Tues.5.19.15...Advice for Men Wanting to get Married (Prov.12:1-14)

Advice for Men Wanting to Get Married. 
Choose wisely!

Next to choosing Christ to be your Lord and Savior, choosing a woman to be your wife is the greatest decision you will ever make. So choose wisely. Thankfully, our Father gives great mentoring wisdom in making that monumental marriage choice. So let’s look at what He says. (For you men who are already married, be thinking of what advice you would also give to single men.)

Let’s admit it, the first thing that most men think about when selecting a spouse is the appearance factor. The writers of scripture were not blind to the fact that some women were beautiful. But beauty is only skin deep. Prov.11:22 puts it this way- “Like a gold ring in a pig’s snout is a beautiful woman who shows no discretion.” 11:22. Pig’s have no discretion or taste to discern good from bad. So don’t throw your pearls before swine. What you prize as valuable, they do not. The dream of marrying a beautiful woman will be a living nightmare, if she has no discretion. Such a woman can’t tell the difference between treasure and trash. She is happy to feed her soul on the garbage piggish people devour. She doesn’t hate evil and cling to what is good (Rom.12:9).That’s why Scripture says we should not be unequally yoked, even if the person claims to be a Christian (2 Cor.6:14-18).  So don’t marry a woman unless she also treasures what you treasure- a life of love for Christ and others. “Charm is deceptive and beauty is fleeting; but a woman who fears the Lord is to be praised” Prov.31:30.

God understands your longing to get married. He is the one who said, “It is not good for man to be alone.”  I also understand your longing to get married. I wanted to get married since I was in college, but I was 33 before that day came. But don’t let the calendar rush you past carefully considering the woman’s character. Why? “A wife of noble character is her husband’s crown, but a disgraceful wife is like decay to his bones” Prov.12:4. So there is something worse than being unmarried; it’s being miserably married. I talked to a Christian friend recently who is. Ugh! She is pretty, but pretty ugly to live with. She is like decay to his bones. Bone cancer is terribly painful. My mother died of it. Single men, I plead with you for your own sake, marry a gracious, not a disgraceful woman.  

What’s a way that you could know the caliber of a woman before you take her to be your lawfully wedded wife?” One tell is how she treats her parents. The 10 commandments declare, “Honor your father and mother.” Does she do that fairly well? How she treats especially her father is a good sign of how she will treat you. Is she is quarrelsome? There are bound to be lover’s quarrels, but does she tend to quarrel? Is she easily agitated and argumentative? Proverbs gives ample warning about marrying such a woman- “A quarrelsome wife is like a constant dripping” Prov.19:13. “Better to live in a desert than with a quarrelsome, ill-tempered wife” 21:19. “Better to live on the corner of the roof than share a house with a quarrelsome wife” 21:9. Those exact words are even repeated for emphasis in 25:24. So if it seems that she is ill tempered and would rather quarrel with you than honor/respect you, then save yourself tremendous pain and keep looking.

Much more could be written and has been written on this vital subject of picking a good life partner. You single men are about to get some great advice below.

1.a-Married men, imagine you are meeting with a single man who is asking you for advice regarding picking a wife. What counsel would you give him? If you want to include a personal story, all the more powerful.

1.b-Single men, apart from looks, what criterion have you come up with as guidelines for helping you make a wise mate selection?  

2.- Read Prov.12:1-14 and pick one verse or phrase from today’s reading and write it here and on your MP3 card. Then look for people you could pass it on to.

Congrats! All of you but John were on the blog yesterday. Please give him a word of encouragement if he is in your fire team.


  1. 1. First I would console him because I got the last perfect woman so he is going to have to settle for second best.
    After I convince him that their is no "perfect women for him", I would share with him how broken our system of dating for choosing a mate is. I think many divorces could have been avoided had expectations been set that I'm going to to have to work hard to learn how to love and respect and become one with this person.
    That being said, I would look for a fully devoted Fruitful follower of Jesus with:
    1. Poise
    2. Confidence in who They are and what they are about
    3. Laughter/joy/great attitude
    4. Mysterious (a sence of self ownership, parts of them kept locked away for only the one they were created for)
    5. Compassion forbearance and benevolence of those weak,in pain, or less fortunate than themselves.

