Th.8.13.15...Zeal for God's House...John 2:12-25

Yesterday we saw Jesus at a wedding party. Jesus was a man with fullness of joy who was a joy to be around. Even the little children were attracted to him. Today we meet Jesus at another festivity, but this time, he is far from happy. Read John 2:12-25. Here we read of Jesus going up to Jerusalem for the Passover feast (held in mid April). Jesus was angered at the corruption that was going on in his Father's house. Just as Moses was angered at the people's corrupt behavior, so we see God's ultimate Deliverer angry at such as well.

Anger is emotional energy. It can be used to help or hurt. Oftentimes our anger is unrighteous. "My dear brothers take note of this: Everyone should be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to become angry, for man's anger does not bring about the righteous life that God desires" James 1:20. We can have a fast fuse and then blow up. But notice that Jesus was not like that. He even took the time to make a whip to drive out the animals from his Father's house of worship. This was a carefully weighed response. His emotional energy of anger was aimed at correcting a problem. His disciples didn't even view this as an angry outburst, but of his holy zeal, fulfilling a prediction regarding the character of the Messiah- "Zeal for your house will consume me" (quoted from Ps.69:9).

Notice it says the Jews demanded of him, "What miraculous sign can you show us to prove your authority to do all this?" Does it strike you as odd that Jesus and the disciples, including John, who wrote this were all Jews, yet John calls them "the Jews" over 60 times in his book? Though this gospel was written for the whole world, John is reminding us of the actors in the story he is telling. This is not some made up fairy tale. It is rooted in history. Yesterday even we learned that the stone water pots were "the kind the Jews used for ceremonial washing" 2:6. He is helping us understand the customs of his own people whom he is writing about. The Jews in this case, who were demanding the miraculous sign, were the religious leaders who did not like Jesus from the start. Jesus didn't perform a miracle in front of them because it wouldn't have changed their hearts anyway. Want proof? You'll get plenty as we move through this gospel. 

The greatest proof that Jesus has given of being the promised Messiah is his resurrection from the dead. The disciples later understood Jesus' fulfillment of the Scriptures. We will see that John highlights the Scriptures as a prime evidence that Jesus is the Christ.

If salvation is by believing in Jesus, then why didn't Jesus entrust himself to those who believed in him after seeing the miracles he performed in 2:23? Jesus knew their hearts. He knew their faith in him was superficial. We will see John return to this issue of superficial faith a few other times in his gospel of belief. As an evangelist, John was wanting to help people see that they must follow Jesus for the right reason or their faith is worthless. Evangelists admit that many of the people who come forward at an altar call for salvation aren't even sure what they are doing there. They were emotionally moved, but not convicted and repentant of their sins. You will see that in churches today. Sadly, I've seen it already in M3- people who talk a good game as they join, but don't walk faithfully. They are here today and gone tomorrow. Jesus even told a parable, repeated in Matthew, Mark and Luke, about people, who are like plants, which spring up quickly, but have no root, so they don't last and bear fruit. Thus, we are warned to expect drop outs. It's not that the bar is set so high. People even drop out from simply going to church. Perhaps the weeds of the affairs of this life choke out their remaining and bearing fruit. Or perhaps they were expecting a quick cure to their struggles. Some may want an easy faith, not a manly faith which endures tough times. And tougher times will come in these end times. We will see later in John 6 that Jesus lost most of his so called followers because they only had superficial faith. 

Am I saying that a man who drops out of M3 is not saved? Of course not. But that is always possible. Judas faked it well. I am simply reminding us all to beware of a quitters mentality that hallows out the chests of so many men in churches these days. If a man wants to leave M3 to do something greater for God's kingdom, we will salute him and cheer him on. (Hey, we may even join him:) But if a man leaves M3 to coast, I will be disappointed, but will still warmly treat him. I'm sure you'll do the same. Sadly, I have not seen one yet who seems to be doing better advancing in his life or advancing God's kingdom since he left. Busyness has been their common reason. We all are busy. So glad that you are busy advancing God's kingdom with us (Mt.6:33). May zeal for God's house (God's people) be what you are remembered for as well. I'm right proud of you!

1.- Share some of your thoughts on a verse or phrase from John 2:12-25.

2.- Please watch another one of our and share it's name and briefly what it was about. Then be on the lookout for people to give a card to, or send the site to them.

