
He who hates correction is stupid. Prov.12:1

Many serious car crashes occur because of blind spots. Many wrecks in relationships happen also because of blind spots. We all have blinds spots. Let me give you a physical example of a blind spot I have. When I look in a mirror (it's getting to be more and  more depressing:), I can't see the big bald spot on the back of my head. Thus, it's easy to forget it's there. However, others can see it from afar. 

It's bad enough that we have blind spots. What's worse is when we deny they are there. "What do you mean I'm stubborn and argumentative!!! I don't have a problem. You're the one with the problem!" Okay, to be fair, if someone says you're a jackass, ignore the jerk. If another person says such, they might be conspiring against you, right? But if three people call you such, you might need to buy a saddle. Perhaps God is trying to get through to you. "Do not be like the horse or mule, which have no understanding" Ps.32:9. The fool is stubborn like a mule. 

Such mule-headed people won't cooperate. It's got to be his way, or no way. He refuses to be open to the possibility that he has faults. "He who hates correction is stupid" 12:1. But it gets worse. "Whoever ignores correction leads others astray" 10:17. On the other hand, Proverbs says that the man who is man enough to rightly respond to correction gains understanding, shows prudence and is honored (13:18; 15:5,32).

Because you and I have blind spots, we need others to "speak the truth in love" into our lives. We are to use God's word to "correct, rebuke and encourage- with great patience and careful instruction" 2 Tim.4:2. Now don't dub yourself the duke of rebuke. But do build bridges of love strong enough to bear the weight of truth to bring into another person's life. Giving correction can be life changing. Failing to give it can be disastrous. David was a man after God's own heart, but he failed to correct his kids, resulting in much death and devastation (2 Sam.11-20).

So how can we overcome our blind spots since we can't see them? It's simple- receive feedback from others. I didn't say it was easy, and I'm not saying that you have to accept what is shared as gospel truth. But thank the person for the courage to share with you and prayerfully think it over. Maybe even run it by someone else. Older men, offering such correction with encouragement is a priceless ministry that you can have, especially with younger men. Speak wise words into their lives. This is what the father in Proverbs has been doing. "The corrections of discipline are the way of life" 6:23.

Are you open to correction? I hope so. "He who hates correction is stupid" Prov.12:1. Here are a couple responses that may reveal if a man may be stubborn like a mule to correction- "Who are you to tell me that?" "Okay, now it's my turn to tell you your faults, Mr. holier than thou!" Woe Nelly. Buy that boy a saddle!

Do you give me and others in M3 permission to lovingly note blind spots or areas you may need to work on? That's a good question to ask your kids as well. Yes, I invite you to speak the truth in love into my blind spots and areas of weakness also. I need you. Come to think of it, if a guy can't take correction or input in M3, he's in the wrong group. He needs to join a T-ball team. They will cheer for him no matter how bad he is at bat:) 

1.-Share a time from your past when someone had the guts to speak the truth into your life. How did you respond to it at the time?

2.-Read through Prov.15:1-15 and pick one verse or phrase that grabs you. It may even correct you. (You'll note verses on correction appear three times in today's passage.) Write it on your MP3 card and look for opportunities to share it with others. 

In honor of our topic of correction and mom's that have to give so much of it, I hope you and the mom in your life will have a good laugh with the following video.

3.-(Optional: Juslemeknow if'n ya liked the video. Note: Such humorous videos are good to send to your unsaved friends. Humor breaks the ice, warms hearts, and strengthens relationships. Such videos also open receptivity to evangelistic videos you may want to send later.

Don't stay in the closet of close-mindedness. 
Open your mind to the palace of possibilities.

Please give a word of encouragement to your fire team members- Gary, John and Nic who were MIA yesterday. This is John's second day. Thanks.


  1. 1. There have been many times when Pastor Mark has been preaching and I have felt convicted because it seemed like he was talking directly to me. When that has happened I have tried to make things right with God and the people that I may have offended. There have been times when I have been challenged to take bold steps to be a stronger witness fo Christ and I have tried to do so.

