Tues.8.25.15...Feeding the 5,000...John 6:1-15

It was such a powerful miracle that all four gospels record it. Let's dig into it now to discover what lessons it has for us. 

Some time after the healing of the invalid in John 5, Jesus traveled back up North to the area of the Sea of Galilee, which is actually a fresh water lake, about 21 miles long by 8 miles across at its widest part. It was also called the Sea of Tiberius in honor of the Roman emperor, Tiberius Caesar. Though Capernaum (in the upper center of the lake) was Jesus' base of operations, he traveled to Bethsaida (house of fish) where Philip, Andrew and Peter were from (John 1:44). Then he left for a lonely place with his disciples after news of the beheading of John the Baptist, but the crowds followed him. (Note: The storm at sea on the map below is a different one [Mt.8:23-27] than tomorrow's strong winds at sea story in John 6:16-21.) Alright, enough with the geography. The point is that these things happened in real places, with real people, not like the stories of some religions with their accounts of long, long ago, far, far away. You could ask the people then who lived around the Sea of Galilee and they would be able to tell you about the miracles of Jesus. Many would have eaten some of the multiplied fish and bread. Cool! The skeptic would have had thousands of people to interview regarding this and many other miracles Jesus performed around the Sea of Galilee.

Speaking of that miracle meal, please read that story found in John 6:1-15. You can find great insights from David Guzik's commentary if you wish. He covers the whole chapter, so just stop when you come to the end of v.15. https://www.blueletterbible.org/Comm/guzik_david/StudyGuide_Jhn/Jhn_6.cfm

1.- What strikes you about this passage? Pick out one verse or phrase and share some of your good thoughts regarding it.

Here's one that grabbed me. After feeding the 5,000 men, plus the women and children that would certainly would have been there too, Jesus tells his disciples, "Gather the pieces that are left over. Let nothing be wasted." Okay, I can imagine as a boy, my mom, who was raised in the depression, saying such. "Just think of all the hungry children in the world!" But why would John, writing this evangelistic book, bother to include this statement? The other gospel writers just say that the disciples gathered up the leftovers. Is John just giving us theological leverage for making our kids eat leftovers? Or is he trying to communicate something more to us than simply that Jesus doesn't want us to waste food?  Asking questions makes me dig for answers. So here's what I discovered as I did a word study. The NIV says, "Gather the pieces that are left over. Let nothing be wasted." But the word wasted (apoletai) is also translated spoils in 6:27; perish in John 3:16; and lose or lost in 6:39. (See also 10:28; 17:12; 18:9) In all of these contexts it's dealing with perishing versus eternal life. Thus, 6:12 could also be translated: "Gather the pieces that are left. Let none be lost." Let none be lost. Isn't this the heart of John the evangelist and far more so the heart of our Savior? O Lord, may it be more and more my heart, that none should be lost. Thank you that you came to seek to save me, the lost sheep. It didn't matter that you had 99. You laid down your life to rescue and restore me. Thank you! Help me be a good shepherd to others. 

2.- As we think about letting none be lost, let's watch another one of our www.greatestminimovies.com that you haven't viewed yet. Share its title and a little bit of what it's about. Then be on the lookout to share this link or your mini-movies cards with others. Eddie, Sam and others gave out several cards at the Convoy of Hope prayer tent on Saturday. Way to go!

As you go from here to our scoreboard, be on the lookout for how your fireteam brothers are doing. If you don't see any of their points on the board for yesterday, then show your commitment to them and give them a call of encouragement. No man left behind. No man to fall behind. Udabest!   

3.-Optional: On our above map, you will see the names of Korazin, Bethsaida and Capernaum close together. As mentioned, Capernaum was Jesus' base of operations, and in those three towns, Jesus did most of his miracles. So you may be shocked to see what Jesus says in Mt. 11:20-24. Briefly summarize it.  


  1. 1 John 6:11 " Jesus then took the loaves, gave thanks and distributed them to all who were seated, as much as they wanted, then he did the same with the fish ."
    Bread comes from grain which can multiply, but
    Grain is crushed when used to make bread leaving the grain dead. But Jesus multiplied the bread as he is also the only 1 who can bring life to the dead.

    1. Great analogy of how God can multiply the bread.

    2. 2. The uniqueness of Chrisianity was a great mini movie-- as it clarifies how Christian faith in Our Savior Jesus is the only way. Trust in him as he paid for our sins through his sacrifice of his blood to give us freedom and Salvation. All we must do is believe in him and repent, and live lives worthy of him.

