Th.8.27.15...The Bread of Life...John 6:22-71

Were you raised Catholic? Then you received holy communion many times. But a former Catholic priest by the name of Martin Luther and others of the Great Reformation in the 1500's strongly opposed the Catholic belief surrounding holy communion. What do Catholics believe about it? They get some of their unique views of it within our passage today.

We've already read about Jesus feeding the five thousand men and then walking on the water. Today we are going to cover his bread of life discourse (speech). It's long, so let's jump right into it. Then we'll discuss the Catholic view of communion, which they support from within our passage today.

1.- Read through passage John 6:22-71, and be on the lookout for repeated words and phrases Jesus uses. There are several. Here are the ones I observed- I tell you the truth, food/bread/loaves/manna, work vs. believe(s), life/eternal life/live forever, the Son of Man, the Father/my Father, he who sent me, I have come down from heaven, comes to me, I will raise him up at the last day, I am the bread of life, my flesh, blood, disciples. Pick one or more of these words or phrases and underline them in your Bible. Share some of your thoughts on a truth that strikes you from the passage.

Now let's deal with the popular but aberrant belief Catholics have regarding communion. Roman Catholics believe that Jesus was teaching in John 6:53-57 about their unique doctrine of transubstantiation. They believe that when the priest utters a certain prayer over the bread and the wine during mass, that they mysteriously turn into the actual blood and body of Christ. But Jesus was not inviting the those who found him in the synagogue to cannibalize him and he wasn't serving them bread to eat at the time. He was making a spiritual analogy as he clearly stated, "The Spirit gives life; the flesh counts for nothing. The words that I have spoken to you are spirit and they are life" 6:63. He links feeding on him with having eternal life in 6:54. We are dependent on food to sustain us physically. By way of illustration, Jesus is saying we are to be dependent on him to sustain us eternally. Notice that Jesus had already been teaching earlier in the chapter that eternal life is by simply believing in Him. This is the great theme throughout John and the NT. Nowhere else in this gospel or in the Bible is eternal life tied to receiving holy communion. Even the Roman Catholic Church didn't officially speak of transubstantiation until the the Fourth Lateran Council in 1215. But if a Catholic should deny such now, he would be cutting himself off from the possibility of gaining eternal life, which they tie in part to receiving the sacraments. We know there is a big difference from receiving bread and juice and receiving Christ. But many Catholics think they are one and the same. One Catholic man who was being witnessed to on his death bed said, "I receive Christ every day." O Lord, open the eyes of the blind as you did for us.

2.- People need the good news that eternal life is a free gift through faith in Christ alone. I'm glad you are seeking opportunities to offer the gospel to others. Share a time recently that you got to give a Greatest Mini-movies card or present your testimony or witness to someone.

Speaking of Roman Catholics, Ricardo wrote, "I have recently had a conversation with my 2 oldest boys. My oldest was just more curious about what is the difference between a Catholic and a Christian, I showed him a video from a link I saved, "7 reasons why I'm not a Roman Catholic". My other son is a little more difficult, he feels if there is a God, why do bad things happen? I did share a few videos with him but he's still struggles."
Way to share Ricardo. Did he watch the Greatest Minimovies, "Good God? Evil World!" Let me know how I might be able to help. We are a band of brothers and all want our sons to follow the Lord too. "Lord, draw our sons all the more to follow you."

I am happy to introduce a new teammate, Kevin Long. He lives in Missouri and was invited by Lemmy to join M3. (Lemmy, you hold the new record for recruiting someone the quickest after joining M3. Way to go!) I've enjoyed talking with Kevin and asked him to share a bit with us. Here is part of his testimony-  
"I'm married with no children, and have been calling Jesus my Lord and Savior for about 8 years.  I was raised and confirmed as a "sometimes" Catholic, but identified as atheist most of my life citing "logic, reason, science," and the like. 

God works in amazing ways: We began visiting a local church for "business contacts".  We happened into the church at the beginning of a week long Prophecy Conference and spent every night looking for "holes" in the Bible.  After not finding any, I continued studying and reading the Bible as well as listening to radio sermons (Bott Radio) all day, most days.  After several weeks, I finally realized that it takes way more faith to maintain the charade of modern science and reason than to believe what our hearts already know:  We were created by a loving and merciful but just and holy God who has given us the freedom to choose Him or the emptiness of isolation.  I finally understood I needed a relationship with the One who made me. That the Lamb of God I heard so much about growing up, actually paid the cost(s) for my hedonistic past and my eternal future in pain and blood.  All I had to do was repent, accept the Gift, and accept Him as my King." 
We're so glad you did Kevin. Welcome aboard! 


  1. 1. John 6:68-69 "Simon Peter answered him, "Lord, to whom shall we go? You have the words of eternal life, and we have believed, and have come to know, that you are the Holy One of God."
    I thank the Lord that we at M3 just like Simon Peter at one point in our lives recognized that we had no other place to go to satisfy that spiritual emptiness that we all had. Thank you God for sending your Son Jesus so that those whom put their trust in him shall not perish but haver eternal life.
    2. Over the weekend I had the chance to talk to a catholic friend of mine. Since he had questions about the church we attend it was the perfect time to talk to him about what we believe. Hope to have more opportunities in the future to continue witnessing to him since he was very receptive.

    1. Roger. Looks like we chose the same verses today-- cool as I enjoyed your comments. Also keep plugging and helping Gid with the transformation of others -- God Bless

  2. 1. There is a parallel between verse 40 and verse 54. Both verses have the phrase "has eternal life and I Myself will raise him up on the last day." Verse 54 precedes this phrase with "He who eats My flesh and drinks My blood". Verse 40 precedes this phrase with "everyone who beholds the Son and believes in Him". When Jesus talks about "eats My flesh and drinks My blood", He is using a figure of speech to refer to "everyone who beholds the Son and believes in Him".

    2. We had a few summer interns helping me in the technology dept. of our school. On the last day, I gave one of them a mini-movies card and encouraged him to check out the movies.

    1. Tim. Thanks for your comments and keep planting those seeds brother- it's great to see a young man once he gets it!

    2. Very important parallel verse in the passage you noticed Tim! It's key as you know to properly interpreting v.54.
      So you had some young men helping you. Glad you got to sow some good seed. I know for decades evangelism and discipleship has been your heart. Hope you will soon be off your crutches.