I like Oscar's loving persistence in outreach. He wrote, "This past Monday I shared with a co-worker the mini movies card and invited him to church. My friend keeps saying, 'I am an atheist and I do not believe in God.' I keep saying,'It‘s ok you are still welcome at church.' So, I invited him to attend, listen and learn about God the creator of life. I pray that God would soften his heart to receive the gospel."

Dave DeBoer wrote, "Last Thursday, I had the privilege of sharing the gospel with two teenage boys and they both made the decision for Christ to be their Savior!" Thank you Lord! And way to reach out Dave!

Thanks also for encouraging your fire-team and squad members, especially if you notice one missing on yesterday's scoreboard.

What do these men all have in common- the wild-west gunfighter Doc Holliday, comedian Steve Martin, basketball legend Magic Johnson, and cartoonist Gary Larson? You'll find out tomorrow.

I'm looking forward to seeing you who live in the Midway area this Sunday for an important M3 meeting at 11:30. Honors, a special guest, and revelations of new things will all be a part of that meeting. See you soon. Thanks also for helping with our free will offering. Udabest!


  1. 1. John 2:23 "Now when he was in Jerusalem at the Passover Feast, many believed in his name when they saw the signs that he was doing."
    How wonderful it must have been to be there and see Jesus perform these miracles and see many people believe in Him. May we all continue to share God's word so that we can also see the transforming power of God in the lives of others that put their faith in Him.
    2. I saw: "Suicide- A true story". Very powerful short video in which a lady talks about her desire to give up on life and commit suicide. It is only after she actually tries to end her life that she finds Jesus whom takes away her pain and offers her a new life.

    1. Good Roger and glad you liked that powerful video too.

    2. thanks I would never leave GOD because I know he wouldn't leave me. I was going to reply earlier but my little one called and said she was hungry, so off I went

  2. 1."But Jesus would not entrust himself to them, for he knew all men." John 2:24
    - I like how Jesus was never fooled into games I popularity it politics.
    2. "I don't think a loving God would judge me". Great images and dealing with great objections. I like where you say about hypocrites at church "light attracts bugs".

    1. Yes indeed Dave, "Light attracts bugs" And Jesus was the light of the world, thus he didn't entrust himself to those superficial believers. They believed he was a great miracle maker, but not Savior.

  3. 1 John 2:25 " he did not need any testimony about mankind , for he knew what was in each person"
    God already knows what's in our hearts and what we are going to do before we do it. Our mission is to help him transform non- believers as well as those who talk the talk but don't walk the walk. Many don't live righteously and think they are already saved- but God wants our whole heart and follow the ways of Jesus always.
    2. I watched the Bridge. It was enlightening. God provided his son Jesus as the ultimate sacrifice for all sins as our ONLY way to cross the bridge to salvation.
    We must accept the only way to have a relationship with God is to accept his son as our Savior.

    1. Very good Jack. And you met Ron Hutchcraft didn't you? What a great illustrator.

    2. That it right Jack, our mission is lead people to Christ so he can transform them.

  4. 1- John 2:14
    In the temple courts he found people selling cattle, sheep and doves, and others sitting at tables exchanging money.

    In my personal opinion I don't think that Jesus flipped out for the fact that there were merchants there. As other gospels tell Jesus saying that they were turning it into a den or robbers. I think he was upset of the fact that the people selling animals there were taking advantage of outsiders. They were selling animals for a person to sacrifice but at an unfair price. Similar to the city of Chicago with taking advantage of tourists. If it were the case that Jesus flipped over tables and chased people out with a whip because they were selling things then many churches today would be in error for having a coffee shop inside the building or for setting up a table when selling food to raise money for things such as missions trips.

    God always checks the persons heart and true motives. Often times we may be doing something that wouldn't necessarily be a bad thing but it may be possible that our motive behind it may not be something that honors God.

    2- I am an atheist
    I like the quote he used towards the end "If we kick out the pilot because we want to take over the controls then we shouldn't moan when the plane heads for disaster". I feel that this quote not only serves an unbeliever but a believer as well who at times is unwise in choice making.

    1. I think Jesus was mad that they were doing it for profit, trying too take advantage of the people seeking GOD not thinking they would be taken advantage of in church

    2. I agree with you Louis. It wasn't simply the buying and selling, but the outrageous upcharges upon the poor pilgrims. It was also being done in the court of the Gentiles, totally interfering with their opportunity to worship. Imagine that kind of goings on in the sanctuary during church service, instead of a foyer.
      Glad you liked the video too.

