Wed.8.26.15...Walking on Water...John 6:16-21

Our passage today is only six verses long, John 6:16-21, yet it contains the story of a powerful miracle. Several years ago, I heard Dr. Adrian Rogers preach on it. He made such excellent points that I wrote them down in the margin of my Bible by the story. So please read through John 6:16-21 and the great points Adrian made. I've added my own comments after each of his points.  

Seeing Christ in the Storms of Life 

1. We are governed by his providence. Jesus sent his disciples to cross the lake not to perish in it. God is not willing that any should perish. What storm are you facing? There are no storms that surprise our Savior. Trust in him at all times.

2. We grow through his purposes. God desires to use storms to make us better, not bitter. Don't get bitter when the winds are against you. Hard rowing makes you stronger. I think that is what we as men want to be- strong in the Lord, MANLY. Life is hard at times and the sooner we accept that it is hard, the "easier" it gets. We may want it to be easy, but "a smooth sea never makes a skilled sailor." God's purpose is to make us GREAT sailors of us in M3. I'm right proud of your progress.  
3. We are graced by his prayers. Mark 6:46 indicates that Jesus was up on a nearby mountain to pray. His disciples were foremost on his heart and mind. What a thought, to know that Christ is pulling for you in prayer. Prayer was so vital to Christ. Lord, help us to connect with you in prayer daily, especially as we are in a storm. May we be Attacking in prayer to advance you kingdom despite the winds of opposition and lifting up our brothers to be power HOUSE men- Hungry, Obedient, Unstoppable, Strong in the Lord, Encouraging.

4. We are goaded (motivated) by his provisions. Don't forget his past provisions. Mark 6:52 tells us that each disciple had a basket full of miraculous leftovers at his feet. Don't forget about the miracle of your salvation and the bread of life that you have already been given, especially when you're facing a storm. Thanks for the way so many of you are reminding and encouraging your teammates of all that they have been given through Christ.

5. We are gladdened by his presence. Literally Christ said, "I Am. Fear not." I am all you need. So what stormy fears are you facing? We as men aren't supposed to fear, but that's a farce. Those tough fishermen were terrified, thinking they were seeing a ghost. So what do you fear? Going broke, a broken marriage, broken health, broken dreams? Bring the presence of Christ to such. An old hymn, "How Firm a Foundation" puts the promise of God's presence to conquer our fears this way-
"Fear not I am with, O be not dismayed,
For I am Thy God, I will still give thee aid.
I'll strengthen, you help you, and cause you to stand,
upheld by my gracious, omnipotent hand." (see Is.41:10)

Jesus came walking to them on the water, speaking calm to their fears. According to Adrian Rogers, "The message in this miracle is what we fear may overwhelm us is under Jesus' feet." It's all about Jesus. Perhaps that's why John skips the story of Peter walking out to Jesus on the water (Mt.14:26-33). John seems focused on keeping the spotlight on Jesus.

6. We are guided under his power. Though we may not be miraculously transported from one place to another when a trial is over, at Christ's coming for his people, we will be miraculously and instantly transported to heaven's shores. Even so, come Lord Jesus. 

It's interesting that this miracle of Jesus walking on the water was for his disciples only. Why? The Lord was wanting to build their faith in Him all the more. First they feared him as a ghost, but then they revered him as God. Mt.14:32-33 says that when Jesus got into the boat, "the wind stopped and those who were in the boat worshiped him, saying, 'You are certainly God's Son!'" John reminds us that while Jesus was still walking on the stormy sea, he spoke peace to them. Jesus wants to still the storm inside of you, even if he doesn't still the storm around you. Once a man recognizes Jesus comes not to haunt him, but to help him, then he will be willing to take him into the boat, into his life. Thus, we see that trust in Jesus is once again underscored as a major theme throughout the gospel of John. May it be a major theme in our lives. If we are walking in fear, then we are not walking in faith. 

1.- What's one thing from the passage or the blog that impresses you? Share some of your thoughts regarding it.

2.- Christ prayed for his disciples and then came and spoke words of encouragement to them. Take time today to call the men in your fire team. Find out one thing that you too can pray for them for, and encourage them. That's so Christlike! Make your fire team a strong fire team. Don't be the weakest link in the chain. Choose to initiate, don't wait to receive. 


