Fri. 5.22.15...Prov.13:13-25

What's the second best piece of advice you would give a young person?

I know you would first counsel him to nurture his relationship with the Lord. But what would be your second best piece of advice? In other words, what would be the most important thing you could suggest that would determine his future success or failure? I believe it's found within today's passage, so please carefully read through Proverbs 13:13-25. What do you think it is?

I'm not a prophet, but I think I could do a pretty good job of predicting a person's future. If I could be a fly on the wall (err, if I could bug the place where he hangs out), and could see what kind of friends he hangs out with, I think you and I both could predict the future of that person, if God didn't intervene. When I worked with inner city teens in Humboldt Park, I heard stories of guys getting shot and their mothers wailing. "He was a good boy! He wasn't no gang-banger." No mam, he wasn't in a gang. He just hung out with them, dressed like them, talked like them and represented like them. But he wan't a gang member." To quote Prov.13:20b-"a companion of fools suffers harm." 
So what's the second best piece of advice you could give a person, young or old, if he wants to grow and succeed in life? Here's mine. Devote yourself to friends who are ahead of you on the path of where you want to get to in life. Proverbs 13:20a puts it succinctly- "He who walks with the wise grows wise."

Charlie Tremendous Jones was an enthusiastic Christian leader who spoke and wrote on personal development. He also predicted people's futures. He said that five years from now you will be much the same unless you read life changing material and spend time with people better than yourself. Social researcher, David McClelland of Harvard University said, “The people with whom you choose to associate is more important in determining your success or failure than any other single factor.” Wow! You can't afford to spend time with losers or loafers, if you want to be a winner. Put another way, "If you want to soar with eagles, don't hang out with turkeys." 

"A righteous man is cautious in friendship" Prov.12:28. So some people you might need to disassociate from entirely. Others you'll need to limit your association with. You may have to work with some negative or carnal people, but don't spend your lunch breaks with them. Finally, others you ought to strive to expand your associations with. These are the people you admire and want to be more like. For example, if you want to succeed in business, ask a successful businessman out to lunch and come prepared with good questions to ask. Also ask how you could help him. You've heard it said, "It's not what you know, but who you know." But that's not really true. It's who you know and how much they like you. So be friendly and helpful. Those people will open doors for you. And by all means, if they give you good advice, put it into practice. Don't you dare go back for another mentoring meeting without acting on their input. They will quickly tire of you. It's also been stated that if you want to excel, join a team where the morale and the expectations are high (sounds like M3 to me:). That way you will be challenged and helped to climb higher than you ever could on your own. 

So evaluate your current associations. Who do you need to cut yourself free from? They would pull you down if they were to climb with you. I'm glad you've sought to be light to those in darkness, but if you can't change your friends, change your friends. 

Who would you like to get to know better who knows the ropes? I  know some GREAT men of God in M3, who I'm sure, would be honored if you would ask to spend time with them and discuss things on your mind. Offer to buy them "coffee" or to take a walk together. "He who walks with the wise grows wise." 

1.-Share now, as if you were talking with a young person, about the person or group that has had the biggest influence for good in your life and how so?

2.-He who walks with the wise grows wise. I believe you are such, and in such a wise group. He who wins souls to this GREAT way is also wise. So who will you be seeking to "win" or recruit to M3? By activating them, they will become your lasting legacy. You will also help them to climb so much higher than they ever dreamed they could. Those who walk with the wise become wise.

3.-Write on your MP3 card a verse or phrase that grabbed your attention from our reading today in Prov.13:13-25. Then seek to share it with others. According to Jesus,  those who practice and share God's word are great in God's kingdom. You are doing GREAT things, especially as you multiply your life into others you recruit. 

Congratulations to Vince and his wife on the birth of their healthy, 7lb. boy, Caleb at 4AM yesterday morning! Caleb has got a great dad to raise him in the ways of the Lord.

