Mon.10.5.15...War Room!...Mt.26:30-46

I just got back from seeing the movie, War Room. Wow, what a great movie on the power of prayer!

Friday, we looked at Jesus' powerful  prayer in John 17. As we mentioned, many confuse that with his prayer in Gethsemane. That actually occurred shortly after Jesus finished praying for his disciples and for you and me. John's gospel doesn't include Jesus' war room prayer in Gethsemane. Because it's so powerful, I don't want you to miss it. So today I want us to enter into this deeply moving battle. It's recorded in all three of the synoptic gospels- Matthew, Mark and Luke. Let's read the fuller account that Matthew gives us in Mt.26:30-46. Read also the added detail that Dr. Luke gives us in Luke 22:41-44.

1.- What is one thing that grabs your attention from these war room verses?

I kept my writing short today because I want to allow time for a guided tour of our new home. It's so cool! It's our new M3 website/blog/scoreboard all in one location. Tim Dearborn has been working on this diligently for weeks and weeks and it's excellent! He's also put together a short guided tour video clip to help you learn your way around our new home which we will all be moving into next Monday, Oct.12th. So without further a due, click and enjoy.

2.- Go now to our new site, (Bookmark it.) Click login. Your user name is the first letter of your name and your last name. For now, your password is password. (Even I can remember that:)  Change it to what you wish when you wish. Now browse around in our cool, new home for a while. Whachthink? 

3.- So how did you do in hitting your SMARTER goal from last week?

I want to introduce a new "game" though I need your suggestions for a name for it. I want to honor anyone who scores 3 or more points per week in the T column, via, giving out Greatest minimovies cards or the link to them (, sharing your testimony, witnessing, giving a tract or gospel of John, drawing out the bridge illustration, inviting a person to church, etc. Kudos already for last week's outreach to Ricardo-3; Robert-3; Oscar-4; Sam-5, Pastor Mike-7; Horacio-10 and George-14. Uda man George! Some of us are shooting for passing out cards daily, me included. Getting the gospel out is so vitally important. 

4.- So what's your T goal for this week? 
Just for the sake of accountability, mine is to give out 5-10 cards this week. I've written it down on a sticky note on my laptop. Last week we had a total of 64 T points. Let's see how well we do by next week. Game on!

Squad 137.14
Eddie MoralesUR573435159
Fire Team 146.75
William DyckmanUR181184031
Phil RaymondU216269163
Ismael AndradeR237238041
James Schmidt952018052
Fire Team 224.33
Gary RemsonUR1101169036
Luis Ortiz10361020
Alex Dyckman6038017
Squad 226.6
Sam VargasUR32002619570
Fire Team 140
Oscar Nunez84812436
Lou OjedaU512511244
Fire Team 217.66
Israel FuentesR1000000hospitalized
Dave Ramirez000000
Dave DeBoerUR110039123
Tim DearbornU92107230
Squad 323
Robert RomanUR19805953165
Fire Team 123
Vince DiazUR152233033
Nic PalhegyiUR150205131
Mike DunnU80128028
Rich PetreU000000
Fire Team 223
Osiris AldayU86125435
Mark Lauber000000
Ed Lake611215034
Squad 427.83
George RabielaUR18313151453
Fire Team 118.66
Dave HeidekrugerUR2102138033
Michael Gonzalez000000
Chuy CervantesU73112023
Fire Team 237
Rich GuardiolaUR1861511343
Mark Estrada24410222
Horacio De La TorreU568171046
Squad 550.66
Jack RogersUR54824692107
Fire Team 166.33
Roger VinlasacaUR1600255090
Armando HernandezU3103110173
Jose BillegasU94716036
Fire Team 235
George DohertyR1100115026
Lemmy LukuduUR12651113055
Kevin LongU60315024
Squad 6                   32
Mike BerryU7387732


  1. 1. Mt 26:39 "And he went a little further, and fell on his face, and prayed, saying, O my Father, if it be possible, let this cup pass from me: nevertheless not as I will, but as thou will."

