Wed.5.6.15... Three Ways of Learning...Prov.5

3 Ways of Learning

Flee fornication! (1Cor.6:18) Avoid adultery like the plague! Why? It will cruelly kill you like the plague. But how can we coach our kids, ourselves or those we are mentoring regarding this life or death issue? When my son was a boy, I told him, "There are three ways to learn something. Let me illustrate. Imagine I told you, 'Don't put a paperclip in your mouth and then insert it in an electrical socket.' The wise child would heed my explanation and warning. The easily influenced child might be tempted to do it via peer pressure. But if he saw a boy attempt such before it was his turn try it, he would learn from his howls and not do so. That painful example would teach him, whereas my warnings had before, only fallen on deaf ears. But what if the boy was a fool? Fools mock warnings as mere scare tactics. And they assume that the screams of the kid that tried it just means that he didn't do it quite right. So there is only one way for a fool to hopefully learn- the hard way- experience. So there you have it- the three ways of learning. The wise learn by explanations. The easily influenced learns by the example of others. But the fool must learn by painful personal experience."

In today's reading, Proverbs 5, the father appeals to his son as a wise one- he gives him an explanation. Then he includes the consequences if he doesn't heed the explanation and warning.

Proverbs is often viewed as a father mentoring his son before he grew up and moved out on his own. But this chapter seems to indicate that at least this son may have been already married (5:15-20. So Proverbs is a great book to use to mentor married men as well. Hmm, kinda like what we're doing:). Counsel against the adulteress is a big theme in the introductory chapters of Proverbs (1-9). We are warned about the wayward woman in 2:16-19; in all of chapter 5; also in 6:20-35; and in all of chapter 7. She is the evil competitor of the woman of wisdom we are to loyally love. That woman of wisdom is really God's wise ways personified. We are to love, prize and pursue her as we are to do so of God and His words. And the ultimate expression of God's wisdom is Jesus, "the One greater than Solomon" Mt.12:42. "In Him are hidden all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge" Col.2:3. May we love, prize and pursue Him above all else.          

So what safeguards does the father offer his son from immorality? Yes, a healthy marriage can be helpful, but it is not the cure to immorality. Many a christian man, who has fallen into adultery, has admitted that his marriage wasn't even on the rocks. Instead, he slowly but surely developed infatuous feelings for a woman at work, etc. (And infatuation is like cocaine to the brain! Infatuation literally means- to make foolish, to cause to lose sound judgment.) He didn't guard his heart or his steps. So what should we do if we find ourselves attracted to another woman? (Is she attractive? Then you are wired right!)

First, guard your heart. We read yesterday a key verse regarding this. "Above all else, guard your heart, for it is the well spring of life." Pr.4:23. Don't let the enemy pollute your well. Admit your feelings. Yes, she may be a knock out, but I will not be knocked out of the path of blessing and into the slaughter house (7:22) by following my flesh. Note also what Prov.6:25 says about guarding our heart- "do not lust in your heart for her beauty." We can't help it if she crosses our field of vision, but we can certainly then bounce our eyes to a different direction and fight against sexually lusting. Here are some practical tips. Joseph declared in the face of a temptress, "How could I do this great evil and sin against God?" Gen.39:9. So remind yourself of what immorality is- a great evil against the One who truly loves you. And the evil one is desperately seeking to ruin your life. Tell an M3 warrior if you are having more than a passing attraction for another woman. Secret temptations, when exposed to others, lose a lot of their pulling power. Guard your heart! If you have to talk with her at work, don't pour out your heart to her. Don't pay her compliments. Don't tell how good she looks or how you feel about her. Instead, tell her how you feel about your Lord or your gratitude for your wife and kids. Never ever complain to her about your wife or ask her for counsel! Guard your heart!

Second, guard your steps. Today's passage reveals this incredible prescription for victory over immorality. "Keep to a path far from her" 5:8. Don't look for opportunities to spend time with her. Avoid her. If you have to work together, don't work alone together, lunch alone, drive alone. Don't touch her or tease her. Avoid her. It's mighty hard to have an affair with someone you avoid. As it's been said, "It's much easier to avoid temptation than to resist it." Avoid her! Joseph fled from Potiphar's wife who sought to seduce him. Flee temptation!

