Fri.10.2.15...What a Prayer!...John 17

I know you remember who this mighty warrior is. It's you with your shirt off! Or it will be for all who continue to work out and fight with us. To be that strong in the Lord means that we have to exercise our prayer muscles as well. We are going to see an incredible prayer of Jesus today. He was so strong! May we grow strong from it as well.

Often times we think of prayer as asking God for things. Requests are certainly a part of prayer. But prayer involves more than just asking. It's hard to imagine Jesus spending all night in prayer just asking his Father for things. (I wouldn't want a son like that :) In today's passage (John 17), Jesus talks at length to God his Father. (It's the longest recorded prayer we have of Jesus.) Yes, he does ask for a few things, but then he says a lot of other things too. Many people have gotten lost in all the ins and outs of the passage. Thus, it's helpful to highlight the main points and color code key words. I've done that for us below. I hope it helps you to see better what Jesus is praying about. You'll see there are a number of repeated key words, which I've color coded such as- Father, glorify, give, know, world, love, you have sent, I am coming to you. I have also used a much bigger font and underlined in bold the heart of the main prayer requests Jesus lifts up to his Father. You'll notice that Jesus first prays for himself, then for his disciples and finally for all future believers (you and me included). 

You'll also notice that the big font prayer requests he makes for us are not for our health and wealth. We are warriors being sent out on a mission against a deadly foe. But is Jesus praying for our physical protection, when he prays, "Father protect them from the evil one"? If so, then he asked amiss, because all of the apostles except John were cruelly martyred. Thus, I believe that Jesus prayed that we would be protected from the deceptions of the evil one. The devil is a liar and the father of lies. He seeks to deceive us and distract us from the mission we've been given. He also seeks to divide us. A divided team is a doomed team. Thus, Jesus also prayed that we would remain united. We have a mission to accomplish- to multiply MANLY (Christlike) men. It is crucial that we be united, devoted to each other and to the mission, not divided. If you ever have a problem with me or another brother, lovingly work through it. Don't let the enemy use it to divide us and create drop outs. We are men, not little boys who quit when their feelings get hurt or when things get hard. We defeat the enemy as we remain devoted to helping each other grow in love. This group will stretch you. Don't quit; keep learning and growing. We are committed to become more Christlike. And to be like Christ, we need to pray like Christ. He was assured of his future home with his loving Father. We also have that assurance.  

Now see for yourself how he prayed in John 17 and what you can glean from his prayer. As you do, notice that Jesus prays as if he has already triumphed through dying on the cross. It's as if Jesus looks up to heaven from the cross and prays just before being promoted to glory. 

Jesus Prays for Himself

1 After Jesus said this, he looked toward heaven and prayed:

the hour has come.
Glorify your Son,
that your Son may glorify you.

2 For you granted him authority over all people
that he might give eternal life to all those you have given him.
3 Now this is eternal life: that they know you, the only true God,
and Jesus  Christ, whom you have sent.
4 I have brought you glory on earth by finishing the work you gave me to do.

5 And now
glorify me in your presence
with the glory I had with you before the world began.

Jesus Prays for His Disciples

6“I have revealed you a to those whom you gave me out of the world.
They were yours;
you gave them to me and they have obeyed your word.
7 Now they know that everything you have given me comes from you.
8 For I gave them the words you gave me and they accepted them.
They knew with certainty that I came from you, and they believed that you sent me.
9 I pray for them. I am not praying for the world, but for those you have given me,
for they are yours.
10 All I have is yours, and all you have is mine.
And glory has come to me through them.
11 I will remain in the world no longer,
but they are still in the world,
and I am coming to you.

Holy Father,
protect them by the power of b your name,
the name you gave me,
so that they may be one as we are one.

12 While I was with them,
I protected them and kept them safe
by c that name you gave me.
None has been lost except the one doomed to destruction
so that Scripture would be fulfilled.

13I am coming to you now,
but I say these things while I am still in the world,
so that they may have the full measure of my joy within them.
14 I have given them your word and the world has hated them,
for they are not of the world any more than I am of the world.

15 My prayer is not that you take them out of the world
but that you protect them from the evil one.
16 They are not of the world, even as I am not of it.
17 Sanctify them byd the truth;
your word is truth.
18 As you sent me into the world,
 I have sent them into the world.
19 For them I sanctify myself, 
that they too may be truly sanctified.

Jesus Prays for All Future Believers

20“My prayer is not for them alone.
I pray also for those who will believe in me through their message,
21 that all of them may be one, 
just as you are in me and I am in you.
May they also be in us 
so that the world may believe that you have sent me.

22 I have given them the glory that you gave me,
that they may be one as we are one
23 I in them and you in me
so that they may be brought to complete unity.
Then the world will know that you sent me and have loved them
even as you have loved me.

24 Father,
I want those you have given me to be with me where I am,
and to see my glory,
the glory you have given me
because you loved me before the creation of the world.

25Righteous Father,
though the world does not know you,
 I know you,
and they know that you have sent me.
26 I have made you e known to them, 
and will continue to make you known
in order that the love you have for me may be in them
and that I myself may be in them.

a 6 Greek your name
b 11 Or Father, keep them faithful to
c 12 Or kept them faithful to
d 17 Or them to live in accordance with
e 26 Greek your name

Remember how to REAP from God's word?
Read- Observe. What does it say? Look for repeated words and key points, etc.
Explore- Interpret. What does it mean? Here we explore the context, cross references, concordances and commentaries. Your online commentaries help greatly here.
Apply- What does it mean to me? This is where the rubber meets the road. It’s dead if it’s just stuck in your head. We are to learn the word to live the word.
Pray, Praise and Pass it on.