  2. 1. John 6:14 "When the people saw the sign that he had done, they said, "This is indeed the Prophet who is to come into the world!"
    How wonderful it must have been to me amongst the people that witnessed this great miracle and they believed in Him.
    How great it is that we also as followers of Christ can give testimony to His wonderful work in our own personal lives,
    2. "Falling Plates" is a great presentation of the Gospel story with great fast paced visuals that grab your attention and keep you watching until the end because you want to know the outcome of the story.

    1. Yes. The beautiful thing is that like these people we can and are experiencing His great miracles to this day. We can celebrate and believe and tell the world!

    2. Roger. I can only imagine them realizing that he is the Messiah for sure. Just as he presented himself to us and what a glorious day that was and is

  3. 1. This struck me from the commentary.

    "Bread comes from grain, which has the power of multiplication and reproduction within itself. But when it is made into bread, the grain is crushed, making it "dead" - no one ever multiplied wheat by planting flour. But Jesus can bring life from death."

    How many times do we see this theme of life from death happen. Jesus second miracle was a dying/living situation. There are a number of accounts where Jesus does this. I think more so of John 11. Bringing Lazarus back to life.

    2. I watched 3,2,1. 3 persons of the 1 God. Our history is based off 2 men, Adam and Jesus. And we are originally 1 with Adam, would we choose to become 1 with Jesus.

    1. Great comment Eddie. I like to express the love of God by His death and the power of God by His resurrection.

    2. Amen "Jesus can bring life from death".

    3. Brother Eddie, you reminded me of Ezekiel "He asked me, “Son of man, can these bones live?” I said, “Sovereign Lord, you alone know.” Ezekiel 37:3

    4. Thanks Eddie for help today! Make sure you count that on the board as acts of services. God bless you and your serving heart.

    5. Good post, Eddie! You have a very good eye.

  4. 1- Two thing stick out to me

    A. Vs 2 and a great crowd of people followed him because they saw the signs he had performed by healing the sick.
    The people followed him because they had seen what he had done. Maybe these people were wanting to experience a
    miracle in their lives as well. In our lives we can sometimes be drawn to God because of the things we've seen done in
    the lives of others around us and we may be wanting to experience something as such.

    B. Vs 8 Another of his disciples, Andrew, Simon Peter’s brother, spoke up, 9 “Here is a boy with five small barley loaves and two small fish, but how far will they go among so many?”
    This is more of a question, why would Andrew even consider the boys lunch? Did he think something could have come from
    it? If i were Andrew i would have over looked that because i wouldn't think that such a tiny lunch could be used for feeding
    a large crowd.

    2- Watched "How Unique"
    Great video. It struck me when he quoted the pastor who was preaching on the streets when a guy asked him how could he
    know the correct path since there are so many and the pastor replied "I only know of two". Those who say I can save my self
    and the one who says I need a savior.

    3 - What I take from it is that at times a person can live for so long in our comfortable state, and can even go to church but never
    fully repent.

    1. Very interesting question Luis. Gives me something to think about. Thank you.

    2. Brother Luis, "Maybe these people were wanting to experience a miracle in their lives as well." Yes brother, unfortunately far too many people want an experience instead of an encounter with God!

    3. Very good Louis! And glad to read your thoughts on the optional one. Good application for us today.

  5. 1.John 6:7 NIV
    [7] Philip answered him, "Eight months' wages would not buy enough bread for each one to have a bite!"
    - I love how aware of how incapable the disciples were of being able to meet the needs of the people. Which is the point, isn't it?!
    2. Video called "3-2-1 gospel presentation". Highly recommend as an explanation of the God as the trinity and How God works as a trinity to save the world.

    1. yeah bro, it makes you think doesn't it? God can use crazy little things in our lives that we see as insignificant for something amazing.

    2. Yes indeed we are all incapable just like the disciples. It is only through God that we can accomplish things for the kingdom.

    3. Brother Dave D, "how incapable the disciples were of being able to meet the needs of the people" well said. We can thank God for being being our Provider :-)

    4. Bueno Dave!
      Great walk with you this morning. Love your heart for evangelism.
      So glad you are working to raise up a New Life Oak Forest Squad.

  6. 1. "Jesus, knowing that they intended to come and make him king by force, withdrew again to a mountain by himself." John 6:15
    The crowd wanted a "king" that would serve them, not a "King" that they would serve!