    2. Proverbs 12:9 "Better to be ordinary and work for a living
    than act important and starve in the process."

    1. Haha second is the best! Thanks for the advice.

    2. Brother Dave, "First I would console him because I got the last perfect woman so he is going to have to settle for second best." I love how highly you esteem your wife, it's beautiful :-) Great points as well.

    3. That's funny Dave. There are too many misinterpretations of how to get married and what marriage supposed to be. The institution of marriage is constantly under attack. Unfortunately the divorce rate for "Christians" is about the same as non-Christians. Is it really? or is the definition of a Christian so watered down!

    4. Ah yes, your wife does very well in each of those 5 points. You are a blessed man indeed!

    5. Lol :) Excellent advice my dear brother! You have a beautiful family.

  2. 1. First of all don't be in a hurry to get married, take time to get to know yourself well and develop healthy relationships. Because if right now you are feeling lonely and think that only marriage can fill that void and is the only way to happiness, you will be disappointed when you get married.
    Because only by first developing a strong relationship with Christ will you learn to be content in Him and will have godly discernment in choosing your future wife. You cannot go into marriage with so many unmet needs, some of which only God can fulfill because if you do you will find that marriage does not fill them all.
    Go into a marriage with a healthy view of yourself and who you are in Christ. You will not be disappointed by waiting for that wife that also seeks to honor God with her life. Blessings to all single men in our group, always seek God first.

    1. I see we are on the same page. Seek God first. Wait and don't get married for the wrong reasons.Thanks Roger

    2. Brother Roger, "by first developing a strong relationship with Christ will you learn to be content in Him and will have godly discernment in choosing your future wife." Wow, the secret to contentment "I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want. I can do all this through him (Jesus) who gives me strength." Philippians 4:12b-13

    3. Great advice Roger-- you are a great model for us

  3. 2. Prov 12:15 "The way of a fool is right in his own eyes, but a wise man listens to advice. "

  4. 1. My list for a future wife:
    A. Her heart is after God's heart.
    B. She has a heart of ministry and serving.
    C. Supporting, encouraging
    D. Loves Jesus... And may it be evident through her worship, service, heart, love.
    E.Has wrestled with the Lord.
    F. She is stable
    G. Confident in her identity in Christ
    H. Family oriented, valued
    I. Working out, athleticism
    J. Captures my heart and attention...Beautiful in my eyes

    2. Proverbs 12:9 NIV

    Better to be a nobody and yet have a servant than pretend to be somebody and have no food.

    Misplaced Priorities. Acting rich just for the approval of others will leave you in a constant struggle.

    1. May you be blessed with the wife you seek. I'm sure both of you will be a power house for the Lord.

    2. Brother Eddie, May the Lord bring alongside you a marriage mate that is Spiritually equally yoked. May you both fear and reverence Him and rear your children in the ways of the Lord.

    3. Very good list Eddie. I'm intrigued by E.Has wrestled with the Lord. That shows a good level of maturity. Next time we're together you'll have to share more with me about that.

  5. 1.- Someone who can make me laugh
    - Shes got to love god
    - She has to be supportive
    - She has to love traveling
    - Got to be trustful

    2. Proverbs 12:15 ESV The way of a fool is right in his own eyes, but a wise man listens to advice.

    1. Brother James, may the Lord grant you the desires of your heart and may you and your future spouse honor Him with your marriage.

    2. Yes James, a good sense of humor was on my list too. I defined that as someone who laughs at all my jokes:)
      Others thought she then would have to have a warped sense of humor:) I'm so glad my bride likes to laugh with me.

  6. I would tell him, that she has to be God centered. She has to have goals. There has to be transparency. Communication skills are huge.I would also tell him that one of the reasons I married my wife was because I seen how much love her mother has with her and how I seen her take good care of her younger siblings. The potential for her being a great mother was already instilled in her. I would tell him that a woman is not meant to complete you but complement you. Only God completes you.