    This verse has always encouraged me as I go through trials myself. Jesus was 100% man and 100% God. Impossible to completely fathom this. Even He, being 100% God able to do literally ANYTHING, was not quite looking forward to this means to an end. Yet he did it anyway.

    2. Done.

    3a. I did not complete my SMARTer goal. Only part of it. I encouraged at least 3 brothers daily M-F, not on the weekend though. I also have yet to pray with my wife. I will accomplish this for this week.

    4. To find my cards... and pass out at least one.

    1. I pray that you accomplish your goals. God bless.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. I liked your thoughts about Matt 26:29 and echoed similar thoughts of my own.

  2. 1. Luke 22: 43 [i]Now an angel from heaven appeared to Him, strengthening Him.

    While reading this I imagine that Jesus is equivalent to a commanding general issuing orders- kinda that image in a Frank Peretti novel. But Frank for his idea from the Word and the image stuck. Jesus the commander in chief was laying down his life for all of creation-

    2. Yes did it, nice lay out!

    3. I still need to call all of those in my squad. I will be sure to get that done today to leave messages or pray with them.

    4. I want to share my testimony with two guys that I have met through church this week. I feel they need lots of encouragment and to renew their walk with God.

    1. Alright Rich.
      Re. #4. Glad you will be sharing your testimony with a couple brothers. Do keep in mind that the T column is for sharing with lost people. Bless you.

    2. Great goals Rich. I pray that you will accomplish them. God bless.

    3. Yes may you guided by God when you share your testimony.

    4. Way to go Rich I will be praying for you about that.

  3. 1. Luke 22:46 "and he said to them, "Why are you sleeping? Rise and pray that you may not enter into temptation."
    It was interesting to me that even the disciples after following Jesus and seeing all the wonderful miracles he had performed had a hard time staying awake and praying. How much more important to us it is stay in communion with God through prayer and reading His word so that we won't be tempted by things that don't have eternal value but rather concentrate on things that have eternal value and are in line with what Jesus wants.
    2. Did it, Very nice web page. Thank you Dave and Tim for all the hard work.
    3. I was able to make my goal, I talked to two people about M3 on Tuesday during men's group.
    4. To pass out at least three Minimovies cards.

    1. Great in all area Roger! You are a great example!

    2. Great job of meeting your goals this week Roger.

    3. Great verse. Pray so we may not be tempted. God bless.

    4. Well said Roger. It's surprising that the disciples fell asleep, you would think after seeing Jesus in distress they would have know something was up.

    5. Good post Roger and we are so proud of you and your dedication and to call you my friend

  4. 1- The story of Jesus' prayer in the garden hits me as deeply as anything in scripture. There are some things we can't fully understand but we see God's power, justice, and love. In v. 38 Jesus says "My soul is overwhelmed with sorrow to the point of death." Jesus has a soul. American culture rarely ever talks about the fact that we have a soul. Even among Christians in our setting it seems like the soul is discussed less than the mind, emotions, body, etc. What does it mean to have a soul? What does it mean that Jesus had a soul? The Bible speaks of God the Father having a soul also. It makes sense that we have a soul like God because we are created in His image. The soul can be joyful or sad. Jesus says His soul has sorrow, not just His mind or emotions. Sorrow is part of life. Jesus never sinned yet He experienced sadness to the point of death. I assume this means that He either felt almost dead or that He wished He were dead. This is because of the sin in the world and of course because of what was about to happen to Him as a result of other people's sin. So each of us has a soul and at times the soul will experience deep sadness. The world pushes us to medicate the pain with a variety of products that can be purchased and experienced. The Lord gives us another example. He prayed and brought brothers with Him to watch in prayer. He persevered, He 'manned up and faced an incredibly difficult time. He is weak and asking for help at this point. Luke 22:43 says that an angel strengthened Him. Then we see Him face arrest, beating, trial, mockery, the long walk with the cross, and finally crucifixion. He never shows weakness during that time. He is strong and confident before Pilate, Herod, and the soldiers. He received strength in the 'War room' and was ready for the suffering.
    2. The new site looks great!! Thanks to Dave for pushing things forward and being a great leader. We appreciate your commitment to all of us and your warrior spirit. Thanks to Tim for using your gifts to communicate, encourage, and challenge. You are a modern day scribe. This will also help with recruiting. Very attractive and clear.
    3. My goal was to talk to 2 guys about joining and I was able to talk to 3 guys.
    4. This week I want to follow up with the 3 guys to see if they checked out the website and I also have 1 more guy I plan on talking to this week about joining M3.

