Wed.4.15.15...But I'm Not a Big Sinner!

What Do You Say to That?

But I'm Not a Big Sinner!

This is a common statement people will give to justify themselves. So what do you say to that? Watch the following video and take notes so you can be ready to share.

Man's sinfulness or unrighteousness has been stressed all throughout Romans 1-3. In Romans 1:18-32 the heathen is condemned. In Rom. 2:1-16 the hypocrite is condemned; and in Rom.2:17-29 the Hebrew is condemned. Then in Rom.3:1-20 the whole world is condemned. But thank God for God! In Rom.3:21-31 we see that God came to our rescue. He condemned our sins in His Son that we might receive the gift of His righteous standing by faith, apart from law keeping or works, since that would never work anyway. 

1.-Read Rom.3:10-25 and comment on anything that strikes you from this passage and/or the video. (Feel free to read the whole outstanding chapter if you have time. I'm just trying to be respectful of your time.)

2.-Copy onto your MP3 card- "This righteousness from God comes through faith in Jesus Christ to all who believe." Rom.3:22

Today I ant to welcome our newest M3 Pro, Andre Vargas. He is in his mid 20s and just got baptized Sunday at NL Oak Lawn where he attends. Pastor Don asked Jack to mentor him. He has served two tours of duty in Afghanistan. He has a small start up business and is also a student at DePaul. Welcome Andre!
His contact info is within the Contacts tab.

Our Wednesday Fire team men are Sam, Israel, Gary, and Oscar. (Oscar has an  excused absence- he's on his honeymoon:) But you guys get a break because everyone blogged yesterday!


  1. 1. I really liked the part in the video which said even a little sin such as eating a grape at the grocery store is still a big deal. Then it used Adam and eve as an example. It shows you that sin is sin no matter how small or big the sin is. No ones safe unless you trust and believe in Jesus Christ. Then you sins will be forgiven.

    2.Did it!

    1. It only takes one sin to separate us. Thanks James for your faithfulness and that you have entrusted Jesus. Trust is a big thing and requires some vulnerability on our end, but to see God be faithful time and time again, helps us to build around that foundation, the Cornerstone, Jesus.

    2. Brother James, yes, we've all missed the mark! "trust and believe in Jesus Christ. Then you sins will be forgiven." I thank God that you have chosen Jesus!

    3. Glad you liked the video James. I don't have many more of my own, but will make sure you get free tickets to see them:)

    4. amen may god allow us to see the depth of so called light sins.

  2. 1. Its our understanding of the law that makes us conscious of our sin. Yet it's not our obedience to the law that saves us, but the grace of God. And that comes freely to those who believe in the redemption that came by Jesus Christ.

    God thank you for your love, mercy, grace and saving us from what we deserve. I thank you Jesus for breaking the barriers we put up before you and our Heavenly Father by your atonement, at-one-ment. I ask that you bless the Men of M3 as they continue to pursue you, learn to love and live and be reflections of you in their everyday lives. In Jesus Name. Amen

    Grace and Peace!

    1. Thank you for your consistent dedication to the Lord. You are a great example.Thank you for speaking into our lives. Have a blessed day.

    2. Brother Eddie, I come in agreement with your prayer! "it's not our obedience to the law that saves us, but the grace of God." Praise the Lord for His grace!!!!!

    3. Thanks Eddie- great prayer that I prayed as well.

    4. Yes thank you God for Jesus that he paid the price for are sins on your cross so we would not get what we deserve.

  3. 1. excellent video. I like the visual of the catapillar and the butterfly I believe that's what happens to us when we become born again. God gives us a new heart.
    "for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God", Romans 3:23
    When I go to the grocery store I still grab a grape or two forgive me Lord.

    1. Brother George, agreed! Even after it's transformation, sometimes a butterfly has to make a landing. But it doesn't have to wallow and crawl through the muck any longer! You had me laughing with your confession and prayer :-D

    2. I'm LOL George! You're a grape guy!

  4. One sin is too many, because He is holy.

    Deeds don't get you to heaven. We can't earn our way to heaven.

    Bound by sins unless we accept forgiveness for our sins. Jesus has our admission to heaven.

    Accept Jesus and receive a new life.

    I thank God we don't have to be perfect. I am not sinless but I sin less.

    Romans 3:23 for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God,

    1. Brother Sam, I concur "I am not sinless but I sin less". Thanks for being an instrument of righteousness in the hands of the Almighty :-)

  5. Welcome Andre. Nice last name :)

  6. 1. The video does a great job explaining that even our very best isn't good enough. "All of us have become like one who is unclean, and all our righteous acts are like filthy rags; we all shrivel up like a leaf, and like the wind our sins sweep us away." Isaiah 64:6

    1. Hey Robert, once again, a great cross reference verse. Thanks!

    2. Amen. It seems many times the quality of our personal morality is very cheap indeed.

  7. Brother Andre Vargas, welcome to M3. It's a blessing having you on-board! Congratulations on your baptism!! Thank you for your service and sacrifice for our safety and country :-) God bless you brother!