    2. Watched "I Thought"

    "Wrong thinking, leads to wrong living" (Author unknown)

    "Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will." Romans 12:2

    "Woe to those who call evil good and good evil, who put darkness for light and light for darkness, who put bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter. Woe to those who are wise in their own eyes and clever in their own sight." Isaiah 5:20-21

    3. "Jesus began to denounce the towns in which most of his miracles had been performed, because they did not repent." Wow!

    1. Great comment Robert. They wanted a king to serve them (give them bread), but not a King to serve.

    2. Great thinking bro. That's a reality check even for our lives. A king to serve rather a king to serve us.

    3. "Wow!" That is what fell out of my mouth when I read your words Robert- "The crowd wanted a "king" that would serve them, not a "King" that they would serve!" I wrote that down in the margin of my Bible, giving credit to the author :)

    4. Robert. Thx for your insight as it made me re think that verse you selected. Why Jesus retreated

  7. John 6:8-11 (NIV) Another of his disciples, Andrew, Simon Peter’s brother, spoke up, 9 “Here is a boy with five small barley loaves and two small fish, but how far will they go among so many?”
    10 Jesus said, “Have the people sit down.” There was plenty of grass in that place, and they sat down (about five thousand men were there). 11 Jesus then took the loaves, gave thanks, and distributed to those who were seated as much as they wanted. He did the same with the fish.

    What I love about this passage is that God can use a little to produce a lot. God does not have limitations. So if you thought God can't use you, think again. Have a blessed productive day.

    2. Come Home- Paul Washer. Jesus compared to the love of a mother. No matter what we have done Jesus forgives us. His love for us is greater than any other.

    3. It is about rebuking the unrepentant towns that Jesus performed miracles in.Also, about the judgement that will be brought upon them.

    1. Yes indeed God can use the little to produce a lot. Amen.

    2. Brother Sam, "that God can use a little to produce a lot. " yes sir :-)

    3. Very good Sam!
      Glad to read your good thoughts on optional #3.

  8. 1. “Jesus said, "Have the people sit down." Now there was much grass in the place. So the men sat down, in number about five thousand.”
    ‭‭John‬ ‭6:10‬ ‭NASB‬‬
    I'm just amazed at the number of people who encountered first hand the miracle of Jesus. Also by the detail given that this is a historical not mythical account.

    2. Watched no longer a Muslim.

  9. Brother Nic, especially when you add/take under consideration the women and children (about five thousand men were there). v10b. God bless you brother :-)

  10. John 6:5; Lifting up his eyes, then, and seeing that a large crowd was coming toward him, Jesus said to Philip, “Where are we to buy bread, so that these people may eat?”

    11 Jesus then took the loaves, and when he had given thanks, he distributed them to those who were seated. So also the fish, as much as they wanted.

    Isn't it amazing seeing Jesus healing the sick, resurrecting the dead, and now feeding thousands, And as if that wasn't enough he gave his life to save these fallen sons and daughters of Adam. what else can Jesus do to show that he LOVES us? Thank you lord for you everyday miracles even in our lives today; accept our worship and forgive the wrongs we have committed against you and against one another......In JESUS name.

  11. 1. Two things that stand out to me about this story. I believe there is a rare and shocking event that takes place before the feeding of the 5000 that is often overlooked. It may not qualify as a miracle but it is unusual and probably would not have happened if Jesus were not present. In v. 10 we read "Jesus said, 'Have the people sit down.' There was plenty of grass in that place, and they sat down (about five thousand men were there)."

    For years I have been involved with the Ushers ministry and it is amazing to think that someone could tell thousands of people 'Sit down' and then they all go ahead and sit down. This is without a microphone, sound system, or powerpoint.

    Jesus must have been a commanding presence to get people to respond to him that way. I can barely get one Mother with a crying baby to go to the overflow room. Imagine what it was like to be one of the disciples telling people to sit down even though you really didn't know what was going to happen.

    Also, in verses 12-13 Jesus tells the disciples to pick up the left over pieces and they fill 12 baskets. We don't know for sure how this worked out but it makes sense to think that each of the 12 disciples walked around with 1 basket and filled it full of these pieces. Jesus may have been building their faith by making them pick up these scraps of bread that He created out of nothing.

    2. "I believe in evolution". This topic makes me more upset than just about any other deception in the world. It is so sad and frustrating that people refuse to even acknowledge that Someone made us and everything in the world. The video makes many good points including the fact that many people simply choose to reject the idea of a God no matter how much evidence exists.

    3. Matt 11:20-24: Despite the fact that Jesus went to these towns and showed His power the far majority of people rejected Him and did not trust in Him. It's not clear how towns and cities will be judged as opposed to individuals but the Old Testament also talks about judgment upon whole cities and nations. The main point is that God does record everything and will judge it all.