All the work I have done above is just Reading and observing key words and highlighting the main points and flow of Jesus prayer. What I'd like you to do now is to Explore, Apply and Pray. So carefully study John 17 above and then…

1.- Explore. Use your one verse commentary on a verse or phrase that you want to better understand. You can cut and paste some of their thoughts you discover. Go to-

2.- Apply and Pray. Since this is a prayer, apply it by writing out your own prayer in response to what you’ve been learning. Please include the names of your wingmen (your fire team brothers) in it. (Hey, that qualifies as a point in the A column too. Clarification: The most you can gain in the A column is 1 point a day. It's not a point per person you pray for.) Hint: What can you first thank or praise the Lord for? Next, what do you want to echo in Christ's prayer for yourself and your wingmen? 

3.- We are here to help men to become MANLY. A manly man is one whom others respect because he lives an admirable life. He can be counted on. He is faithful. Faithfulness in little things is a great thing in God's eyes and in ours. Out of respect for one another, we ask men to return calls promptly when requested. It's something each man committed to do when they applied to join M3. It is rude and disrespectful not to promptly return calls, at the latest by the following day. We are to be devoted to one another. Excuses for not calling back promptly are boyish and demeaning. So in addition to a personal apology, what fruit of repentance do you think would help to mature a man in this area? (Let's assume he doesn't live close by, otherwise he could buy you a doughnut or coffee.)

Will you be joining us for the Indiana Dunes hike tomorrow? If so, text me today. There's no rain in the forecast. Just dress warmly. It's going to be an even better time if you can join us.

It's coming October 12th. It's our new website/blog/scoreboard and it is really cool! Want a sneak peak? I'll give it to you Monday.

Have a great weekend and thanks for remembering to get all your points on the board today. 


  1. 1. John 17:9 "I pray for them: I pray not for the world, but for them which thou hast given me; for they are thine."

    I pray not for the world - I am not yet come to that part of my intercession: see John 17:20. I am now wholly employed for my disciples, that they may be properly qualified to preach my salvation to the ends of the earth. Jesus here imitates the high priest, the second part of whose prayer, on the day of expiation, was for the priests, the sons of Aaron: see on John 17:1; (note). These words may also be understood as applying to the rebellious Jews. God's wrath was about to descend upon them, and Christ prays that his own followers might be kept from the evil, John 17:15. But he does not thus pray for the world, the rebellious Jews, because the cup of their iniquity was full, and their judgment slumbered not.

    I chose this verse simply because I wonder why Jesus wouldn't also pray for the world. This next commentary offers a possible explanation.

    I pray not for the world ... This shift back to the present tense denotes that at that time Christ was not praying for the world but for his disciples. That Christ could not pray for his enemies in the same terms as for his own is natural; and, as Hovey said, "The blessings which he would ask for his enemies must be different in some respects from those which he would ask for his friends."[15] Lipscomb concurred, saying, "Jesus does not mean to say that the world is excluded from his sympathy; he was dying to save the world."[16] Later, Jesus prayed that the "world might believe" (John 17:20,21).

    2. Father, I lift up this time that I have spent in your word, and blogging with my brothers. I ask that you would bless it to my understanding of you, and to my relationship with you. I thank you for my wingmen and pray blessings over their lives. Thank you for Nick, Rich, Vince, and Antonio.

    3. A willing, public lashing, no less!!! Sorry, this KJV brings out the worst in me... LOL!!! I would say admitting that it is an issue and laying out steps to overcome it.

    I would love to come to the hike. However, at this time I simply cannot fathom getting up early again with a scheduled event to do. I need some more sleep. I need to adjust better to my new schedule. If I do not go on the hike my wife and I will attend an "I do! I do! marriage seminar at our kids' school (which is also a church, Christian Hills Church)

    1. Great digging Mike! "Jesus does not mean to say that the world is excluded from his sympathy; he was dying to save the world."[16] Later, Jesus prayed that the "world might believe" (John 17:20,21).
      I want to privately commend you, though I will do so publicly next week- you have been unstoppable for the last four weeks. Way to go! I look forward to publicly awarding you.

    2. Great job of being Unstoppable Mike. And yes praying for you in this time of transition, that you would find balance in your schedule to rest.

    3. Yes public lashing!!!! great idea!!! LOL

    4. Great prayer and encouragement brother Michael.

  2. 1. John 17 " The glory that you have given me I have given to them, that the may become perfectly one, so that the world may know that you sent me and loved them even as you have loved me."
    What does it mean to have been given GLORY?
    This is what Adam Clark's commentary says about this verse:"And the glory which thou gavest me I have given them - That is, the power to work miracles, and to preach unadulterated truth, say some; but as our Lord is not here praying for the disciples, but for all those who should believe on him through their word, John 17:20, it is more natural to understand the passage thus. As Christ, according to his human nature, is termed the Son of God, he may be understood as saying: "I have communicated to all those who believe, or shall believe in me, the glorious privilege of becoming sons of God; that, being all adopted children of the same Father, they may abide in peace, love, and unity." For this reason it is said, Hebrews 2:11, Christ is not ashamed to call them brethren. However, our Lord may here, as in several other places, be using."
    2. Dear Lord I want to thank you so much for M3 and the great impact it is having in our lives as we grow closer to you. Thank you that the same power that resurrected Jesus is also available to us through your Holy Spirit.
    Thank you for my brothers Jack, Armando, Jose, George, Andre, Lemmy and Kevin, I pray that you continue to guide them daily and that they would recognize you and honor you in everything they do. In Jesus name amen.
    3. I believe a sincere apology would be good enough for me.

    1. Great question and digging Roger. Yes, Christ gave us the glory of proclaiming an eternal life transforming message that the Father had given him so that the won might be one with God the Father and the Son- one in relationship and team purpose so that the world may know that Jesus was indeed sent by the Father. This culminates in us being in glory with Christ- Col.3:4. Wow! So glad we are in this together with Christ!

    2. Glory be to our God. that was a wonderful intercessory prayers brother Roger.

  3. 1. John 17:13 "But now I come to You; and these things I speak in the world so that they may have My joy made full in themselves."

