Th.8.6.15...Diving into the Gospel of John...John 1:1-18

Are you afraid of heights? As a kid, how far up the ladder at the pool would you climb to dive in? Here's a man who climbed up a crazy, high ladder to dive 177 feet below into the water. My record is only about a tenth of that. Though I'm not afraid climbing ladders, I think I would be terrified to be at the top of that 177' tower contemplating diving down into the water. Good night, a plunge half that high can kill you if not done properly. There's a fine line between being courageous and being crazy. Imagine how you'd feel at the top of that diving tower. (As a pastor friend said, "I'd need to change my underwear :)

Today we are about to climb much higher, up to the heavens, as we dive into the gospel of John. But before we dive in, we need to know a little bit about the background of this book. I found a great introduction to the gospel of John by Gary DeLashmutt of Xenos Ministries He keeps it short and explains things in a clear manner. I'll add my own comments [ in brackets].
AUTHOR & DATE: It was written by John the son of Zebedee, one of Jesus' disciples, probably between 80-100 AD. [ I believe John was written before the destruction of Jerusalem in 70 AD based on John's own words in 5:2. Bet that really changes your life, doesn't it :] Though he does not name himself, both internal evidence (elimination of the other intimate disciples--Peter and James) and external evidence (Polycarp; Irenaeus; Papias) confirm his authorship.
ORIGINAL AUDIENCE: John writes to non-Jews. This is clear because he explains Jewish customs and terms. After the fall of Jerusalem in 70 AD, John moved to Ephesus and worked primarily with Gentiles. The Gentiles of John's day were spiritually-oriented, but relativistic. [That means they didn't believe in absolutes. What may be bad for you may be okay for me. Our country is full of "spiritual" people who don't know the truth that can set them free.]
PURPOSE: Read 20:31. This is an evangelistic account of Jesus' life. He selected his material to provide them with evidence that Jesus is the unique Messiah and Son of God, so that they may believe in him and have spiritual life through him. This is why we usually recommend that seekers start with John instead of Genesis, Matthew, etc. [I agree. John is God's evangelistic tract. I've given out many copies in the past. If only we could get them at a discounted price...] 
SIMPLICITY & PROFUNDITY: John's gospel has the smallest and simplest Greek vocabulary of any New Testament book; he uses just over 400 Greek words. (That's why Greek students usually start with John.) But in spite of this simplicity, there is incredible spiritual depth and profundity in this book. One theologian said it is "shallow enough for babies to wade in, but deep enough for elephants to drown in." [Consider the short, simple words John uses in just his opening few verses. Little children can read it, but theologians marvel at it- "In the beginning was the word and the word was with God and the word was God."]
RELATIONSHIP TO OTHER GOSPELS: Written after them, John purposefully selects material which they did not include (to fill in their gaps, and to pursue his evangelistic purpose). Whereas the synoptic gospels begin with the historical account of Jesus' life and build to a conclusion about him, John begins with a summary of his conclusions about Jesus, and then records historical examples from the life of Jesus to validate his conclusions. We call this summary the prologue of John; it is perhaps the greatest distillation of Christian theology in the whole New Testament. [That is why we are going to take only a small portion of chapter 1 to look at today.]

The Logos Is Ultimate Reality (vs 1-3)