    2) Proverbs 12:14 (NIV)From the fruit of t heir lips people are filled with good things, and the work of their hands brings them reward.

    1. Great words of wisdom Sam :"a woman is not meant to complete you but complement you. Only God completes you." So many people think that by getting married they will finally be complete and soon realize they still feel lacking when they do get married.

    2. Brother Sam, excellent "a woman is not meant to complete you but complement you. Only God completes you. "

    3. Good advice Sam! A woman can't complete a man. Half a doughnut that finds another half doughnut, makes a hole:)

  7. I would also point them to Proverbs 31:10-31 (NIV)

    Epilogue: The Wife of Noble Character

    10 A wife of noble character who can find?
    She is worth far more than rubies.

    11 Her husband has full confidence in her
    and lacks nothing of value.

    12 She brings him good, not harm,
    all the days of her life.

    13 She selects wool and flax
    and works with eager hands.

    14 She is like the merchant ships,
    bringing her food from afar.

    15 She gets up while it is still night;
    she provides food for her family
    and portions for her female servants.

    16 She considers a field and buys it;
    out of her earnings she plants a vineyard.

    17 She sets about her work vigorously;
    her arms are strong for her tasks.

    18 She sees that her trading is profitable,
    and her lamp does not go out at night.

    19 In her hand she holds the distaff
    and grasps the spindle with her fingers.

    20 She opens her arms to the poor
    and extends her hands to the needy.

    21 When it snows, she has no fear for her household;
    for all of them are clothed in scarlet.

    22 She makes coverings for her bed;
    she is clothed in fine linen and purple.

    23 Her husband is respected at the city gate,
    where he takes his seat among the elders of the land.

    24 She makes linen garments and sells them,
    and supplies the merchants with sashes.

    25 She is clothed with strength and dignity;
    she can laugh at the days to come.

    26 She speaks with wisdom,
    and faithful instruction is on her tongue.

    27 She watches over the affairs of her household
    and does not eat the bread of idleness.

    28 Her children arise and call her blessed;
    her husband also, and he praises her:

    29 “Many women do noble things,
    but you surpass them all.”

    30 Charm is deceptive, and beauty is fleeting;
    but a woman who fears the Lord is to be praised.

    31 Honor her for all that her hands have done,
    and let her works bring her praise at the city gate.

    1. I look forward to us studying through this great ode to a noble woman.

  8. 1. "Before marriage keep yours eyes wide open and once you're married keep them half closed" (Charles Swindoll)

    A. Before considering to become a husband, It's imperative to be prepared to sacrificially lay down your own life:
    "Husbands, love your wives, just as Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her" Galatians 5:25

    B. Being a husband is a calling to which some have not be called:
    "Jesus replied, “Not everyone can accept this word, but only those to whom it has been given. For there are eunuchs who were born that way, and there are eunuchs who have been made eunuchs by others—and there are those who choose to live like eunuchs for the sake of the kingdom of heaven. The one who can accept this should accept it.” Matthew 19:11-12

    "I would like you to be free from concern. An unmarried man is concerned about the Lord’s affairs—how he can please the Lord. But a married man is concerned about the affairs of this world—how he can please his wife— and his interests are divided. An unmarried woman or virgin is concerned about the Lord’s affairs: Her aim is to be devoted to the Lord in both body and spirit. But a married woman is concerned about the affairs of this world—how she can please her husband. I am saying this for your own good, not to restrict you, but that you may live in a right way in undivided devotion to the Lord." ! Corinthians 7:32-35

    1. It's good you bring the matter of a calling to singleness. Those that desire such should not feel like they need to marry.
      Both are good gifts and both have their benefits and challenges.