    3. great digging Tim and way to reach out!

  3. 1.“Don’t waste your energy striving for perishable food like that. Work for the food that sticks with you, food that nourishes your lasting life, food the Son of Man provides. He and what he does are guaranteed by God the Father to last.” John 6:27 msg
    - often I spend my life on plans that don't satisfy. Lord help me have wisdom!
    2. Last Thursday I got to share the gospel with a jr high young lady named Ashleigh and she made a decision to follow Christ!

    1. Dave that's incredible to help the Lord with transformation of a young person. Thx for your efforts.

    2. Great everlasting work Dave! Same verse I chose :)

    3. Excellent Dave! As I've said before, I love your heart to see people come to life in Christ.

    4. Fantastic Dave, great job in sharing the Gospel and bringing one more person to the kingdom of God.

  4. 1. John 6:68-69. " Peter answered him, Lord to whom shall we go? For you have the words of eternal life, for we believe and have come to know that you are the Holy one of God"
    Jesus stuck to the truth no matter what as the truth is the truth even though he knew he would lose some followers- he wanted to keep those that the Father gave to him- that the Father drew to him. As our faith grows in him we feel the love of God in our hearts and it consumes us as we follow Jesus. It requires letting him guide our everything!
    2. I injured my back and have been going to a chiropractor and I had a medical massage recently. When finished, I went to give the therapist a tip and a card. I was told that they couldn't accept the tip-- so I handed over the mini movie card and said this is worth way more than a few bucks. It led to a conversation on Catholic beliefs-- and I was thanked and asked if we could discuss it on my next appt. I of course agreed and look forward to it very much. I mean the discussion, not just the massage. :-))

    1. Great to see you are on mission Jack. Keep up the good work.

    2. LOL! You are such a great seed sower.

    3. Great job at being bold for the cause of Christ

    4. I appreciate your heart for clearly presenting the Gospel to people and challenging them to do something with it.

  5. 1- You asked us to share our thoughts on A Truth about this passage.
    I chose verse 66 "From this time many of his disciples turned back and no longer followed him."
    I think that a truth about Christianity is it is not easy. The reason why so many in this passage stopped following and the
    reason why so many people these days stop following Christ as well. Even for us believers at times things get tough but
    we need to tough it out during such times. I think I've shared this before but from 2007 to 2010 I stopped going to church.
    I just gave up on a lot of things during those years and my faith was one of them.

    2- Earlier this week on my way to work I caught the orange line with a guy who I met years ago. I was thinking about giving him a card but the thought literally entered my head. "I've known this guy for years, he's hung around a lot of my church going friends and has never responded to the gospel. In fact he's seen me during my darkest times with alcohol, drugs and women." Then I felt that God checked me at that moment telling me. "Hey, it's not you who saves. Only I can do that". So before I got off the train I gave him a card. I'm sure he'll look at the site but I'm not sure he'll watch any videos once he sees what they are.

    1. Let's pray that he does. Great job planting seeds. I like that you said God checked you :). Glad He does, for all of us.

    2. Glad you sowed the seed Luis! Yes, he may watch only one before he stops. But God can use even that sooner or later in his heart. As a wayward teen, I attended one Bible study that put a seed in my heart of conviction of sin that I remember to this day. We never know where God's plow may eventually go to break up the hardened soil in people's hearts.

    3. Great job Luis at being sensitive to the voice of the Holy Spirit

  6. John 6:27 (NIV) Do not work for food that spoils, but for food that endures to eternal life, which the Son of Man will give you. For on him God the Father has placed his seal of approval.”

    A reminder that God's work is eternally more important than any physical temporary gain on earth. Have a blessed day working for God.

    2. The last time I shared my testimony was at Convoy of Hope prayer tent. Before I prayed for them, I would ask them how is their relationship with God, if they attended any church, and would share my testimony and/or tell them about God's love for us and His sacrifice and resurrection power. I would give them a New Life and mini-movie card. Thanks for recruiting me Eddie. We make a good team.

    On a different day, I tried giving a card out to a customer at a store and was denied for the first time. I was confident that a pregnant woman would take this good looking card. For some reason, I thought she would take it. I was crushed for about two minutes when I found another customer that took it. It's not about me it's about Jesus. My daughter was with me and said that I was not afraid to talk to anyone. I told her it is the Holy Spirit working inside me and told Her I know what God has done in my life.

    1. Outstanding Sam! You volunteered in a most wonderful spot with people coming to you for prayer and you shared your faith. You didn't simply pray for what they asked for. Excellent!
      I too have occasionally been turned down by people. When it's happened, I've noticed it's that I didn't first start with a moment of small talk. No guarantees though. Some people may be in a bad mood, etc. Take heart, it's certainly not your looks :)

