Wed.10.7.15...What's Your Purpose in Life?...John 18:28-40

What's your purpose in life? I've interviewed many people regarding their purpose for living. Some have never considered this very important question. Others seem to offer guesses. Once while waiting for my wife to finish shopping in the mall, I decided to ask some passers-by what their purpose for living was. Armed with a borrowed clipboard in hand I received a variety of answers: "To make lots of money." "To get a good job." "To raise a family." "To party hearty." But my most memorable response was from the guy who was trucking rapidly toward me. As he neared I quickly blurted out, "Sir, just one question; what's your purpose in life?" To which he called out over his shoulder as he passed me, "To die!" I couldn't resist calling back to him, "You'll succeed!" (from the book, Lifelines.)

So what's your purpose in life? Hint: It's to be Christlike (MANLY). So perhaps it would be good to find out what Christ declared his purpose for living was. He reveals it to us in today's passage- "For this purpose I was born and for this purpose I have come into the world—to bear witness to the truth" John 18:37 ESV. To bear witness to the truth is to testify or to tell others of transformation. Witnessing or testifying it just telling others what you've discovered about Jesus. This is what the Samaritan woman did, and with great results- "Many of the Samaritans from that town believed in him because of the woman's testimony" John 4:39.

Sadly, many Christians never testify or bear witness to the truth. They are aborting the mission and their purpose. I'm so glad you are on purpose and mission. You have learned how to share your testimony as the blind man did- "I once was blind, but now I see." You can share how blind you were before coming to Christ and then how he opened your eyes to the truth. You've also learned how to witness to the truth using the bridge illustration and one verse- Romans 6:23.

Also you've learned how to testify to the truth in such a simple but powerful way by giving out our Greatest Minimovies cards to lots of lost people. 

Testifying to the truth is key to conquering the lies of the enemy that keep people in bondage. As with Pilate, there are many people who ask, "What is truth?" You know the answer- it's Jesus. He declared, "I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me" John 14:6. As you testify to the truth, you are fighting to advance Christ's kingdom which is not of this world. You were not meant to fight alone. Aren't you glad you have a band of brothers battling with you? Our King is worthy of worshiping and warring for. He was manly; he did not cower when his life was on the line before Pilate. If he had caved, we would all be doomed. So how should we then live? Paul tells us, "In the sight of God, who gives life to everything, and of Christ Jesus, who while testifying before Pontius Pilate made the good confession, I charge you to keep this command without spot or blame until the appearing of our Lord Jesus Christ...To him be honor and might forever. Amen" 1 Tim.6:13ff.

God's command is that we "fight the good fight of the faith" 1 Tim.6:12. Again, you don't fight alone.

1. Read our passage now, John 18:28-40 and share a verse or phrase that grabbed your interest and some of your thoughts regarding it. As always, feel free to use your arsenal of commentaries at-

2.- We have been talking about Christ's purpose and our purpose for being born again, to testify to the truth. So share an opportunity you took recently to testify to the truth. This could be via sharing your testimony, or drawing out the bridge illustration, or giving out a minimovies card, or inviting someone to church, etc. 

Thank you Jesus 
for taking our punishment. 
We were the rebels, 
as Barabbas was, 
deserving death, 
but you took our place. 

Wow! I am impressed with the T goals you set Monday. We will be fulfilling a great part of the purpose for which Christ left us here- to tell others of transformation. Here are some practical A,B,C steps for success. 

Ask God to help you see and seize opportunities. Desire to be used of God and believe he wants to use you. I start my day before I eat on bended knee asking God, among other things, to witness through me.  

Be prepared. I have cards in my car and in my wallet. Try this. Put one in your pocket to give away that day. 

Consider when you don't hit your goal, why you didn't hit your goal. And there will be times when you don't hit your goal. Consider and learn from it. Don't get discouraged and give up. J.C. Penney put it well, "When you fall down, get up."

Daily- The more you can make any new behavior a daily behavior, the more likely you will succeed with it. My goal is to give away cards daily. So yesterday evening the doorbell rang while we were eating dinner. It was a young guy wanting to sell me windows. I sell windows! I pointed to my company car behind him and we both laughed. I went back to eating and then realized I could have given him a card. Ugh! (See "C" above). So after dinner, I found his partner still in the neighborhood and gave him two cards, one for him and one for his buddy who came to my door. 

Men, I loved your comments yesterday about why you have chosen to be on the M3 battleship. The ship's not perfect, but she is manned by some great men. We are not just an online Bible study fellowship. We are at war and are learning how to be devoted to our fellow warriors. We need to help new recruits coming in catch this vision of devotion to one another. You all make me proud to serve with you. 

We're moving into our new home Monday, October 12th. Our new address is- You've already got that bookmarked, right?

Want to see a good movie clip that follows the trial of Christ before Pilate word for word according to the gospel of John? You'll see it tomorrow.


  1. 1. John 18: 37 Then Pilate said to him, “So you are a king?” Jesus answered, “You say that I am a king. For this purpose I was born and for this purpose I have come into the world—to bear witness to the truth. Everyone who is of the truth listens to my voice.”

