Tues.8.11.15...Who Was The Most Important Person You've Met?...John 1:35-51

Who was one of the most important people you ever met face to face? In 1987 I met Arnold Schwarzenegger. Well, it's not as if we sat down and talked. I heard he was in town filming a movie and rode my bike over to that area. We briefly waited in the middle of the street to cross, smiling at each other without saying a word. (He didn't look so muscle-bound with a suit on. He certainly doesn't look muscle bound at age 68 now with a swimsuit on :)

I wish I would have had a Greatest Minimovies card back then. It would have been the perfect time to give him one :) Here's the funny thing about meeting celebrities. We all remember meeting them, but they probably don't have any recall of us. But imagine if you got to meet your favorite celebrity and they asked you to hang out with them for the day. Wow! That would be an unforgettable time. That's what happened to a few lowly fishermen one day. They got to spend the day with Jesus and it changed their lives completely. Read John 1:35-51.

It says in 1:28 that John was baptizing at Bethany by the Jordan River. Where is that? That's a good question, which you as a good Bible student have raised. (And you raised a lot of them yesterday!*) Thankfully, Bible maps can often help us locate such places mentioned. We know there is a Bethany near Jerusalem where Lazarus, Martha and Mary lived. But this is a different Bethany on the other side of the Jordan River. Frankly, scholars admit they are not sure where it exactly was. Some think it was near the Dead Sea at the far left (Southern end) of the map below. Then it says in 1:43 that Jesus decided to leave for Galilee. That would be a few days journey up the Jordan River valley to the area of the Sea of Galilee, located on the far right of your map. These men were already followers (disciples) of John the Baptist, now they became followers of Jesus. John fulfilled his mission of preparing people to meet Jesus. Those fishermen were probably ready to head back with Jesus to where they were from- the Sea of Galilee. What amazing conversations they must have had before even seeing any miracle yet preformed by Jesus. That would soon happen, but you'll have to wait until tomorrow to see it with them. 
What a wonderful impact Jesus immediately had on these men. After they met him, they wanted their friends to meet him too. May the Lord continue to use you to tell others about the greatest person you ever met. 

1.- Several different names for Jesus are used in this passage and earlier in chapter one. I would encourage you to underline them in your Bible. John the author is intentionally seeking to help us come to realize who this man Jesus is. Pick out one and share why you like it. Then write in on your MP3 card and look for opportunities to share his wonderful name with others.

An interesting and very important name for Jesus is one He gives himself 12 times in this book and repeatedly in the other gospel accounts- it's "the Son of Man." The prophet Ezekiel was repeatedly called "son of man" by the Lord, so is Jesus just saying he is a man, a prophet? Even the crowds asked, "Who is this Son of Man? 12:34. Those who had eyes to see recognized that Jesus, the Son of Man, was the fulfillment of Dan.7:13-14. Read and underline that amazing prophecy. I wrote that cross reference right next to John 1:51. I'd recommend you do the same. What a good Bible student you are! :) The Son of Man is the Messiah. He is also the embodiment of Jacob's ladder (see Gen.28:12), the connection for heavenly things to be revealed to men. 

2.- We learned in 1:35 that John the Baptist pointed two of his disciples to Jesus. One was Andrew (1:40) and most believe the other was John, the author of this gospel, who humbly didn't name himself. He kept the focus on Jesus. Let's be like John the Baptist and John the apostle and keep pointing people to Jesus. Send your fire team brothers the name you picked out regarding Jesus from today's passage. Check to first see if they put points up on the board yesterday and encourage them to do so if they haven't. Let's have each fire team score well this week.

Also make a point to pray for them as you daily Attack in prayer. WAR that they and you would live- 
Worthy of our King, 
Activating sidelined saints and
Releasing the locked up lost.

Sam had to take his 10 year old relative to the ER last week. Fortunately the boy's fall was not serious. But while there, Sam was on the alert. Here's what he wrote-  "While I was waiting in the ER, I noticed a man in his twenties getting wheeled around. I gave him my last card and said that the movies can change his life. It looks like he took a peek on his phone, but not sure if he watched one. I pray that he does."

