Tues.5.12.15 Which Invitation Will You Accept?...Prov.9

Two Gala Events...Which Invitation Will You Accept?

It's the event of the year, the talk of the town. Lot's of invitations have been sent out and you got one! But Ugh! It's on the same night as another gala event you had been invited to. Both hosts really want you to come. And both promise plenty of great food and drink. And both invites are hosted by a key person there who could really open up life changing doors for your future. Which should you choose? Read Proverbs 9 now and choose wisely.

The woman of wisdom offers life and the woman of folly leads to death. These two parties hosted by these two women remind us also to choose our company wisely. Paul said, "Do no be deceived, bad company corrupts good morals." 1 Cor.15:33. Proverbs hammers this truth home as well- "He who walks with the wise grows wise, but a companion of fools suffers harm" 13:20.

I know a turning point in my life in high school hinged on the friends I chose, the parties or get togethers I went to. My freshman year, I went to a Bible study. It was eye opening and convicting! I realized I was a sinner. But I chose instead to dump that group of squares for new buddies I made at my after school job. They were in to getting high and that attracted me a lot more. For the next three years I was a pot-head, until my band of buddies broke up. Then I was very lonely and depressed. It was during my first year in college that God broke me and brought me truly to Himself. Then I ended up with new and far better friends. What about your friends?

1.-Proverbs is a book of mentoring. Likewise, we are creating our own book of mentoring in a way. So share with a youth how the friends you chose helped or hurt you. What advice would you pass on?

2.-Pick a verse or phrase from Prov.9 that impresses you and put it on your MP3 card. Please enrich us with it as well and then look for others to enrich.

The woman of wisdom gave this wise exhortation- "Leave your simple ways and live." 9:6. Such simple ways are sinful ways. The wages of sin is death. Sin always brings death. Death literally means "separation." It separates us from a right relationship with God, others and even ourselves. We become alienated, cut off, disconnected from true life. Yesterday, I asked who wanted to become a part of a special forces group to fight together against pornography that the woman of folly uses to bring men down to death. I commend those of you who responded positively. So here's the simple but powerful strategy to use- 

Whatever evil behavior you need to rid yourself of, including pornography, or whatever good behavior you want to nurture, use the Points For Progress strategy we introduced last Friday. I'm living proof it works! I've been a long time Diet Mt. Dew drinker. But over  the last few months, I felt like I had become a Dew-aholic. Lately, lack of sleep only increased my "need" for it and reasons for satisfying my craving for it. Drinking it had even become a bonding ritual for my son and me, stopping at Speedway on the way to taking him to school. Thursday night I was up three hours past my bedtime and the alarm went off early in the morning. If ever there was a good day for my fix it was Friday. But that was the day we introduced Points For Progress. I soon had three opportunities for my caffeine jolt, including one from hospitable customers I met with as I yawned in front of them. But I'm happy to say that I went all day without it and all weekend. I even told my wife and son about my new points strategy. He wasn't thrilled and soon got a 12 pack of his own. One went with him in the car ride to school this morning. But I'm still Dew free. It's been a decision I've needed to make, but have been putting off. But how can I now expect others who are struggling with far greater strongholds, to take big, bold steps if I am not willing to take this small step?

Speaking of strongholds, I appreciate Phil's gut honesty Friday on the blog admitting that he struggles with online pornography. He also asked for accountability. This is what I then commented back to him on the blog, which may have already read there. Thanks for sharing more with me here Phil and thanks for asking us to hold you accountable. We will. So starting today, start using the Points For Progress strategy. The beauty of it is that it doesn't depend on your emotions. You admitted that you don't have the desire to change. Sin corrupts our desires as well. Obviously God wants you to change and that is reason enough. The One who died for such wickedness tells you to deal drastically with it- "If your right eye causes you to sin, gouge it out" Mt.5:29. And that He said about dealing with lusting. You are right, your wife would also be devastated if she found out about this. And your beautiful children need a dad free from this vile stuff as well. That is why we will deal strongly with this, especially since you asked for accountability. So put down your Points For Progress daily and of course watch the above video. (The video on Friday was about overcoming pornography.) We will be praying for you and asking you daily how you're doing. Also send me a daily email of your victories and valleys. We will together come up with rewards or consequences if you don't do so. I will text you now about such, so you don't miss what I've written. You have come too far for the enemy to trap you here. God and M3 have great visions for your future, so this has to be conquered. You will. We are a team and expect you to conquer as the manly man He is all the more making you to be. Be wise and choose to hate by an act of your will what sin loves. Be transformed by the renewing of your mind. So start declaring, "I choose to hate this" and name reasons why. Write these on an MP3 card or such as well as verses you find that empower you. Review it daily. Attack! Fight! Win!