    1. Pastor Mike, "The main point is that God does record everything and will judge it all." Sobering thought. It was a blessing talking with you at the gym, God bless you :-)

    2. Pastor Mike Great insight. That video "I believe in evolution" Gives great facts. I feel the same as you do about evolution.

    3. Mike, having had an insider's perspective too with ushering challenges, I laughed and laughed! :) That was a "minor miracle."

    4. Good thoughts and insight, Pastor Mike!

    5. Good thoughts and insight, Pastor Mike!

    6. I love that Minor Miracle as Dave coined! :D

  12. 1) John 6:15 "Jesus, knowing that they intended to come and make him king by force, withdrew again to a mountain by himself."

    Jesus knew that He was on Earth for a bigger purpose than what everyone else thought. He never lost focus on His mission, nor did he ever give ear to those who would seek to (knowingly or not knowingly) distract Him from His mission. That said, this verse reminds me of the verse where Jesus rebuked Peter and the devil for telling Him that He did not have to die.

    2) I watched "A Man Fell into a Hole."

    1. Great stuff Alex. Continue the great work on the blog.

    2. Well said brother Alex, "He never lost focus on His mission,"

    3. Good stuff Alex. I didn't even notice that in the last verse. He focused on his mission not the worlds mission.

  13. 1- John 6:9-11New International Version (NIV)

    9 “Here is a boy with five small barley loaves and two small fish, but how far will they go among so many?”

    10 Jesus said, “Have the people sit down.” There was plenty of grass in that place, and they sat down (about five thousand men were there). 11 Jesus then took the loaves, gave thanks, and distributed to those who were seated as much as they wanted. He did the same with the fish.

    The thing that caught my eye was the boy had so little but with Jesus he can make it enough. The boy had something insignificant and Christ made it into something worth it, something that can impact so many people. It goes to show that no matter what you have or what your past was Christ can use you to impact many people. Just give it all to Jesus and let him handle the rest. So simple but so true. Thank you Jesus, for all you have done for me and the things you are about to do.

    2- Come awake. Christ has risen from the grave come awake.

    1. "Christ can use you to impact many people" you said it brother :-) keep shining for the Lord

    2. Nicely said Vince. God can use anyone.

  14. 1. “Lifting up his eyes, then, and seeing that a large crowd was coming toward him, Jesus said to Philip, “Where are we to buy bread, so that these people may eat?” He said this to test him, for he himself knew what he would do.”John‬ ‭6:5-6‬ ‭ESV‬‬

    These verses are a reminder to me. To have faith in God. I got to remember God tests us with trails and tough situations. I got to remember when those times come I need to believe and have faith that he is in control.

    2. I watched wanted by the FBI. Good video how a drug dealer mother found God while waiting for trial. She asked God for help and he answered by giving her the minimal sentence. When she got out she continued to chase after God and led people to Christ by helping people in prison.

    3. It shows some people will never change even if they seen miracles in front of their face. It also shows those who knew God and abandoned him will be judged harder then those who never knew him.

    1. Excellent James! And good encouraging.

    2. Yes James that is a great reminder! That mini movie sounds good tooo!

  15. 1. John 6:14-15 After the people saw the sign Jesus performed, they began to say, “Surely this is the Prophet who is to come into the world.” 15 Jesus, knowing that they intended to come and make him king by force, withdrew again to a mountain by himself.

    I like these verses because Jesus is so humble even though he is our Savior. Its amazing how arrogant and cocky many of the worlds leaders can be yet Jesus doesnt act like that.
    2. I watched the "Uniqueness of Christianity". It talked about what separates Christianity from, Islam and Buddhism and how we have a Savior and the other religions basically tell you to save yourself. It states the evidence for Christianity.

    1. Very good Chuy! Great observation regarding Christ's humility.

  16. 1) “So they gathered them and filled twelve baskets with the pieces of the five barley loaves left over by those who had eaten.”
    ‭‭John‬ ‭6:13‬ ‭NIV‬‬

    2) "falling plates" I like the way it showed a clear glass of water and then dropped black ink of some sort as a symbol of sin

  17. 1
    -first of all the assessment by Philip that it would cost more than 200 denarii, but that even if they had the money, they couldn't find a baker to sell such an amount of bread.

    -Jesus wanted to show his disciples that lack of money was not a limiting factor.

    -God doesnt need any help, but He deliberately restrains His work until He has our participation.

