Fri.9.18.15... A Man Worth Meeting...John 12:17-23

If you could meet any person presently living, who would you want to meet?  A lot of people would want to meet with the most influential people on the planet, such as the president or the pope. Others might want to meet a movie star or a music star. 2,000 years ago there were some Greeks who asked to meet Jesus. Good choice! Let's read about that today. It's a very short passage- John 12:20-23. (I kept it short for a reason you will see.) To get a running start, begin at 12:17.

Jesus said later in v.26, "My Father will honor the one who serves me." So I'd like you to meet a man who has greatly served the Lord behind the scenes. His name is...well I'll let him tell part of his story. "My name is Bruce Hurt. My father, Wilson, deserted my mother Ruth and her infant son (yours truly), before I was one year old. My father was an alcoholic, a gambler and a womanizer. Thus, I had my first experience with rejection by an earthly father. At 10 years old, my mother remarried and one result was my second rejection by an earthly father. The words that I most clearly remember my stepfather pronouncing on me were...'That boy ain't gonna amount to anything any good.'" 

Yet Bruce went on to become a medical doctor, and then got saved later in life, at age 52. But his marriage remained on the rocks because he had no one to disciple him. (That's not true with anyone who joins M3!) Then he was helped to grow in God's grace and the word, developing a great appetite for studying it. What a change God brought about in his life and marriage. And over the last 8 years he has devoted himself to building an incredible treasure trove of online commentaries, sermons, etc. on the Bible. His site is named since he lives in Austin, Texas and he helps people learn the scriptures precept upon precept. His site connects to a number of commentaries already at (Your Dave Guzik commentaries are found there as well.) Today I want to introduce you to the mother load of commentaries that Dr. Bruce led me to. With a few clicks you will find the insights of many commentaries on just one verse. To buy all these commentaries would cost a fortune. How convenient to also have them all laid out one after the other, all on one verse. 

1.- I kept our reading passage short today (John 12:17-23) because I want you to become familiar with this new site. So click on Then click on our chapter for today, 12. Next click on one of the verses from our reading John 12:19-23 and share some gold that you discovered from your digging.

2.- You now have one of the largest libraries of Bible commentaries in the world! 25 years ago, no pastor or Bible scholar would have so many commentaries on his bookshelf. So bookmark this now and use it whenever you want to find more insights on a verse. Just say "Did it" when you bookmarked it. I promise that you will use this again and again.

It used to be that people would have to ask a pastor what a verse meant. Now you can be the answer man to people. So when someone asks you about a verse, just say, "Let me dig into that for you." Though I like answering your Bible questions, it's more important to train you to discover the answers for yourself. That doesn't mean that this site will answer all your questions. Your mind to still bigger than that site. But use this site before you ask others a question about a verse. Strive to discover things for yourself and for others. What a good student and spiritual leader you are becoming. And remember to keep helping people see Jesus. "Sir, we wish to see Jesus." Those words are etched into many pulpits to remind the preacher what people most desperately need him to show them- Jesus. 

3.- Contact a brother or two in your fire team and find out how he is doing. Find out who he is seeking to recruit and pray for him.

It's Friday! Thanks for flipping over to our scoreboard and getting all your points up. Enjoy the weekend. 


  1. 1. John 12:23 " And Jesus answered them The hour has come for the Son of Man to be glorified."
    How great that not only many Jews were following Jesus but also Greeks wanted to more about Him and because of Jesus dying on the cross the salvation that He offered was for all of us not just the Jews.
    This is what Adam Clarke has to say: " The time is just at hand in which the Gospel shall be preached to all nations, the middle wall of partition broken down, and Jews and Gentiles united in one fold. But this could not be till after his death and resurrection, as the succeeding verse teaches. The disciples were the first fruits of the Jews; these Greeks, the first fruits of the Gentiles."
    2. Did it
    3. Will do.

  2. 1. John 12: 20 Now among those who went up to worship at the feast were some Greeks.

    As Knox observed:

    The "Greeks" were Gentiles - we do not know from where - who had already become proselytes to Judaism or faithful friends of the synagogue (God-fearers) ... Notice that it is the desire of the Greeks to see Jesus which alone interests this writer. He does not tell us whether or not these particular Gentiles saw him. Presumably they did; but that does not matter.[12]

    Throughout John to here, the enemies of Jesus could not harm him because his hour had not yet come; but Jesus saw in the awakened interest of the Gentile world that the time had come. At last, it was his "hour," and there would be no further providential hindrances of what his enemies planned to do.