    1. I observe that it was the joy of communion. Our Saviour ever had an abiding sense of His Father’s nearness, and deep beyond all description, must have been the fellowship between them.
    2. Christ’s joy was also the joy of realized and returned love, Communion is more a positive act, this an experience. Christ felt His Father’s love. This
    He declares--“The Father loveth the Son.” Christ loved the Father. This also He declared--“I love the Father.” Now a realized and returned love can only result in joy.

    2. Father, I praise you because you alone are good. You have set us apart and chosen us for this new life. Thank you for revealing yourself to us, so that we can truly know you. I pray for Alex, Phil, Will, Gary, Ish, Lou, and James, my Squad, that they as MANLY Men would know you. Devote themselves to being men who seek you, seek your word, read it, apply it and teach it to others. Empower us all to live for you today, denying ourselves and taking up our crosses. Glory to you oh Lord. In the powerful name of Jesus.

    3. In agreement with Dave. An apology would suffice.

    1. Excellent prayer that I also prayed out loud Eddie.

    2. Good prayer Eddie! Thanks for the prayer. Keep being a good example bro. You are a great squad leader.

    3. For sure "God has chosen us and have set us apart for this new life,"

    4. Yes amen great prayer we are set apart

  4. 1. “For you granted him authority over all people that he might give eternal life to all those you have given him. Now this is eternal life: that they know you, the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom you have sent.”
    ‭‭John‬ ‭17:2-3‬ ‭
    Thank you Lord for you have presented yourself to us as you promised as sacrificed your son so that we have been redeemed. Even though we were not worthy of your Love you give it always and we only anxiously await for Jesus' return.
    Verse 2
    Adam Clark's comment includes: As thou hast given him power - As the Messiah, Jesus Christ received from the Father universal dominion. All flesh, i.e. all the human race, was given unto him, that by one sacrifice of himself, he might reconcile them all to God; having by his grace tasted death for every man, Hebrews 2:9. And this was according to the promise of the universal inheritance made to Christ, Psalm 2:8, which was to be made up of the heathen, and the uttermost parts of the land, all the Jewish people. So that he got all from God, that he might give his life a ransom for the whole.
    That he should have eternal life, etc. - As all were delivered into his power, and he poured out his blood to redeem all, then the design of God is that all should have eternal life, because all are given for this purpose to Christ; and, that this end might be accomplished, he has become their sacrifice and atonement.

    1. Thanks Jack. How interesting that Jesus describes eternal life, not in terms of quantity, but in quality- a relationship with the Father and Son. To live forever without a relationship with God, many might be happy with. But the Bible describes such an eternal existence as hell. Glad we have an eternal relationship with Him.

    2. Good humbling and thankful prayer Jack. Those verses Remind me of how great his love is.

    3. 2. Father, I thank you for giving me my Brothers in Christ Roger, Armondo , Andre, George, Jose, Lemmy, and Kevin--that you have commissioned us in your service to multiply your army. We glorify you Lord in all that we do and ask for you to give us the right words, direction, and perseverence to move together in unity to advance your Kingdom. In Jesus name we pray. Amen
      3. A heart felt apology in a timely manner

    4. Thank you very much for that uplifting prayer Jack.


  5. John 17:22-23New International Version (NIV)

    22 I have given them the glory that you gave me, that they may be one as we are one— 23 I in them and you in me—so that they may be brought to complete unity. Then the world will know that you sent me and have loved them even as you have loved me.

    Poole's English Annotations on the Holy Bible (This is for verse 23)

    I in them; not only as my Divine nature is united to their flesh, but as I have made them partakers of my Spirit, and of the Divine nature; as I have loved them with a special and peculiar love, and am the head, they the members; I the vine, they the branches.

    And thou in me, the fulness of the Godhead dwelling in me bodily; I being the brightness of thy glory, the express image of thy person; thou also doing whatsoever I do, and accepting and approving of it, as John 14:10.

    That they may be made perfect in one; the Greek is, eis en, into one; in one body, whereof Christ is the Head; which body is the church, keeping a unity of faith; all believing the same things in matter of faith, and those things no other than what thou hast revealed, and I have revealed as from thee. This, O Father, will be a great evidence, both that thou hast sent me, when the world shall see thee bowing men’s hearts to the obedience of the truth of thy gospel; and that thou hast loved them with a tender and everlasting love, as thou hast loved me.

    2. I pray the body of Christ rises up, for Lou, Israel, Oscar, Dave D, Tim, and Dave R are men of courage. I pray that the world knows we stand together as we stay on mission for the Lord. Have a blessed weekend.

    3.Gift card for coffee and donut. :)

    1. Excellent prayer point Sam- "I pray that the world knows we stand together as we stay on mission for the Lord." You've captured what many Christians miss. Christ's heart, plan and prayer is for his church, his army to be on mission. There is no glory for a coach when his team does not carry out the plays he has given them and they lose.

    2. Good verses and commentary Sam. we are one! Have a good weekend bro.

    3. Good job Sam in researching those verses.

  6. 1. “And for their sake I consecrate myself, that they also may be sanctified in truth. “I do not ask for these only, but also for those who will believe in me through their word, ‭‭John‬ ‭17:19-20‬ ‭ESV

    Neither for these only do I pray, but for them also that believe on me through their word.
    Here the prayer reached out toward the saved of all generations. Significantly, all who would believe on Jesus would do so "through their word," that is, through the word of the apostles, there being no other way that faith can be produced. Such being the case for conversion, why should it be thought strange that the work of the Holy Spirit in the hearts of believers, after they are converted, should follow exactly the same pattern?

    It's awesome knowing Jesus was praying for us when he was on this earth.

    2. Father I'm thankful for all you have given me. I'm thankful for this group of brothers that prays and keeps me in check. I want to lift up my brothers Eddie, Phil, Will, Ish, and Dave. I pray that you would keep a hand of protection over them. As they seek out to advance your kingdom. I pray you would continue to give them knowledge and understanding of your word. I pray these this in Jesus name. Amen

    3. I think a apology works.

    1. Wow, “I do not ask for these only, but also for those who will believe in me through their word," Jesus prayers is passed from generation to generation of those who would come to believe. Thank you lord.