Third, remember the horrible consequences of immorality. Note a few haunting ones in 5:9-14, 22-23.

Fourth, if you are married, nurture your marriage. Note 5:15-20.

Fifth and finally in this chapter, there is another powerful preventative. Remember that "a man's ways are in full view of the Lord" 5:21. "The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge, but fools despise wisdom and discipline." 1:7. Be wise and heed this vital counsel from your Father who is mentoring you in Proverbs. The fool will toss all this to the side, hell bent on his lust, "led astray by his own great folly." 5:23. He will become a disastrous example to others of the folly of not heeding the Father's wise and protective counsel. Pastor Mark has a saying regarding such powerful temptations, "Assume weakness." I've tweaked that and say, "Assume weakness and stupidity!" We already know better, but do such stupid things at times. Since I am a weak man, I need to be a wise man and keep wise, protective boundaries.

1.-After reading through this and Proverbs 5, what might you add of practical advice to warn men? If you've traveled down this tempting but regretful path and want to share any of your story, that could be very helpful in light of the three ways people learn. (Remember, what's shared among us, stays among us, if it is of a sensitive nature. Love always protects. So protect the identity and reputation of others as you would want them to do for you.)

2.-Write on your MP3 card, "Keep to a path far from her" Prov.5:8. 

It's a lie of the enemy that would make you think that your need or deserve this tempting thing, or that no one will find out, or that you are destined to repeat the sins of your father, if he fell in this area. You're now a child of the Holy King of kings. Your heavenly Father has a great legacy that He intends for you. You are a cycle breaker and a legacy maker. 

Teach your children well. Coach others well. Teach them the three ways we learn. And live a victorious example for them to follow starting today and each day. Your setting a GREAT example even on the scoreboard. Wouldn't you want your children to be GREAT in these areas? Then keep setting a GREAT example for them and your brothers to follow. 

If the following brothers are on your fire team, please encourage them since they were MIA on  the blog yesterday- Chuy and Lucas.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Thank you Jack for sharing this incredibly devastating chapter of your past. Men need to read and heed your warning and they will. Praise God who is such a wonderful Savior!

    2. Thanks for sharing Jack.

    3. Thank God for second chances.I thank God for restoring your relationship with your wife.

    4. Wow thanks for sharing such a deep testimony with us.This is a powerful warning and it sure helps me want to remain faithful even more then before i read this.

  2. 1. Once again we find in Prov 5 great godly principles and advice that we should follow when it comes to maintaining sexual purity.
    Since for the man of the world there is no right or wrong everything is permissible in his own eyes which is why he will not listen to God's word, but rather sin against Him and receive the consequences of his sins.
    We as followers of Christ are to treasure His Word in our hearts daily so that we may not fall when faced with temptation but rather do the opposite and be victorious in Him whom gives us strength. May we all recognize how weak our flesh is and how much we need Christ every single day.

    1. Yes Roger, since I am a weak man I need to be a wise man and keep wise protective boundaries.

    2. When we are weak, He is strong. Even in His weakest, God is stronger than any man can be...yes we just need to constantly remind ourselves of that. Lay down any prideful ways and say I'm weak and I need you God, all the time I need you. Lord forgive us when we feel we just needed you to save us and that the rest of this life we can handle on out own. We need you every step of the way. Thanks for being available to us.

  3. 1. I actually just wrote about something very similar a few weeks ago.

    I would say personally, healthy boundaries are super important. Not putting yourself in a setting or position to fall. It's a fight! But it is one that I'm willing to engage in, because I don't want to taint my future marriage, nor give myself away. Yes there are times when I long to be intimate with a woman, because I have done it in my past. But I thank God for my attractions and then cry out to Him. I need to manage my emotions and attractions, but I know I can't manage it on my own. It has to be me dying to myself and seeking full dependence on My Father. Cause if not I will just try harder to manage it and while I may last awhile on my own, I will be just that doing things on my own. I'd rather do this through and with Christ who strengthens me.

