Th.8.20.15...It's Vital For Explorers...John 5:1-15

Light. It's vital for explorers. "Thy word is a... light to my path" Ps.119:105. We would be lost without God's light. The close-minded man ignores God's word so "the fool walks in the darkness" Eccles.2:14. A fool could become enlightened if he would just start asking questions instead of trying to be such a know it all. Questions can be like a torch that shines light on things. Great explorers of Scripture (Bible scholars) spend a lot of time asking questions of the passage before them. You can think you know a passage well until you start asking questions. First, you'll  discover how much you don't know, then you'll want to discover the answers to your questions. That is when the light of understanding comes on. That's how you become bright- by asking questions and discovering their answers.

1.- So my bright Bible explorers, take today's passage, John 5:1-15, and list questions that come to your mind as you read through it. The more the better.

Faith healers put guilt on unhealed people saying that they didn't have enough faith to receive when they were prayed for. Interestingly, this crippled man was not healed because of his faith in Jesus. He didn't even know who Jesus was (5:13). This miracle was not recorded to give hope to people with disabilities that Jesus will heal them. Jesus left all the other crippled people there by the pool. Remember why John recorded the seven miracles he selected-"These are written that you may believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God, and that by believing you may have life in his name" 20:31.

Jesus also didn't heal him because he was such a good man. There was some ongoing sin in his life that was so irksome that Jesus even commanded him,"Stop sinning or something worse may happen to you" 5:14. That sin didn't cause him to be an invalid; he evidently got engrossed in it after becoming an invalid. Jesus leaves the sin unnamed, perhaps so the command will speak to all people. What could be worse than being an invalid? He leaves that also for us to imagine. If the man didn't take seriously who Jesus was, and repent and believe in him, then something far worse would happen to him. Jesus is quite direct, telling the man to stop sinning. Some people believe they need to go through extensive counseling before they could ever stop their repeated sins. The past may explain propensities to certain sins, but it doesn't excuse it. Ultimately they just need to stop it. Having had a biblical counseling practice, I got a chuckle out of this Bob Newhart spoof on counseling. There is truth in jest. 

Over the past 400 years since the OT ended, the Pharisees ("Separate ones") emerged. They created their own laws on top of the 613 laws of Moses. They may have had good intentions originally, but their laws became terribly burdensome. some of their man-made laws became known as fence laws. Like a fence, their purpose was to keep a person from ever getting close to breaking one of God's own laws. They also made laws to supposedly clarify God's laws. For example, they knew the OT said a person was not to work on the Sabbath, so they took it upon themselves to create all kinds of laws defining "work." These oral laws were later written down in about 200AD in a boring book, called the Mishnah. Yes, I've read some of it. A seminary prof assigned us to read a portion of it just so we could get a feel for how tedious it was. For example, if a woman was throwing water out the window at the time Sabbath began (Friday at sunset) they declared it work for her to bring her hands back inside. What?! The poor people that had to live under such burdensome laws! It must have been music to their ears to hear Jesus give his gracious invitation, "Come to me all you are weary and burdened and I will give you rest" Mt.11:28. He is the Lord of the Sabbath who gives the ultimate Sabbath rest through faith in him, not works.

2.- In Eccles. 4:9-10 we read, "Two are better than one because they have a good return for their work. If one falls down, his friend can help  him up. But pity the man who falls and has no one to help him up." The invalid in our story today regretted that he had no one to help him up and into the water. Aren't you glad that you are not left alone. You have friends to help you. Together you and your fire team friends can have a good return for your work of maturing and multiplying men. It's vital that we strengthen the bonds between us. So instead of sharing on the blog about a time you were an invalid, very sick or with a broken limb, share that with you fire team members. I will ask you tomorrow if'n ya' did so.

What do optical illusions have to do with our blog tomorrow? Come and see :)

Talk about optical illusions; Louie wrote, "On Monday, I arrived at the job site and started talking with the electrician who I thought was the lead man. Turns out it was not him, but his brother. These two looked like twins. I gave both brothers each a mini movie card and a New Life card and invited both of them to church." Way to go Louie!


I am delighted to introduce a good friend of mine for many years who is joining M3 today. I met him the summer I came to New Life in 1988. He was so devoted to serving God and God's people that Pastor Mark invited him on the pastoral staff. Yes, it's Pastor Mike Berry! Mike is one of the most positive and encouraging people I know. Among other things, Mike has a great heart for God and His word, learning, evangelism and discipleship. He is a great M3 kind of man! Mike will be pioneering a new squad, so pray for him as he reaches out to recruit new men. Welcome Pastor Mike! 