    3. Could be that he was mad that they were robbing people of access into the temple to worship God. I don't think it was necessarily the whole money issue. People from the outside couldn't bring what they had to pay the sacrifices. They had to purchase the most perfect lambs or offerings that were only sold in the temple. And because of the up hike in prices would effect those who made the pilgrimage, but couldn't afford to pay that. In essence, the merchants were hindering people to enter the temple. I think that Jesus was angered at that the most.

  5. john 2 ;20 how he well rebuild the temple in 3 days. You know not all people have time to participate in m3, Dave you said it yourself m3 is not for everybody. I might be 1 of those who drop out, its not that I don't like what your doing its because I don't have that much time too put in it....GOD first my kids second I have 12 years to catch up with them

    1. You are absolutely right Flo, M3 is not for everybody. I would be sad if you dropped out. You have been growing so much in the ways God longs for- being devoted to His word, and being devoted to a band of brothers in brotherly love (Rom.12;10) who are seeking to carry out the great commission. Mt.28:19-20. Many Americans have reduced their Christianity to being Sunday morning attenders or maybe showing up to a small group as well. What a far cry from being the devoted disciples who were committed to the great commission that we read about in Scripture. That is how they put God first and we are to as well. Thankfully M3 takes very little time. Sure hope you stay with us. You have a great opportunity to multiply your life into many other men to help them become strong multiplying disciples- Mt.28:19-20. PS- Welcome back form the Dells. Talk with you soon. Phileo

    2. Flo I pray that you have strength and guidance from God so that you can continue in our group.

    3. You got this Flo! I love having you brother, and truly pray that you can make the time to stay. :)

  6. 1. "After he was raised from the dead, his disciples recalled what he had said. Then they believed the scripture and the words that Jesus had spoken." John 2:22

    "his disciples recalled what he had said" Reminded me of Cleopas and his traveling companion on the road to Emmaus. They too had forgotten all the Lord had spoken to them.

    "And beginning with Moses and all the Prophets, he (Jesus) explained to them what was said in all the Scriptures concerning himself." Luke 24:27
    Let us never forget all He has done for us!

    For anyone who may be interested the following link is to a youtube video for the song by Chris Tomlin "I lift up my hands (to believe again)"

    2. Watched "What if I choose to do nothing"
    It explained that rejecting God "is the same as choosing to be expelled from the presence of God and cast into a fiery place of punishment"

    1. Very good Robert! I'm enjoying the great Chris Tomlin right now. Thank you.
      Sobering video you watched.

  7. John 2:23b-25 (NIV) ...many people saw the signs he was performing and believed in his name. 24 But Jesus would not entrust himself to them, for he knew all people. 25 He did not need any testimony about mankind, for he knew what was in each person.

    There is no point in fooling each other, God knows all, He chooses to work through us. I pray that we continue to follow Him whole heartily.

    2. Never been unloved. Caught me by surprise, it is a song about everything we have been under the sun, but never been unloved. God has always loved us.

    1. Amen Sam, may we all continue to be faithful to God and follow Him whole heartily.

    2. Very good thoughts and verses, Sam!

  8. 1. John 12:19 Jesus answered them, “Destroy this temple, and I will raise it again in three days.”

    I always thought it was interesting to see Jesus reference his resurrection so many times throughout his life as if begging to find someone who understood what he meant and yet knowing the entire time that no one would know until it had happened.

    2. I picked That's My King and if you haven't seen it I highly recommend it! I was looking for a video to watch and this one caught my eye because I was already familiar with it. I remember seeing it in high school (I think Pastor Dwayne showed it at Soul Purpose on one of the few instances I attended) and it was one of the most impactful videos I've ever seen. Even now when I need a reminder I would go to youtube to find it so I was happy to see it on the minimovies site. Anyways this video is about who you follow as a believer and what our God, our King stands for. Every time I watch this video I get goosebumps and now I am going to watch it a second time because it is that amazing.

    1. Wow! That's great Michael and a great endorsement for others to watch it. He is worthy!
      I believe you will be unstoppable this week.

    2. What a great way of looking at the reseurction!

    3. I't's a little late from me to watch that video this evening now. But Mike your recommendation and review makes me want to see it tomorrow. Thanks for sharing about it.