    2. Did it.

    1. are a good man Eddie! Sometimes i cant imagine how '''a guy like you'' can do it. By that i mean, a young, handsome, strong, faithful, successful man. Im sure you can probably get any girl you want and yet you are waiting for that special one to come along. I see how some girls at church look at you and i think wow how is this man single lol. I know that God is going to bless you with the woman of your dreams and overflowing blessings along with that. You will be rewarded my brother. Im glad that you are in the position you are in right now tho, this way you have the time to reach out and help guys like me ;) I admire you for your ability to fight lust and temptation.

    2. Excellent article you wrote Eddie! Thank you!

  4. Proverbs 5.21.ESV For a man’s ways are before the eyes of the Lord , and he ponders all his paths. This verse tells me Gods watching everything we do. I know the flesh is weak but we need to always look carefully at what we do.

  5. 1. I too fell to temptation. It was the first year of my marriage. It took a great toll on both of us. I use to think that one of the reason's I did it was because I was young (22) and I needed to sow my wild oats. What a lie. It was a lustful, shameful decision. I was the fool and thought I was not going to get caught. Especially thinking that it was a one time deal.It took years for my wife to trust me again. It is the most painful decision that I have ever made.I did not have a relationship with God at the time. I know that I would have avoided her if I had a relationship with Him. When I started my relationship with God I realized that I still had to close doors to temptations. I realized that I was weaker than I thought. I realized that I needed discipline. I stopped flirting with woman, look away right away (still need prayer on this), unsubscribe to HBO, masturbation (prayed and fasted for 21days to overcome), stopped watching rated R movies. I thank God for the work he has done in me and my marriage. I pray that our young brothers will not be lured to the path of destruction. I pray that their current or future relationship with women will be God centered in order for God to bless.

    1. Wow God bless you brother! I commend you for being able to get through your faults and for being able to make things work with your wife. I know it had to be a lot of pain and hard work. You are a good man Sam and im glad that you invited God in to intervene and restore your marriage. Thanks for sharing this with us bro.

    2. Thank you for so vulnerably and helpfully sharing Sam. And your fight for purity is a great example. Phileo.

  6. "But the fool must learn by painful personal experience."

    Advice, counsel, warnings etc..... "You can lead a horse to water, but you can't make them drink" (Author unknown)

    1. Explanations 2. Example 3. Experience

    To my own shame and embarrassment I must admit that I'm the man I am today because I received my Ph.D. (Doctorates) from "The School of Hard Knocks"

    1. Oh that we might help young men not have to get that degree of pain.

    2. I had a tendency to need to find out for myself, and I paid the cost, of course in many case's you don't know the cost until it's been paid.

  7. Sam, thx for sharing with us as it is a difficult topic to post. God rebuilt you into his man that you are today as he forgives those who repent and turnaround

  8. Wow what a great lesson this is! I love this chapter! I know that the "harlot", adulterous woman, can be very tempting and misleading. I believe that if i were to cheat on my life that there would be severe consequences. Even if she never found out, i know that God knows and that i would be punished.

    I must be honest here.... I have never physically cheated on my wife, although i do struggle with pornography. I must admit that the porn has me messed up. I do not want to ever cheat on my beautiful wife, yet i cant stop watching this garbage. I know i can and i have before but the devil keeps leading me back. My wife knows that i used to struggle with it but she is unaware that i am still watching it. I blame it on my youth and the fact that i think my testosterone levels are very high. We have 2 babies and at the end of the night she is tired and just wants to sleep, so that bothers me and i let that be an excuse to watch that stuff. I know that it is terrible and wrong and i keep saying that im gonna stop. I will continue to pray that i lose the desire to watch porn. I know this is not something that a Manly Man would do.

