Wed.8.19.15...The Healing of the Royal Official's Son...John 4:43-54

"A faith-healing Philadelphia couple on probation after they refused to seek medical care for a son who later died has now lost a second child. Herbert and Catherine Schaible reportedly told authorities they prayed for the health of their 8-month-old son, Brandon, who was suffering from diarrhea and breathing problems, according to The Philadelphia Inquirer.But the baby died last week. In 2009, the fundamentalist Christian couple lost their 2-year-old son, Kent, to pneumonia. The toddler had fallen ill with pneumonia, and the Schaibles chose prayer rather than medical attention. They were later convicted of involuntary manslaughter and sentenced to 10 years' probation..."
In today's passage, John 4:43-54, we read about Jesus healing a royal official's son. But the passage is not recorded to convince us to refuse medical treatment in favor of calling out to Jesus. It is recorded to convince us that Jesus is worthy of our trust. We are to trust him for our salvation, taking him at his word, regardless of whether or not he answers prayers for healing. After Jesus healed the nobleman's son, it says of that "he and all his household believed" John 4:53. Yet the nobleman already "took Jesus at his word" when he departed back home. So this later faith that he and his entire household had in Jesus was evidently that he was the promised Messiah, Savior. He and his household illustrate what John was aiming at in writing his gospel- "that you may believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God, and that by believing you may have life in his name" John 20:31.

1.- Read John 4:43-54 and write down anything that seems strange to you or questions that you have.

2.- Now go the David Guzik's online commentary on John. The following link will take you to John chapter 4. Then scroll down to our passage beginning at 4:43-
See if he offers a good answer to your above questions and write out one of the answers to your questions in his words or yours. If it goes unanswered, that may be a sign that you are a very deep thinker. Other commentaries may address such.

3.- Yesterday, you practiced presenting the bridge illustration using Rom.6:23. Can you do it from memory? Take a piece of paper and practice drawing it out. Repetition is the mother of learning. Repetition is the mother of learning :) If you need help, you can watch whatever portion of the video below. Did you write it out? 

Nic had a good witnessing opportunity recently- "I gave a card to a student who is studying to be a social worker. She said she did an internship with a Christian homeless shelter but did not mention faith in Christ. I told her I was a Christian and gave her a mini movies card. I told her there are some well done videos about faith and questions people have about Christianity." Way to go Nic!

Horacio wrote- "I gave a card to a co-worker recently. She was having a very bad day and wad going thru a difficult time in her life. She downloaded a scanner app and started to listen and watch the videos. After a few hours i went to she what she thought and she thanked me and she was very happy that God is very faithful. She asked me for a few cards so she can give to her friends and family." Way to go Horacio! 

As you go from here to the scoreboard, do you see what I'm seeing? Some of your fireteam brothers haven't put up any points yet this week! This calls for a call. Give it to em :)


  1. 1. Question: Why would Jesus return to a place (Galilee) where he was not honored instead of staying where he was accepted.?
    2. Answer: "He betakes himself to Galilee therefore, to avoid fame, testifying that His own country (Galilee) was that where, as a prophet, He was least likely to be honoured." (Alford)
    3, Yes.

    1. Bueno Roger! Yes, His mission was to go to the lost sheep of Israel, despite their thoughts of him.

    2. Roger and Dave, thank you for the answer to this one.


  2. 1.- My questions are from verse 46 & 47
    Who is this royal official, title or stature name?

    2.- A certain nobleman: "Literally, 'a royal person'this man was probably an officer of Herod Antipas." (Alford)

    With passion and urgency, described as wild and delirious cries of raging fever!" (Morrison)

    3.- Will work on application later

    1. Brother Roger, good digging/treasure hunting :-)

    2. People of all type , rich and pour, young and old kneel to the Lord.

  3. 1. What stood out to me was that a royal official (a pagan) would ask Jesus (a Jew) for help. Jesus states that unless they see signs and wonders they'll never believe. Jesus told him to "go, your son will live". The following day on his way home his servants informed him that it was just as Jesus said and the "exact time" which lead to his entire household to believe as well.