    The prophets had abundantly testified of the regal dignity of the Messiah [Note: Isaiah 9:6-7. Daniel 2:44; Daniel 7:13-14; Daniel 9:25 and Psalms 72:1; Psalms 72:11.] — — — and in the New Testament it had been confirmed by the testimony both of men and angels [Note: Matthew 2:2. Luke 1:32-33.]. The very works also which he had wrought, bore witness to him [Note: John 10:25.]. The difference which subsisted between his government and earthly kingdoms, so far from invalidating his claim, served only to establish it on the firmest basis: for, whereas other kings had dominion only over the bodies of men, he reigned over their souls: others had their territories bounded by seas or mountains; but his extended over all the earth.]

    But we shall have a further insight into the truth of his confession, while we consider,

    I love that Jesus had no borders. We wasn't looking to get men but souls! Jesus taught me that thier is no barrier between me and and someone looking for the truth. Love cures the wicked, sick, lonely, confused, troubled, lost, etc. I can't imagine myself without him in my life or my brothers with the same mission.

    2. Recently I shared my faith with a landscaper that might do some work at my house. He told me he attends Moody downtown. I knew we both are on the same page. It was nice to encounter another Christian doing Gods work. I told him about great mini movie card and i was going to give it to him but another contractor showed up. By the time i finished he was gone and i never gave him the card. Hope to see him soon so i can give him what i told him. (I should of had the card in my pocket but they were in my car. )

    1. I know you have a heart for the Lord and for people Horacio. I can relate to not having a card on hand.
      The Comcast guy just left and my supply on the countertop was gone. But I did get one out of my wallet and gave one to him.

    2. Great job Horacio in being bold and sharing your testimony.

  2. 1. John 18:37 "Therefore Pilate said to Him, "So You are a king?" Jesus answered, "You say correctly that I am a king. For this I have been born, and for this I have come into the world, to testify to the truth. Everyone who is of the truth hears My voice."

    Thou sayest - A common form of expression for, yes, it is so. I was born into the world that I might set up and maintain a spiritual government: but this government is established in and by truth. All that love truth, hear my voice and attend to the spiritual doctrines I preach. It is by truth alone that I influence the minds and govern the manners of my subjects.

    2. The closest I've come recently to a sharing a 'testimony' was this past Saturday at a marriage conference. I shared some of my struggles as a parent and husband. Similar to yesterdays preyer request on the blog. I really haven't even been around people very much lately.

    1. Glad you are being proactive Mike and went to a marriage conference. You are planting good seeds. Keep at it.
      some fields may have more weeds than others, but the diligent farmer can see fruit with time and effort. I believe you will.

    2. It's good that you are sharing your struggles and not denying them. That's the first step to healing is owning your mistakes and failures. I also commend you for attending a marriage conference it shows your godly heart!

    3. So great to hear that you went to a marriage conference, good job on working on your marriage

  3. 1. John 18:36 "Jesus answered, "My kingdom is not of this world. If my kingdom were of this world, my servants would have been fighting, that I might not be delivered over to the Jews. But my kingdom is not from the world."
    How wonderful it is to know that for us that are followers of Christ this world is not our final destination But we also will be in heaven with God someday. But while we are here we have an important mission, to point others to Christ.
    Adam Clarke has this to say in his commentary:"Jesus answered, "My kingdom is not of this world. If my kingdom were of this world, my servants would have been fighting, that I might not be delivered over to the Jews. But my kingdom is not from the world."
    2. I was recently talking to friend that is having some problems with his girlfriend, told him that he needed to first examine his own heart and seek forgiveness from God then pray that God would work in his girlfriends' life. Told him that as much as we would like to change someone, that is never going to happen and that God is the only one that can cause great positive changes in someone's life. I promised I would pray for him this week. He was very thankful.

    1. Thx Roger. Reminds me of the lyrics to a song I love.
      " All I know is I'm not home yet, this is not where I belong; take this world and give me Jesus."
      Great advise with ur friend

    2. You're a good friend. A real friend tells the truth rather than just say what the person wants to hear.

  4. 1. ““You are a king, then!” said Pilate. Jesus answered, “You say that I am a king. In fact, the reason I was born and came into the world is to testify to the truth. Everyone on the side of truth listens to me.””
    ‭‭John‬ ‭18:37‬ ‭
    This was 1 of the most defining statements Jesus ever made for his mission and purpose in coming was to testify about the truth. His word did not change under pressure and his word was truth. He helped us define himself and who we should be!
    2. Yesterday while leading a small group I gave my testimony in front of many and spoke the truth defending a false accusation against me but turned it into an encouraging message of how we should be unified as Soiritual leaders and followers of Christ. I used Matthew 18 as my basis for the truth in how to deal with accusers, then I actually went through your Exact bridge explanation to begin my small groups training on the truth.

    1. You are a great man of God Jack and a dear friend. I will pray and work to see that the truth prevails.

    2. Your words yesterday evening were very uplifting and encouraging for all of us to get along and work with a common goal in mind. Thank you.

    3. You did a great job last night Jack. Like Roger said it was very encouraging.

  5. 1- John 18:40
    They shouted back, “No, not him! Give us Barabbas!” Now Barabbas had taken part in an uprising.

