Wed.8.5.15 Introduction to the Gospels and to John

For the past few months we have been in the OT. We studied through Proverbs and then Ecclesiastes. Now we are about to begin to discover the gold in the gospel of John. But before we jump right into John, let's get a bird's eye view of all four of the gospels. Gospel means good news. It's the good news that the promised Savior has come. By the time Jesus arrived, there was a great longing for the Messiah, since the Jews were under the cruel boot of Rome. Taxes were heavy and crucifixions were common for those who dared to rebel. 

When you read the gospels, keep in mind that Jesus lived in Israel under the law. He perfectly kept the old covenant law and then brought an end to it with his death, establishing a new covenant that centered on the new birth and growth in Christlike (MANLY) living. 

Here is a quick summary of the theme and the audience to which each of the four gospels focused on. (You can listen to a summary of this under the Resources tab beginning halfway through the third of the four audio tracks right under our GREAT scoreboard link.)

Matthew – The Messiah King of Israel.        Written for the Jews who longed for their Messiah.

Mark- The Suffering Servant.                    Written for the Romans who ruled over so many.

Luke- Son of Man-God's Perfect Man.          Written for the Greeks who prized human perfection.

John- Son of God- Man's Perfect God          Written for the world who all need eternal life.

A Comparison / Contrast Chart of the Gospels 

The Syn-optics: (a similar viewpoint)
  Matthew, Mark, Luke                                                       The Gospel of John
Parables- about 30 different ones                                      Parables- None
Public teachings are common                                            Private teachings are common
Practical teachings                                                          Personal teachings  (I Am...)                           

The Synoptic Problem               
Bible scholars have labeled it "The Synoptic Problem." They are referring to the fact that when you compare the same story that Matthew, Mark or Luke records, you will find variations. Those who expect 21st century journalism to be used by the gospel writers have a problem. Some even call such contradictions. (But God guided the gospel writers. The variations were not due to fading memories.) For example, Matthew records there were two Gadarene demoniacs (8:28). Yet Mark (5:2) and Luke (8:27) only refer to one. How could anyone forget that there were two demonized men?! They didn't. They wanted to focus on the man who wanted to follow Jesus. This is the lesson that both Mark and Luke were seeking to communicate. People whom the Lord has freed should want to follow him. We can't physically follow Jesus as people could then. But one way we now can follow him is by doing what that transformed man did. He went and told others about Jesus. We are seeking to do the same as we share Greatest Mini-movies cards and our testimonies as well.

The Gospel of John
Like many books, the gospel of John has an introduction (1:1-18), body, and conclusion (ch.21). The body of the book has been divided by scholars into two sections or books- the book of signs (ch.1:19-ch.12) and the book of glory (ch.13-20). The first section or book of signs, covers Jesus three and a half year earthly ministry. The second section, the book of glory covers just the last week of Jesus' life, death and resurrection. Thus, the last third of the gospel focuses on that very short span of time- the time that changed world history, and your life and mine. 

John, who was one of the 12 apostles, also wrote 1st, 2nd and 3rd John and the book of Revelation. You may know that John refers to groups of 7 several times in Revelation, such as 7 letters to 7 churches, 7 seals, 7 trumpets and 7 bowls of wrath. (We will eventually study that awesome book too.) John also refers to groups of seven in his gospel, yet without naming the number. For example, many have noted that John presents: 

7 "I am" statements of Christ.       
“I am the bread of life; he who comes to Me shall not hunger.” John 6:35
“I am the light of the world; he who fallows Me shall not walk in the darkness, but shall have the light of life.” John 8:12  
“I am the gate; if anyone enters through Me, he shall be saved, and shall go in and out, and find pasture.” John 10:9
“I am the good shepherd; the good shepherd lays down His life for His sheep.” John 10:11
“I am the resurrection and the life; he who believes in Me shall live even if he dies.” John 11:25
“I am the way, and the truth, and the life; no one comes to the Father, but through Me.” John 14:6
“I am the true vine, and My Father is the vine-dresser.” John 15:1  

7 miraculous signs Jesus performed leading up to his crucifixion and resurrection.  
turning water into wine (2.1–11); 
curing the royal official's son (4.46–54); 
curing a paralytic (5.1–5); 
feeding the 5,000 (6.1–15); 
walking on water (6.16–21); 
healing a blind man (9.1–41); 
raising Lazarus from the dead (11.1–44).