    4. Good post, Mike! I agree. It is very interesting that Jesus told His disciples and others so many times about His death and resurrection, yet they still never seemed to actually understand what He was saying. Thanks for sharing!

  9. 1. “Jesus answered and said unto them, Destroy this temple, and in three days I will raise it up.” John‬ ‭2:19‬ ‭KJV‬‬

    I think it's crazy that he told the people what will happen to him on earth in this verse before it even happens.

    2. I watch Castro love. It's a awesome testimony of a kid who grew up with anger towards his father and God. He later found joy in trusting God and forgiving his father for everything he's done. Good video.

    1. Yes Catastrophic Love is a great story of Josh McDowell. Glad you liked it too.

    2. You know what's even crazier Jim, is that we are the temples of the living Christ.

  10. 1. I see purification as a common theme in the second chapter. Jesus turns water into wine, he cleanses his Father's House, and in verse 22 foreshadows his ultimate act of purification for all that believe.John 2:22 After he was raised from the dead, his disciples recalled what he had said. Then they believed the scripture and the words that Jesus had spoken.

    2. I watched the prodigal girl. We did the prodigal son this morning in VBS. Mark Estrada was the prodigal. Academy Award, he should be in a novela.

    1. I have several prayer requests. I won't name them all but my heart is really heavy, especially since I'm so far away at the moment and can't do much. But regardless I couldn't do much anyways it would have to be all God. Please lift up my brother Frank, my buddy Mike and my mentee and friend Auggie up in prayer. Thank you.

    2. I like your observation regarding purification Eddie.
      Would have liked to see Mark on stage. Send greetings to him and Jose.
      Have been praying for Auggie and now will include Frank and Mike.

    3. Keep untrue good work brother! God Bless you during your struggles and saddened heart

  11. 1) “Jesus answered them, “Destroy this temple, and I will raise it again in three days.””
    ‭‭John‬ ‭2:19‬ ‭

    2) I watched "kkk leader" it was about a man who grew up around hate and racism and became a kkk leader. The best part is when he gives his life to God and befriends the pastor, but the church was predominantly black. Great story of how God is stronger than hatred

    1. You're right Ricardo. That is a powerful video!

  12. 1.After he was raised from the dead, his disciples recalled what he had said. Then they believed the scripture and the words that Jesus had spoken.
    John 2:22
    Anger and hate can be good and bad Christ was angered he drove money changers from the house of worship. God hates sin. But God loves the sinner because he sent His Son to die for our sins.

    2. "Come alive "great music video and it goes with the verse that I chose.

  13. I forgot to mention that gasoline could be good and bad it keeps our cars running but you can also use it to burn someone's house down with.

  14. 1. John 2:12 After this he went down to Capernaum with his mother and brothers and his disciples.

    I chose this passage because I was just curious about the part were it says brothers. They mention disciples but who are is brothers. do they mean brothers as in friends. I know Jesus is the Son of God so he wouldn't have brothers, but just wondering what it meant by that.

    2. I watched "I thought". We all thimks this kinds of things. I thought I would get to heaven because I did these good things. We need to be born again and believe.

    1. Mary and Joseph had kids after Jesus. One of them I believed was named Judas

    2. Flo is right. See Mt.13:55-56 where it names his brothers and mentions that he had sisters too.

    3. Chuy, Like you I came from a Catholic background. Your going to find many of those Catholic teachings contradict what the Bible actually teaches. Keep your eyes open for them and keep asking those good questions.

  15. 1. John 2:17 "Zeal for Thy house will consume me" What are the things I am passionate about? Are they the same things that Jesus is passionate about?

    2. Falling Plates - a great, powerful, and succinct presentation of the Gospel.

    1. Tim I'm sorry I couldn't reply yesterday, bad internet service. Falling plates was the first mini I watched too, it was very good

    2. Very good Tim and what a good walk with you and your beautiful dog Ellie :)

    3. Very good questions/thoughts on the verse, Tim! I really liked them.

  16. 1. “But Jesus did not trust himself unto them, for that he knew all men, and because he needed not that any one should bear witness concerning man; for he himself knew what was in man.”

    ‭‭John‬ ‭2:24-25‬ ‭ASV‬‬
    Man's witness can be faulty. Jesus didn't need the Jews approval. Jesus was secure. Plus he knows man is dust.