    It is possible that the Jews asked for Barabbas to be released to them because they were expecting a king to rise up and free them from Rome. When Jesus didn't fulfill their expectations of physically freeing them they perhaps looked to Barabbas. The scripture says that he started an uprising, maybe they thought that Barabbas could do for them what they felt Jesus failed in doing.

    2- I invited my co worker to church. We got into conversation because I was leaving work early 2 weeks ago, I was going to a Hillsong concert and he asked why I was leaving work early. After our conversation I invited him to church.

    Speaking of Barabbas if you guys have 8 minutes to spare check this out. I really like this track. Its called Jesus is Loving Barabbas by Judah Smith.

    1. Luis I'm glad you were honest about where you were going. Hopefully this will turn into more opportunities to share your faith.

    2. Great job in sharing the truth of Jesus

    3. What a powerful video Luis! It's all because of Jesus and by Jesus. Thank you!

  6. 1. John 18:38.Pilate asked "What is truth?" Calvin says: Some think that Pilate puts this question through curiosity, as irreligious men are sometimes accustomed to be eagerly desirous of learning something that is new to them, and yet do not know why they wish it; for they intend nothing more than to gratify their ears. For my own part, I rather think that it is an expression of disdain; for Pilate thought himself highly insulted when Christ represented him as destitute of all knowledge of the truth. Here we see in Pilate a disease which is customary among men. Though we are all aware of our ignorance, yet there are few who are willing to confess it; and the consequence is, that the greater part of men reject the true doctrine.
    Pilate is like a lot of people. He understands power. As a political leader he was very concerned about Jesus' popularity and ability to influence people. The words teacher, healer, and savior don't matter to Pilate but the word King grabs his attention. Of course Pilate only understands a different type of King. Many people can only look at the church as some sort of business or social club because they seem to have no category for something like the people of God. It's hard to begin to understand the gospel if you don't accept the fact of universal, absolute truth. Pilate isn't concerned about eternity or righteousness before a holy God. He is only concerned with his power, control, and standing before his earthly authorities in the Roman Empire.

    2. I bought coffee at the Dunkin Donuts inside the gas station near my house. There was no one else in line and so I asked the lady working there something like "How was your weekend?" & she began to tell me how she has major stress with her son who has a learning disability. I have barely talked to her before so I was surprised she started to talk about deep things. Obviously she is hurting. I asked her about her spiritual background, gave her a church invite, and an encouraging word. I will follow up with her and get her a mini-movies card. Not sure when she works so I need to keep drinking coffee every day.

    1. Mike I found your insights on Pilate very insightful. Thanks for that. I also appreciate your missionary heart. May you continue to run on Jesus and Dunkin!

    2. Excellent Mike! O to be concerned not with power, but with honoring the King who is love and truth.

    3. Never thought about it like that pastor. Great insight.

  7. John 18:28 (NIV) Jesus Before Pilate

    28 Then the Jewish leaders took Jesus from Caiaphas to the palace of the Roman governor. By now it was early morning, and to avoid ceremonial uncleanness they did not enter the palace, because they wanted to be able to eat the Passover.

    Avoid ceremonial uncleanness - They considered the touch of a Gentile to be a defilement, and on this occasion, at least, seemed to regard it as a pollution to enter the house of a Gentile. They took care, therefore, to guard themselves against what they considered ceremonial pollution, while they were wholly unconcerned at the enormous crime of putting the innocent Saviour to death, and imbruing their hands in their Messiah‘s blood. Probably there is not anywhere to be found among men another such instance of petty regard to the mere ceremonies of the law and attempting to keep from pollution, at the same time that their hearts were filled with malice, and they were meditating the most enormous of all crimes. But it shows us how much more concerned men will be at the violation of the mere forms and ceremonies of religion than at real crime, and how they endeavor to keep their consciences at ease amid their deeds of wickedness by the observance of some of the outward ceremonies of religion by mere sanctimoniousness.

    I pray that we are not blinded by religion. I pray we keep Jesus at the center of our lives.

    2. I invited my brother-in-law to church recently. I told him about the stains/consequences of living a worldly life even if he is saved later on.

    1. Amen to that Sam, you hit it right on the head. Keep us from religion Lord. Jesus be the center.

    2. Great job in reaching out to your family and sharing God's message to the them.

    3. Very good Sam. Love you my brother.

  8. 1.Calvin's Commentaries on the Bible
    John 18:37.Thou sayest that I am a king. Although Pilate had already learned, from the former answer, that Christ claims for himself some sort of kingdom, yet now Christ asserts the same thing more firmly; and, not satisfied with this, he makes an additional statement, which serves for a seal, as it were, to ratify what he had said. Hence we infer, that the doctrine concerning Christ’s kingdom is of no ordinary importance, since he has deemed it worthy of so solemn an affirmation.

    For this cause was I born, that I may bear witness to the truth. This is, no doubt, a general sentiment; but it must be viewed in relation to the place which it holds in the present passage. The words mean, that it is natural for Christ to speak the truth; and, next, that he was sent for this purpose by the Father; and, consequently, that this is his peculiar office. There is no danger, therefore, that we shall be deceived by trusting him, since it is impossible that he who has been commissioned by God, and whose natural disposition leads him to maintain the truth, shall teach any thing that is not true.

