Fri.8.7.15...Double Takes...John 1:1-18 part 2

Ever seen something so out of the ordinary that you did a double-take? Don't know why this is the first to come to my mind, but I remember in my Humboldt Park days seeing three bikers all pop wheelies and sustain such when the light turned green. Guess it was because I wasn't used to seeing that in my country living days of Michigan. Perhaps others may have gotten used to seeing such sights roaring down the road. Today I want to show you something that is so utterly amazing that it deserves a double take. It's the passage we read yesterday- John 1:1-18. It is one of the most wonder-full, truth packed passages in all of Scripture. Unfortunately, sometimes we can get so used to seeing such stunning truths that their riches no longer turn our heads. I imagine that's true for people who work with the gold at Fort Knox. 

John 1:1-18 is certainly a Fort Knox passage. How can you prevent such golden truths from becoming just words on a page? Pray and praise God for the gold you behold as you read or when you finish reading. Let's pan the passage for it's gold now. Here's further helpful comments on our passage from Gary DeLashmutt of Xenos Ministries Again, I'll add more of my comments [in brackets].

Jesus Is the Savior of Humanity (vs 4,5,14-18)

Jesus is not only the answer to the most abstract philosophical questions about Ultimate Reality. He is also the Savior of humanity. Read vs 4,5.
When John says, "in him was life," he uses a special Greek word to define a special kind of life. He doesn't use bios (physical life) or psuche (human consciousness). He uses zoe, which means the spiritual life of God. It is the word Jesus used when he said in Jn. 10:10b "I have come to give them life, life to the full." This is the special quality of life which is personal union and fellowship with God. "Now this is eternal life: that they may know you, the only true God, and Jesus Christ whom you have sent" Jn. 17:3. [We were born spiritually dead, so we need this spiritual and eternal life that is in Christ Jesus our Lord.]
"This life was the light of mankind." This spiritual life is what gives human existence meaning and direction. [Remember, how meaningless Solomon saw life under the sun, without a connection to the Son?] Unlike the animals, we were created to know God personally, to fellowship with him and experience his direction for our lives. [Granted, knowing God personally, is unlike any earthly, personal relationship. We are the engaged bride of Christ. And like an engaged couple separated by an ocean and World War II, the engaged bride, must cherish his letters until he comes back. Then they will see each other face to face. Even so come Lord, Jesus!]
"And the light shines in the darkness." The problem is that we [unsaved mankind] don't possess this life/light. We have physical life and light, we have incredible intelligence and resourcefulness, but we live in spiritual death and darkness. If human history (and the 6:00 news) teaches us anything, it teaches us that people are lost, adrift from the purpose of their existence, stumbling around in the darkness, hurting themselves and others in the process. But Jesus has come into this darkness to make God's light and life available.
What would it be like to have this light/life? John provides his own testimony in vs 14-18 (read). God actually became part of the human race (vs 14) so that people could have this. John sums up his own personal experience with Jesus by saying he was full of "grace and truth."
Jesus was full of truth. "Truth" means reality, the way things really are. [By the way, what is reality? Can't each person have their own reality or truth as many claim? A proper view of reality is that which conforms to God's truth.] As they got to know Jesus, they learned who God really was because Jesus "exegeted" God to them (vs 18; Jn. 14:9). [Exegesis is a popular word among Bible scholars. It comes from a Greek word and it means to explain or make known. You will see that is exactly what Jesus is described as doing John 1:18- He made known or exegeted (exegesato) the Father.] As we study John's gospel, we will learn who God really is also. And as they came to know Jesus, he inevitably exposed people for who they really were. When he exposed the pretense and hypocrisy of the Jewish religious leaders, his disciples loved it. But he also had an unnerving way of peering into the deepest recesses of their hearts and laying bare their weaknesses and sins and foolishness.
But he was also full of grace. "Grace" means God's unmerited favor. [GRACE= God's Riches At Christ's Expense.] It means God showing up in Christ to pay for our sins himself so we can have the free gift of his love and mercy and forgiveness and power to transform our lives. The same Jesus who knew and exposed their sinfulness was also an inexhaustible source of grace (vs 16). No matter how badly they blew it, no matter how foolish and sinful they realized they were, he always made more grace available to them. No wonder they were never the same. [When you are bummed by a fall or your fallen-ness, picture yourself as very muddy. Yet now imagine the fullness of God's grace as a never ending waterfall, always there to cleanse you. God is happily inviting you into the falls to cleanse you. What are you waiting for? :) Let the picture of the waterfalls on our Greatest Minimovies cards remind you of this overflowing fullness of God's grace pouring down upon you. One wave of grace or blessing after another. Come on in! It's better than a hot day as a kid dancing around in an open hydrant :) ]
How different this was from the Old Testament religion in which they had been raised (vs 17)! The Law, as great as it was, was only a dim reflection of Jesus. Like the MOON, it got its light from the SUN, and once the sun comes up, the moon fades into relative insignificance. God's Law gave them an outline of his moral character and a foreshadowing of his mercy. But Jesus showed them all they could understand about God's character and made God's mercy and transforming power accessible to them.
Where can we get this spiritual light/life? Not from Buddha, not from Mohammed, not from any other avatar or guru--only from Jesus. To a spiritually relativistic culture like our own, he keeps reminding them that Jesus is the only source: "In him (alone) was life . . . " (vs 4). "There was the true light which, coming into the world, enlightens every person . . . " (vs 9). Only in Jesus has "the logos become flesh" (vs 14). Only Jesus is "the only begotten God" (vs 18). [The "only begotten God" means the one and only or unique God.] As Jesus himself claims in Jn. 14:6, "I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father but by me." There is no room here for the popular view that Jesus was one of many spiritually enlightened masters, one of many ways to God. He is either God incarnate and the sole provider of spiritual life--or he is a liar, a fake, a scam artist.

