown into being a MANLY man for the Lord. So proud of you and your encouraging words to so many in life and on the blog.


  29. 1.- It's phenomenal Dave what you are doing with us here in M3. You are resilient and unstoppable and have set a high bar for us. You are a big impact in my development in scripture and Christ. Thank you brother for your devotion, I pray I respond accordingly. Blessings to you and your family.

    2.- I liked the July 29 posting where we paraphrase a verse and name a favorite tv show we watch in our youth.

    Enjoyed how my brothers were able to express n reveal their thoughts on their verse selection and especially how the Lord touches all our hearts. I also liked how our favorite show selection reveals the wide range of ages in M3, sharing and encouraging one another in our mission for the Glory of GOD.

    3.- Ecc. 7:8
    The end of the matter is better than its beginning and patience is better than pride.

    Wait patiently for its conclusion and than it's outcome is revealed.

    I really liked the book of Ecclesiastes, heavy, insightful. Looking forward to the book of John.

    1. Thank you so much Armando. You are a faithful, appreciative friend.
      God is going to use you all the more to influence others for Christ.

  30. 1. Wow Dave :) I knew that you spent a lot of time doing this blog because I know how long bible studies can take to prepare. I am forever grateful for being a part of this wonderful ministry spurring Men to forcefully advance the Kingdom of God!! It has sure impacted my life in sooooo many ways. I certainly do not want you to jeopardize your many roles as spiritual leader in the home, full time worker and husband and being Pastor Dad to your family. 4-hours a day may not be sustainable, especially with the anticipation of growth of this blog. I believe it has the potential to explode soon to way hundreds, if not thousands of men. This reminds me of Jethro, Mose's father in law, when he encouraged Moses to select some godly leaders to help oversee and judge the disputes and the teaching of the law. Then Moses was consulted with the especially hard cases to decide. I would encourage you to ask some of the men privately " who is interested in writing blog posts for one week" and you proofread their material. Also, squad leaders would be responsible to encourage their squad members daily on the blog so that you do not have to comment on everyone's daily post. Delegate as much as you can, like selecting pictures for the blog, or adding up everyone's scores on the Great scoreboard, or maybe stop with all the daily phone calls by letting squad members call their team members. I know that you are Great at doing all of these, but really focus on what you do best , like write the blogposts. Just some thoughts

    2. You do not have to be an Einstein
    3. Ecc 12:13 says". Now all has been heard; here is the conclusion of the matter: Fear God and keep his commandments, for this is the duty of all mankind ". Let us Fear God, and keep his commandments!!!

    1. Thank you Israel for your friendship, kind words and wise suggestions. I have been working toward some of those ideas already. May the Lord continue to fill and flow through you.

  31. 1) I can say with all my heart that you do a fantastic job as leader and writer of M3, Dave. The amount of detail, time, effort, commitment, thought, studying, and encouragement you put into this program and blog is staggering...Especially while taking care of your wife and kids! I am so honored to have the privilege of knowing you and you touch the lives of so many MANLY men. I always look forward to reading what you comment on my post :) Thank you for all you do for this program and for each of us individually.

    2) there have been so many Posts that I have gotten things out of, for instance, I absolutely loved the Study through Proverbs. I can in halfway through, but I grew so much in what I did learn.

    With that being said, I would definitely have to say one I really enjoyed doing was "Wed.7.29.15...Clarify...Eccles.10" ------- It was a lot of fun paraphrasing our chosen verse, and reminiscing about favorite shows growing up with the guys. Nice break from the usual :)

    3) Ecclesiastes 11:6 “Sow your seed in the morning, and at evening let your hands not be idle, for you do not know which will succeed, whether this or that, or whether both will do equally well.”

    1. Good verse choice Tio, I chose the same one! Definitely spoke to me.

    2. Thank you Will! It's a joy to have you on the team. Your impact is only going to expand.

  32. 1. Brother Dave, ever since I started with you in NGL (short term 4mths or so) I knew you are a man with such wisdom and knowledge. During this time of going over scripture and blogging I am beginning to see your passion and desire on multiplying manly men. Thank God for for such nudge or push to see where my hearts stands in the Lord. Thank you in all that your doing in disciplining us!

    2. Blog I enjoyed was " A Dust In The Wind"
    it opened my eyes how we oneself can value everything that person cherishes from materials, to building estate of home, to successs and look at it as all dust.

    3http://bible.com/111/ecc.5.16.niv This too is a grievous evil: As everyone comes, so they depart, and what do they gain, since they toil for the wind?

    1. Thanks Ismael! So glad we are seeking to advance the kingdom of God together. Love your passion!

  33. 1. – I am doing well and I am enjoying the blogs the mission to multiply manly men. Although, I sometimes feel tired because all the other obligations of life. I enjoy the encouragement that I received from my fellow friends to continue in the race and to stay connected with the word of God.

    2. – My favorite blog was Forgotten Heroes, Ecclesiastes 9. I want to be remembered at least from my family and friends as a MANLY Man who serves the Lord Jesus Christ and someone who loves people with compassion. Amen.

    3. - Ecclesiastes 7:1519 wisdom makes one wise person more powerful than ten rulers in a city.

    1. Glad you're doing well Oscar and that you are enjoying the blogs and being a part of M3. We are glad you are with us.
