Th.5.14.15...Prov.10:16-32...9 Words Women Use & Calling a Time Out

People Skills

"When words are many sin is not absent, but he who holds his tongue is wise" Prov.10:19

At times my wife can really drive me crazy! After 24 years of marriage, you would hope that wouldn't be the case, but she is still fallen as I am. It seems that part of the fall has affected the way women communicate. I'm not being chauvinistic. Research and women's own admissions bear this out. Many women seem to expect that men should be able to read their minds or to know what they really meant. They say one thing, but mean another. And we are somehow supposed to know that. Famed Christian counselor and best-selling author, Dr. Kevin Leman, told how he offered to stop for ice cream, but his wife declined. As they drove on, she got very withdrawn. Dr. Leman thoughtfully probed. His wife started to cry, "It's because you knew I really wanted ice cream, but you didn't stop!" O Lord! I share that to give you comfort. Even Dr. Leman, an author of books on marriage doesn't have a perfect marriage. None do. So always remember that what a woman says is not always what she really means. For example, consider the following someone sent me:

(1) Fine: This is the word women use to end an argument when they are right and you need to shut up.

(2) Five Minutes: If she is getting dressed, this means a half an hour. Five minutes is only five minutes if you have just been given five more minutes to watch the game before helping around the house.

 Nothing: This is the calm before the storm.  This means something, and you should be on your toes. Arguments that begin with nothing usually end in fine.

(4) Go Ahead: This is a dare, not permission. Don't Do It!

(5) Loud Sigh: This is actually a word, but is a nonverbal statement often misunderstood by men. A loud sigh means she thinks you are an idiot and wonders why she is wasting her time standing here and arguing with you about nothing. (Refer back to # 3 for the meaning of nothing.)

(6) That's Okay: This is one of the most dangerous statements a woman can make to a man. That's okay means she wants to think long and hard before deciding how and when you will pay for your mistake.

(7) Thanks: A woman is thanking you, do not question, or faint. Just say, You're 
welcome. (I want to add in a clause here - This is true, unless she says, "Thanks a lot" - that is PURE sarcasm and she is not thanking you at all.  DO NOT say "You 're welcome" ... that will bring on a "Whatever").

(8) Whatever: Is a women's way of saying,  @*!%  YOU!

(9) Don't worry about it, I got it: Another dangerous statement, meaning this is something that a woman has told a man to do several times, but is now doing it herself. This will later result in a man asking "What's wrong?" For the woman's response refer to # 3.

Another thing research has proven is that women tend to escalate a conflict. For example, let's say you forgot to bring home the gallon of milk your wife asked you to pick up. If she's feeling depleted, she may launch into a Viet Nam conflict. "You forgot the milk! You never remember anything I ask you to do! You're so self centered, always thinking about you and no one else!" Woe Nelly! "When words are many sin is not absent." So what should you do? "He who holds his tongue is wise." This is not the time for you or me to rationally defend ourselves. There have been plenty of times I have remembered things my wife asked me to do. I just can't remember them right then. And this is not the time for me to give my wife a piece of my mind...that I can ill afford to lose. Why? Because she has temporarily lost her mind, she is mentally disturbed, chemically imbalanced, desperately in need of chocolate and a nap! It would be foolish to argue with her. When tempers rise, reason departs. That's why the best thing you and I can do is call a time out. When players on the court are losing focus, the coach calls a time out. Do the same. It's so helpful!

How to institute a time out: Talk to your wife in a calm time and agree that either one can call a time out when things are starting to heat up. 30 minutes does the trick. Don't come back into the same room to debate the issue for at least that amount of time, otherwise you'll only escalate things. Your body needs that much time for the heart rate and adrenaline to settle down. I'm amazed at how well this works. I wish I had learned this years ago. I also wish I would have heeded this when I don't heed it. The wise man calms his temper and this is how to do it. Give yourself a time out. Go to different rooms. Give each other space. Go to your separate corners. Don't stay in the ring as foolish couples do and may end up duking it out. Follow this principle of taking a 30 minute time out when things start to heat up and you will never have an ugly fight again. 