    2. Read commentary

    3. Drew illustration

    1. All Jesus had to do was say the words , and the official's son got well.

  4. 1.(Now Jesus himself had pointed out that a prophet has no honor in his own country.)
    John 4:44
    (Now Jesus himself had pointed out that a prophet has no honor in his own country.) “Unless you people see signs and wonders,” Jesus told him, “you will never believe.”
    John 4:44
    They knew Jesus was the carpenter's son. They wanted him preform miracles.

    1. Yes they were more interested in seeing Him perform miracles than believing he was the Messiah.

    2. Bingo! A prophet is honored by people obeying their message, not simply craving their miracles.

    3. Great stuff, brothers. Thank you for completing to my understanding.

  5. 1. What stuck out to me was that the first two (atleast the first two recorded in John) miracles both took place in Cana.
    So he came again to Cana in Galilee, where he had made the water wine. And at Capernaum there was an official whose son was ill.
    John 4:46 ESV

    2. This is from the commentary:This again is the second sign: In the Gospel of John the signs are given to lead the reader to faith (John 20:29-31). The relation between belief and signs is clear in John chapter 2 and chapter 4.

    The second sign persuaded a Jewish nobleman and his household

    i. The first two signs in the Gospel of John took place at Cana of Galilee. The first was at the best party ever - a wedding party. The second was connected with the worst tragedy ever - the illness and soon death of a child. Jesus is real in both aspects.

    3. Did it.

    1. excellent Eddie! So good to chat with you earlier today too.

    2. I never noticed the intentional contrasts before in this section: the wedding vs potential death of a child. Thanks for pointing that out.

  6. 1a) Why was He not honored in His country? Because the people had a false sense of familiarity. They thought He was just a son of a carpenter and not the Messiah.

    1b) What did the Galileans see in Jerusalem?

    2) i. Perhaps they remembered when Jesus turned the merchants tables in the outer courts of the temple (John 2:13-27). Jesus also predicted His own resurrection (John 2:18-22) and performed many other unspecified signs when in Jerusalem (John 2:23-25).

    ii. "The enthusiasm of the Galileans was not soundly based. It was dependent on the wonders arising from their sight of the signs, not on a realization that Jesus was indeed the Christ, the Saviour of the world. Their very acceptance of Him was thus in its way a rejection. They gave Him honor of a sort, but it was not the honor that was due to Him." (Morris)

    3) did it

    1. Very interesting point... that they thought "He was just a son of a carpenter and not the Messiah"

    2. Yes indeed Sam, they welcomed him as a miracle worker and perhaps even a prophet. But, a prophet is honored when the people obey his message not simply want his miracles. Son of Joseph, yes. But not Son of God they thought.

    3. So Jesus was considered a carpernter/magician instead of the Messiah?

  7. 1. John 4:48 NIV
    [48] "Unless you people see miraculous signs and wonders," Jesus told him, "you will never believe."
    -Why did Jesus say this?
    2.Answer: it was most likely the general attitude of the Galileans not the official.
    3. I can do it:)

    1. Right you are Dave. Jesus said unless you people plural. Jesus was speaking to the people around the man. the man took Jesus at his word. He is the good example in the story, not the crowd.

    2. Reading the posts and replies help the best. Thank you, Dave .

  8. 1. John 4:48 Unless you people see signs and wonders,” Jesus told him, “you will never believe.”

    Q. Why didn't Jesus give a sign to begin with, he knew they wouldn't believe unless they had a sign.

    A. Signs and wonders from God are obviously good things, but they should not form the foundation of our faith. .

    3. Haven't watched the video. I will get it done though.

    1. Great question Jose and you gave a great answer! Sadly we will see some people who even saw miracles and yet refused to believe.

    2. Yeah, I think to a lot of people in his time, Jesus was just a curiosity; perhaps they walked away wondering what miracles he would do the next day. The miracles were meant to confirm who Jesus was and draw people to his teachings and their need for a savior and repentance.

    3. Jose , you did some good searching.

  9. 1. John 4:52 So he asked them the hour when he began to get better, and they said to him, “Yesterday at the seventh hour the fever left him.”