  9. Total focus on appearance can be a devastating thing and a betrayal. I praise God in the highest that he has not led me down that path and built me up in education and training that mind and hear connect directly.
    Also One thing I learned from the pre-marital class from this past Sunday is to have expectations of the marriage written down

    Since I am not yet married I will write the liste here
    God at the center of her life
    Accountability (will go both ways)
    dedicated and responsible in family
    shows and leads by example
    is confident in wisdom
    stands strong in the middle of trial

    Did it
    Prov 12:7
    The wicked are overthrown and are no more, but the house of the righteous stands firm.

    1. Brother Gary, I rejoice in your decision to seek premarital counseling. For taking a serious and responsible path that will bring many blessing to your life and household.

    2. Good stuff Gary! Glad Robert likes you:)

  10. 1. GOOGLE HER!!!
    All kidding aside, court her...properly. Get to know her, not just by how she acts around you, but how she acts around others. At restaurants or other public places, note her interactions with others (waiters, patrons, hosts). If through courtship (or prior to) you become friends, introduce her to your existing circle of friends and observe her around the people you have chosen to be part of your inner-circle of trust. Court her as God prescribes, without tainting her name or allowing her to taint yours. Date virtuously (if she is open to spending the night over or going away for a weekend trip with you that might entail sharing a bed, it speaks volumes of her character (and yours if you consent). Find opportunities to see her interacting with her own family and friends before you introduce her to your family. If she is unkind to her own flesh and blood, how can you expect her to treat yours. Discover her interests. If your relationship gets to the next level, they will likely have to become your interests also. Get to know her taste in music, literature, and other entertainment (you will share this with her as well).

    Strive to know her dreams, goals, and passions in life and share your own. She may turn to you for support in fulfilling them and you need to be up to the task. Attend church together (if she refuses, encourage her by sharing your own relationship with Christ and its value to you). If she still refuses, run! Observe her interactions with children. She may one day be the mother of your own. Pray with her. A lot can be learned about a person by how and how frequently they pray. Be transparent with her, and expect her to be transparent with you. Only fools commit their heart without first knowing what lies behind the curtain (that's curtain, not skirt, just so we're on the same page, here). Even little dark secrets have the potential to damage your marriage, and eventually, everything floats back to the surface.

    Know that God satisfies her every need for love, compassion, tolerance, and self-worth, for no man (not even amazing you) will ever be able to. When you (if you) introduce her to your family, observe her treatment of your parents. As you have honored them, so too will you expect her to honor them. Discover her habits. If any of these peaks your stress, anxiety, or frustration, remember that old habits are like Bruce Willis (they Die Hard). Expect this process to take time. Like the rarest of gems, diamonds, which take time and intense stress (pressure) to form, so too must your choice for a wife come after sufficent time and endurance to ensure that you are committing yourself to a diamond of a woman and not a lump of coal. Before you put a ring on her finger, be absolutely certain in your heart that she can be a more precious gem in your crown than the one on her ring. If you need a quality test, Brother Sam provides an excellent one in the form of Proverbs 31:10-31.

    I lament that my heart was too often led astray by failing to live by my own advice. I am blessed that God should find favor in me and lead me, in His own time, not mine, to a Proverbs 31 woman. Hindsight is 20/20.

    2. Proverbs 12:14 "From the fruit of their lips people are filled with good things, and the work of their hands brings them rewards." This verse reminds me of two of my callings as a manly man. First, to guard my mouth from evil speech, that my words won't bring about my own ruin, and to speak tenderly to my wife, who drinks from the fruit of my lips. Second, that hard work is its own reward, both in the sense of the work I do to provide for my family and in the work that I must put in to raise a family that brings honor to the Lord.

    1. Ya gave a good laugh with your opening two words!
      Excellent advice Osisiris and great creative writing- "remember that old habits are like Bruce Willis (they Die Hard). Expect this process to take time. Like the rarest of gems, diamonds, which take time and intense stress (pressure) to form, so too must your choice for a wife come after sufficient time and endurance to ensure that you are committing yourself to a diamond of a woman and not a lump of coal. Before you put a ring on her finger, be absolutely certain in your heart that she can be a more precious gem in your crown than the one on her ring."

  11. The phrase we are to focus on is "Marriage." Marriage to me is "accepting" what is going to be a part of your life. In general, it could be person, place, or thing. To make this short, we'll focus on the person.