"But she disrespected me!" 
Do you think she's going to give you respect by arguing with her? (Then there would be two fools fighting:) 
"But she should be the one holding her tongue!" 
Maybe so, but she didn't. So now you have to be the coach and call the time out. This is how we can be manly, and not fools, because any fool can argue, but he who holds his tongue is wise.
1.-Okay, I shared with you a people principle I picked out. Now it's your turn. Read through Proverbs 10:16-32 and pick a verse or phrase that impresses you and the share it with us. Or you can pick the same verse I went with and share how following it or not following it has affected your marriage or relationships.

2.-Write the verse you picked on your MP3 card and look for opportunities to enrich others with it.

Bible study tip: The Scriptures find their culmination in Christ. So be looking for how a passage may remind you of Him. So here's the verse I picked today followed by how it reminds me of our Savior- "When words are many sin is not absent, but he who holds his tongue is wise" Prov.10:19. "When they hurled their insults at him, he did not retaliate. When he suffered, he made no threats. Instead, he entrusted himself to him who judges justly" 1 Pet.2:23.

If Guillermo, John or Ed Lake are in your Fire Teams, please give them a word of encouragement as they were MIA yesterday.

(3.-Optional: Proverbs 17:22 says "A cheerful heart is good medicine" so if you got a good laugh out of those 9 words women use, juslemeknow:)


  1. 1. Prov 10:27 " The fear of the LORD prolongs life, but the years of the wicked will be short. "
    When I was attending another New Life church I was going to a small group in which a got to know someone that was having some struggles in his marriage, but amongst all of us believers we would always try to counsel and pray for him. He was making good progress but because of work and his schedule he had to move to another place that was closer to work.
    Several of us helped him move to his new place and he told us he would continue going to go to church because there was another New Life location near by.
    About a year later we received the very unfortunate news that he had left his wife, moved in with a girlfriend and that the police had come to that house several times because of reports of domestic violence. The last time the police had come to the house, my friend was under the influence of drugs or alcohol and tried to attack a police officer with a knife. The police office was forced to shot and our friend lost his life.
    How sad it was to receive the news and realize if he would have only stayed in communion with other believers, attended church and continued to fear God he would have still been alive. But he chose to go his own way and his life was cut short because of his bad decisions.
    May we in M3 continue to lift each other up in prayer and always reach out if we need help. We can only make it through life with Christ in the center and with the help of our brothers.

    1. Brother Roger, unfortunately far too many lives have taken the same road down to destruction. May the Lord keep us from making the same or similar decisions. Know that you guys did what you could.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. sorry about your friend. I agree with you about M3. I pray that with you

  2. "Oh my goodness!" is what popped out of my mouth Roger. What a powerful story illustrating your verse and the need to keep close to the Lord and His people.

    1. Oh man! That is a sad story. Stay in the Lord. Fear Him for our own good. His ways are greater than ours. I'm glad you are a wise man Roger. Thanks for the prayer.

  3. 1. Proverbs 10:17 ESV Whoever heeds instruction is on the path to life, but he who rejects reproof leads others astray. This verse hit me and made me realize I was leading people astray. I knew I was doing wrong by living in sin but was blind that I was bringing people down with me. If you ain't living out a godly life then your not being an example to others. Which means your leading others away from Christ.

    2.Did it

    3.juslemeknow! I'm going to have to save that.

    1. Glad you had a change of heart James. I pray you continue to lead others to Jesus by your example.

    2. That's awesome James. There's alot of people in your sphere of influence.

    3. Brother James, agreed, we teach and influence others whether we know it or not.

    4. Great words. My God continue to use you.

  4. Prov.10:19 "When words are many sin is not absent, but he who holds his tongue is wise"

    reminded me of James 1:19-21 (NIV) Listening and Doing

    19 My dear brothers and sisters, take note of this: Everyone should be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to become angry, 20 because human anger does not produce the righteousness that God desires. 21 Therefore, get rid of all moral filth and the evil that is so prevalent and humbly accept the word planted in you, which can save you.