    2. Sam. Great perseverance. You are unstoppable

    3. Sam great job at leading your family with boldness for Christ

  7. Great comments by all of you. It’s a blessing to have this interaction.
    1. v. 35-"I am the bread of life," Jesus told them. "No one who comes to Me will ever be hungry and no one who believes in Me will ever be thirsty again."
    This is an amazing statement. Jesus claims that coming to Him and believing in Him will satisfy the hunger and thirst of anyone. Clearly He is talking about more than physical hunger and thirst. He didn’t give them more food at that time and Christians can struggle with hunger and thirst like anyone else.
    This must refer to a hunger and thirst for a full life, the deep human desires reflected in every culture throughout history. Since we are made in the image of God we have these desires. This is part of what sets us apart from animals. Every animal has physical hunger and thirst but humans desire more. We can experience thoughts and feelings that seem beyond other creatures. Hope, love, compassion, anger, depression, regret, guilt, pride, jealousy, the desire to create, develop, leave a legacy. Some people say the basic human needs are for Security and Significance. Other would say that we all want to love and be loved. John Eldredge writes about how every young man wants to be told that he is competent and every young woman wants to know that she is beautiful. Men want respect and women want love. The ‘classic’ stories from fairy tales to novels to movies often are about a man overcoming a challenge and earning respect or a woman being loved and pursued.
    A couple of classic quotes by Church leaders from centuries ago make the same point:
    Augustine (about 400 A.D.) “You have made us for Yourself. Our hearts are restless until they can find rest in you.”
    Pascal (about 1650 A.D.) “There is a God shaped vacuum in the heart of every man which cannot be filled by any created thing, but only by God, the Creator, made known through Jesus.”
    Jesus claims that He is able to satisfy these driving, intense, mysterious desires that seem to exist in most people. (Some people seem to have extinguished these longings and are content with physical things or small dreams.) Jesus says that He is able to satisfy the hunger and thirst of everyone, male and female, young and old, every type of personality, all cultures, every situation in life, regardless of abilities, disabilities, giftings, or styles, throughout all of history.
    No other ‘religious leader’ says things along these lines. There is no one else who promises this type of bread, or that actually delivers it, in the teachings of Islam, Buddhism, Hinduism. We know the Secular Humanism that is prevalent in America does not lead to this type of life. Jesus also says that people who follow him will never be thirsty again. The Christian life doesn’t just work for a while, or for a stage of your life, it works every day and into the next life. People that follow Christ not only live well but they die well and are prepared for life after death. “I am the bread of life” is a huge statement but each of us would say that Jesus has shown us that He really does meet our needs.
    2. I saw a woman who lives in the neighborhood near us at a bus stop today. I thought “I should hand her a card.” She told me that she and her husband are moving today and she will never take this bus again. So I knew this was my last chance so I gave her a greatestminimovies card. She said thanks and the bus arrived so that was the end of the conversation. Always good to sow a seed. I’m thankful for the push from M3 to be looking for these opportunities.

    1. Great thoughts and writing Mike! You're right, only Christ can satisfy the deepest need people have for life eternal.
      So glad you had a card with you to pass along to your neighbor at that crucial time.
      I stepped out of my house this morning to take out the trash and said Hi to a neighbor down the alley. We had never met before. We chatted awhile. I patted my shirt for a card. Ugh! When we parted, I ran in to get a card, but when I came back out, Ed was gone. Ugh! I give out a card or two everyday; I carry them in my wallet and car. But I wasn't ready for an opportunity to come while taking out the garbage first thing today. I failed the Boy Scout motto- Always be prepared. I will be on the lookout for him now.

    2. Thank you for the added wisdom Pastor Mike :)

  8. 1.Then Jesus declared, “I am the bread of life. Whoever comes to me will never go hungry, and whoever believes in me will never be thirsty.
    John 6:35
    For my flesh is real food and my blood is real drink.
    John 6:55
    I think this is where John refers to Christ as the Word becaming flesh
    The Word became flesh and made his dwelling among us. We have seen his glory, the glory of the one and only Son, who came from the Father, full of grace and truth.
    John 1:14

    2. I'm out of cards. But I had some fireman from Ecuador and I was able to give them a newsletter from the Fellowship of Christian firefighters.

    1. I'll call you today George. Let's get together and I'll get you more cards. I know you have a heart for outreach.

    2. You are a disciple cut from the same cloth as the apostle Paul, George. You are transcending international boundaries and carrying the Good News with you. May your ministry be blessed. Keep up the great work, man of God.

  9. 1 & 2. This stuck out to me in today's scripture:
    Verse 44 “No one can come to me unless the Father who sent me draws them, and I will raise them up at the last day."

    I believe that God is constantly inviting us to Him. That he is drawing us to Him. That he is creating invitationa to accept Him, yet we are the ones who make the choice to accept or deny. This is true in my own life. As I reflect I can see the times when God was knocking at the door of my heart but I responded by turning to things of the world.

    I was sitting down with a brother in Christ yesterday, sharing my testimony. Brothers, I can say that I have seen and experienced God's redeeming hand. 9 years ago my family was in chaos, my dad left us. In 2007, he officially divorced my mother and, like the prodigal son, took his half. For three years he was mostly absent in my life. I turned to the party scene, drinking, drugs, and more so a relationship I was in. I can write a short novel on this, but the thing is in 2009 my dad came back into our life, with nothing, depressed, going cold-turkey from drugs, he came back. In and out of rehabs, still was alienated from my father. He went away for another 8 months for rehab and in 2010 started living at the house again. My parents were going to support and recovery and God was working in my father's life. In 2011, God got a hold of me and I was on my own path. But one of my prayers was that and continues to be that God would fully restore my family and parents marriage. Well, after some time, an encounter retreat, being a runs godly men, going to group, getting more involved, my dad wrestled accepted Jesus. Encouraging to find him embracing his faith, singing along to klove. Before he would say he would just come to church for his wife and son. Fast forward more, started assisting in recovery and 12 step group and now in a position to lead. But he was encouraged to make mends with my mom. Well fellas, after 8 years of being divorced, my father stepped up to the plate and proposed to my mother. I am proud to announce that God has answered another prayer and they are getting married this Saturday! Again,I am struck by the idea that God draws us. And He had His ways, even in this situation to have a ripple effect on our family. Such an amazing blessing to experience this. Just wanted to share with you all. Praise the Lord!

    1. That's wonderful Eddie! Thanks for sharing how God has been working.
      "My Father is always at work to this day, and I too am working." Jesus, John 5:17

    2. Wow Eddie-- God at work! I was at that retreat and witnessed you with your reluctant Dad, but you later it all in the line. The Holy Spirit within and what an outcome brother. What a great testimony of how God works within

    3. Eddie thank you for sharing such an inspiring and powerful testimony of the powe of God at work in restoring your family. I praise God for the wonderful news.

    4. Awesome bro. Happy for you and your fam.

    5. Great to see God at work Eddie.

    6. Very amazing to see God at work and activating each one of you. Praise God and thanks you for sharing

    7. What an amazing story of Redemption Eddie! So happy to have been able to witness God working forehand in your family!

    8. Amen Eddie. Glad God is continuing to work in your family's life

  10. Wonderful testimony of restoration, praise the LORD!!!!

  11. 1. "From this time many of his disciples turned back and no longer followed him." John 6:66

    They were fair weather "disciples"

    Fair-weather fan= "loyal or helpful only during times of success and happiness" (

    2. Just this morning I sent the link to a brother-in-Christ at work via text.

    1. Well put, brother. I learned a new term today. May I never again be a fair-weather disciple of Christ, but follow and serve in times of trial and bless Him always in the storm.