So please keep Phil in your prayers and keep an eye out for his progress on the scoreboard to encourage him. He is such a great encourager. It's our turn to encourage him all the more. But Phil is not the only one who confessed to struggling with porn. So we are forming a new special forces group that will help each other in this battle. Each of you will have buddies who will pray for you and help you. "Therefore, confess you sins to each other and pray for each other that you may be healed." James 5:16. Here are the men, in alphabetical order, who volunteered to be in this Special Forces group- Antonio, Dave H, Eddie, Gary, George D, Ismael, James, Nic, Phil and Vince. Also each of you men please start keeping track of your scores via Points For Progress. Each day give yourself a +point every time you felt tempted but refused. Give yourself a -point if you fall. Remember, the points go in the columns past the GREAT columns totals on our scoreboard. I will talk with you more to help in any way. And always feel free to call me or your team members. 

If Ricardo is in your Fire Team, please give him a word of encouragement, since he was MIA yesterday.


  1. 1. Skilled living gets its start in the Fear-of-God,
    insight into life from knowing a Holy God.
    It’s through me, Lady Wisdom, that your life deepens,
    and the years of your life ripen. Proverbs 9:10-11

    1. Good morning Dave! You're up and at it bright and early.
      Hey, I'd love for you you to share about the other question as well- advice regarding how your teenage friends helped or hurt you. I think you were spared a lot choosing good friends, unlike me. Glad you chose wisely!
      Let's walk again soon!

  2. 1. After moving away from home at 18 to come to the USA to go to school I was very fortunate to live with two christian roommates that were great examples of what it was to live a life that honored Christ. Since I no longer was at home with my parents watching over me it would have been very easy for me hang out with friends that could have influenced me in the wrong direction, but instead I had two great Christian friends that showed me by their fear of God that living for Christ was much easier when you had positive influences in your life that helped you stay focused on the right path.
    So surround yourself with positive Christian friends, that is the only way you can experience victory in your walk with the Lord. This will not happen if you attempt to live and do things on your own or if you surround yourself with people that do not fear God, eventually they will influence you and convince you to walk in the path of the world.
    Thank you Dave for your leadership in M3, this surely is a place where we can surround ourselves with others that our seeking God everyday and experience positive encouragement in our daily walk.
    2. Prov 9:10 The fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom, and the knowledge of the Holy One is insight.

    1. Good words brother! Your a good example of why we need god fearing friends.

    2. Great job Roger. God gave you discernment early.

    3. Wow, Roger what a great testimony and advice. I agree, M3 is a great place for like-hearted men to connect. Your appreciative words brought a smile to my face; thanks!

  3. 1. In high school I pretty much stayed away from evil things because all my friends attended church and I had good example friends. When I got out of high school I pretty much wanted to experiment and try new things such as drugs and alcohol. During that time I always tried to distance myself from people from the church. I did this mostly because I was ashamed of the things I was doing. Knowing in my heart I was doing wrong. Now that I joined M3 I've been attending church more and gave up all that sin that was eating me up inside. I believe it is very important to surround yourself with good people if you want to grow.
    2.Did it

    1. We are here for you James. Welcome back brother.

    2. So glad you are moving forward strongly James! You've got a good testimony others will benefit from.

  4. 1. Its important to have a good group of positive, encouraging friends that support you. You might want to evaluate your friends and see if they are like-minded in what they want to accomplish. If most of their values, goals and morals don't align with yours, you might consider distancing yourself from them. For example, if your goal is to do well in school and graduate High School with honors, but your buddies dont even do their homework or show up to class regularly, do you think they would be concerned about your goals and helping you achieve them? The people in are lives can either propel us or hinder us from achieving our goals. Choose who you surround yourself with wisely.