    -b. Bread comes from grain, which has the power of multiplication and reproduction within itself. But when it is made into bread, the grain is crushed, making it "dead" - no one ever multiplied wheat by planting flour. But Jesus can bring life from death.

    2 I watched 5 objections to Christianity. It was good. I like the comment that just going to church doesnt make you a Christian any more than going to a football game makes you an athlete. I heard a variation of this that says standing in a barn doesn't make you a horse.

    3 Jesus is saying woe to them for they are not repenting after seeing such amazing miracles; yet sodom might have repented had they seen such miracles.

    1. Very good thoughts Ed! I always like reading your comments.

  18. 1. John 6:13 So they gathered them up, and filled twelve baskets with fragments from the five barley loaves which were left over by those who had eaten.

    They started out with nowhere near enough and ended up with an abundance.

    2. I watched the video "Smart". It's about us humans maybe thinking we a smarter than we actually are. What stuck out to me was his dig at Keanu Reeves!!! LOL!!! I wholeheartedly agree!!!

    3. Worse judgement than Sodom??? Youch!!!

    1. Very good Mike! Glad you enjoyed the video. We'll get the glitch fixed when I get home in an hour.

    2. Amen, brother. Like the multiplying of the loaves and fish, Christ has multiplied the number of believers, starting with twelve men, of limited education, and limited knowledge of the Word. How blessed are we to be counted among them; we who had so little to offer before Christ met us on the road.

  19. . John 6: 3 Jesus went up on the mountain, and there he sat down with his disciples. 4 Now the Passover, the feast of the Jews, was at hand. 5 Lifting up his eyes, then, and seeing that a large crowd was coming toward him, Jesus said to Philip, “Where are we to buy bread, so that these people may eat?” 6 He said this to test him, for he himself knew what he would do.

    The first thing that caught my eye was that he went up the mountain with his disciples. Why did he go up and not just stay at the base of the mountain to be with the people? Jesus had a great advantage point because usually there is only one path or road up a mountain and he had control of this. He was able to see the crowd approach just by lifting his eye. He had control of all his situations and already knew what was going to happen next. He even tested Philip but this entire time Jesus was in control of the situation.

    2. I'm depending on Jesus & and my good deeds.

    How true this is that believing good deeds with get me to heaven. The only way is to believe that Jesus died on the cross and rose again. This is my salvation. This does not also say to stop my good dears but the should be done regardless.

    1. Very good Horacio! Glad I got to see you Sunday.

  20. 1.The Jewish Passover Festival was near.
    John 6:4
    The significance of the Passover, Jesus Christ is the Lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world. The shedding of his blood and the blood that was put on the post of the door, when the angel of death came.


    1. 2."What do like choose to do nothing". Thank god that we've chosen The Lord Jesus Christ as our lord and savior.

    2. 3. Boy some pretty harsh words there from our Lord Jesus. If Sodom would have seen some of the miracles that he performed they might have repented.

  21. 1. John 6:14 When the people saw him[b] do this miraculous sign, they exclaimed, “Surely, he is the Prophet we have been expecting!”

    2. "I'm depending on Jesus and my good works"
    It said how people who rely on the works of the law are under a curse, and to show faith through religious rituals is an insult to the sacrifice of Christ. How our salvation come through Christ and not through our good work, it ends with the scripture tells us to depend on Jesus alone.

  22. 1 – John 6: 5-6 “When Jesus looked up and saw a great crowd coming toward him, he said to Philip, “Where shall we buy bread for these people to eat?” He asked this only to test him, for he already had in mind what he was going to do.” I like how Jesus asks questions when he already know the answers. I think he does this to make people think, if he would have just fed the people they might have taken it for granted and not thought about the miracle Jesus was performing.

    2 – I watched Set Free. It’s a man named Zac’s life story how he went from being a drug user at an early age to finding God in prison and how it changed his life.

    3 – Jesus condemns the people of Korazin, Bethsaida and Capernaum because they did not repent their sins.

    1. Jesus truly is the master teacher. I have attended countless seminars where this is a recommended strategy for teachers to get their students thinking metacognitively (thinking about their thinking and how they got to it). We ask questions we already know the answer to in order to get our students to work their way through the same thought processes that gained that knowledge for us as teachers. The kingdom of God is not comprised of blind followers. Truth is unveiled to each of us in the Scriptures and in the Gospel, so that we may know our God and choose to follow Him. Who can follow when they don;t know where they are being led to? But we know where Christ is leading us. We know the perils and we know the rewards. Nothing about our faith is left unanswered, but we must each come to this knowledge on our own my studying the Word. There is no lead around our necks pulling us along. Excellent observation, brother.