    1. Excellent reflections Mike! "He is strong and confident before Pilate, Herod, and the soldiers. He received strength in the 'War room' and was ready for the suffering."
      Thanks for your appreciation as well.
      Praying that men would respond. I changed #4 after you posted. Sorry about that.

    2. Great job Pastor Mike. Thank you for sharing your insight.

    3. Exceeding your goals! Great work!!!

  5. 1.
    He withdrew about a stone’s throw beyond them, knelt down and prayed, And being in anguish, he prayed more earnestly, and his sweat was like drops of blood falling to the ground.
    Luke 22:41, 44
    I like the description of length here a stone's throw away and the sweating of blood.

    2.The web site look good!

    1. George, God bless you brother. Hope the transition and move is going well.

    2. Our Lord's earnest prayer provides us with a great example of the labor of prayer.

  6. 1. "he (Jesus) fell with his face to the ground and prayed, “My Father, if it is possible, may this cup be taken from me. Yet not as I will, but as you will.” Matthew 26:39b

    We can ask God for anything in prayer but we may not always get the answer we were hoping for!

    2. Wow, it's better than Dave G described, impressive! Great job brother Tim, light years ahead of what we've been working with for nearly a year!!!!

    1. Robert, thank you for visiting. You lifted my dad's spirit by your presence. Thank you.

    2. Yes Robert you are so right we may ask for anything but if it is not in God's plan we are not going to get our request

    3. Amen Jesus himself entrusted his prayer to the will of His Father!

    4. Robert. It's a great truth that it's God's will we must ask for and it must have a Spiritual benefit.

  7. 1. Matt. 26:41- Watch and pray that you may not enter into temptation. The spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak.
    Watch and pray,.... These two are very justly put together. There is, and ought to be, a watching before prayer, and "unto" it; a watching all opportunities, the most suitable and convenient to perform it; and there is a watching in it, both over our hearts, thoughts, words, and gestures, and after it, for a return of it, and answer to it: the reason of this exhortation follows,
    2. Website looks awesome. Great Job Tim and Dave. Thanks for all the hard work. Looks really user friendly and has built in anti procrastination features. I love that.
    3. A hard week for me, but as people were praying for me and my family I prayed right back for them. I was able to have my devoted uninterrupted time and prayed for 20 unique individuals.

    4. I already have one T for this week. I will shoot for 3 more.

    1. Great job meeting your goals. How is your dad doing? Praying he is restored. God bless.

    2. Great job Eddie as you continue to spend that wonderful time in prayer.

  8. Matthew 26:39 (NIV)

    Going a little farther, he fell with his face to the ground and prayed, “My Father, if it is possible, may this cup be taken from me. Yet not as I will, but as you will.”

    Robertson's Word Pictures in the New Testament

    He went forward a little (προελτων μικρον — proelthōn mikron). As if he could not fight the battle in their immediate presence. He was on his face, not on his knees (McNeile).
    This cup (το ποτηριον τουτο — to potērion touto). The figure can mean only the approaching death. Jesus had used it of his coming death when James and John came to him with their ambitious request, “the cup which I am about to drink” (Matthew 20:22). But now the Master is about to taste the bitter dregs in the cup of death for the sin of the world. He was not afraid that he would die before the Cross, though he instinctively shrank from the cup, but instantly surrendered his will to the Father‘s will and drank it to the full. Evidently Satan tempted Christ now to draw back from the Cross. Here Jesus won the power to go on to Calvary.

    Let us be thankful today that He took the cup of death we all deserve. Thank you Jesus.God bless you all!