    Many questions of curiosity arise around this incident, such as whether or not the Gentiles went to Philip because he had a Greek name, or if they had come with an offer of sanctuary from Jesus' enemies, etc. The Spirit-inspired evangelists never catered to human curiosity, relating only the facts which were pertinent to their holy message of salvation.

    Jesus was able to touch all of man kind even his enemies. He set no borders or walls but welcomed all. Love trumps all things. Finding salvation in his word turned the enemies lies to truth. What a loving God.

    2. Did it

    3.will do

  3. 1- John 12:22
    Philip went to tell Andrew; Andrew and Philip in turn told Jesus.
    One commentary asked the question why didn't Philip go tell Jesus himself instead he went to Andrew. Andrew then together they went and told Jesus. It also pointed out that Andrew is mentioned in other passages bringing people to Jesus. It shows Andrews character, he wanted to share with others what he had.

    2- Done

    3- OK.

    1. Amen Luis. O Lord, help us to be like Andrew, bringing people to Jesus.

    2. Good post! I echo Dave's comment, I pray that I can bring people to Jesus...

  4. 1. John 12:23 "And Jesus answered them, “The hour has come for the Son of Man to be glorified." This is a mysterious section to me since Jesus doesn't directly answer the Greeks that want to see him. The massive studylight commentary section sheds a lot of light on the passage. A few observations that stand out are the idea that the Greeks may have been offering Jesus a way of escape so He insists that this is the time for the cross and resurrection (Coffman Commentary). Others say that the significance of the Greeks is that it shows that some people were interested in Jesus and open to the gospel even as the Jewish leaders were rejecting and seeking to put Him to death (Fourfold Gospel). This may have helped build the disciples faith as they were sent to other areas with the gospel. Also, these Greeks are similar to the Wise Men found early in the book of Matthew. The Wise Men were seeking Jesus at his birth and these Greeks were seeking Him right before His death.
    2. Did it
    3. Working on building the Fire Team.

    1. Good stuff Pastor Mike. Glad to have you on m3.

    2. Thanks for sharing what you found Mike- hadn't read the following insight before- "these Greeks are similar to the Wise Men found early in the book of Matthew. The Wise Men were seeking Jesus at his birth and these Greeks were seeking Him right before His death."
      This is indeed part of the turning point in the book. The Jewish leaders plot his death, while even the Greeks are drawn to him.

  5. 1.Very truly I tell you, unless a kernel of wheat falls to the ground and dies, it remains only a single seed. But if it dies, it produces many seeds.
    John 12:24

    The law of God sowing and reaping. The Son of Man must die to give us eternal life .Thank you Lord Jesus!!!!

    2.Did it.

    3. Will do.

    1. Yes amen George, thank you Jesus for dying on the cross to give us eternal life.

    2. Yes George, I echo Roger's words.

  6. 1. John 12: 19

    1. Reality. We may trifle with Christ; but He never trifles with us. The Pharisees were triflers, as are their modern representatives, whether of wealth, literature, or the Church. Men then, as now, were weary with childish discussions, and were then, as now, ready to follow a real man who meant and lived what he said.
    2. Unworldliness. It is a mistake for a religious teacher to court popularity by compromise with the world, “All things to all men.” The people see through it all and despise the man who flatters himself that he has won them. The secret of John the Baptist’s power was his unworldliness, and it was the incomparable unworldliness of Christ that attracted the world after Him.
    3. Wonderful love. It was new to publicans and sinners to be treated with love, and still more strange that with the love of Christ there should be blended such an inflexible righteousness. But the people followed Him because of the love which won them from the sin which purity condemned. (Dean Vaughan.

    2. Did it.

    3. Doing now.

    Great resource Dave. Thank you.