    2. Prov 15:5 "A fool despises his father's instruction, but whoever heeds reproof is prudent."
    3. Very funny video.

    1. Your willingness to respond to correction is a great credit to God at work in your life Roger.
      Glad you enjoyed the video :)

    2. Brother Roger, thanks for sharing. I always enjoy your postings. God bless you :-)

    3. Very good Roger as you show your love of Jesus in all you do. You also are a great model for others

    4. Great testimony. Keep it up.

  2. 1. There have been many times when I have corrected or disciplined for my behavior. I remember a few years back I was with a group of friends and I used to be a bit mouthy and sarcastic at of my friends let me have it. I had offended them pretty bad. It happened again with someone else and they didn't say anything to me at first. I got convicted on my own and had to call and ask them what was bothering them. They spoke to me about how I offended them in truth and love. I really asked God to help me tame my tongue and think before I speak. I won't say that I will ever potentially offend anyone again, but I do know several people spoke to me on that issue and was convicted to change the way I talk to people. Im trying not to talk just to talk, but talk with more intentions, speaking life and building people up than tearing someone down by jokes or sarcasm.

    I would be open to knowing about blind spots in my character and behavior from loving brothers. I know I am not perfect and want to always be growing and becoming more like Jesus.

    2.The eyes of the Lord are everywhere,
    keeping watch on the wicked and the good.

    3. Good video. Pass it to my mama.

    1. Very good Eddie! I love your receptivity to outside input. That makes you a growth partner with me.

    2. Brother Eddie, I wouldn't have believed it had you not said it, because it's difficult to picture you like that. Thanks for being candid and sharing such. God bless you :-)

    3. Eddie, you are a great encourager and example of a Godly man-- we are lucky to have you as part of M3 and as a Brother in Christ.

    4. Eddie great testimony of being a person that is teachable and willing to hear when other may have something to say to you that may not always be pleasant to hear.

    5. Eddie, your sincerity and your willingness to take advice are both very inspiring and encouraging. You set a very good example!

    6. Thanks brothers! Means alot!

  3. 1. My dad would always ask when I would come to him with a problem. How's my walk? Are you reading the word? Are you praying? I use to hate when he would say that because he never gave me a clear answer or solution to my problem. It took me awhile to realize that God is the solution and answer to my problems. I'm glad he would tell me that all the time. It really opened my eyes to seek god first when hit with a problem.

    2.Proverbs 15.1.ESV A soft answer turns away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up anger.

    3. That video reminded me how much my mom done for me. Funny video!

    1. That's a good thing your dad used to say to you. I will be using that in the future

    2. Interesting James! How quick we are to seek the counsel of men before the counsel of our Father.
      Glad you liked the video:)

    3. Brother James, that's a great outlook! I'm sure he's proud of you.

    4. What a great role model your dad was to point you to the Father.

    5. I want to be like your dad! Thanks for sharing!

    6. James what a great blessing to have a father that feared God and instilled those principles in you.

  4. So most of my life has been about me always doing the wrong things and yes I was always scolded about it and never really been approached in a peaceful manner, now I can accept that constructive chritisim and someone else expressing their opinion about me. I didn't take it very well in the past and always ran around with anger and not really caring for what others had to say, but I always kept a saying that my mother would always say and I'll say it in Spanish and then justnputbitbin English. " escucha consejo, y llegaras a viejo" , " listen to advice, and you'll grow old" and I listen more now than ever, everything that anyone around me has to say is a helping hand for my future.

    Proverbs 15:10

    Stern discipline awaits anyone who leaves the path;the one who hates correction will die.

    I will watch the video later.

    1. Very good Guillermo! Your mother's saying goes very well with the verse you wrote out.

    2. Brother Guillermo, wise counsel from your mom. It was good catching up with you earlier today, God bless :-)

    3. Guillermo I am so glad that you a follower of Christ and you listen to constructive criticism when it is given.

  5. 1. My wife is very good at at speaking the truth. She likes to remind me to step up as the man of the house. Help with homework, kids, housework, and so on. I was cut to the heart once. She compared what I did for those I mentor versus what I do for my family. Ouch! I had to step it up. I now share the word with her almost every day (MP3) and encourage her. I pray for my family when we have a meal together and when I pray for my M3 brothers. I need to pray more individually with them. I thank God for her honesty.

    2. Proverbs 15:10 Stern discipline awaits anyone who leaves the path; the one who hates correction will die.

    3. That is a hilarious video! Shared it with my daughter already. She thought it was funny. She said something like, I have heard most of that already :) She plays piano and has a cat to feed.

    1. Sam, I laughed with what you wrote regarding your daughter watching the video :)
      How good to have a wife that has the courage to help her husband be a better man. How good for you to respond and step up to the plate as you have.