    Man or woman, we are looking for that perfect person in our life. Oh. Wait a minute, did I just say perfect? For us who are married we can answer the question, perfect is no more of that equation or is it? For the ones are thinking or going to get married, you need to clean house.

    I like to say most of us has a "Welcome" mat at our entrance of our home? And we invite people to come in, and we say this phrase, "make yourselves at home." We do this to be polite. However, in our truthful minds, we like to say you can use the living room and the bathroom, because we want to think all the other rooms are like the rooms you led them too. But there is a mess or clutter in these other rooms that need cleaning. Here's my point, we all have Jesus places in our heart. You can come in here Jesus because I clean this up. But in reality open up your hearts and let him clean house. Have no Jesus places, give him all you heart. Get marry to Jesus who is God The Son who was sent by the God The Father and prayed that we recieve God The Holy Spirit. That's the person who we should marry, The Holy Spirit! Because there is no perfect person than our "Holy Spirit" who lives inside of us.

    Now finding that man or woman to marry is opening up your heart and come clean. Don't hide your hurts or pain of your past or present, confess. Know that when you open up freely and do get married. It's not just two, it's three. Like the bible tells us the Trinidad, God The Father, God The Son, and God The Holy Spirit. There is God, Man, and woman. This is a successful marriage, because God, is in the center.

    Now, for all who are married, I pray this prayer: Thank you Lord God, for cleaning house for all who confess that you are Lord. And that we can confess and love our significant other, like you have always love us, from the beginning. Holy Spirit, we don't expect anything in return because we honor the Father in all he's done in our marriage and that His Grace is sufficient in our marriage. So we praise your name and accecpt our prayer in Jesus name I pray, amen.

    1. Yes Marcos, marriage involves an inviting in and house cleaning. Both need to be an ongoing process, don't they?
      Thank you for praying for us. That was very good of you!

  12. she would have to be born again and going to church. after that I can not think of anything else

    1. proverbs 12.7 Wicked men are overthrown and are no more, but the house of the righteous stands firm. I have to remember that when my boss is yelling at me

    2. Those are good for starters Flo. And thanks to the other M3 men, you've got a lot of other good suggestions, should you ever move toward marriage. I wanna be there, if so.

  13. 1. Here's the list:
    - Is a Christian.
    - has a sense of humor.
    - Is talkative (I love talking)
    - Likes to do go places.
    - Is confident (Knowing her worth).
    - Is supportive.
    - Is giving.
    - Is hospitable.
    - Loves her family (family-oriented).
    - Is knowledgeable.

    2. "Those who work their land will have abundant food, but those who chase fantasies have no sense." Proverbs 12:11

  14. What I looked for in a woman before I knew God in a personal way was beauty not much else. The good thing God gave me a beautiful wife that does it all and completes me. She cooks, cleans, helps me with fixing the house, she took care of our four children when they were young. At times worked at different places to earn additional income to help take some of the stress off me. She came to know the Lord before me and than never gave up on me even when I gave her a hard time for changing her way of life. So men of God who are not married wait for God to bring a Godly woman into your life and you will feel rewarded. Marriage life has it's ups and downs but for the most part there are more ups.

    Proverbs 12:1 Whoever loves discipline loves knowledge, but he who hates correction is stupid.

    1. Good advice, even fleshed out, Mike. Very good!

    2. Great perspective and advice on marriage. Thanks for sharing this important part of your life.

  15. 1. "If you want to be happy for the rest of your life,
    Don't make a pretty woman your wife.
    Take it from my personal point of view,
    Find another woman for you."
    It's an old Ragae song but most of the time true.
    The only judge is the Father and I am certainly not saying there are not beautiful women on the outside that aren't beautiful on the inside-- but in my experience a greater % of beautiful women are so concerned with their looks and are such high maintenance that they take the fun out of being with them and they are always keeping an eye on who's admiring them.
    Or another thing is that they are insecure as many have never advanced outside their reliance on exterior beauty. They are normally not humble as they are too into themselves to give it up for Jesus.
    Please understand that men like me are the luckiest ever as I was blessed with the most beautiful woman and God fearing woman on the inside who has true Love in her heart. I never deserved such a gift from God in her nor his grace-- but I'll always. Treasure them. There are other beauties out there for you singles- but search their inner beauty hard 1 st as some of them can hide their true inner bad traits.
    2. Did it

