Wed.8.12.15...Transforming Water Into Wine...John 2:1-11

How Did He Do That?

When you were a kid, did you like watching a magic show? I still enjoy seeing a magician perform. Here's a short clip of one doing a cool "act of transformation."

As we read John 2:1-11, we see Jesus doing a genuine and an amazing act of transformation. Moses may have turned water into to blood as an act of judgment, but Jesus turned water into wine as an act of kindness. This was Jesus' first miracle he ever performed. (No, as a boy Jesus didn't turn clay birds into real ones as the Qur'an and The Infancy Gospel of Thomas claim; both written hundreds of years after Jesus' earthly life.) By the way, 35 different miracles are recorded within the four gospels. John let's us know that Jesus did many more than that. John picked out 7 of them to focus on. Why? Read 20:30-31 to find out now and underline it in your Bible please. John is giving you the very reason why he wrote his gospel. If Ecclesiastes was a pre-evangelism book, the gospel of John is definitely an evangelism book.

Notice that John calls Jesus' miracles signs. Why? Well, what does a sign do? It gives us important information and points us in the right direction, doesn't it? Jesus' miraculous signs did just that. For example, they verified that he was who he claimed to be- 'believe the miracles that you may know that the Father is in me, and I in the Father" 10:38. "I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me" John 14:6. There is only one way to the Father and that is through faith in Jesus alone. His miraculous signs pointed this out clearly.

So as you read the story of Jesus turning the water into wine, keep in mind that it is written to convince the unbeliever to believe that Jesus is the promised Savior. It is not to assure you that Jesus will transform your bad circumstances. Sometimes he does, other times he doesn't. We follow Him because He has transformed us, not to get him to transform our circumstances. That is guaranteed in heaven not here on earth. Another important thing to notice in the story is that Jesus said, "My time has not yet come" 2:4. This phrase we will see later in 7:8,30; 8:30. Then at the end of Jesus' life, we discover that his time had come- 12;23; 13:1; 17:1. The entire gospel is moving toward that crucial time- Christ's death and resurrection. He was 100% focused on carrying out that mission He was sent to accomplish. Thank You Lord for staying on target. You made the one way for us to be saved and transformed.

We already saw in Proverbs that drunkenness was condemned, so Jesus certainly was not promoting drunkenness by turning so much water into wine. Running out of wine for one's guests would have been a total embarrassment, which Jesus prevented for those newlyweds. (Today, it might be like having no food or even cake for your wedding guests. How cheap!) What a great quality wedding present Jesus gave them. (And what a far greater quality wedding present He's given us; and all the more awaits us as well.) Notice also that he did it rather privately. We will see Jesus performing other miracles without calling attention to himself. He delighted in humility. And notice that the miracle didn't require anything of the newlyweds. The miracle isn't recorded to show us "five steps to take to get Jesus to fulfill your needs." You know why it's written- 20:30-31.

Then what was the significance of this miraculous sign? First it revealed Jesus' glory (doxa), which means his majesty, infinite worth, honor and praiseworthiness. John was there to see this first miracle revealing Jesus' glory. Earlier he wrote in 1:14- "We have seen his glory, the glory of the One and Only, who came from the Father, full of grace and truth." Second, the miraculous sign motivated his first few disciples (not all of them had been called yet) to put their trust in him. Their faith would grow all the more. Isn't that how it is with us? We put our trust in the Lord for our salvation, but our trust has grown deeper as we have learned so much more about our glorious Savior and King. Again, this is the thrust of why John included this story. He wants to help people put their faith in Jesus too, so that they also can be transformed, like water into wine.

1.- People need to put their faith in Jesus so that they can be transformed. Share a story of some unsaved person you have recently witnessed to or given a Greatest Minimovies card to. (At Sunday's M3 meeting, I will give you an encouraging update on how many people have been watching them.)

2.- Read through John 2:1-11 and pick a verse or phrase that grabs your interest and share some of your thoughts about it.