    Every one that is of the truth. Christ added this, not so much for the purpose of exhorting Pilate, (for he knew that he would gain nothing by doing so,) as of defending his doctrine against the base reproaches which had been east on it; as if he had said, “It is imputed to me as a crime that I have asserted that I am a king; and yet this is an unquestionable truth, which is received with reverence and without hesitation by all who have a correct judgment and a sound understanding.” When he says, that they are of the truth he does not mean that they naturally know the truth, but that they are directed by the Spirit of God.

    2.I don't have min movie cards left but On the back of my business card I have a picture of myself and Brady the Fire Dog. " If you meet me and Brady and forget about us you lost nothing, but if you meet Jesus Christ and forget about him you have lost it all. I gave one to the vetinarian that saw my dog .

    1. Hey George, you're digging deep quoting Calvin. I know it's not easy using your phone to find, copy and paste such. Well done.
      Happy to get you more cards. I just ordered more yesterday.

  9. 1. John 18: 38b - "I find no guilt in him."

    Pilate said that he found no guilt in Him (Jesus), yet he was chosen over a man who was obviously a guilty criminal. It's the Gospel. This transaction, this exchange is the gospel. Jesus guiltless and sinless paid the price, the punishment for us convicted, sinful individuals.

    2. I wrote a handwritten note to my hotel cleaning person this past weekend, while i was out of town. I invited them to the local church and left them with resources and testimonies. I heard someone got saved because someone else threw a track on the floor for garbage. I don't know what might happen to that person, but I hope seeds were planted.

    1. Great Job Eddie! God is really gonna use you.

    2. To think about it, the gospel really doesn't make sense. But that's the beauty of it. It doesn't make sense for a perfect God to trade his life for ours.

      Good idea on the notes.

  10. 1. 28Then they led Jesus from Caiaphas into the Praetorium, and it was early; and they themselves did not enter into the Praetorium so that they would not be defiled, but might eat the Passover.

    Guzik comments, a. They themselves did not go into the Praetorium, lest they should be defiled: With great irony, John exposes the hypocrisy of the priests. They will murder an innocent Jesus, yet they were afraid of ceremonial defilement.

    Its crazy that even Pilate could see the injustice of this. But it appears he saw the Jews as inferior and sadly left it up to them to decide what to do with Jesus. Its sad how the chief priests were so evil and blind.

    2. While waiting for my student to take their road test at the DMV. I started a conversation with Mormon missionary who happened to be standing there waiting for his friend to take the test. We didn't have much time to talk. But the Mormon missionary was very kind and cordial. I told him I was a Christian. He basically said that what we believe is very similar but that the Christian church is apostate and has been corrupted and that through the latter day apostle Joseph Smith we have new and fresh revelation. I tried to be respectful and listen to him. The only rebuttal or thing I was able to talk about was the source of revelation. I said, "Now I understand that Joseph Smith was given this revelation through angelic beings correct? I said how certain are you that this angel was from God and not Satan. I told him that Satan can appear as an angel of light,! After that he didn't really have a good answer and went into his personal testimony. I thanked him for the opportunity to talk and gave him the web address and encouraged him to check it out.

    1. Wow nic way to be bold in your faith. I pray that he will be changed by the mini movie card.

    2. Nice work Nic. I am also praying that this young man would be changed by the videos he watches and your encounter with him.

    3. Excellent Nic! You sowed some great seeds.
      Wonderful to see the way you are encouraging other men on the blog too.

  11. 1 – John 18: 32 This took place to fulfill what Jesus had said about the kind of death he was going to die.

    After reading this I was curious on what Jesus actually said to predict His death so I went digging in the commentaries. Some of them pointed out that the Jew execution at this time was stoning like they did to Steven a while later. But Coffman’s commentaries point out that “Matthew's third prophecy of the Passion (Matthew 20:17-19 below), Jesus had foretold that he would be crucified at the hands of Gentiles. The apostle here called attention to the movement of events toward the accomplishment of that prophecy,”

    Matthew 20:17-19 And as Jesus was going up to Jerusalem, he took the twelve disciples aside, and on the way he said to them, 18 “See, we are going up to Jerusalem. And the Son of Man will be delivered over to the chief priests and scribes, and they will condemn him to death 19 and deliver him over to the Gentiles to be mocked and flogged and crucified, and he will be raised on the third day.”

    2 – The last one I gave out was Sunday after service, I introduced myself to the person sitting next to me and gave him a minimovies card. I didn’t think of it at the time but I should have also given him a M3 card. I’ll keep an eye out for him this week and give him one if I see him.

    1. Way to be on the look out to spread the word George. Keep up the good work brother!

    2. That is a great idea George. There might be a number of new visitors each week to the church that might not be saved yet.

    3. Very good digging and outreach George!

  12. 1. "Jesus said, “My kingdom is not of this world." John 18:36a
    "not of this world" Makes me wonder what that other world (Heaven) must be like. I sometimes think that like fishes in an aquarium, we too are limited to the confines of our current world.