    2. Good thoughts James! It is amazing to think of Jesus praying for us way back then.

    3. Yes indeed it is great knowing that Jesus was praying for us.

  7. 1. "My prayer is not that you take them out of the world but that you protect them from the evil one." John 17:15

    2. Lord I lift up my brothers Ed, Rich, Mike, Nic, Anthony, Osiris and Vince in prayer. I ask that would place a hedge of protection over them, that no harm or evil may come or befall them. I pray that no weapons formed against them shall prosper. That you would go before them, walk alongside them and stand behind them for if you are for us us, who can be against us!?

    3. No meaningful thoughts on the matter other than what's already been suggested "an apology".

    1. "Christ does not desire that his faithful apostles should soon die, and be taken to God. No: but that they may live long, labor long, and bring forth much fruit." (Adam Clarke's Commentary)

    2. Amen brother. We are more than conquers and the gates of hell shall not stand against us (meaning we are on offense).

    3. Great Verse Robert! Always love reading your posts!

  8. 1-For I have given to them the words which You have given Me; and they have received them, and have known surely that I came forth from You; and they have believed that You sent Me.
    John 17:8 NKJV

    “Who do men say that I am?” So they answered, “John the Baptist; but some say, Elijah; and others, one of the prophets.” He said to them, “But who do you say that I am?” Peter answered and said to Him, “You are the Christ.” Mark 8:27-29. Jesus made sure his faithful followers knew who he was. He revealed himself to his disciples as The Son of MAN, as an earthly title but also the Lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world.

    2 - Father in heaven, I want to thank you for gift of life, I want to thank you for your provisions, my M3 brothers and above all for Jesus Christ who came to reveal the way. I pray you oh lord, watch over my brethren and keep us United in you. Our enemy the Devil's rolls about like a roaring like seeking someone to devour. Keep us all safe Jesus. I pray specifically for Kevin, George, Andre and all my fire team God, that you help their needs.

    3 - Will do by God's grace.

    1. Brother Lemmy, thanks for sharing your insight, God bless you :-)

    2. Hey Lemmy, I thought of you as I drove up close to where we met this summer. Best blessings to you my friend!

    3. Loved the Prayer brother Lemmy!

  9. John 17:3 "This is eternal life, that they may know You, the only true God, and Jesus Christ whom You have sent." The word "know" here emphasizes the experiential and relationship - not just head knowledge. Strong's says of this word, "to "know" -- allow, be aware of, perceive.(absolutely) in a great variety of applications and with many implications. This verb is in the present active tense, meaning it is not a one time act of knowledge. "Eternal life" a continual "knowing" of God, that gets deeper an deeper as we get to know him more.

    Father, I pray that Dave, Dave, and Israel would get to know you more deeply as they walk with you day by day. I pray that knowledge would consume and transform them, would insulate them from the pull of sin, would protect them from the attacks of the Evil one, and would provide joy as they journey through this life. Amen.

    1. Brother Tim, great prayer, it reminded me of Ephesians 1:17-19

    2. I want to know you Lord, I want to know you more! Oh that we would hunger and thirst to know him more. Thanks Tim.

    3. Really liked that prayer. Very uplifting

  10. 1-I like what Coffman says about v. 18. “As you sent me into the world I have sent them into the world.”
    Coffman: Just as Christ delivered God's word, the apostles were instructed to deliver, not their word, but Christ's. This respect to the pattern of teaching illuminates the promise of Jesus that whatever the apostles bound on earth would be bound in heaven, etc. (Matthew 18:18). Not even the apostles had authority to set up an organization and teach whatever they might have conceived to be expedient or appropriate. They were to use the same fidelity in teaching what Christ commanded that Christ had used in declaring what God had said. Even so sent I them ... This is prophetic tense, viewing the future sending of the apostles as already accomplished.
    2-Lord, I thank you for this team and I believe I will wind up with a great fireteam very soon. I pray for the M3 brothers overall that they would be in the world but not of the world, that their hearts would break for the right things but their hearts would stay pure, and that they would truly have a band of brothers that bring them encouragement and iron-sharpening exhortation daily. I pray that every single man on the M3 team will persevere and make it to the end strong, follow you faithfully and influence many people.
    3-If someone is sincere then they will change. I don’t really have anything to add to an apology.
    Sorry I can’t join you brothers tomorrow. I do look forward to getting together with you guys. It is great to have fellowship without having to set up or run things. Glad this happening. Also, I look forward to the next stage with the website. This ministry is great and can help so many more people.

    1. We would be blessed to count you as a member of Squad 3, Fire Team 2, Pastor Mike, but I am certain you will be appointed to a position of leadership where you are most needed. I will second your sentiment that sincere repentance can change a man and break bad habits. God bless your ministry, Pastor.

    2. Thank you Mike! I look forward to talking with you soon. Udabest!

  11. (1) Dave mentioning Jesus praying "Father, protect them from the evil one" got me started following that thread of His prayer:

    In v11 Jesus asks for protection for His disciples " that they may be one as we are one." And in v15 & 17, My prayer is not that you take them out of the world but"... "Sanctify [separate and dedicate to God] them by the truth; your word is truth."

    In v21 He asks for future believers "that all of them may be one" just as Jesus and the Father are one, and as His disciples are one from v11.

    I have to believe the protection He was praying is, as Dave said, protection from the evil one and from the world. He is also asking that we not fracture into tiny groups going our own way but remain united and "in Him", set apart by the word of God.

    (2) Heavenly Father, thank you for guiding us in strength and power as we continue growing in you through M3 and your word. I pray, espicially for Lemmy, George, and Andre, and also for all your people that we would lay aside our petty differences that we may be one just as Jesus and the Father are one; that we be set apart through the Word so that the world will know we are loved by God and powerful because of Jesus in us.