Read vs 1-3. John introduces us to an entity he calls "the Word." This is the Greek word logos. Since John is writing to Greeks, he uses their own philosophical term as the starting point for his message. From their observation of order in the external universe and human rationality, they believed there must be some universal "reason" which undergirds reality and provides meaning for the universe. They sometimes called this "cosmic rationality" (or Ultimate Reality) the logos. [Logos is the Greek word John uses which is translated "word" in this passage. In the beginning was the word (logos)...]
Their problem was that they didn't know where to go from there. There was endless speculation and disagreement about the nature of this logos: is it personal or impersonal? Is it eternal or temporal? What is its relationship to the material world? Is it interested or disinterested in individual humans?
Using their own term for Ultimate Reality, [logos, the word] John answers their questions with a series of block-buster assertions. What humans can only guess at by observation, John reveals to us in this passage. [They only had "under the sun" speculation, like guessing what color eyes aliens in UFOs might have. Jesus and John's gospel gives us revelation.] 
The logos is eternal (vs 1a). "In the beginning already was the logos." The logos is the uncaused Cause, the self-existent Ground of Reality beyond which it is impossible to go.
["In the beginning" is of course also how Genesis begins. So John also begins his book referring back to the beginning of creation on Earth. The Greek language, using the imperfect tense for "was" indicates that the word (logos, whom we know from 1:14 is Christ) "was already" there before the beginning of time. So we could read the verse this way- "In the beginning, already was the word, and the word was already with God and the word already was God. The Living Bible, which is a paraphrase, reflects the meaning- "Before anything else existed, there was Christ, with God. He has always been alive and is himself God." Let the eternity of God the Son melt your mind! Roger and I discussed this within his comments on the blog just yesterday.]
The logos is the Creator of the universe (vs 3). The universe is not eternal (NATURALISTS) [There are atheistic evolutionists that claim the universe must be eternal because they don't want to admit that there must be a Creator of creation. That is a fairy tale for gullible adults], nor is it somehow God (ANIMISM & PANTHEISM). [There are environmentalist today that worship the creation rather than the Creator.] It was "spoken into existence" by the logos.
The logos is a Person. The logos is not called "it," but "he" (vs 2) and "him" (vs 3).
            ["The great Creator became my Savior and all God's fullness dwelleth in him!"]
The logos is deity, or God (vs 1c). The Greek emphasizes this. Because of the above, the logos clearly deserves this title. [The word already was God. he didn't become a God as Mormons believe and He isn't "a god" as the Jehovah's Witnesses New World Translation perverts that verse. Their Bible is not a version it is a perversion and their authors will face the worst of God's pronounced judgments for changing God's sacred words. Examine as many translations as you can find, I've looked at more than 20, no Greek scholar has rendered the passage their way- "the word was a god." No, "the word was God." Jesus already was and forever is God. A little god, Michael the archangel cannot save us. Only almighty God can save us.]
The logos is also personally distinct from God (vs 1b,2). He is both God, and was also always "face to face" with God. This is one of many passages (OT and NT) that reveal that while God is a unity in his essence, he exists as more than one Person. We call this the "Trinity." [Some rightly call the trinity a tri-unity.] Here, two of these three Persons are mentioned: God the Father ("God" and God the Son (called "the logos"). [Later on in chapter one, we will see the Father, Son and Spirit all referred to- 1:33.]
This sounds very abstract, but it resolves a profound question: How God can be both personal and self-existent? How can God be personal without needing to create other persons with whom to relate? But if God needed to create other persons, God is not truly self-existent. The biblical answer to this question is the Trinity: God has always existed as a community of Persons who have always loved one another. One hundred trillion years before anything or anyone else existed, God was already there forever before. But he was never lonely because he related to himselves (read Jn. 17:24). [The Lord did not create you out of loneliness, but fullness of joy. The Trinity was so full of love abd that love desired to express itself to others. I once got a birth announcement from friends that read something like this- "Out of our overflowing love for each other, we look forward to pouring it out on our expected child." That's how the triune God feels about you and me. Wow!]
The logos, of course, is Jesus (vs 14a). The historical Person Jesus of Nazareth, who was born into the human race at Bethlehem around 4 BC and died around 33 AD, is in fact God, the infinite-personal-eternal Creator of the whole universe! He created the materials from which his feeding trough crib was made. He created the angels that announced his birth, and the sheep the shepherds tended, and the star that guided the magi . . .[And you! Thank You Lord Jesus for coming to rescue and relate to us. Open our hearts to love you back all the more and share this overflowing love with others.]
1.- Read John 1:1-18, but focus your attention on v.1-3. Share some of your thoughts from it or anything written above. Then write out John 1:1 on your MP3 card (phone, etc.) and look for opportunities to share it with others.

Where in the Bible does it say that Jesus is God? You will surely be asked that. Note: John 1, Col.1, and Heb.1 all present Jesus as God, the co-Creator and Redeemer. But just ask that person to read through the gospel of John. If they can't see Jesus as God in it, then they are willfully blind.

2.- As I mentioned above, the gospel of John is God's evangelistic tract. It could be costly, but how would you like to be able to give copies of the gospel of John to others? You already have been! The gospel of John is the first item listed under our Resources tab. So please go to our site; then click the word "Resources" located in the upper right corner. When you turn it's pages, it even makes the sound for it. Pretty cool :) Now you now where to direct people to find it. Just write "Did it" when you checked out our site. 