You won't want to miss Monday's blog! Glad most of you will have some free time being Memorial Day. My family and I will be in Michigan, but I look forward to still being with you on the blog that day. 

Wow! Your stories yesterday of diligence in life were great! Thanks also for your commitment to be diligent in scoring 5 points or more each day. That's training yourself to be godly. Way to grow! As you know, an easy way of scoring is to simply encourage a few brothers. Please do this for Marcos Rico. He's been MIA for a second day. "Let us encourage one another daily as long as it is called today, lest any one be hardened by sin's deceitfulness" Heb.3:13.  We've not able to get through to him by phone. Perhaps he is getting texts though at 708-307-0023. You could certainly shoot him an email- Thanks! No man left behind.


  1. 1. After moving away from home I was very blessed to have two Christian roommates. Both of them had grown up overseas since their parents were missionaries. They both were always enthusiastic about their faith and were always just fun to be around because they faced life with such a positive attitude. It was very contagious.
    Even though they were no longer living under their parents authority they still made right decisions and never tried to seek the ways of the world, because they were living under God's authority.
    Both of them had a very powerful impact on my life because I could see first person how the Christian life should be lived.
    2. Jose
    3. Prov 13:20 "Whoever walks with the wise becomes wise, but the companion of fools will suffer harm. "

  2. Yes Roger, thank God for good roommates. I was blessed with such as well.
    Jose will be blessed to have you encouraging his growth if he decides to join M3. I've noticed how faithful you are in this area as well.

  3. 1. All through high school I hung out with my friends from youth group. It helped me grow and stay out of trouble. I truly believe the people you hangout with have a big influence on you. A friend I used to hangout with in youth group started hanging out with the wrong crowd. Now he's in jail because he was influenced by fools. It was hard to see him go down that route because he was a good kid. Just chose the wrong friends. My advice to you is chose your friends wisely because they'll have a big impact in your life.

    2. Javi

    3 Proverbs 13:20 ESV Whoever walks with the wise becomes wise, but the companion of fools will suffer harm.

    1. So glad you didn't end up like that old friend James. Let me know if I can be of any help regarding Javi. Has he seen our YouTube video?

    2. No but I'll talk to him this Sunday

  4. 1. I was just telling Crossover the importance and impact that group has had on my life and the reason why I give back and have a burden for the young adults...that group really propelled me to the next level. I felt like in the beginning of my surrendering I was pulled between a worldly group of friends and finding new friends in the church. I knew that I had to distance myself from certain people atleast for a time in order to develop my foundation and gain my footing on my walk.

    2. Will, Auggie, John H., Adam, Raymond

    3. Did it

    1. Very good Eddie. I see your pipeline of prospects is not empty:)

    2. Good advice bro! Sorry I missed out. I'll try to make next Thursday.

  5. I have been careful who I associate myself with. Especially being a follower of Jesus Christ. It's not only myself that I have to look out for but my family as well. When it comes to a careers, knowledge pays off. I have to say, do what you love. I have came to a realization that money is not the most important thing in this world. If I spend all time working and not spending time with God or my family then my job is not worth having.

    I would like some advice/ideas on ministering to my children. How bout another walk Dave. Do you like donuts? Mountain Dew? Just kidding about the last one. May no temptation overtake you :) I have been blessed with a few Godly neighbors. I can trust them with my children. I also have to thank Dave for God putting in his heart to start this group. I have blessed by the word of God. I have increased my knowledge, appreciation and relationship with God. It has been a blessing to share with the ones I mentor.

    2. Lou Ojeda, Robert Vale, Rigo Trejo

    3. Proverbs 13:16 (NIV) All who are prudent act with knowledge, but fools expose their folly

    1. Thanks Sam! Let's walk again soon! Just call. No teats necessary. You made me laugh with the Dew :) I have been caffeine free for 2 weeks now. If guys are fighting against the porn temptation the least I can do is say No to my old addiction.

  6. Verse 20 we talked about in recent posts, but its still super important. I would also add that you can’t stay friends with people you don’t admire.