Here are other groups of 7 that I unearthed from my own study of John's gospel.

7 bearing witness to Jesus' deity (The Father, the Son, the Holy Spirit, the miracles, the OT Scriptures, John the Baptist, and people.) 

7 people or people groups who put their faith in Jesus- the disciples (2;11), the Samaritans (4;42), the royal official and his household (4:53), the blind man (9:38), Martha (11:27), people within the crowd (11:45), Mary Magdalene (20:18).

7 major movements apart from the beginning (ch.1) and ending (ch.21) of the book- the area of Galilee ch.2; Jerusalem ch.3; Samaria ch.4:1-42; back to Galilee ch.4:43-54; back to Jerusalem ch.5; back to the Sea of Galilee area ch.6; back to Jerusalem area ch.7-20

7 places- Bethany beyond the Jordan; Cana, Caperaum, Jerusalem, Salim, Sychar and Bethany near Jerusalem. This reminds us that John roots his stories in real places which his readers could visit to verify these things with their inhabitants. They weren't made up tall tales.

7 times Jesus refers to his death and resurrection- 2:22; 3;14; 6:51; 12:7; 12:32-33; 13;19; 13:21

Watch the following short video clip on Jesus in the gospel of John.

1.- Since today is an overview of all four of the gospels, let's do something different. Feel free to pick any passage within the four gospels. Read it and share a verse or phrase from it that caught your attention and some of your thoughts about it. Then look for others to share it with.

2.- Christ is the good news we have received. Share about an opportunity you've had recently to share that good news with others via your testimony or via giving out a Greatest Mini-movies card. 

Thanks for faithfully remembering to go the the scoreboard. As you do, see how your teammates are doing. Are there any who haven't put up any points yet this week? By all means contact them! Don't expect someone else to do it. You and I are our brother's keeper (body guard). "Be devoted to one another in brotherly love" Rom.12:10. Thanks!

Today is a big day! I am happy to introduce two friends of mine who are joining M3 today. Nic Palheygi invited his friend Mike Dunn to join. He and Mike go all the way back to high school days together. He attends New Life Oak Forest and is a master wood furniture craftsman. Mike has already jumped in a couple days ago and shared gold. He will enrich you as well. Welcome Mike!

The other brother I want to introduce lives near me and so we've been able to go on several walks together. He is a real outdoorsman who just got back from mountain climbing in the Rockies. He is a graduate of MBI and was a missionary with Inner City Impact starting just after I left in 1988 when I came on staff with New Life. He is a leader at New Life Oak Forest and a computer whiz who has helped me with this blog and M3 various times. He is also the one that gave Greatest Mini-Movies a major facelift. He is in charge of an entire school's computers and systems. Please welcome with me my good friend and Dave DeBoer's good friend, Tim Dearborn. 

Congratulations also to Dave DeBoer who now graduates from Basic Training and is officially welcomed and honored as a Coach in M3 with the rank of R1. 

Congratulations also to Nic who now holds the rank of R2 as a Coach!

It's coming! Our next M3 meeting will be on Sunday, Aug.16th at 11:30 AM in New Life Midway's break room. I have a special guest to introduce to you. See you there!

Would you dare to climb up a 177' tower to dive as this man did? And what's that got to do with tomorrow's lesson? Not much, but you'll see :)


  1. 1. "I am the way, the truth , and the life; no one comes to the father except through me."
    John 16:4. One of my favorite verses as I use it to confirm to questionable believers that Jesus is in fact the son of man and God has bestowed upon Jesus all authority to be the final judge through the father. He is who we need to please as he and Gid are as 1 and no one can come to the a Kingdom without Jesus final blessing. Our Savior, Messiah, Lord.
    2. Gave a card to a man in Springfield Missouri who is originally from Africa. I found him deep in the Word and a solid believer, and we immediately began texting scripture and commentary regularly. He wants to become part of M3 and will be a large contributor. Watch for his name--Jimmy

    1. Wow. Our boarders are expanding. Amen Jack!

    2. Very good Jack. I already planned on calling Jimmy again today.

    3. Way to go Jack, internationally :-)

    4. Fantastic verse to be shared with all that surround us.

    5. Excellent verse choice, Jack! I chose the same one too.

      Good job with the recruitment!