    Reading this passage ands a few in the bible (which i don't remember where) the number seven is used a lot. It does have great significance. Forgive seven times seventy seven times, the seventh hours, rest on the seventh day. Why is seven commonly used?

    2. Done

    1. The #7 signifying completion or perfection, Genesis 2:1–4, Psalm 119:164, and Exodus 20:8–11 for just a few of the examples, will share more as I research.

  10. 50 Jesus said to him, “Go your way; your son lives.” So the man believed the word that Jesus spoke to him, and he went his way. 51 And as he was now going down, his servants met him and told him, saying, “Your son lives!”

    The noble man believed in Jesus's word and left. Today, if we sincerely belief in our earnest prayers that God would answer, then whatever we ask from God will be granted unto us in Jesus name.

    1. That is the main point. To have complete faith in God.

    2. Lemmy, thank you for the encouraging words.

  11. 1) “(Now Jesus himself had pointed out that a prophet has no honor in his own country.)”
    ‭‭John‬ ‭4:44‬ ‭

    2) because it was Jesus' country and people were familiar with him

  12. 1. John 4:52 When he inquired as to the time when his son got better, they said to him, “Yesterday, at one in the afternoon, the fever left him.”

    What significance does 1 in the afternoon have? Is it that it happened to be at 1? Or is there meaning to 1 in the afternoon.

    2. It seems as the one in the afternoon was to explain that it happened exactly one day after Jesus said this. I dont think 1 means anything. I think it could of been 12 and it would have still made the point that it happened a day later.

    1. Chuy at the moment Jesus spoke and said "Your son will live", that was the exact same moment that the royal officials son's fever broke and when he got better. This shows the authority of Jesus' words and Jesus' power. The boy did not have to be present or even near by to be healed.

  13. 1. v. 44 and v. 45 seem to be in contradictory. v.44 - "a prophet has no honor in his own country" vs v.45 "the Galileans received Him." (Galilee was were Jesus grew up.)

    2. "It's a little hard to know if John meant to associate the place where Jesus was not honored to be Judea or Galilee. A case can be made for either; clearly the other Gospels quoted this principle and related it to Galilee (Matthew 13:57 and Mark 6:4)"

    Also, there is a difference between an external "receiving" and an internal, life-changing "honoring".

    3. Yes

    1. Good point Tim - there is a difference between an external "receiving" and an internal, life-changing "honoring".

    2. Good eye and good thoughts, Tim!

  14. 1 This verse seems harsh if directed at the man of the sick child. 48 “Unless you people see signs and wonders,” Jesus told him, “you will never believe.”
    2 It was kind of answered. Jesus was annoyed that so many people wanted to see signs and wonders (even though he had already demonstrated many signs and wonders and it didn't cause them to follow him).
    3 Just checked. Everyone is good in our crew.

    1. Good stuff bro! I feel some people still today do this because the bible is not enough proof for them.

  15. 1- John 4:48-50New Living Translation (NLT)

    48 Jesus asked, “Will you never believe in me unless you see miraculous signs and wonders?”

    49 The official pleaded, “Lord, please come now before my little boy dies.”

    50 Then Jesus told him, “Go back home. Your son will live!” And the man believed what Jesus said and started home.

    2- I guess my question was answered just in the word. If the Man would believe Jesus' word?

    3- My fireteam all clear great Job fireteam

    1. How many of us would have done as this man did. I tried to put myself in his shoes as I read these verses, and I marveled at how he, apparently, walks away calmly, without any assurance that his son will live except the words of Jesus. I might have still be in turmoil looking for a remedy to save my son. Perhaps my faith is not a strong as it should be.

  16. . John 4:48 “Unless you people see signs and wonders,” Jesus told him, “you will never believe.”
    What did Jesus mean by saying “Unless you people see signs and wonders, Jesus told him, you will never believe?”