We are glad Eddie is back from leading the mission trip to Queretaro. He is also helping to lead the Convoy of Hope outreach this Saturday. Here's the news regarding it: VOLUNTEER RALLY – This Thursday, August 20th at 7 pm @ New Life Church, Midway. All volunteers are asked to attend, but in case some cannot make it, we will be registering people on Saturday morning at Marquette Park.  Get your Waiver Form completed and get a Tee shirt that is to be worn on the Day of Hope. All volunteers are asked to arrive at 7:30 am at Marquette Park on Saturday August 22nd.  There will be free parking at Holy Cross Hospital on California Avenue and also around the park. Thanks Eddie! What a great opportunity to do Acts of Kindness. 


  1. 1. a. What was the feast that the Jews were celebrating?
    b. Why was only the first person that stepped into the pool healed and not all that were there.
    c. Why did Jesus withdraw from the multitude after healing the sick man.
    2. Will do

  2. 1.
    A- how often did the angel stir the water?
    B- it says he had been an invalid for 38 years. Out of those 38 years, how many years had he spend by the pool.

    2- OK

    1. Luis very interesting question... How often did the angel stir the water.

    2. Good questions, Luis! I like them both.

  3. 1. a. Why was only one person healed each time? (v. 4)
    b. Why did Jesus ask the man if He wanted to be healed? (v. 6)
    c. Why did the man receive healing even though he didn’t express any repentance or faith? (v. 8)
    2. I just joined and don’t have a fire team yet. Brothers, it’s great to join in with all of you on the M3 team! I have heard so much good from many of you about M3 and I told Dave I was ready to jump in. Dave has always been a great encouragement and help to me. His faith, teaching, and consistency have challenged me so many times and I’m glad to be a part of a daily growth plan. There are a lot of other guys that need this type of fellowship and exhortation so I’m going to try and bring them in and build another team one by one over the next few months.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.


    2. Welcome to M3, Pastor Mike, I'm grateful n thankful to your ministry in my behalf always, a honor to have u with us. Blessings to you n your family.

    3. Welcome Pastor Mike it is great to have you on our team.

    4. Welcome pastor, great to have you on board!

    5. Great to have you in M3. You will be blessed.

    6. Welcome, Pastor Mike. You will undoubtedly enrich our study of Scripture greatly. It is great to have you with us.

    7. Welcome Pastor Mike. We are excited to have you!

    8. Pastor Mike, welcome to M3. Looking forward to reading your post and getting to know you better.

    9. Amen, welcome pastor mike so glad to have you.

    10. Welcome to the M3 Team, Pastor Mike. We are all so glad you chose to join with us.

    11. Welcome Pastor Mike :) I am so glad to intentionally advance the Kingdom of God with you :)

    12. So great to have you on board Mike!

  4. Welcome Pastor Mike. Glad you are with us. God bless.

  5. Later Jesus found him at the temple and said to him, “See, you are well again. Stop sinning or something worse may happen to you.”
    John 5:14
    1. What was the sin? Did he catch him in a sin? Did his sin cause him to be paralyzed?

    2. Will do.

    1. Good questions to ask George. Got me thinking.

    2. I find it interesting that Jesus just so happens to run into this man again (I have a feeling He knew where to find him) and reminds him of the condition of his newfound health: stop sinning. If the man was at the temple giving thanks, he was certainly at the right place at the right time. Jesus does this in our own lives. Though we may stumble upon the same stone again, the message is the same: our spiritual healing is contingent upon our abstaining from sin. Our faith will provide us with the strength and grace to achieve this, but we must willingly choose NOT to sin.

  6. 1a. What is a colonnade? Porch
    1b. What is the Sheep Gate? It was a means of locating the pool.

    The pool, or what is said to be it, is shown to travellers at the present time. By the sheep-market a pool — Or, by the sheep-gate, as Dr. Campbell renders επι τη προβατικη, observing, however, that there is nothing in the Greek which answers to either gate or market; but the word used being an adjective, requires some such addition to complete the sense: and we have good evidence that one of the gates of Jerusalem was called the sheep-gate. See Nehemiah 3:32; Nehemiah 12:39. But we have no evidence that any place there was called the sheep-market. The word κολυμβηθρα, here rendered a pool, signifies a place to swim in

    2. Will call or text

  7. 1.- Did this pool actually heal the lame n sick?
    Why did u have to be the first submerged in pool to be heal?
    When do they actually know the stirring of water is from a angel n not from the wind or other natural source?
    Who is this angel?
    And is this a factual angel that stirs the water or just fictional folklore?