Jesus did an Act of Kindness for that newlywed couple. Be on the lookout for an Act of Kindness you can do for others and then seek to help them. (Please remember to put a point in the A column on the scoreboard when you do acts of kindness above and beyond the norm.) 

George Doherty is spreading gospel seeds even at restaurants. He wrote, "I gave out a couple cards to servers but I didn’t have a chance to talk to them." That's fine George. Way to go!

Nic wrote, "I gave a card to one of my students. She confessed to being liberal in her beliefs and grew up going to a liberal church. I told her that my views are probably a lot more conservative but challenged her to go back to the Bible afresh and gave her a mini movies card and invited her to church." Way to go Nic!

As you go to put your points on the scoreboard, is there anybody on your fire-team or squad that you see needs an encouraging call? It's refreshing to hear from some of you who have let me know you are reaching out to any who are MIA. Excellent! Thanks!

Your anger, Moses and Jesus, shallow faith, and dropping out of M3. You guessed it. Find out more about all of that tomorrow. 


  1. 1- I shared 2 card with 2 guys who come service our building with securely shredding documents. My job is to walk them through the building as they collect every shred bin. One of them was only here for a week he was brought in from Nevada. We had had some good conversations so I offered him and his partner a card.

    2- John‬ ‭2:6‬
    “Nearby stood six stone water jars, the kind used by the Jews for ceremonial washing, each holding from twenty to thirty gallons.”
    I find it interesting that He chose to use jars that were used for washing people. It shows the love of God. He loves led to use us a dirty and messy people to do his miracles and show his glory. He doesn't search for the best but rather uses what others would consider un useful to do some of his greatest work.

    1. Good sharing and good words Louis!

    2. Agree brother, His love in unconditional and unwavering

    3. Great comments. God can use anything for good.

    4. Brother Lou, great point! 2 Corinthians 4:7 "But we have this treasure in jars of clay to show that this all-surpassing power is from God and not from us."

    5. Fantastic job reaching out to others to share the Gospel.

  2. 1.- none recently

    2.- Jn. 2:10
    Master of the banquet said:
    "Everyone brings out the choice wine first and then the cheaper wine after the guests have had too much to drink; but you have saved the best till now."

    I take this to say that before this time there were many who have come to this world, sent by God who were to bring humanity to conform to God's way. All to no avail, so Christ himself, is presented, the best, "the one and only" who comes to show humanity the error of their ways.
    00 Reaching, one cup of wine to many!

    In the kingdom of heaven there are many reversals, and the day of judgment will bring many surprises.

    Matt. 19:30 Jesus said;
    "But many who are first will be last, and many your last will be first."

    1. Interesting ponderings Armando. Moses was viewed as the greatest of all the prophets. Yet God saved the best till last, His own Son.

    2. Brother Armando, yes many surprises! "After this I looked, and there before me was a great multitude that no one could count, from every nation, tribe, people and language, standing before the throne and before the Lamb. They were wearing white robes and were holding palm branches in their hands." Revelation 7:9

    3. In the kingdom there are many reversals! I love that Armando.

    4. Amen Armando... "many who are first will be last, and many your last will be first'

  3. 1. A friend that has been battling alcohol addiction reached day 89 of being sober. So I was congratulating him and telling him that with God on his side he can overcome. He was very happy with my words of encouragement but still not ready to put his faith in Christ.
    2. John 2:11 "This, the first of his signs, Jesus did at Cana in Galilee, and manifested his glory. And his disciples believed in him."
    How great it was for the disciples to see Jesus perform these miracles and believe in Him and what a privilege that we have today to see the same power of God transform people for his glory.

    1. Great job plugging in. keep up the sowing!

    2. Very good in reaching out Roger and I like your words- "what a privilege that we have today to see the same power of God transform people for his glory."