How Will You Respond To Jesus? (vs 9-13)

Jesus is who he is regardless of how you respond to him. But that doesn't make your response to him unimportant. In fact, your response to Jesus is the most important decision you will ever make--because God has decided to let it be the basis for whether you benefit from him or not.
Read vs 9-11. What an incredible and tragic irony! God visited the creatures who were designed to know him, and most didn't even recognize him. He visited his chosen people and fulfilled hundreds of prophecies, but they didn't receive him. Why? It wasn't because of inadequate evidence (as we'll see), but because of an unwillingness to humble themselves and admit their need for his light and life.
But not everyone responded to him this way. Read vs 12,13. Some responded differently, and he gave them the right to become part of God's own family (another synonym for "light," "life," "grace," and "truth"). And we can get in on this, too (remember Jn. 20:31). But there is only one way to get this--by personally receiving Jesus. To make sure we get this, John tells us what won't suffice:
"blood"--family/ethnic background. Being a Jew (God's chosen people) didn't prevent most of them from rejecting Jesus, and being non-Jewish didn't prevent many Gentiles from receiving him. Likewise, it doesn't matter how many people in your family are Christians--you still have to receive Christ. And it doesn't matter if none of your family members have ever been Christians--you still can receive Christ.
"the will of the flesh"--human moral achievement. Being morally better than most people doesn't qualify you to be a member of God's family--you have to receive Christ. And being morally worse than most people doesn't disqualify you from becoming a child of God--you can still do so by receiving Christ.
"the will of a husband"--other people's decisions about Jesus. You have to make your own decision. Just because your spouse believes in Jesus doesn't make you a Christian--you still have to receive Christ. And just because your spouse doesn't believe doesn't mean you can't--you can still receive Christ.
1.- Pick a verse from 1:1-18 that causes you to do a double take as you look at it. Then exegete it (explain it) in your own words what strikes you about it.

2.- Watch the following short video overview of the gospel of John and write one brief thing you gleaned from it.

Gary took the opportunity to hand out a Greatest Mini-movies card and this is what happened- "One of the last cards I gave out, they did not look at it right away. But then I was contacted and they said the messages on the site were really powerful." Way to go Gary!

I also like what Roger wrote- "I gave one of the greatest mini movies cards to a friend that has been going through some hard times in his life. He was very thankful for the card." Way to go Roger! Thank you Lord for using us to spread the gospel. 

Thanks for lightening my load by remembering to get all your points up on the scoreboard so I can get the totals together for Monday. 

