Day 16 Satan Exerts his Greatest Opposition Against You Here

Last week we began learning  how to REAP from God’s word, so we could feed ourselves. After asking the Lord to help us, we focused on the essentials of-
Reading- sometimes reading a lot to get the big picture, other times reading a little for reflection.
Exploring the treasures of the passage. This includes using the tools of asking questions, noting key words and summarizing the passage, a s we did in Is.53.
Applying God’s word.  We used the SPEAK questions as we looked at 1 Cor.10:1-13
Praying after reading God’s word. We began yesterday praying warfare prayers against HARD giants. We want to continue to focus on the great Attack weapon of prayer now and for the next several days.

It’s been said that if you want to humble a Christian, ask him how well he’s doing in his prayer life.
For example, see if any of the following might be true of you-
I'd have to admit that my prayer life is shallow and sporadic.
If others were to listen in on my prayers I would be embarrassed.
I would not be a good model for other protégés to follow.
I don’t have a good way to pray in a balanced and biblically bold way.
I wish I had a simple way to pray something deep for my loved ones and others.

Why is talking to our Father in heaven so difficult? There are several things that come to mind, but perhaps this is especially important to consider- Satan exerts his greatest opposition against God's greatest things. So no wonder prayer, Bible reading, witnessing and loving our family members is so challenging at times. Prayer involves warfare. But we just don't see the battle going on behind our backs.

Another problem for many Christians is that they haven't had much teaching on prayer. You would think that prayer should come naturally for any child of God. Just look at how little children talk so much to their parents. But wait a minute. A child only learns how to talk by hearing his parents and others first talk to him. They, so to speak, “put words in his mouth.” So we need "prayer talk" to help us to learn how to talk to God. Thus, we find the disciples asking Jesus, “Lord, teach us to pray” Luke 11:1. Jesus didn’t scold them, but “put words in their mouth.” He gave them the words to say. He taught them what has been informally called the “Our Father” prayer or more formally, the Lord’s prayer. Both Luke 11 and Matthew 6 record it. Jesus told them to pray after this manner:
Our Father which art in heaven, Hallowed be thy name.
Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done in earth, as it is in heaven.
Give us this day our daily bread.
And forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors.
And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil:
For Thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, for ever. Amen.   Mt.6:9-13 KJV

Many of you learned this when you were growing up, even if you didn’t go to church regularly. That’s good because it is the basis of learning how to pray powerfully. Great church leaders throughout history have helped their people learn to pray based on the Lord’s prayer, so let’s also use it as a model. It’s not to simply be mouthed, but used as a powerful pattern for our prayers. So what is the hidden pattern in the Lord’s prayer?
1.-God's Praise- Our Father in heaven, holy is your name
2.-God's Priorities- Your kingdom come, your will be done
3.-Our Petitions-
    for physical needs- [Provisions] Give us this day our daily bread (and all the other things we usually ask for)
    for spiritual needs – [Pardon]Forgive us… [Protection] And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil
4.-God's Praise- For Thine is the kingdom and the power and the glory forever. (not found in modern Bibles)

Over the next several days we will unpack this transforming prayer that will guide you to pray powerfully to God, for yourself and others. Today, let’s begin with an introduction to this prayer of prayers.  

G.a- Open your Bible and read Mt.6:5-14. What is one thing that stands out to you about Jesus' teaching on prayer?

G.b- Psalm 86:5 is such an excellent encouragement for us to pray. Write it on your MP3 card and be encouraged to pray. 



"O Lord, we pray that you would give us a greater desire to pray.
But may we not wait for the desire, for it also comes in the praying."
"We shall make the enemy moan and God and our souls glad that we pray today." 
"The prayer of the upright pleases Him." Prov.15:8

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