    I was not very good at holding my tongue in the first years of my marriage. I could have avoided so much grief. It would get ugly. I had to speak to one of my sergeants once, since our argument spilled out to the streets. Someone called the on-base police and that is how he found out. This argument was due to the pain I had inflicted (unfaithful) on her during the our first year of marriage. I have learned through the years to hold my tongue. I had to walk away once this year (which drove her nuts by the way). I told her that I did not want to say something I would later regret. I told her that I am accountable to God with my actions. My wife's usual dissatisfaction with me is regarding something I forgot/neglected to do. Especially, when I don't strike up a conversation or why I don't always feel like volunteering to wash the dishes. I advice you men to always ask her how her day went, regardless of how long it might take or how uninteresting it might be. It shows you care. Sometimes I get to hear good stories about her students, sometimes I don't and that is when I have to let her vent. It is very important to them.They always want to feel special. Give her your undivided attention.

    1. Yes undivided attention. Thanks for the advice Sam. I'm taking notes!

    2. Wow Sam your words are so true, sometimes they just need someone to listen to them and not try to give our opinion or try to fix their problems. Great advise specially to those that are just starting a new relationship and also a great reminder to us that have been married for a while that we need to patient and be willing to listen even when we don't feel like doing so.

    3. Brother Sammy, our wives need an outlet as well. Better us than someone elses shoulder and compassion. Great advice!

    4. Sam, that’s good advice! A few weeks ago my wife and I finished the Celebrate Marriage group at New Life with Ken and Judy Kalina. One thing I remember is that when your wife (or girlfriend) is telling you their problems men want to tell them how to fix the problem but women only want you to listen and sympathize with them. I try to just listen but there are times I still catch myself telling her how to fix a problem.

    5. So appreciate you sharing Sam. Very good stuff!

  5. 1. "Sin is not ended by multiplying words, but the prudent hold their tongues." Proverbs 10:19 One of my many favorites :-)

    "A gentle answer turns away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up anger." Proverbs 15:1

    "Best to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak and remove all doubt." (Abraham Lincoln)

    2. Did it :-)

    3. "Go Ahead: This is a dare, not permission. Don't Do It!" I had to laugh when I read this :-D

    1. What a great and appropriate quote by Abraham Lincoln! Thank you for finding it and sharing brother Robert.

    2. Here's another quote for your Robert, that goes something like this- The heaviest thing in the world may be the human tongue. Who can hold it?

  6. Too much talk leads to sin. Be sensible and keep your mouth shut. Prov. 10:19 NLT

    Eccles.3 talks about there's a time for everything. It mentions in verse 7, that there's a time to talk and a time to be silent. I think that in all relationships communication and conflict resolution are keys to success. There's a healthy way to express your complaints towards someone without rubbing it in or going too far. There's a way to tell your point without over stressing. There's a way to express frustration without attacking. But if we are so caught up in speaking and not allowing ourselves time to think we will probably hurt the relationship more than help. The Word says to speak in truth and love and to sprinkle all of our conversations with love and grace. I think in order for us to do that, especially in times of relational conflict is to take a minute assess the situation, empathize with the other person and then in a loving way communicate what you're thinking. I'm speaking to myself here. I know I struggled with and struggle with not just talking to talk.

    1. Brother Eddie, great cross reference with Ecclesiastes.

    2. We are called to do exactly as you advise, brother Eddie. Colossians 3:19 "Husbands, love your wives, and be not bitter against them." We all have our triggers, and it is only a matter of time before someone or something pulls those triggers. A pastor friend of mine once put it to me this way: "If there are no bullets in the chamber, no matter how many times you pull the trigger, you can do no harm. What bullets are you putting in the chamber? Write them down, and empty the barrel." Our wives are delicate flowers. They are not built like us, that we may delight and take pleasure in their presence. We should strive always to speak lovingly and gently to our wives and take those timeouts when we are not ready to speak to them as we should,

    3. Good insights and advice Eddie. I wish the doing was as easy as the knowing.

  7. I was married for over 30 years. If I would have heeded this advice of proverbs 10:19 I probably would have avoided many arguments. 10:19
    Sin is not ended by multiplying words, but the prudent hold their tongues.

    1. Yes George your right but it takes two to dance. If only one spouse is willing to work on the marriage it usually fails. Only God can do all things by Him self but He still asked His Disciples to help Him spread the Gospel.