  1. 1. What touched me the most is how calming Jesus is, as he walked on top of the raging lake; he is calmness, and then built the Disciples faith in him being the almighty God. He showed them how they could find calmness in him as he symbolically calmed the waters. Your point about people finding inner calmness through Christ is so true, as I had enormous inner termoil with a whole in my heart that I couldn't fill until Christ calmed it. As I accepted him into my heart and learned to love and trust him completely he showed me the calmness within me to love myself through him.
    Thank you Lord! I still get uptight in some circumstances but I find calmness when I turn to him now.
    2. Will do-- we communicate daily with each other

    1. Excellent Jack! "we communicate daily with each other"

    2. Yes the Prince of Peace in his glory. It's also interesting that Jesus calmed them by simply saying it is I. And they recognized him.

    3. Jack, you have a powerful story. The Lord can bring peace to a man deep inside. You are a living example.

    4. Way to lead by example Jack. May the peace of God continue to be with you.

    5. We all need the calmness that our lord Jesus Christ exhibited at the lake with his disciples. Nice remarks brother Jack.

    6. Great testimony of how God can remove that turmoil and replace it with peace.

  2. 1. John 6:21 "Then they were glad to take him into the boat, and immediately the boat was at the land to which they were going."
    Many times in my own life when I have been facing a difficult situation I find myself fearing the size of the waves and erroneously believe that these waves are to big to be calmed down. In my own weak power yes these waves are not manageable but when I let go of trying to conquer them myself and allow God to guide me it always works out just fine. Thank you God for always being there despite my lack of faith.
    2. Will do.

    1. The more and more we rely on ourself the weaker and weaker we become. Yes Roger, our strength lies in the Lord. Thank you for your strength and grace to live for today Jesus!

    2. I know what you mean Roger. May we trust God to the fullest.

    3. Roger. He is always faithful, never changes, and has so much love for us. It's great that you turn the steering wheel over to him. God Bless you

  3. 1- what caught my attention was that Jesus did this especially for his disciples with no one else around to see it. Sometimes God does things in private just for a new and fresh encounter. Many times He's worked things in my life and only I've been a witness to them. Gods shown me many things and have strengthened my faith and trust in him more.

    2- will do.

    1. Amen Luis. Love that. In the private moments is sometimes where we find Him the most.

    2. Yes Luis. I think he is rather fond of you :)

    3. Luis. It's during the times when no one else is present that our true faith and dedication to him show up-- as there really is no hiding what's on our heart

  4. 1. Grest points for today's scripture. I think there was alot of things that grabbed my attention. Here's one: "According to Adrian Rogers, "The message in this miracle is what we fear may overwhelm us is under Jesus' feet." It's all about Jesus."

    I never thought of that in this way, but it's true. It was all under Jesus' feet, under His control.

    2. Will do.

    1. Glad you liked the points made today. Let's take a walk with Adrian someday :)

    2. Eddie. I agree that it's all in his control and that you have fully entrusted him in all areas -- that's beautiful

  5. 1. The disciples wound up in a storm even though they were serving the Lord. It wasn't because of their sin that they had this problem. After faithfully serving in the miraculous feeding of thousands of people, then picking up the trash, they agree to get in the boat late at night even though Jesus stays behind. The storm probably didn't make sense or seem fair to them at first but later on they realized it was an important experience for them. It's easy to live with the primary goal of avoiding storms and finding comfort. Some storms are needed to grow our faith, character, and understanding. As we lead others we shouldn't always try to shield them from problems. A parent naturally wants to take care of their children but our kids need to 'row the boat during a storm' sometimes so they can learn to call on the Lord.
    2. Got it

    1. Great points Mike.They were in a storm even while serving the Lord and let the kids row the boat.

    2. Your post really spoke to me Pastor. "After faithfully serving in the miraculous feeding of thousands of people, then picking up the trash, they agree to get in the boat late at night even though Jesus stays behind. The storm probably didn't make sense or seem fair to them at first but later on they realized it was an important experience for them." When my wife and I found out that our first attempt at pregnancy had failed, I became bitter. I actually used the words, "After all these years of faithfully serving you, this is how you demonstrate your is this fair?!" Like the storm in this account, our situation did not seem fair to me. It simply did not make sense. Rather than accept God's will, I foolishly argued against Him, questioning His plans to grow me through that painful experience.

    3. Good points Mike. Thanks!
      And thank you Osiris for sharing vulnerably. O Lord help us to trust you in the storm.

    4. Great points Mike. Their faith was tested and he built stronger trust in the Lord and how powerful he is-- as the human mind cannot fathom.
      Thanks for the words of encouragement

  6. 1. What's interesting to me is that Peter is not mention in this gospel on going out to meet Jesus. And that's what we need to do is put our focus on Jesus. The other gospels that mention Peter walking on the water, Peter sunk when he took his focus off of Jesus.