Speaking of Monday, what was one of your most important job interviews and what's that got to do with John 1:19-34? You'll have to wait until Monday. I'm also eager to introduce something and someone new to you :)


  1. 1. John 1:12 "But to all who did receive him, who believed in his name, he gave the right to become children of God,"
    Any person that does believe that Jesus is the Son of God, and that he died on the cross for our sins (and repents) will be considered to be children of God.
    2. Great video that gives a quick overview of the book of John:
    a. Introduction - brief synopsis: Jesus is the Son of God
    b. Book of Signs - Jesus' ministry
    c. Book of Glory - glorification through crucifixion and resurrection
    d. Conclusion - Jesus' appearance to his disciples after his resurrection.

    1. 1 thx Roger. Seems so simple yet so powerful.
      Repent, receive him, believe, and love him with all we are

    2. Excellent summary of the video Roger!

    3. Good verse! I picked the same one.

  2. 1. John 1:3 "All things came into being by Him, and apart from Him nothing came into being that has come into being." Jesus is the Creator of all things, and as a result has authority over all. No room for "from goo to you by way of the zoo and 4.3 billion years" here. Also no room "Jesus is simply a man" here either.

    2. Summary of John - Beginning, Middle, Middle, End

    1. Thx Tim.
      He created Life-- he is everything. God Bless

    2. Very good Tim. I think both of us have enjoyed Frank Perretti :)

  3. 1. John 1:12 Yet to all who did receive him, to those who believed in his name, he gave the right to become children of God
    The wording here made me reread this a couple times. Mainly that 'he gave the right to become children of God.' It just made me think that well does anyone have the right to become a child of God without first knowing Christ? Without receiving Christ, without believing in him then we can't know God because to know God without knowledge or acceptance of his son is impossible.

    2. I learned that the beginning of John is about God's expression which is the same thing as Christ.

    1. Michael. Thanks for your post and insight. how wonderful it is to be his children.

    2. Yes Michael, how wonderful that he has given us the right or privilege to become his children, that the great Creator and Holy One would want a Father son relationship with us to mimic the heavenly Father Son relationship.

    3. You are right without receiving Christ we cannot know God

  4. 1. Jesus was God's new creation, free from sin. God himself became flesh in order to redeem sinful humanity. John 1:14
    God created the world and everything to be good, but man became corrupt therefore The need for our Savior.
    2. Jesus is God's expression. John is broken down into parts. Having internet probs-- posting again before I lose it again

    1. Yes Jack, through the eternal Son who was without sin, we have been redeemed.
      Don't ya just love the internet at times :(

    2. hmm God's original intention for us is our final destination in Christ Jesus. Great news!

  5. 1a. Wow I gleaned alot today. Dave you had some pretty heavy words.
    -How we can lose the wonder of the treasures that we might see everyday. LORD, MAY WE NEVER LOSE THE WONDER!
    -How we are engaged bride being written to. Jesus is such a romantic. We should cherish these letters. LORD, MAY WE HAVE A ZEAL FOR YOUR WORD!
    -How is grace is so abundant and His willingness to make it overflowing even in our stumbling. LORD, THANK YOU FOR YOUR GRACE. THANK YOU Jesus!

    1b. He was in the world, and though the world was made through him, the world did not recognize him. He came to that which was his own, but his own did not receive him.

    The power of sin...that the creation doesn't even respond or recognize the One who created them. They don't recognize Royalty because they're so consumed with themselves. But because of Jesus sacrifice, our eyes have been open and we have come into the light. We recognize and understand what was blinding us.

    2. God's expression = Christ. God's expression of His Glory, His Love, His fulfilling promises = Christ.

    3. Please pray that Christ's love would be displayed through our team's unity and service. Departing now. Peace and Grace!

    1. Excellent Eddie! "They don't recognize Royalty because they're so consumed with themselves."
      Journey mercies upon you and the team. We pray not only for protection but that you all would be great reflections.

    2. Good prayers bro. Praying for you as you're away. Ill miss you until you return.

    3. Great deduction Eddie, I like your expansion of the verse.

    4. I really like how you worded your reason. "They don't recognize Royalty because they're so consumed with themselves" . My paraphrase of Jesus "There's no compromise either your first or I'm first you can't have both I won't allow it, I'm worth more then that; and if your not willing to see it your not worthy to have it."

    5. Amen may we always have a zeal for Jesus.

  6. Eddie. Great post bro-- I also now can't believe how Christ was rejected by many and still is today but it's brothers / disciples like you who are helping transform.