    2.- Yes staying connected n fellowship with my brothers is a critical piece to many in my base foundation in CHRIST.
    Will do.

    1. Very tough questions, really got me thinking

    2. To this day, my mother, still a practicing Roman Catholic, encourages me to visit the sacred Host on exposition in the chapel of the Catholic church I attended up until I started worshipping at New Life. For many years I did, thinking that this was as close to the presence of God as I could come. Like the people waiting at the edge of the pool, my belief in a religious tradition kept me from truly knowing God. Rather than venerate a wafer in a shiny display, I should have been pouring over Scripture and feeding on God's Word.

  8. 1. 6 - When Jesus saw him lying there and knew that he had already been there a long time, he said to him, “Do you want to be healed?”

    Jesus knew the invalid man's situation, isn't it obvious that he would want to be healed? Why did Jesus ask?

    12 - They asked him, “Who is the man who said to you, ‘Take up your bed and walk’?” Now the man who had been healed did not know who it was, for Jesus had withdrawn, as there was a crowd in the place.

    Why did Jesus withdraw?

    13 -Afterward Jesus found him in the temple and said to him, “See, you are well! Sin no more, that nothing worse may happen to you.”

    I interesting that Jesus found the healed man in the temple. After all these years by the pool, why would the man go to the temple?

    15 - The man went away and told the Jews that it was Jesus who had healed him.

    Jesus didn't really introduce himself to this man. How did he know who he was? All Jesus said was stop sinning.

    John 5:6, 12-15 ESV

    2. Will do.

    1. You raise a great question, Eddie. Isn't it obvious that we all want to be healed of whatever affliction our sin has brought upon us? Sometimes, we act like we don't want to be healed. We fall, time and time again, into the very sin that cripples us and makes us lame, and still we scratch our head and wonder why we can't stand up, lift up our mat, and walk in the presence of God. I know I am guilty of this. Jesus is asking me today: "Do you want to be healed?" Do I? I should probably stop sinning and start living like a man who knows that healing is offered in the open and nail-pierced hands of Jesus Christ.

    2. Eddie, thanks for all you do. it was great to see so many people at the rally tonight. We're excited for Saturday.

  9. 7 The impotent man answered him, Sir, I have no man, when the water is troubled, to put me into the pool: but while I am coming, another steppeth down before me.

    8 Jesus saith unto him, Rise, take up thy bed, and walk.

    Jesus spoke with authority that even the broken parts of the body could hear his, and the following verse followed (9) And immediately the man was made whole. PTL

    Brothers, we worship a living God who cares about our infirmities and well being. We might be today in the most difficult event of our lives, maybe losing a loved one, sickness, financial difficulties etc. But the good news is that God is still on his throne waiting to answer the prayers of his children....... "And immediately the man was made whole"

    1. so glad you are with us Lemmy! The miracle reveals and reminds us of our great Savior doesn't it?!

  10. 1. did miracles really happen there, if so how come John the Baptize didn't baptize there.

    1. Interesting Flo.They evidently only happened when an angel came down and stirred the water.
      Good talking with you again today.

  11. 1) What festival was it?
    2) Why did Jesus pick this man out of all the others?
    3) why didn't anybody ever help this man down to the pool?

    1. Good question Ricardo why did Jesus pick this man over the others.

  12. 1. How would paralytic arrive to pool?
    Why didn't he just answer Jesus' question?
    Why was carrying a mat considered work?
    Why didn't he recognize who Jesus was?
    What sin was Jesus referring to?
    2. Did it

    1. Excellent questions Robert! That's the sign of a good Bible student, which you are.

    2. Very good questions, Robert! All of them!

  13. 1. V3 Here laid a multitude of handicapped people, which I'm pretty sure some where in worse shape then the one Jesus healed. Wi did Jesus only heal him and not other?

    V6 why did Jesus ask him "Do you want to be healed? " I'm pretty sure everyone one their wanted to be healed that's why they were their.

    V10 I thought God said rest on the seventh day and he did. I'm assuming it is the Sabbath? Are they the same or different?