    1. I appreciate everything and thank you for the invite.

  8. I liked the video because made me realize that I too can be used to spread the word of God. Before being saved I thought the God could never use a person like me because I never went to church and never read the bible. All I had was my faith and belief that God was out there even if my life was not going as planned. My faith is what kept me close to God even though I was not attending a church or reading my bible. I am here today because my faith has allowed me to seek God and be closer to him.

    1. I felt the same way when I started my walk with Christ. Thank God for redemption and the knowledge that the Holy Spirit provides. I pray that you continue to seek Him and grow you relationship with Him.

      Ephesians 1:17 I keep asking that the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the glorious Father, may give you the Spirit of wisdom and revelation, so that you may know him better.

    2. So glad to have you in this great band of brothers Andre! You will be greatly strengthened through the word and the men in M3.

    3. Andre. So glad you joined us and will be a big part of spreading the word as we disciple others to enhance the Kingdom of God. The past is the past and we all have our crosses to bare, but that's the great love of God to give his Son as a sacrifice for our redemption.
      Paid in full!

    4. Andre welcome to the team. You will soon start to see the many blessings of being part of a team that is purposefully seeking to honor God in everything we do.

    5. Welcome Andre, I am looking forward to meeting you in person and watching you transform into an "Unstoppable Man of God" who forcefully advances His Kingdom!

  9. Thank you lord for the heart transplant.

    Ezekiel 36:26 I will give you a new heart and put a new spirit in you; I will remove from you your heart of stone and give you a heart of flesh.

  10. Video: What I liked about the video was the idea of being good or bad enough to be accepted or rejected by God. In these scenario's the criteria seemed to be 1. relative and 2. accepting of the individual possessing them. It seems one thing we must do is be willing to be sized up to Gods standards, which is a pass fail event. The idea of good enough implies that a standard has been used and acceptance has been applied. The great danger seems to be creating good in our own imagination.

    1. Yes Antonio. How is it that each person always seems to measure up? :)

  11. The whole video was just great and it's kinda mind blowing because I was just speaking to a gentleman at work about how my life has changed along with the people I associate with.

    1. Glad you liked the video Rich. And glad you took the opportunity to share. Use him O Lord!

  12. A sin is a sin no matter how small or big the sin is. God sees sins as sin not how severe it was. He was placed on the cross between two thieves. One thieve asked for forgiveness and He who was the only one that could forgive, forgave him of his sins and promise that he would join Him in the Kingdom of God. God forgives our sins but he doesn't like when we commit the same sins over and over. As I stated before we will fall short of His glory but we have to keep trying to be a good and faithful follower of Christ.

    1. And I'm so glad you are striving to be a good and faithful follower Mike.

  13. The one thing that stands out to me is the verse that says , It is written none is righteous,
    no not one; because we have all fallen short ,but because the love,mercy and grace of
    God though Jesus Christ we have been forgiven if we believe in Jesus.

    1. John. I agree as it makes it clear that we are not worthy and what a great gift The Lord has given us. But what a golden opportunity to live for him and spread the word to help bring others to the Kingdom

    2. Amen John, it is only because of Jesus that we have forgiveness for our sins.

    3. Today's passage you referred to John, jarred me when I first read it in high school. Wow!

  14. 1. I thought the video was great as well as Romans 3. There exists such a misunderstanding of how people are accepted into Paradise, as we are all big sinners and no one enters because of good things they have done. It is by the grace of God as he presented Jesus as a sacrifice of atonement through Jesus blood. We receive eternal life when we turn ourselves around and live for Christ and believe completely and live righteously. We must live by faith and spread God's word--M3.
    2. Did it

    1. Amen, it is only through the sacrifice of Jesus on the cross that we receive eternal life.
      I thank the Lord for your life and your willingness to always share the Word of God and being available to mentor others. God is using you in a great way.

    2. Thank you Jack. Great words!

    3. Thank you for pointing out we are to spread God's word Jack.

  15. Great video. Jesus died for all our sins, whether they were many or few. The amazing thing is that Jesus died for everyone not for a certain few. That shows the great love God has for us. I like a statement a pastor said " We can't be sinless in this world but we can strive to sin less." Its not a free pass to sin because we are in this world of sin. We shall seek to satisfy the spirit not the flesh.

    Great to have you on our team Andre Vargas. God has great plan for you.

    1. Thanks for the good words and the encouraging words Vince. So glad you're my brother in arms.

  16. Great video pointing to a truth that all need to know, that we are all sinners blinded by our own sin and our only hope is to put our faith in Jesus. It is because of a his redemptive work on the cross that we are saved.