    2.will do

    1. Great point George! Let's keep the focus on Jesus.

    2. Yes indeed George we need to put our focus on Jesus alone.

  7. 1) Two great points I picked up. "a smooth sea never makes a skilled sailor." and Jesus wants to still the storm inside of you, even if he doesn't still the storm around you.

    I pray that we put our trust in Jesus Christ regardless of the situation. I pray that we will have the peace of God when life gets hard.

    2. Will do.

  8. 1. Really enjoyed the quote "a smooth sea never makes a skilled sailor."

    "But he (Jesus) said to them, “It is I; don’t be afraid.” Then they were willing to take him into the boat, and immediately the boat reached the shore where they were heading." John 6:20-21

    The first part of these verses reminds me that we have to be willing to accept Jesus into the boat of our lives.
    The second part reminds me of a quote "If you look at the world, you'll be distressed. If you look within, you'll be depressed. If you look at God you'll be at rest.” ― Corrie ten Boom

    2. Did it :-)

    1. Thanks for reminding me of that great quote Robert. Corrie certainly went through great suffering in the Nazi concentration camp. Glad you know of her.

    2. Thanks again for your deep insight as you are a great encouragement all of us. God Bless

    3. Good post and thoughts, Robert! :)

  9. 1. A couple of verses stand out to me, leaving me with questions:
    John 6:16 "When evening came, his disciples went down to the lake, 17 where they got into a boat and set off across the lake for Capernaum. By now it was dark, and Jesus had not yet joined them." Did the disciples actually take off for Capernaum without Jesus? Was this at Jesus' behest? Did they assume Jesus would catch another ride to Capernaum? These men have been following Jesus everywhere...why would they decide to leave His side, and in the darkness to boot? Does this verse, perhaps, speak to how we sometimes choose to walk apart from Jesus and go our own way, only to find that in these times the storms in our life becoming overwhelming and darkness besets us on all sides?

    John 6:21 "Then they were willing to take him into the boat, and immediately the boat reached the shore where they were heading." Like Adam in the Garden of Eden, the disciples cower in fear of their vulnerability at the sight of Jesus, their minds clouded by the raging storm. Only when they learn that there is nothing to fear from our Lord do they take him into the boat (into their heart). What really catches my attention here is what I can only imagine to be an instance of teleportation: "immediately the boat reached the shore where they were headed. Wow! Did Jesus really transport a boat full of men from point A to point B in an instant? I have seen this very verse countless times before, and only now does this stand out to me.

    2. Will do.

    1. Great questions Osiris. Other gospel accounts let us know that Jesus had them get into the boat. We are not told how they thought he might catch up with them. Obviously, they did not expect him to come walking to them on the water. I also assume that indeed this was an act of teleportation with the boat suddenly being at their destination - a miracle within this miraculous story. I love your comparison of the disciples in fear to Adams as well. Excellent!

  10. 1.- I like where the point is made of not forgetting the miracles of our salvation and the bread of life that we have already been given.

    Forgetting is not believing in GOD's omnipotence presence and not believing that Christ our LORD is our gift of salvation.

    The ultimate miracle is the resurrection of our LORD Savior Christ JESUS, he came upon this world to claim humanity, to purge and cleanse this world of its sinful ways and rid us of our fear of death, for death in Christ is the beginning of life and glories. Jesus is the given bread of life through which all must pass through to be accepted in the afterlife.

    Hebrews 2:14-15
    Since the children have flesh and blood, he too shared in their humanity so that by his death he might break the power of him who holds the power of death - that is, the devil - and free those who all their lives were held in slavery by their fear of death.

    2.- will do

    1. Yes we should never forget the miracle of our salvation.

    2. Armondo. That's beautiful and encouraging. Thx for your insight bro

    3. Bueno Armando!
      By the way, it was neat to meet up with you and your family at Culver's by ONU :)

  11. John 6:16-21; When evening came, his disciples went down to the sea, 17 got into a boat, and started across the sea to Capernaum. It was now dark, and Jesus had not yet come to them. 18 The sea became rough because a strong wind was blowing.

    It's very difficult to face the darkness of this life without the presence of eternal light (Jesus); once Jesus is gone out of our lives, the waves of hardship and temptations are imminent. His disciples when down to the sea without their master, and it was DARK and the sea became ROUGH, I don't know about you all but I can't swim in a rough sea. But the Lion of the tribe of Judah, the Root of David, has triumphed. He is able to walk even in a raging sea.”...Hallelujah.