What does watching a magic show YouTube clip tomorrow have anything to do with tomorrow's passage? You'll see for yourself :)

* You raised such good questions yesterday! There is no way I could answer all of them. But if you want to dig, you can find answers to many of your questions in commentaries or messages that have been given on yesterday's passage- John 1:19-34. Here are three that I would give three thumbs up to:)

Ken  Boa-  https://bible.org/seriespage/john-chapter-1-part-2

Bob Deffinbaugh- https://bible.org/seriespage/witness-john-john-119-37

John  MacArthur- http://www.gty.org/resources/sermons/1503B/john-the-baptists-testimony-to-christ

If you have the time to find the answer to one of your questions there or elsewhere, write it out below. You will get a big gold star!


  1. 1. " The Christ" which means the Messiah.
    I chose this name because I now understand they are interchangeable. We always hear of Jesus Christ, but truly it should be stated as Jesus the Christ( Messiah). Our Savior, King above all Kings, Son of Gid, Son of man, Rabbi( teacher)
    2. Will do

    1. Brother Jack, yes the anointed One :-)

    2. Great name Jack! Good to talk with you about such this evening.

  2. 1. In John 1:49 we read: " Nathanael answered him, "Rabbi, you are the Son of God! You are the King of Israel!".
    I picked:"'Son of God" because how great it so to recognize that God loved us so much that he sent Jesus His Son to die for our sins.
    2. Will do.

    1. We are so blessed and God is so good. It's impossible to fathom his love for us

    2. Yes Roger, He's the perfect reflection of the Father.

  3. 1- John‬ ‭1:36‬ ‭
    “When he saw Jesus passing by, he said, “Look, the Lamb of God!””

    I like how from the very beginning John demonstrates why Jesus came in the first place. He came as the sacrificial lamb who was to be killed and sacrificed for all sins.

    2- OK


    1. Luis. Very good as I love that analysis and name which we are so grateful for his sacrifice

    2. Yes indeed he came as the sacrificial lamb to die for our sins.

    3. Yes, one of my favorites as well Louis.

  4. I like the name Messiah because is is defined as a King that came to save us.

    John 1:41b The first thing Andrew did was to find his brother Simon and tell him, “We have found the Messiah” (that is, the Christ). 42 And he brought him to Jesus.

    I like that Andrew jumped at the opportunity to share Jesus with his family after he encountered Jesus. I pray that we may be like Andrew and seek to share Jesus.

    2.Did it

    1. Amen Sam, may we all be like Andrew and carry the name of Jesus, Blessed Redeemer, Anointed One, Lamb of God, King of kings, Son of Man, Savior, Messiah, Son of God, Word made flesh, on our lips. May we never be ashamed to proclaim our love for He who loved us before the beginning of time.

    2. Amen Sam that we all take every opportunity to share the truth of Jesus.

    3. Excellent application Sam- may we be like Andrew. You already bear his resemblance.

  5. 1. Verse 14 and verse 18 mention Jesus as the One and Only. Similar to the Only Begotten. Verse 18 shows of the Father Son relationship to an extend. No one has ever seen God, but God the One and Only, who is at the Father's side, has made him known.

    Awesome to see that John the Baptist job was to make Jesus known. And part of Jesus mission was to make His Father known.

    2. Will do.

    1. Yes, God displayed His extravagant love through Jesus. Great job Eddie!

    2. Great observation Eddie- "Awesome to see that John the Baptist job was to make Jesus known. And part of Jesus mission was to make His Father known." Now we are privileged to make the Father known. You are sure doing that now even in Mexico. Please give us an update soon. Thanks! Remembering you and the team in prayer. Greetings to Jose and Joann.

  6. 1. The next day John was there again with two of his disciples. When he saw Jesus passing by, he said, “Look, the Lamb of God!”
    John 1:35-36 John knew that he was going to be God's sacrifice for our sins.

    2.will do.

    1. And yet, He didn't shrink back, amazing! Good observation brother George :-)

    2. Amen George, John's declaration is surely a word we all need to declare.

    3. Good George and good comments from your encouraging brothers.

  7. 1. He first found his own brother Simon and said to him, “We have found the Messiah” (which means Christ).” ‭‭John‬ ‭1:41‬ ‭ESV‬‬

    2. Will do.

  8. 1. I always liked when Jesus was referenced as the Lamb of God in the bible because it reminds me that he was the sacrificial lamb for us.

    2. Will do

    1. I like that wonderful title too Michael. Best of blessings!

  9. 1. "God’s Chosen One"
    Because God's Sovereign will decided to set forth a divine plan of redemption since before the foundations of the Earth!
    2. Did it :-)

    1. What a mind bending thought Robert- "before the foundations of the earth - Eph.1:4; Rev.13:8" Thanks!

  10. 1. "The Word" John 1:1. When temptation surrounds us and sin binds us, a single Word has the power to liberate us and lift us about our current circumstance: Jesus, name above all names. There is no Word more powerful in all of Creation.
    2. Did it.