    3. Yes brother Roger, witnesses to transformed lives, praise the Lord! "In the same way, I tell you, there is rejoicing in the presence of the angels of God over one sinner who repents.” Luke 15:10

    4. Way to be an encourager Roger. Way to direct him to the One that provides us an exit strategy in times of temptation and stench to go about our days!

    5. Way to go out of your way and showing him love by congratulating him. Your planting seeds bro.

    6. Roger. You go bro. As it's still s big seed you planted and it will grow. Thx for your dedication

  4. 1. Ran out of cards and forgot to ask for more this past Sunday.

    2. John 2:11 What Jesus did here in Cana of Galilee was the first of the signs through which he revealed his glory; and his disciples believed in him.

    It is interesting to note that He already had disciples before He performed any signs. We have a similar opportunity, to share the word of God and point people to Him. Have a blessed day!

    1. Very good Sam! I'll call you soon to see if I can get you some more cards before Sunday.

    2. Brother Sam, great point "He already had disciples before He performed any signs"

    3. Spreading seeds all Johnny Appleseed. John 4:34-38. Good job Sam. To Him be the Glory!

    4. Yes amen Sam lets do the same and point people to Christ.

  5. 1. Recently shared the "" link via text to a brother from another church.

    2. "What Jesus did here in Cana of Galilee was the first of the signs through which he revealed his glory; and his disciples believed in him." John 2:11

    "Seeing is believing" (Author unknown, to me)

    The disciples believed because they had seen, but Jesus later said in John 20:29b "Because you have seen me, you have believed; blessed are those who have not seen and yet have believed.”

    "For we live by faith, not by sight." 2 Corinthians 5:7

    1. Amen. As hard as it may be sometimes to live by faith, as much as we want to know what lies ahead of us. But that's the excitement, the true trust, courageous belief, the hope, the confidence we have in Our God that He be the Buen Pastor, the Good Shepard and lead us to where we need to be.

    2. This is one of my greatest challenges, brother Robert, living by faith. As Eddie put it, I constantly want to know what lies ahead. I'm wired to know the next move and the move after that before it is even made. I pride myself in being prepared, but what exactly am I prepared for and what am I sacrificing to be prepared. Am I losing the war to win a single battle? It sure feels that way sometimes, especially when I see things falling apart around me despite my best effort to hold things up. Unless I learn to place my faith in God, and not in my own ability, even if it comes from God, I will not be prepared when it matters most.

    3. Indeed we live by faith-- I feel his presence among us. PTL

    4. Great contrasting cross ref. Robert!

    5. Good verse, thoughts, and cross reference, Robert!

  6. 1. I gave a card to a student who is studying to be a social worker. She said she did an internship with a Christian homeless shelter but did not mention faith in Christ. I told her I was a Christian and gave her a mini movies card. I told her there are some well done videos about faith and questions people have about Christianity.

    2. “and said to him, "Every man serves the good wine first, and when the people have drunk freely, then he serves the poorer wine; but you have kept the good wine until now."”
    ‭‭John‬ ‭2:10‬ ‭NASB‬‬
    When Jesus gives its not second hand he gives us the good stuff.

    1. Awesome job Nic! Way to be a light.

    2. You are going above and beyond as a teacher, Nic. The greatest knowledge we can share is knowledge of Christ and the Gospel. I pray your efforts will have a revelatory effect in the life of your student, and that she may grow in faith., certain in her beliefs and strong in her relationship with Christ.

    3. Brother Nic, love it "When Jesus gives its not second hand he gives us the good stuff."

    4. You are seeing and seizing great opportunities Nic. Way to go!

  7. 1. I have not shared a card recently. Although I have talked to Jose Carillo again down here in Queretaro. Just want to commend everyone for being encouraging, reaching out to coworkers, friends, even strangers. So encouraging to be a part of this team of men who are Actively Pursuing others for Christ.