    2. Brother Sammy, truth can be and most often is painful but I'm glad you were receptive to her words and have made positive changes. God bless you brother :-)

    3. Sam, that was great advice from your wife and we all see Gid using you Brother

    4. Sam what a godly example you are setting in your family and people that you come in contact with your willingness to listen to advice that is given to you.

  6. When I got back from my first tour in Afghanistan I remember going back to school and trying to work a full time Job. I was working with another guy that was running his own business doing hard labor work. I remember I was depressed with everything going all around me. I thought that i had the right to feel down about myself and so there were many times on the job site where I wasn't performing to the best of my ability. I went in one day very late and my boss at the time let me have it. He told me that life will never be easy but I couldn't keep waking up everyday hating life and the people around me with negative attitude and thoughts. I broke down with all the emotions that I had running in my mind and realized that everyday has to be a day to positive change. My mind still gets exhausted on a weekly basis. I get frustrated with myself when I let long days take me away from achieving my task for that day. I pray that I always have the will to try my best and keep my word to others.

    2). The way of the wicked is an abomination to the LORD,
    but he loves him who pursues righteousness.
    (Proverbs 15:9 ESV)

    1. God bless you Mr. Vargas. My sister and my cousin were in the marine corp and I always wanted to join but now that I see how all that affects men and women I feel the urge to help in what ever way. Your experience is an eye opener about how life can really beat you up, but I agree with your boss, I have pushed myself through those depressing situations. I have always wanted to be part of a group of guys to rely on and help out, now I found M3 and it makes me feel more like a soldier of God. And your experience pushes me even more thanks

    2. Thank you for sharing so honestly Andre. That is a great strength! You now also have a band of brothers to turn to when you are feeling overwhelmed.

    3. Brother Andre, I come into agreement with your prayer "I pray that I always have the will to try my best and keep my word to others." God bless you :-)

    4. Andre. You are a solid man of God and your commitment is great. Keep praying and focussed bro

    5. Thanks for sharing brother. Its a good reminder to me to be a positive person and appreciate the good things God has blessed us with.

  7. At work I'm bossy nobody would have to say anything I could see it on their faces, I was off work for 6 months when I got back I asked GOD to keep my mouth shut. On work ethics from yesterday, my supervisor would jump on my back for anything if I did it or not, he would threaten to fire .me he fired 3 of my friends. I would ask GOD to forgive him.. His boss (who told me he wouldn't have hired me) but grew to respect me stood up for me. I thank GOD for that. now my supervisor leave me to work all alone without checking up on me because he knows I will do my work without stopping to talk to everybody. proverbs 15,1 a gentle answer turns away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up anger. verse 2 15.3 the eyes of the LORD are everywhere ,keeping watch on the wicked and the good

    1. God bless you Florencio that's must hurt the feelings a bit and can sting plenty, I thank god for his example in you

    2. Very good Flo!
      It was good talking earlier this morning. Despite your work getting erased, you didn't give up. That's also a reflection of your good work ethic.

    3. Brother Florencio, your patience and perseverance has brought forth the fruit of trustworthiness. Oh that I would have hard working, conscientious employees like you! Keep up the great work :-)

    4. that is awesome Flo. Proverbs 15:1 always works for me too :)

    5. that is awesome Flo. Proverbs 15:1 always works for me too :)

  8. Mockers hate to be corrected, so they stay away from the wise. (‭Proverbs‬ ‭15‬:‭12‬ NLT)

    Nobody likes to criticized. We may react negatively to correction and sometimes even feel crushed. But we should embrace discipline and correction. It is the best way to learn, to grow, and to improve our skills and behavior. The next time we hear words of correction, we need to listen carefully, think about them, and know that they are for our benefit.

    Only a fool despises a parent’s discipline; whoever learns from correction is wise. (‭Proverbs‬ ‭15‬:‭5‬ NLT)

    “Listen, O Israel! The LORD is our God, the LORD alone. And you must love the LORD your God with all your heart, all your soul, and all your strength. And you must commit yourselves wholeheartedly to these commands that I am giving you today. Repeat them again and again to your children. Talk about them when you are at home and when you are on the road, when you are going to bed and when you are getting up. (‭Deuteronomy‬ ‭6‬:‭4-7‬ NLT)

    Teach the older men to exercise self-control, to be worthy of respect, and to live wisely. They must have sound faith and be filled with love and patience. (‭Titus‬ ‭2‬:‭2‬ NLT)

    You must teach these things and encourage the believers to do them. You have the authority to correct them when necessary, so don’t let anyone disregard what you say. (‭Titus‬ ‭2‬:‭15‬ NLT)

    Our actions and attitudes show others that we are followers of Christ.