    2. Robert!! Great stuff. God bless

    3. Yes Robert. And his loyal disciples had already proved that they were more than just fair weather disciples- they had gone through storms with him. O help us to be "No matter what" disciples of you O Lord.

  12. Brother Kevin Long, welcome to M3. Wonderful having you on-board, also enjoyed your testimony. God bless you :-)

  13. 1) “Do not work for food that spoils, but for food that endures to eternal life, which the Son of Man will give you. For on him God the Father has placed his seal of approval.””
    ‭‭John‬ ‭6:27‬ ‭
    This is one verse that really stood out to me.

    As for my son, he has watched a few of the videos. He has asked if he can come with the next time I go to church.

    1. John 6:27, Do not work for the food that perishes, but for the food that endures to eternal life, which the Son of Man will give to you. For on him God the Father has set his seal.

      John 4:10; Jesus answered her, “If you knew the gift of God, and who it is that is saying to you, ‘Give me a drink,’ you would have asked him, and he would have given you living water.”

      Reading these the writings of John, all point to Jesus as bread of life and living water. And that is a complete need for our survival.

    2. Very good Lemmy! Great cross reference you pulled together.

  14. 1. John 6:36 "But as I told you, you have seen me and still you do not believe. 37 All those the Father gives me will come to me, and whoever comes to me I will never drive away." Even in our time, and even with the Gospel as testimony to the life, death, and resurrection of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, we must be wary not to be as the crowd that followed Him to Capernaum. Like them, many in our time have "seen" and not believed. Even some among us have only recently accepted Jesus as our Savior, having known Him and seen His grace at work in our lives. The Lord no longer walks among us in human form; we faithfully await His triumphant return, but that does not mean we cannot see Him. I see Christ in the MANLY men of M3, who faithfully share in His teachings and spread the Good News. I see Christ in those who humbly serve others without earthly reward, sometimes not even a word of thanks. How could I not believe unless I chose to be blind to Him? We may turn from Jesus. We may allow the cruelty of the world and the wickedness of man to separate us from our Lord, but those whom the Father has drawn to the Son will never be driven away by the Son. Even in our time of trial and tribulation, Jesus is not driving us is in these times that He holds us closer, more tightly, because He knows our frailty and our limits. Will we choose to, likewise, embrace Him more tightly and draw closer to Him when the ground shifts beneath our feet?

    2. I did not carry any cards with me this past weekend to the Convoy of Hope, but as I distributed groceries, I pointed every person who thanked me to the One who sent me that day to be the arms, hands, and feet of the Lord. I praised God for putting me at the right place at the right time, and reminded each person I interacted with to give thanks to the Lord for the blessing they were receiving that day. We are only as capable as the Lord gives us the ability to be. All grace flows from Him, and all gratitude should flow back to Him from us. There is no greater satisfaction than doing the Lord's work and giving Him praise for the opportunity to serve.

    3. Welcome to M3, Brother Kevin! It is always a blessing to see God working in the hearts of men, building them into something greater to serve a greater purpose. You have come to right place, brother. Lift up your sword and shield, man of God.

    1. Great words My brother. Yes my brother the convoy of hope was a great place to point people to Jesus. Good Job.

    2. Very good Osiris! Hope we can go for a walk again soon.

    3. Brother Osiris, "Even in our time of trial and tribulation, Jesus is not driving us is in these times that He holds us closer, more tightly, because He knows our frailty and our limits." Reminded me of the poem "Footprints in the sand"

  15. 66 After this many of his disciples turned back and no longer walked with him. 67 So Jesus said to the Twelve, “Do you want to go away as well?” 68 Simon Peter answered him, “Lord, to whom shall we go? You have the words of eternal life, 69 and we have believed, and have come to know, that you are the Holy One of God.”

    “Lord, to whom shall we go?, I believe we have all in some point in our Christian walk look around and behind us with NO where to go but to faithfully follow our lord Jesus. He is the Bread of life, and the living Water. Jesus is all that we need in this life or in life to come.

    1. Lemmy Great verses. great to have you in M3

    2. Yes, Lemmy, when we hit the wall of our faith it is a great test. Interestingly, the disciples just had been tested twice by our Lord. Jesus asked, "Where shall we buy bread for these people to eat? He asked this only to test him (Philip). 6:6. And then he tested them leaving them for a while to battle the strong winds against them. We too have been tested and also traveled so far with the Lord. We know he is the only way. Where else would we go? Only He has the words of eternal life.

  16. 1- John 6:47-48New Century Version (NCV)

    47 I tell you the truth, whoever believes has eternal life. 48 I am the bread that gives life.

    As I read this passage I couldn't help but notice the boldness and honesty of Jesus. I've come to learn that when someone repeats a phrase over and over he or she is really trying emphasize something. Jesus repeated something to get his point through. This passage encourages me to not walk away from someone when I'm talking to them about God. I will not give up in spreading the word of God. Jesus stood in the heat so to speak and got his point across.

    2- I've been able to talk to another one of my co-workers about God and what he has done in my life. It's crazy how people can see something different in you. He in fact told me that I am always happy and have a smile. I always tell him it cause I have Christ in my heart. He told me today that he needs to go to my church.

    1. That is so cool about your friend's comment about you. You are a bright light Vince!
      O Lord bring this friend to church and to you!

    2. Brother Vince, "I am always happy and have a smile" that's the way I always see you :-)

  17. 1. John 6:35 Then Jesus declared, “I am the bread of life. Whoever comes to me will never go hungry, and whoever believes in me will never be thirsty

    He means we will never go hungry or thirsty spiritually if we believe in him.

    2. I havent used the cards since the last meeting but I'm going to this week.

  18. 26Jesus answered them and said, “Truly, truly, I say to you, you seek Me, not because you saw signs, but because you ate of the loaves and were filled.

    27“Do not work for the food which perishes, but for the food which endures to eternal life, which the Son of Man will give to you, for on Him the Father, God, has set His seal.”