    2. Great job Tim.

    1. Yes, thank you Lord Jesus.
      Sorry about switching things around on you Sam. You should now see the scoreboard and questions 3 and 4.

    2. Very insightful Sam. I didnt realize that Jesus was praying with his face to the ground.

    3. 3.Encouraged my squad. Missed my goal of reading the word to my spouse by a day.

      4. Will read and reply to my squad 3-4 days on the blog. Will pray with my wife 3-4days

  9. 1
    Luke 22:44  And being in an agony he prayed more earnestly; and his sweat became like great drops of blood falling down to the ground.
    From Luke 22:44, the tougher the battle becomes and the conflict that is waged the more prayer was magnified.
    the new site looks really awesome. As a team we have come a long way and are enabled through powerful tools
    Still need to push for more in the T column and with a new game it would help to make those efforts put to life
    My goal will reach for 3

  10. 1. – Jesus came back to praying three time during the night. Jesus continue to pledge to his Father, “My Father, if it is not possible for this cup to be taken away unless I drink it, may your will be done.” But Jesus was obedient to the end.
    Dear Lord, your will be done.

    2. – Did it. Awesome website and user-friendly.

    3. – On track with the first part and need to continue to seek God will.

    4. – My T goals is to pass out three cards and to invite and pray for two friends to attend church.

  11. Matthew 26:41 “Watch and pray so that you will not fall into temptation. The spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak.”. Jesus was asking them to pray for themselves here right?

    2 Great job Tim

    3 I didnt meet my goal from last week. I blogged all of the sessions, but not on time.

    4 This week with God's help, I will blog every day on time. I have even set my alarm 30 mins earlier.

    1. Then you will surely triumph Ed! As one whit put it, "It's a matter of mind over mattress."

  12. v42 Saying, Father, if thou be willing, remove this cup from me: nevertheless not my will, but thine, be done.

    No matter how many times I come across this prayer in the Gospels, I still have a tendancy to think of Jesus as somewhat of a super hero, willingly walking into his doom. Yes, as Son of God, He is this; but He was also fully man with all the pain and agony we would feel in His situation.

    Awesome job on the site Tim and Dave. I really like the design and the new scoring system is much easier than trying to make sure I enter into the right square in the spreadsheet.

    1. I like that Kevin- of willingly walking into his doom. What incredible courage! What a manly man!

    2. Kevin, I like the way you think of Jesus as a super hero, I wish more people did.

    3. Kevin. Yes. Knowing that he must die for all of us-- as it was the only way for us to have Salvation --
      How awesome is He!

  13. 1. Matthew 26:31 Then Jesus said to them, “You will all fall away because of me this night. For it is written, ‘I will strike the shepherd, and the sheep of the flock will be scattered.’

    Jesus stayed faithful to his disciples as well as to his followers and all. He knew he wad going to be betrayed and denied but he was loyal to all. He loves us unconditionally. He knew he would be back in the days and they would believe and follow with vigor. I love that he does not hold grudges but his love trumps all.

    2. Done, very nice! I like it.

    3. Unfortunately i did not meet my goal. Currently i have been a scatter brain. I will try harder.

    4. I will set my goal at 3.

    1. I think we all have lots on our plates. That's why it's so helpful to write our goals down and post them where we can review them. Last week you scored 10. Why 3 this week?

    2. Last week i met contractors fir the house i purshased. I shared my faith and gave them a mini card. This week in not really seeing anyone new because i need to work all week.

  14. 1. This was some good reading. Jesus had asked his disciples to watch over him and they kept falling asleep. The Spirit is willing but the flesh is weak.

    2. Nice stuff.

    3. I did bad on my goal. I was to be more encouraging and I got 1 point. Need to do better.

    1. Keep at it brother. I am sure your next update will show the improvement you are striving for. Keep knocking at that door.

    2. Thanks for your honesty Chuy. Evaluate what hindered you and see if you can correct such.
      Did you post your goal where you would see it?
      What is your T goal for this week?