    2. Did it. Prov. 9:12

    1. Great advice Eddie! Sounds like you may have shared such with teens before :)

  5. This is a little more difficult to share something from experience however as an adult I will say that being pulled in various directions IS devastating without wisdom. Will you choose what is very appealing just for those people to wave you. I have seen and heard from many others that there are no long term relationships in those trivial and frivolous pursuits. I hope for you that you'll choose the paths of integrity and the quieter path and the appealing path. There is a future for you there. There is a life worth living there not like what is in the media and is the most popular.

    Did it wrote verse 9:11-12 on my card
    11 For by me your days will be multiplied, and years will be added to your life.
    12 If you are wise, you are wise for yourself; if you scoff, you alone will bear it.
    Proverbs 9:11-12

    1. Good Gary! You're right, there is a good future on the path of wisdom.

  6. I apologize for being MIA. I am studying for an ASE test in advanced automotive performance so I'm juggling every second of my time and I will joy fail to blog appropriately.
    Well I would tell them that I chose to surround myself with those type of friends that they are so called, they were just aquiantences that were there for the partying convenience because out side of that I never saw them or hung around them in a godly or responsible way. The right group of friends that I stayed away from, I didn't want to deal with because they were not the partying people, but I soon came to realize that I was all alone in my travels and really didn't have anyone not even my family, until I got in trouble with the law and came to find Jesus in prison. I had my spiritual experience in jail, and had my encounters with the lord there and I did not know what to do but trust in that higher power. My drinking and driving got worse throughout the years and started using drugs and stayed away even from those that I would party with just because nobody had nothing for me but myself and my guilt and my pride and my fear. I cried to myself and partied by myself not carrying of whom I hurted. I was extremely selfish and ignorant to others feelings including my families.

    Proverbs 9:7-9

    Whoever corrects a mocker invites insults;whoever rebukes the wicked incurs abuse.

    Do not rebuke mockers or they will hate you;rebuke the wise and they will love you.

    Instruct the wise and they will be wiser still;teach the righteous and they will add to their learning.

    1. Thanks for sharing what you went through Guillermo. You have a testimony that especially young people need to hear.

  7. “...Let them say continually, ‘The LORD be magnified, Who delights in the prosperity of His servant.’ ”
    Psalm 35:27
    He Delights in Your Prosperity
    God desires that you be blessed and prosperous in all that you do! He desires that you be so blessed that you can turn around and be a blessing everywhere you go. He wants you to have so much peace, joy and victory that when other people get around you, it spills over onto them. In the Psalms, David said, “My cup runs over.” He was saying, “I’m so full of God, I’m overflowing!

    Don’t settle for a barely-get-by-mentality. Jesus came so that you can live an abundant life. That means an abundance of joy, an abundance of peace, an abundance of health, an abundance of finances. You may not see it right now, and maybe you haven’t experienced it in the past, but don’t get complacent and just settle where you are. Get a vision for your future! Get a vision for what God wants to do in your life — He delights in your prosperity!

    A Prayer for Today
    “Father, thank You for Your hand of blessing on my life. Help me develop a vision for the abundant life You have in store and show me how to be a blessing everywhere I go in Jesus’ name. Amen.

    1. Brother Guillermo, thank you for opening up and sharing your past experiences so candidly. I've been blessed witnessing the transformation in you producing fruit in keeping with repentance. Keep persevering, God bless you :-)

  8. I did not grow up in a godly home and I did not even know Christian kids existed. I had friends in grammar school and high school that were up to no good. Not until high school is when I started getting into serious trouble. I use to smoke pot/cigarettes, drink, and I thought it was normal. I also used to play basketball with whoever was available. A lot of the time that was gang members. I never official joined them. One day there was a drive by, and I thank God I was not with them. Two guys got shot in the back and one ended up paralyzed. He was not a member, but he was guilty by association. I ended up stealing a couple bikes and "graduated" to a cash checking scheme. I ended up getting caught and spent a day in jail. That was enough for me. I decided that I needed to do something different after I graduated high school. I left for the military and joined the Air Force. I learned great values. Not until I started my walk with God is when I started being influenced by believers. I now have neighbors/friends that share the same faith me. Partly due to my children choosing good friends and of course I have an awesome band of brothers.

    Have a blessed day everyone!

    Proverbs 9:8-9 (NIV)

    8 Do not rebuke mockers or they will hate you;
    rebuke the wise and they will love you.
    9 Instruct the wise and they will be wiser still;
    teach the righteous and they will add to their learning.