    1. Thanks for your gut honesty Phil on a topic so many men hide. Bringing it out into the open is a big first step. We will be tackling porn specifically in just 2 days, so I'll share a whole lot more then. God is worthy and in your battle to victory it will be worth it. Please check out the following-

  9. I fell to temptation in my marriage and so did my wife and it was had for both of us trust
    each other again and though the grace of God we where able to over come are cheating
    on each other. I thankful that we were able to stay together until God call my wife home
    and pray God will forgive all sins she is with him now.

    1. Thanks for honestly sharing that John. Trust is such a huge casualty and yet that is the foundation of love.
      Bless you!

    2. John thank you so much for sharing something so deep and personal. I am sure that God will continue to do His good work in your life.

  10. Proverbs 5:21- "For a man's ways are in full view of the Lord and he examines all paths." This is what keeps me on the right path. I am not prefect but I always remind myself that God is watching let alone other people. People like when a true believer falls so they can say "I told you he is not a true believer." Live for God not for people and will live a long life.

    1. Once again the spread sheet is not working for me. The months are not showing other then the end of March again. I will try again tomorrow.

    2. I know we just talked about this Mike and hope we can figure out why soon. If anyone else reading this has encourntered this problem, please let me know.

  11. At first you may not notice it, but eventually that certain female coworker will start doing things a lil different to make sure she is around you more. She may drop little compliments and you will like them because maybe your wife didn't compliment you. Don't fall into the temptation, you will not just affect your wife's feelings but also your children, and your family. If you are married, that is the woman God chose for you to be with so do as it says, and honor your vows.

    1. Excellent thoughts and advice there Ricardo!

  12. 1) - I would say having a group like M3 helps also. They help keep you in the straight and narrow. I mean that in a good way.
    -The other advice I would give a Guy facing those trouble would be occupy yourself so that you have no time to even get tempted or even act on it.
    - I know you don't know when temptation can happen but I guess being aware that you are getting tempted.
    - I tell my wife there are times I just can't deal with you! I don't want to deal another women.
    I Am good, you are enough for me. There are days me and my wife don't see each other because of our work schedules. I don't have time for anyone else. After work I just want to do my blog, spend time with my kids, pray and sleep. "Occupied"
    2) Did it

    1. Good Vince! Being aware when you are being tempted and being honest about it is huge. O to hate that which we are wrongly attracted to!

    2. Well put, Vince. When you make your wife the standard by which all other women are measured, it is hard for any woman to measure up. My wife is my standard of beauty and attractiveness, physically, spiritually, and intellectually. She may not be perfect, but she is perfect to me, and she is beautiful and perfect in the eyes of God, who made no mistakes when he made her.

    3. Osiris, I like the way you put it “She may not be perfect, but she is perfect to me, and she is beautiful and perfect in the eyes of God”. It reminds me that I need to complement my wife more often, it seems like we’re always busy and running around and I don’t think of letting her know how beautiful she is.

  13. In the Old Testament David committed adultery with Bashiba. Afterwards try to cover it up by murdering her husband. Thank God we have a merciful and forgiving God. He forgives us our trespasses. But there are consequences to our actions and sins. The people that we sin against are sometimes unforgiving.

    1. Amen, brother George. Though we are each called to forgive as our sins have been forgiven through Jesus Christ, it isn't so simple for the ones our sins affect. In my case, I have been blessed that my wife was able to forgive me, but I know this isn't something she will forget. Many years may pass, after which, having loved her faithfully and not stumbled on the same stone, this chapter may fade to memory, but it is up to me now to restore the trust I've lost and forge a path our children may follow without making the mistakes I've made.

  14. You are right on all counts George.

  15. OMG this is a subject I have been avoiding all my life and to this day I try to avoid but I feel different in my ways now that I have gone through so much and having the trust in the lord. I have cheated and watched porn all my life, even listening to my mother have sex with the man she was dating, in the other room and they were not discreet about it at all. I get angry when it crosses my mind, I can relate to everyone here, I thought I was the only person with an insanity feeling. I have asked the lord for forgiveness for being unfaithful to my current wife, anger, resentment, pride, and fear is what has driven me to think unfaithful thoughts, watch pornography, and physically be unfaithful. I recently was listening to K-Love radio and the lord was speaking to me about all this and what I was doing and how I needed to stop what I was doing. I told this woman that I cannot continue doing this because it's not right and ultimately I am trying to do the right thing in gods presence. The words drove me crazy, the looks attracted me, the attention drove me to do this ungodly act. I cannot do this no longer, maybe if I was still running my own will and living for the world I may not have cared but my wife is a great woman to me and the lord put her in my life to live her and cherish her unconditionally. I beat myself every day for the crazy thoughts that run threw my head. Thank you all for sharing and it gives me some peace to know that I have to continue doing the right thing and that temptation will always be there, but priorities is what I need to be focussed on. I feel ashamed.