  15. 1. Matt. 26:39 "Going a little farther, he fell with his face to the ground and prayed, “My Father, if it is possible, may this cup be taken from me. Yet not as I will, but as you will.”

    My will is often different than God's will. Most of the time this is because of my sinful heart. This was definitely not the case of our sinless Savior, and yet at this point, His will is different than the Father's. He tells His Father that, and then subjects Himself to the Father's will. It is ok for me to tell God that I want something different than what I think He wants, and a relief to know that, at least sometimes, that is not even sinful. But I need to make sure I follow through and do what He wants anyway.

    2. Thank you for all of your kind words regarding the new site. If you notice anything not working, be sure to let me know.

    We will start using this website on Saturday, October 10th (GREAT scoreboard points can now go on specific weekend days rather than being lumped together on Monday). The first "real" blog post on the new site will be on Monday the 12th. Please note that all scoreboard points posted on the new site before the Sat the 10th will be considered "test" scores and will be removed on the 10th.

    3. I made my goal of 2 for the week in the "T" column, having opportunity to pass out cards at the dog park I frequent to people I know there.

    4. I am shooting for 3 this week in the "T" column.

    1. Tim Dearborn....U are the Man! I am grateful for u my brother! Thanks so much for all the time u spent on hooking up our new M3 website! It's awesome!

    2. Awesome job with the website brother! Sorry I couldn't join you guys for this weekend's hike, but my wife and I celebrated our two year wedding anniversary this weekend.

    3. Great job with website! It's fantastic. Thanks for putting all that time and energy into it.

    4. Tim. Thank you so much for all the effort and dedication to our new site. It's great and Bless you from all of your brothers.

  16. 1. “He went away a second time and prayed, “My Father, if it is not possible for this cup to be taken away unless I drink it, may your will be done.””
    ‭‭Matthew‬ ‭26:42‬ ‭
    I have trouble fathoming how difficult it was for Jesus, who is God, to take on all our sins and the pain he suffered, which is the only way we could receive salvation.
    Guzik states: If it is possible, let this cup pass from Me: God the Father would never deny the Son any request, because Jesus prayed according to the heart and will of the Father. Since Jesus drank the cup of judgment at the cross, we know that it is not possible for salvation to come any other way. Salvation by the work of Jesus at the cross is the only possible way; if there is any other way to be made right before God, then Jesus died an unnecessary death.
    2. I'll review it now
    3. I am doing good on my reading goals, but it's been difficult to pray with my wife while she is still in KC
    4. I will set my T goal at 7 as I skready have 3

    1. Very good Jack! My T goal is also 7 but so far I have 0. When I don't have time to pray with the wife at home I try to call her and pray on the phone. I think I learned this from u! ;)

  17. 1. Matthew 26:39 Going a little farther, he fell with his face to the ground and prayed, “My Father, if it is possible, may this cup be taken from me. Yet not as I will, but as you will.”
    Jesus surrendered His life to the Father just as we have done and have to do on a regular basis.

    2. Did it. It's awesome!!!! Thanks so much brother Tim! I love it :-)

    3. I hit my goal of encouraging at least 5 men everyday for the week.

    4. My new T goal is to pass out at least 7 mini movie cards by Friday!

    1. Yes my brother, on doing so so that we may give all the Glory back to God. And great encouraging!

    2. Phil. Thx for your commitment and encouragement. It was the only way of Salvation for us as he drank the cup of Salvation at the Cross

  18. 1- Luke 22:44New International Version (NIV)
    44 And being in anguish, he prayed more earnestly, and his sweat was like drops of blood falling to the ground.[a]

    Though Jesus was in great sadness knowing what was about to happen. He could have ran away, but no he ran to pray. He went to pray not just once, but a few times. A great example of how to deal with troubles in your life.

    2- the Blog looks great. I change password I am good to go.

    3- My goal went good. I fell a little short but I will not give up. I will complete this goal no matter. It will also help improve my pray life.

    4- I happened to find a stack of M3 cards in a jacket I had to wear cause it has been so cool. I am locked and loaded with those. I also found my stack of "T" cards, you know the one with waterfall. I happen to find where I placed them so I am ready to leave 1 at any place I eat. Also I will strive to hand out a few out in when am at work.