    1. Very interesting points their Eddie, thank you.

    2. Great words you're sharing with us Eddie.
      And I appreciate your gratitude.

  7. 1.-v21
    They came to Philip, who was from Bethsaida in Galilee, with a request "Sir," they said, "we would like to see Jesus."
    From Whedon's commentary

    21. To Philip—Philip’s name being (Greek, (as well as Andrew’s,) indicates Grecian connection, and accounts for their appeal to him. Jesus was doubtless in the Court of the Women, into which no Gentile might enter. These Greeks, who have probably heard of the wonders that Jesus has performed, have seen his regal entrance into Jerusalem, and heard, perhaps, some faint report of his wonderful teachings, have a desire to be introduced to him. Whether Jesus gave them audience or not is not said, and is doubted by some eminent scholars. But to suppose that Jesus declined their request is to deprive the narrative of all significance. Plainly John furnishes the fact in order to account for the discourse that follows. John omits, because he assumes, the little details of the introduction and the incidental conversation. As the Lord rises into momentous discourse John begins to record.

    As these Greeks had seen his triumph, but were soon to see his humiliation, Jesus seizes the moment to show that his very sufferings are a glorification. He dies that he may produce new life, as all his followers must renounce life that they may live, 23-26. A pang of sorrow for a moment overwhelms his soul, to be succeeded by a glorification, a voice from the Father, audibly testifying in his behalf, 27-29. Jesus, thus sustained by the divine Voice, pictures the overthrow of the prince of darkness in the world, 30-33. To the querying people Jesus gives his last admonition to realize the Light while it shines before them, 34-36.

    2.- Did it.

    3.- Will do.

  8. 1. Adam Clarke's Commentary John 12:20

    Certain Greeks - There are three opinions concerning these:

    That they were proselytes of the gate or covenant, who came up to worship the true God at this feast.
    That they were real Jews, who lived in Grecian provinces, and spoke the Greek language.
    3. That they were mere Gentiles, who never knew the true God: and hearing of the fame of the temple, or the miracles of our Lord, came to offer sacrifices to Jehovah, and to worship him according to the manner of the people of that land. This was not an unfrequent case: many of the Gentiles, Romans, and others, were in the habit of sending sacrifices to the temple at Jerusalem. Of these opinions the reader may choose; but the first seems best founded.

    Proselytes= "a new convert (as to a faith or cause)" source,

    2. Did it
    3. will do

    1. Great choice Robert. Thanks for the definition.

    2. Good Robert. Cornelius would be an example of a God fearing Gentile as I know you know.

  9. John 12:22(NIV) Philip went to tell Andrew; Andrew and Philip in turn told Jesus.

    Robertson's Word Pictures in the New Testament

    Andrew (τωι Ανδρεαι — tōi Andreāi). Another apostle with a Greek name and associated with Philip again (John 6:7.), the man who first brought his brother Simon to Jesus (John 1:41). Andrew was clearly a man of wisdom for a crisis. Note the vivid dramatic presents here, cometh (ερχεται — erchetai), telleth (λεγει — legei). What was the crisis? These Greeks wish an interview with Jesus. True Jesus had said something about “other sheep” than Jews (John 10:16), but he had not explained. Philip and Andrew wrestle with the problem that will puzzle Peter on the housetop in Joppa (Acts 10:9-18), that middle wall of partition between Jew and Gentile that was only broken down by the Cross of Christ (Ephesians 2:11-22) and that many Christians and Jews still set up between each other. Andrew has no solution for Philip and they bring the problem, but not the Greeks, to Jesus.

    2. Did it.

    3. Done

    Thanks for the site Dave. In my search, I find additional tidbits.

    1. No matter what it it is bring it to Jesus. One solution to any situation.

    2. Good gold you found Sam.
      I appreciate your gratitude my friend.

  10. 1. John 12:23  Jesus replied, “The hour has come for the Son of Man to be glorified.

    Not only every hour, but every minute of the day, every minute of our lives the Lord should be glorified.

    2. Did it.

    3. Will do.

    1. Brother Jose, agreed! "every minute of the day, every minute of our lives the Lord should be glorified."

    2. Yes you are so right Jose every minute of every day we should glorify God.

  11. 1. – John 12: 23 Jesus replied, “The hour has come for the Son of Man to be glorified.

    Calvin's Commentaries on the Bible

    The hour is come. Many explain this as referring to the death of Christ, because by it the glory of Christ was manifested; so that, in their opinion, Christ now declares that the time of his death is at hand. But I rather view it as referring to the publication of the gospel; as if he had said, that the knowledge of him would soon be spread through every region of the world. Thus he wished to meet the astonishment which his death might excite in his disciples; for he shows that there is no reason why their courage should fail, because the doctrine of the’ gospel will nevertheless be proclaimed throughout the whole world. Again, that this contemplation of his glow may not soon afterwards vanish, when he shall be condemned to death, hung on the cross, and finally buried. He gives them early information and warning that the ignominy of his death is no obstruction to his glory. For this purpose he employs a most appropriate comparison. (Verse-by-verse Bible commentary)

    2. – Did it.