  2. 1. John 1:2-3 "He was in the beginning with God. All things were made through him, and without him was not any thing made that was made."
    Having a finite mind sometimes it is hard for me to grasp the fact that God has no beginning. But I do accept this truth through faith because the Bible clearly states this. What a wonderful privilege to serve the only true God that has always existed and always will.
    2. I gave one of the greatest mini movies card to a friend that has been going through some hard times in his life, he was very thankful for the card.

    1. That's great that you are there for your friend. Keep being available to him. Great job Roger!

    2. Very good Roger. Yes, it's mind bending to try and imagine a God with no beginning. Yet, try and imagine if God had a beginning, How did He come about and what existed before Him? Wow! It's easier to accept an eternal God.

    3. Brother Roger, I can't wrap my mind around that either but we can thank God He's shown Himself to be faithful.

    4. He was,is, and always will be our 1 and only God.
      I can see him work in you Roger-- what a beautiful thing

  3. Matt. 6;33 But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these will be given to you as well......I learned that one when I was young, My little one took a mini movies she hasn't told what she watched yet

    1. Super cool that your daughter got a card. Multiplying Womanly Women. Might need to rethink the name M2W.

    2. Great verse which I see others like too!
      Cute Eddie :)

    3. Brother Flo, I often recall that Scripture as a reminder. Good choice :-)

    4. Great verse for all of us to follow.

    5. Florida. That's cool to see you as the Spiritual leader- keep your faith

    6. Flo, I'm happy to hear that you shared a card with your "little one".

    7. I love the verse choice, Flo!

  4. 1.But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well. Matt 6:33
    I love this because it helps me put my priorities where they need to be.
    2. I haven't been doing well in this regard.

    1. Someone just joined on your behalf Dave, I think that is some fruit of your conversations. And yes a great verse.

    2. Dave, you have the heart of an evangelist. I know you will take off again in this area.

    3. Brother Dave D, setting priorities, well done :-)

    4. Amen we all need to evaluate what our priorities are.

  5. 1Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.”
    John 8:32 Jesus is the truth.

    2. I recently went to get my pedicure on my feet. I shared with the gal that was doing my feet how the Lord has been working in my life.

    1. Amen the truth brings so much freedom! And that's a great story. Anywhere and every where we can share Christ.

    2. Excellent George. You are seeing opportunities and taking them out of love and gratitude.

    3. Brother George, I've never had a pedi but I hear their grrrrrrt! Good way to make the most of a captive audience :-)

    4. Great way to be a testimony everywhere you go.

  6. 1- John 8:58
    Jesus said to them, “Truly, truly, I say to you, before Abraham was, I am.”

    Jesus used the words "I am" but i like in this verse how he blew peoples minds and how they wanted to kill him right there for saying this particular "I am". Saying that before the Abraham, the father of the faith was born Jesus was already in existence.

    2- I haven't been very active in this area of handing out cards.

    1. You can do it Lou. You're great at talking with people. Loves your road map devo the other day too.

    2. "You will do great things and surely triumph" 1 Sam.26:25

    3. Brother Lou, you're right, that phrase blew them away! Keep up the good work :-)

    4. That indeed is a very powerful statement Luis; and very helpful to remember. Thanks for sharing that.

    5. Brother Lou, you're right, that phrase blew them away! Keep up the good work :-)

    6. Suggestion, we both could pass on cards out in community, or random areas??

  7. In John 10:11 Jesus said “I am the good shepherd; the good shepherd lays down His life for His sheep.”

    I thank God that he gave His life for us. We might not ever have to do that but we can definitely share what He has done for us.

    I pray that we seek opportunities to enrich the lives of others by sharing the word of God.

    2. My son's uncle which is 10 years old was visiting us for a few days. He tagged along with my son to his music lesson.

    On the way out, Fernando did not see a second flight of stairs behind him (hidden by a curtain) and fell down a long steep flight of stairs. He was rushed to the hospital. Thankfully he was mostly alright. He was bruised and battered. While I was waiting in the ER, I noticed a man in his twenties getting wheeled around. I gave him my last card and said that the movies can change his life. It looks like he took a peek on his phone but not sure if he watched one. I pray that he does.

    1. Amen Sam. You're viligent. Watchful. Attentive. Love that. And glad to hear your brother in law is doing well. Blessings Sam.