    1. Wow! Great advice and insights Jack. Charm and beauty both can be very deceptive.

    2. Very good advice Jack. Thank you for your input.

  16. Now that i try to be a man of faith and follow a more righteous path I realize that i want a girl that has ambition to go out and explore the world. I try to find a girl that goes to church and has true faith. A girl that doesn't judge based with what I have and don't have. A girl that wants to read the bible with me. A girl that supports what I do and wants to be there along the way. A girl that understands forgiveness and doesn't hold grudges. A girl that loves Jesus and God more than she loves me. and that we can love him together.

    Proverbs 12: 11 Whoever works his land will have plenty of bread, But he who follows worthless pursuit lacks sense.

    1. Sounds like an amazing woman there Andre! ;)

    2. Andre. Great goals and you will find her. Never settle for less bro

    3. Ho,ho! "A girl that loves Jesus and God more than she loves me." Very good Andre. When she loves God first and foremost, she will love you best.

  17. 1. I was not looking for a woman to marry it just kinda happened when i least expected it. I wanted a woman that had similar beliefs and goals as me. That is a woman that does not party (get high or drunk), loves God, and takes care of herself (working out and eating good). Wow did i get lucky! I found her in church! Not during service but at a NA meeting ;) I heard her share about her love and gratitude for God and i found it very attractive. I asked her if she wanted to come play poker with me and she said yes. We dated for about a year. She didnt sleep with me right away which was very respectful i thought. After a year i asked her to marry me (members from church were rushing me) ;) Now we have been happily married for almost 2 years (June 1st)

    2. Proverbs 12:4 A worthy wife is a crown for her husband, but a disgraceful woman is like cancer in his bones.

    1. I must admit Phil, I was laughing when I read that you asked her out to play poker. :) Not your typical first date. Did you let her win?

  18. 1) Watch how your partner responds to pressure. Pain, frustration, anger, hurt, the more intense the emotion the more character and focus required to respond with Christlike character. Observe how your partner treats the failures of others.

    2) Better to be dishonored, yet have a servant, than to act important but have no food.

    1. That is rare and remarkable advice Antonio!

    2. Excellent advice! , I am taking notes and will let your words of wisdom digest in my spirit :)

  19. Verse 1 stood out to me the most.

    I would suggest that the young man make a list and label requirements vs wants. The ones that say requirements they shouldn't budge on. They should also watch that this woman loves God and tries to faithfully live out God's commands (that she has a real relationship with God).

    My youngest sister got married this week to an unbeliever. I spoke to her many times about being unequally yoked and pointed to specific Bible verses, but she says that he will probably become a believer in the future. Pretty foolish thinking.

    1. Very good advice Ed. So sorry to hear that your sister didn't heed your counsel. In God's mercy, may they both earnestly seek Him.

    2. Thanks for sharing. Too bad your sister did not heed your life saving advice

  20. Don't let your fleshly desires decide whom you should marry, sometimes a pretty face can have an ugly attitude. Be honest with her and if she can't accept the fact that you are a man of God, that can be a major stumbling block for you.

    A wife of noble character is her husband’s crown, but a disgraceful wife is like decay in his bones. (‭Proverbs‬ ‭12‬:‭4‬ NIV)

    1. Very good words Ricardo- "a pretty face can have an ugly attitude."
      Hey, would you please call me regarding Rick Barrera? I just drove by where he used to work earlier today. I think he would really enjoy M3.

  21. 1) The advice i would give a young guy looking for a companion would be to not rush. you will never really get to know the real woman until you marry her. Also dont have in your mind to find a perfect woman if you yourself are not perfect nor will you ever will be. I agree that we as men should have a standard for the type of woman we be looking for.The most important thing is to put that woman in God' hands first. Ask God to help you be the man he has called you to be and i believe that woman he has in store for you shall come to pass.