  7. 1. John 1:14 And the Word became flesh and dwelt among us, and we have seen his glory, glory as of the only Son from the Father, full of grace and truth.

    Yesterday we talked about the word but today this verse adds to it. The word became flesh....God made is physical so we can understand it by placing his son on earth. He was full of grace and glory. Wow what an awesome way so we can understand his word.

    2. One thing that stood out was how many times Jesus had to prove himself so people can belive. 7 times before his crucifixion he performed miracles so we could believe and if that wasn't enough Jesus still appeared after death. All of this to show us that he is still living and to have faith by the grace of God. A loving God!

    1. Very good Horacio! "God made physical" That is an amazing truth!

  8. 1.In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.
    John 1:1 I like the comparison made between John and Genesis.

    2. I'm sitting here by the Starbucks on Taylor Street and there's a fountain spurting up. I gleaned and like the analogy of how God's graces. We can fall into the mud and then go under the waterfall and get cleansed thank you Lord.

    1. Glad you liked that analogy George. It came to me very late last night on a prayer walk, so I added it.

  9. 1- John 1:5
    The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it.

    This got me thinking that light always overcomes darkness. Darkness is really only the absence of light. Darkness and light can not be present at the same time. This is true however the light can be manipulated. For example, a light switch that has a dial to turn up and turn down the intensity and brightness of the light in the room. The room will stay completely lit as long as the brightness of that light remains high. We can bring the brightness down and eventually turn it off completely.

    I feel that is the way we operate. Christ is the light of the world but we turn down the spiritual dial causing his light to lose its brightness.

    2- I liked the description of the Beginning - Middle - Middle - End

    1. Yes Louis- O that our light would be bright. As we behold him we reflect him- 2 Cor.3:18

  10. 1. “But to all who did receive him, who believed in his name, he gave the right to become children of God,” John‬ ‭1:12‬ ‭ESV‬‬

    It's that simple. All we have to do is believe in him and we will be saved.

    2. I like how the video broke down the book of John in under three minutes. cool video!

    1. Amen bro. Simple as saying yes.

    2. Bingo James. Look forward to talking with you soon.

    3. Yeah that was great. Shallow enough for babes to wade in.

    4. That is right.... We have to say Yes!

  11. John 1:14 (NIV) The Word became flesh and made his dwelling among us. We have seen his glory, the glory of the one and only Son, who came from the Father, full of grace and truth.

    This verse says it all. Jesus humbled Himself to be with us. We esteem/worship Him with the greatest honor, who came from God, to deliver truth and most important the unmerited salvation for those who accept Him.

    I pray that those that have not received Him, to receive Him as Lord and Savior. I pray that those that have received Him, to share the truth of everlasting life.

    2. I like that he mentioned, that not only did He say it, but proved it.

    1. Yes, several have claimed to be the Christ, but none have proved it, except One.

    2. Yes Sam great prayer, that those that do not know Christ need to receive Him.

  12. In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God......I like this passage because when I talk to people who really don't know Jesus don't understand

    1. Yes Flo; words explain things and Jesus explained the Father.
      Trust you liked the video too.
      Good talking with you earlier.

  13. 1)“Yet to all who did receive him, to those who believed in his name, he gave the right to become children of God— children born not of natural descent, nor of human decision or a husband’s will, but born of God.”
    ‭‭John‬ ‭1:12-13‬ ‭
    I believe these verses say that even though we have already been born to
    Flesh, once we believed in him we are born again.

    2) he had did certain acts to back up what he was teaching

  14. 1. "Yet to all who did receive him, to those who believed in his name, he gave the right to become children of God—" John 1:12
    We have rights as children of God that are given to us though we're not deserving.
    2. I appreciated that it pointed out the fact that Jesus followed up his claims of deity with the miracles he performed.

    1. It's a great blessing to be a son we need not earn anything to have the Father's love. Great job Robert.

  15. 1. John 1:13 They did not become God's children by natural means, that is by being born as the children of a human father; God himself was their Father.
    We do not become a new child of God by inheritance from a Christian parents, or by us willing it, or by will of someone.This power to make this change in us comes only from God .
    2. The mini movie tells us that the book of John is sectioned into four parts.
    The beginning. Short intro of God's expression,
    First middle. Signs of Jesus
    second middle. Glory of Jesus
    End appearance of Jesus to the
    discipless after death

  16. 1
    Joh 1:13 who were born, not of blood nor of the will of the flesh nor of the will of man, but of God.
    Talking of those that did receive him; these were the individuals that were born of God by adoption. No by lineage or decent Abraham or an natural means of being born. This totally defines that God Himself has a Chosen race while at the same time according to the previous verse that we are still retained in free will.