    3. – Will do.

    1. Good stuff Oscar! Good commentary bro.

    2. What a great line included in your find Oscar- "the ignominy of his death is no obstruction to his glory."
      In fact it was the vehicle to even greater glory.

  12. 1. “And Jesus answered them, “The hour has come for the Son of Man to be glorified.” John‬ ‭12:23‬ ‭ESV‬‬

    23. Them—Namely, the Greeks and his disciples in united audience. His answer was in reply to preliminary conversation not reported by the Evangelist.

    The hour—The long-expected hour of his crucifixion, ideally held to be present. See note on John 2:4.

    Glorified—The entire passion terminating in glory is here presented by him to these Greeks as itself gilded with glory and entirely a glorification. So the cross is soon to be held forth to the Gentile world, not as a dishonour, but a glory.

    2. Did it

    3. Will do

    1. James great points that you make, thank you.

    2. Good James and it's manly of you to be reaching out to encourage others. Bless you!

    3. Good James and it's manly of you to be reaching out to encourage others. Bless you!

  13. Here's what I wrote yesterday:

    "1. John 12:20 "Now among those who went up to worship at the feast were some Greeks."
    Wait a second- you mean THE GREEKS... I mean of all the details I didn't know- I know now that all, even from the nations around came to seek and worship Christ - Even as he lived . - They caused him to see the hour coming... in a cool way.

    Sorry Guys- not just a wildly trivial verse, but definitely one I thought would have little meat until I read the commentary.
    ... I read this.

    i. The fact that His hour had not yet come had delivered Him from violence before (John 7:30, 8:20). Now that the hour has come, it is time for Jesus to make the final sacrifice.

    ii. Jesus never really responded to the Greeks here, but He would on the other side of the cross. So that these Greeks, as well as others, could receive the new life He offered, then Jesus must die (be glorified) first.

    This is what I got out of that:
    "Why could Jesus not reconcile the Greeks at that moment?" 'He Couldn't Break the LAW!' They would have to be circumcised, observe kosher, keep Sabbath... and Be Jews- Jesus knew he couldn't reach them in this way... NOW WAS THE TIME TO JUSTIFY THE LAW! -

    Thanks Greeks- Could'a gave us a couple of more years of cool miracles, Pharisee evasion tactics and Logic quagmires... but no. You wanted to hear from your Saviour... and be Greeks. So there you have it. Greeks Came for Salvation- Jesus says, "Duces!" Gotta save them the ol' cross method- or would that be the 'new cross' method then- Yeah you get me.."

    So to add to what I said yesterday- Jesus knew. Temptation now is like the turn of time when you Grow to immediate popularity if what you do gets out... Like right before a band signs that label- or when an agent first scouts a player- now could've been the moment to hit the world stage. Temptation of popularity and glorification- which Jesus already denied in the desert.

    Jesus chose the cross, to break death at its root- making the offering sacrifice for all nations.

    2. Got it
    3. Done

    1. Correction: although not Gentiles directly- but Hellenistic Jews from Greek lands. - so it is more the call to fame and international Jewish notoriety- rather than my blaming of Gentiles that Causes Jesus to name the time as now.

    2. Glad to see you pondering and even updating your ponderings Rich. That is the sign of a humble student.

  14. 1-Poole's English Annotations on the Holy Bible

    Ver. 17-19. These three verses let us know the external cause of the people’s coming to see Christ, which was the fame of the miracle wrought by our Saviour on Lazarus; this increased the number of those who came to see his entrance into Jerusalem; but the unseen cause was, doubtless, the influence of God upon their hearts, directing them to it, for the further glorifying of his Son before his passion. But this enraged the Pharisees, to see that their decree that those who owned Christ should be turned out of the synagogue should have no better effect: but the multitude rather more owned him, and ran after him. Here again we find the term world signifying many, though those many made up but a very small part of the world.

    1Cor 1:22 22 For Jews request a sign, and Greeks seek after wisdom; 23 but we preach Christ crucified, to the Jews a stumbling block and to the Greeks[b] foolishness, 24 but to those who are called, both Jews and Greeks, Christ the power of God and the wisdom of God.