    1. Good point Vince. We need to be the one to have the one. A 10 is not going to want to be with a 2.

    2. Brother Vince, "a young guy looking for a companion would be to not rush". Great advice, "only fools rush in" (Author unknown)

  22. 1. This is the advice I would give :Find a woman that loves the Lord.Go to pre marital classes with a pastor.

    2Proverbs 12:4
    A wife of noble character is her husband’s crown, but a disgraceful wife is like decay in his bones.

    1. Great advice. I am in premarital counseling right now and have learned much :)

    2. Brother George, sound advice and to the point "Find a woman that loves the Lord.Go to pre marital classes with a pastor."

  23. To the pursuing a potential wife. One of the first things I would say is how is your relationship with Christ? Meaning his is your foundation formed because if it is not set solid on Christ then any woman has the potential to persuade and swift you away from Christ. For in the mean time God is prepping you for that woman to come. Also another is "are you OK being single"? Because one would know if they are okay being single, thats when they are receiving the fullness of Christ and not having your heart focused on something else. I would further on continue and say to keep a healthy boundary in the relationship, to always honor the Lord by honoring her.

    1. Brother Ismael, "any woman has the potential to persuade and swift you away from Christ." King Solomon can attest to that!

      "He had seven hundred wives of royal birth and three hundred concubines, and his wives led him astray. As Solomon grew old, his wives turned his heart after other gods, and his heart was not fully devoted to the Lord his God, as the heart of David his father had been." 1 Kings 11:3-4

  24. My advice would be to a single guy. Don't be in a rush to find a wife enjoy your singleness. Grow in God, pursue passions and hobbies you enjoy. Travel and go on missions trips. If you have a crippling addiction or entangling sin. Work on it, attack it, and do whatever it takes to rid yourself of it.

    Be friends with girls. Treat them as sisters. Get to know them but don't put all your eggs in one basket. Get to know a lot of girls. I don't mean be a player and break hearts. But build friendships.
    Then go for a woman that loves Christ and shares your passion for ministry. Marry your best friend. No couple is completely compatible but find a woman you can do things you love with. Most of all, have a lot of laughs. Seize the day God has given you!

    1. Great words of advice my brother

    2. Brother Nic, "Marry your best friend". If only I had that piece of advice 23 years ago, LOL :-D

  25. Proverbs 12:4 NIV

    A wife of noble character is her husband’s crown, but a disgraceful wife is like decay in his bones.

  26. 1.a- I got married before I found God and a godly woman wasn't at the top of my list but I got lucky and married one. By her seeking more it led me to God, now if I had to do it over again a godly woman would be at the top of my list. Next, communicate before you get married so you know each other’s needs and have the same expectations of what marriage will be like. Also, don’t marry someone thinking you can change them after you’re married. A person has to want to change on their own, they can’t be forced.

    2.- Proverbs 12:13 “The wicked are trapped by their own words, but the godly escape such trouble.” This verse makes me think of someone telling lies that keep building on each other to cover the truth. Until the truth is discovered and their lies hurt them. Where the godly don’t have to worry because they aren't telling the lies and have nothing to hide.

    1. Very good words George! "Also, don’t marry someone thinking you can change them after you’re married. A person has to want to change on their own, they can’t be forced."

    2. Great words of advice, I am taking notes and will let your words of wisdom digest in my spirit :)

    3. Brother George, "I found God and a godly woman wasn't at the top of my list but I got lucky and married one." God orchestrates times and events to bless us and he knew your needs before you realized you'd have the need for a godly wife and made provisions for such. God bless you :-)

  27. 1. My list: born again christian, wants to have a family and views kids as a blessing, good sense of humor or at least laughs at my jokes, willing to be a stay at home mom if I choose for her to do so, would love to participate in family ministries with me and our kids, (if we have any) , a woman who knows her God given role as my helper to help me fulfill my vision for the family, as we follow the Lord.

