Sun.3.29.15...Happy Palm Sunday!

Happy Palm Sunday!

As you know, this week we will be especially honoring our Lord for his death and triumphal resurrection. And on the blog this week and the next, we will be looking at giving reasonable responses to people who may hit us with tough questions about our faith. You'll see all the more that our faith rests on solid facts not fairy tales. It's great to be able to give facts and solid answers to skeptics. But facts need to be converted to food for praise and thanksgiving, otherwise such grand truths can become dead in our heads. We can become spiritual fat heads. God wants to both inform our heads and inflame our hearts. I've found praise songs to be a great way to ignite truths. Thus, in honor of celebrating our crucified and risen Lord, I want to share with you the following great video. I hope it moves you to worship our Lord as it does me. What a great video to pass along to others this week!

1.-The Growing Deeper Project for this week? Enjoy the video and look for others that you could pass this on to. God bless you!


  1. I just woke from a short nap, feeling exhausted and then watched the video. I've come awake! Thank you Jesus :-)

    1. Hey Robert, I've just come awake from being sick. It's good to be back in the land of the living. Phileo.

  2. Great video Dave! I liked the questions and messages on the screen, it give you even more to think about. I think I watched is 3 times to make sure I didn't miss anything.

    In today’s service I liked how we looked deeper into the meaning of the Greek word tetelestai in the Bible it’s translated “it is finished” but we leaned it’s an accounting term that means “paid in full.” To me “paid in full” seems like a more powerful statement especially after seeing all that Jesus went through for our sins.

    1. Glad you liked the video George! I sure do. How good to know our sin debt is paid in full.

  3. Great video to pass the love and the reality of Jesus did for us on that cross. For all mY wages of SIN have been PAID IN FULL! Thank you Jesus.

  4. 1. Gonna pass it on thanks Dave.

  5. I saw the video. This is another great video to add to the arsenal of tools for encouraging Christians and special touches on non-Christian hearts. I've started sharing a few Christian song videos with unsaved family that express God's goodness and greatness. Soon I hope to start sharing videos like this with them that touch on their personal needs for God. Before it share one, I do a lot of prayerful attacking (a tactic I picked up from M3), asking the Lord for a tactful way of sharing it, and to prepare a receptive heart to receive it. Thanks again Dave G.