    (3) Lashings and apologies being already mentioned, stoning is a biblical answer, although John 8:7 does apply (along with 1John 1:8)

    My vote is for two or three men to come alongside them to lovingly see if they are having a problem, inform them of their sins and work toward true repentance. If that doesn't work, publish the offense to the group and engage in public shaming by preparing a lesson of selfishness.

    1. That last part should say "having them prepare a lesson on selfishness".

    2. Great thoughts and prayer Kevin "that we would lay aside our petty differences that we may be one just as Jesus and the Father are one; that we be set apart through the Word so that the world will know we are loved by God and powerful because of Jesus in us."
      You made me laugh with your new and biblical response- stoning. Of course that should not be really be used until a third offence occurs :) Actually, your ending thought is a very good and biblical response based on Mt.18:15-16. Perhaps this could be the progression-
      1. First time, a verbal apology is sufficient
      2. 2nd time, a written apology is due
      3. 3rd time, one or two other squad members are brought in to assess the situation and lovingly help nurture repentance
      4. 4th time, the offender owes a written apology to all his squad, including appropriate scripture.
      Thanks Kevin!

  12. 21 That they all may be one; as thou, Father, art in me, and I in thee, that they also may be one in us: that the world may believe that thou hast sent me. Unity is very important for our message to unbelievers

    2 Dear God thank you for reminding me how important consistent prayer is. Thank you that you want to hear from me often and that you are always available to listen to my prayers. Please help me and my brothers to stay in daily communion with you and that you would teach us what to pray for by the prompting of the Holy Spirit. Teach us to rely on you and your daily bread for nourishment and sustenance for each day. Help us to be renewed by the reading of your word and that you would help us to be set apart for the world and draw people to you. Thank you for my brothers Robert, Osiris, and Rick. I pray that you would strengthen these men and use them to spread the good news.

    3 I have made it a point to be prompt in returning emails lately.

    1. Wonderful prayer, brother Ed. Thank you for praying for this important grace. that our prayers my be prompted by the Holy Spirit.

  13. 1- John 17:10New International Version (NIV)

    10 All I have is yours, and all you have is mine. And glory has come to me through them.

    Gill's Exposition of the Whole Bible

    And all mine are thine, and thine are mine,.... Christ is speaking not of things but of persons; otherwise all the perfections of his nature as God, and all the works he did, and doctrines he taught as man, were of his Father; as all the perfections of his Father, his nature, his names, his works, his worship, were his; the same that belongs to the one belongs to the other: but persons are here meant, and these the elect of God, particularly the apostles, who were his and his Father's; belonged to them both by election, covenant transactions, redemption, and efficacious grace in conversion; which mutual interest arises from an union in nature, an agreement in covenant, and a conjunction in operation:

    and I am glorified in them: or by them, they ascribing all divine perfections, works and worship to him; attributing the whole of their salvation to him, and giving him all the glory of it; believing in him; walking worthy of him, in their lives and conversations; suffering patiently and cheerfully for his sake; and abiding by his Gospel and ordinances; and he will be glorified by them, and in them hereafter, and that to all eternity.

    2- Lord Jesus thank you for these great men of yours. Robert Roman, Antonio Palomar, Nic Palhegyi, Mike Dunn, Rich Petre, Osiris Alday, and Ed Lake . I believe you have called them to do great things for you. I believe and pray that they may shine your light to all the world. I pray that the holy spirit moves in their hearts. I pray for a fresh dose of your spirit. That they will not fear this world of troubles. In Jesus name Amen.

  14. John 17:12 “While I was with them, I protected them and kept them safe byc that name you gave me. None has been lost except the one doomed to destruction so that Scripture would be fulfilled.”

    Adam Clarke's Commentary

    But the son of perdition - So we find that Judas, whom all account to have been lost, and whose case at best is extremely dubious, was first given by God to Christ? But why was he lost? Because, says St. Augustin, he would not be saved: and he farther adds, After the commission of his crime, he might have returned to God and have found mercy. Aug. Serm. 125; n. 5; Psalm 146:1-10. n. 20; Ser. 352, n. 8; and in Psalm 108:1-13. See Calmet, who remarks: Judas only became the son of perdition because of his wilful malice, his abuse of the grace and instructions of Christ, and was condemned through his own avarice, perfidy, insensibility, and despair. In behalf of the mere possibility of the salvation of Judas, see the observations at the end of Acts 1 (note).
    Perdition or destruction is personified; and Judas is represented as being her son, i.e. one of the worst of men - one whose crime appears to have been an attempt to destroy, not only the Savior of the world, but also the whole human race. And all this he was capable of through the love of money! How many of those who are termed creditable persons in the world have acted his crime over a thousand times! To Judas and to all his brethren, who sell God and their souls for money, and who frequently go out of this world by a violent voluntary death, we may apply those burning words of Mr. Blair, with very little alteration:
    "O cursed lust of gold! when for thy sake
    The wretch throws up his interest in both worlds,
    First hanged in this, then damned in that to come."

    When I first read this verse, I took issue with it. Judas was doomed to destruction so that Scripture would be fulfilled. It almost sounds like he never stood a chance. From birth, he was destined for damnation. Could I, too, have been created for such a purpose? That through the example made of a wretch like me, others could know the power of God’s judgment? But then I read the following line from Adam Clarke’s Commentary: “After the commission of his crime, he might have returned to God and have found mercy.” How’s that for an example of God’s mercy and love? That Judas was an avaricious traitor cannot be contested; his actions speak volumes, but that in spite of this he might have still found God’s mercy reinforces what we already know of our Father. He is merciful and loving of all his children. The Temptations sang it best: “Ain’t no mountain high, ain’t no valley low, ain’t no river wide enough to keep us from getting to Christ.