    2. Great post , George. I'm glad that you are unstoppable!

  23. John 6:4 - "The Passover, a feast of the Jews, was near" - I never noticed this verse before. Why does John go out of his way to mention this when the other 3 Gospels do not? John does focus a lot of the feasts. From the Blue Letter Bible, "Passover is associated with the Exodus and God's sustenance of Israel in the wilderness. Jesus will sustain this multitude in their small "wilderness" with bread from heaven - both literally and spiritually. "

    I gave a movies card to a young adult that I run into frequently when visiting Dunkin Donuts today and encouraged him to check it out. I like the first video, SMART, as a great pre-evangelism video that causes one to think.

    1. Tim, I never paid much attention to that verse either. This commentary has a lot of good information.

    2. Tim, your postgot me searching . One commentary I read said that the Jewish nation treated this feast more as a ritual , without any real heart interest .

  24. 1. John 6:10-11Jesus said, “Have the people sit down.” There was plenty of grass in that place, and they sat down (about five thousand men were there). Jesus then took the loaves, gave thanks, and distributed to those who were seated as much as they wanted. He did the same with the fish.
    2. 5 objections is a great mini movie to watch! It answers alot of questiona that non believers or people struggling to believe might have. I would suggest to send this video to our non believing buddies to check out, just like Dave told us to do months ago! ;)

    1. I will do as you suggest, Phil, and watch five objections.

  25. 1. John 6: 10, Jesus said, “Have the people sit down.” There was plenty of grass in that place, and they sat down (about five thousand men were there). I like how the David Guzik's commentary refers John 6:10 to Psalm 23:1-2.
    a. Make the people sit down: Jesus here takes authority as the Lord; as a loving shepherd, He makes His "sheep" to lie down on green pastures. He fulfills Psalm 23:1-2: The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want. He makes me to lie down in green pastures; He leads me beside the still waters.

    2. “I don’t believe in the bible” great mini movie Basic Instructions Before Leaving Earth.

    1. I really enjoyed the bible commentary about this verse as well "Jesus here takes authority as the Lord; as a loving shepherd, He makes His "sheep" to lie down on green pastures. He fulfills Psalm 23:1-2: The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want. He makes me to lie down in green pastures; He leads me beside the still waters. " I never thought about this passage like this :)

    2. Oscar, my good friend. From reading your post , you must be in better health. Continue in wisdom and good health.

  26. John 6:7 Philip answered him, “It would take more than half a year’s wages to buy enough bread for each one to have a bite!” Philip thought in terms of money; and how much money it would take to carry out God's work in a small way (every one of them may have a little). We often limit God the same way, looking for how God's work can be done in the smallest way.

    1. How true this observation is, even in our time. An example of this is our evangelical work of growing the Kingdom of God by proclaiming His word. The task of spreading the Word must have seemed daunting to Jesus' disciples. How could twelve men possibly share the Gospel with the hundreds of thousands, if not millions of people living across the known world? Truly, their task was more daunting (and perilous) than our own. With advances in technology, like our greatest mini movies site, sharing the Good News is hardly as difficult or dangerous as it must have been for Jesus' early followers, yet we sometimes fear even handing out a card. How can I spread the Gospel? Who am I to share the teachings of Christ with others? Who am I to do the work of increasing God's kingdom? Like Philip, we limit God by limiting ourselves. God has already given us the resources to carry out our great commission (and then some: we have our greatest mini movies cards). Why limit ourselves to reaching one person a week when we can reach ten times that number in half the time? Building the kingdom of God is not a matter of logistics (numbers, money, resources)...it is a matter of faith (trust)...trusting that God has already equipped us with all we need to do the work He has commissioned us to do. Kudos to all our M3 brothers who trusted in the ability God has given them to grow His kingdom by handing out cards at the Convoy of Hope event, and to all the brothers who do so in their own way.

    2. I watched That's My King. If anyone you know has not yet met Jesus Christ, this is a great video to initiate that encounter. Jesus Christ is my King! Viva Cristo Rey!

    1. Great insight brother! I like what you wrote "Building the kingdom of God is not a matter of logistics (numbers, money, resources)...it is a matter of faith (trust)...trusting that God has already equipped us with all we need to do the work He has commissioned us to do"

    2. Well put Osiris! I can't imagine trying to spread a message to the world in modern times let alone 2,000 years ago. Now almost everyone at least has an idea of what the Bible is and has heard of Jesus .