Speaking of evangelism, Horacio had a great evangelistic opportunity that he told me about. He also wrote about it a couple days ago- "On Monday I met a neighbor that I have seen for 11 years, but we never had the opportunity to introduce ourselves. Currently he is going thru a difficult time and opened up. I thank the Lord for the Holy Spirit talking to him thru me. I gave him a card and during a short drive, he was watching the videos in my car. I explained to him how much God loves him, and he said he would like to attend service this week." Wow! Thank  you Lord and way to go Horacio! Please pray for this man to come to Christ in the midst of his trials. 

Thanks for the very encouraging comments from two days ago, when I asked, "How'm I doin?" I was also given helpful suggestions to lighten my load. I actually enjoy writing the blogs, but you lighten my load and that of your teammates just by being unstoppable each day. So as you go from here to the scoreboard, be on the lookout for any of your brothers in your fire team or squad who haven't been scoring. Take that as a sign from God to contact them :) Thanks!

Imagine seeing the gold of Fort Knox. What's that, and doing a double-take, have to do with tomorrow's post. You'll see :)


  1. 1. Dave thank you for this valuable explanation of the historical background in which this book is written. After reading the detailed meaning of the word Logos (Word) I had a much deeper understanding of today's passage specially the first three verses.
    What a great honor and privilege it is to know and serve our Lord and Savior.

    1. It was a great breakdown he found. Thanks Dave.

    2. You both are welcome. It's a pleasure serving men who want to dig and grow. I'm excited to introduce something new that you both will enjoy.

    3. That's a lot to absorb. I had to read and reread it. Very good information.

  2. 1. The Word became flesh and made his dwelling among us. We have seen his glory, the glory of the one and only Son, who came from the Father, full of grace and truth.
    John 1:14 profound versus. I particularly like this first.

    2. Did it.

    1. I agree with you , George. I had to called my son so that he could read these verses, too.

  3. 1. John 1:3 "All things came into being through Him, and apart from Him nothing came into being that has come into being."

    I just like the phrasing of this from a literary standpoint. It's deliberately redundant with purpose.

    2. Did it.

    1. Your're right Mike; he is making and underscoring a massive point.

    2. So, Jesus is the creator of all things and every thing that was made, could not have been made if he did not create it. Good point, Mike

    3. Welcome Mike! U made a great choice by joining M3! I happen to know you Dad, Mike Sr. Tell him I said hi ;)

    4. Great verse, Mike! That was a very good choice.

  4. 1- It is so true to say that this passage is so simple yet so complex. I've studied this on my own before and it always blows my mind. We as humans have limited boundaries in our thinking and ability to understand things. I get the fact that God has always existed but when I begin to really think about it it gets really frustrating. What i mean is this, without a problem we can think of the future and that it will go on forever. But when i begin to think backwards, how God created everything. Yet he was there a billion years before that. And we go back another 10 trillion years, he was already there. Then we go back another 1,000,000 trillion years, he was already there. What was He doing? What was going on in heaven in eternity past?

    I can imagine it like this. 3 best friends hanging out all the time. One day they are sitting around just talking and having good fun. and one of them gets up and starts building something. I can imagine the Trinity hanging out and they look over to Jesus and he says, "you know what, I think I'm going to create life" He then looks over to the angels and says "no offense but they are going to be a different creation, they will be bad and ignore me and i will love them so much that i already have a plan to save them by sacrificing myself". Then the God and the Holy Spirit say "That's awesome, Lets do it"..........

    Sorry..... I went on a rant, but this is how i think. This particular passage does that to me.

    2- Done.

    1. This made me laugh, because I know how you think.

    2. Luis I have struggled with those same thoughts about eternity past.

    3. Very good ponderings Louis. Let them move us to awe and worship. How great to have a God who is so great, beyond comprehension. To go back, 100 quadrillion years to a supposed beginning of God, would only beg the question, how did He then begin and what was before him? The Mormons believe their God had such a beginning. Their God is their own creation, not the God who of self revelation.

    4. Wow, what an imagination! I bet you can write and publish some pretty good books. On the serious side, I felt the same as you. So simple , yet so complex. Great thinking, Luis.

  5. 1.16Out of his fullness we have all received grace in place of grace already given. 17For the law was given through Moses; grace and truth came through Jesus Christ.

    Out of HIS fullness. Out of HIS abundance. God gave us a very priceless gift. One that has so much value. One that if we believe and accept Christ in faith receive this gift and our pardoned for an eternal punishment, eternal separation for Our Father. That gift is grace, given to us through Jesus. But just out of the abundant overflow of love we were created, I believe it is evident that that same overflow was what was given to us for our redemption. That overflow of love was not just a spoken word, a given promise, an offering on our behalf, it was all of that completed in the fullness of the Son of Man, Jesus Christ.