    1 I remember as a kid my mom signed us up for all the Vacation Bible Schools in the summer so that she would get a break from us (I don’t blame her; she had 7 kids). I remember going to one at Moraine Valley Church where a pastor was teaching us about the end times. I give that pastor a lot of credit for not shying away from taking a group of 6th graders through the book of Revelation. During that week I realized that the Bible was not just a decoration you kept in your house, but that you could actually read it and memorize it. I still have Titus 2:13 memorized because of this pastor.

    Honestly Dave, I would say that you have also made a great influence on my life. I really appreciated when you had me and the other young men from New Life over at your house once a month and you poured into us and challenged us (that was 9 years ago before I went off to China). I also noticed the way that you intentionally built relationships with your neighbors when you invited me over for walks/chats; I’m sure you have reached out to each of them with the gospel. It was also cool watching how you interacted with your kids and how you quizzed them on Bible knowledge and apologetics. I plan on incorporating these practices into my life.

    2 Jere, Kenneth and Vernon for M3
    Tim and Neshali for Church or Bible study

    1. Was that Pastor Clem? He is up in age, but is still such a godly man and great teacher.
      Thanks for the gracious complement Ed. I just did what I enjoyed doing. Funny how that works.
      Are Fred and Joseph also still on your M3 list?

  7. As I stated on yesterday Blog I would tell them about the Lord and also how to make goals to succeed in life. Life is to short to waste time on the wrong ways in life. Walk worthy for the Lord and stay away from those who will keep you down.

    Proverbs 13:20 He who walks with the wise grows wise, but a companion of fools suffer harm.

  8. 1.- I would tell our youth as they go on to college to keep a watch for Juan Andrade, Chicagoan of the year 2014, and president hof the United States Hispanic Leadership Institute. I attended some of his yearly conferences in the early 90's and have seen how he goes across the country educating our youth to be active in their lives, college, careers, community, political. A dynamic motivational and inspirational speaker who has dedicated himself to encourage and empower our youth to strive for the best, to be representatives of our future leaders in all aspects of their lives. 2.- Larry. 3.- Prov. 13:14 "The teaching of wise is a fountain of life, turning a person from the snares of death." A very good life principle God has commanded of us, seeking and abiding to this command is a nourishing fulfilled life avoiding the pitfalls of unrighteousness. Enrich yourself with the righteous people during your walk and avoid the snares of the fools.

    1. Alright Armando! Good chatting with you on the phone just a little while ago. Have a great time away with your son at Camp Pine Trails! And may the Lord use you to influence Larry to M3. Let us know if you need any help.

  9. 1. I would have to say the person who influenced me the most for the good was my father. He displayed and taught me the delicate balance of manly strength and a fatherly tender touch. He showed me to love and obey the Lord, not by force but through his own devotion to God.
    The group who has influenced me most for the good would be the brethren I've been blessed to have had throughout my walk of faith. (Too many to list) & definitely the online/radio ministries led by mighty men of God who have ministered to me daily during my lunch breaks.
    2. Willie Rivera, good friend and brother in Christ

    1. How blessed to have your dad as such a great, godly influence in your life Robert. I too am thankful for all the radio pastors who have taught God's word. I loved Adrian Rogers! What a great preacher and example.

    2. Robert you are blessed to Father who had a Godly influence on you to help you become the Godly man you are today.

    3. Robert. We are blessed to have you and your encouragement. Thx to your mentors and Father as you are a great man of God

    4. Robert, very glad to hear that you have a godly father. Having a loving and godly father is a tremendous blessing.

      Anyway, I want to thank you for encouraging me with the verses and texts you send me during the week. We are all very blessed to have you in M3. Thanks for the hard work you do!