    1. Great plan of action, brother. I will pray for your success completing this goal.

  19. 1) “Stay alert and pray so that you won’t give in to temptation. The spirit is eager, but the flesh is weak."”
    ‭‭Matthew‬ ‭26:41‬ ‭CEB‬‬

    2) did it and looks great

    3) I'm still struggling with meeting my goal but am doing better.

    1. Wonderful quote brother Ricardo, indeed "The spirit is eager, but the flesh is weak."

  20. 1. Mt. 26:41 "Watch and pray so that you will not fall into temptation. the Spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak".

    2. The new website is amazing.

    3. I didn't reach my goal, but I'm still striving to reach it.

    4. My T goal is to pass out a greatest mini movies everyday.

    1. Good verse Jose. We are weak without him.

    2. Good goal Jose. I'm sure you'll reach it.

    3. Jose. Thx for the prayers brother and keep planting those seeds. God Bless

  21. 1 -The War Room movie is definitely about prayers, I watched the movie with my wife and we all got some good lessons out of it. I highly recommend Christian families to watch The War Room.

    2-Mat 26:39 Going a little farther, he fell with his face to the ground and prayed, “My Father, if it is possible, may this cup be taken from me. Yet not as I will, but as you will.”
    Christianity is not only about going to church and listen the preacher preach. We as Christians are called to deliver an end time message to the dying world and to help one another in prayers and supplication. throughout the scriptures, prophets/messengers faced terrible persecutions. And we all know they died for what they belief. May we say as Christ had said, "Yet not as I will, but as you will.”

    3-Last Saturday was my daughters birthday, and I had a previllege to pass two M3 and Minimovie cards to two friends whom I shared about M3.

    4- My T-goal is at least to pass 3 cards in a week.

    1. Good reminder Lemmy! not our will but his be done. Good job on spreading the word bro. God bless.

    2. Lemmy, That is a good movie. My wife and I both left wondering what part of the apartment we could convert to a war room.

    3. Lemmy good post and points. Also keep planting those seeds brother

  22. Matthew 26:41 “Watch and pray so that you will not fall into temptation. The spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak.”

    It is easy to get comfortable in the battlefield of life, especially in the time between life's battles. Like the fine instruments of WAR we strive to be, we mustn't allow ourselves to sit idle and rust. We must continuously polish and sharpen ourselves to prevent ourselves from turning dull. Christ's instructions are as true to us today, as they were to his disciples over a thousand years ago: "Watch and pray so that you do not fall into temptation. The spirit is willing but the flesh is weak." Satan will take advantage of the slightest weakness. He will lurk in our shadow for that moment of doubt, anger, frustration, lust, depression, or fatigue and lay claim to whatever we give up to him. Even on our worst days, when we can carry our cross no further, we must rest it at the foot of Christ's throne. He will give us the strength to carry it again when we have rested in him through prayer.

    2. Tim has done a phenomenal job! You are a Jedi Knight of web design, brother.

    3. I have not satisfied my goal, but I am improving, and working at it every day.

    4. My new T goal is to pass out a greatest mini movies card anytime I go out (not including work) and not come home until I've stopped somewhere and given one out.

    1. Good stuff Osiris! Prayer is definitely a key thing we need to keep are flesh from winning.

    2. Such determination! I like it.

    3. And happy anniversary brother! !! I will have one year coming up later this month!

  23. 1) Matthew 26:38 = Then he said to them, “My soul is overwhelmed with sorrow to the point of death. Stay here and keep watch with me.”

    I'm often usually busy. So when a little more is added to my load I often feel overwhelmed thinking that I can't keep up with all the demands made upon me. But I know that is nothing compared to Jesus. He said that His soul was truly overwhelmed with sorrow. I doubt that this was a panic attack of worry or fear of suffering physical pain and torture at the hands of men. No, He was going to bare and take upon Him self all the sins of the world. He was perfectly holy and innocent but was about to be transformed and become sin with all it's guilt. It would be after that, when the most overwhelming thing of all would happen to Jesus as God, the Father poured out His full wrath and punishment on Jesus and finally forsaking Him. Jesus faced all this completely alone and deserted. His disciples were too tired and sad to give Him any support.