    2. Did it.

    1. I like that key word "fullness". He held nothing back. Thanks for bringing this up.

    2. And I also like the word overflow.
      Please let us know how we can be praying for you and the team in Mexico.

    3. Usually I read the verses that Dave calls out. I pick a verse that I want to comment on and search it's meaning . What helps me most of all is reading everyone else's comments on their verses. Thank you Eddie, great explanation.

  6. 1. John 1:1 In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.
    I really liked the idea of John being simplistic and profound at the same time as was referenced and that statement got me thinking about how truly profound John 1:1 is to us knowing the magnitude of who God is and knowing his Word.

    2. Did it

    1. Good Michael. And good talking with you. Our God is an awesome God.

    2. Great thoughts Mike. May God grant you a great hunger to meet with Him daily in His Word. So glad that you joined with us again, despite that though late shift work.

    3. It was simply put , but I had to read and search to absorb it. Keep up the good work , Mike.

  7. 1. Excellent breakdown of John. Will be sharing the verse.

    2. Did it. Thanks for the wealth of information.

    1. Your gratitude is my reward Sam :)

    2. That's the shortest comment you made , Sam. Stay a while next time.

  8. 1. Brother Dave great intro to the Book of John. For anyone who may be interested, the following is a link to a brief video my eldest son shared with me a while back regarding the undeniable existence of God:

    2. Did it

    1. Thanks Robert. I watched it. Fascinating.

    2. Thank you for sharing this video, brother. I will be sure to share it with others.

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. 1) John 1:1 "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God."

    A very simple and powerful statement that is so pivotal to our faith. I memorized it a long time ago.

    2) Did it.

    1. Definitely a great verse to memorize.

    2. Awesome Alex, the very building blocks to the real identity of Christ

    3. Alex, I was thinking of asking all to memorize it. You get the gold star :)

  11. 1. John 1:1 In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.

    Great verse! The word had helped me in so many ways. It's living and life changing.

    2. Did it.

    1. The word is alive and it changed my life.

    2. Amen, brother. The Word is my light and my salvation. It is the living water that quenches all thirst. It is our daily bread.

  12. 1) “Through him all things were made; without him nothing was made that has been made.”
    ‭‭John‬ ‭1:3‬ ‭

    2) did it

    1. Boy, that doesn't leave room for much else, does it Ricardo? :)

  13. 1. John 1:3. Through him all things were made; without him nothing was made that has been made.

    2. Did it

    1. Powerful and profound Jose! That is our Creator and Redeemer.

    2. Absorb all the information you can, Jose. I pray that your hunger for the Lord will grow.

    3. I'm happy to see your post Jose.
      Reading John brings me back to Tuesday nights and the hours we talked about the Trinity. :)

  14. 1. John 1:1. In the beginning the word already existed; the word was with God, and the word was God.
    Word is unit of speech. But John is not talking about grammar. He referring to our Lord Jesus Christ. Jesus character is a mirror image of God.while on earth Jesus revealed to us what God is like. And by dying on the cross how much God loved us. A commentary I read says: Christ is God's living word to man, the expression of God's thoughts.
    2. Did it.

    1. Excellent that you dug into a commentary and found such good words Louie. Yes, we use words to express ourselves. Christ is the very expression of God.

    2. I like that Louie - Christ is God's living word to man, the expression of God's thoughts

  15. 1.John 1:18 No one has ever seen God, but the one and only Son, who is himself God and[b] is in closest relationship with the Father, has made him known.

    These passages explain who God is and how he is in human form as Jesus and he is both the Son and the Father. I like how these passages give an introduction to who God is for people who don't know.

    2.Did it.

    1. May the Lord grant for you and for all of us men in M3 to know Him even more and to draw ever closer to Him through our study of this Gospel of John. Blessings upon you and your family brother.

    2. I like the rendering you shared Chuy- Christ "is in the closest relationship with the Father." The old KJV renders it "who is in the bosom of the Father", but that just doesn't communicate such well.

    3. Continue, brother. It's good to read your posts.

  16. 1
    The Word which we know is identified as Christ stooped down and became like humanity not just to interceded but so much more as He came to commune with humanity and show full obedience and love back to Father God.
    Joh 1:14 And the Word became flesh and dwelt among us, and we have seen his glory, glory as of the only Son from the Father, full of grace and truth

    did it

    Did it

    1. Great thought Gary- that Christ came to commune with humanity. It was more than putting up with humanity while on his journey to complete his sacrificial mission. He wanted to fellowship with us as well, despite our fallenness. Thank you for prompting my thinking on that.