    Often I find myself  seeking/praying for God to fill the desires of my flesh (material  and worldly happiness).  As He said, seeking Him because I may be satisfied.

    It's in these times I have to remind myself that God doesn't necessarily want me to be happy, so much as to be holy.  I've
    seen God provide everything I need time and time again, but it's still against my nature to first seek the bread that endures, the true bread from heaven.

    1. Welcome to M3 Kevin!!!! Great stuff brother!

    2. Excellent Kevin! I like your transparency right off the bat in applying scripture to your life.

    3. Well said Kevin. Welcome to M3!

    4. Amen brother, great to have you with us. I too myself was an atheist, but I let me tell you brother God's way is much more pleasing then any worldly thing. He has a plan for all of us brother.

    5. Welcome on board my friend, and my IT mentor Mr. Long, it's always encouraging listening to your stories. God has some great plans for you brother.

  19. 1. All those the Father gives me will come to me, and whoever comes to me I will never drive away.

    This truth strikes me because it tells me that Jesus will never leave me! It also strikes me that Jesus kept saying repeatedly that he is the bread of life and the bread from Heaven and that he is thexcited way to eternal life!!

    2. My last softball game was on Sunday. We lost to a team called the Hijos. After we all said our goodbyes and prayed together I pulled 4 brothers to the side, one at a time, and I shared with them the opportunity of M3 and what it has done with me. I spoke to each guy for a few minutes and encouraged them to checkout our M3 links ;)

    1. Fantastic Phil! I've found that such seeds I plant (invitations to M3 in this case) need watering. As you follow up with them, I will be praying that one or more responds. Way to go!

  20. 1. “It is the Spirit who gives life; the flesh profits nothing; the words that I have spoken to you are spirit and are life. 64“But there are some of you who do not believe.” For Jesus knew from the beginning who they were who did not believe, and who it was that would betray Him. 65And He was saying, “For this reason I have said to you, that no one can come to Me unless it has been granted him from the Father.”

    Jesus is all knowing and it takes the illumination of the Spirit to reveal and to believe in Christ. It is who the Father has given an Jesus already knew Judas would betray him.

    2. I gave a card to one of my teen students and wrote down the web address for a single mom to check out.

    1. Very good Nic! You have been thoughtfully and faithfully reaching out to your students. What a caring teacher they have.

    2. Brother Nic, "Jesus already knew Judas would betray him." And though knowing of his betrayal, Jesus washed his feet and loved him the best he could, amazing. God bless you brother :-)

  21. 1) Jesus answered them, "Truly, truly, I say to you, you are seeking me, not because you saw signs, but because you ate your fill of the loaves. John 6:26

    I feel we are always asking for miracles in our lives and when we get them we are amazed. But if we have faith in Jesus we would realize that he is always working and the miracles become a gifts.

    2) I was eating a a wing joint and I seen that our waiter was stressed out. So at the end with his tip I added a card and told him to look at the videos.

    1. Very true Andre, I'm working on focusing on the gifts from God and not the negative.

  22. 1 – John 6:28-29 They replied, “We want to perform God’s works, too. What should we do?” Jesus told them, “This is the only work God wants from you: Believe in the one he has sent.” I liked the commentary in my study Bible on this section, it says “Many of us live by a list of ‘shoulds’ and ‘shouldn’ts’ in our effort to earn God’s acceptance. The good news is that we don’t have to do anything to receive God’s help and forgiveness! God in Jesus Christ has taken all the initiative; we simply receive him by faith. Each step of our growth begins as we respond to God’s love for us.” It may not always be easy to see God’s love for us but He’s there for you even when you may not feel it.

    2 – The last card I gave out was one morning on the train this week, two young men got on and sang a song. When they were finished they asked for people to buy their CD or for donations to help support their music career. I gave them a small donation with a Greatest Mini Movies card and wished them luck.

    1. Great words again George! I cannot believe it, we selected and focused on different verses today :( I loved your insight :)

  23. 8/27/2015
    1. Share some of your thoughts on a truth that strikes you from the passage. I was thinking about was (John 6:35-36 ESV) 35 Jesus said to them, “I am the bread of life; whoever comes to me shall not hunger, and whoever believes in me shall never thirst. 36 But I said to you that you have seen me and yet do not believe.
    Belief for the disciples and those who have witnessed even the miracles do not yet have the authority of which he says to possess and speak! He is also for creating an idea for the formation of our understanding of himself and even God. I am interested in getting ready for the way that would happen.
    2. I was able to share my testimony before a large group of social workers at a conference yestday about my personal faith and even role-played the parts of JungleBook Charcters.

    1. Brother Rich, "I was able to share my testimony before a large group of social workers at a conference yesterday" You're courageous!!

  24. 1. John 6: 26, 27, 30, 31 says " Jesus answered, “Very truly I tell you, you are looking for me, not because you saw the signs I performed but because you ate the loaves and had your fill. Do not work for food that spoils, but for food that endures to eternal life, which the Son of Man will give you. ......(vs 30) So they asked him, “What sign then will you give that we may see it and believe you? What will you do? Our ancestors ate the manna in the wilderness; as it is written: ‘He gave them bread from heaven to eat.’ ----Earlier in this chapter, the bible mentioned that the same people who ask Jesus for another miracle are the same people who ate the loaves that Jesus multiplied from the loaves and fish. These people just seen and experienced Christ in person and "Live", yet they ask for more miracles in order to believe. Then, they actually quote the bible from Exodus 16 and Numbers 11 stating "‘He gave them bread from heaven to eat." against Christ, to try and get their way! This reminds me of when satan does the same thing in the desert when he tried to tempt Christ to sin and follow him. Satan used scripture and tried to twist the Word to suit his true intentions!!!! These people tried to do the same thing! --- Oh Lord, help us to know Your Word so well to know and discern when others are trying to use and twist the scriptures to suit their sinful ways, in Christ name we pray, Amen.