    2. Yes, thanks be to God that he is alright. And thanks for being a sower of the gospel Sam.

    3. Brother Sam, I'm glad everything is alright. Way to share :-)

  8. 1. Then he turned toward the woman and said to Simon, “Do you see this woman? I came into your house. You did not give me any water for my feet, but she wet my feet with her tears and wiped them with her hair. You did not give me a kiss, but this woman, from the time I entered, has not stopped kissing my feet. You did not put oil on my head, but she has poured perfume on my feet. Therefore, I tell you, her many sins have been forgiven—as her great love has shown. But whoever has been forgiven little loves little.” Luke 7:44-47

    I love and serve the Lord out of gratitude for all He has, is and continues to do in my life!!!!!!!

    2. I shared my testimony with a friend at the gym recently.

    Brother Tim, welcome to M3! I'm confident you'll be richly blessed by this ministry. God bless you :-)

    1. What a great Scripture passage Robert and a great reminder why we serve- grateful love.
      Glad you saw and took the opportunity to share at the gym.

    2. Martha, Martha. Can you even imagine JESUS in your house and not praising him. You are a faithful and loyal servant and I'm proud to call you friend

    3. What a great reminder Robert, we do need to remember how much we have been forgiven, for which we should praise him much!

  9. 1. So I challenged the Queretaro Mission team to read through John. Unbeknownst to me we were going to start reading it in M3. Taken back and have been digging in John 2. However this verse stuck out to me, just like it stuck out to the disciples. John 2:17 "His (Jesus) disciples remembered that it is written: 'Zeal for your house will consume me.'"

    It is from Psalm 69:9, a prayer of David's. I pray that we would be men who have zeal for the Lord so much so that it would consume all of us!

    2. I am gearing up for Queretaro, but on a mission to get Jose Carillo signed up in M3. I won't leave until he does...jk.

    1. Very good Eddie!
      Jose told me he wasn't going to sign up until after you all left. Could be a Mexican stand off. :)

    2. Brother Eddie, go get'em :-). May the Lord provide you with traveling mercies!

    3. Eddie. I too have been reading John and didn't know it was next for M3.
      Thanks for your inspirational posts and consistent service to Gid and NL

  10. 1. Already been mentioned a couple of times, but Matthew 6:33 has been my life verse for over 3 decades - "Seek first His kingdom and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you."

    2. Not exactly my testimony, but we had two new students on Sunday with whom I was able to share the Gospel (through a bridge illustration) for about 30 minutes.

    1. Welcome aboard Tim! Looking forward to walking with you this evening.
      Sharing the gospel definitely counts! That's excellent!

  11. 1
    Something the always stands out is in Luke
    Luk 14:27 Whoever does not bear his own cross and come after me cannot be my disciple.
    The Cost of discipleship is high but worthy and since I can consider myself there is still much to go and an enduring road ahead to continue in sanctification.

    One of the last cards I gave out they did not look at it right away and then I was contacted and they said the messages on the site were really powerful

    1. Brother Gary, sanctification, a lifelong process but I thank God we're on the right road to salvation. God bless you :-)

    2. Excellent Gary! I'll be quoting you regarding your outreach.

    3. Mmm. Amen brother, I was just talking about that to young man I'm mentoring about "counting the costs". May you continue on what's pleasing to the Lord brotha.

  12. 1) “The ax is already at the root of the trees, and every tree that does not produce good fruit will be cut down and thrown into the fire.””
    ‭‭Luke‬ ‭3:9‬ ‭

    2) I recently went thru a Wendy's drive thru and as I paid for my lunch I handed the card to the cashier. I told them "you have to check out this link! It has some great movies on there!!" They pulled there phone out right there and started looking up the link

    1. Brother Rich, great idea, drive-thru evangelism :-)

    2. Excellent Rich! I second Robert :)

  13. Welcome Tim, glad to have you on board. ... brother!

    1. John 20:29 Then Jesus told him, "Because you have seen me, you have believed; blessed are those who have not seen and yet have believed. "

    This verse is great. Man (humans) always struggle to believe and pretty much doubt meant things unleaded it is proven or seen. In this verse it shows the impact of an unbeliever who believes. Blessed are those! Wow! What faith!

    2. On Monday i met a neighbor that i have seen for 11 years but we never had the opportunity to introduce ourselves. We made small talk that lasted for hours. Currently he is going thru a difficult time and opened up. I thank the Lord for the Holy Spirit talking to him thru me. Have him a card and during a short drive he was watching the videos in my car. I explained to him how much God lives him and and he said he would like to attend service this week. Please pray for our brother that he is going thru some difficult times.

    1. Excellent Horacio. It was great listening to you share more about the above opportunity you took to truly love your neighbor.