    2. I was reading John 2 the other day and I had alot of questions. Why does Jesus speak to his mother like that? Verse 3-5
    Yes, it's awesome to see how Jesus' glory is first revealed through this miracle.

    Actually looked up some commentary to deepen my knowledge and uncovered some great gems. Like one that Dave mentioned, this and the Gospel of John was written to display the Glory of Christ. Also, learned about the significance of converting the water to wine. A foretelling of the change of covenants, from old to new. Check this out if you have some time.

    1. Our prayers go out to you and the Queretaro team, brother. May God continue to bless your mission to make disciples and spread His message of hope and salvation to every corner of the Earth.

    2. Brother Eddie, keep up the good work, we're proud of you :-)

    3. I'm praying for you and looking forward to a walk with you when you get back.
      Good stuff from John Piper. You're digging deep!

    4. I wondered the same thing too. Thanks for sharing, Eddie! I got to check out that article soon. By the way, God bless and stay safe out in Mexico!

  8. 1. A few weeks back, a friend of mine was experiencing some trying times due to the failing health of a relative who required hospitalization. This friend is not Christian, but rather Muslim by tradition (not in practice). As challenging as it was to encourage her with consideration to her personal beliefs, I focused on sharing the message of hope: We are not alone. Our loving Father watches over us. In our time of darkness, we can seek His light and reach it. Speak to your Father in Heaven, and He will hear your prayers. He will comfort you in your time of despair. Embrace His purpose and see Him working through your troubles to transform you and make you stronger. Sometimes, we need that hope to get us through our trials.

    2. John 2:5 His mother said to the servants, "Do whatever he tells you." There are no two ways to follow Christ. There is not half-hearted discipleship. The instructions for discipleship are clearly outlined by Mary in this short verse: "Do whatever he tells you." Greater than the law of Moses, the wisdom of the Psalmist, and the advice of Solomon in Proverbs is the Gospel and the spoken word of Christ. May we all trust fully and do exactly as He tells us.

    1. Brother Osiris, agreed "Sometimes, we need that hope to get us through our trials."
      "Hope deferred makes the heart sick, but a longing fulfilled is a tree of life." Proverbs 13:12

    2. Excellent Osiris! "Do whatever he tells you." Greater than the law of Moses, the wisdom of the Psalmist, and the advice of Solomon in Proverbs is the Gospel and the spoken word of Christ. May we all trust fully and do exactly as He tells us.

  9. 1. Last Thursday, I had the privilege of sharing the gospel with two teenage boys they both made the decision for Christ to be their savior!
    2.John 2:10 NIV
    and said, "Everyone brings out the choice wine first and then the cheaper wine after the guests have had too much to drink; but you have saved the best till now."
    - I love this because I see it as Jesus's first miracle isn't for the religious person but for the common person.

    1. Dave great observation about this miracle being for the common person.

    2. Brother Dave D, may the Lord continue using you to lead others to Him, great job :-)

    3. I ditto your good brothers words above :)

  10. 1. I gave a card to a co-worker recently. She was having a very bad day and wad going thru a difficult time in her life. She downloaded a scanner app and started to listen and watch the videos. After a few hours i went to she what she thought and she thanked me and she was very happy that God is very faithful. She asked me for a few cards so she can give to her friends and family.

    2. John 2:10 and said to him, “Everyone serves the good wine first, and when people have drunk freely, then the poor wine. But you have kept the good wine until now.”

    Life lesson. We believe what we do is best but God had better things in store for us. We must be patient and be faithful servants to seed the glory and grace of God.

    1. Brother Horacio, way to go, keep shining brother :-)

    2. Horacio, good explanation of the verse. I didn't even think of God having better things for us when I read it.

    3. Oh wow! That is so neat to hear that she asked you for cards!

  11. 1. Haven't passed out any lately but will make it a goal this week to pass out one.