    2. Prov 12:8 states "a man will be praised according to his insight, but one with perverse mind will be despised "

    1. Brother Israel, yes, God's design. "a woman who knows her God given role as my helper to help me fulfill my vision for the family, as we follow the Lord." Genesis 2:18 "The Lord God said, “It is not good for the man to be alone. I will make a helper suitable for him.”

    2. or at least laughs at my jokes-Funny

    3. Very good Israel! Sounds like you may have given this some thought:)

  28. 1) I would recommend these steps for protecting his and her hearts:
    1.Make sure you are able to provide for and able to care for a wife.
    2. Pray for God's guidance in finding the right women.
    3. Only consider a women a candidate who is already a Christian. ( The more mature they are in Christ the better.)
    4. Consider someone who is already ministering in the church in some capacity. (It shows that they are serious about their faith.)
    5. Start up by group dating within a church setting if possible.
    5. Avoid having any physical relationship with them (giving hugs, kissing etc,) until both you and her have prayed and sense a confirmation to go to the next step of seriously considering marriage and have set up dating boundaries to keep the relationship pure from lust.
    5) Establish accountability with a mature Christian married man or couple who will guide you in the relationship in areas of pace, purity and perspective.

    2) Did it.

    1. Great words of advice, As always

    2. Brother David H, "Only consider a women a candidate who is already a Christian. ( The more mature they are in Christ the better.)" Wise counsel brother!

  29. To the young men my advise would be to foremost date only a Christian, that they guard their heart, do not let intoxicating emotions mislead them. Tell them not to rush into marriage, to spend a reasonable time dating to see if there love for each other is true and growing together equally. Not to let any outside pressures influence them to make premature decision to get married, to set a sound and godly foundation of trust and respect for each other before taking God's covenant union of "one". Prob. 12:14 "From the fruit of their lips people are filled with good things, and the work of their hands brings them reward."

    1. Brother Armando, "do not let intoxicating emotions mislead them". Great advice, know the difference between true love and infatuation!

  30. I would say make sure that you've known the person well enough before getting married. The amount of time could vary between people but enough time that you know each others personal practices so that there are very little surprises. Also, it would good for both to be spiritually involved in Christianity before getting married so that God can guide both of you along the way. Make sure that both of you practice respect for one another and learn how to handle conflict with one another.

    Proverbs 12:9 Better to be a nobody and yet have a servant than pretend to be somebody and have no food.

  31. Brother Chuy, through marital counseling I learned there's such a thing as fighting fare, because conflict happens in all relationships. Well said "Make sure that both of you practice respect for one another and learn how to handle conflict with one another."

  32. Well congrats to all those that are getting married and for those who are looking to get married don't do it!!!!! Just kidding. I have come to realize that I was not born with an owners manual to marriage or children. But I do understand now that I don't regret my marriage or my children. It is a struggle through life but the trust in God and prayer is what guides you through a faithful marriage, honest father and husband. Counsel with others is a key to me staying away from my life and self-centeredness. God bless all of you in a marriage, about to get married or thinking of getting married

    1. Good talking with you already this morning Guillermo! You're right, no owner's manual:) But then again, we do have our Owner's Manual.

  33. Proverbs 12:1, 9, 11, 14

    Whoever loves discipline loves knowledge,but whoever hates correction is stupid.

    Better to be a nobody and yet have a servantthan pretend to be somebody and have no food.

    Those who work their land will have abundant food,but those who chase fantasies have no sense.

    From the fruit of their lips people are filled with good things,and the work of their hands brings them reward.

  34. 1. A- I will encourage young man to do God’s will and to trust God with their marriage. God already knows what they need and God has the perfect young lady for them. I will encourage man to be patience and trustworthy by being faith to Sunday service and to men bible study as a way to show commitment to God and leaders of the church. Also to seek God’s divine word and accept God’s promise in their hearts.

    2. - Prov.12:4, a wife of noble character is her husband’s crown, but a disgraceful wife is like decay in his bones.
