Day 17...The Father You Never Had

So many men have grown up in homes without a father or without a good father. Many carry "the father wound" to this day. The cure is forgiveness for our earthly father and being renewed by our heavenly Father's unconditional love. You will be experiencing that tangibly in M3. One day you will see the Father and be embraced. Until then, He uses people to help and heal father wounds. That's what you'll experience through lots of godly affirmation and encourgement. But since none of us can read your mind, let us know specifically when and how we can help. Speaking of being healed by the Father. Let's talk about our Father today.

Yesterday we began an upward journey in prayer that promises to take us far beyond the lowlands many have dwelt in.  We found that an old familiar prayer reveals the map to get us there. It's the Lords’ prayer and it begins with praise. Unfortunately, most people begin their prayers with, “Thank you Lord for this day. Bless me and bless my family. Keep us safe and in good health. And bless all the missionaries. Amen.” If it was any longer, I’d fall asleep! What an unmanly, emasculated prayer! Where is the connection to the One who is so holy that angels cover their eyes as they cry, “Holy, holy, holy is the Lord Almighty”? Where is there any praise that God is no longer our outraged Judge, but now is our loving Father in heaven?

Speaking of God as our Father, this is how Jesus teaches us to begin praying- "Our Father, who is in heaven." The awesome Creator of the universe wants us to approach him as our loving and faithful Father. He has none of the failing characteristics of earthly dads. He is everything we could hope for and so much more. He has not only redeemed us from our slavery to sin, he has adopted us. 
And that's not all- "Because you are his sons, God sent the Spirit of his Son into our hearts, the Spirit who calls out, “Abba, Father." Gal.4:6.

The Jews at that time didn't typically address God as Father. Jesus was introducing such a wonderful term of endearment. But for most of us, knowing that God is our Father isn't a radically new thought. Many of us grew up with the "Our Father" prayer. And now as believers, we know God personally as our Father. Yet our relationship with him can seem quite distant. This is partly due to the fact that he is our Father who is in heaven, while we are still here on earth. That is why we long for his kingdom to come. 

Another reason why our relationship with the Father can seem distant is because knowing the fact that he is our Father is not enough. There is an act that can make the fact that God as Father dear to us. It's...prayer.

G.a- Reflect on Eph.1:15-18 (though all the rest of the chapter is praiseworthy) and briefly write out what strikes you about this passage.

A few days ago we learned how to REAP by Reading, Exploring, Applying and Praying back the Scriptures. Now we see all the more that to really apply the facts that we may have read and explored, we need to pray them into our hearts. If you've ever met a person who is very knowledgeable of Scripture, but they don't seem to have much joy in their knowledge, perhaps it's because they haven't spent much time praying it into their hearts. Thus, the prayerful reading and response to God's word is a very important practice to develop. We have not really REAPed if we have not prayed it over. That's why prayerful meditation on a verse or phrase on our MP3 card is so helpful. Please don't leave your time of Bible reading without responding in prayer or praise. It makes such a difference over time.

G.b- So write out Eph.1:17 on your PM3 card and seek to review it and pray it for yourself and others (Write Did it, when you wrote it out.)

G.c- How many individuals or groups did you share the riches of your MP3 card with since you posted yesterday?

Here's an acronym I’ve used for many years that helps me reflect on and praise God as my Father. So instead of just saying, Thank you Lord that you’re my Father” and moving on, I’ll often slow down and praise him as my F.A.T.H.E.R- Father, I praise and thank you that you are-
Faithful- You are faithful to care for all my needs and faithful to forgive me. Great is Thy faithfulness!
Available- Because of Jesus, I now have access to your throne and can receive mercy and grace anytime.
Teacher- Thank you for giving me and teaching me your word. As a Father, how kind of you to mentor me.
Helpful- You help me in ways I never even asked for or expected. So many unprayed answers!
Empowering- Thank you that you offer your power for living. Your Spirit is the wind beneath my wings.
Rejoicing - Thank you for all your encouraging words in your word and that you even rejoice over me with singing. Zeph.3:17

Speaking of singing, the best way I connect my heart to my head is by praying and singing. The greatest book of prayers is the book of Psalms and they were written to be sung. The devil cannot stand a singing saint. (And a whole lot of other people can't stand the way you sing either Dave :) Even if you can't sing well, "make a joyful noise unto the Lord." I personally believe there is a connection between singing and being filled with the Spirit.*  Enjoy and recommend great songs of praise. Since the giant eraser machine attacks me at church, I write down a portion of a song that I especially like, and then carry it with me during the week.   

As you know the prayer of prayers begins, "Our Father" not "My Father." The Lord's prayer reminds us that we are not out there alone. We are part of a family of believers. And isn't it interesting that you get to know a person better through other people who know him. That's one of the added benefits of this blog. We can get to know our Father better from through our sharing with each other.  




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