    2. That's some good thought you put together , Gary

    3. How wonderful it is that our God knows us in our weakness and frailty because He took our form and dwelt among us. He saw the best and worst in mankind, and yet His love did not waiver. He understands us because he has walked in our shoes. Who else can say that?

  17. 1. John 1:3 What was created in him was Life.
    Not 1 thing was created without him.
    Thank you Jesus!
    2. Did it

    1. Yes!
      And thank you Jack for the good food and fellowship :)

  18. 1. John 1:14 says "And the Word became flesh, and dwelt among us, and we saw His glory, glory as of the only begotten from the Father, full of grace and truth. ". ----- Wow, just thinking about this, the God of the universe and the Creator of all things, including you and I, the One who created you and I to know Him personally, came down to earth as a baby born to a virgin, then lived a perfect sinless life and died for our sins, for the forgiveness of our sins! Wow, what Love the Almighty God has bestowed on us!

    2. Did it

    1. Amen Israel, what Love. May we never forget that it in our minds and hearts, nor minimize it and take it for granted.

    2. Yes Israel! The wonderful words form an old hymn come to mind- "What wondrous love is this O my soul!"

    3. Good thoughts, Tio! It is amazing!

    4. Israel, every time I think about it I'm amazed at what God has done for us.

  19. 1. John 1:18 - "For of His fullness we have all received, and grace upon grace." I was out in Colorado last week climbing 14,000-foot mountains. To climb just one of them involved getting up at 4AM and hiking/climbing up for several hours, the equivalent of climbing up 3 Sears Towers. That is just one mountain. According to John 1:18, God has heaped mountains upon mountains of grace on top of us. That is a lot of GRACE!

    2. Done.

    1. How blessed you must have been Tim to enjoy and share with your loving Creator His beautiful creation with Him. God must have poured out upon us an enormous amount of grace just for us to open our eyes and realize the how much more grace He wants to flood us with.

    2. Great thoughts Tim. The truckloads of my sin are nothing compared to his mountains of grace. Thank you Lord!

    3. Great way help us visualize your thought. Thanks ,Tim

  20. 1) “I once got a birth announcement from friends that read something like this- "Out of our overflowing love for each other, we look forward to pouring it out on our expected child." That's how the triune God feels about you and me. Wow!”

    This comment makes me feel so loved by God as I see it in the light of the John1:1-12. I see God who was so perfect and joyful and so complete in Himself, wanting to share His love to many such as I. Through the Logos, He dissolves our blind darkness from sin, as He lights up our understanding of who He is. He opens our eyes to see Him reaching down to us in such profound love to free us, and calls to us to reach back up to belong to Him and be with Him forever.

    2) Did It. Wow – what additional great resources.

    1. Excellent reflections Dave!
      Glad you appreciate all the resources available :)

    2. There is plenty of information in that resources. Very useful!

  21. 1- John 1:14New Century Version (NCV)

    14 The Word became a human and lived among us. We saw his glory—the glory that belongs to the only Son of the Father—and he was full of grace and truth.

    It's so great to know that Gods word never comes back void. God always finishes what he starts. I love the fact how this verse describes Jesus. The amazing things about it was that Jesus did fulfill what God had promised so many years before. Thank you God for sending Jesus into this world for my sins.

    2- I will check out

    1. Amen! Thank u God! And thank u Vince!

    2. Bueno, bueno Vince!
      You'll find more treasure there.

    3. Vince, Good comment, it reminds me of 2 Peter 3:9 The Lord is not slow in keeping his promise, as some understand slowness. Instead he is patient with you, not wanting anyone to perish, but everyone to come to repentance.

    4. With Jesus , we have salvation. Anyone that can be saved , can not be saved without him. Hey Vincent , help me with this!

  22. 1. God is everything good!

    John 1:1 In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.

    2. Did it

    1. So good to talk with you again my friend.

    2. God is everything good! - You got that right Philip!

  23. This comment has been removed by the author.

  24. Dave, thank for adding your commentary to Gary DeLashmutt introduction to John. I especially liked how you pointed out “Little children can read it, but theologians marvel at it” - "In the beginning was the word and the word was with God and the word was God." Verses like this are the reason we need to study the Bible and not just read it.