    3.Will Do

    1. Lemmy, It's great to see you being unstoppable this week!

    2. Very good Lemmy.
      Yes, Lemmy, you have been unstoppable since you started. Way to go!

  15. 1. V. 21 - Why did the Greeks go to Phillip to see Jesus? It seems probable that Philip's parents, though Jews, dwelt among Greeks, from the name given to him, which is a Greek one. Also, some may have been neighbors that knew him as their were Greek cities not far from Bethsaida.

    2. Done.

    3. Done.

    1. Good ponderings Tim. I'll have to share my thoughts regarding Greek names the next time we walk.

  16. And Jesus answered them, saying, "The hour has come for the Son of Man to be glorified.

    From Robertson's Word Pictures in the New Testament

    The hour is come (εληλυτεν η ωρα — elēluthen hē hōra). The predestined hour, seen from the start (John 2:4),
    mentioned by John (John 7:30; John 8:20) as not yet come and later as known by Jesus as come (John 13:1), twice
    again used by Jesus as already come (in the prayer of Jesus, John 17:1; Mark 14:41, just before the betrayal
    in the Garden). The request from the Greeks for this interview stirs the heart of Jesus to its depths.

    That the Son of man should be glorified (ινα δοχαστηι ο υιος του αντρωπου — hina doxasthēi ho huios tou anthrōpou).
    Purpose clause with ινα — hina (not in the sense of οτε — hote when) and the first aorist passive subjunctive
    of δοχαζω — doxazō same sense as in John 12:16, John 13:31. The Cross must come before Greeks can really come
    to Jesus with understanding. But this request shows that interest in Jesus now extends beyond the Jewish circles.

    This in response to the Greeks who were possibly, I believe likely, Gentiles wanting to meet Him. It is as if He is saying that since word of Him has spread farther than the Jews, His time has finally come. We know from hindsight, and from the verses that follow, that His glory and our salvation comes through His death, burial, and resurrection. Many in Jewish circles were still looking for political not spiritual salvation. Gentiles will eventually come to Him quicker and more readily than Jews.

    2. Done

    3 Will Do

    1. Thanks for sharing the gold you found Kevin. Very good!

    2. Kevin - I still find it interesting that the Gentiles came to Jesus more readily than the Jews when the Jews know all the signs.

  17. 1. John 12:19... The world is gone after him - The whole mass of the people are becoming his disciples. This is a very common form of expression among the Jews, and simply answers to the French, tout le monde, and to the English, every body - the bulk of the people. Many MSS., versions, and fathers, add ὁλος, the Whole world. As our Lord's converts were rapidly increasing, the Pharisees thought it necessary to execute without delay what they had purposed at their first council.

    2. Done.

    3. Done.

    1. Mike keep it up. I'm glad your in M3. Keep up the good work!

    2. Bueno Mike! I'm impressed by your French :)

  18. 1- John 12:23New Life Version (NLV)

    The Law of Life

    23 Jesus said to them, “The hour is near for the Son of Man to be taken to heaven to receive great honor.

    The hour is come - The time is come. The word “hour” commonly means a definite part or a division of a day; but it also is used to denote a brief period, and a fixed, definite, determined time. It is used in this sense here. The appointed, fixed time is come - that is, is so near at hand that it may be said to be come.

    The Son of man - This is the favorite title which Jesus gives to himself, denoting his union with man, and the interest he felt in his welfare. The title is used here rather than “The Son of God,” because as a man he had been humble, poor, and despised; but the time had come when, as a man, he was to receive the appropriate honors of the Messiah.

    Be glorified - Be honored in an appropriate way - that is, by the testimony which God would give to him at his death, by his resurrection, and by his ascension to glory. See John 7:39.

    2- Done

    3- Will do

    1. Very good Vince! Ya got yourself a goldmine :)

  19. 1. David Guzik ii. Jesus never really responded to the Greeks here, but He would on the other side of the cross. So that these Greeks, as well as others, could receive the new life He offered, then Jesus must die (be glorified) first.

    I am grateful that Jesus didn't leave us Gentiles in the dark. Thanks for being glorified for me.