  14. 1. John 3:16 For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life

    I decided to read John 3:1 - 21 because of this well known verse. Its good to hear the background of why this verse was stated. Jesus was explaining to Nicodemus about being born again from the Spirit and being a believer in order to get into Heaven..

    2. I've talked to my wifes cousin at a Bday party about how I'm trying to be a better person through God.

    1. Excellent Chuy! I will be sharing your words with others next week.

    2. That has to be one of the greatest verses in the Bible Chuy. Only the Holy Spirit helps you to understand it's rich and deep meaning.

  15. 1) All things were made through him, and without him was not any thing made that was made. John 1:3

    Reminds me to always know that everything I have and will ever have is through God alone.

    2) when I went to to legacy conference I met a leader from a church in Minneapolis and told him he wanted a good place for his men at the church to grow with God, that he should check out the sites I gave him.

    1. Good job at carrying the message Andre!

    2. Yes indeed Andre! Christ is the source of everything.
      Way to go for promoting M3!

  16. 1- John 3:17 New International Version (NIV)
    17 For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through him.

    I was talking to my wife about this verse today. Amazing that we going through the book of John now. If God doesn't condemn then who am I to condemn anyone. This verse just keeps me in the straight and narrow. It keep me humble and not judge anyone.

    2- I have not pass out the cards but I have talk to people about God. Its amazing how once you get going talking about God it just come naturally and you just want to talk more about what God has done for you.

    1. Thats great Vince! I need to get out there and start sharing the good news more often like you brother.

    2. You are a lover of God and of people Vince.

    3. Brother Vince, love the fact that you can and do discuss the Word of God with your spouse.

  17. 1. John 14:6 “I am the way, and the truth, and the life; no one comes to the Father, but through Me.
    I always loved this verse!

    2. Unfortunately i have not shares any greatest mini movie cards lately. I will get back on track tomorrow. I did share my testimony with a brother i met downtown at a Christian concert last week.

    1. So good talking with you yesterday Phil. You are in my heart and prayers.

    2. Jesus puts it so clear to us, no gray in between just black and white

  18. 1. “Beloved, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits to see whether they are from God, for many false prophets have gone out into the world. ‭‭1 John‬ ‭4:1‬ ‭ESV

    This hit me because I've been hearing a lot about false teachers. I feel we have to be on are toes. That's why it is important to continue gain wisdom through his word so we won't be mislead.

    2. I got to give a mini movie card to my brother David. I'm hoping he will watch a couple videos and start to get back on the right track with God.

    1. James, it's a good idea to give them to family. I'll have to pass some on to my brothers.

    2. Lord, we ask you give Jame's brother David a curiosity to watch some of the videos. And we pray that you would open his eyes to realize the truths that are shared. Touch David's heart to sense the reality of your love for him, and his need for You in his life. Let David see Christ clearly living in James, and that one day soon, David would ask to have that same relationship for himself.

  19. 1. Later, as Jesus left the town, he saw a tax collector named Levi sitting at his tax collector's booth. "Follow me and be my disciple," Jesus said to him. (NLT) -Luke 5:27. I like this verse because it calls me to be a disciple of Jesus. Disciple means a follower or student of a teacher, leader, or philosopher and this is what we do in M3. To cast our old sinful lives to follow and serve the Almighty Jesus.

    2. This past Monday I share with a co-worker the mini movies card and invited him to church. My friend keeps saying I am an atheist and I do not believe in God. I keep saying, it‘s ok you are still welcome at church. So, I invite him to attend, listen and learn about God the creator of life. I pray that God would soften his heart to receive the gospel.

    1. Oscar, Good job, Keep planting the seeds with your co-worker.

  20. Mike & Tim Welcome to M3!

    1 – Matthew 6:19 “Don’t store up treasures here on earth, where moths eat them and rust destroys them, and where thieves break in and steal. 20 Store your treasures in heaven, where moths and rust cannot destroy, and thieves do not break in and steal. 21 Wherever your treasure is, there the desires of your heart will also be. I like this verse because it’s a good reminder to not focus on material things. God doesn’t want us to be materialistic, He wants our hearts.

    2 – I gave out a couple cards to servers but I didn’t have a chance to talk to them.

    1. You chose a great verse George. May our greatest treasure be from heaven, and may it be Christ Himself.

    2. Ahh, yes great passage. I concur

    3. Brother George, great verse, I like that one myself. Your a great brother in Christ thanks for everything.

  21. 1) Mark 10:45 For even the Son of Man did not come to be served but to serve, and give his life for a ransom for many.