  16. MP3 card day 5/6/2015

    "Keep to a path far from her" Prov.5:8.
    Proverbs 5:15-19

    Drink water from your own cistern,running water from your own well.

    Should your springs overflow in the streets,your streams of water in the public squares?

    Let them be yours alone,never to be shared with strangers.

    May your fountain be blessed,and may you rejoice in the wife of your youth.

    A loving doe, a graceful deer—may her breasts satisfy you always,may you ever be intoxicated with her love

    Proverbs 5:22-23

    The evil deeds of the wicked ensnare them;the cords of their sins hold them fast.

    For lack of discipline they will die,led astray by their own great folly.

  17. 1. I actually just wrote about something very similar a few weeks ago.

    I would say personally, healthy boundaries are super important. Not putting yourself in a setting or position to fall. It's a fight! But it is one that I'm willing to engage in, because I don't want to taint my future marriage, nor give myself away. Yes there are times when I long to be intimate with a woman, because I have done it in my past. But I thank God for my attractions and then cry out to Him. I need to manage my emotions and attractions, but I know I can't manage it on my own. It has to be me dying to myself and seeking full dependence on My Father. Cause if not I will just try harder to manage it and while I may last awhile on my own, I will be just that doing things on my own. I'd rather do this through and with Christ who strengthens me.

    2. Did it.

  18. For a man's ways are before the eyes of the LORD, and he ponders all his paths. - Proverbs 5:21

    Even though that others might see what you do the lord is always there. I don't have a wife so I can't speak to much on the subject. But I do know that you should always treat the woman you are with, with the same respect you would want some to give you.

    1. Great application of the golden rule Andre. It works amazingly well here as well.

  19. Only a few months after proposing to my wife, I allowed a friendship with a colleague from work to become an adulterous relationship. Blessed be God, that it ended when it did and without greater consequence to me, personally, than the shame I carried afterward, but the damage to my relationship with my then fiance had been done, and its effects reverberate to this day. Worse than the pain of a lesson learned through personal experience, was the knowledge of the pain my foolishness had inflicted on my fiance. I deliberately chose to turn my back on the justify my lies and sinfulness and to convince myself that I was somehow entitled and deserving of the relationship into which I was entering. I thought that I could hide my sin from God (Proverbs 21 "For your ways are in full view of the Lord, and he examines all your paths."); worse, I thought I could negotiate with God, as though good deeds in other areas of my life (sevice, charity, church-going, hard work) could somehow cover the price of my sin.

    In the end, the relationship ended, but I continue to share a workplace with the person. This continues to be a concern of my wife's, who knows the temptation to which I am exposed in a female-dominated field. Having failed to heed the wisdom of verses 1-6 of Proverbs 5, it would be doubly foolish (fatally for my marriage) not to heed the wisdom of Proverbs 5:7-9 "(7) Now then, my sons, listen to me; do not turn aside from what I say. (8) Keep to a path far from her, do not go near the door of her house, (9) lest you lose your honor to others and your dignity to one who is cruel," The beauty and grace of God's word, to me, is this: the son that strayed and lived by the sinful ways of the world is still lovingly embraced by the Father when he repents and turns from his wicked ways and lives by the Word. For years after this affair, I lived shackled by the chains of shame. That very shame became, in me, an excuse to continue making similar mistakes (flirting and such) because I saw myself as a failure...a lost cause without hope of redemption. Only when I turned to the Word was I able to break free of my chains, lay my shame at the feet of the Lord, and turn from that life.