    2.“Jesus saith unto her, Woman, what have I to do with thee? mine hour is not yet come. His mother saith unto the servants, Whatsoever he saith unto you, do it.” ‭‭John‬ ‭2:4-5‬ ‭KJV‬‬

    These verses caught my attention. It showed me that Mary had such strong faith in god and knew Jesus was the son of god and knew that he could do anything. I believe that's why he changed the water in to wine even the it wasn't his time.

    1. Brother James, may the Lord impart a greater measure of faith in us. Always enjoy reading your postings. God bless :-)

    2. Great reminder to all of us James- "Whatever he says to you, do it."

  12. 1. On Monday , I arrived at the job site and started talking with the Electrician who I thought was the lead man. Turns out it was not him but his brother . These two looked like twins. I gave both brother each a mini movie card and a New Life card and invited both to church.
    2 John 2:11 Jesus preformed this first miracle in c Cana in Galilee; there he revealed his glory , and his decides believed in him.
    Jesus at this point revealed that he truly was Son of God. I'm sure the disciples believe in him , but now their faith was strengthened

    1. Brother Louie, yes, ever increasing. From glory to glory. God bless :-)

    2. Way to reach out to both of them Louie!

  13. 1. I haven't given a card recently but I do try to talk with my coworkers about my faith if we have a spare moment.
    2. John 2:10 'and said, “Everyone brings out the choice wine first and then the cheaper wine after the guests have had too much to drink; but you have saved the best till now.”'

    This verse caught my eye because of what the master of the banquet says about the wine. It wasn't just any wine, it was the best wine. It isn't just that Jesus performed his first miracle for this newlywed couple but that in all things, even turning water to wine, he surpasses even the highest of expectations.

    1. Good thoughts Mike. " he surpasses even the highest of expectations." That applies to His transforming of our lives also.

    2. Glad you are seeking to share with your co-workers Michael. Way to go!

    3. Good thoughts, Michael! I liked that verse too. By the way, good job with sharing your faith!

  14. 1. I give them out to people on the street that where inquiring about my Fire Truck Tours.

    2His mother said to the servants, “Do whatever he tells you.”
    John 2:5 That what we need to do "what ever Jesus tell us to do. Because we are servants of God.

    1. Very good George! Good chatting with you earlier this evening.

  15. 1) I have recently had a conversation with my 2 oldest boys. My oldest was just more curious about what is the difference between a catholic and a Christian, I showed him a a video from a link I saved, "7 reasons why I'm not a Roman Catholic".
    My other son is a little more difficult, he feels if there is a God why do bad things happen? I did share a few videos with him but he's still struggles.

    2) “and said, “Everyone brings out the choice wine first and then the cheaper wine after the guests have had too much to drink; but you have saved the best till now.””
    ‭‭John‬ ‭2:10‬ ‭

    1. I look forward to sharing these kinds of stories with my kids when they get older just like you. Keep up the good work.

    2. Sorry to hear about your other son. Is he is down on God because bad things happen so that he can have an excuse to live as he pleases? I say that with concern, not knowing if that is what is going on with him.

  16. 1. I have gave a couple out at the park to the ice cream man and a guy at the gas station. They said thanks.
    2. John 2:7 Jesus said to the servants, “Fill the jars with water”; so they filled them to the brim.

    This is an awesome verse because it is right before Jesus pulls off the turning of water into wine.

    1. Wow Chuy. A year ago, the thought probably never entered you mind about the spiritual destiny of strangers. And now you are involved sharing something that has the potential to change people's lives for eternity. Keep sowing those greatest-mini - movie seeds to people bro. Know that you are being used by your Lord when you do so.

    2. That's great Chuy! Way to go!

  17. 1. I am committed to passing out more cards. The last non- believer was my son-in- law and he seemed intrigued. Then I read the daily blog and invited him to view it for a few days to help him learn from the Rabbi Dave

    2. " his mother said to the servants, do whatever he tells you." John2:6
    Such a simple verse I chose-- but shows affirmation of Jesus being the Messiah. His mother confirms that he is the almighty as she defers the situation to Jesus-- knowing that he would perform a miracle to further add credibility to the disciples and others that he is the Holy Holy Holy one.