    2. Will do

    1. Very good questions Horacio.
      So glad to talk with you and pray together today.

  14. 1 Who told the invalids that the stirred up water makes people well?
    Had the man been there the whole 38 years?
    Was the invalid trying to escape a potential punishment by saying the reason he picked up his mat on the sabbath (did work) was because Jesus told him to.

    2 Done.

    1. Ah, the teacher is a good inquisitive student!

  15. 1. What specific feast was Jesus going to at Jerusalem?
    Why did Jesus slip away after he healed the man?

    2. Will do.

    1. I like your second question Tim. Was Jesus trying to be discreet about healing the man? Hmm. Good stuff.

    2. Bueno Tim! I hope your fall won't make you an invalid for long :)

  16. 1. How long did the water last until it stopped healing people?

    Why were people so focused on the guy picking up his mat on the sabbath and not focused on the miracle of him being completely healed?

    2. Will do.

    1. Wow great question James! I can't believe that they would be worried about this man's mat instead of wondering how this invalid is finally walking.

  17. What's the deal with the ancient jacuzzi?

    Who or what is this angel? Superstition? Miracle?

    It's interesting Jesus chose to heal here.
    Why did Jesus ask him if he wanted to be healed when he was so frustrated about people cutting him in line to get healed?
    How did people do anything with these stringent laws?

    2. Did it

  18. 1. I know the Sabbath you are not suppose to work, but picking up a mat was considered work? What about walking? Wouldnt that be work. Or eating? that is work. Anyway, I think they were just messing with that guy because he was healed. So they knew it was a miracle, but instead of acknowledging the miracle, they said yoy cant pick up your mat because its the Sabbatj. I think they were jealous.

    2. ok

    1. Interesting thoughts my brother
      God bless

    2. Forbidding for someone from carrying something like that on the Sabbath was a man made religious law. The Jews had many such rules, traditions and laws. It displeased God because they focused so much more on their man made laws that they nearly neglected God's given laws. This is very similar to the Catholic Church that you and I grew up in.

    3. I think you're right Chuy :)

  19. 1- What would have happened to him if he didn't stop sinning?
    Why was is so important for the man to pick up his Bed and walk away?
    Did anyone play with water to trick people that an angel touch the water?

    2- ok

  20. Testing, I just lost my whole post, and will take me another hour to put together. Testing, temper, patience . Run in low on battery too.

  21. This comment has been removed by the author.

  22. 1. I found it interesting to how the story illustrates only one man for which Healing occurred. I would think that Jesus knew he could do better- probably heal everyone there at that pool. But one. Makes me wonder- and in his point as if he healed everyone on the Sabbath, and caused a stirring of the crowd, and would have really provoked the authorities.
    Relating it back, I think he addresses those who he calls, not everyone was called- or reached out. This man was 'fertile soil' for which God could plant a moment of reflection and a sign to point to Him

    2. Did it.

  23. 1. Can our sins (even sins carried out in thought) cripple us physically? What was the man's sin that caused him to be lame? His healing comes with a dire warning: "Stop sinning or something worse may happen to you." Are the consequences of sin a natural byproduct of sin itself, or are they a form of divine retribution? Did this change with Jesus' sacrifice?

    Why doesn't Jesus point out the foolishness of those who believe the pool has healing powers? No doubt this tradition continued long after Jesus' time there. Why allow the superstition to continue instead of teaching the people present the error of their way?

    2. Roger that.

    1. Great questions Osiris, I really like that s find one. You're right, if this phenomenon was not true, why would Jesus let the charade go on

  24. 1. Did the man that was healed drop his mat when the Jewish leaders told him to?
    What kind of sinning was this man doing and did he stop when Jesus told him to stop sinning?
    Did he know that Jesus was Our Lord and Savior?

    2.Will do

    1. Good questions Phil! Sorry about your computer problems. I even tried to delete the ones you removed. but they wouldn't disappear.

  25. This comment has been removed by the author.

  26. This comment has been removed by the author.

  27. Something is going on with my computer :( It wont let my post go through

    1. Not to worry Phil. I go through that most of the time. Just remember, patience.

  28. 1. Verse 4. Did the angel of the Lord actually touch the water or was it a fluke tremble that kept hope up for the sick folk?
    Verse 6,7. Why didn't the sick man respond with yes? Instead he made an excuse for not being able to get into the water.
    verse 9,10. Why was the Jewish law so extreme that even among then it could not be kept.
    2 done

  29. 1. What were the invalids sins and why was he relieved of them even though he never acknowledged Jesus as his Savior nor repent.?
    Why Was this pool believed to have healing powers?
    How crazy is it that the Pharacies said it was against the laws to carry a mat on the Sabath.
    2. Done

    1. Jack, regarding the extreme laws. I once did some work at a Jewish school . I requested some time on the weekend to finish work that could not be done during regular hours. This was reject due to working on the Sabbath. I reminded them that they were allowing other people to clean and dust their artifacts. They answered, they will not be breaking a sweat but you will.