    2. smart
    It's about how people thought something was impossible later became possible. It's about how we think today that we have everything figured out and that we are so enlightened. Can't wait to see what's next!

    1. Very good Nic!
      Glad you are my longtime friend. Keep fighting the good fight.

  17. 1. John 2:25 He did not need any testimony about mankind, for he knew what was in each person.

    2. I watched "caught by the FBI" it was about a girl who grew up to become a queen pin in L.A.. She was selling drugs and living the fast life, until she got pregnant. She and her husband planned on moving to Texas to raise their son, but the day after they talked about leaving her husband was killed. She ended up back selling drugs, and eventually ended up in prison. As she waited for her sentence she confessed her sins to God. And instead of serving 25 to life she did 12yrs. But since the day she confessed her sins she put her life in gods hands.

    1. Good summary Jose. If you read this, please call me. Thanks!

  18. 1)And he told those who sold the pigeons, "Take these things away; do not make my Father's house a house of trade." John 2:16

    This has always been an issue for me at some churches where they use church and the community to make money off people that are willing to give.

    1. Andre, I understand how you feel. I think of the churches hosting casino nights.

  19. 2) "falling plates" when we loose that connection with God we lose our purpose our drive and our life. God is what should keep us going and what should fulfill us

  20. 1. - John 2: 19 Jesus answered them, “Destroy this temple, and I will raise it again in three days.” Jesus knew from the beginning that he was going to die and God on the third was going to be raise him from the dead. Through his death he was going to give us eternal if we put our faith in him.

    2. – ‘This is the Good news!’ A brief message about how human nature need Jesus to be save from the sin. People need the Gospel to be save from destruction into internal life in Jesus Christ.

    1. Good Oscar! Glad to see you on the blog today. Phileo!

    2. Oscar!!!!! Great stuff my brother God bless

  21. 1-John 2:16-17New Living Translation (NLT)

    16 Then, going over to the people who sold doves, he told them, “Get these things out of here. Stop turning my Father’s house into a marketplace!”

    17 Then his disciples remembered this prophecy from the Scriptures: “Passion for God’s house will consume me.”[

    I like How Jesus showed his love for his fathers house. Great to know that through Jesus' anger he was still setting an example or teaching his disciples. Another example of Jesus proving to his disciples that he is the king of kings and lord of lords.

    2- Say No to religion= Jesus was rejected so we can be accepted.

    1. What zeal Christ has for His father's house :) You are right Vince, He has all authority in heaven and on earth and is the King of Kings and Lord of Lords :) We are in good hands my brother.

  22. 1) John 2:18 Then the Jews demanded of him, “What miraculous sign can you show us to prove your authority to do all this?
    Jesus explained his reason for overturning the money tables and driving out the sheep and cattle that were in the temple courts. He said “How dare you turn my Father's house into a market. Those marketers gave no thought about the purpose of the temple and the on going sacred ceremonies taking place there. Men were seeking forgiveness of sins and restoration to their God through the prescribed animal sacrifices for their sins. The marketers just sought to profit from those coming to God with their greatest needs. They may have thought that if the high priests, scribes and religious leaders said nothing against the “services” they provided, why should this man named Jesus take it upon himself to do what he did? But what must have irked them even more was that Jesus called the temple, his Father's house, and so declared himself to have a relation with God's as being his own Son. So in anger they challenged Jesus by demanding a miraculous sign to prove his authority. Jesus responded without doing an immediate miracle before them. We at times may be challenged and asked by what authority do we make statements that are politically incorrect. Or how can we tell someone that they are heading for eternal damnation. By what authority do we tell people about the way of salvation. Our authority comes from Jesus through his Word.

    2) I watched the mini-video titled “Suicidal” In it a woman describes her suicidal thoughts and about the pain driving them. After an attempt suicide, she realized that death was not the end and she had to find another way to deal with her problems. Then Jesus found her. He showed her a way out from her pain.