    “The essence of John’s theology which is that 'Jesus is the Son of God,’ the path to eternal life.”
    The description of John’s direction in writing was very helpful and new to me. Shows how direct and purposeful to show the proof of Jesus.

  17. 1) "Gods expression = Jesus." An expression is the only way the unseen in ward self can be made known to the surrounding world and the more intimate the relationship the more vulnerable and valuable the truth being made known in this case The Father (The greatest value) is being made known through the person of Jesus ( His deepest intimacy).
    2) 1:18 New International Version
    No one has ever seen God, but the one and only Son, who is himself God and is in closest relationship with the Father, has made him known.
    Jesus through his articulation of words and actions reveals the unseen God to all who would listen. It is impossible for God to be known to you apart from this medium. No eye has ever seen the Father of lights except those of Jesus of Nazareth who himself from eternity past is God; what was apart from your reach is now within your grasp if you dare to trust the message of Jesus, Who He is! What He has done! What you can have! Lay down your excuses and choose, What do you say that He is God or man!

    1. Amen brother Tony, Romans 10:10 For it is with your heart that you believe and are justified, and it is with your mouth that you profess your faith and are saved.

    2. Outstanding Antonio- "Gods expression = Jesus." An expression is the only way the unseen in ward self can be made known to the surrounding world and the more intimate the relationship the more vulnerable and valuable the truth being made known in this case The Father (The greatest value) is being made known through the person of Jesus ( His deepest intimacy)."

  18. The true light, which gives light to everyone, was coming into the world. John 1:9

    Jesus which gave all of us the right to live with God was coming to this temporary world to be among his children

  19. 2) the big things that stood out was people seen Jesus miracles and yet wanted more inorder to prove who he really was. And yet he loved them anyway even after some many still doubt.

    1. Andre, God loves us despite of who we are. He is reaching out to us for a relationship.

  20. 1. “And the Word became flesh, and dwelt among us, and we saw His glory, glory as of the only begotten from the Father, full of grace and truth.”
    ‭‭John‬ ‭1:14‬ ‭NASB‬‬
    One of my favorite verses in the bible. Grace and truth many times are looked at as opposites. Fire and water. Light and dark. Many gurus or spiritual leaders are rich in truth and others in grace. But Jesus embodied both.
    Grace and truth are both needed for spiritual growth they are the nutrients and Jesus in sun and source. This is what sets Jesus apart from other gurus and spiritual masters. He is Gid and full of grace and truth.

    2. I learned from video that Jesus being the word expresses God.

    1. Amen! Extrordinary verse there Nic!

    2. "Grace and truth are both needed for spiritual growth", so true and well said brother Nic :-)

  21. 1) For me the double take was in verses 9-11. They show how Jesus, (the perfect and best manifestation of who God is and what He is like), was not recognized at all by the world that He made, and not even received by a people who were being prepared to announce his arrival. The world saw no value in it's Creator. His own people disdained His nearness and rejected Him. This shows how evil, wicked, and treacherous that mankind had become. If Jesus came with His glory and majesty unwrapped, all would instantly recognize Him, but all would be forced to suffer the immediate, devastating consequences. So the life giving light came disguised into an extremely dark wicked world.

    2) I gleaned that John has two middle halves. The first is the Book of Signs, which focuses on Jesus' statements about who he is each followed by a sign of proof . The second middle half is known as the Book of Glory. It chronicles Jesus glory through his crucifixion and resurrection. Both books provide proof that Jesus in the Divine Son of God.

    1. Your double-take, brother, reminds me of a song that has for its chorus the following question: "What If God Were One of Us". This isn't a question, this song, and its lyrics. God HAS been one of us in the Person of Christ who lived in human form before returning to the Father. He knows us at our level. He took human form because we certainly couldn't take divine form and visit God in heaven. If God can demonstrate such humility, born of His love for us, who are we to be proud and not practice extreme humility. This is akin to a father calling on his child to come to him and the child replying, "Yeah, no, why don't you come to me instead?" Most parents would take offense to such a remark and discipline their child, but our Father did exactly that: He met us where we were and removed all obstacles that might keep us apart. Wow!...just...WOW! Glory be to God, forever and ever.