    1. Wow Sam! I learned even more about your life today, including being in the Air Force. I salute you. May the Lord continue to fill and flow through you.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. Thanks Sam for sharing your experience it's an honor to be your brother in arms also here on the blog,

  9. 1. We have a saying in spanish that translates "Tell me who you walk with and I'll tell you who you are". Similar to "Birds of the same feather flock together"

    I've had a variety of so called friendships throughout my life. The good ones taught me good things, the bad ones taught me bad things. There's always something to learn! Knowledge of good and evil is not the problem, it's the application and proliferation of such that makes all the difference.

    Following the bad has brought much pain, agony and loss. Following good has given me new life, much joy and restored the years that the locust had eaten.

    God has taught us how to love and obey Him,
    Satan taught Eve 3T: To touch, to taste and then to tempt others!

    "But if serving the Lord seems undesirable to you, then choose for yourselves this day whom you will serve, whether the gods your ancestors served beyond the Euphrates, or the gods of the Amorites, in whose land you are living. But as for me and my household, we will serve the Lord.” Joshua 24:15

    2. "Instruct the wise and they will be wiser still;
    teach the righteous and they will add to their learning." Proverbs 9:9

    1. Good advice Robert! I like the 3 T's as well. Thanks for including a great cross ref. Josh 24:15

    2. Robert "Tell me who you walk with and I'll tell you who you are" is very true. My son’s soccer club hosted a question and answer session with some college coaches to explain college recruitment and scholarships. I remember one of the coaches saying they are looking at more than the soccer skills, they want someone who will fit in with the team. He said he’ll look at peoples social media accounts (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram…) not only to see what they post but to see who they associate with.

  10. 1.The wisest people are people that are teachable.
    Proverbs 9:8-9
    "Do not rebuke mockers or they will hate you; rebuke the wise and they will love you. Instruct the wise and they will be wiser still; teach the righteous and they will add to their learning."

    In my youth i did not take advice I knew it all.
    2. Proverbs 9:12
    "If you are wise, your wisdom will reward you; if you are a mocker, you alone will suffer."

    1. Glad you are so teachable now George!

    2. Brother George, the previous church I attended would use the acronym F.A.T. = Flexible, Available, Teachable :-)

    3. Robert, I hope you didn't call your sisters that :)

  11. 1) As my morals and life philosophies changed so did my friends they seemed to be people who would fuel the fire of my ideologies. When I sought pleasure with out restraint I gathered people who encouraged and celebrated this behavior, we even celebrated the consequences of the behavior seeing them as badges of honor. You see son you will protect that which you value, even if it means lying to yourself, damaging your health (physical, emotional, mental), and constantly hurting those that long to protect you from, the actions you've learned to love and the consequences you've renamed as honor. As people we long for acceptance maybe greatest of all from ourselves, so we will find a way to justify our behavior or we will change it. When my behavior changed I feel head over heals in love with Jesus and as I learned of his ways and his people I made life changing trades with him. His people for mine, his morals for mine, his definitions for mine, his perspective for mine. You will become like that which you serve, choose carefully.
    2) 9 Instruct a wise man, and he will be wiser still;
    teach a righteous man, and he will learn more

    1. Brother Antonio, I that you brought up an interesting point regarding our evolution to who we are today. 1 Corinthians 13:11 "When I was a child, I talked like a child, I thought like a child, I reasoned like a child. When I became a man, I put the ways of childhood behind me."

    2. Very good Tony- life trades!

  12. 1.- Would tell our youth that yes there choice of friends they are with can lead them to bad situations. But ultimately there choices in life are there's and that they only will be held accountable for them. Best to always be on guard and prepared and ready to turn away from people with bad intent. That they do not second guest themselves that this can't be possibly from someone they would never suspect from. Would tell them to stay away from them, life in itself has it's trying times, why add any unneeded extra burdens. To stay and have friends with bad intents is putting your life at there hands, you will be ensnared in there ways. Be proud, and be a leader, not a follower. 2.- Prov. 9:11 "For through wisdom your days will be many, and years will be added to your life."