    The fight is a daily one, but I am grateful and blessed to have this encouraging band of brothers to keep me in the fight and remind me that I now wear the full armor of God.

    1. Thanks for sharing this terribly painful chapter in your life Osiris. I'm sorry to hear that it's not fully concluded. I'd be glad to chat anytime, if you'd like. (For what it's worth, I had a biblical counseling practice for a few years.) It's good to hear how you have been rooting yourself in God and His transforming word.

    2. Proverbs 5:8 "Keep to a path far from her" Did it.

    3. Thank you for exposing that to the light. I pray that you continue to fight the good fight. Never give up.

  20. Strong desires are like wild beast.Once we tame and train them, though still dangerous they become a great benefit. Train your sexual cravings or they will destroy you and many others.

  21. 1) Proverbs 5 warns and describes a common living life booby trap for men – the alluring adulterous. Her true motive is exposed – to feast on the wealth and strength of the disillusioned fools. The ultimate outcome of the foolish victims is predicted – regret, groaning and shameful waste and ruin before everyone. Men with discretion, stay clear and avoid such women. But temptation can slip through another way. Women can see through men who disguise themselves as being nice and caring, only to prey upon these women to get what they want from them. But some women recognize and are drawn by genuine kindness and concern displayed by godly men. Innocent friendships can develop that can lure men and women into more tempting relationships that can turn into destructive traps. Proverbs 5:15- 19 reminds men to guard their hearts because they will only be safely and fully satisfied by having a lasting intimate relationship with their wife (or the future bride of those who are single.)

    2) Did It

  22. 1.-Proverbs 5, This is wisdom to stay away from wayward woman.

    2. Prov.5:8, Did it.

  23. Dave, I like your saying "Assume weakness and stupidity!" My wife’s sister is getting married later this year and her fiancĂ© is having a bachelor party in Las Vegas. At first I was going to go but the more I thought about it I realized it wouldn't be wise. Why put myself in a situation where my “weakness and stupidity” could get me into a situation where I would be tempted. I thank God for the wisdom to make the right decision.

    1. Wise man! We conquer our weakness by being wise.

  24. 1
    If there was any advice I would be enabled to contribute is that this attack, this slight of hand will take root while we are least prepared and least focused.

    I praise God for the boundaries that are in place today as well as the equipping to resist temptation. But even in my walk when had stared to long or let my emotions get the best of me, there was not only conviction in guilt but conviction when looking back at my girlfriend and I needed to immediately admit what was going on in my heart.

    The path was led in part because I never thought that such a temptation would come my way considering being raised by faithful parents and having committed believers around me.

    Let us all be strengthened by each other's words today and lift up what is being communicated. Flee these temptations avoid adultery and pursue wisdom.

    Did it

    1. Thanks Gary. Our sinful nature unfortunately is not weakened by a good upbringing, is it. Let us continue to war.

  25. Sorry guys I had a long two paragraph post that just got deleted. It's late I hope to repost what was said at a later time. In this area I have had to learn the hard way. Thanks for your honesty and comments.

  26. 1. Don't put yourself in bad situations. In addition, don't be flirtatious with women (which can lead to bad situations).

  27. 1. One way God has really helped me to stay sexually pure for many, many years now, is by setting up standards to guard both my heart and my daily steps. Some of these practical steps have helped me tremendously, they are:

    A. Get a prayer partner and pray weekly at a specific time on the same day of the week together. Set it on your calendars. Jose Carillo has been my prayer partner for approx. 10 years now and we used to pray every Tuesday morning between 7:30-8 am for years. We have now adjusted that a bit but we still pray together.
    B. Be in the Word every day, like this M3 group. or reading thru the bible in a year and follow the plan. Stay close to the Lord because we are so weak
    C. I purposely and intentionally set up key godly people and professionals in my business life and in my personal life, ie. working with godly bookkeepers, accountant, lawyers, assistant at work. Many times your checkbook can indicate where your heart is, so I have much accountability here. I am also very blessed to work with a strong Christian in my office right next to me, who knows my schedule and work plans and my clients. Do your absolute best to purposely place key godly people ( including your wife and kids) in every area of your life. Take some time to think about this and ask the Lord for wisdom here.
    D. As I look back in my life, there are many "triggers" that used to get me more lustful and prone to make stupid decisions, ie. for me, I would get very lustful just watching TV, sometimes watching channels because they had beautiful women on them. So you guessed it, I literally threw out my TV twice in my life. 10 years ago, I threw out my TV and that lasted 2 years, and HALF of my lustful temptations were gone instantaneously. Then i broke down and got another TV for 18 months, and my lustful temptations came back. Then, over 6 years ago, I decided to get rid of it again, I threw it away, and have not watched TV for over 6 years now! God has blessed me to be much more productive in life and again helped me Slash HALF of my lustful temptations. For me personally, TV was a time waster and still is.
    E. Before going to the movies, I like to read Christian reviews on (thru Focus on the Family ministries) and this helps me to avoid many movies that have nudity.
    F. A standard that my fiance and I have together, is that we will NOT go into each other's personal homes alone. We will only do so, if we have a friend or family member join us. Also, I stay away from any activity that may arouse me sexually, even if it is innocent. I am just too weak in this area.

    These are just a few that have helped me in my life, and my prayer, is that they will help you too, to Walk in purity and in the power of the Holy Spirit :)

    2. did it

    1. Great advice Israel. Thank you for sharing your fight. I'm glad you did what you had to.

  28. "Wages of our sins!" Living the sexually immoral life is against all of what God warns us to avoid and for us to run away from. All what is said in scripture about the consequences of sexual immorality I am presently reaping. I'v walk in shame, guilt, and condemnation, not able to sleep, bad dreams of a serpent penis, always with headaches, this secretive life was destroying me. Finally on 8/2011 at church the Holy Spirit got a hold of me during Pastor Mark's alter call to come forward and repent your sins and except Jesus Christ our Lord Savior. Since than my secret was no more, and hurt and pain was thrust upon my wife and family due to my sinful life. This has devastated my marriage and set everything into a tailspin. Presently we are in divorce proceedings. By the grace and mercy of God he has brought me out of this darkness I was living and brought me into his ever glories light. I pray I will always be there for my family and do not let hopelessness set in my life again.

  29. I would say have a brother who is not weak in this area to call to and be accountable too. It surely helped me in my younger days. Second, when you have a gut check feeling that something is wrong chances are that is the holy spirit telling you there is something wrong and turn away.

  30. In Psalm 51 we see a repenting David, after having killed a good man to satisfy his desire with that man's wife. God is good and full of grace, but there are ongoing consequences to actions, in spite of receiving forgiveness. You may not kill somebody physically, but you may kill your loved one's heart, health, a relationship or even a family unit, not to mention what you do to your own life.

    If you have strayed, declare your wrongs but not only in your head, do it with a trusted brother and also declare it to the person you've betrayed. Truth hurts, but lies and secrets will eat away at your soul. Go to the redeemer and bare your heart, as David did in psalm 51 and ask to be washed and be made whole. Then live in that redemption and don't be defined by who you were, but who God has set you out to be. There are consequences and impact to deal with, even with setting things right with God and others, but live a life owning what you've done, but not living condemned by it. Then set out to live a relationship that is transparent and with full communication... And when trust had been broken, pray for peace and grace as healing doesn't come overnight just because you've decided to come clean.

    1. Wow, great words of advice my dear brother :)

    2. Good words of practical wisdom

  31. I think it's important to explain to young kids on how important a monogamous relationship is in Gods eyes. In high school boys would brag about having multiple girlfriends and even as a young adult 'I've heard many stories of men cheating on their girlfriend and wives. You start to think that it is normal and it is just part of being a man. It is very important to surround yourself with Christian men. Though Christian men are susceptible to the same temptations as non Christian men, the difference is that most likely you'll feel convicted around Christian brothers for doing something adulterous. Also, don't put yourself in situations that can lead to a relationship even if you think the other woman has no interest in you.
