Day 4 of Basic Training...The Commitment that Makes You Unstoppable!

Today you will become an Unstoppable Force!

Monday we learned that God has given us the amazing power tool of his word to build us up and others whom we share with.

 When we taste of the goodness of the Lord in his word, we want more. But then why is it such a daily battle to be daily in God’s good word? We do have an enemy who battles fiercely against the Bible. Satan has attacked God’s word since the garden. I think one of his greatest efforts is to keep believers from even opening its powerful pages. How can we fight back? 

Use this other amazing power tool God has given us. It is your will. God has made us in His image. We are not like instinctual animals. Like God, we can choose. And he tells us to choose His word- “Choose my instruction instead of silver” Prov.8:10. Sadly, many would rather make money than make time to be with God. Making time for something is always a choice isn’t it? Whenever we choose something, we are saying "No" to other things. When we choose God's word and God's way, God's Spirit meets us at that point to energize us. We are not left to our own willpower. When you choose to workout your salvation (choosing to obey God's word), God works in you. That's his promise! See this in Phil.2:12,13- "Therefore, my dear friends, as you have always obeyed—not only in my presence, but now much more in my absence—continue to work out your  salvation with fear and trembling, for it is God who works in you to will and to act in order to fulfill his good purpose." We wisely choose to skip a lesser thing for a far greater thing- God's word. You have chosen this day to be here with your brothers around God's word. Way to go! Keep making that wise choice every day. 

Sadly, you will meet believers who rarely choose to look at God’s word on their own.  Such a man, even though he may have been a Christian for many years, is still a baby needing someone, such as his pastor, to spoon feed him. That's not my opinion, it is God’s word- “by this time you ought to be teachers, you need someone to teach you the elementary truths of God’s word all over again. You need milk, not solid food! Anyone who lives on milk, being still an infant, is not acquainted with the teaching about righteousness. But solid food is for the mature, who by constant use have trained themselves to distinguish good from evil.” Heb.5;11-14. This constant use of God’s word helps us to mature. You are here because you are well beyond needing to be spoon fed. You are already starting to feed others from what you've gained in God's word. You have it on your MP3 card to share it with others. Way to grow! 

People often say they don’t have time to read and feed on God's word. Yet it’s really not a lack of time, but a lack of desire and choice. As busy as we are, we still make time to feed our bodies because it's desirable. But a person often will not feed his soul on real soul food. 

It's strange but true: The less you eat of physical food, the more you desire it.
But the less you eat of spiritual food (the Bible), the less you desire it. Yet the more you feed on God's word, the more you develop a taste for it. Jeremiah said, "When your words came, I ate them; they were my joy and my heart's delight." Jer.15:16. 

Note: You can copy and paste the following 3 questions in the "Enter Your Comment" box on the Home page and then answer them there.

1- Now let's read about Job and Jesus. Read Job 23:12 and Matthew 4:3-4. What impresses you as you think about these two passages? 

2.- Write out Job 23:12 on your MP3 card. Pray that God would increase your hunger for His word. Once you’ve written it down, please simply write “Did It.” in your Post a Comment response on  the Home page. 

3.-Will you join us in the manly commitment to be Unstoppable in God's word- No Scripture, no sleep? Yes or No (Read the explanation below before answering.)

For the believer you meet who really wants to conquer his struggle of not feeding daily on God’s word, get him to use his power tool of choice. Tell him, "Choose, like Job and Jesus, that God’s word will be more important to you than even your daily food. Choose to live by the motto- “No Bible, no breakfast or no Scripture, no sleep.” In other words, I will not feed my body before feeding my soul on God’s word. Or if this works better for you, I will not go to sleep before reading a portion of God’s word." Many find the early morning or late evening hours the best time for their time with God. No matter how late it gets, get into his word. I’ve seen my wife get up at night because she realized she hadn’t yet spent time reading God’s word. And I've seen men posting very late at night. They will not go to sleep until they have spent time with the Lord in the Scriptures. 

The coaches are not perfect, but they strive to live by the motto- "No Scripture, no sleep!” That's how we keep our commitment and how we are Unstoppable. Once you make that commitment, you will become Unstoppable as well. It's not a legalistic thing; it's a love and devotion thing. 

By committing to read God's word and share your thoughts on the blog daily, no matter what, you become Unstoppable. By doing so each day for a month, you will then receive your Unstoppable award pin. And once you've been Unstoppable for 13 weeks (even if they aren't consecutive), you qualify to graduate from Basic Training and advance. Remember, you've got a whole team of people praying for you and wanting to see you succeed. You can do this! We believe in you! 

Your other brothers are digging into God's word. Feel free to cheer your teammates on with encouraging responses to their comments. Some of you have already been doing that and it's a beautiful thing. You'll see how you will score for doing this next week.

R? Did you Right any wrongs?

Don't forget to then go to the GREAT scoreboard, via "Resources" and give yourself credit for blogging today. Also give yourself credit for the number of times yesterday you shared thoughts from your MP3 card with others and if you sought to Right any wrongs in relationships.

While you are there, go to the bottom left "Contacts" tab and fill in your contact info. Thanks. 

Having trouble putting points on the scoreboard from your smartphone? There's an app for that. See the free app available which I gave you the link for in the email I sent you yesterday.

1 comment:

  1. 1- Now let's read about Job and Jesus. Read Job 23:12 and Matthew 4:3-4. What impresses you as you think about these two passages? We are always fed by his word & never left out to dry eating the worldly food.

    2.- Write out Job 23:12 on your MP3 card. Pray that God would increase your hunger for His word. Once you’ve written it down, please simply write “Did It.” in your Post a Comment response on the Home page.
    DID IT

    3.-Will you join us in the manly commitment to be Unstoppable in God's word- No Scripture, no sleep? Yes or No (Read the explanation below before answering.) YES