    1. Brother Armando, "be a leader, not a follower" I tell my kids that regularly :-)

    2. Armando, you have every right to be a proud papa. Great to know that Nick will be starting at ONU next fall.

  13. 1. I chose to hangout with the "cool guys" when i was younger. You know the ones that would get high and have all the pretty girls. The ones that would get into fights and make easy money selling drugs. Well they all ended up getting kicked out of school, and so did i. Most of them ended up in jail, so did i. They helped lead me on a path of destruction. Later when i surrendered to Christ, i started finding real friends. Friends that went to church and didnt use drugs. Friends that had my best interest in mind. Since then my life has dramatically improved. We become very similar to the ones we surround ourselves with. Thanx for all the prayers and encouragement guys!

    2. Proverbs 9:9 Instruct the wise and they will be wiser still;
    teach the righteous and they will add to their learning.

    1. Brother Phil, I'm so glad that you've chosen to hangout with Jesus, it shows!

    2. Philip you so right it so good to have a group of brothers like we have in M3.

    3. Your testimony is a powerful one Phil! May the Lord strengthen you with might by his Spirit in your inner being that Christ may be completely at home in your life as you walk with him daily by faith. You are a warrior!

    4. I regret not having turned my life to Christ sooner, as you did, brother. How much shame and misery I could have been spared from if I had. Hindsight truly is 20/20. I am no longer ashamed to identify myself as a Jesus freak or to proclaim my love for the Lord, but I had many opportunities in my younger years to do the same, and I mocked those who did.

    5. I am glad that God is continuing to change you.

  14. If I were in front of any youth I would state to them that if you dress like a duck, walk like a duck and talk like a duck than you're a duck. Choose your friends wisely. There are people who state they are your friend but when you need help they are no where to be found. The test of a friendship is the friend who will be there for you no matter what time of day it is. God is always there for us. His the best friend and father you could ever have.

    Proverbs 9:10 The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom, and knowledge of the Holy One is understanding.

    1. And I know you would be there for me Mike. That's just the kind of man you are.

    2. Amen, brother. For a guy who can count his friends on one hand, I am glad and blessed to count among them the One who gave His life for me before I ever walked this earth. He's had my back since long before I was born, and He has never left my side. Awesome advice, brother Mike!

  15. cool words my brother. May God continue to bless you

  16. Prov.9:6 leave your simple ways,and live, and walk in the way of insight. Because I believe
    living the simple life is just doing what we want to do and we will not gain insight until we
    start reading the bible on a daily basis. I would tell them to choose their friends wisely because your friends will be big influence on the way you will act like, not to hang around
    kids in gangs or drink beer or do drugs and to look for friends from church.

    1. John you are very right, the only guide we need in our life is the Word of God. Friends from the world cannot offer good advice when it comes to obeying God.

    2. Yes John, I agree. And may our youth see something great to give their lives to- Operation Rescue and Transformation- the kingdom of God.

  17. 1) Well I can't say that my friends I used to hang out with in high school affected me. They knew I was a believer, so they respected that. I will admit I didn't get invited to some stuff because I was a believer, but they never made fun of me. In fact they would tell me to pray for them and ask me stuff about God, so it was a blessing. My best friend is not a believer, but is pretty much like a brother to me, we go hang out we go to good places and stuff. He knows what I like to do and stuff. So it not like he ever forces me to do anything. I am the same with him. We respect each other. I guess the advise I would give a young person is that no one can make you do something you don't want to do. I love God. I choose to follow him and do what he has called me to do. Do what you feel God is leading you to do. It will not be easy. I know from experience. The reward for following God is great.
    2) DID IT

    1. That's great advice, brother Vince. No one, not even our present circumstance, can make us do anything we don't want, and nothing worth our time and effort is without sacrifice or cost, but those who trust in the Lord will reap the fruit of that trust. Thank you for sharing your personal wisdom on this subject.

    2. Praise God for your forthrightness and your commitment.

  18. 1. I consider myself blessed that God has called me to, and given me the grace to practice the vocation of teaching. The particular age group I work with (13-15 year olds) are at that gateway age where the choices they make can positively or detrimentally shape their adolescence. Something I start the year off with, and which I often find need to repeat throughout the year is this: Who you choose to surround yourself with will surely shape the person you are to become. I did not always choose wisely at their age. Rather than surround myself with people who could model righteous living and encourage me to do the same, I surrounded myself with flatterers, charmers, and enabelers...loose men and women who chose not to know the Lord, much less fear him; people who praised me even when I wasn't living rightly, or worse, encouraged me not to.