    2. None so far this week :-/

    1. Good verse and thought Robert. There is so much more to this world then we know.

    2. So glad Robert that one day we will enter into that kingdom of glory. What a great reward awaits you.

    3. Bro I think about that all the time. It's gonna be great.

  13. 1.“Then Pilate said to him, “So you are a king?” Jesus answered, “You say that I am a king. For this purpose I was born and for this purpose I have come into the world— to bear witness to the truth. Everyone who is of the truth listens to my voice.”” ‭‭John‬ ‭18:37‬ ‭ESV

    2. I had the opportunity to invite someone that works at dunkin donuts. They didn't come but at least got the message out.

    1. Very good James. You and pastor Mike both had D.Donut encounters. Good place for outreach :)

    2. Great job with extending the invite bro. Keep at it.

    3. James, they still may come. My wife invited a friend to New Life several months ago, last week out of the blue she called my wife and said she was coming. Just keep planting the seeds.

  14. 1 30 “If he were not a criminal,” they replied, “we would not have handed him over to you.”

    31 Pilate said, “Take him yourselves and judge him by your own law.”

    “But we have no right to execute anyone,” they objected. 32 This took place to fulfill what Jesus had said about the kind of death he was going to die.
    They are too cowardly to kill Jesus themselves and want Pilot to do it for them.

    2 I have a Filipino friend at work that is Catholic, but that I am going to invite to church with me. I think its pretty likely he will come because its the only English speaking church in the city.

    1. O Lord, use Ed as he reaches out to his coworker.

  15. 1. John 18:36 Jesus said, “My kingdom is not of this world. If it were, my servants would fight to prevent my arrest by the Jewish leaders. But now my kingdom is from another place.”
    -Jesus accepted his fate. He could of backed off but he knew he needed to die for our sins

    2. I was just talking to my parents over the weekend about God and how he has blessed me in so many ways.

    1. Thank you Lord for using Chuy in sharing with his parents. I'm so glad he's my brother.

    2. Great working with your parents!

    3. Great job Chuy in testifying about Jesus' working in your life to your parents. I know how it can be risky and difficult it can be when they are stanch Catholics.

  16. Jesus answered, "My kingdom is not of this world. If My kingdom were of this world, then My servants would be fighting so that I would not be handed over to the Jews; but as it is, My kingdom is not of this realm."
    John 18:36 NASB

    Guzik writes in his commentary on John:

     a. My kingdom is not of this world: Jesus here declares the great and permanent difference between God's kingdom and the kingdoms of this world. Jesus' kingdom originates in heaven (My kingdom is not of this world). The foundation of Jesus' kingdom is peace (His servants will not fight).

    b. My kingdom is not from here: Augustine observed from this verse that earthly kingdoms are based upon force, pride, the love of human praise, the desire for domination, and self interest - all displayed by Pilate and the Roman Empire.

    Jesus' kingdom is so very much unlike kingdoms of the world.

  17. 1. John 18: 37 “You are a king, then!” said Pilate. Jesus answered, “You say that I am a king. In fact, the reason I was born and came into the world is to testify to the truth. Everyone on the side of truth listens to me.”

    Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible
    into the world, that I may bear witness to the truth — His birth expresses His manhood; His coming into the world, His existence before assuming humanity: The truth, then, here affirmed, though Pilate would catch little of it, was that His Incarnation was expressly in order to the assumption of Royalty in our nature. Yet, instead of saying, He came to be a King, which is His meaning, He says He came to testify to the truth. Why this? Because, in such circumstances it required a noble courage not to flinch from His royal claims; and our Lord, conscious that He was putting forth that courage, gives a turn to His confession expressive of it. It is to this that Paul alludes, in those remarkable words to Timothy: “I charge thee before God, who quickeneth all things, and before Christ Jesus, who, in the presence of Pontius Pilate, witnessed the good confession” (1 Timothy 6:13). This one act of our Lord‘s life, His courageous witness-bearing before the governor, was selected as an encouraging example of the fidelity which Timothy ought to display. As the Lord (says Olshausen beautifully) owned Himself the Son of God before the most exalted theocratic council, so He confessed His regal dignity in presence of the representative of the highest political authority on earth.

    2. – On my way out of work I saw a student friend on his way to class. I stopped him and started a conversation about his courses and about life. He said that everything was going well. So, I offer and gave him a mini movie card. And I told him to check out some of the mini movies on the website and if he had questions to feel free to contact me. I told him that I would follow up with him. I pray that he may have some questions to talk about and then I will invite him to church.

    1. Great work handing out the card!

    2. Wonderful comments brother Oscar, indeed Jesus was and is still a KING.

    3. Great job Oscar. Praying we continue the great work has done in our lives.

  18. 1) “"So you are a king?" Pilate said. Jesus answered, "You say that I am a king. I was born and came into the world for this reason: to testify to the truth. Whoever accepts the truth listens to my voice."”
    ‭‭John‬ ‭18:37‬ ‭CEB‬‬

  19. 1. Jesus answered, “You say that I am a king. In fact, the reason I was born and came into the world is to testify to the truth. Everyone on the side of truth listens to me.”

    2. I invited an old friend to church a few weeks ago. He has been coming ever since and he is now in the process of getting baptized. He's going over the blue book with Josiah. ;)

  20. 1- John 18:36New International Version (NIV)

    36 Jesus said, “My kingdom is not of this world. If it were, my servants would fight to prevent my arrest by the Jewish leaders. But now my kingdom is from another place.”