    2) Did It
    3) Smart Goal – not accomplished.
    4) Give out at least 1-2 cards this week.

    1. Good insight dave. Keep striving and being a powerful tool for gods kingdom. Your doing great.

  24. 1.“Watch and pray that you may not enter into temptation. The spirit indeed is willing, but the flesh is weak.”” ‭‭Matthew‬ ‭26:41‬ ‭ESV‬‬

    This verse hits pretty hard. I realized that if you don't read the word and pray. The flesh will take over. But if you do read and pray. You got a better chance of relying on the spirt and not the flesh.

    2. Awesome new setup. Definitely looking forward to using it. Good work!

    3. I did good during the week but failed during the weekend.

    4. This is a place I'm weak at but I'm shooting for at least one this week.

    1. James, giving out the cards gets easier the more you do it.

    2. You got this James! You are a personable dude, definitely a people person :)

  25. 1.
    45 Then He came to the disciples and said to them, "Are you still sleeping and resting?

    The voice of Jesus in this verse above sounds similar to the voice of my wife? I can relate the disciples here. Even back then it was no prayer no sleep! But really what I got out of the passage was the importance of prayer in temptation. Sometimes I am more apt to feel a need to act or run which is good. But reaching out in prayer is literally touching heaven changing earth if I could borrow a phrase from Hillsong. Its bringing in the God factor. Its surrendering and realizing that I can't handle this thought or temptation on my own. I have found this helpful in the area of lust. To quickly surrender the thought and pray for that woman that I am attracted too. Its bringing light upon the darkness in that moment and it is surrendering to the power of God. It's bringing the reality of my identity with Christ in the equation. Its helps me not quickly be led away and enticed and go further than I would like to go. Its helps me stay present and keeps me in the moment and then I remember. I am Nick Palhegyi. I am a man of God that loves my wife and kids. Light scatters the roaches of the mind.

    2. Did it.

    3. I reached my goal of three encouragements a day last week.
    4. My goal is to make 5 comments a day this week. Also my goal is to hand out more than three minimovies cards this week.

    1. In response to number 1... is that what shows the gospel and the reflection of Jesus Christ to others. That's is its not about our desires but what is the the desire that God has for you? Reminds me when Jesus says*(paraphrasing ) let your will (God the Father) be done. Surrendering..
      Thank you for living it out

  26. 1 – Matthew 26: 41 Stay awake and pray, so that you won’t enter into temptation. The spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak.” This verse reminds me of no scripture – no sleep, most nights even if I’m tired I still read the blog and post for the day but there are a few times when I’ve given into the flesh and put it off till the next day.

    2 – Did it. Time the website looks great.

    3 – I fell short on praying with my wife everyday but did talk to 1 person about M3.

    4 – My T goal for this week is to give out 5 cards and to sit down with 1 person to show them the site.

    1. Great T goals George, also thank you for your honesty when flesh has taken over and let your commentaries for the next day fo I am guilty in same area. I will pray for you on your commitment.

    2. Great idea to make that a goal to pray with your wife George, something I will work on doing!

    3. Thx for your comments George and solid goals.
      Keep your dedication and focus brother as you are a solid man of God

    4. Very true on your item #1. Many times I start to set down my head and rest. The only thing is this leads to sleep. so, i straighten up and continue.

    5. Very true on your item #1. Many times I start to set down my head and rest. The only thing is this leads to sleep. so, i straighten up and continue.