    I encourage my students to choose their friends according to who they want to be and not necessarily who they are. Many come from rough backgrounds and neighborhoods, exposed to gangs, violence, and abuse. I remind them of their God-given power to choose a different course for their own life than the one they've always known. I admit that I have not always been the best of people. I have done and said things of which I am not proud. I have made decisions that have hurt the ones I love in ways only God can fully mend, but this is not who I want to be. I want to be a Godly man...a man who makes himself accountable to himself, his family, and his community. It hasn't always been easy finding friends who share this desire, but they are out there, no doubt as broken as I was before I turned from my old ways and joined this group. This group is proof of that.

    The most important advice I can offer them is the same advice that changed my life: we are never too far removed from the grace of God to return to it. God's grace finds us at our lowest valleys, just as well as it finds us at our highest peaks. There are no lost causes in the eye of our loving Father. Stumble as we may, His loving hands are always open to lift us up if we but proclaim His holy name, turn from the path that leads to death, and follow the path that leads to life eternal.

    2. Did it.

    Blessings upon you and your families, brothers, and thank you for all you do that brings glory to God.

    1. Excellent Osiris! Those students are blessed to have the teacher they do.

  19. 1. While in high school I was a jock and hung with the same and we were the cool ones. We thought that we had it all -- popularity, girls, and leaders. Then I opened up my friendships to the party crowd, although they were fun high monsters-- I didn't partake as I had control and was crazy without the pot. But what transpired was my jock friends were upset because of my relationships with the party crowd and began to back away and then when I refused to do drugs that group backed away. These groups are with you when when you do as they do or when it's party time- but they are not true friends. They abandon when the fun ends and when you're confronted with issues or concerns. Upon getting saved I surrounded myself with other believers and what incredible true friendships I've developed. There is nothing like Brothers who are there no matter how difficult it gets as they know I am here for them.
    2. Did it

    1. What an impactful testimony for youth Jack! So glad I know you've got my back and vice versa.

    2. I am glad have found friendships worthy of yours.

  20. My older children suffered through some of the negative choices I've made which makes it easier for me to talk to them about right from wrong. I also tell them that they need to be careful of the crowd they keep. I tell them if there friends can be deceitful and disrespectful to there parents what makes you think they will treat you with respect?

    1. Great point Ricardo! I tell them if there friends can be deceitful and disrespectful to there parents what makes you think they will treat you with respect?

  21. Leave your simple ways, and live, and walk in the way of insight." - Proverbs 9:6

    I want to cut back on the material things and trying to prove other people wrong. I just need to prove myself right. I want to be simple so others can follow if we want to build many men to God you need to show how simple it is to start following.

    1. Yes Andre- the simple (the easily deceived and prone to wander people) need to leave those simple ways, to follow the way the truth and the life. Jesus simply said, "Follow me." That's simple, though it's not always easy.

  22. It is usually really hard to accept correction, but a wise person accepts it and learns from it; a fool rebukes the correction and remains in their foolishness.

    I had some friends in middle school that were terrible friends. I remember one day they invited me over to play cards. I didn’t realize that there was a china cabinet with a mirror right behind where I was supposed to sit- they were hoping to cheat me out of my money. Ironically though even with their advantage I won all their money. I haven’t gambled since then.

    In Singapore expats (people who live outside of their home country) do very well financially, but many of them also waste lots of money. I have a British friend who has been in Singapore for just as long as I have (7 years). His goal was to save enough to buy a house in the UK and then move home. However, he goes on ridiculously expensive trips ever school break. He told me he hasn’t really saved anything even though he and his wife both work and they don’t have any kids yet. I have suggested he set a clear budget and shared how my wife and I manage our funds; he says it’s a great idea, but can’t say no to the expensive trips.

    1. I LOL regarding your card game Ed! If I was a gambling man, you can bet that I wouldn't play against you!
      Seems like your co-worker is gambling that somehow things will just work out. "The simple keep going and suffer for it."

    2. Funny card game story. You can lead a horse to water but can't make them drink.

  23. I didn't have friends who pressured me into doing sinful things but I did sinful things with my friends. Peer pressure is dangerous for impressionable kids, but many times kids just want to do what there friends are doing even if they aren't coerced. It's important to make friends that are followers of Christ because there is less temptation to want to do sinful acts. Hanging out with sinful friends who don't pressure us to do anything sinful can still dangerous because we want to feel like we belong.Temptation gets a hold of us then we are more likely to sin.