    1. Brother Marcos, "Nobody likes to criticized. We may react negatively to correction and sometimes even feel crushed." reminded me of Hebrews 12:11 "No discipline seems pleasant at the time, but painful. Later on, however, it produces a harvest of righteousness and peace for those who have been trained by it." Well said, God bless you :-)

    2. Thank You Brother Roman. Love your answer with the backing up of scripture that's leads to understanding. God Bless You.

    3. Amen Marcos, I like the last line you have. This is proof of being Salt and light of the earth.

  9. 1. During my backsliden years my mother in particular, and others would speak truth into my life but I wasn't receptive. I'd become angry and verbally aggressive. I abhorred anything and everything I felt was an attempt to control my own free will. "You're not the boss of me!!!!" Though I was in rebellion, God has been working in me through His divine hand of discipline and His tender mercies which are new every morning to bring me to the footstool of obedience.

    ”What is truth?" retorted Pilate." John 18:38a
    I believe It's imperative that we establish the meaning of truth for much has been said and debated about it. First let's define what it's not. It's not the degree of sincerity, perception, belief or a fallacy one may have.

    Truth is a verifiable or indisputable fact. "I (Jesus) was born and came into the world is to testify to the truth. Everyone on the side of truth listens to me." John 18:37b "Jesus said, “If you hold to my teaching, you are really my disciples. Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.” John 8:31b-32

    Truth sets us free from oppression, guilt, anxiety and the need to control others. To live the life God always intended for us, the abundant life! Pastor Collin Smith says that "a person who speaks the truth without love is just a truth terrorist". Speaking the truth in love, involves no ulterior motives, manipulation, need to control or for self-serving purposes. It's solely for the welfare and benefit to whom it's being shared with.

    Satan's tactic is to get us to question/doubt truth "He said to the woman, “Did God really say" Genesis 3:3b. History is strewn with all kinds of atrocities committed in the name of so called "truth". So please, let's be mindful that should the need arise to speak to someone that we tactfully do so in love, not to start an unnecessary war or conflict. "Therefore each of you must put off falsehood and speak truthfully to your neighbor, for we are all members of one body." Ephesians 4:25

    "A partial truth is a complete lie" (Author unknown)

    2. "Mockers resent correction, so they avoid the wise." Proverbs 15:12
    3. Seen it before but I still believe it's creative use of the song used in the old TV show "The Lone Ranger"?

    1. T.H.I.N.K.

      T= Is it True
      H= Is is Helpful
      I= Is it Inspiring
      N= Is it Necessary
      K= Is it Kind

    2. Robert, I like the Acronym T.H.I.N.K. I think I'll print it out for the office.

    3. Truth terrorist, LOL, I've been one and I know some. That's a great phrase.

    4. Ah Robert, you know I like acronyms and that's a good one! I just put it in the margin of my Bible near Phil.4:8.

    5. Excellent Robert. I can see how God is using you powerfully in this M3 group and in life. You have encouraged me many times brother. I love your sentence, " God has been working in me through His divine hand of discipline and His tender mercies which are new every morning to bring me to the footstool of obedience." I love it!

    6. Excellent Robert. I can see how God is using you powerfully in this M3 group and in life. You have encouraged me many times brother. I love your sentence, " God has been working in me through His divine hand of discipline and His tender mercies which are new every morning to bring me to the footstool of obedience." I love it!

  10. I am open to correction. This is the refinement and will cut at the non-finished surfaces still lingering in our lives.

    I rememeber being in football practice and I was not paying attention to assist in a critical block. So a teamate switched posistions with me there so I would experience what it was like to not have that help in that possition. Needless to say that I painfully learned that lesson.

    Verse 15:10 There is severe discipline for him who forsakes the way, whoever hates reproof will die..

    I too will share this with my mom

    1. Brother Gary, I appreciate the acknowledgement that we haven't arrived and we're all a work in progress "This is the refinement and will cut at the non-finished surfaces still lingering in our lives."
      Philippians 3:15b-16 "And if on some point you think differently, that too God will make clear to you. Only let us live up to what we have already attained."

    2. Amen brother Gary, there lies a balance in wisdom on one scale lies humility on the other discernment. The ability to be sincere but not gullible.