  27. 1. John 6:5-6 says "When Jesus looked up and saw a great crowd coming toward him, he said to Philip, “Where shall we buy bread for these people to eat?” He asked this only to test him, for he already had in mind what he was going to do." ---- Jesus also lets His followers participate in the work of the Kingdom, even when He has things planned out :)

    2. I chose "But I am not a big sinner" -- It is about people who believe they are not that bad?? God hates what defiles His masterpiece ---"Sin"!!!! Even if someone sinned only 3 times per day, that would be well over 1,000 sins in a year and multiplied out over a persons lifetime, that can equal thousands upon thousands of sins that separate us from our Heavenly Father. When someone says, "Well, I need to get rid of this one habit in my life before I come to Christ" The truth is, It's been said that habits change when hearts change!! Let's come to Christ first for sin cleansing and eternal life, then He will transform us into the image of Christ :)

    1. An excellent observation for each of us to think about: how is God allowing me to participate in the work of the Kingdom? What is He calling me, in my heart, to do? There is no question that we each have a role to play...a purpose to fulfill. We are already active participants in building the kingdom through our sharing of the word both here and in our daily lives. Where else can we be God's hands, arms, legs, and feet? How else can we reflect His love for sinner and saint alike? Definitely something for me to reflect upon tonight. Thank you for sharing this brother.

    2. Israel, Looks like we pick the same verses again. :)

    3. Isreal, thank you for the very encouraging word. It hit me on the right spot, the heart.

    4. Very good observation, Tio! I really enjoyed reading your post!

  28. This comment has been removed by the author.

  29. 1.- When Jesus looked up and saw a great crowd coming toward him, he said to Philip, “Where shall we buy bread for these people to eat?”

    2.- I’m going to get on after I’ve posted and check them out.

  30. 1) John 5:15 Jesus, knowing that they intended to come and make him king by force, withdrew again to a mountain by himself.

    Jesus displayed divine power as he multiplied the bread and the fishes. By making Jesus their worldly king, the crowd hoped to manipulate that power to gain freedom from their Roman oppressors. Jesus was already the King of Kings and Lord or Lords. He would not allow the crowd to control him for their own earthly purposes. Jesus had a much higher purpose for his life. At the right time he would lay down his life so that all people could be free from the bondage and penalty of their sins and be reconciled to God.

    2) I will have to watch a mini-movie and report on it tomorrow.

    1. David , very good post . Thanks for bring out the meaning .

  31. 1. John 6:5-7. Turning to Philip he asked, "Philip where can we buy bread to feed all these people?" (He was testing Philip, for he already knew what he was going to do.) Philip replied," it would take a fortune to begin to do it!"
    Jesus asked this question not because he wanted to know where or how to buy food. Jesus already knew what he was going to do . What he wanted to do was test Philip's faith. Instead of saying "you have the power to do anything, Philip did some cost calculations . We must believe that Jesus is Lord, and he has the power to do anything.

    1. Great post Louie. I totally agree with scripture analysis, definitely a statement meant to challenger Philip's faith!

  32. 2. The mini movie I saw was , This is the Good News. Jesus is the Good News. No matter what type person we are, Jesus offers us the gift of salvation. Long ago I first heard about the rapture. And I use to think what am I going to do when Jesus takes up the righteous. Now I thank Jesus because he made a way for me to enter eternity with him.

  33. 1
    Verse 6:9 may have ben spoken about before already but here is what sticks out to me; that Joh want to appeal to more that just circumstance. I have heard many times before about there being a God sized hole in people’s hearts which, clearly, only God can fill. Now to compare in context and in commentary our own resources ranging from self help to religious works always fall short compared to the Gospel and solely relying on Christ to fill and make complete.

    "Don't All Religions Lead to the Same God?"
    I can appreciate also that one can be honest however this video is helpful and clear that truth is not relative, but truth is the only truth and the only way. And that way is centered on Christ.


  34. 1.- Jn. 6:6
    He asked this only to test him, for he already had in mind what he was going to do.

    Jesus is revealing here his deity and his human aspect form. He knows Philip and the disciples need to see signs visually to teach and strengthen their faith in him. Jesus is preparing them to see more of his miraculous powers, for seeing is believing. Jesus is building the faith and trust of the disciples for they are the chosen ones whom are to mobilize and spread the gospel.

    2 Corinthians 13:5
    Examine yourselves to see whether you are in the faith; test yourselves. Do you not realize that Christ Jesus is in you--unless, of course, you fail the test?