    2. Answer to my question from David Guzik's online commentary on John.

    c. Unless you people see signs and wonders, you will by no means believe: Jesus rebuked those who depended on signs and wonders before they would believe. It might seem that Jesus was harsh towards this man who wanted his son healed, but He encountered many in Galilee who were interested only in His miracles - He therefore questioned this man accordingly.

    i. Signs and wonders can lead a person towards belief in God, and can validate a heavenly messenger - but they can also have no effect on a person, and Satan can also use lying signs and wonders (2 Thessalonians 2:9).

    ii. Signs and wonders from God are obviously good things, but they should not form the foundation of our faith. We should not depend on them to prove God to us. In themselves, signs and wonders cannot change the heart; Israel saw incredible signs at Mount Sinai and even heard the very voice of God (Exodus 19:16-20:1), yet a short time later they worshipped a gold calf (Exodus 32:1-6).

    iii. "These words imply the contrast between the Samaritans, who believed because of His word, and the Jews who would not believe but through signs and prodigies." (Alford)

    3. Did it.

  17. 1. John 4: 44. For he himself had said,"prophets are not respected in their own country".
    This is a short verse. Yet it had me searching for info in other Bibles and commentaries. My question was , way wouldn't Jesus be respected in Galilee where he grew up. You would think that after hearing of the miracles he preformed ,the people of Galilee would feel be proud that Jesus was a native. Another bible says the people welcomed Jesus with open arms for they had seen some of his miracles. So my point is he was welcomed but not recognized as Son of God? One commentary says,"when a prophet visits a place near his home, the people there never believe him. The people there never think that a prophet from there own place could be important. " How does that relate to our times? In some situations, when the person from a non believing home becomes saved , he is overjoyed and wants everyone to know. People he does not know rejoice with him. On the other hand , people from his home or old friend will not accept his change.
    2. Tried it . But still had to look further.
    3 had to view short movie again to accomplish diagram.


    1. John 1:46 (KJV)
      And Nathanael said unto him, Can there any good thing come out of Nazareth? Philip saith unto him, Come and see.

      Nazareth is about16 miles from the Sea of Galilee. The major cities of Jerusalem and Tel Aviv are situated approximately 91 miles and 67 miles respectively, away from Nazareth. (

      Jerusalem was populated by Rabbis, scribes and pharisees at the time because of the main Temple. hence cities like Nazareth, and Galilee were not specifically conservative cities.

      I thought that might help.

  18. 1. My initial thought was who was Jesus chastising?

    2. a. A prophet has no honor in his own country: Galilee was Jesus country - where He grew up. Because these people felt so familiar with Jesus, they did not honor Him the way they should have. In this we recognize that they really were not familiar with Jesus; if they were, they would have honored Him all the more.

    3. Did it.

  19. 1 – If Jesus was welcomed in Galilee and why wasn’t He honored there?

    2 – Because these people felt so familiar with Jesus, they did not honor Him the way they should have. In this we recognize that they really were not familiar with Jesus; if they were, they would have honored Him all the more.
    There is such a thing as a false familiarity with Jesus; a dangerous feeling that we know all about Him. Such a dangerous feeling leads to a lack of honor towards Jesus

    3 – Did it.

    1. Very good question, answer and application George.

    2. I wonder if the same is true about politicians. A couple years back I ran for mayor of my hometown in Texas. I did not have much of a presence during the campaign, but I trusted that my reputation and familiarity in the community would make me a competitive candidate. As it turns out, I lost the election in a landslide. Great question, George.

  20. 1) Questions:
    a) How far was Cana from Capernaum?
    b) How did the Royal Offical hear that Jesus was in Galilee?
    c) What was the Royal Official's son's sickness?

    2) Answers from the commentary:
    a) The distance between Cana and Capernaum was 20 miles.

    3) Did it

    1. That's pretty cool that u found the answer to that! ;)

    2. Good questions to ask dave. At least you got one answered.

    3. Those are really good questions, Mr. Heidekrueger. I'm interested in knowing what the official's son's sickness was too.

  21. 1. “So Jesus said to him, “Unless you see signs and wonders you will not believe.””
    ‭‭John‬ ‭4:48‬ ‭ESV

    why did Jesus ask this?

    2. c. Unless you people see signs and wonders, you will by no means believe: Jesus rebuked those who depended on signs and wonders before they would believe. It might seem that Jesus was harsh towards this man who wanted his son healed, but He encountered many in Galilee who were interested only in His miracles - He therefore questioned this man accordingly.