  8. 1) 24] As shameful conduct is pleasure for a fool,so wisdom is for a man of understanding. Here we see a shift in value both find pleasure but in different things with different outcomes. The fool finds great pleasure in doing the things God has declared crimes, he does not see the pain only the reward the payoff. The man who seeks to understand God and His words finds his ways and in them he finds wisdom and great unearthly pleasure and joy, present and future. Jesus being the greatest man of understanding who will ever live demonstrated his wisdom by "always doing the Fathers will".
    2) did it.
    3) I laughed "a lot".

    1. You are absolutely right, Tony. Christ is the truth, the way, and the life, and we should all desire to model our own lives after Him. I will strive to always do my Father's will, as my Savior before me.

    2. Good my brother. Glad you got a good laugh as well.

  9. My focus is on learning what wise behavior and thinking looks like. For instance: People who accept discipline are on the pathway to life, but those who ignore correction will go astray. (‭Proverbs‬ ‭10‬:‭17‬ NLT), this focus looks like behavior.
    However what is thinking looking like, We have happy memories of the godly, but the name of a wicked person rots away. (‭Proverbs‬ ‭10‬:‭7‬ NLT). But the real focus is how we speak and what we say is mentioned in a variety of ways through out this section of Proverbs. Let us read Proverbs carefully for they will probably save us from "eating our words."

    1. Amen Marcos. In life we are always learning and the great play book of life (the Bible) was put together to be closer to God and learn His ways. If we keep that in mind life will be a little easier.

    2. Brother Marcos, welcome to M3, glad to have you join us. God bless you :-)

    3. Great to see you already on the blog Marcos! Tomorrow I'll be formally introducing you. Best of blessings!

  10. The tongue of the righteous is choice silver, but the heart of the wicked is of little value. (‭Proverbs‬ ‭10‬:‭20‬ NIV)

    1. Yes indeed Ricardo. And I would love to hear stories you probably could tell to illustrate that. Best of blessings!

  11. 1. Proverbs 10:27 "The fear of the Lord adds length to life, but the years of the wicked are cut short." This particular verse resonated with me for two reasons. First, I acknowledge the wisdom and logic these words present at face value. Who could disagree that leading a wicked life and living foolishly could inevitably, even consequently, cut a man's life short. If it isn't drug abuse, alcoholism, or criminal behavior, whore-mongering, sexual immorality, and other forms of wreckless living can also do you in (and potentially those closest to you). The man who fears the Lord detests wickedness and lives wisely, risking little and entrusting himself in the wisdom found in the Word. No doubt his life would be longer.

    The second reason why it resonated with me is something I have struggled with for many years after my father's death. In my eyes, my father was a God-fearing man, who stood before his bedroom altar every morning and prayed devotedly before heading out to work. He involved his family in the church and made sure his children received a religious education. His brothers, my uncles, on the otherhand were the complete opposite. The day my father died, my heart turned to anger, not grief. I remember not crying at his funeral because my jaws were clenched, my hands rolled into fists at my side, and eyes burning with anger at the sight of my uncles weeping for the brother they had lost. How was it they were still alive, having lived such reckless lives, yet my father had been taken from us at only 42. It simply didn't compute logically.

    When I read this verse, it reminded me of that anger and of the frustration my observation caused me. Truly, the wicked seem to outlive the righteous. As I thought this, though, God must have felt the heaviness of my heart and that anger resurging, for at that moment I remembered John 12:25 "Anyone who loves their life will lose it, while anyone who hates their life in this world will keep it for eternal life." Perhaps the life referred to in Proverbs 10:27 isn't this earthly life, but the eternal life of John 12:25. For too long, I put my living my life on hold, fearing that like my father and his father before him, I too would meet an early death. Proverbs 10:27 reminds me that I have nothing to fear as long as I fear the Lord, who will add length to my eternal life, if not my earthly life.

    2. Cross-reference to Proverb 10:27 also on my MP3 card: Psalm 55:23 "But you will bring down the wicked into the pit of decay; the bloodthirsty and deceitful will not live out half their days. But as for me, I trust in you."