    5. And way to encourage Alex!

  10. 1. – One of my biggest role model was Don Silvio, my best friend father. Don Silvio was a hardworking Mexican immigrant who raised a family of 9 as a welder. He was always there giving me advice about life, behavior and discipline. I would go to church with his family on a regular basis and he instilled in me to continue my school studies and to work hard for life. To this day I have kept his words of encouragement in my heart and I am who I am because he was inspiration in my life. I have put to practice his advice and with the help of God I have become a hardworking spiritual man. I plan to pass on to the next generation of young men the wisdom of God and of Don Silvio to serve other for God’s glory.

    2. - So who will you be seeking to "win" or recruit to M3? Vincent Rosado, Tony, Omar, and Miguel.

    3. - Proverbs 13: 14 the teaching of the wise is a fountain of life, turning a person from the snares of death.

    1. Very good Oscar! I'm sure you've shared with Don how much he has meant to you.
      And how good of you to seek to reach Vincent, Tony, Omar and Miguel! I'm very pleased and impressed!
      Please let us know if there is anything we can do to help you. Have they seen our M3 YouTube video?

  11. i actually had 2 people play a major role in my life, they were my parents. My mother came to Christ in 1987 and she caused to "domino affect" in our family. Soon after my father gave his life to Christ, and watching the both of them witness to others and pray constantly started to influence me. I was a very rebellious teen but they never swayed away from The lord. They stood firm in there beliefs and continued to pray for me and I truly believe that is what protected me and placed conviction in my heart on those nights that I was out when I shouldn't have been

    1. I'm so glad I got to know your parents- what, 20 years ago?! Good people!

    2. Parents play a important role in their kids lives. I know mine did. Thanks for sharing!

    3. I'm always glad to hear about parents who never give up on their family, praying for their kids' salvation. Godly parents are huge blessings, and they are priceless! Thank you for sharing!

  12. Prov.13:13 Whoever despise the word brings destruction on himself, but he who reverses the commandments will be rewarded. I would say Carlos Chapa was a big influence on me
    because he help lead me to seek after the word of God and brought me to New Life.
    I would tell young people to pick friends that go to Church and to went study the bible.

    1. 1.-Thank God for Charlie Chapa!
      2.-Glad you're thinking of people to invite to M3.

    2. Amen brother I am so glad that you listened to God's voice and followed Him

  13. 1. My wife's uncle has been an incredible influence on me as I watched closely how he walked the walk--ever since I met him. He lives by the Word as he loves Jesus, never has a bad thing to say about anyone, always shows love to all , and caring and generous.
    He always gives all the Glory to God and never talks about what he does for others. He never talked much, but always leads by example and modeling. Way before I got saved he was my role model on earth as I always saw the Holy Spirit in him but didn't know what it was. My advice is to become mature in Character like Christ and hang only with those who always look to continue to grow in Christ. Don't neglect others-- just look to lead them by modeling Christ. Don't argue with non- believers, just lead by example through love.
    But most of all carefully utilize what you have learned from M3 and talk about it to others as you disciple.
    I had loyal friends before being saved, but some have abandoned me as I speak about the truth. Now I have life long friend and Brothers in Christ and its a mutual commitment to the Lord and each other as we follow Jesus.
    2. Ged from Lakeview
    Merle from Montgomery
    3. Did it

    1. Jack, I like this - "just lead by example through love."

    2. Yes Jack, we're great example Chuck has been to so many. Now you are doing so.

  14. 1.My mom always instilled in me the value of education. I failed many times through life and school, but my mom telling me how important school was stayed in the back of my head. One day I decided I wanted to go back to college and finish. One reason was to not let all that talk go in vain. So little by little while working and attending school at night, I finally finished college.My Mom definitely had the biggest influence in me finishing school.

    2. Fernando from New Life in Berwyn

    3.Proverbs13:13 Whoever scorns instruction will pay for it, but whoever respects a command is rewarded.

    1. Thank you Lord for Chuy''s mom and his heeding her advice.

  15. When growing up I use to hang with a bad crowd. joining the military made me see the world in a new way. I was trained in many things it was good for me because I leaned to fight through battels and the military is the reason I was drawn back to reading the bible and going to church.