    3. Did it

    1. James!!! My fire team brother! That is an astronomical question and a great answer as well!

    2. Good question James. It is awesome to see God moving in your life so powerfully brother :)

    3. Good question, James. Keep up the good work you've been doing on the blog! :)

  22. 1. Who was the nobleman/royal official?

    2. This man was probably an officer of Herod Antipas. (Alford)

    1. I asked myself the same thing, brother. I thought perhaps it might have been a Roman official and not a Jewish official, but considering the Pilate seems to be the only Roman authority in the region at this time, it makes more sense that he was a Jewish official. How interesting it would be though had a Roman sought Jesus for help.

  23. Q1. John 4:49 The royal official said, “Sir, come down before my child dies.”
    I find it interesting (unless Cana was at a higher elevation than Capernaum), that the royal official chose to use the words "come down" (I may be reading too much into this). These are words we might still hear in prayer today, addressing a Father we know to be in Heaven above: Come, send down your Holy Spirit upon us. If this is the case, it seems to me that the man approached Jesus in a prayer-like state, acknowledging that He is the Messiah sent from on high. He comes predisposed to believe.

    A: "He urged no merit, but pleaded the misery of the case. He did not plead that the boy was of noble birth — that would have been very bad pleading with Jesus; nor did he urge that he was a lovely child — that would have been a sorry argument; but he pleaded that he was at the point of death. His extremity was his reason for urgency: the child was at deaths door; therefore his father begs that mercys door may open." (Spurgeon)

    Q2. John 4:50 “Go,” Jesus replied, “your son will live.” The man took Jesus at his word and departed. Why is Jesus' response so short, almost indignant? He sends the man away with a blunt command: Go. No formalities, no beating around the bush, simply Go. Was Jesus offended by the man's request (he was not asking to see Jesus perform a miracle, but seems to genuinely seek His help having no recourse left to him)? In the temple, when Jesus overturned the tables and drove out the livestock, His "anger" can be interpreted as zeal for His Father's house, but here, His frustration with people's need to see in order to believe takes on an almost angry tone. Should we all be concerned about how we pray to the Father at the risk of upsetting the Lord?

    A: Jesus severely tested this mans faith, forcing him to believe in Jesus word alone and not in any outward demonstration of the miraculous. Despite the test, the man took Jesus at His word and departed (NIV). The nobleman demonstrated that true faith is simply taking Jesus at His word. "It was worthy of His care to heal the boy; it was far more needful that He should train and lead the father to faith." (Maclaren)

    3. Did it.

  24. 1. Why would Jesus say that a prophet has no honor in his own town?? Why would people not believe Jesus was more than a prophet, especially because He never sinned??

    2. A prophet has no honor in his own country: Galilee was Jesus' country - where He grew up. Because these people felt so familiar with Jesus, they did not honor Him the way they should have. In this we recognize that they really were not familiar with Jesus; if they were, they would have honored Him all the more!!! There is such a thing as a false familiarity with Jesus; a dangerous feeling that we know all about Him. Such a dangerous feeling leads to a lack of honor towards Jesus.

    3. did it

    1. That was a very good question, Tio. The commentary explained it pretty well.

  25. 1. (John 4:48-50 NASB) So Jesus said to him, “Unless you people see [g]signs and wonders, you simply will not believe.” 49 The royal official *said to Him, “[h]Sir, come down before my child dies.” 50 Jesus *said to him, “Go; your son lives.” The man believed the word that Jesus spoke to him and started off.
    Fairness. Trust. Look, I don't want signs and wonders, I just want kids to live. - I believe, but this sucks when we face the fear of our own loss. 1 year ago today, a very good Brother of mine here in Warsaw, lost his still-born daughter at the 9 month mark. A knot had formed around her ankle and it caused the blood to stop flowing and she suffocated.
    So I don't know what to think about healings, but I see that people still trust after loss and the worst grievances I have ever experienced. And they still believe. This isn't spite, or stubbornness, or some maniacal fixation on religious dogma. No, you have to believe, or you live forever in fear.
    Seriously though what would Jesus have said, 'No.'-?
    I got nothing good on this topic chaps, really - I kinda had a rough go of it and am seeing and wanting Jesus to come and heal, raise the dead and be this in my life and those around.
    - I could only remember Jesus saying to Thomas after the resurrection, " (John 20:28-29) Thomas answered and said to Him, "My Lord and my God!" 29Jesus said to him, "Because you have seen Me, have you believed? Blessed are they who did not see, and yet believed."