    2.-watched mini-movie
    "Never been unloved"
    Very good movie showing Gods love for us all, catchy phrase, God has never unloved you, he loves us always, though we are unworthy he still loves us.
    Thank you LORD, your love is true!

    3.- My summation on Matt.11:20-24
    At these 3 towns many have witness Jesus sovereignty and yet have remained stiff necked and unbelievers therefore their day on judgement day when they are before Christ Jesus, they will be cast into the fiery pit, no other is more deserving of this than these 3 towns for rejecting GOD.

  35. 1) John 6:15 “Jesus, knowing that they intended to come and make him king by force, withdrew again to a mountain by himself.”

    Jesus was about to get pulled into any political games. He was on mission from the Father, and couldn't get caught up in these situations. Loving how Christ would just slip away instead of being crowned king. It is always a great reminder for us to keep our eyes on prize, and not be pulled into Petty things. Next time WWJD.

    2) I watched "Suicidal". It was a short, powerful video giving the testimony of someone who attempted Suicide. She recovered to find out that death wasn't the answer, and Hell would be much, much worse than anything she was going through on Earth. It is a great video to send to people you know that may be struggling with these tendencies.

    A sobering statement from her that is a good takeaway into the mind of someone suicidal: "It was not that I wanted to die, it was that I didn't want to put up with living anymore"

    3) Ultimately Christ was choosing Disciples to follow him, and healing the sick in this area around Capernaum.

  36. 1) Philip answered him, "Two hundred denarii worth of bread would not be enough for each of them to get a little." John 6:7

    All the questions and answers were based on materialistic things that were from this world Jesus is answer and actions were from God provding for his children.

  37. 2) no longer a Muslim, it is powerful to see someone so dedicated to another religion be able to find Jesus. We grow up thinking what our parents have told us but as we grow older we have to find our own answers and questions

  38. 1. The passage that cought my attention is same passage on John 6:12
    When they had all had enough to eat, he said to his disciples, “Gather the pieces that are left over. Let nothing be wasted.”
    Is that more so a question is why did Jesus give the food first to the people that were seated next to him and made the abundance of fish and loaves before they were made into leftovers? (John 6:Jesus then took the loaves, gave thanks, and distributed to those who were seated as much as they wanted. He did the same with the fish.)
    Tried searching but more so focused on the leftovers..

  39. I was unable to get on yesterday due to internet troubles but I wanted to make sure I still got on and did today's lesson.
    1. John 6:5-6
    When Jesus looked up and saw a great crowd coming toward him, he said to Philip, “Where shall we buy bread for these people to eat?” He asked this only to test him, for he already had in mind what he was going to do.

    I have always been intrigued when it said that Jesus did something to test his disciples. It always made me wonder why, why would he do that? I think it isn't so much a test of faith as it is a test of mindset. At this point the disciples should know that Jesus is capable of performing miracles and Jesus knows this. I think Jesus was testing to see towards what direction Phillip's first thought goes. Does he start off believing or is he distracted by the logistics of what is he being asked? I believe Phillip had faith it would get done, he just didn't know how and that's what Jesus wanted to know.

    2. I watched Say No to Religion and it was about how Christ didn't come to this earth to create a religion, he came to save us and to give us the chance at a relationship with God. That is the purpose of being a follower of God: a relationship, not a religion.

  40. Very good thoughts Mike. The Lord similarly tests us also when we face what appears to be impossible road blocks. Do we turn around and back off or do we dare step forward in faith praying that He will make a way.

  41. Late Post, Keeping up.
    1. (John 6:4 ESV) Now the Passover, the feast of the Jews, was at hand.
    - in my mind, I keep thinking about how God has fed his people time and again. Jesus- knowing the significance of Passover, the way in which those of Israel were given mercy and nourished, Jesus gave them the same and more. From David Guzik "i. Passover is associated with the Exodus and God's sustenance of Israel in the wilderness. Jesus will sustain this multitude in their small "wilderness" with bread from heaven - both literally and spiritually."

    I love the connection of the miracles the way in which they tie so much of the history and the scripture of the Jews.

    2. I watched, "I don't think a loving God would judge me." Early this week, and atheist blogger posted a quote from Markus Aurelius' comments (philosopher of Stoicism). - the quote was more of a live you life as if... because if not... but you are still... kind of quote. As if God would not see us and without thinking- not redeem us to Him as he is perfect and we are not in the state of recompense. We owe Him. The other way I think about it is that this was an opportunity to really throw her doubt right back at her, and say- this not only reinforces you don't know, but you need Him just and much as you need an active conscience guiding you.
