Day 18...Thy Kingdom Come...This Means War

You weren't made to simply be a nice Christian. You were made to fight! Without a battle to fight, our manhood shrivels up. There is a war to be won. And Jesus is calling us to battle for his kingdom. Warfare prayer is definitely essential in this, for we do not fight against flesh and blood, but against spiritual forces of wickedness. We are called to call on the Lord to help us in our great commission to advance the kingdom of God. It is forceful or determined, unstoppable men who do this.That is what you're being trained for. 

It is crucial that you first understand who you are fighting for- it is for the honor of our great King, who is also our Father in heaven. Most holy is His name. The whole world needs to be set free to honor Him. Thus, Jesus next teaches us to pray- “Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven.” This is not a polite portion of the prayer. It is an imperative prayer- a warfare prayer. It is not simply asking for Jesus to come back, but for God's kingdom to come invade here and now. We are to be soldiers warring for God's kingdom to be advanced. There are men that need to be prayed free and recruited into active duty with us. Who comes to your mind? Pray! May they end up being men recruited and activated by you. That is a vital accomplishment for which we honor men for. So make war on the floor to see men freed and fighting with us.

"Thy kingdom come..." The New Testament actually mentions the kingdom of God a lot. Here are just a few passages regarding God's kingdom, which is now here spiritually and one day will come physically when our King returns in glory. 
Repent for the kingdom of heaven is near. Mt.3:2; 4:17
Blessed are the poor in spirit for theirs is the kingdom of God. Mt.5:3 (They know that apart from God, they are bankrupt spiritually.) 
For he has rescued us from the dominion of darkness and brought us into the kingdom of the Son he loves Col.1:13

Whoever practices and teaches God's word "will be called great in the kingdom of God" Mt.5:19 (By writing down and sharing your MP3 card with others are helping to advance God's kingdom. And such warriors, God calls great! So keep looking for people with whom you can share what you're learning, including family members, friends, coworkers, future proteges.

Seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness and all these things will be given to you as well. Mt.6:33 (Put his priorities above your own. We are to make advancing his kingdom far more important than advancing our comforts.) 
" view of his appearing and his kingdom, I give you this charge: preach the word, be prepared in season and out of season; correct, rebuke and encourage with great patience and careful instruction." 2 Tim.4:1-2

From the days of John the Baptist until now the kingdom of God has been forcefully advancing and forceful men lay hold of it. Mt.11:12 
That's who you are- forceful, determined men. And that's what we are training like a military unit to do- to forcefully advance God's kingdom, despite Satan's fierce opposition. The enemy seeks to hold on to his prisoners of war. But we are called and determined to set the captives free- both the lost who are in chains and those who are saved, but sidelined. 

Earthly battles and kingdoms are advanced, based in part, by how forceful or determined the men are in battle. Even though God gave the promised land to the Israelites, they didn't conquer all the enemies living in the land. Why? Because it says, "the Canaanites were determined to live in that land." Judges 1:27. I'm not a racist, but I can tell by what nation a person is from if they will conquer for God's kingdom or not. Any "wanna be warrior" is bound to fail if he is from the nation of Procrastination. Does he come up with excuses for not keeping his word? For not remaining unstoppable? For not fulfilling his duty? He is sure to succeed if he is from the nation of Determination. In other words, "It's not the dog in the fight, but the fight in the dog!" Despite initial fear, if men will "be men and fight" they can conquer. 1 Sam.4:5-11 is a pointed story in this regard. Sometime you ought to check it out. The losers may surprise you.

G.a- We've read a number of Scripture verses. Please share a thought from anything you've read today in this blog regarding men and the kingdom of God.

G.b- Write out this "warriors phrase" on your MP3 card "the kingdom of God is forcefully advancing and forceful (determined) men lay hold of it." Mt.11:12. "Write "Did it" when you did it.

Pray over this verse on your MP3 card today asking God to help you be such a forceful, determined man to advance his kingdom. And pray that God would stir up other men to become determined warriors with you. Jesus told his men in training to pray for such- "The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few. Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field." Mt.9:37-38.

We are in a terrible war, and determined soldiers like you are few. Thus, we have called in air support- prayer support. Please thank the prayer warriors you recruited who are praying for you. We have seen today that earnest prayer is an essential weapon in advancing God's kingdom. So that's why we daily pray Attack prayers. May it never be said of us, "I have never travailed nor brought forth children, neither did I nourish up young men..." Is.23:4. We will labor to see young men and old be raised up to be manly and multiply. Let us attack and advance God's kingdom.

"Thy kingdom come!"

G.c- With how many individuals or groups did you share the riches on your MP3 card, since you posted yesterday?




T (Starting tomorrow, you will be able to score here as well.) 
As you've probably discovered, T stands for Telling others about Transformation.
Not only do we need to pray for the lost, but we also need to share with them the gospel- the good news. Aren't you glad for the people that shared the good news with you? We recognize that not everyone has the gift of evangelism or even the gift of gab. Striking up an evangelistic conversation with others can be intimidating for a a lot of people. So we use a very easy approach. We simply pass along the link to Greatest Mini-movies. We can send it to them or give it out on a card. It can be as simple asking a person, "Have you seen these greatest mini-movies yet?" as you give them the card. You can put your contact info on the back if you want to invite them to get back in touch with you. Then you could say, "I'd love to how you liked them." Until you get your cards, just focus on sending unsaved people the link to one video at a time from the site.
Watch the following one and pass it on to someone. This one is called, "I Thought" It's hauntingly thought provoking. 

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