    3. Great testimony of being open to correction. May we all have the same attitude.

    4. Bueno Gary! I believe you have a receptive heart. That is priceless!

  11. A few years ago me and my wife were going through a rough patch and my mother had came to visit. Me and my wife began to have words and my mother intervened and told me, her son, that I had issues to work out and if I didn't that she would help my wife divorce me! I was in shock, but it helped.

    1. Ricardo, I almost wrote about my mother too. Mothers are great for telling us the truth.

  12. I am always open to correction. I believe you learn when corrected. Also no one is always right. Except God.

    As a young boy my grandmother would have to correct me when I would state certain words. The one I most remember was when I would state " I ax you for some candy." She would state "The proper would is ask not ax." It took me some time to learn to say ask not ax but I did.

    Proverbs 15:12 "Mockers resent correction, so they avoid the wise." In my life time

    I have seen people surround themselves with smart people so they can look smart too, but I also seen people surround themselves with not so smart people so they look smarter. If we surround ourselves with Believers than we will have the strength to fight the mockers and plant seeds for Christ.

    1. Amen Mike that is great advice to surround ourselves with believers to be able to fight the good fight.

    2. Yes Mike and I've heard the smartest people hire people smarter than themselves.:)

  13. 1. My Sister began her journey with the Lord about 3 years ago, while mine began about 2 1/2 yrs ago. I remember our discussion prior to me being saved and reading the Word-- and I asked her what my biggest sin was. She replied Pride. I knew I was very confident but never tried to boast, as I felt I was down to earth.
    I accepted her analysis and of course began to compare myself with other siblings and friends. I thought I had less pride than most of them-- a common response from a Catholic. Upon reading and studying the bible I realized that I did have a lot of pride and that I needed to be more like the true Christians I knew, as they were very humble. I focus in this a lot now and try my best not to sin against the Lord with pride and always be humble. I pray that I lead others now appropriately.
    2. Did it
    3. I enjoyed the video-- but I have a unique sense of humor

    1. It's great to hear that you are still benefiting the advice of another.

    2. Thank you for sharing this part of your testimony. I believe we all struggle with pride to some degree or another. May we all continually surrender to our Creator.

    3. Jack, I love your humble personality and I must share your unique sense of humor.:)

  14. 1) Oooh today, I was chatting with a friend about marital conflict. I have to say though I need the person to prove their point before I'll submit to it or I will be stubborn. He said I needed to focus more on seeking to understand the feelings behind the complaints before I seek to apply a solution.
    2) 1) A gentle answer turns away anger, but a harsh word stirs up wrath.
    A gentle answer takes self control, self awareness, and situational awareness. Often it is difficult to be kind to an aggressor, but you can often tame a beast by winning it's trust with confident kindness.
    3) yes

    1. Good Antonio! I wish I could say that I have mastered that verse that I've known for so long- giving a gentle answer when I feel disrespected. My son and I have a great relationship, but I turned up the volume a few days ago when he began arguing with me. Oh to be calm when the sea is raging.

  15. This last summer I brought my wife and son to Chicago for the first time ever. We were in for 6 weeks and everyone had lots of plans for us. After the first 2 weeks my wife told me that I keep saying yes to every invitation and that we need to have some chill out days; she pointed out that I felt obligated to accept every invitation and that I shouldn’t.

    I can’t remember the last time someone spoke truth into my life specifically. I feel convicted often from Christian books I read. I am reading a biography about George Muller right now that is convicting me on my prayer life.

    Proverbs 15:10 stands out

    3 yes

    1. Yes Ed, it's a rare thing when someone speaks the tough truth into another's life. But I would rather risk losing the relationship than fail to offer what I believe needs to be said with love. I've also learned to preface such truth telling with "as I see it" I might not be seeing things correctly. I have eaten humble pie too. Thank God for our wives that speak into our lives. I know men that are afraid to do that. Or maybe they just know their wife is hard-headed. Don't know.

  16. 1.- When I was about 25 years old I worked at a small company with about 20 people and was dating the receptionist. She was fired shortly before the company Christmas party. I was angry and decided that I would bring her as my date to the party. A few days before the party my boss called me aside to asked if I was bringing her, when I said yes he advised me not to bring her. I responded with something like “then I’m not going to go.” After talking to some other people I realized bringing her wasn’t the right thing to do, that I was just being a jerk and decided to go alone. Bringing her would have been a jab at the owner who was always good to me. I stayed with the company even after the owner sold it and left, we got along great and didn’t have any issues. Thinking about it now if I would have brought her to the party things probably wouldn’t have ever been as good.