    People's New Testament
    My kingdom is not of this world. It would be hard for Pilate to form any conception of a kingdom not of this world, a kingdom of which the subjects did not fight with carnal weapons to defend its king, or to extend its borders. He was a soldier and the representative of a monarch whose power rested on the sword. But such a kingdom was Christ's. It was not of this world, did not spring from it, was heavenly in its origin, and hence his servants would not fight that he should not be delivered to the Jews. (1) Christ's kingdom is supernatural, not of human origin. It is in the world, but not worldly. (2) It is maintained, not by carnal weapons, but by spiritual and moral means.

    2- I have not talked to anyone yet, but I will be seeking to. I have been able to share with a brother on Sunday about M3. I hope he finds some interest in it.

    1. I am sure he will, brother. I know from personal experience that God has blessed you with a gift of making disciples. I wouldn't be here if He hadn't called me through you.

    2. Keep battling my brother for we are POWER H.O.U.S.E Men seeking to mutiply MANLY MAN by God's grace and persistence for His glory and kingdom.

    3. Good find Vince! Awesome seeing you step-up with Fusion, very blessed to know you man

  21. 1-Pilate then went out to them and said, “What accusation do you bring against this Man?” They answered and said to him, “If He were not an evildoer, we would not have delivered Him up to you.” Then Pilate said to them, “You take Him and judge Him according to your law.” Therefore the Jews said to him, “It is not lawful for us to put anyone to death,”
    John 18:29-31 NKJV

    Christ was to be tried formally before the Sanhedrin; but before Annas He was subjected to a preliminary trial. Under the Roman rule the Sanhedrin could not execute the sentence of death. They could only examine a prisoner, and pass judgment, to be ratified by the Roman authorities. It was therefore necessary to bring against Christ charges that would be regarded as criminal by the Romans. An accusation must also be found which would condemn Him in the eyes of the Jews.

    2 - I had a talk with a guy who happened to visit Israel for a pastoral course and he shared a lot about Israel and Christ. I told him a bout the band of brothers I just joined and our we keep each other accountable; he was excited and I would hand him the M3/ minimovie card next time we meet.

    Thank you love for dying on our behalf and for loving us more than life itself. We are for ever indebted to you lord. You are our God, our savior, our creator and our master. By your grace we WILL follow you all the days of our lives.

    1. Great job reaching out Lemmy. The "About M3" section of the new website also has some great info.

  22. 1. John 18:38 “What is truth?” retorted Pilate. With this he went out again to the Jews gathered there and said, “I find no basis for a charge against him."

    Cubs win the wild card! - look I'm all for the apocalypse, but the Cubs have to win the world series for that to happen. - Jesus came here for Truth, right? Having faith in the Cubs is the same thing, only that sacrifices offered on the pitchers mound at Wrigley are still accepted! You just have to have faith in the truth- and that is the same thing- the under-dog, the least suspecting, the one you already slated to lose and back the odds against. It's Jesus. Our wild card-our saviour!
    Yeah I'm reaching a bit, they still have to beat St Louis (aka kryptonite). But our real Savior did and he didn't fall or faulter.

    Have faith brothers, in the littlest acts and the largest miracles. We all despair and eek truth in other loves, but it is him and our loyalty that will armor us in the end.

    2. Talked to a co-worker who is not s Christian. He said he really saw that passion in me for those kids

    1. My fellow Cub fan brother, that was a masterful illustration of faith and the importance of trusting Christ against great odds. Jesus IS our wild card...our one gateway to the Father. In a winner-takes-all game, Christ won us all, and now he calls on us to get every should his death and resurrection one for us back to the father.

    2. Great tie-in to tonight's Cubs game!

  23. John 18:33 "Pilate then went back inside the palace, summoned Jesus and asked him, “Are you the king of the Jews?” 34 “Is that your own idea,” Jesus asked, “or did others talk to you about me?”

    I have always found this particular conversation and Christ's question to Pilate intriguing. "Is that your own idea," Jesus asks Pilate, a man who is neither Jew nor a follower of Christ. I always thought this to be a precursor to the great commission. Pilate represents the world beyond the Holy Land...a world without God's word. Jerusalem and the surrounding area has knowledge of God through the teachings of the Old Testament, but that knowledge has not reached Rome. The question almost implies that Pilate should be able to recognize the Son of Man, God the Son standing before him. The mere presence of Jesus, God made flesh, evokes the question from Pilate's mouth...he perceives that he is standing before a King, THE KING, and derives from this first encounter with Jesus that there could be no fault in Jesus. What about us? Would we recognize our own Lord and Savior in a crowd? Would we recognize him if He stood right before us? Jesus has asked a similar questions of his disciples before: "Who do you say I am?" Sticking with our next assignment to share a moment when we have given testimony, the question is, who do we say He is? How do we express God's Word to the world?

    2. My day is fairly routine. I go to work, where I am not permitted to speak of Christ, against my desire to do so, and return home to my prayer warrior wife. It is with her that I share testimony of God's work in my life and what I am learning from studying the Gospel. As a married man, I have taken on the responsibility of leading my wife to Christ (a job she makes easy), but there are moments when the world gets the better of her (frustrations at work, etc.) and I am compelled to remind her of the teachings of Christ. I am no saint...I am an imperfect, broken warrior of Christ, and perhaps the last person who should be sharing God's word, but God gave me my beautiful wife to share His word with. These opportunities keep me sharp and centered in Christ's teaching. I guess that make my wife my personal trainer in the word.