    2. Excellent thoughts, Mr. Heidekrueger! That stuck out to me too.

  22. 1-John 1:14New International Version (NIV)

    14 The Word became flesh and made his dwelling among us. We have seen his glory, the glory of the one and only Son, who came from the Father, full of grace and truth.

    The word became real or in human form. We can see God in all his Glory through his son.
    I just get enough of this verse.

    2- How the book of John is divided in parts. It's great that all the times I've read the book of John there is so much more to learn from it. Great video Brother Dave.

    1. Amen, brother. "We can SEE God in all his Glory through his son." How loved are we that God should choose to reveal Himself to the whole world through the Person of Christ the Son? We aren't simply expected to believe in blind faith...God Himself has walked among us, spoken with us, shared His table with us, broken bread with us, placed His hands upon us, communed with us, all in the Person of Christ Jesus. Powerful stuff, Vince. Thank you, brother.

    2. I love that phrase "We can see God in all his Glory through his son", Vince. Good post! Thanks for sharing!

  23. 1. John 1:18 "No one has ever seen God, but the one and only Son, who is himself God and is in closest relationship with the Father, has made him known." No one but Christ the Son has seen God the Father. Both Son and Father are a single God, put different Persons in tri-unity with the Holy Spirit. The father willed the Universe into existence...willed each of us to existence at the moment of our conception. The Son reconciled us to our true Father, for our true nature is not what we see standing in front of a mirror; our true nature is divine. Nothing imperfect can come from a perfect God. We are made imperfect by our sin. The Son redeemed us that by faith and grace we are made perfect again in the eyes of Father. The Holy Spirit is God's grace within us. It makes us capable of moving mountains through our faith because it restores us to our divine state. Through this divine state, we are granted sonship and inheritance in the Kingdom of Heaven. All this we have received from God, each a gift from the three Persons of God. What man can claim that he is poor when he has received so much? We aren't simply blessed. We are thrice blessed. As Christ received three gifts from the Magi, in recognition of His kingship and divinity, we too have received three gifts: the gift of life (existence), the gift of redemption from the sin state into which we are born, and the gift of grace that makes us children of God and allows us to return to the Father at the end of our life.

    2. I gleaned from the video that Christ is Word in the sense that Christ is an expression of God. I had to think about this for a second. There are many ways in which a man can express himself (verbally, physically, facially, mentally, through writing, etc.), but verbally is perhaps our most predominant form of expression. When I tell my wife I love her, I am expressing my love to her. What she perceives at that moment are words...words that, without action, are meaningless. What good does it do my wife for me to tell her I love her if I don't back up my words with actions? Christ is God's expression of love to us, but because God is perfect, His Word is backed up by action: Christ didn't simply appear to mankind and deliver the Father's message of love to us; He demonstrated that love in every miracle He performed, every life He transformed, and in His ultimate sacrifice. If Godliness is the aim of MANLY men, we must back our words up with actions. Our expression of God's love to others, that is, our reflection of God's expression of love for us or our reflection of Christ, must be backed up by actions that demonstrate, not just tell.

    1. Always great stuff from you Osiris!!!

    2. Well said Osiris! - we too have received three gifts: the gift of life (existence), the gift of redemption from the sin state into which we are born, and the gift of grace that makes us children of God and allows us to return to the Father at the end of our life.

    3. Brother Osiris, great insight with the gifts :-)

    4. Excellent Osiris. I am impressed by what you've also written to the other brothers as well.

  24. 1. John 1: 5 The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it.
    I just love this powerful verse!

    2. I learned that there are 3 different sections in the book of John...
    1st it tells us of Jesus's orgin and mission
    2nd it tells us of Jesus's crucifixion and resurrection and proves that He is the son of God
    3rd it tells about Jesus's apprearence to his desciples after His resurrection

  25. 1 - John 1: 2-3 He existed in the beginning with God. God created everything through him, and nothing was created except through him.
    Jesus was there with God from the beginning. In fact, God used Jesus to create everything. The first time someone explained this verse to me it struck me. Growing up I knew Jesus was the son of God but I don’t remember anyone ever explaining that Jesus was there from the beginning. Before that I always thought he came into existence when he was born in Bethlehem.