    3. I definitely got a kick out of the 9 Words Women Use. There was a lot of head nodding and "mmm hmmm" going on at my end. Thanks for sharing it, Dave!

    1. Interesting words my brother. Great cross reference. God Bless you.

    2. Thanks so much for sharing that powerful story Osiris! I lost my mom to cancer, but she made it to 59, so I was already out of the house. You've touched on a vital issue- why do the good die young? Unfortunately, Proverbs doesn't deal much with the exceptions of life as much. Solomon deals with that in Ecclesiastes. And as you've noted, Christ gives us far greater understanding, which you have already come to. Very good!

  12. Proverbs 10:27- The fear of the Lord adds length to life but the years of the life of the wicked are cut short.
    Life is always better with the Lord instead of against the Lord. We may feel that the wicked are prospering in life but that earthly treasures. What we live for is Heavenly treasures, and that is God almighty. Remember it's not who wins the fight/argument it's who wins the race to the Cross.

    1. Amen Mike what a powerful reminder that we are to store riches in heaven that are eternal and not seek the things of earth that have no eternal value.

  13. When the storm has swept by, the wicked are gone, but the righteous stand firm forever. (‭Proverbs‬ ‭10‬:‭25‬ NIV)

  14. First what to say the reason I don't blog yesterday is that I felt so sick. Prov.10:23 Doing
    wrong is like a joke to a fool, but wisdom is pleasure to man of understanding. Because
    being a man of God that is what I seek wisdom and understanding of Gods word.

    I like the 9 things that women say you are so right

    1. Greetings John. I'm glad your feeling better and that your back up to blogging with the M3 Team today. Getting into God's Word daily, and doing what it says, will make all of us much wiser men. Keep at it Brother.

    2. John want to let you know that I was praying for you last night, so glad you are back today and feeling better. Please know that we notice when you are not with us on the blog and we are always there for you.
      Dave G. thank you for your quick reminders when someone has been absent from the blog, it is so important for all of us to be vigilant and help each other because the enemy is always there trying to deceive us.
      May all of us find M3 a safe place where can always come when we need help, knowing we will get godly advice.

  15. 1) Proverbs 10:23> A fool finds pleasure in evil conduct, but a man of understanding delights in wisdom.

    Man's sinful nature so seriously effects his heart that his affections became opposite of what the Designer of his soul intended. We all started out with our hearts bent on desiring wrong and evil things. Our minds only sought out how to get and do what we wanted. Only by the touch of the Creator, could our hearts be turned in the right direction as God's Spirit enlightened our mind with His truth and wisdom. Any man of understanding, who now finds in wisdom his truest refreshment and delight, has had a life changing encounter with his Creator. We certainly did not start out that way. There is hope for fools who are as we once were. And God chooses to use us in their transformation.

    2) Did It

  16. Proverbs 10:21New International Version (NIV)
    21 The lips of the righteous nourish many,
    but fools die for lack of sense.

    1) I like this verse it reminds me of how I am with my friends I don't curse, I speak positive. They over time noticed I don't curse. They tend to not curse as much either. I believe you can influence other people just by being you. I've learn since I was small not to curse so it like engraved in head already. It's easy for me.I thank God that he has helped me speak positive to people.
    By the way the 9 statements Dave put on the blog gave me a great laugh and I will memorize them so I can have a cheat sheet. Lol
    By the way you know the saying " HAPPY WIFE, HAPPY LIFE." Yes dear is also good one to use.

    1. Vince thank you for sharing that positive testimony of how your behavior has affected friends around you to the point they are making positive changes in their lives. Keep shining for Christ, people around always notice.

    2. Lol heck yeah Vince! I try to do the same that you speak of. And that saying is oh so true!

    3. Good words Vince and I'm glad you enjoyed the 9 words :)

  17. The righteous will never be removed, but the wicked will not dwell in the land. - Proverbs 10:30

    Be righteous and God will give you everything and the promise land. I have tried to live day by day doing the right things to others and I feel like God has open many new doors for me and is showing me the path to his kingdom.

  18. 1.-Proverbs 10:17, Whoever heeds discipline shows the way to life, but whoever ignores correction leads others astray.