    1. Love your my heart my valiant brother.

    2. Osiris, your heart, the one that is shared by the Holy Spirit, will be seen by those around you. When the question comes from them, you will be ready to answer. Remember, "they will know you by your love."

  24. 1) John 18:37 “You are a king, then!” said Pilate. Jesus answered, “You say that I am a king. In fact, the reason I was born and came into the world is to testify to the truth. Everyone on the side of truth listens to me.”
    As Jesus once stood in judgment before Pilot, the Roman Governor, so Pilot will one day stand in judgment before Jesus, the King of Kings and Lord of Lords. When Jesus stood before Pilot, He testified to the truth. Pilot admitted to the Jewish people that he saw no crime in Jesus deserving of death. But despite this judgment, Pilot still condemned Jesus unjustly to be crucified out of fear of the Jewish mob. Jesus will one day judge Pilot in truth . Pilot will recall not only his unjust decision to crucify Jesus but also Jesus' testimony to the truth of who He is. Jesus will judge in righteousness and fairness. Pilot will be justly condemned. Praise be to Jesus that we do not face this same judgment before God.

    2) On Sunday, we celebrated my oldest daughter's birthday by going downtown to a very nice restaurant. I gave the waitress the Greatest Mini-movie card with a generous tip.

    1. Thanks for you input on #1 Dave. And way to go to remember our mission!

    2. Very Good cross analysis Dave, good points made. Nice idea too about the card and a fenerous tip. I will need to do that one day :)

  25. 1.Pilate said, “Take him yourselves and judge him by your own law.” “But we have no right to execute anyone,” they objected.
    John 18:31 NIV
    Brought the question why couldn't the Jews punish Jesus the way they wanted it planed? Did they not want innocent blood on their own hands or even be judged by their own law(Jews), was it punishable by death? This helped me understand better as to why they brought Jesus to Pilate.
    Judge him … - The Jews had not directly informed him that they had judged him and pronounced him worthy of death. Pilate therefore tells them to inquire into the ease; to ascertain the proof of his guilt, and to decide on what the law of Moses pronounced. It has been doubted whether this gave them the power of putting him to death, or whether it was not rather a direction to them to inquire into the case, and inflict on him, if they judged him guilty, the mild punishment which they were yet at liberty to inflict on criminals. Probably the former is intended. As they lied already determined that in their view this case demanded the punishment of death, so in their answer to Pilate they implied that they had pronounced on it, and that he ought to die. They still, therefore, pressed it on his attention, and refused to obey his injunction to judge him.

    It is not lawful … - The Jews were accustomed to put persons to death still in a popular tumult Acts 7:59-60, but they had not the power to do it in any case in a regular way of justice. When they first laid the plan of arresting the Saviour, they did it to kill him Matthew 26:4; but whether they intended to do this secretly, or in a tumult, or by the concurrence of the Roman governor, is uncertain. The Jews themselves say that the power of inflicting capital punishment was taken away about 40 years before the destruction of the temple; but still it is probable that in the time of Christ they had the power of determining on capital cases in instances that pertained to religion (Josephus, Antiq., b. 14: Matthew 26:5; hence, they sought to bring in the authority of Pilate. To do this, they endeavored to make it appear that it was a case of sedition and treason, and one which therefore demanded the interference of the Roman governor. Hence, it was on this charge that they arraigned him, Luke 23:2. Thus, a tumult might be avoided, and the odium of putting him to death which they expected would fall, not on themselves, but upon Pilate!

    2. These past weeks have not done so. Given certain circumstances with situation with my wife and baby (taking care of both of them) found myself little room to testify,pass cards etc.. but recap on the ABC'S there was room and also should follow it especially setting in my heart what God will do in me for others. A month ago I did show the bridge illustration to 4th&5th graders in sunday school. Believe it's important no matter what age, for I do believe at least one child would show what he learned to his parents and share it.

  26. 1. John 18:28 "they themselves did not enter into the Praetorium in order that they might not be defiled"
    The Jewish leaders did not enter the Roman headquarters. As a dwelling place of Gentiles, it was "unclean". They did not want to be "defiled" for the upcoming Passover. However, they did not seem to be worried about being "defiled" by seeing to the murder of Jesus, the Son of God and their Messiah.

    2. My mom went into hospice yesterday, with a very short time left to live. When talking to one of my cousins who does not know Jesus, I mentioned that I was glad I would see my mom again (in heaven), only because of my faith in Jesus Christ.

    1. Brother Tim, I am so sorry to hear about your mom. Praise God that He is your sustainer during this hard time. Will be praying for you and her brother.

  27. 1) The verse that stuck out to me was:

    John 18:34 “Jesus replied, “Is this your own question, or did others tell you about me?”

    It is a peculiar question, one that didn't understand why he asked that to Pilate. This was in answer to Pilate asking if He was indeed the King of the Jews.