    2. Earlier today, I was witnessing to a client of mine who owns many Commercial properties, and I was encouraging him about what the bible says about Stewardship and biblical finances. I felt the Lord using me as an instrument, to draw this gentleman to Himself. This was the second time I spoke about my relationship with Christ. He is a Roman Catholic, but has many many problems with the church. I am going to invite him to take my Biblical Finance Class in a few weeks :)

  25. 1. John 6:26 "Jesus answered the, and said, "Truly, truly, I say to you, you seek Me not because you saw signs, but because you ate of the loaves and were filled. Do not work for the food, which parishes, but for the food that endures to eternal life, which the Son of Man will give to you, for on Him the Father, God, has set His seal."

    I'll be completely honest. I'm looking for a sign. I truly do not currently believe that God loves me. I feel he has forsaken me and has not fulfilled his promise to care for me and my family. Specifically with regard to finances. I have tithed in faith for years. Including the year in which I lost my job (2013). I gave more that year than any previous years in spite of the fact that I earned significantly less. For that, I have been 'rewarded' with years of financial struggle.

    He who does not work, should not eat, the Bible says. You'd be hard pressed to find a man that works harder than me. I'm not asking for riches. I'll settle for 'paycheck to paycheck' at this point. Why is it that some believers have, and others, have not?

    I haven't been able to buy food for my family in almost two years. My wife says to thank God that we have LINK. Thank God? For what?!? That the state of IL is paying for my food while we struggle? NO thanks. She says to thank God that I was able to sell $1520 worth of tools. Why? I knew they would well immediately. Why should I have to sell my tools? Why won't God bring me work?

    I'm not asking for a mystery check for $10,000. I'm not asking for someone to pay all of my bills for me. I'm asking God, to bring me work. If, for some reason, I'm not 'in the right line of work' or 'not doing God's will', then why do I not receive any sort of response after asking, seeking, and knocking? It's like it's a game with Him.

    Well, Mike, you didn't spend enough time with me this week. So, now you can't hear my voice. Or, you don't praise my name enough, so, I'm not going to bless you even though you've faithfully tithed for years.

    If I treated my children in this way EVERYONE I know would scoff and pass harsh judgment on me. Yet, my heavenly father does this routinely. If I tried to teach my son a lesson, and he just. wasn't. getting it. And I kept the same trial, with the same technique, and the same attitude towards him, EVERYONE would say, "Dude, try something else. It's not working."

    Hey, like father like son. I'm just being like my heavenly father.

    I'm obviously missing something. Either that, or my understanding of God's existence has been sorely wrong these last 16.5 years.

    If my son cried out to me, "Daddy it's like you don't love me. Why don't you care for me?!?" Even I, would alter more course and make it damn sure to him that I love and care for him.

    So yes, I am asking for a sign.

    2. Based on the way I currently feel I will not share the gospel with a single soul. I am not seeking to advance the kingdom. I would surely end up pushing someone away. So I will just keep my mouth shut. I am not yet in a place where I seek to push people away.

    1. Hello brother Mike, thank you for sharing these difficult times and your broken heart and disappointed expectations with the Lord. I know many people who have gone thru some of the same struggles, even several of the writers of the bible suffered thru depression, loneliness, lacked finances, and disappointed expectations. Even though we know in our heads that God has already demonstrated His love for us by sending Christ to die for our sins, as a sacrificial lamb, so that we can have eternal life with Him for all of eternity, (Hallelujah), sometimes we just don't feel it. Our emotions can change daily, but I want to encourage brother, hang on to Christ, like Jacob did when he wrestled with God all night long. Continue to pursue Him even though times are tough, like Job did, when God allowed satan to attack and destroy his family, but Job never cursed God.

      Brother, I would love to invite you and your family to join me in a Finance Class and be my guests of honor that I will have the priviledge to lead at NL Midway on tuesday nights, starting in late September. It will last for 11 weeks, I will give you all the details later. Let's truly study the bible together and what it says specifically about finances in over 2,300 verses that talk about money and personal possessions. I will be praying for you Mike. Please call me at 312-420-6658 to talk.

    2. You do not believe that God loves you? Admittedly looking at our trials can be tough to see God's love. But what if you looked at the cross? "God demonstrates his love for us in this, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us" Rom.5:8. That's God's sign for us. We are to depend on Christ, not blessings to prove He loves us. Consider others who went through far worse trials in Heb.11:36-38. As we have talked Mike, we ought not blame God for financial hardships when we choose to put our children in a private school we can't afford. Or if our spouse isn't working when many others do to help out in tight times. You said, "I'm obviously missing something. Either that, or my understanding of God's existence has been sorely wrong these last 16.5 years." I gently want to say, you are missing something that many also are. First, in the NT era, giving to God's kingdom does not mean that you will be financially helped. This is evident in 2 Cor.8 where the Macedonians gave sacrificially out of their great poverty. I shared this with you before. I have given above the tithe for more than 35 years, but that does not mean that I haven't gone through financial trials. Please erase that equation that giving means God will give back financially to you. He often gives in other ways if we have eyes to see. Please give out of gratitude that He rescued your soul from eternal damnation and to further his kingdom, not in hopes that he will give you a financial breakthrough because of such. Next, your notion of God as your Father doesn't square with Scripture. To say that God should be like my earthly father doesn't work. I could see and touch and hear my earthy father. God is not like that. As I've said before on the blog, it's more helpful to think of God trying to prepare us for war than as one that wants to hold us in his arms. Where do we get that picture in the NT? I read instead about the armor of God needing to be put on. If you want out of the pits Mike, you are going to have to fight against your true enemy- the evil one and his lies. I've told you before to call me anytime. You are much on my mind and in my prayers.

    3. Just want to say God loves you. My old job is always hiring. Want kind of work are you looking for? You can go to to apply. If you are interested and apply, let me know.

    4. Brother Mike, thank you for your transparency, I can't imagine what you're going through! There are several instances in the Bible where real people expressed their disappointment with God and by your post it's apparent that you're venting as well. I pray the Lord would bring you through these tumultuous times and gives you your heart's desires. Please keep in mind that there's a difference between asking God questions and questioning God.