    1. Jack, it's great how the simple verses can say so much.

    2. All we can do is pray and lead by example for our non believing family members. I know you go above and beyond that. Your a good man Jack!

    3. Amen jack. We have a great leader with us.

    4. Thanks Jack- the guys used to call me that after I was no longer a pastor at New Life.

    5. I like it! rabbi Dave :)

      Great job Jack in talking with il your son-in-law. It is always a different situation, when its family.

  18. 1. They may be young, but I had opportunity last Tuesday to talk to a group of K-4th graders about Jesus, using a wooden "I" and a wooden "J" with an interchangeable crown on top. Who is the King of your life? "I" (me) or "J" (Jesus)?

    2. John 2:5 "Whatever He says to you, do it". I find this interesting, as Jesus basically said in verse 4 that He wasn't going to do anything, and Mary is still expectant and dependent on Him. Is this our attitude when God doesn't answer us right away or in the way we want?

    1. Tim, It's never to early to start planting seeds.

    2. Wow Tim! That is incredible! That makes me really happy to hear you are reaching out to our youth!!!

    3. You are a creative and very experienced teacher Tim! See you tomorrow.


  19. 1
    It has been convicting to see one of our student workers change and reflect differently on the work he does on a regular basis. I hope and pray that there a great affect in the classroom and in his relationships but guidance has been key for him during working hours his summer.
    Joh 2:4  And Jesus said to her, "Woman, what does this have to do with me? My hour has not yet come."
    Verse 2:4 was impactful because we like Mary can get caught up in attempting to command God and almost demand what we need where Jesus’ identity is seated in the very opposite where He is always leading us, but at the same time still allowing us to Choose Him.

  20. 1 – Sunday I was on the Blue Line going home after service with the CD of Sunday’s message in my hand. I was looking out the window not really paying attention to the people sitting around me when a young man across the aisle asked what CD I had. When I showed it to him and told him it was from church he told me he was spiritual and believed in God but wasn’t religious. Then the person in front of me, Jerry, turned around and said he believed in Jesus but knew he needed to make changes in his life. The 3 of us talked for a couple minutes before their stop, when they got up to get off the train I pulled out a Greatest Minimovies card for Jerry and told him to check out the videos. Then the other man asked for one too. I hope they took the time to watch some of the videos.

    2 – John 2:4 “Woman, why do you involve me?” Jesus replied. “My hour has not yet come.” I know Jesus wouldn’t act this way but I use to picture Jesus looking annoyed as he says this to his mother. It’s good to see Bible Gateway pointing out “The Greek for Woman does not denote any disrespect“

    1. I'm sure you must have been flooded with joy in your heart George, that you were ready and equipped and used by God in the lives of those two men in that divine encounter. 1Peter 3:15 But in your hearts revere Christ as Lord. Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have. But do this with gentleness and respect,

    2. Bless you brother. I'm sure they will appreciate the cards.

    3. Excellent George! So glad you were armed and dangerous with Minimovies cards on you :)

  21. 1) I have no stories to share of Greatest Mini Movie cards being given out lately. But there has been a lot of intense praying and seeking the Lord's will and direction for family members that are at the crossroads of big decisions lately. I think that I have just been very preoccupied and focused on those things lately.

    2) John 2:3-5 When the wine was gone, Jesus’ mother said to him, “They have no more wine.” 4 “Woman, why do you involve me?”Jesus replied. “My hour has not yet come.” 5 His mother said to the servants, “Do whatever he tells you.”