    There is no greater example of what it is to be a perfect servant then Jesus. He set aside the use of His divine powers and supreme majesty to lovingly serve man where man needed the most help. Though Jesus deserved it, and had full right to the total service of man, He did not come to be served by man but to serve man for whom He gave all the He had left to pay the ransom owed to God's wrath and judgment for man's sin. And all this did not diminish Jesus' glory but only brightened it exceedingly more before the eyes of those He served. Those who chose to follow Him in such service will be considered great by Him.

    2) It's been a little while since I last shared a Greatest Mini-Movies card. It was to a college friend of my daughter who came over to our home to turn in a job application for work. He stayed for dinner. He said that he would definitely check out the videos.

  22. 1. (Mark 8:34-38 NIV) Then he called the crowd to him along with his disciples and said: "Whoever wants to be my disciple must deny themselves and take up their cross and follow me. For whoever wants to save their life will lose it, but whoever loses their life for me and for the gospel will save it. What good is it for someone to gain the whole world, yet forfeit their soul? Or what can anyone give in exchange for their soul? If anyone is ashamed of me and my words in this adulterous and sinful generation, the Son of Man will be ashamed of them when he comes in his Father's glory with the holy angels." - Lord hear our Prayer.

    2. I have been sharing with some students I work with who have asked me of my beliefs personally lately. I was pleased to hear their concerns and ask them if I can pray for them in the matters of their worry. I dropped the word like a hammer on people before and I have been re-evaluating my strategy for being a friend that will walk along side them when it gets tough, and I can show them that God walks along side them too, and is waiting for them to ask for His hand.

    1. Richard, I like the way you said this - God walks along side them too, and is waiting for them to ask for His hand.

    2. Brother Rich P, you reminded me of 2 Corinthians 1:3-5 "Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of compassion and the God of all comfort, who comforts us in all our troubles, so that we can comfort those in any trouble with the comfort we ourselves receive from God. For just as we share abundantly in the sufferings of Christ, so also our comfort abounds through Christ." Great having you on board M3 :-)

  23. 1. John 4:34. " my food " Jesus said to them, " is to obey the will of the one who sent me and to finish the work he gave me to do.
    In the previous verses the disciples were begging Jesus to eat. They were more concerned in satisfying their hunger . Jesus was telling them That his food was doing God's will and doing the work he was given to do. This work was to bring the Word to everyone who would listen.
    2. Last week I was looking for a stove for my daughter. I found one on Craigslist. I went to check it out. Turned out to be a good one. I ask the young woman who was selling it, why she was selling such a good stove. She said she was returning to Uruguay. We had some small talk. But she seemed to be in a far off world. I was leaving but I walked back and asked if I could pray for her safe trip and her new start. She did not hesitate to answer , yes. I did pray for her . She thanked me, and I left. It was only after I was too far away that I remembered the mini cards . I have to keep them on me from here on. When the Lord puts it in you heart to do something, do it . Don't talk yourself out of it.

  24. 1. Matthew 6:25-34 25 “Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or drink; or about your body, what you will wear. Is not life more than food, and the body more than clothes? 26 Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they? 27 Can any one of you by worrying add a single hour to your life[a]?

    28 “And why do you worry about clothes? See how the flowers of the field grow. They do not labor or spin. 29 Yet I tell you that not even Solomon in all his splendor was dressed like one of these. 30 If that is how God clothes the grass of the field, which is here today and tomorrow is thrown into the fire, will he not much more clothe you—you of little faith? 31 So do not worry, saying, ‘What shall we eat?’ or ‘What shall we drink?’ or ‘What shall we wear?’ 32 For the pagans run after all these things, and your heavenly Father knows that you need them. 33 But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well. 34 Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own."

    In short, I struggle IMMENSELY with worry.

    2. The last time I can recall sharing the gospel with anyone was about two years ago when I met a homeless guy outside of The Home Depot. I have since kept in touch with him and have tried to help whenever possible.

    My faith has been weak lately. I haven't mentioned the gospel to anyone since I've wavered so much. I'd rather not say anything at all then push someone away due to my own struggles with God.


    1. You and i picked same passage bit different books, either way may we always be affirmed that God alway paves a way for us.