    1. You are a "whatever it takes" unstoppable man Roger. Even if technology thwarts you in the morning, you still make time late in the evening. Thanks for your persistence and patience.

    2. You are so right it is only though are trust and faith in Jesus Christ that we are saved.

  17. This is a good lesson for us all. We are all guilty of judging others as being more sinful than us. Whether it's ignoring the homeless man along the expressway or gossiping on who did what. Sin is sin. It doesn't matter how much good we do to try and cover our sins, God still considers it sin. What is important is that we accept Christ, preach is word, and acknowledge that we are sinners and repent.

    1. Well done Chuy. We don't really realize how offensive sin is to God, until we look at the cross and see Christ's sacrificial suffering a death to pay for it and cover it.

  18. 1) -Read Rom.3:10-25 and comment on anything that strikes you from this passage and/or the video.

    Romans 3: 23-24 “for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God, and all are justified freely by his grace through the redemption that came by Christ Jesus.

    We cannot achieve anything greater then imperfection and God cannot accept anything less the perfection. What was totally impossible for us to do, at a great cost, God made possible that we could be justified by Christ paying the debt of our sins in full with His own shed blood.

    2) Did It.

  19. 1. Romans 3:10-25 in nutshell a vital reminder that even the smallest white lie, our deceptive motives, our selfish needs, our attitude is as dirty rags to God's eyes(Roman 3:23 all have sinned and fallen short of the GOd) it is at that moment, that time to humble myself and cry out to to save me from such punishment that I deserve. Romans 3:24-25

    Did it

  20. Read Rom.3:10-25 and comment on anything that strikes you from this passage and/or the video.
    I like how the video shows how quickly sins can add up for someone leading a good life and how it ties into Romans 3:23 “For everyone has sinned; we all fall short of God’s glorious standard.” God knew we would not be able to live a sinless life so he sent Jesus to die for us to open the door so we could have a relationship with Him.

    1. Hello George, I liked that one too...... Just when you think you barely sin, like 3 times a day and that is it..... You times that by 365 days a year and then times that by 80 years...... Wow, so many sins :( You can probably tell that I am a Finance Major :)

  21. 1. I love what Dave G said in the video, " God loves us! We are the crown of His creation, but God hates what defiles His Masterpiece....Sin!" I also liked when Dave G says, " It has been said that Habits change when hearts change, and only God can change our Hearts!! " Thank you Lord for changing all the hearts of these Manly Men in this Group :)

    2. did it

  22. Read Romans 3:10-25
    The video showing a man in his death bed, heavily medicated and stricken down, is a illustrative example (to make a point) of a sinners reward for the life he lived. "Wages of sin is death." Rom.3-11"there is no one who understands; there is no one who seeks God." Reference to people who do not understand spiritual truth nor are diligently seeking God. Example of people being just "religious." No understanding about God and what is right. Person who does not seek God, they will never experience the spirit of life, peace and truth.

  23. 1. "for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God, and all are justified freely by his grace through the redemption that came by Christ Jesus." This verse definitely can be used to vanquish any self-sufficient or prideful attitudes regarding anything. We all are in the same boat when it comes to sin, yet God still loves us.

  24. Good morning I apologize for being MIA yesterday, so I'm playing catch up. This video is awesome and eye opening to most of my questions, doubts and insufficiency. I heard about the diagnosis of myself and about the malignant tumor affects our very spirit. I can relate to diagnosing a vehicle and how I have to figure out what the symptoms are, what my procedure of diagnosis is going to be, what to test and inspect, and ultimately determine the cause of failure and the necessary repairs to be done so the vehicle runs properly and up to standards and along with that make sure that the issue does not happen again. I confess that I have made mistakes in the past with certain diagnosis but through experience and time I have learned to do my job a lot better and professional. Once that is done I feel that the vehicle is reborn to work in better standards and ultimately have a vehicle that is reborn, in comparison to the teachings and the learning I am getting. The lord is graceful in all ways and I have felt and experienced his gracefulness. If Adam and Eve had to only take a bite out of a fruit without eating the whole thing, I cannot even believe the sins I have committed that now are forgiven through the blood of Jesus Christ that his only goal was to help people. Thank you all for your patience.

    1. Good stuff brother! I am also playing catch up today so worry not ;) Much love my man!

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. Thanks Phillip God bless you brother

  25. From Gods perspective we are all big sinners. No one will enter His Kingdom for the good things thy have done. External life is a gift from God. Only through Jesus Christ we will be saved! He is eager to help everyone. When we turn our lives over to Him, We are saved! I like how it states that habits change when your heart changes. Only God can change our hearts. Christ will give us the strength to change.