      "Then Job replied to the Lord: “I know that you can do all things; no purpose of yours can be thwarted. You asked, ‘Who is this that obscures my plans without knowledge?’ Surely I spoke of things I did not understand, things too wonderful for me to know. “You said, ‘Listen now, and I will speak; I will question you, and you shall answer me.’ My ears had heard of you but now my eyes have seen you. Therefore I despise myself and repent in dust and ashes.” Job 42:1-6

    5. Dave,

      Even if my kids were not in a private school that we cannot afford our bills still are not covered. Even after our mortgage was modified and lowered by $470 I still cannot make ends meet. The school is understanding of our situation and has been willing to help us. I at least want to give my kids a quality education. The likes of which I know for certain is not in the public system. Not even in the suburbs.


      I have a degree in Electronics Engineering Technology. I have 12 years of experience in Telecommunications. I am also a qualified sound engineer. On top of that I am a designer craftsman. I can design and build almost anything out of wood. I can also build, repair, and modify guitars, vacuum tube amplifiers and more. I have spent much of my life devoting myself to honing my many talents. Investing in them and providing for my family with them.

      I feel like my entire life has been lived as the man who was given the 10 (or was it 5?) talents. He wisely invested them and as a result he gained more. His master saw that and gave him EVEN more. Yet I feel as though God is treating me like the foolish man who buried his talents.


      I have heard of those classes. I don't see what good it can do. I have no money. Now God has taken even my vehicle. The only money I have earned this entire month was from driving for Uber. Saturday my catalytic converter went out. $380. My mother in law paid for that. Oh joy! I'll never hear the end of THAT!!! Now the window regulator is broke and the weather stripping is shot. THere's also some unknown electrical issue that causes the radiator fan to stay on for 20-30 min after the keys are removed. No keys = No power. Yet the fan stays on. It's not a stuck relay. I already checked that. Thermostat? Fan switch? Could be a dozen different issues. Now I can't even drive my Honda Pilot (which for the last 6 years has been flawlessly reliable) to earn an income. It's so perfectly against me it cannot even be the devil. My every effort is thwarted.

      With many advisors plans succeed. I've sought and heeded 'Godly' advice in my recent years. Trying to do things God's way. Yet nothing comes together. It's all stacked against me. My marriage. My kids. My business. Everything.

      The ONE thing I consistently had going for me has been taken from me. My ability to provide. I feel worthless.

    6. Mike, we are seeking to help you, yet you argue for your stuck position. It's been said that when you argue for your position, you remain stuck in it. If you want to believe the lie from the pit that God doesn't love you and you are under his curse and you want to ignore the passages I pointed you to, you will remain stuck. Rather than calling me or returning calls from leadership in your church reaching out to also help, you don't do such. You also ignored the option of your wife working as many others do to help make ends meet. You will remain stuck and sink farther down if you continue this path. I say this gently, but it will be your fault, not God's. But you will feel justified in your bitterness. Hope and pray you will come to your senses and escape the trap of the devil. Fight the real enemy. Your feelings don't make something true.

    7. Hello Mike,
      I want you to know that you are in a perfect position to truly "Know God" and depend on Him for everything. I pray brother that you will continue to seek and seek and seek after Him with all of your heart, soul, mind, and strength. Don't give up on Him brother! We do not always know how God works, but we know that His ways are much higher than our ways. Also, do not forsake the assembly of believers and ignore godly advice. I would love for you and your entire family to join me on Tuesday nights, starting in approx 1 month, to go thru the Biblical Finance Class together with me. This is my treat :) All I ask brother Mike, is that you do your homework diligently every week for 11 weeks and let the Word of God permeate your spirit and life :) Please call me at 312-420-6658

  26. 1
    I can take heed when Jesus speaks Joh 6:58  This is the bread that came down from heaven, not like the bread the fathers ate, and died. Whoever feeds on this bread will live forever."
    A person can at an nourish on physical food, or to expand, operate in the world works such as self help that will not generate any life except for be dead walking at the same time. But where a person can eat is fully contained in the word of God also which is defined as Christ. So we can always nourish on the spirit of God

    I had a nice opportunity to share about my background and testimony while I was waring a tee shirt with the New Life Mural on the back. This was with a co worker of mine and they were pretty open minded but I was regretting at the time that I did not have a GreatestMiniMovies card with me.

  27. 1. 1) I think this passage of John 6:25-71 points out some of the obstacles that inhibit a man to have faith in Jesus and reveals the necessary involvement by God before faith can be born in a man.
    A) Some men are restricted from faith because they demand to see a sign or miracle before they will believe. (vs 30) These are open to be deceived by Satan who can perform counterfeit signs and wonders.
    B) Some are restricted in faith because they only acknowledge what they perceive in the physical world. (vs 34) They will only believe in what provides physical pain or satisfaction world only.
    C) Some are restricted from their limited knowledge of the facts. (vs 42) They do not investigate or look any further then the things they have.
    2. God needs be be involved before faith can be born in a man.
    A) God must draw the man to have faith in Jesus. (vs43)
    BTo have faith a man must be taught by God. (vs45) The man must listen and learn from God before being able to have faith in Jesus.
    C) A man must be enabled by the Father to come to have faith in Jesus. (vs65)

    I have been having mini conversations at work with a Japanese team member that uses the English name “Sam”. He is a devout Buddhist and has small group Buddhist meetings in his home. They worship the Universal Law of Cause and Effect. If anything bad happens to someone they believe it is karma and that you did something bad in the past or the previous past life. Sam took a Greatest Mini Movies card but says he has no time to watch the videos. He told me that he does enjoy our brief conversations.

    1. That's great Dave, keep up the great work of evangelism!

  28. 1. John 6:63 The Spirit alone gives eternal life. Human effort accomplishes nothing. And the very words I have spoken to you are spirit and life.

    2. While on vacation at Key Lime Cove, I gave out a few greatestminimovies cards. I left one for the maintenance crew in our room at check out, I left one on the elevator. I left a few in peoples car doors in the parking lot, I even gave one to a cashier as we were paying for our merchandise. I hope someone picked up a card and looked at the videos.

    I also shared my testimony in my green book group.

    1. Great verse choose Brother Jose! Life giving words of the Lord!

    2. Excellent verse choice, Jose! Thanks for sharing it!


  29. 1.- Jn.6:28-29
    Then they asked him, "What must we do to do the works God requires?" Jesus answered, "The work of God is this: to believe in the one he has sent."