    1. Yes Osiris! In Martin Luther's hymn, A mighty Fortress is Our God, he writes of "one little word shall fell him" (The prince of darkness grim) Does't ask who this may be, Christ Jesus it is He! It's a little word of only four letters, but it is the greatest word ever- God incarnate 1:14.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. Excellent post, Osiris! I liked your thoughts on the Jesus' name "The Word" a lot!

  11. Very good brother Osiris, "it is written" ;-)

  12. 1. The messiah. I think this is a very strong way to refer to Jesus.

    2.will do

    1. Thanks Jose, you brought a song to mind- "Blessed Messiah, my Redeemer, you are the mighty king of kings. You came down for me."

  13. 1) I actually have 2 favorites but I'll write lamb of God

    2) will do

    1. Thanks Ricardo- "The lamb that was slain before the foundation of the world! Rev.13:8

  14. 1. In verse 38, the disciples call him “Rabbi” (which means Teacher).

    We all have so much to learn. What a teacher full of wisdom, kindness, love and the truth. Bit do i have a long way to go!

    2. Going to do it.

    1. Yeah, same here. Alot to learn.

    2. That one has special meaning to me too. Thanks Horacio.

  15. 1. Then Nathanael declared, “Rabbi, you are the Son of God; you are the king of Israel.”
    There are 3 names to this verse, Rabbi, Son of God, King of Israel.
    2. Will do.

    1. Chuy, what a sentence, all of the names are powerful on their own but putting them together really shows who he is addressing.

    2. Wow! You hit the jackpot with that verse Chuy! Teacher, you are God the Son and my King as well.

  16. 1. Rabbi, meaning teacher.

    2. Done.

    1. Yes, Teacher, teach me to do your will O God. Unite my heart to fear your name.

  17. 1. v38 Jesus is called Rabbi, which means teacher. He is the great master and teacher. I look forward to learn more from Him.
    2. Doing it now.

    1. Nic, I'm looking forward to learning more from Him too. He has so much to teach us, I'm always seeing something new as I re-read verses

    2. I consider that one a special term of endearment. Thanks Nic. Teach me O Lord.

  18. The true light, which gives light to everyone, was coming into the world. John 1:9 Jesus is the light and was coming to visit man

    2: will do

    1. Thank you Andre- That reminds me of words from Hark the Herald Angels Sing- "Light and life to all he brings, risen with healing in his wings. Mild he lays his glory by. Born that man no more may die. Born to raise the sons of earth, born to give them second birth."

  19. 1 –The name I picked is “the Lamb of God.” I find it interesting how John foreshadows Jesus’ fate by calling him “the Lamb of God” one of the first times he see him.

    2 – Doing it.

    1. Great pondering there George- "I find it interesting how John foreshadows Jesus’ fate by calling him “the Lamb of God” one of the first times he sees him."

    2. I like that a lot George, I echo Dave's comment, great pondering!

  20. 1- John 1:35-36 New International Version (NIV)

    35 The next day John was there again with two of his disciples. 36 When he saw Jesus passing by, he said, “Look, the Lamb of God!”

    2- Done

    1. Thanks Vince. Brings lyrics of an old song to mind. "The lamb which was slain, salvation now to bring. Lift up your heads for your redemption draweth nigh."

  21. 1. John 1:49 says "Then Nathanael declared, “Rabbi, you are the Son of God; you are the king of Israel.” ---This is the first time Nathanael met Jesus and just notice what he says about Him!!!!! This verse reminds me of when Jesus asked the disciples whom others say that He was, and then asked them who they say He was. We then get this amazing statement by Peter in Mat. 16:16-17 Peter replied, " Simon Peter answered, “You are the Christ, the Son of the living God.” Jesus replied, “Blessed are you, Simon son of Jonah, for this was not revealed to you by flesh and blood, but by my Father in heaven. "

    I love what Jesus then told him, that this statement was not revealed by man, but by God Himself :) God was already working powerfully in the very first encounter with Nathanael, as well as with the other disciples.

    2. did it

    1. Great cross reference Israel!

    2. Yes, I second George. That's a great insight Israel. Flesh and blood did not reveal this to you :)

  22. 1. – John 1:35 the next day John was there again with two of his disciples. 36 When he saw Jesus passing by, he said, “Look, the Lamb of God!”