    2. Don't let this period of weakness define you, brother. Like you, my faith has also been weak lately. I must confess that I have had bouts of doubt and disbelief. Part of this arises from recent sins and failures. The rest is a reminder that my faith is not nearly as strong as it should be because I continue to define my relationship with God by my current situation in life. I've even struggled to post to this blog because I feel like a hypocrite, but then I realize that this is exactly what the enemy want's me to think. If I let him, he will sink his talons into me and keep me from posting or sharing God's Word. He will fill me with shame and guilt to the point that I lose sight of God's mercy and forgiveness. Rebuke the enemy. Remind him of the name of the Lord you serve...the Lord who saved you and set you free. Drive him away in the holy name of Jesus Christ when he attempts to whisper lies into your ear. You know the way back into your Father's arms. They await, open to receive and embrace you again.

    3. Thanks for sharing Mike, your testimony is powerful and potent. You are a great leader of your family, friends and others you meet. Live in your victories brother!

    4. So glad you are with us Mike. As you. can see, you are in a band of encouraging brothers. Where you are at now is not where you will be. Persevere in faith with us. Your Father is for you and so are we.

  25. 1. “The Light shines in the darkness, and the darkness did not comprehend it.”
    ‭‭John‬ ‭1:5
    In our day we are still blind to the light. The people in Jesus day were looking for a conquering king not a suffering servant. gods lived in temples built by hand but here was God in the flesh and many missed the opportunity. We need to pray for people's eyes to be enlightened.

    2. I gave a card to one of my students. She confessed to being liberal in her beliefs and grew up going to a liberal church. I told her that my views are probably a lot more conservative but challenged her to go back to the bible afresh and gave her a mini movies card and invited her to church.

    1. Nic, sounds great what your are doing with students. Putting full use of your tools that God has given you

    2. Amen, Nic. I grew up with this notion that Jesus could very well be among us, disguised as the farthest thing we'd expect from godliness: a beggar on the street, a child, our neighbor. Would any of us recognize Him? Are we any different from the men and women who lived in His time? We cannot hope to recognize our Lord and savior unless we open our hearts to Him and make the time to build a relationship with Him.

    3. Brother Nic, I thank God for you and how He's using you at your workplace to be salt and light to this lost and broken world.

    4. Every time I share the gospel with someone, I remember that verse. We should be disciplined to do as you say, "pray for people's eyes to be enlightened." I want to share that with my students during orientation this year for school, I doubt many would catch it's specific reference.

    5. Very good Nic! It was good talking with you last night. You are in my heart and prayers.

  26. 1. Then Jesus said to his disciples: “Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat; or about your body, what you will wear. For life is more than food, and the body more than clothes. Consider the ravens: They do not sow or reap, they have no storeroom or barn; yet God feeds them. And how much more valuable you are than birds!
    When times may come to be weary or doubtful about "life", Jesus affirms us from the smallest animal of any element will he provide, how much more will He take care of us.

    2. At this point I have not shared.

    1. Brother Ismael, I understand how difficult it can be to find ourselves in a place to share God's word with others. I know you to be a man who knows the Word and can cite scripture better than I can. If it helps you complete this MANLY duty, I encourage you to share any verse from scripture with me tomorrow that speaks to you at any point throughout your day. You can text me at (956) 212-4694. I will do the same. God bless, brother. Hope you've been well.

  27. 1. “I am the light of the world; he who fallows Me shall not walk in the darkness, but shall have the light of life.” John 8:12 

    As most of you know I came from being an atheist. Those days had my life filled with darkness, hatred, and anger. But since I turned my life over to christ, it's been filled with compassion, love, and righteousness. The lord has definitely lightened up my life.

    2. I've shares my testimony to Patrick, a brother who I'm working on recruiting. He run into a few problems that are stopping him from joining, but by Friday we are going to get everything done.we talk a lot and shared our testimonies with each other. Turns out we have a lot in common.

  28. John 3:29 "The bride belongs to the bridegroom. The friend who attends the bridegroom waits and listens for him, and is full of joy when he hears the bridegroom's voice. That joy is mine, and it is now complete."