    1. Philippians 4;13. " I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me" thx Lemmy

    2. Hmm, that's very good Lemmy!

  12. 1. One thing that I learn from today's reading is that God is great. He called the storm, took away their fests and feed them. He works wonders like this every day in our lives but sometimes we are to busy or not paying attention to the works around us. Every day i give thanks for where i have been, where I'm at, and where I'm going. God had his own plans for me and it a honor to serve him. Jesus teaches us not to fear for he is in control.

    2. Will do.

    1. Indeed Horacio. It is an honor to serve him.

  13. 1. John 6:19 Then, when they had rowed about 4 miles, they saw Jesus walking on the sea and drawing near to the boat; and they were frightened.

    I guess I don't really understand why they were frightened. I would think they would be in awe, amazement, or shock.

    2. Done.

    1. I was wondering the same thing. I always thought they should have been more afraid of the storm that could drown them, but while they are afraid of the storm, they seem more afraid at seeing Jesus walking toward them. Maybe because they thought He was a ghost, as some gospels point out?

    2. Yes, as Tim said, they thought he was a ghost. They had seen storms before, but never a sea spirit.

  14. 1. The one thing I took from the blog today was the idea that Jesus is there to calm the storm in me, not around me. Usually when a storm comes up we expect God to take care of it on the outside believing that on the inside we're just fine but that's rarely the case. God know we can handle the outside storm as long as the one inside of us is taken care of first.

    2. Will do.

    1. interesting perspective. God bless

    2. You're right Michael. So often we expect a loving God to clam our outward storms. He has greater plans for us though.

  15. 1. I learned today to focus on Jesus when the going gets tough. I pray we all learn to focus on God even when storms are happening in are lives. I pray we fear God and nothing else. Amen.

    2. Will do

    1. Amen my brother. Interesting words. God bless

    2. Amen! If we keep out focus on God during the storms we will always make it through successfully! It ain't easy being breazy my brother James ;)

    3. Yes James, O that we would fear God and nothing else. "Fear not, I am with you. Peace, be still."

  16. *1-God desires to use storms to make us better, not bitter
    Great phrase. I feel every storm in my life is there to make me grow not to defeat me. I will admit the storms I've been through have hurt me and made second guess of my faith at times. It always happens that God shows up and I go running to his feet crying asking for forgiveness. God never comes too early or too late. He comes at the right time. It's great to see that Jesus came to them knowing they were afraid and right away assured them that he is with them, and that he is Jesus. I need to heed that. When I am in a storm I need to know that Jesus is right with me, and not to be afraid.

    2- Will do.

    1. I agree. I've had some storms that pushed me beyond what I thought I could take, but I think God used it to grow my perseverance and strengthen me.

  17. 1) I really liked point #2, how God uses storms to make us better. I feel this is so true because whenever we go thru a storm we as men of Christ look and pray constantly to God knowing he will pull us thru, and once the storm
    Is over we do give all praises to God.

    2) will do

  18. This comment has been removed by the author.

  19. This Bible passage reminds me of a hymn that I like a lot. Here are the first two sections of the hymn:

    In the dark of the midnight have I oft hid my face,
    While the storm howls above me, and there's no hiding place.
    'Mid the crash of the thunder, Precious Lord, hear my cry,
    Keep me safe till the storm passes by.

    Till the storm passes over, till the thunder sounds no more,
    Till the clouds roll forever from the sky;
    Hold me fast, let me stand in the hollow of Thy hand,
    Keep me safe till the storm passes by.

    Here is the whole hymn if you are interested

    1 I am reminded that Christ spent much of his time praying for us. Since prayer was so important to him, it aught to be for us as well.

    2 Did it.

    1. Those are some talented teens singing Ed! Thanks.

  20. 1) I like " I am, fear not" I think when you put trust in Jesus he is one that can do all for you and is always working. He is never late.

    2) will do

  21. 1. "Fear not I am with, O be not dismayed, For I am Thy God, I will still give thee aid. I'll strengthen, you help you, and cause you to stand, upheld by my gracious, omnipotent hand.

    Good blog on knowing that Jesus will be there to protect us. Life is hard at times but knowing that Jesus is there for us makes it a little bit easier.