    Digging through the commentaries, I found some gold in this excerpt from the "Greek Testament Critical Exegetical Commentary":

    ".....Stier and Ebrard think there may be some reference..... [to].....a momentary earnestness in Pilate’s own mind,—a suspicion that his prisoner was what he was charged with being (see ch. John 19:8; John 19:12), from the mention of which he immediately (John 18:35) recoils, and implies the other side of the dilemma."

    A momentary earnestness in Pilate's mind - and his suspicion that his prisoner was what he was charged with being....

    2) I haven't given out any cards lately, but I do intend on inviting the office owners where I work to come to New Life. I put on K-Love months ago, and they are still playing it in the office, and I have had several opportunities to share just a bit about God during these times. Including the other day when one of the owners started discussing how the music distresses her, and I started to explain why. God.

  28. 1) John 18:37 ""You are a king, then!" said Pilate. Jesus answered, "You say that I am a king. In fact, the reason I was born and came into the world is to testify to the truth. Everyone on the side of truth listens to me.""

    Those who who truly follow God listen to Jesus. Pretty simple.

    2) I haven't done stuff like that for a while, but I'm going to be working on it for my T goal.

  29. 1
    to bear witness to the truth: Verse 18:37
    Much as we are commanded the very end of Christ’s earthly ministry was to bear witness and testimony to the truth that Jesus is God and is Lord/King over all.

    Wesley's Explanatory Notes
    Thou sayest - The truth. To this end was I born - Speaking of his human origin: his Divine was above Pilate's comprehension. Yet it is intimated in the following words, I came into the world, that I might witness to the truth - Which was both declared to the Jews, and in the process of his passion to the princes of the Gentiles also. Every one that is of the truth - That is, a lover of it, heareth my voice - A universal maxim.

    I recall while in the payroll office at work sharing my testimony and having a great conversation about the changes of season that i have been along especially since the staff member there knows my family.


1. John 18:37 "Therefore Pilate said to Him, "So You are a king?" Jesus answered, "You say correctly that I am a king. For this I have been born, and for this I have come into the world, to testify to the truth. Everyone who is of the truth hears My voice."
 - I love how Christ is able to cut through religious lines and get to the core of human pretense. "Are we on the side of truth or not?" Is the question raised and it is a great question!
    2. I just had an opportunity today to share the gospel with a lady and her granddaughter at her kitchen table using the question of "how to be born again?" In John 3:3


  31. 1.- Jn. 18:36
    Jesus said, "My kingdom is not of this world. If it were, my servants would fight to prevent my arrest by the Jewish leaders. But now my kingdom is from another place."

    Easy English commentary

    But Jesus understands what the *Jews are doing. So he answers, “Is this your own idea? Did you think this yourself, or did other people talk to you about me?” “Do you think that I am a *Jew?” Pilate replies. “Your own people and the chief priests brought you to me. What have you done?” Pilate could see that Jesus was not a criminal. He was not one who would fight the *Romans for political purposes. He was not like Barabbas (40).
    Jesus replies. He tells Pilate that his idea and Pilate’s idea of a king are different. Jesus is not a king like the kings of this world. The *Romans do not need to be afraid of him. If he were a king of this world, he would then ask his *disciples to fight for him. They would even now be fighting. Jesus may have been speaking about an ‘army of *angels’. His Father could send these if Jesus wanted help (Matthew 26:53). Then the *Jews would not have been able to hand Jesus over to Pilate. Jesus says that he is not that kind of king. He does not need servants to fight for him (34-36).

    2.- Just this pass Sunday I was able to spend some time with my older brother and testify about how God and Jesus, has changed me and working in my life. This brought out a lot of pain and anger from him because my brother is resentful about religion and in particular about Catholic priest who he felt have been a disservice to our family at its most time of need when my brother was killed in 1965. During this time I remember how this devastated the whole family and how we had a difficult time dealing with my brothers death. He said the priest showed no compassion with my parents and saw my parents as failures as parents because of my brother's death to gang violence. My brother said he hates religion for that reason, for that particular time when this priest failed his mission and our family. My brother was always in trouble and has lived a life of violence from the street, I remember my parents going through some difficult times because of his street activities. My brother drinks a lot and I told him that he needed to stop drinking and change his way of life, that this day was a good day to start. I told him I loved him and what I was about to say was not out of disrespect but for the love I have for him. I told him to repeat what I was going to tell him, "say, I am addicted to alcohol and I am a alcoholic, I need help." He did not repeat it at first but we continued to talk and he then came around to admit that he does have a drinking problem. I told him his wife and his family love him and that he has to change. Told him I knew he likes to read and that he should start reading the bible, told him that God loves him and through God and his word in the bible that nothing is impossible, he can change. My brother said he had a black heart and that you can't change an old dog. Since than I've called him twice to see how's he doing. I pray the seed takes hold of my brother, I pray that he cast out all his hatred's, I pray that his black heart be cleanse and renewed with God's love, I pray for the salvation of my brother Teo, In Jesus name Amen

  32. 1. John 18:36 Jesus said, “My kingdom is not of this world. If it were, my servants would fight to prevent my arrest by the Jewish leaders. But now my kingdom is from another place.”

    2. I Meet a brother named Patrick watts and told him About M3, I sent him the links and ask him to read more about what we do here. I am going to follow up with him.