    2.- Proverbs 15:4 “Gentle words are a tree of life; a deceitful tongue crushes the spirit.” This verse reminded me of Ephesians 4:29 “Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen.” It’s another reminder that we should be building each other up while being honest not doing it to benefit ourselves.

    3 – I saw this one before but still laughed as I watched it.

    1. Great story George! And glad to see the good cross reference.

  17. 1. I remember one time my wife called me out in how I was punishing one of our kids in anger. After I cooled down apologies were made to everyone for my inappropriate behavior.
    2. Proverbs 15:5 Moral dropouts won’t listen to their elders;
    welcoming correction is a mark of good sense.
    3. I always appreciate a good vid. Keep em coming.

    1. hey you got a great wife. she is bold to correct you. may god bless your marriage

    2. Udabest Dave! I will vouch for you to the team that your kids are still well adjusted. :)

  18. 1- well i will be honest i am constantly getting corrected in many areas of my life. Hey i'm not perfect. Most of the time it's my wife who tells me the stuff she feel is not right. I especially loved it when she would correct me after i would bring the word to the youth at my previous church. Her corrections would be great to help me bring the word better. i never take her corrections as a bad thing yet a good thing. I know she wants the best for me and out of me. She is an awesome mother. She has the boldness to correct me even though she very shy.

    2-Proverbs 15:3 NIV
    The eyes of the Lord are everywhere, keeping watch on the wicked and the good.

    3- videos are great

    1. Praise God for that godly women you found and married Vince. Your wife sounds very much like my wife. Our wives are the ones that really know us the best. What a powerful force they can be to aid us to grow in Christ likeness.

    2. Great wife and great, teachable husband!

  19. 1.-Yes I had people tell me the truth for time to time, especially when I was younger. I have always taken it as a learning experience and try to make the changes and improve. These people only care for me I knew and that I never took it the wrong way. I am glad that I understood and make the changes. Amen.

    2.-Prov.15:1, a gentle answer turns away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up anger. Did it.

    3.-Liked the video, Thank you

    1. Oscar, of all the other things you could have been doing with your time, you followed through on this part of your commitment by blogging on M3 tonight. That's the way to go and do it brother. May God use you to encourage others to become unstoppable manly men.

    2. Oscar, you have proven to me how receptive you are and also how gracious!

    3. Brother Oscar, "These people only care for me I knew and that I never took it the wrong way" I'm glad you understood that, not many do.

  20. 1.-Share a time from your past when someone had the guts to speak the truth into your life. How did you respond to it at the time?
    The only one that I can think of who has had the guts to speak the truth into my life, when I wasn't looking for it, has been my wife and on several occasions. I can't really think of anyone at this time who has approached me in that way. I have a few good friends that I confide in and share my struggles with, and they have mutually shared theirs with me. But they have not approached me in that way to confront me with something that I need to deal correctly with. My wife is usually very kind and gentle in her approaches to confront me so usually I respond appropriately, listening and seeking to make adjustments or corrections in my behavior or attitude.

    2) Did It

    3) Thank you Dave, I enjoyed the video. I had seen it before. I'm going to share it with one working mom that I know at work.

    1. Dave, you've been blessed with a good and godly wife. The Garratt family has praised her many times.

    2. Brother Dave H, that's so loving of your wife. I admire how receptive you are towards her counsel. They don't call our wives our better halves for nothing, lol :-)

  21. 1. I've been told that I need to step up and be the leader of our household. Its tough to hear but I'm glad that people care enough to tell me the truth.
    2. Proverbs 15:1 A gentle answer turns away wrath,but a harsh word stirs up anger.

    1. You nailed that Chuy! It's hard to hear tough truth, but we are the better men for it.

    2. Brother Chuy, I recall hearing my wife tell me something similar over a decade ago and when I recall it, it still hits a nerve. But I can't thank her enough because it changed the course of my life for the better. God bless you :-)

  22. 1. When I was in college I was going out with a girl and we said we weren't dating but kept acting like a dating couple. It was a roller coaster ride. I knew I was not supposed be going out with her but I wasn't man enough to set some boundaries. My christian mother rebuked both of us She said something along the line of you have to to make a choice. You have two options. Date or not date. If your gonna date make it official and get accountability or breakup! Tough love but she was so right.