    2. Father, my brothers Vince, Robert, Mark, Mike, Ed, Antonio, Nic, Rich, and I desire to be chosen for the apostolic office held by the disciples of Christ, but our journey has only just begun. We have so much more to grow in your word before our names can be spoken in the same breath as that of such great disciples as the eleven you returned to the father to glorify his name. Like them, we are subject to temptation and prone to sin. We ask that your Word will guide us through life’s perilous journey, bypassing any Earthly desires that might distract us from the path you have prepared for us. We ask for the grace to continue growing in your Word and in our love for you, Lord, that we too might be counted among those given to you and not lost.

    1. Osiris, I liked your comments about Judas. As believers, none of us would intentionally betray Jesus as Judas had done. Yet with our God given free will, we can and do betray Jesus in a sense that after we know Him, we may still turn away from Him to fall into deliberate sin -whether the source comes from world, our flesh or the devil. God would consider that an avaricious (had to look that word up) act and maybe its not so much of a difference from Judas' betrayal. I like the point that you made:" he (Judas) might have returned to God and have found mercy." That is a big difference between Judas and believers who find repentance, forgiveness and restoration through Jesus. I "Amen" your statements: "How's that for an example of God's mercy and love? .... He is merciful and loving of all his children."

    2. Osiris, great point regarding the mercy of God even toward Judas and great prayer.

  15. 1) John 17:11 I will remain in the world no longer, but they are still in the world, and I am coming to you. Holy Father, protect them by the power of your name, the name you gave me, so that they may be one as we are one.

    Copied from the Exposition of the Gospel of John by Arthur W. Pink
    "About to return to the Father on high, He asks the Father that He will preserve those so dear to His heart, those for whom He bled and died. He hands them over to the care of the very One who had first given them to Him. It was as though He said: I know the Father’s heart! He will take good care of them! And why was it, why is it, that we are so highly esteemed by Christ? Clearly not for any excellency which there is, intrinsically, in us. The answer must be, Because we are the Father’s love gift to the Son. It is striking to observe that just seven times in this chapter Christ speaks of those whom the Father had "given" Him—see verses 2, 6 (twice) 9, 11, 12, 24. In John 3:16 we learn of the Father’s love to us; here in John 17 we behold the Father’s love to Christ. God so loved the world as to give His only begotten Son; and He so loved His Son as to give Him a people who, conformed to His image, shall through all eternity, show forth His praises. Marvellous fact! We are the Fathers love gift to His Son. The worth of a gift depends upon the one who made it; its intrinsic value may be paltry, but when made by a loved one it is highly prized for his sake. So we, utterly unworthy in ourselves, are ever regarded by Christ in all the inestimable worth of that love of the Father which gave us to Him! Thus does the eye of our great High Priest ever look upon us with affection and delight. How this ought to endear Him to our hearts! "

    2) Lord Jesus, thank you that you treasure us so much that you prayed and entrusted us into your Father's care. It was Your Father that has chosen Chuy, Mike, George and myself, us out of the world. We were chosen along with our M3 brothers and all other believers to be a love gift to You. Heavenly Father, we are your workmanship, created in Christ Jesus our Savior to do good works that you have prepared in advance for us to do. O Lord, I ask that you transform us to be more love motivated, more single minded, and more whole heart-ed to complete our mission for Your eternal glory and praise.

    3) I will strive to be manly by returning phone calls made to me by my M3 brothers.

    1. Yes it amazing that God delights in U.S.!

    2. Thanks for finding and sharing gold with us Dave- "Marvellous fact! We are the Fathers love gift to His Son."

  16. John 17:1
    Jesus spoke these things; and lifting up His eyes to heaven, He said, "Father, the hour has come; glorify Your Son, that the Son may glorify You,

    Glorify thy Son - Cause him to be acknowledged as the promised Messiah by the Jewish people, and as the universal Savior by the Gentile world; and let such proofs of his Godhead be given as shall serve to convince and instruct mankind.

    2. Thank you God for the Messiah you sent into the world. I pray that Dave and Mike would be great for the advancement of the kingdom of God.

    3.I think we should Stone them.

    1. Thanks for those prayers George.

    2. Very good George.
      3. I know you have a merciful heart. I know you only would advocate stoning after a third offense :)

  17. John 17:24 “Father, I want those you have given me to be with me where I am, and to see my glory, the glory you have given me because you loved me before the creation of the world.

    2. Lord our father I'm forever thankful for the blessings you give us on a daily basis. Thank you father for the brothers you brought into my life, thank you for helping me understand your word father. I pray that you continue to bless me and my brothers in Jesus Christ mighty name Amen.

    1. Lord, thank you for Jose and continue to strengthen him with might by your Spirit. Protect him from the evil one. Help him to bear much fruit.

  18. 1. “I do not ask You to take them out of the world, but to keep them from the evil one.”
    ‭‭John‬ ‭17:15‬ ‭
    Guzzle commentary
    ii. Jesus prayed for His own to be kept from the evil one, the world he rules, and of all of his evil schemes and strategies.

    Kept from the evil of apostasy

    Kept from the evil of worldliness

    Kept from the evil of unholiness

    It is not to be kept from the evil of trouble or hardship

    Jesus wanted his messengers to be free from the pitfalls and destruction of evil.

    2. I thank you lord that you will not allow us to be tempted beyond what we are able. Keep Robert , mike , rich, vince, and tony from evil and the evil one. I pray that the enemy will not get a foothold in their lives and family. Bless and keep them strong.


    3. Take a sword and cut off their ear.

    1. Very good Nic.
      Re. #3- You are more merciful than a few others who have advocated stoning. Of course cutting off the offender's ear is still severe, so it would only be enforced after the second offense. You could be the keeper of the ear collection and show the first time offender the fate of the unrepentant. I don't think your idea would fall on deaf ears :)

  19. 1. John 17:4 I have brought you glory on earth by finishing the work you gave me to do.

    I always thought the closing pitcher of a base ball game had the faster arm. But it was always the way the hitters reacted to a different person that was more the defensive play. So in the time that the devil was playing God's game, God brought in Jesus to change the outcome. The devil was used to testing the mortals Not the son of God.