    2 – I like the way he summarized the format of John with a beginning, a middle, another middle and an end.

    1. It is mind boggling my brother :) Jesus has always existed! Many people think of a cute little baby Jesus ( just a man) who came to be slain, but they forget that He will come back to rule and to reign as the King of Kings and the Lord of Lords!

  26. John 1:12 says "But as many as received Him, to them He gave the right to become children of God, even to those who believe in His name," ---- Wow! Every person has the choice to become a child of the Most High God. Many people in today's culture think that all people are God's children, and that is flat out wrong! We are God's creation, but NOT His children until we personally accept Christ as Lord and Savior of our lives. Then we are born again spiritually and made alive in Christ! Woo Hoo ---- Thank You Jesus :)

    2. The introduction in John tells of Jesus' Origin, Mission, and Function! We are now studying this intro. - Jesus as the Word or Logos, being God Himself, and being the creator of all things. Wow!

    1. Right you are Israel- "We are God's creation, but NOT His children until we personally accept Christ as Lord and Savior of our lives."


  27. 1.- Jn. 1:11
    He came to that which was his own, but his own did not receive him.

    Verse is to the point and cruel, the Messiah has arrived, He comes to gather and tend to his strayed flock only to be rejected and persecuted. Sad how this world has not learn of their err ways, and continues to live this way.

    Isaiah 53:3
    He was despised and rejected by mankind, a man of suffering, and familiar with pain. Like one from whom people hide their faces he was despised, and we held him in low esteem.

    2.- Video of book of John
    -Intro of Christ or "expression"
    -essence of Christ "son of God"
    -signs of Christ "ministry" miracles
    -glory of Christ "resurrection"
    -conclusion "sonship" go spread the news

    1. Bueno, buneo Armando! Jack and I were just talking about how much we appreciate you.

  28. 1) John 1:10 "He was in the world, and though the world was made through him, the world did not recognize him."

    Jesus came into the world He created, yet His creations did not recognize Him. I've always found this rather sad.

    2) I like how the video described the book in 4 parts. It did a good job summarizing the book.

    1. Good Alex! So gald you got the job at Saint X.

  29. 1. John 1:13 NLT They are reborn—not with a physical birth resulting from human passion or plan, but a birth that comes from God.

    To be reborn, is being baptized. Or taking off the old and putting on the new.

    2. This video has me even more eager to study more of john.

    1. Glad to talk with you just a bit ago Jose and glad you're all the more excited to study John.

  30. 1. "But to any one who would take Jesus as their personal lord and savior,
    trusting that he is who he says he is God gave them the right to become His children" john 1:12 Dave DeBoer Paraphrase
    2. I like how well they put the beginning of john "God's expression= Christ"

    1. I looked on Amazon but couldn't find the DeBoer paraphrase :)

  31. 1. John 118 No one has ever seen God, but the one and only Son, who is himself God and[b] is in closest relationship with the Father, has made him known.

    This tells us that no one has ever seen God, only God himself has seen him. We know of God because of the Bible and because of Jesus.

    2. Video tells us that this is the whole story of who God and Jesus are and what we are meant to do on this earth. We need to spread the word and believe in hm.

    1. Yes Chuy- "This tells us that no one has ever seen God, only God himself has seen him. We know of God because of the Bible and because of Jesus."

  32. Very good thoughts Chuy. Also great job of being unstoppable this week. Keep seeking the Lord Chuy. Direct your heart to treasure Him above all else.

    1. And thanks for all your encouraging words Dave. You're a good shepherd

  33. 1. John 1:12-13 “Yet to all who did receive him, to those who believed in his name, he gave the right to become children of God— children born not of natural descent, nor of human decision or a husband’s will, but born of God.”

    Those who were given the chance to receive Christ and did do so, they had now become Children of God. It is not a natural thing, not something we make a decision on without God pulling the strings. It is not a decision made by someone else on behalf of us, it is simply the Lord doing the work of bringing you into His kingdom as a child of His.

    2. It was interesting when the man mentioned that Genesis and John begin with the same words "In the Beginning..." Yet one was focused on God's creation, and one on His Logos. It would be nice to see what other parallels there are between the books, if any.