    Grievous punishment is for him who forsakes the way; He who hates reproof will die. (‭Proverbs‬ ‭15‬:‭10‬ NASB)

    1. Brother Nic, "Tough love" I haven't heard that one in a while and reminds me how our Father in heaven is Love but also a consuming fire. Glad to have you on-board, God bless you :-)

    2. Thank God for mom's. They will tell it like it is! And I'm glad I know your mom. She's a good and godly woman.

  23. There was a time when I was conversation with a brother about my past life and present . Through the conversation I kept repeating and using the word "karma". After I was done sort if speak venting, he kindly and politely asked I f can accept some correction and education? Basically where karma comes from, why we don't use it, how it's not in our faith vocabulary... to be honest I was shocked. Not upset, not irritated but shocked that I didn't know any of that meaning but sure opened my eyes to be careful on how I use my words and speak.

    The soothing tongue is a tree of life, but a perverse tongue crushes the spirit.

    Loved it and shared it

    1. Brother Ismael, "opened my eyes to be careful on how I use my words and speak" that moment of realization, sobering yet liberating. God bless you brother :-)

    2. I'm so glad that you took that well. That speaks well of you Ismael.

  24. 1. As a teenager, I had a fiery dispostion. I was passionate to a fault: quick to anger, quick to take offense, and quick to seek retribution. Diplomacy and prudence were the last things on my mind. It was my mother (with whom I conversed more frequently than with my father) who diffuse my ticking time bomb when it came dangerously close to exploding. Before I could make a fool of myself, she'd call gently by my full name, pull out a chair beside her at the kitchen table, have me sit and proceed to lay things out for me plainly. Without a hint of judgement or condemnation in her voice, her words were like a mirror pointed at me. She wouldn't just point out the error of my ways...she'd help me see them for myself. Those times that I did not heed her wise council, I paid dearly and my reputation suffered. To this day, my mother will call me up and call me out when she so much as senses my foot drawing anywhere near my mouth.

    2. Proverbs 15:5 "A fool spurns a parent's discipline, but whoever heeds correction shows prudence."

    1. Thank God for mothers :) My mom is very similar to your mom, never quiet but always wanting the best for her sons :)

    2. Brother Osiris, "To this day, my mother will call me up and call me out when she so much as senses my foot drawing anywhere near my mouth." When I read that, I laughed out loud :-). You're blessed to have such a wise and loving mother.

    3. I laughed too! Oh to be able to minister the truth to people with such calm, on target truth!

  25. 1.I've had my kids tell me that I yell too much. So over the years I have tried to have more self control. And try to correct in love.
    2.Proverbs 15:5
    A fool spurns a parent’s discipline, but whoever heeds correction shows prudence.

    1. Brother George, thank you for sharing that. It's evident God is cultivating the fruit of the Spirit in your life "love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control" Galatians 5:22b-23

  26. 1. Ugh! my long paragraph was just erased :( I forgot to copy it :(

    2. did it. Prov 15:1 says, "A gentle answer turns away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up anger."
    3. I thought the video was very funny

    1. It happens, Tio. I'm sure it would have been good. By the way, nice verse choice.

    2. Brother Israel, I concur with your nephew Alex, I'm sure it was good! Way to go blogging late into the night brother, unstoppable!!! :-)

    3. And the cyber monster stirs up anger too!

  27. 1. During my teen years, I would always complain about having no "real" friends my age. I had a lot of acquaintances, but no close friends. This was primarily because I always expected people to reach out to me rather than me reaching out to them. As a result, my parents would tell me to reach out to people, to listen to them, and to be interested in them. It was hard for me to accept because I always felt uncomfortable approaching my peers; However, I took the advice, and I worked hard to be proactive. Since then, I have been blessed with a lot of friends, and I have made significant progress coming out of my shell. I can always use lots of improvement. However, looking back,I realize that I really could not have imagined any of this happening when I first received the correction from my parents. As a result, I'm very thankful to God for the progress made.

    2. Here are the verses I chose:
    Proverbs 15:1 "A gentle answer turns away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up anger."
    Proverbs 15:14 "The discerning heart seeks knowledge, but the mouth of a fool feeds on folly."

  28. Brother Alex, I'm glad you heed your parents advice. I'm sure they're proud of you even more so than we are. I'm blessed to call you friend and brother in Christ :-)