    I'm certain that Jesus' response did not come from having a poor attitude because He was bothered about being asked to do something when His mother brought up the need at the wedding they attended. I'm speculating that Jesus was always very caring and frequently got involved to help and bless others. And perhaps when His mother told the servants to do whatever He told them, she may have experienced often in the past how Jesus involved others to help meet those needs. Possibly Jesus asked people around to do unusual tasks, that resulted in extraordinary, wonderful solutions that pleased everyone. In this instance, Jesus involved the servants who would never forget their part in the miracle that followed.

    1. Thanks David! Thats a great point of view that you shared with us!

    2. Very good reflections Dave!
      Lord, please favor Dave's family.

  22. 1.I gave a Greatest Mini Movies card to a guy and told him there was some powerful videos on there. He asked what they were about so i told him Jesus! He said he dosent really do the "Jesus thing" but he would check it out.

    2. John 2:4 “Woman, why do you involve me?” Jesus replied. “My hour has not yet come.”

    1. Amen brother. The lord will speak out to him in some way.

    2. Glad you were unashamed of His name and that the guy still said he would check it out.

  23. 1. I wrote a letter to my older brother who is incarcerated. In the letter I told him how I changed my life and became a Christian. I been searching for a good passage I can send him, being he has no beliefs I need something powerful to hopefully touch his heart. I told him how our father has been working through me to teach my family a new way to life, and how Christ is giving me the strength and knowledge I need to break the cycle of the so called life we grew up in.

    Any suggestions on a verse to send him?

    2. John 2:11 What Jesus did here in Cana of Galilee was the first of the signs through which he revealed his glory; and his disciples believed in him.

    1. Jose, I'm sure you'll get a lot of good responses. One I came across is Romans 5:8 but God shows his love for us in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us.

    2. So good to hear that you are reaching out to your brother Jose. You also might want to consider John 14:6 and 2 Cor.5:17.

  24. 1- I have no stories from the cards, but I have seen a person I've talked to about God and church, go to church. We have been able to talk about scripture and current events. I've been able to also talk more easily about God to people who don't go to church.

    2-John 2:11New Living Translation (NLT)

    11 This miraculous sign at Cana in Galilee was the first time Jesus revealed his glory. And his disciples believed in him.

    Great to read that Jesus own disciples believed him. It goes to show that no matter how long you served Jesus he can still astonish you. That caught my eye. Jesus is the king of kings and lord of lords. He continues to amaze me everyday.

    1. Bueno, bueno Vince! Wouldn't that have been amazing to be there to see that miracle happen. We will see even more amazing things later in John as you know.

    2. Awesome job Vince! That's great about the person you have talked to. Keep it up brother!

    3. Brother Vince, agreed, I'm in awe of Father, Son and Holy Spirit ;-)

  25. 1. Several months ago, i purchased a commercial building in Chicago, in which one of the tenants has a "Botanica" storefront, which has been there for 11 years. I actually thought it was a Botanical store where they sell plants, but a "Botanica" in Spanish is much different. Different occult supplies are Sold there, like statutes of Mary, many types of candles and incense, along with occultic literature. The owner of this store is now my tenant, so I have been talking to her about the Real Risen Christ, as best that I could since she only speaks spanish, and I am not fluent in spanish at all. She works 7 days a week, so I have invited her to New Life, spanish service on Sunday, and she told me that she will gladly visit :) Please pray for her, Josephina Gonzalez, that she will come to Know Christ! I will inform New Life leadership of her and her background in the sale of occultic items. Now knowing her for a few months, I really see an openess for God, the True God, and she seems so tired of working everyday. She is a very nice woman who needs an encounter with Christ. Please pray for her conversion! How Kool would it be, if she becomes a Christian, and gets rid of all of her occult supplies and becomes a Christian bookstore in the Pilsen Area. With God, All things are Possible :)