  16. 1. The men of M3 are undoubtedly the best and most honorable group i have ever been part of. Although, i would have to say that the 12 step recovery group that i am part of has helped me change my life the most. They helped me begin with starting to get closer to God. They helped me get clean and showed me how to live by spiritual principles. I always give thanks to God for what they have taught me. Without this recovery group i dont think that i would have gotten clean and might never have been led to NewLife Church and M3. I know that God has brought me to recovery and now to M3! ;-)

    2. Mike Mills and Danny Nungaray

    3. Proverbs 13:19 It is pleasant to see dreams come true, but fools refuse to turn from evil to attain them.

    1. Philip, I'm glad that you're group brought you closer to God and helped you find New Life.

    2. Great Phil! So very glad you are part of the team! You're a great encourager to us.

  17. 1
    The biggest influence in my life has come from being a part of the Crossover ministry. From being a part of this community I have learned how life has carried through the different phases as well as the different ways to respond to those directions. I appreciate the time there since coming to new life but I have also gleaned from being a part of NGL Next Generation Leaders. Your mentorship Dave was very impactful and instrumental in today's journey.

    Pedro Calderon

    Did it
    Whoever disregards discipline comes to poverty and shame, but whoever heeds correction is honored. (‭Proverbs‬ ‭13‬:‭18‬ NIV)

    1. Great! God is certainly at work in and through you Gary!

  18. 1 – I would have to say my mother had the biggest influence for good in my life. My father was an alcoholic. He didn’t spend a lot of time with the family but my mother was always there for us. She’s the one that showed me and my 8 brothers & sisters that going to church was important and made sure we went to CCD. She’s very accepting and rarely says anything bad about anyone.

    2 – Jose B. and Nick V.

    3 – Proverbs 13: 20 Walk with the wise and become wise, for a companion of fools suffers harm. This verse reminded me of the saying “Show me your friends and I’ll tell you who you are.” If your friends are good people chances are you are a good person but if your friends are bad people there is a good chance you are too.

    1. Your Mom was a very strong women to be such a great influence under the circumstances. I come from a family were I am one of eight siblings. What a ministry field you have George just within your family. And I know from experience it can be a tough one. May the Lord grant you favor with them so that you are permitted many occasions to share God's love and truth with them. Never give up on them George as your prayers can be a strong spiritual link for them to draw close to God.

    2. Wow George! I'm so glad you are tracking with the Lord now. May the Lord continue to fill and flow through you to influence many.

  19. He who walks with wise men will be wise, But the companion of fools will suffer harm. (‭Proverbs‬ ‭13‬:‭20‬ NASB)
    Early in my walk with Christ Asa App was my youth pastor. He was a spiritual father figure and helped push me toward the things of God and ministry. Men like Terrence Petoske and Mike Rodriquez befriended, mentored, and shepherded me. Dave Garrett has been a mentor for almost twenty years. Men like Chad Kimball have helped me find hope and healing in recovery. I haven't always listed to these men and have felt the sting. But all of them have been great examples and guides on my journey. I am indebted to them and truly grateful. They took me under their wing. I aspire to be like them. So young men seek out older men and men your age. Don't speak just listen and do! You won't regret it.

    1. I know a lot of those men that you mentioned that poured into your life. I know they would be greatly pleased to see you involved and making such a big commitment to a ministry movement like M3. Make them proud.

    2. Very good Nic! I'm glad I could be a link in the chain of men of influence in your life. The Lord is going to continue to use you to influence many.

  20. 1) I was very fortunate in the military service to join a group of guys on the base that were being trained by the Navigators. I found spiritual training, fellowship, encouragement, and accountability as a new born again Christian. That's were my spiritual foundation was laid. Those guys were my spiritual family. I would highlight that period as one of the best seasons of my life.

    2) My son who just graduated from high school is planning on joining M3 after we get back from our family vacation in June.

