Day 15...Attack HARD Giants

You were made to Fight! Attack!

What war movies have you watched that stirred your manly blood? There are some scenes of heroism that make me want to pump my fist in the air or even choke up in manly admiration. What courage! You've felt that too haven't you? It’s because you are made in the image of God and He is the divine warrior (Rev.19:11-16). Thus, there is a warrior within you. You were made to conquer spiritual giants. Attack!
You were not made to be a faithful church attender. You were made to "fight the good fight of the faith" 1 Tim.6:12. Battle is in our spiritual blood. No wonder so many guys like to play war games. But we better not be playing games when it comes to the spiritual war we are in. This world is a battle ground not a playground. Yet so many men are entertaining themselves into a spiritual lethargy, rather than fighting to liberate others. They don’t see the enemy hidden from their worldly sight.

“Our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms." Eph.6:12. There is an invisible, spiritual war going on all around us, and somehow our prayers make a difference in the outcome of these battles over people's lives. We need to pray! Why don't people have more breakthroughs? "You do not have, because you do not ask God" James 4:2. Wow! Pray!

G.a- Read Daniel 10 and note how there is an invisible angelic war going on. Share a brief thought on this amazing chapter.

The angel told Daniel that he would soon return to fight against the prince of Persia. This was evidently a demon of high rank over that nation. I imagine there are demonic forces even assigned against Chicago and against you and me. As you think about the many men in church who are just sitting on the sidelines, rather than fighting to advance God’s kingdom, you have to wonder what lies demons have bound these men with that they seem so HARD or STUCK on the sidelines. Let’s use those two words to reveal identity lies the enemy uses against people we need to liberate-

Trash (worthless)
Kinky-(sexually twisted or defiled)

When people believe that their past experiences define them, they are apt to stay stuck. We need to pray fervently and daily that God would break through those lies, to hear what the heavenly Father says, not the father of lies.  

G.b- From the HARD STUCK identity lies listed above, list a couple that really stand out to you that you will engage in warfare prayer to break such hell holds. Write them on your MP3 card. Also write out the following portion of James 4:2- "You do not have, because you do not ask God" Then do the Did it. (That verse is such a holy kick in the pants to me to pray.)

You are a warrior, made in the image of your divine warrior King. “The Lord is a warrior” Ex.15:3. You were made to fight! Engage your warrior side. So attack! Attack! Attack!
"The Lord is with me like a mighty warrior" Jer.20:11



A? (Did you attack in warfare prayer since you commented on the blog yesterday. Start warring this week against any HARD STUCK lies the enemy may have been using against you.)

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