    2.-Disciple in marriage is what people need and is God’s way to show us He love us. God wants the best for us and He will disciplined us.

    3. Dave your are awesome and thank you for sharing.

    1. So glad you are with us Oscar! Oh, may we heed discipline and show others the way to life.

  19. Proverbs 10:21 NIV

    The lips of the righteous nourish many, but fools die for lack of sense.

    This kind of sums it up for me in regards to "people skills". From relationships with friends at church to secular people, from my own family to my wife it all goes back to the way I speak. It can be through my tone on speaking,my expression in those tones, it all goes back to my intentions. So no matter what situition Im in or circumstances crosses me it's a learning process to speak with life that nourishes the bones....
    Proverbs 15:4 The soothing tongue is a tree of life, but a perverse tongue crushes the spirit.
    Luke 6:45 (ending) "out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks"..

  20. 1. Proverbs 10:19 (NLT) Too much talk leads to sin, Be sensible and keep your mouth shut.

    I learned that sometimes less is more. Meaning the less i say the better. A lot of times it is a one sided argument with my wife. I let her do the yelling and complaining and i just nod my head and say yes honey i will get right on top of that. She hates when i do that tho. But she hates even more when i yell back and return the disrespect. No matter what i always lose the fight even when im right. Its ok tho. I also learned that "happy wife happy life" statement is pretty true.

    2. Did it

    3. Dave i absolutely love what you wrote today. You nailed it with those 9 statements about women. I was laughing loud cause it is so true! My wife even told me that all women are psychotic, theres just different levels of psychoticness. Women do not always mean what they say but i hope in time i might start comprehending better. I like the time out idea a lot. I will definately be trying that, im just not sure she will give me 30 mins of peace while shes in the midst of her womanly tantrum ;)

    1. Glad you got a good laugh too Phil! Seek to explain the need to take a time out when you are both calm and ask that both respect that. No going in the other room to reload with things that come to mind and then blast from the past.

    2. Yeah, Philip. Some arguments are like that. I think there are certain triggers that tick off our wives. I know I have a mental lists of things not to do during an arguments.

  21. Proverbs 10:27 The fear of the Lord adds length to life, but the years of the wicked are cut short.

    This says that if you live life in the fast lane, you will die young and not be with God. If you obey God then you will live long on earth and after death.

  22. "When words are many sin is not absent, but he who holds his tongue is wise" Prov.10:19

    Yes Dave I have been there done that. I still try to rationalize and defend but it's a lose lose proposition. Further escalation just digs the hole deeper. The real issue gets buried and then we pick up the shattered pieces. This was a good word!

    1. Good Chuy- "Further escalation just digs the hole deeper." I heard someone say, "Don't throw mud. You'll get your hands dirty." There's truth in that jest.

  23. Since you brought up marriage and communication I’ll put in a plug for a couples group at New Life. :) Janette and I went through Celebrate Marriage with Ken and Judy Kalina earlier this year, I would recommend it for anyone who’s married or engaged. We spent a lot of time talking about communication and understanding the opposite sex. I learned a lot, now I just need to remember to apply it.

    1 - Proverbs 10:19 Sin is not ended by multiplying words, but the prudent hold their tongues.
    This verse reminds me of someone trying to talk a person into doing something that isn't right. They’ll keep talking and giving you reasons why you should do what they want you to. If it’s the right thing to do they don’t have to keep talking and trying to justify what they want you to do.

    3 – I got a good laugh

    1. Good, good George! You were also on the blog this morning to give a word of encouragement. Well done!

  24. 1.- Proverbs 10:28 "The prospect of the righteous is joy, but the hopes of the wicked come to nothing." The rewards of a righteous path is of sound being, patient and joyful, and will give to you a fulfilling life in this world and eternal life in the other. Where as the opposite spectrum of which the wicked eagerly hope for shall never come and their lives will always be in turmoil. Job 11:20 "But the eyes of the wicked will fail, and escape will elude them; their hope will become a dying gasp."

    1. Very good cross reference Armando. You're a night owl. I'm not anymore, since my days start much earlier than they used to. Good night!