    2. Will do.

    1. That's right Chuy. Glad you like those lyrics too.

  22. "In ancient literature, the sea is at times an image used to depict chaos and evil. The ancients, in common with their predecessors, had a hard time justifying and understanding the dark that seemed to exist inappropriately in their world. The Sea was a powerful and mysterious thing, completely out of human control. The great armies of the most powerful rulers on earth were powerless and themselves at the mercy of the sea." - ( ) Though many of the disciples earned their living from the Sea, they still saw "the deep" as an image of evil. Jesus chose to walk across it, not as a fancy way to get from point A to point B, but as a clear declaration that He was more powerful than evil and able to overcome it.

    2. Txted fireteam member, asking how I could pray for him.

    1. Excellent Tim! "Jesus chose to walk across it, not as a fancy way to get from point A to point B, but as a clear declaration that He was more powerful than evil and able to overcome it."

  23. 1. I like what Dave G wrote "We grow through his purposes. God desires to use storms to make us better, not bitter. Don't get bitter when the winds are against you. Hard rowing makes you stronger. I think that is what we as men want to be- strong in the Lord, MANLY. Life is hard at times and the sooner we accept that it is hard, the "easier" it gets. We may want it to be easy, but "a smooth sea never makes a skilled sailor." God's purpose is to make us GREAT sailors of us in M3" --- I am definitely praying through some New Opportunities at work right now and some of my decisions seem difficult to make. I know God is giving His peace and His presence right in the midst :)

    2. I reached out to one of my fireteam members and am trying to encourage him.

    1. Very good Israel. I'm reaching out to perhaps the same one too.

  24. 1. What I like the most, is how Christ come out of nowhere walking on water. What a experience that must have been.

    2. I have spoken to my Squad. I'll keep everyone in my prayers

  25. 1. It amazing how Jesus calls us up to have a relationship with him. He shows up through the mist of our storms and give us peace and all we need to do is believe and welcome him into our life.

    2. Did it.

    1. Oscar, with Jesus doing all this for us, it make me wonder why more people aren't reaching out to Him.

    2. Good Oscar! I commend your for also reaching out to your teammates.

  26. 1.John 6:19 When they had rowed about three or four miles, they saw Jesus approaching the boat, walking on the water; and they were frightened.

    I'm always impressed by the miraculous things our Lord and savior does!

    2. My fireteam brothers have been contacted!

  27. 1. You are certainly God's Son!'" John reminds us that while Jesus was still walking on the stormy sea, he spoke peace to them. Jesus wants to still the storm inside of you, even if he doesn't still the storm around you. Once a man recognizes Jesus comes not to haunt him, but to help him, then he will be willing to take him into the boat, into his life. Thus, we see that trust in Jesus is once again underscored as a major theme throughout the gospel of John.

    I feel the storms recently through my job and I am weary of this world. All the senseless shootings and rape. Our planets finite resources being squandered and radical Islam. My heart is heavy. It's hard to trust when things are internally and externally crazy. It's a good word and I need to let Jesus calm the storm in me.

    2. Did it.

    1. Nick, I'm praying for God to calm the storms for you.

    2. Yes Nic. We need his peace in the midst of the storm which will only get worse. "Don't be afraid, it is I."

  28. 1.John 6:21 NIV
    [21] Then they were willing to take him into the boat, and immediately the boat reached the shore where they were heading.
    - when Jesus is in my
    Boat, I'm invincible!
    2. Did it.

    1. I like that Dave - when Jesus is in my Boat, I'm invincible! :)

    2. "when Jesus is in my Boat, I'm invincible!" I loved that phrase, Dave.

    3. I agree. But humorously, he was in their boat another time, sleeping while it nearly sunk :) He has a way of seeming to be be uninvolved (sleeping) when we need him the most. May we keep that invincible attitude then. He is testing our faith muscle.

  29. 1 – Dave thanks for sharing Dr. Rogers and your comments. One of your comments that stuck out to me is “Jesus wants to still the storm inside of you, even if he doesn't still the storm around you.” It reminds me that you can’t control things around you or other people you can only control yourself. I’ve found that trusting in God and praying when I’m stressed out about something helps me to relieve the stress.

    2 – Done

    1. Thanks George. And I like your words- "you can’t control things around you or other people you can only control yourself. I’ve found that trusting in God and praying when I’m stressed out about something helps me to relieve the stress."

  30. 1) John 6: 20 -But he said to them, “It is I; don't be afraid.”