    3) Did It

    1. Hey Dave! I am so glad to hear that Josh will be joining us soon. Excellent!

  21. After leaving Texas for Chicago, I became so caught up in my studies and preparation for a career that I didn't attempt to make friends. Oh, there were my classmates of course, but each of us was so focused on academic success that we didn't make time for friendship, so much as acquaintance. Even after I was done with my studies and on the job, I was surrounded by adult peers and colleagues, but none I could call friends. I gradually painted myself into a corner and eventually gave up trying altogether. I didn't need friends, I had convinced myself, but this line of thinking only skewed the value I put on friendship.

    Rather than attempt to make friends, which requires earning a person's trust and nurturing the relationship thoughtfully, I was content to allow people into my inner circle from whom I could somehow benefit. Needless to say, this story doesn't have a happy ending, and time and time again, I used people up, moved them to serve a selfish purpose, and sacrificed them when their purpose had been served. They were all just as pieces in a game of chess played by a fool without care or regard for the outcome of the game. I was on the wrong team, playng for the wrong side, and the bench was always empty. Today, I can count my friends on a fingerless hand, because I convinced myself that I didn't need any many years ago.

    How different might the last decade of my life have been if I had made a greater effort to befriend people who cared about buidling their relationship with God...people like you, brothers, who post each day to pick up and build up your fellow men. I still have trouble picking up the phone and calling "one of the guys" to go grab a burger or take a walk in the woods, because there is no guy for me to call. I have closer ties to the women I work with (in a professional sense) than to the men I work with, due largely in part to the fact that I know them not to be men seeking communion with the Lord. They'll go out and grab a beer with me, sure, but don't try bringing God or right living into the conversation, and don't think about stopping at just one drink. I am glad to have my brothers in M3 to speak with, even if only through our posts. I do not know many of you well, but I do know you are men I can speak with about Jesus Christ and how mightily He is working within each of us to make us greater, mightier men capable of fulfilling our calling to multiply the kingdom of God.

    I would like nothing more than to recruit my biological brothers. I have three, the youngest of which graduated from the university today. I love my brothers, but they do not always live in a way that reflects a love of God. Until recently, neither was I. My salvation and steps toward baptism (being born again) has only widened the divide between us. Like my mother, they don't understand my need to attend a different church or be baptized again (I was baptized in a Catholic church at age seven). They have not come to know God as the Holy Spirit has allowed me to in the last few months. To them, church is a building, not the community within it...and heaven is earned through the receving of scheduled sacraments, not by living daily in the word and applying its wisdom. I would wish to recruit them to M3, but that will take time and a demonstration of faith on my part to convince them of my transformation and rebirth in Christ and the Word. I ask for your prayers in this regard.

    Proverbs 13:20 "Walk with the wise and become wise, for a companion of fools suffers harm." I need to do a better job of calling this verse to mind when I find myself heading into the company of fools. Some of my greatest regrets come from times spent in their company. I am glad to be among a company of wise me seeking to add to their wisdom through the wisdom of the Most High. Thank you for allowing and encouraging me to walk and learn alongside you through M3.

    1. Thank you for your honesty and transparency. That is what "walking in the Light means" as talked about in 1 John. The willingness to know and to be known. Keep it up brother. I know that as you sow more friendship seeds, you will reap a harvest of godly friends, like in M3 :)

    2. Osiris, you're not alone, I also have acquaintances but few real friends. Growing up with an alcoholic father I was afraid to let people get close to me and find out my secret. Now that I’m older I still find it hard to make friends. But meeting people through New Live and M3 I’m finding it easier to let my guard down and let people get to know me without worrying about being judged.

    3. Thanks for sharing Osiris. I look forward to that walk in the woods together with you soon. I've claimed you as a new friend.