    2. Lord, thanks for my brother's we go are fighting this good fight and are also tired. I pray you give the rest and strength to overcome the battles before us.
    3. Giving the rest calls this weekend.

    1. I like your baseball game analogy Rich.
      I also commend you for being unstoppable for the past two weeks in a row. Keep up the good and manly work. I'm right proud of you!

  20. 1."that all of them may be one, Father, just as you are in me and I am in you. May they also be in us so that the world may believe that you have sent me." John 17:21
    -The unity of believers should have an effect on outsiders, to convince them of the mission of Christ. Jesus’ prayer is a rebuke of the groundless and often bitter divisions among believers.
    2. Thank you Lord that the world will be able to see our unity and rejoice that it is you bringing us together in your power. I pray for my brothers Tim, Dave and Israel that you would unite us to each other and twords you!
    3. I would me the brother promise to call everyone back that day ( not just my call).

  21. 1. That they may all be one; even as thou, Father, art in me, and I in thee, that they also may be one in us; that the world may believe that thou didst send me.
    That they may all be one ... is a prayer for Christian unity, the great reason for Christ's desire for such unity being immediately stated, "that the world may believe that thou didst send me."

    In answering the question of how the believers' unity could effect the conversion of the world, Milligan said, "This would be to all thoughtful persons a moral demonstration that the Christian religion is not of men, but of God."
    2. Father God I thank u for this amazing life u have blessed us with. I pray that u guide my brothers Eddie James Will and Ish to be great strong manly men in Jesus name Amen!
    3. I think the guilt and shame someone feels from not returning a m3 brothers call is enough ;)

    1. Phil , I agree on the Your #3. Very good comment on #1.

    2. Very good Phil- Our unity is a testimony to the world that our faith is not of men but of God.

  22. 1) The verse I chose was:

    John 17:14 “I have given them your word and the world has hated them, for they are not of the world any more than I am of the world."

    Poole's English Annotations of the Holy Bible had some good thoughts on the verse, especially in the first half:

    "I take more to be understood here, by Christ’s giving his word unto his disciples, than his preaching the gospel in their ears: otherwise Christ had no more given these his disciples his word, than he had given it to many thousands of others who were yet in the world, and whom the world hated not. The sense therefore is, I have not only preached thy word in their ears, but I have opened their hearts to receive and believe it and bowed their wills to a compliance with it; so as the word dwelleth in their hearts, is ingrafted in them, and they are turned into the likeness of it. And here it is observable, that when any soul is given to Christ by his Father, Christ will most certainly, first or last, give unto that soul his word in that sense; that is, so as it shall receive, believe it, and be turned into the likeness of it..."

    2) Lord, I thank you for the blessing of creation around us that we wake to each day, and for the breath that escapes our lips each moment because of your Will. I lift up my brothers Phil and Alex, and ask Father that like the Disciples during Jesus' time, they would walk with a heart washed by the Word. That they would be IN this World, but not OF it. I pray for protection and grace in them through life's challenges, and pray that you would ultimately have your way in them. Amen.

    3) An apology would be enough, but if you are looking for something more, possibly a public one on their blogpost?

    1. Very good Will.
      I think your suggestion after a first or second private apology, that the offender publish an apology on the blog is a good and helpful idea. If he has been slack with one, it's likely he would be slack with others. He is also weakening the team in neglecting one of his team members. A chain is only as strong as its weakest link.

  23. 1) John 17:11 "“I am no longer in the world; and yet they themselves are in the world, and I come to You. Holy Father, keep them in Your name, the name which You have given Me, that they may be one even as We are."

    Moody Commentary (direct quote):
    "So Jesus prayed, keep them in your name (v.11). A person's name represented his character. For the Father to "keep" the apostles in His name meant that He would maintain among them the whole truth His Son had revealed about the Father".

    2) Dear Lord Jesus, thank you for my wingmen Luis and Gary. I pray that you bless them throughout the week, and that you protect them from the lies of the enemy. I also pray that you keep preparing them for the tasks that you have for them. In your precious name amen.

  24. 1. John 17:17. Sanctify them by the truth; your word is truth.
    The word sanctify means to set apart. Believers are set apart from the world by the word of God. We become useful for God's work as we study and obey his teachings. " God's word is truth". M3 brothers , let's strive to be set apart and be ready for the masters use.
    2. Heavenly Father , I present my wingman , Sam Vargas and Oscar Nunez, and all the brothers of M3. Give these young men the strength and power to do your work. Sanctify them, Father, so they will be useful in your work. Give them the wisdom to bring future believers to you. Father , make these brothers a manly team who will work in one mission, to let all know " your word is truth". As our Lord Jesus prayed ", my prayer is for all of them, is that they be of one heart and one mind, just as you and I are,Father...." I thank you Father , and I pray and ask in the name of Jesus, our Lord and Savior. Amen

    1. Great prayer Louie, which I prayed out loud as well.


  25. 1.-Jn. 17:12
    While I was with them, I protected them and kept them safe by that name you gave me. None has been lost except the one doomed to destruction so that Scripture may be fulfilled.

    2.- Thank you Father God for all the brothers of M3, I pray we stand united, strong and ready to serve you for the glory of your Kingdom, Amen.

    3.- A sincere apology

    Sorry for condense post, having a bad night, keep losing in cyberspace. Hope this goes thru. 👀

    1. Ugh, sorry to hear about that. A cure is coming.

  26. 1. John 17: 7 Now they know that everything that you have given me is from you.

    Now they have known. Here our Lord expresses what is the chief part in faith, which consists in our believing in Christ in such a manner, that faith does not rest satisfied with beholding the flesh, but perceives his Divine power. For when he says, They have known that all things which thou hast given me are from thee, he means, that believers feel that all that they possess is heavenly and divine. And, indeed, if we do not perceive God in Christ, we must remain continually in a state of hesitation

    Jesus had given us straight forward instructions on how to follow him and do his work thru the Holy Spirit. We are never alone but we must remain faithful.