    These words should be inscribed in the heart of every M3 man. "The bride belongs to the bridegroom." The Church belongs to Christ who saved us. "The friend who attends to the bridegroom waits and listens for him." As stewards of Christ's church, we listen, patiently and attentively, for His voice in our hearts and carry out the purpose He defines for us...a purpose which is to be of service to His church. "...and is full of joy when he hear's the bridegroom's voice." Through our study of Scripture, we seek Christ's instruction and the word of God. We rejoice upon understanding what the Word contains for us. Each of us hears it differently, but directly from God's mouth and into our heart. It feeds us and we are satisfied by it each day. "That joy is mine..." What greater joy do we experience each day than to share God's Word with each other and the world? "...and it is now complete." These are the words we long to speak upon on the day that we are called before God, "My work is complete, Lord. I have done all that you have instructed of me, because I listened when you called me and I listened to your Word." We should all be as humble and mission-driven as John the Baptist, carrying out our mission to share the Good News and make clear the path for the coming of the Lord, even unto death.

    I recently described the last time I shared the wisdom I have gained from my study of the Word. It happened at work, one morning, when a colleague abruptly asked me, "Why are some people so cruel...why is it that no matter the good we try to do, there is always someone to ruin it?" (or something very close to that). I regret that I did not have the particular verse from Scripture to answer her question. If she was seeking my advice, I was not prepared to give it. My response was, "As long as there is darkness in the world, we must be the light shining through the darkness. We must be the difference we seek in the world. If not us...who?" Not being in a place to dive any deeper into this question, I gave the answer that came to my heart. At the time, I was overcoming a dark time in my life myself. This was not me speaking...I was angry, and my words would have sounded more like, "Just suck it up and deal with it. Sh#$ happens. You just have to keep on moving." (Yeah, I have a problem with being cold-hearted and foolish with my words like that.) Instead, the Holy Spirit inspired my response. It shined a light through the darkness I had allowed to penetrate my heart and gave me the right words to remind my colleague that we all have a higher calling...a responsibility to be reflections of Christ's love.

    1. Brother Osiris, I too have been caught on my heels not knowing how to answer someone's question(s). When that occurs, I simply say, "I don't know, but we can both seek to find the answers through Biblical study and we can review/share what we've learned". That's why this ministry is such a blessing because it's preparing/training us for such a time as this. Keep shining brother, you're doing a great job :-)

      Deuteronomy 29:29 "The secret things belong to the Lord our God, but the things revealed belong to us and to our children forever, that we may follow all the words of this law."

      Mark 13:11 "Whenever you are arrested and brought to trial, do not worry beforehand about what to say. Just say whatever is given you at the time, for it is not you speaking, but the Holy Spirit."

    2. That's excellent Osiris. Also I appreciate your transparency and the encouragement you've given once again to several others.

  29. 1) John 14:6 "Jesus answered, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me."

    Jesus is the only way.

    2) As I have not been out much for the summer, I have not shared any cards. I think it will be a lot easier when I go back to school because I'll be around a lot of people.

  30. 1. John 1:1-3, 14 says " 1 In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. 2 He was with God in the beginning. 3 Through him all things were made; without him nothing was made that has been made. 14 The Word became flesh and made his dwelling among us. We have seen his glory, the glory of the one and only Son, who came from the Father, full of grace and truth." --- long story short! Newsflash! ----- "Jesus is God !!!!"

    2. Today, I met a man, Jay, from Toronto, Canada, whom is originally from India. I shared my testimony with him and we talked about God for an hour :). I also shared Christ with a Contractor friend of mine who is not saved. It felt great to plant and water some seeds of faith :)

    1. Great verse and post, Tio!

      You are always hard at work reaching and witnessing to others. Good job!

    2. Excellent Israel! I will be sharing your words next week.

  31. 1.- Matt. 6:34
    Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own.

    I like this verse because it reminds me what Christ says to us about how today and present is to be enjoyed and treasured. To surrender your worries and not to be overly concern about tomorrow because tomorrow is not promised.

    Php. 4:6
    Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.

    1 Peter 5:7
    Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you.

    Ps. 55:22
    Cast your cares on the LORD and he will sustain you, he will never let the righteous be shaken.

    2.- Last week I shared with my sister how Christ is working in my life. Explain to her how I learned to love people and not to be judgmental of them that Christ calls for us to love one another always. For us not to be cynical and critical of others for we all have faults.

  32. 1 Matthew 8:3 Jesus reached out his hand and touched the man. “I am willing,” he said. “Be clean!”Immediately he was cleansed of his leprosy.

    I like this verse a lot because it demonstrates Jesus' love and willingness to reach out. His character is much different than what most people assume of him, that he is indifferent and distant.

    2 I sent the minimovie link to my brother and invited him to join M3

    1. Excellent Ed!
      How are you doing getting settled in?