    4. We are here for you brother. I pray for your brothers and I ask you pray for mind.

  22. 1.One of the biggest passive mentors I've had is john maxwell. His messages and books have been around me since I was I kid and because of his influence I learned at and early age the value of developing yourself.
    2. Tim Dearborn
    3.proverbs 13:22 A good life gets passed on to the grandchildren;
    ill-gotten wealth ends up with good people.

    1. John Maxwell has been a huge influence to so many :) So glad to hear you are doing well, my dear brother :)

    2. Yes, thank you Lord for brother John! Looking forward to seeing you tomorrow!

  23. 1. One of the biggest positive influences, beside the word of God, in my life was a book called, "Master Your Money" by Ron Blue, a christian financial planner. God used this book to revolutionize my finances and the way I think about money, all by using biblical scripture. Back in 2004, I was $86,000 in credit card and student loan debt alone, and please keep in mind, that I had been walking with the Lord for many years, even leading a Men's bible study for years. It wasn't until I made a Decision to make it a study of what "the bible says about Money and Finances" that I was introduced to the book, Master Your Money. And within 3 years, like a mad-man, I studied this book and did all the lessons and then started reading Howard Dayton's finance books from In 2007, I was totally Financially debt free and by God's grace, am still debt free to this day. Since then, my money habits have changed dramatically, even owning a couple of different businesses. I stand today, personally debt free and Business debt free as well. I only tell this to my dear M3 brothers, because I believe that we have to be intentionally focused on accomplishing or learning what we really want to. For me, I studied what the bible said about money like a mad-man, and God helped me as I started to reap what I was sowing :) You may not always have a specific friend to talk to but we can have a book or another source to shed light and great godly advice on a topic. Those who walk with the wise become wise :)

    2. William Dyckman, Auggie Dyckman, Lloyd Jones
    3. did it. Proverbs 13:20 "Walk with the wise and become wise, for a companion of fools suffers harm.

    1. Israel way to be diligent in application and apprehension. Its easy to want but difficult to attain.
      (gen 3) The ground is cursed because of you. You will eat from it by means of painful labor all the days of your life.
      18It will produce thorns and thistles for you, and you will eat the plants of the field.
      19You will eat breads by the sweat of your brow until you return to the ground, since you were taken from it. For you are dust, and you will return to dust.”

  24. 1. Some of the biggest positive, godly influences and sources of encouragement in my life are my parents,my grandparents, my uncles/aunts, my mentor Jose, my brother Will, and Eddie. I was very blessed to be born into a family that was turning to God, and I'm also blessed to be a part of a church with biblically sound doctrine.

    2.My brother Will and my brother Augie. I have a few other people who may eventually be good candidates for M3; However, I think they should be given a little more time to grow first.

    3. Proverbs 13:20 "Walk with the wise and become wise, for a companion of fools suffers harm"

    1. Very good Alex and so glad to see your encouraging words to other team members!

    2. It's great that you have been surrounded with great influences, like a wall of protection.

  25. 1.My brother in law Victor became a pastor, his wife would pick up my children and take them to kids club. they would come home with Scripture and that's what planted seeds in my life.They had a big influence on my life by leading me to the Lord Jesus Christ.

    2.Thank you David for all that you do for M3!!!

    3.I think this scripture is referring to spiritual food the Word of God.Proverbs 13:25
    The righteous eat to their hearts’ content, but the stomach of the wicked goes hungry.

    1. Thank you George. Please greet Victor the next time you chat with him. Thanks

  26. Well this is something personal that I would share with most young adults that I may encounter in the future and that's me learning and being open hearted to the lord while being in jail for DUI's, I moved about the complex until I was granted an opportunity to move to a rehab unit within the complex. I saw things, experienced things and ultimately had my spiritual experience in a dream that led me to choose the good from the bad. I had to physically see the bad for myself so I can appreciate the good. I decided then to trust the lord with all my heart and keep pushing forward like if I was a marine or a soldier. I slowly but surely did great things. I got my GED with in a month of dedication and hard work. My counselor offered me to make a Spanish speaking mentoring group. And ultimately moved up with in the house structure. Met different type of people and learned my program is my savior and my medicine.