    1. Brother Dave, very well thought out answer with a final conclusion "Our authority comes from Jesus through his Word. "

    2. Dave, it's awesome how He always has a way out for us.

  23. 1. John 2:19-22 says "Jesus answered them, “Destroy this temple, and I will raise it again in three days.” They replied, “It has taken forty-six years to build this temple, and you are going to raise it in three days?” But the temple he had spoken of was his body. After he was raised from the dead, his disciples recalled what he had said......." ------I love this verse because many cults, like the Jehovah Witnesses (JW's) are forced to rethink their theology after reading this verse. As you know, JW's deny Jesus is God and they deny the concept of the Trinity. I like to ask a JW, "Who rose Jesus from the dead?' and they will always answer "Jehovah", and I will always say, that is Correct :) because in Romans 10:9, it says "If you declare with your mouth, “Jesus is Lord,” and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved.". Actually there are many verses that say God raised Jesus from the dead :)

    Then I will ask a JW to read these verses in John 2:19-22 ( and even in their own bible) and re-ask them Who rose Jesus from the dead? They always get stumped because Jesus says that He will raise Himself from the dead in 3 days! But WAIT, it gets better, in Romans 8:11, it says that the Holy Spirit rose Jesus from the dead. Thus, I have JW's read all 3 verses and re-ask them, "Who rose Jesus from the Dead?" I simply say, that Jehovah rose Jesus, that Jesus rose Jesus, and that the Holy Spirit rose Jesus! All 3 are the One True God in their very Nature and Essence. These 3 verses are very Powerful in proving the concept of the Trinity :)

    2. I seen "What does God look like?" -- The movie basically responds that God looks like Jesus, the Word who became flesh and dwelt among us :) Jesus is the exact representation of God's being :)

    1. Israel, great information! Now I'm looking forward to running into Jehovah Witnesses.

    2. Great post, Tio! I loved it!

    3. Great reference verses for the concept of the Trinity!!

  24. 1 – John 1: 19 Jesus answered them, “Destroy this temple, and I will raise it again in three days.” I’ve always liked this verse. I wonder what the disciples were thinking when Jesus said it? Did they start to question who they were following? It’s easy for us knowing that he was talking about his body as the temple but it must have been hard to his disciples to keep their faith when he’s says something that sounds do crazy.

    2 – I watched “How Unique” today. It’s another good video that explains how Christianity is the only religion where your works don’t save you. I liked the part where he talked about only being two believes - Those who believe they can save themselves or those who believe they need a savior.

    1. Good verse George! And that sounds like a good video, I will have to check it out soon

  25. 1. John 2:16 To those who sold doves he said, “Get these out of here! Stop turning my Father’s house into a market!”

    This made me think about how all these people are out on the streets selling things nowadays trying to make a buck, instead on praying and building a relationship with Christ which would satisfy all of there needs.

    2. I apologize but I will have to watch the greatest mini movie tmrw. I will make sure I post it on here

  26. 1) John 2:19 "Jesus answered them, "Destroy this temple, and I will raise it again in three days.""

    Jesus made so many references to His death and resurrection during His time teaching people and His disciples. As a result, it is interesting that when He went to the cross, none of His disciples understood His words even then. It was only after His resurrection that they received a full appreciation for Jesus Christ's words.

    2) I watched "Adam and Eve were Just Myths." It was about disproving the belief that the Bible is full of errors. It was a very interesting movie.

    1. Excellent Alex! I loved hearing your thoughts on John 2:19 :)

  27. 1) The verse I chose is:

    John 2:22 “After he was raised from the dead, his disciples recalled what he had said. Then they believed the scripture and the words that Jesus had spoken.”

    I am finding it interesting how I missed this detail before. John, mentioning the death of Jesus Early on. A tale of things to come. Another place I found something similar is when Christ tells His disciples to "pick up their cross and follow Him":

    “Then he said to them all: “Whoever wants to be my disciple must deny themselves and take up their cross daily and follow me.”
    ‭‭Luke‬ ‭9:23‬ ‭NIV‬‬

    Keeping in mind that this is prior to Christ even been arrested, so nothing was said about how Jesus would die, or even if He would. Only once arrested did the Jews call out "Crucify Him, Crucify Him". Remarkable how that was told to His disciples. I wonder if any of them truly grasped what He said their, and its implication.

    2) I watched "Come Awake". A great movie and a great song! It explained that many of us live a life that is mired down in our Sin or our thinking, and that we need to "Come Awake" to the fact that Christ took all of that on His shoulders at the Cross, for everything we have ever did, and ever will do. We are free to rise up because, and only because, of our Lord Jesus Christ. So encouraging! Exactly what I needed!