    1. I' agree with you Chuy. It wasn't peer pressure; it was peer influence. I wanted to fit in.
      Great insights teens need to heed.

    2. You are wise guy, Chuy to choose to hang out tonight with your M3 team mates. All the positive influence, sharing, caring and encouragement is godly peer pressure - for doing what is right and honorable and good. May you be unstoppable this week.

  24. 1) Son, be careful to choose wisely the friends that you hang out with. Proverbs 13:20 says that He who walks with the wise grows wise, but a companion of fools suffers harm." Let me give you an example from when I was in the military service. I knew and avoided many guys who were pot heads and partiers in my barracks and in the Base Communications Unit I was assigned to. There was a new Marine assigned to our Unit named George Cox. He was not into partying and so we quickly became friends and did a lot of things together for the first 3-4 months. Then I started getting involved in a Bible study with a group of guys that met on the base. George was not interested and never wanted to go with me when I invited him. I started building friendships and doing more things with this group of guys who said they were Christians. George started hanging out with the partying guys and so we ended up going our separate ways. About a year later, George was driving with one of his friends. They were partying while driving and ended getting into a serious car accident. Tragically George died. I had become a Christian by this time, and looking back realized how the companions we associated with impacted our destinies.

    2) Proverbs 9:9 > Instruct a wise man and he will be wiser still; teach a righteous man and he will add to his learning. Verse 8 says “rebuke a wise man and he will love you.” That's the response we are to have and the effect that the Word of God should have on our lives as believers according to 2 Timothy 3:16 > All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness, so that the servant of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work.

    1. Great advice and powerful story to illustrate it from your Marines days Dave!
      Oh, may we love those who have the courage to correct us.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. Wow Dave, Thank God you made the right decision.

  25. 1.-Most of the friends I had in high school were all bad. We were all doing the wrong things and getting in trouble. We drank and misbehave until I got to college. In college I met a group of good friends and then I later become a Christian. I would advise young guys to stay in school and go to church and that God will provide the right kind of friends.

    2.-Proverbs 9:8, Do not rebuke mockers or they will hate you; rebuke the wise and they will love you.

    1. Same for me Oscar. It wasn't until I went off to college and got away from my old "friends" that I started following the Lord and then met new friends a bit later.

    2. Brother Oscar, great advice "stay in school and go to church and that God will provide the right kind of friends."One who has unreliable friends soon comes to ruin, but there is a friend who sticks closer than a brother." Proverbs 18:24

  26. "Stolen water is sweet; And bread eaten in secret is pleasant." But he does not know that the dead are there, That her guests are in the depths of Sheol. (‭Proverbs‬ ‭9‬:‭17-18‬ NASB). This was a good reminder today. I was feeling very tempted with sexual fantasy today. I also reached out to a brother. It was good to bring it to the light. But the allure of the act and the secret of it seemed so sweet but a good reminder that the bitter effect of giving in leads to shame, regret, and spiritual separation. By the grace of God I'm choosing life today but please keep me in prayer.

    1. Great verse Nic on the lure of temptation. The sweetness quickly is discovered to be a mere artificial sweetener to disguise the bitter poison within. I just got back from a prayer walk and prayed for you and other Special Forces men. Strength and honor!

    2. Brother Nic, "But he does not know that the dead are there", so many walk blinded and oblivious to this fact. Let's praise the Lord for "I was blind but now I see!” John 9:25b

  27. Well throughout my teenage h.s years I had good friends but we made wrong,poor and tasteless choices. As I continued to go along a path full of self pleasures and fruitless decisions through early twenties I was hanging around with some crazy people who like to start "drama". To shortened the story was at a house party that quickly escalated to a fight, soon as I knew it i was in the middle being beaten up by a mob full of guys. I was in a fight where I didn't do anything but as they say "guilty by association"... I was pretty much unconscious throughout the whole time,when I woke up I couldn't see, feel, talk clearly (missing teeth) but remember saying to a friend "where were you guys at? You left me"... I was taken to the hospital, stayed for about three days, doctors did a bunch of cat scans and pretty much said "they weren't trying to beat you up, they were trying to kill you"!! Doctor said"looks like they did nothing but stomping on your head and face. It's a miracle we didn't find nothing in your head"... I call it God's mercy and grace fully on me... you know through the time of healing out of the 9 that were there that night with me including a cousin only two came to visit me. After that it deeply left a scar with me that I couldn't trust anyone nor go anywhere. When I slowly started to move forward from that I purposely lost touch with those guys and slowly stopped doing those types of shananogans (sorry for my spelling)..
    Now through God's mighty hand in my life, He has blessed with a new identity in Christ, guard my heart against the folly and a band of power warriors for Christ. Thankful and blessed.