    2- I don't have anyone yet.

    The verses that stuck out like a sore thumb are as follows.

    3- Proverbs 13:14-15, 18, 20

    The teaching of the wise is a fountain of life, turning a person from the snares of death.

    Good judgment wins favor, but the way of the unfaithful leads to their destruction.

    Whoever disregards discipline comes to poverty and shame, but whoever heeds correction is honored.

    Walk with the wise and become wise,for a companion of fools suffers harm.

  27. When I was younger I partied, but some of my friends started doing coke and the other ones were doing harder drugs. GOD took me away from that. I stopped hanging with a lot of them, GOD took the fun out of drinking and I thank him for that. GOD wanted me to go to church so he had my friends I was hanging out with at that time come to church I don't miss my old self 1 bit. What I would tell a younger person to do is to read and pray, and to watch people from a distance not judge but too see what happens in their lives

  28. Thank you Dave G. you made coming to church and learning about GOD fun, my friends still remember you

  29. 1) I would say the people that has had the biggest influence in my life would be my parents. they never force me to do anything but they did encourage me to do what best for me. Plus my brother and sister have always been there for me. So having positive people around you helps a lot.
    2) I've talked to someone I forgot his name. I pray the Lord continues to bring men who are hungry for the word.

    1. Thank you Lord for godly parents!
      I've got a great memory but it's real short :) So I'm using my smartphone to help me when I meet new people, getting their name and phone number and email address in it or on a 3 by 5 card.

  30. Wow... for good, we'll I thank God that when I completely surrendered to Christ did He opened door for manly men to come and pour into my life spiritually, mentally, and personally. One of them being Eric Reyes as my mentor. He intentionally met with me once a week, getting to know on different basis, really poking at my brain like he was disecting me as to see how I respond to things such as scenerio, my life decisions, challenges to see if I was up for it and committed. One of the most important things he was teaching me was to set goals especially anything that would hinder me spiritually including such people as people i associate with. And to always lift them up to God, for it will be by His way that will determined not mine. last but not least is he taught me life on life mentoring on how it looks to be a man of God through, living the word in your life, speech, actions, reactions, humility etc...

    The one I have in my mind seeking to recuit is a co worker of mine but also goes to Nl oak lawn. Also Gary McMillan (not from work)

    Did it.

    1. I'm really proud of you for allowing yourself to submit to mentoring, there's always risk in submission so fear can attempt to distract you. Great job staying focused.

    2. Good Ismael! May the Lord use you to recruit those brothers to help them and multiply your life.

  31. 1) I tend to gravitate to those who have interest or accomplishment in my area's of interest. In return I have had many on the fly lessons from such people, that have educated my in ways that books cannot. When I first became a christian I was mesmerized with apologetics even though I didn't know the word at the time. I found a band of brothers in this pursuit, some well seasoned with sound wisdom some fresh and excited as I was. Those seasoned veterans were able to guide me to the resources I needed but didn't know of. Those babes in this pursuit were able to share in my excitement and conversations as we stirred up boldness and conviction in one another. This principle of finding friendships with those who have accomplished what I desire to or know what I seek to understand has benefited me in task as small as softball batting mechanics to area's as large as what does loving your wife look like in everyday life.
    2) I'm not sure I will add more thought to this.
    3) 15 Good sense wins favor, but the way of the treacherous never changes. When you make decisions that benefit others, you enhance their life quality and you become an asset to them. Accurate insight see's life as it is and responds with the most Godly/ pragmatic response available and this gains favor ( another's desire to benefit you) . With both God and those who reject Him. The treacherous are those who cannot be trusted, for when they have opportunity they will deceive and betray you for their personal benefit at your personal benefit. The treacherous use "practical wisdom" without Godly principles that strive to care for people and honor God.

    1. Very good Antonio!
      Please be on the lookout for men at New Life Garfield Ridge for M3 to help them and multiply your life.