    They are the people who have witness the feeding miracle of the 5000 and other miracles. They are questioning what's required to do too obtain eternal life. They are only interested in doing what is required by them for their sole selfish purpose. A easy and quick way to appease their pompousness. God wants us to faithfully trust and believe in Him through Christ to receive eternal life, His gift for those who choose to believe in Christ.

    Not much has really change, to this day we come before our Lord to seek selfish gains, quick remedies and solutions to our daily lives

    2.- On Tuesday I was at the cps meeting at our church helping out when a young cater employee approach me and ask me for a cigarette, I said that I didn't smoke. After he left I realized I failed too seize the opportunity to give him a mini movie card, looking back I can see that this has happen to me on other occasions. So I made it my mission to seek him out so I could give him a mini card.
    As I saw him returning my way I approach him and ask him what his and his co-worker names. His name is Sean and his co-worker name is Joshua, I told him I have something else I can give him and his friend. He said sure and they both were friendly and receptive as I gave both of them a mini movie card and explained they were short Christian movies. They both took them and thank me and said they would watch them. I hope they will, they appeared interested.

    On Wednesday I also gave Ron a truck driver here at work a mini movie card, he said he is a Baptist and his morning devotion is the Daily Bread. Said he will watch, ask him to get back to me.

    And today I gave our department head Rick a mini movie card and told him my testimony, how I accepted Christ and how it's changing me daily. That I now attend church every Sunday, to praise and worship God. Said he is Catholic but never goes to church, said also that he does believe in God. Hope too seize another time to further discuss God when the opportunity is right.

  30. 1)The verse I chose is:

    John 6:39 “And this is the will of him who sent me, that I shall lose none of all those he has given me, but raise them up at the last day.”

    Just illustrating once again God's love for us totally and completely. How awesome that Christ outlines His mission, and it is all about us

    2) The day of the Convoy of Hope, I went really quick to Walgreens. As I was walking in there was a older heavyset man sitting on the concrete by the door, asking someone if they could get a water bottle for him. They gave him a weak excuse about being "too busy" and as I was coming back out, I bought him a water bottle. He asked me how much He owes me, and I just told him I give it to him in Jesus' name, and I gave him a card, letting him know that there are great movies explaining a lot of questions people have about God. He said he would look if he could. As I walked away, I could hear him say quietly "Thank You Jesus" :)

    1. That's awesome, Will! The story brought a smile to my face! :)

    2. Brother Will, ditto, I'm smiling from ear to ear. God bless your heart :-)

  31. 1) John 6:28-29 "Then they asked him, "What must we do to do the works God requires?" Jesus answered, "The work of God is this: to believe in the one he has sent."

    A great passage! So simple yet profound.

    2) I haven't really shared a full testimony. I have however talked to one of my friends about how I was prior to being more serious about God. Anyway, that friend (who is Catholic) seems very sincere in seeking God. We have already talked about God a lot. As a result, I'm looking for a good time to invite him to Crossover and church.

    1. Brother Alex, I prayed the Lord would use you to bring this friend to Christ and a receptive heart when invited to service.

  32. 1. 43 Jesus answered them, “Do not grumble among yourselves. 44 No one can come to me unless the Father who sent me draws him. And I will raise him up on the last day. 65 And he said, “This is why I told you that no one can come to me unless it is granted him by the Father.”

    Nobody can come to Jesus unless you believe in the Father. God Almighty has allowed us to come to him thru Jesus.

    2. Recently i gave a card to a brother that has been struggling with his faith. I have seen him at times reading his bible and i have shared the great mini movies card with him. He had a difficult time getting on until i showed him. I have given him an M3 card and told him to consider it as well.

  33. I love when Jesus says in ending of John 6:27
    "For on Him God the Father has placed his seal of approval." The Jews asked what what mist they do to follow the requirements(works) Of God?
    Jesus answered, “The work of God is this: to believe in the one he has sent.”
    John 6:29.
    It's funny. I wonder how many times(that was not recorded in bible) Jesus has said the same thing in different ways that one could understand that He is the son of God and sent (God)Jesus to save us all...

    I spoke to someone whom I've sent minicards and he actually he watched a couple videos ad said they were very interesting but it just wasn't for him. In his words " I guess I'm not looking for a savior or I'm not broken enough to need one, or maybe just not my time"?.. I didn't have a response to that but just said " I'm here for you or if you have questions I'm here".

    1. Brother Ish, you do what you can and God does the rest! "I'm not broken enough to need one"
      "Sometimes God has to break our backs so we'll bend our knees" (Author unknown)

  34. 1. “It is written in the prophets: ‘God will teach them all.’ People listen to the Father and learn from him. They are the ones who come to me.”
    ‭‭John‬ ‭6:45‬ ‭ERV. This verse shows me when we read his word we must not only hear it but put it into practice in are lives and do it.

    2. I haven't got to share any mini movies but will be looking for chances to hand them out.

  35. 1. John 6:68. Simon Peter replied, "Master, to whom shall we go ? You alone have the words that give eternal life, and we believe them and know you are the holy Son of God."
    Just as during the time of Jesus, some did not believe and left. At the same time, there were others who were true believers. They felt that they would follow him always. To leave him would be their doom. Today we see the same. Some find the love for Jesus, but it is not genuine. Jesus comes to us with the gift of eternal lift. To refuse it would be our doom.
    2. At this time I have not given out any cards. I do share testimony and the word I've been learning daily.

  36. 1 Your ancestors ate manna and died,
    Jesus is saying that what he has to offer is much better than what their ancestors had in the desert. Spiritual vs. physical.

    I was raised Catholic. I am so thankful that God opened my eyes to the truth.

    2 I am in the process of reaching out to a colleague at work who is a Catholic.

  37. 1. John 5:51 I am the living bread that came down from heaven. Whoever eats this bread will live forever. This bread is my flesh, which I will give for the life of the world.” Jesus is the bread of live and whoever believes in him with have eternal life. We must eat bread of life which is the words of God.

    2. I share with a coworker that I am Christian and that is the best life I can live. I explain why and how I became a Christian and how my life has change for the better. Then I invite him to church. He gave me an excuse that he was busy. I will continue to pray for him.