  25. 1. The NASB version presents Proverbs 10:26 "Like vinegar to the teeth and smoke to the eyes, So is the lazy one to those who send him." The NLT version presents Proverbs 10:26 "Lazy people irritate their employers, like vinegar to the teeth or smoke in the eyes" ----- Guys, I just want to encourage all of us to be HARD diligent workers in whatever we do! Let us convince ourselves that we are working for the Lord Jesus Himself and this will help us glorify God in our work :) Guys, I have been on both sides of the employee and employer relationship, and there is nothing worse than having an employee that you cannot count on, to get the job done with excellence. That type of employee is truly "like vinegar to the teeth or smoke in the eyes" , they become very irritating and unreliable.

    2. did it
    3. those descriptive words were Funny! Please keep them coming :)

    1. Excellent advice form your own experience Israel. Thank you.

  26. 1. Proverbs 10:17 “Whoever heeds discipline shows the way to life, but whoever ignores correction leads others astray.”

    2. Did it.

  27. 3. The descriptions of the words were very funny.

  28. At the very beginning of the reading, there is 10:17 "Whoever heeds instruction is on the path to life, but he who rejects reproof leads others astray.” It is always a very careful set of wisdom that is needed to be paid attention to when a person would lead another away from christ. I had this very conversation last week about Matt 18:6. I pray for the deeds for not just myself that we all heed wisdom and continue to learn to apply wisdom and carry it forward as we all hold each other up in accountability and dedication.

    Did it

  29. 23 An empty-head thinks mischief is fun,
    but a mindful person relishes wisdom.
    I love this because it reminds me of my kids:) they just get all sorts of ideas that trouble is going to be fun... Because they have small brains

  30. Verse 19 stands out to me. Having spent 8 years working with Chinese people I would say that they are really good at verse 19. My first school in Singapore was run very poorly and most of the teachers from the West (North America, Australia, New Zealand…) were complaining often, but the Chinese teachers were very good at holding their tongues. I was terrible at that my first year at the school. I have made some progress in this area, but I still have a long way to go. Its part of North American culture to feel like we have a right to express ourselves, but often times we aren’t really making any productive changes.

    Here is a bit of history for you…When Mao Ze Dong was Chairman of China he invited his top leaders to candidly share their thoughts on the problems of China and communism in general. Anyone who mentioned any criticism was later executed.

    About the wife comment- We have made an agreement never to use “never” or “always” in an argument since these are always exaggerations and are always spoken out of emotions and not with logic. Diffusing emotions is extremely important in disagreements. Logic is impaired when emotions are revved up.

    1. Wow! Talk about Mao's deceptive leadership. No wonder the people of China have learned to hold their tongues.
      Very wise of you and Vanessa to make such an agreement.

  31. Sorry guys I'm trying to juggle studying for a test and blogging but I will catch up, so it's interesting to read into proverbs and Dave thanks for elaborating about my relationship with my wife funny funny but oh so true, it's a blessing in disguise.
    MP3 card day 5/14/2015

    Proverbs 10:27, 29, 31

    The fear of the Lord adds length to life,but the years of the wicked are cut short.

    The way of the Lord is a refuge for the blameless,but it is the ruin of those who do evil.

    From the mouth of the righteous comes the fruit of wisdom,but a perverse tongue will be silenced.

    Go Further, Dream Bigger
    No matter what’s happening in your life today, remember, you are not limited by your resources, your family or your background. Almighty God has equipped and empowered you. He has given you creativity, ideas, inventions, skills and talents. Don’t you dare settle for a mediocre life! Today, call forth the seeds of greatness within you!

    Today, declare that your best days are ahead. Declare that you are going further than anyone in your family ever did, that you are going to dream bigger and live higher.

    Before anyone put a curse on you, God Almighty put a blessing on you. Walk and live in that blessing by following His commands and stay fully committed to Him in everything you do!

    A Prayer for Today
    “Father, thank You for blessing me and calling me according to Your purposes. I receive Your Word which is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path. I will hide Your truth in my heart that I might not sin against You in Jesus’ name. Amen.”

    Philippians 4:13

    I can do all this through him who gives me strength.