    2. Lord Jesus, thank you for my wingman Rich and Mark. Guide thier hearts and mind in any trials that they may be going thru. Protect them and bless anything that they may touch. Give us the ability and love your disciples had to do your work. Bless all my brothers in M3 from any harm and thank you for such Godly men. Amen.

    3. A sincere apology will be sufficient .

    1. Very good Horacio.
      Lord, thank you for my friend Horacio. Strengthen and encourage him. Continue to fill and flow through him to bear much fruit.

    2. Horacio, you were either up very late or very early. Way to stick with "No scripture no sleep."

  27. 1) the world hath hated them - The Jewish rulers, etc., have hated them. - Why? Because they received the doctrine of God, the science of salvation, and taught it to others. They knew Jesus to be the Messiah, and as such they proclaimed him: our Lord speaks prophetically of what was about to take place. How terrible is the perversion of human nature! Men despise that which they should esteem, and endeavor to destroy that without which they must be destroyed themselves!

    2) Heavenly Father there isn't a day that I give thanks for the brothers of M3 as well as the encouraging verses I get everyday. I pray for wisdom and strength, not just physical but spiritual for Horacio and Marcos as well as the rest of the brothers, for it is is a battle we endure everyday. Thank you again for your many blessings. Amen

  28. 1
    I found in verse 17:13 that Jesus prays for our continued joy in the times of trouble
    “b. That they may have My joy fulfilled in themselves: Jesus prayed not only for the keeping of and the unity of His disciples, as if He only longed to leave behind good employees. He deeply cared for and prayed for joy fulfilled in their life. Specifically, Jesus prayed for His own joy to be fulfilled in His life.”
    “i. Jesus had a life filled with joy; He could speak of My joy. If He did not, this part of the prayer would make no sense. Truly Jesus was a man of sorrows and acquainted with grief (Isaiah 53:3). Nevertheless there was a joy and a satisfaction in the life experience of Jesus that surpassed the joy of any other who ever lived.?
    While Jesus truly knows the face of suffering He has full and timeless Joy, even joy that we also can partake in

    I can definitely thanks God for the challenges and the total heart He has that won’t let go. On the other side of the difficulties there would be ease and no relational love for God. I pray that my wingmen are continually encouraged and dedicated toward the God who loves Greatly and will hold noting back from each of us

    An apology will go a long way

  29. Sorry for the late post. I’m not going to make excuses but I will be better at posting on time in the future.

    1 – John 17: 21 May they all be one, as You, Father, are in Me and I am in You. May they also be one[f] in Us, so the world may believe You sent Me.

    I like there points from Coffman’s Commentaries on the Bible.
    That they may all be one ... is a prayer for Christian unity, the great reason for Christ's desire for such unity being immediately stated, "that the world may believe that thou didst send me."

    In answering the question of how the believers' unity could effect the conversion of the world, Milligan said, "This would be to all thoughtful persons a moral demonstration that the Christian religion is not of men, but of God."

    He also points out how Satin likes the disunity of Christians, by being so fragmented it’s keeping people from following the gospel.

    His final point was “Believers should always yearn for peace, but never for peace at the expense of truth; for "unity" which has been gained by means of such a sacrifice is not worthy of the name.” To me this is just another reason we have to stand up for our religion. There are many Christian churches changing so they can be politically correct.

    2 – Heavenly Father, thank you for another day and thank you for the strength and encouragement I get from my brothers in M3. I want to especially thank you for bring me, Andre, Lemmy and Kevin together. Lord, I pray that you will strengthen us as a team to spread your word, give us a desire to stay in your word daily and use us show the world your glory.

    3 – I think a sincere apology is enough.

  30. 1. John 17:4 I have brought you glory on earth by finishing the work you gave me to do.

    I always thought the closing pitcher of a base ball game had the faster arm. But it was always the way the hitters reacted to a different person that was more the defensive play. So in the time that the devil was playing God's game, God brought in Jesus to change the outcome. The devil was used to testing the mortals Not the son of God.

    2. Lord, thanks for my brother's we go are fighting this good fight and are also tired. I pray you give the rest and strength to overcome the battles before us.
    3. Giving the rest calls this weekend.

  31. 1. John 17:13
    I am coming to you now, but I say these while I am still in this world, so that they may have the full measure of my joy within them.
    Copy and paste....rist’s desire for His disciples’ joy


    1. For the kind of it--“My joy;” not a worldly joy, but heavenly; not corporal, but spiritual. It ill beseemeth Christians to set their hearts on earthly things, or suffer the world to intercept their joy (Philippians 4:4).
    2. In what manner He would have it received--“fulfilled in them.” The joy is full because the object is infinite; we can desire nothing beyond Him Acts 13:52).
    3. It is inward for the quality of it; it is wrought in the midst of afflictions; like the wood that was thrown in at Marah, it maketh bitter water sweet Exodus 15:25; 1 Peter 1:6).

    2. Oh glorious God, I lift up my fellow brothers Gary, Phil, Eddie, Will, James Alex, Luis. Through riches of your word simmering in their hearts you have given them a joy, your joy that can not be strippen or taken away. May they always look at your infinite joy through our relationship with ypu, your word and through prayer. They are fighters Lord, may they continue to fight.

    3. For oneself can do is respond in manner where that person can work on it by actually picking up phone when whoever calls instead of letting it go to "vm".

  32. 1. John 17:12 12 While I was with them, I protected them and kept them safe by that name you gave me. None has been lost except the one doomed to destruction so that Scripture would be fulfilled.

    Coffmans commentary says Jesus protected them by helping them and guiding them about God.

    2. Please let us all help one another Lord, David, Michael, and George. They all are good people. Give us courage to reach out to each other and be there for each other.

    3. If somebody doesnt call maybe have them do an extra day of blogging.