  28. 1.- Jn. 2:18
    The Jews then responded to Him,
    "What sign can you show us to prove your authority to do this?"

    Jesus is the Son of God and authority over his Fathers house, revealing a sign to them who are corrupt and unbelieving is useless. A sign can only be evident to those with a mind open to read the underlying truth, a faithful and obedient servant of God.
    Not all signs are true and can be deceiving, as this Jews would be more than likely to believe.

    Dt. 13:1-3
    If a prophet, or one who foretells by dreams, appears among you and announces to you a sign or wonder, and if the sign and wonder spoken of takes place, and the prophet says, "Let us follow other gods (gods you have not known) "and let us worship them," you must not listen to the words of that prophet or dreamer. The LORD your God is testing you to find out whether you love him with all your heart and with all your soul.

    2.- I watch "What does God look like"
    It talks of all the good things God does and is of, his love of everyone. All of these qualities are present in Jesus, stating "want to know what GOD looks like, just look at JESUS,
    God became flesh in Jesus!

  29. When Jesus said this ..
    To those who sold doves he said, “Get these out of here! Stop turning my Father’s house into a market!” His disciples remembered that it is written: “Zeal for your house will consume me.”
    John 2:16-17 NIV
    Brought up question and maybe my own conviction to at times I have felt this, where I've had over heard people in church talk about nothing but business and networking. Personally I have felt nothing wrong with networking but maybe to at an extent of such.. other times I have talked to people and come up to me and said "I'm trying to make business" and that's when I question where is there heart placed at?..

    Watched "What Does God Look Like"?
    Pretty well explained on God looks like, God in his very nature is in through Jesus Christ.

  30. 1. John 2:20 The Jews then said, “It has taken forty-six years to build this temple, and will you raise it up in three days?”

    The temple of God. It seems that Jews where very confused on what Jesus meant. Not a physical place of worship. Why does it seem that people get comfortable then slack around God. Total disrespectful to God so holy and clean.

    2. Today i watched "I Thought ." Very moving ! The only way is thru Jesus, not your good deeds or things you do that make you better. All of us are going to be judged.

  31. 1. John 2:25. There was no need for anyone to tell him him about them , because he himself knew wh as to was in their hearts.
    First of all, Jesus is our creator. He has known us before we were born. He knows our character and our very thought.
    2. "Come awake"
    This mini movie is about encouragement to believe that Jesus can lift us from our shame, out come from our bad choices, fear, loneliness, pride.

  32. 1. John 2:25 "He did not need any testimony about mankind, for he knew what was in each person." When I pray, I do not make any attempt to boast about or give testimony to any of my accomplishments except in a spirit of thanksgiving to God who gives me every ability I possess and a heart to use the gifts He has given me to advance his kingdom. I certainly don't attempt to justify my actions, especially those that have led me to sin. God knows my heart. Jesus knows what is in each of us. He knows our strengths and our weaknesses. He knows us better than we know ourselves. Instead, when I pray, I share my brokenness with God. I acknowledge the God-shaped void in my heart that only He can fill. I invite Him to mend the crooked paths of heart, mind, and soul that exist within me with humility, knowing that I am nothing except what God fashions me to be. I would be a meaningless lump of clay, but the Father is shaping me into a vessel worthy and capable of being filled by the Holy Spirit and carrying His message to the world.

    2. I watched A Man Fell in a Hole. This video does a great job of outlining the inherent flaws in the various religious traditions from Buddism to Islam, and the poignantly drives the message home. What god or god-figure, what tenant or pillar of truth, what philosophical belief-system ever lowered itself to the level of man, only to rescue mankind from the hole it was in? Only Jesus Christ, the Way, the Truth, and the Life, has done this. It is through Christ alone that we have salvation, and through Him alone, that we can be raised from whatever hole we find ourselves in and elevated into the sight of the Father.

  33. 1 “What sign can you show us to prove your authority to do all this?”

    Its interesting that they don't try to justify their wrong or claim that its okay.

    2 I watched the video about the evolution. It is a nice concise introduction to the lack of science behind evolution.

  34. 1
    Verse Joh 2:24  “But Jesus on his part did not entrust himself to them, because he knew all people.”
    This was impactful to me as Jesus knew not to commit to them out of giving them (the money changers) fully the all that he knew so that they would not worship the Man Jesus rather than the full nature of God.

    I enjoyed watching the Smart video