    Did it

    1. And we are thankful and blessed to have you with us alive and well!

    2. Brother Ismael, I thank God you survived that vicious attack. "Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of compassion and the God of all comfort, who comforts us in all our troubles, so that we can comfort those in any trouble with the comfort we ourselves receive from God." 2 Corinthians 1:3-4

  28. Pick friends who are playing the game of life at your level, or higher, but have them be friends who seek wisdom and living a life with integrity that honors God.

    The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom, and knowledge of the Holy One is understanding. For through wisdom your days will be many, and years will be added to your life. (‭Proverbs‬ ‭9‬:‭10-11‬ NIV)

    1. Excellent advice Daniel! "Pick friends who are playing the game of life at your level, or higher..."
      I hope M3 is providing those kind of higher levels of learning and living for everyone involved.
      So glad you are still with us. God is at work!

    2. Brother Daniel, yes, being discerning and selective when choosing companions.

  29. 1.-Proverbs is a book of mentoring. Likewise, we are creating our own book of mentoring in a way. So share with a youth how the friends you chose helped or hurt you. What advice would you pass on?
    It’s important to surround yourself with good friends who will be there when you need them. When I was in high school I hung out with a good group of people but after graduating they went off to college and I stayed home and worked. While they were gone I started hanging out with people that weren’t good for me, wanting to fit in with the group I got involved with stealing, drinking and smoking marijuana and let the relationships I had with the high school people go. I spent a few years doing the wrong thing before I moved into the next phase of my life and started spending time with people who were better for me.

    2.-Pick a verse or phrase from Prov.9 that impresses you and put it on your MP3 card. Please enrich us with it as well and then look for others to enrich.
    If you become wise, you will be the one to benefit. If you scorn wisdom, you will be the one to suffer. Proverbs 9:12

    1. So glad you let the bad influences go :) It was great to see you at group earlier

    2. Brother George, how easy it is for us to give in to peer pressure trying to fit in. I'm glad you've chosen Jesus who approves of us regardless of what we've done in the past. God bless you :-)

    3. Wow George, your story well illustrates the verse you picked out. Powerful!

  30. 1. Birds of a feather flock together! Do not be bound together with unbelievers; for what partnership have righteousness and lawlessness, or what fellowship has light with darkness? NONE. I would encourage the youth to choose life and live for the Lord.

    2. Prov. 9:9-10 "Give instruction to a wise man and he will be still wiser, Teach a righteous man and he will increase his learning.
    The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom, And the knowledge of the Holy One is understanding."

    1. Brother Israel, great cross reference verse!

    2. Yes Israel, And I'm guessing you chose to hand around good people as a youth. You've had such a good impact on many. And many more to come.

  31. 1. I would say to never be against having wise, adult friends. Their insight and sincerity can be extremely encouraging and invaluable.
    As a kid and as a teen, I had a very hard time relating to my peers. I was typically felt ignored by them (something that stirred extreme pain as well as a lot of resentment within me). During these troubling times, I would say that the encouragement and godly advice I received from my parents, my "friend's" parents and other adults helped me behave myself and see things from a better point of view. It also helped me feel loved when I felt that my peers did not care for nor appreciate me. Talking to wise, godly adults is very beneficial.

    2.Proverbs 9:10 “The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom, and knowledge of the Holy One is understanding.”

    1. I agree Alex. Godly men that have been in the trenches can guide you in the right direction.

    2. Alex, it looks like you've got some more adult friends in M3 that are pulling for you as well- men that would come back the next day to read what you have to say. That really impresses me. Hope you feel the love!

  32. Brother Alex, "I was typically felt ignored by them" you are a child of Jehova Elroi, loved by the God who sees and knows you!