    2. – Did it.

    1. So glad to read your good words Oscar. It was good talking with you earlier today.

  23. 1. John 1:49 Nathanael answered him, "Rabbi, you are the Son of God; the King of Israel" - Teacher, God and King. 'One who corrects the student, the One who made all, the one who Governs it."

    2. I asked for prayer today from Dave at about 2 PM today. After that- I heard news that a student in my class that I worked with had died this afternoon, following my prayer with Dave. God knew I needed Him today. He was tugging on me all day to be sensitive and wary, I asked Dave because I felt adversity and the need to call to Him. I asked my brothers and all of you to keep my school, Burket Alternative Ed Center, in your prayers. The young woman, Tehya Grimm, was liked by all- I never asked if she knew my King.

    1. Wow, Rich what a shock! May the Lord strengthen you all the more and shine through you. You will be all the more in our prayers.

  24. 1
    The 'Son of Man' where Jesus self identifies certainly implies His deity as well as His humanity.

    “And he said to him, “Truly, truly, I say to you, you will see heaven opened, and the angels of God ascending and descending on the Son of Man.””
    ‭‭John‬ ‭1:51‬

    Will do

  25. 1) Of the many names referring to Jesus, I chose to share about “The Lamb of God”. To me this gives the clearest picture of Jesus' love. Jesus humbled himself and willing laid down His physical life as a perfect holy offering for our wickedness and evil offenses. He endured the greatest suffering made ever more grievous by putting on our guilt and He fully paid the penalty of our punishment by being totally forsaken by His dearest Father. His title “Lamb of God” instantly reminds me of the Love of God.

    2) Did it.

  26. 1. John 1:49 Then Nathanael declared, “Rabbi, you are the Son of God; you are the king of Isreal.

    2. Will do

  27. 1.When he saw Jesus passing by, he said, “Look, the Lamb of God !” John 1:36
    2. Done

  28. 1) John 1:49 "Then Nathanael declared, "Rabbi, you are the Son of God; you are the king of Israel.""

    I like how Nathanael acknowledged Jesus by three of His titles: Rabbi, Son of God, and King of Israel.

    2) I will do it in the morning since I am doing this post late at night.

  29. 1. The messiah. Finding out just what it means, "the chosen one" or "anointed one" in which in those times(biblical) when being anointed with oil meant being set apart for particular role but in this case being "the anointed one" has a God ordained purpose. Wow

    2. Will do

    1. Good digging Ismael regarding a great title!

  30. 1) The One (Moses wrote about)

    John 1:45 “Philip found Nathanael and told him, “We have found the one Moses wrote about in the Law, and about whom the prophets also wrote—Jesus of Nazareth, the son of Joseph.”

    I'm not even sure is this is considered one of the names Jesus is called, however, I just like how it harkens back to Israel's long and storied History. It evokes the Old Testament, its for telling of He to come, and ties Jesus Christ firmly to the story of God's redemption of Mankind, from the Old through the New Testament!

    2) Sent out my thoughts to my Squad mates :)

    1. Great post Willy, yes, talk about the fulfullment of prophecy "the One Moses wrote about" :)

    2. I like what you wrote there William about the one Moses wrote about.


  31. Famous person I met was Cesar Chavez, United Farm Workers Union organizer in 93, a week before he passed. Met him at the Mexican Art Museum in Pilsen.

    1.- In Jn 1:1-5
    There are 6 references used 12 times made that point to Jesus, they are:
    Word, God, He, him, life & light.

    In the very first verse it identifies Jesus as God.
    First it ID's Jesus as the "Word"
    Than it say's
    "the Word was GOD."

    2.- done

    1. Very good Armando. John is letting us know right from the start who we are being introduced to.

  32. 1. John1:41 says At once he found his brother Simon and told him, we have found the Messiah." (This word means"Christ".)
    I can imagine the excitement of Andrew that he had to find his brother and tell him.
    2. Ok

  33. 1. John1:41 says At once he found his brother Simon and told him, we have found the Messiah." (This word means"Christ".)
    I can imagine the excitement of Andrew that he had to find his brother and tell him.
    2. Ok

  34. 1. John1:41 says At once he found his brother Simon and told him, we have found the Messiah." (This word means"Christ".)
    I can imagine the excitement of Andrew that he had to find his brother and tell him.
    2. Ok

  35. 1 I like "Rabbi" because it emphasizes his role to lead us and that we are meant to follow after him.