    2 – Did it

    1. That's a great point, George. Study the bible , not just read it. That is where I was failing before.

  25. 1) in the begging he was with god. When they talk about Jesus they Know that Jesus was with God from the start before all life Because Jesus is the same as God.

    2) did it

  26. Dave, I almost teared up after reading your explanation of verse 1b and 2 (The logos is also personally distinct from God). I extracted a profound sense of God's love for me from those words. Thank you for that, brother.

    1. John 1:10 "He was in the world, and though the world was made through him, the world did not recognize him."

    I marvel at the idea of God walking beside man as He walked beside Adam in the garden of Eden. How amazing it must have been for the disciples of Christ who walked beside God incarnate. We may not be able to see God, but He walks alongside us in our discipleship. He dwells within us, seated on the throne that is reserved for Him in our heart. May we always recognize God's presence among us, and may we help others recognize Him by reflecting His love.

    2. Did it

    1. Osiris, your post was very comforting in my heart. Thank you r explanation of John 1:10.

    2. Osiris, your post was very comforting in my heart. Thank you r explanation of John 1:10.

    3. Osiris, your post was very comforting in my heart. Thank you r explanation of John 1:10.

  27. 1. The Word was first, the Word present to God, God present to the Word. The Word was God, in readiness for God from day one. (‭John‬ ‭1‬:‭1-2‬ MSG)
    - I love the clarity that the scripture gives us on the divinity of Christ.
    2. Did it:)

  28. 1.- Jn. 1:5
    The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it.

    The superiority of light over darkness, this is the theme of the book of John.

    "The light of reason, as well as as the life of sense, is derived from him, and depends upon him. This eternal word, this true light shines, but the darkness comprehends it not. Let us pray without ceasing, that our eyes may be opened to behold this Light, that we may walk in it; and thus be made wise unto salvation, by faith in Jesus Christ."

    Reference ;
    Matthew Henry's Commentary

    2.- Did it.
    The resources are good, thank you.

  29. 1. Ahh, as I'm rereading John ch.1 1-18 it refreshes my soul and fills me up with worship of knowing fully well of our God the Creator of all to fully be my savior!! How personal is that! Also great way to break down what "logos" is and is defined in Greek language(also known as the Word). Just great info. Thanks Dave.

    2. Did it.

  30. “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.” John‬ ‭1:1‬ ‭KJV‬‬. God was always there and will continue to be always there. It's crazy how we serve a all powerful God who loves us even tho we have a sinful nature.

    2. Did it!

  31. MAKE-UP POST 8-15
    - Note: I really wanted to do this one. I started writing it and got pulled away- started again and was distracted a day later. I have to write on this one at least and keep up. It Is simple and full so much quantum logic I lose myself thinking it. Maybe that's why it was written in simple translatable Greek text. Anyway...

    (John 1:3. NASB) All things came into being through Him, and apart from Him nothing came into being that has come into being.

    So in study I looked at the Definition of :"word"- as we use and describe what definition of 'word' is and how more than seeing it- our manifestation of God can be the structure of the archetype and all that 'word' means.

    Definition of WORD for Kids (I'm really just a big Kid- so this side of Merriam Webster sufficed)
    Check out the definition online.

    A Word was it. No More - No Less. That One we cannot define adequately in even the word ___. The Hebrews wouldn't even say "GOD' Before. They didn't even want it spoken. In an appropriate Torah Reading, the Term "El- Yahweh"- are passed over in the reading. Saying the name - also risked saying it in vain. So they didn't say it in the reading. The Word- Him- It was never quite even defined appropriately in language and they knew it. - We throw around God this, God that, with so much authority that we lost even the reverence of the Word, Comparing Him to another form, function and absence of who he was Truly... Nothing we could really even define in Language- Word. But He- the Living Word came down and Gave us a name to call Him by. Gave us a Form to see, and an example we are challenged to live by - His Son. He is named- and in Deed he is a living word we can call out to and not fear separation from- as in the Word is not defined or held or even understood.

    Greater than the metaphysical essence is Words- for they shape the essence. - the Utterance of a word needing another definition and definition, and meaning, and translation, and form, and function and etc...

    In the Beginning was the Word- and it really created all things.

  32. 1. John 1:16 “There was a man sent from God whose name was John.”

    I always loved John the Baptist's story in the Bible. He truly is an inspiration to me. He was simply a man, but what set him above all others, was that he obeyed his calling unflinchingly. And he truly was set before others, with Christ Himself saying that there was none greater than John.

    2. Did it.