    It seemed that the setting in which Jesus came to his disciples was purposely staged. It was late and became dark after the disciples launched out into the sea without Jesus. Their heading and destination was towards Capernaum. A strengthening wind was strongly blowing across the sea, making the waters rough and high waves violently began to beat against the little boat. It may have been too turbulent to use the sail so the disciples strained to row the boat ahead with great difficulty for about another 3 or more miles. In the midst of all this struggle, suddenly the disciples see something that grips their hearts with with shear terror. But then they hear comforting words, “It is I, do not be afraid.” It was Jesus. He has come to where they are. The disciples saw Him coming to them effortlessly walking on top of the water of the ferocious sea. After Jesus joined them in the boat, the disciples find themselves immediately near the shore where they had been heading and they must have been amazed. I think all those powerful emotions were stored in the disciples hearts so that later, the Holy Spirit could remind them that Jesus was there helping them when things got really tough and dangerous along their mission.

    2) Did It

    1. Great words Dave. I really like your ending point too- "Jesus was there helping them when things got really tough and dangerous along their mission." We also are on a mission and need to remember the promise of his presence, especially when it seems so hard to carry out.

  31. This part of the passage on what Brother Dave G. Wrote..We grow through his purposes. God desires to use storms to make us better, not bitter. Don't get bitter when the winds are against you. Hard rowing makes you stronger.
    Automatically thought of what Pator Mark said a few weeks ago in regards on our faith, being able to endure and persevere through such "storms" of our life. Also saying not to consider "storms" a curse but a blessing, for such will make make us stronger in our faith through our Savior Jesus Christ who knows what one is going through. So I do pray for myself and my M3 brothers to open up and lift any such "storms" to our heavenly Father who knows all but to one another, for that is the enemy's desire to put our pride in front of our hearts.

    I share to my fire team and M3 brothers that not so much of a storms but what is to come.. Having a newborn baby automatically gets me thinking of "sheparding", how were going to raise her, act around her, act around other people, how to answer tuff questions when they arise, how to speak to her through good and bad, etc.. all of this how to applu it biblically and personally... Yet all all of my questions.. lead me to accept what is coming as a blessing.

    2. Will do

    1. Good, good Ismael! Yes, having child does make us think more about being good shepherds. Congrats again!

  32. 1) John 6:20 "But he said to them, "It is I; don't be afraid.""

    2) Did it.

    1. Bueno Alex. Hope you're off to a good start at Saint X and enjoying your on campus job there. May you see and seize opportunities to sow good seed.

  33. 1. Dr Adrian Rogers point number 5, "I am, fear not, I am all you need". I have felt storms roar in my life. Causing fear from within. Feeling that all is lost. But Jesus says "Fear not, for I am with you. Do not be dismayed. I am your God. I will strengthen you. I will help you. I will uphold you with my victorious right hand (Isaiah 41: 10). " Jesus always calms the storms within me and makes them peaceful waters.
    2. Did it.

  34. This comment has been removed by the author.

  35. 1) I really like the point that Adrian Roger's said, "We are gladdened by His presence" true! I know that without The Lord, I would be a huge mess or even worse. I think that being able to bask in His presence is such a blessing, and especially to bring all my problems before Him.

    2) I reached out to my squad mates

  36. 8/26/15
    We are governed by his providence. Jesus sent his disciples to cross the lake not to perish in it. God is not willing that any should perish. What storm are you facing? There are no storms that surprise our Savior. Trust in him at all times.-
    1. I am currently facing some tumultuous news regarding some medical tests that indicated finding blood in my urine. I was really quite shaken by this news and was compelled to just sit and think. I mean I felt like being in a boat with no sight of shore in a storm. Like what in the world did I just get myself into. I could solve a family problem, cars, housing- jobs money- but I cannot fix this body on my own. I need to plan and see why this is happening. – I know God came to me this morning and gave me hope in being able to deal with this, but I cannot let my broken body keep my spirit sunk.
    2. Shared and prayed with my bros. Thanks guys

  37. 1
    Trust Him at all times
    As we have heard many times from Pastor Mark either we are in a trial out of a trial or going into a trial. So in order to trust completely it sparked in my mind number 4 to not forget the past that is done by Jesus. It is very easy to remember the bad, remember the trials and the hardships that come from them. But mores difficult to remember the advantage that come from trials and the learning or the growth.

    I looked this up regarding forgetting
    Psa 44:15-17  All day long my disgrace is before me, and shame has covered my face at the sound of the taunter and reviler, at the sight of the enemy and the avenger. All this has come upon us, though we have not forgotten you, and we have not been false to your covenant.

    Forgetting is key to a lacking trust relationship with God

    Got it