    2. John 2:4 says “Woman, why do you involve me?” Jesus replied. “My hour has not yet come.” --- I always thought this was interesting passage, but not for the reason you might think. What strikes me is, when Jesus calls His mother "Woman" instead of mom :) I tried doing this to my mother once, and she told me "do not call her woman, only Mother", so I told her that Jesus called His mother that, and of course, in her brilliance, she told me "you are NOT Jesus!!!" I double checked this, and the word for woman in the Greek, is NOT a disrespectful word at all. I always thought it was a bit disrespectful, but Now, as I am becoming a better Bible study student, I found out, it is not disrespectful at all :)

    1. She is a very nice lady! I hope she does come to NL! That would be amazing :)

    2. Brother Israel, yes that would be wonderful. I come into agreement with your prayer :-)

  26. Oh, yes save Josephina Lord and thank you for using Israel.
    Your words on point 2 make me smile :)

  27. 1. I have not as of late, but I know time is coming soon to share.

    2and said, “Everyone brings out the choice wine first and then the cheaper wine after the guests have had too much to drink; but you have saved the best till now.”
    John 2:10 NIV
    There is always something about saving best for last Ex: desert after a good meal, getting full satisfaction.

    1. Love that observation Ish! "Getting full satisfaction" with what Christ brought to the table :)

    2. Brother Ish, "There is always something about saving best for last" refreshing thought!

  28. Need to pass more out

    2) Now there were six stone water jars there for the Jewish rites of purification, each holding twenty or thirty gallons. John 2:6.
    I think people may over look that the jars were used to purifie people from the outside and Jesus turned the water into wine and makes people pure on the inside.

    1. Brother Andre, "makes people pure on the inside." Reminded me of a saying I heard a while back, "God is more interested in our character than our comfort". God bless :-)

  29. 1) This past weekend I was in Las Vegas, NV for a trip with some of my wife's family. While it was a beautiful city, there are many things that saddened my heart. The room service cleaners seemed to be very nice, and I tried to make sure I looked them in the eye and said hello or asked them how they were to show them they are important, and not just people to walk past. As we left out hotel room for the final time, I left a Greatest Mini movies card standing up at the TV that I wrote "John 3:16. Thank you for everything you do. God bless you!" - - - I hope they checked out the link one day and see the life transforming power of Christ that is open to them!!

    2) The verse I chose from the readings today is:

    John 2:4 “Woman, why do you involve me?” Jesus replied. “My hour has not yet come.”

    This one always got me, it seemed strange how Jesus said this, and then Mary turned around and said do what He says (as if He agreed with these words He spoke). I read a commentary on this, and it brought some light, specifically on the portion addressing His time had not come. It basically made the case that while Jesus was not wanting to do a very public "statement" miracle at that time, He did a more quiet one, not in front of all the guests, but instead just in front of a handful of people that needed to be there for the wine.

    Just thought that was an interesting take on things. Always fascinating to dig deeper in scripture and answers the puzzles that can sometimes come up.

    1. Excellent post, Will! Very clever way to give one of those cards by the way!

    2. Brother William, "He did a more quiet one" reminded me of 1 Kings 19:11-13. The winds tore the mountains, but the LORD wasn't in the wind. Then came an earthquake, but the LORD wasn't in the earthquake. Then came a fire, but the LORD wasn't in the fire. Then came a gentle whisper and the LORD spoke to Elijah. (loose paraphrase, not verbatim)

      We tend to look for miracles in the "Big things" (wind, earthquake or fire) but the LORD may decide to reveal Himself in what we would consider "little or insignificant" things. Such as in the air we breath, the birth of a child or even a gentle whisper. God bless, keep up the great work :-)

  30. 1) I still need to give some cards out.

    2) John 2:11 "What Jesus did here in Cana of Galilee was the first of the signs through which he revealed his glory; and his disciples believed in him."

  31. 1 haven't met any unsaved English speaking people this week.

    2 "do whatever he tells you" stands out. Mary had such great faith. May we also do whatever Jesus asks of us in his word and through his holy spirit.

    I'm encouraged by reading a biography about George Muller who did just that