  30. What festival was Jesus going to?
    Was anyone healed by going into the water?
    Why didn’t he question who Jesus was when He told him to get up?

    2 – Done

  31. John 5:1-15 Questions:
    a) When and who built the pool with its 5 colonnades?
    b) The pool was called Bethesda. What does that name mean?
    c) John 5:3 states that a great # of handicapped people were by the pool. Approximately what was that number.
    d)Why did Jesus seem to ask this man such an obvious question “Do you want to be healed?.
    e) What caused the water to stir/ how often does this happen?
    f) Why didn't Jesus tell this man who he was, or any thing about the kingdom of God?
    g) Why did Jesus tell this man to pickup his mat and walk if it was forbidden by the law?
    h) In what way was this man sinning?
    i) Why did the healed man make it a point to go back to the Jews to tell them that it was Jesus who healed him?

    2) Will do

    1. Those are a lot of good, interesting questions, Mr. Heidekrueger.

  32. 1. Questions.
    Why was the invalid man waiting to get in the water?
    Why Jesus ask the invalid man “do you want to get well”.
    Why Jesus said to the invalid man, “Get up! Pick up your mat and walk.”

    2. Did it.

  33. 1. Q. Why was he the only one Jesus healed?
    Q. Why did Jesus tell him to pick up his mat?
    Q. Who made the law about not working on the sabbeth?

    2. Did it.

    1. Q. Why did people gather around that pool?
      Q. Why did Jesus leave as soon as he healed the man?

    2. Very good questions Jose! You're thinking deeply.

  34. 1. Why a pool with only lame, paralyzed, or invalid people there?
    What does water represent?
    Why does Jesus say pick up your mat and go?

  35. 1. Were sick people really healed by going in to this pool of water? Why did Jesus tell this man to pick up his mat and go? Why did the religious leaders get upset because someone was healed on the sabbath? How does Jesus slip away and disappear so many times in the bible?

    2. did it

  36. 1) why do the Pharisees take a good thing and turn into a bad thing?

  37. 1) Q1: (this has more to do with the translation) Why is John 5:4 absent in the NIV, ESV, and NLT?
    Q2: Why did Jesus ask if the man wanted to be healed?
    Q3: Was the man that was mentioned in the passage the only paralyzed individual that Jesus healed at that pool?

    2) Will do.

    1. Great questions Alex!
      Stick around and we will deal with absent verses in a couple weeks.

  38. Welcome Pastor Mike! So happy to have you as a part of M3! One of the best mentors a guy could ask for :)

    1) Some questions that came to kind for me:

    Q = In some translations, it mentions that the Water is stirred by an Angel. Is that true, and if so, why would the Angel be doing that in particular?

    Q = Were people truly being healed at the pool, or was it simply Jewish legend?

    Q = How were people able to even move on the Sabbath? We're the Pharisees working by walking around and policing everyone?

    Q = Why did Jesus find it best to slip away, instead of confronting the Pharisees about the man and his mat?

    2) I made sure to do so.

  39. 1.John 5:10 NIV
    [10] and so the Jews said to the man who had been healed, "It is the Sabbath; the law forbids you to carry your mat."
    - Was this based in the scriptures or was it a man Mande law?
    2. Got it.

    1. Good Dave!
      It was merely their interpretation of work.

  40. 1
    Can being an invalid be a state of mind

    Why would am invalid or a group of invalids come to the pool by the sheep gate

    Could there have been other examples for us in Jesus healing the other invalids at the pool rather than just the one man

    Is it true that Jesus did not plainly state His name to the man who was healed yet in verse 5:15 the man tells the jews that Jesus heed him.

    Did it

  41. 1. My question is what types of issues would make a man be considered invalid?

    Also why does Jesus like to slip away after healing someone, it seems to happen a lot?

    2. Did it

    1. Good questions Michael.
      Perhaps we are seeing a glimpse of Jesus' humility, that he didn't hang around for public praise. 5:41.