    2. David Guzik- ii. Signs and wonders from God are obviously good things, but they should not form the foundation of our faith. We should not depend on them to prove God to us. In themselves, signs and wonders cannot change the heart; Israel saw incredible signs at Mount Sinai and even heard the very voice of God (Exodus 19:16-20:1), yet a short time later they worshipped a gold calf (Exodus 32:1-6).
    &- d. Your son lives: Jesus did not use any dramatic effects in this healing. Many people want to see dramatic effects in Gods work; and sometimes God provides them. Real faith may perceive and accept the outward demonstration of the miraculous, but does not require it.
    3. Will need to work on it more. I keep stumbling with my wording. -

  26. !. Why was Jesus not honored in Galilee?
    2. Because of their familiarity with him being an average man's son==a carpenters son.
    He had not showed any special signs as a child.
    3. I have had a couple very busy days and did not have the opportunity to memorize it.

  27. This comment has been removed by the author.

  28. 1) what stands out to me is this So Jesus said to him, “Unless you see signs and wonders you will not believe.” (John 4:48 ESV)
    faith should always be there and your heart is the one that tells if you believe or not.

    2ii. Signs and wonders from God are obviously good things, but they should not form the foundation of our faith. We should not depend on them to prove God to us. In themselves, signs and wonders cannot change the heart; Israel saw incredible signs at Mount Sinai and even heard the very voice of God (Exodus 19:16-20:1), yet a short time later they worshipped a gold calf (Exodus 32:1-6)

    3. need to work on more of it

  29. 1
    I found it interesting when Jesus says “Unless you see signs and wonders you will not believe.” Verse 4:48
    Almost sounding like He would not help. I would wonder of the reason for either His tone or the form of the statement altogether.
    At the same time however Jesus did not have to travel to the official's son to perform the miracle.

    According to the site, the trend in Galilee was that people were very heavily relying on the signs. As we can tell for this current age that Jesus no longer need signs for a person to believe but also sings can be performed by Satan as well furthering the well of deception.

    “So faith comes from hearing, and hearing through the word of Christ.”
    ‭‭Romans‬ ‭10:17‬ ‭ESV‬‬

    Need a little more practice

  30. 1) John 4:46 "Once more he visited Cana in Galilee, where he had turned the water into wine. And there was a certain royal official whose son lay sick at Capernaum."

    Q: What was the rank and/or job of this official?

    3) Did it.

  31. 1) The verse I had the question from is:

    John 4:48 “Unless you people see signs and wonders,” Jesus told him, “you will never believe.”

    Question= Is this said out of exasperation? How so, if God sees into the hearts of those people, and there knows exactly what they need to see to believe?

    2) "Unless you people see signs and wonders, you will by no means believe: Jesus rebuked those who depended on signs and wonders beforethey would believe. It might seem that Jesus was harsh towards this man who wanted his son healed, but He encountered many in Galilee who were interested only in His miracles - He therefore questioned this man accordingly."

    3) I will make sure to do it tomorrow in the morning.

  32. Jesus says“Unless you people see signs and wonders,” Jesus told him, “you will never believe.”
    John 4:48 NIV, then reading further more and tells official his son will live. I realized Jesus never went with him. Did Jesus do this on purpose so that the official would believe Him by his truth and to have faith instead of physically performing miracle?
    Jesus rebuked people who believe by signs and wonders. Sure it can lead one to belief in Jesus bit also can give a way for Satan to use as lies and deceit. The Israelites seen many signs and even heard the the voice of God yet shortly after the people are worshipping a golden calf. The nobleman went on to believe His declaration of "your son will live".

    Will keep trying.