  27. 1.Peter replied, “Even if all fall away on account of you, I never will.” “Truly I tell you,” Jesus answered, “this very night, before the rooster crows, you will disown me three times.” Then he said to them, “My soul is overwhelmed with sorrow to the point of death. Stay here and keep watch with me.” Then he returned to his disciples and found them sleeping. “Couldn’t you men keep watch with me for one hour?” he asked Peter. “Watch and pray so that you will not fall into temptation. The spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak.”
    Matthew 26:33-34, 38, 40-41 NIV

    Three different times Jesus days "watch". Now the the more I'm rereading it, the word "watch" can be taken in any scenerio weather when ever temptation is around but also any form of wickedness is coming. Further adding on, I know Jesus doesn't really need his disciples to watch and pray with him but its setting an example of how we should be like for/with each other being watchful and alert never stop ceasing in prayer for each other.
    P.s .. also reminds me when Nehemiah had his men keep guard of the walls they were building night and day and even having shifts so that all gaps will be covered and not let any enemy come in and destroy. Talk about the amount of determination on not letting the enemy in. Modern day devil/lust/pride/arrogance/temptation etc..

    2. Love love love the new website!! Thanks Tim for all your hard work!

    3. I think I did good on attacking in prayer.Could do better.

    4. Pass out two minicards and also tell/recuite one in for M3.

    1. Great points Ish! Like the way you broke down #1. Good point of view there brother :)

  28. 1) Matthew 26:41 ""Watch and pray so that you will not fall into temptation. The spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak.""

    2) Very nice website, Tim. Good job!

    3) I think I did relatively good.... However, I think I can do better.

    4) Get at least 1 T point (possibly 2 T points).

  29. In regards to the smart goal, I did not fully complete it unfortunately.

    1. Praying for you to get those T points Alex, I know it is a stretch for you, but you can do it with the Lord!

  30. 1) Something of interest is the short, specific prayers that Jesus prayed to the Father, and the number of times He prayed in a short span. The consistency, the length, the repeated words and message, the determination. It is not similar to many of the prayer times you would find in the average Christian.

    2) Did it. Very nice site! Can't wait to start working on it!

    3a) I was almost able to accomplish my easy and medium goals, but fell short of my hard goals. I will have to work a little more intentionally to complete them.

    3b) Sounds like a great way to get this Column moving for me. I will think of a name idea to offer :)

    4) I will work very hard to get 5 T points this week.

  31. 1.- Luke 22:44

    And his sweat was as it were great drops of blood falling down to the ground. Some (for instance, Theophylact) understand this "as it were" to signify that the expression, "drops of blood," was simply parabolic; but it is far better to understand the words in their literal sense, as our Church does when it prays, "By thine agony and bloody sweat." Athanasius even goes so far as to pronounce a ban upon those who deny this sweat of blood. Commentators give instances of this blood-sweat under abnormal pathological circumstances. Some, though by no means all, of the oldest authorities omit these last two verses (vv.43, 44). Their omission in many of these ancient manuscripts was probably due to mistaken reverence. The two oldest and most authoritative translations, the Itala (Latin) and Peshito (Syriac), contain them, however, as do the most important Fathers of the second century, Justin and Irenaeus. We have, then, apart from the evidence of manuscripts, the testimony of the earliest Christianity in Italy and Syria, Asia Minor and Gaul, to the genuineness of these two famous verses. They are printed in the ordinary text of the Revised English Version, with a side-note alluding to their absence in some of the ancient authorities.

    2.- Reserve comment for now, challenging navigating with my phone, I've been having difficult on spreadsheet recording points, hope this works better.
    3.- Achieved

    4.- For 3 this week

  32. Keep giving me feedback RE phone use, once we start using the site.

  33. 1. Luke 22:42 “Father, if you are willing, take this cup from me; yet not my will, but yours be done.”
    - it's amazing the obedience Jesus models for me! Father not as I will but as you will!
    2. Love it!
    3. Not well
    4. To pray with my wife 5-7 times by this Sunday.

  34. 1 Matt 26:38 Then he said to them , "my soul is crushed with horror and sadness to the point of death stay here ...stay awake with me."
    Jesus at this point is human, and can feel pain. He is anticipating the beating and torturing death. Even though Jesus could have called a thousand angels to their rescue, he followed the will of the Father.
    2 No , could not bookmark it. It has to be something so simple. . I'll get help
    3 I did well