    2. Did it.

    3. Did it.

    1. And thanks for your good application prayer Nic.

  20. This comment has been removed by the author.

  21. Thats quite amazing. I did’nt even know about Bruce’s story who i first found this sit through a friend if mine about 6 years ago.
    For verse 12:19 the The popularity of Jesus was offensive to His enemies. It made them feel that they were accomplishing nothing. The Pharisees are still jealous and more and more wanting to kill Jesus
    Did it
    will do

    1. Glad you came across Bruce's site already Gary.
      May the Lord continue to fill and flow through you.

  22. 1) The hour is come, that the Son of man, etc. - The time is just at hand in which the Gospel shall be preached to all nations, the middle wall of partition broken down, and Jews and Gentiles united in one fold. But this could not be till after his death and resurrection, as the succeeding verse teaches. The disciples were the first fruits of the Jews; these Greeks, the first fruits of the Gentiles.

    2) bookmarked

    3) did it

  23. “So the Pharisees said to one another, “See, this is getting us nowhere. Look how the whole world has gone after him!””
    ‭‭John‬ ‭12:19‬ ‭

    1. The whe mass of people were becoming Jesus' disciples and the Pharacies couldn't handle the defeat. Jesus continued to show massive growth in his followers, so the Jews had to follow through with their plan of execution.
      2. Did it
      3. Traveling with 1 brother and reached out for encouragement to another

  24. 1) John 12:21 … Sir, we would like to see Jesus.

    What I picked up from reading the various commentaries: “At the very time the leaders of Israel sought to kill Him, the Greeks desired to see Him.” There are various opinions about who these “Greeks “ actually were. They could have been Jews who lived among the Greeks. They could have been Gentiles who converted to Judaism. They could have just been religious Gentiles. They may have lived near Philip's town of Bethsaida in Galilee, or they may have traveled from far away Greece. The Bible is strangely silent about whether these Greeks did or did not have an audience with Jesus.

    2) Did It.

    3) Will do it.

    1. Good digging Dave. I wondered if the Greeks got to meet Jesus too.

    2. Bueno Dave!
      The world now meets Jesus through his death and resurrection- the gospel.

  25. 1 – John 12:22 Philip went to tell Andrew; Andrew and Philip in turn told Jesus. One thing I found interesting is the commentary pointed out that the Greeks approached the only two Apostles with Greek names.

    2 – Did it

    3 – Will do

    1. Lord, thank you for George. He is so approachable, so use him to connect seekers to Jesus.

  26. 1) Whoever loves his life loses it, and whoever hates his life in this world will keep it for eternal life. John 12:25

    2) did it

    3) on it

  27. 1. John 12:20,21
    Some Greeks who had come to Jerusalem to attend the Passover paid a visit to Philip, who was from Brthsaida, and said, " sir, we want to meet Jesus".
    Commentary from Peoples New Testament :
    The name Philip is Greek, as well as Andrew,
    and those of the seven Deacons of Acts, chapter 6. It is unlikely that Philip was a Jew born among the Greeks , who spoke the Greek language. The Greeks wanted to find our more about the great teaching of the Galilee.
    2. Trouble bookmaking it. Will get help to set.
    3. Will do

    1. Just let us know if you need help with the bookmarking Louie.
      Good talking with you yesterday.

  28. 1.John 12:24 NIV
    [24] I tell you the truth, unless a kernel of wheat falls to the ground and dies, it remains only a single seed. But if it dies, it produces many seeds.
    -"As the only way to make grain produce fruit, is to bury it in the ground; so the grand primary method of bringing about the conversion and salvation of all that believe is, that I die and be buried." Our Lord's resurrection, (to omit other things,) that grand miracle on which the truth of Christianity in a very considerablemeasuredepends,andbywhichthesalvationof the faithful was effected, happened in consequence of his death. Dr. Heylin renders the 24th verse more clearly thus: If the grain of wheat that falls into the ground dieth not, it remains there a single grain; but if it die, it becometh very fruitful.
    2. Did it
    3. Did it

  29. John 12:23 And Jesus answered them, saying, The hour is come, that the Son of man should be glorified.
    Far from being glad to have an offer of sanctuary (if such a thing was involved), Jesus instantly recognized that the moment of his suffering was at hand. His sufferings, death, and resurrection would be the "glorification" referred to here. He viewed it thus, because in that would be the means of his winning millions of souls.
    2. I saved it on my home screen of my phone.
    3. Will do

    1. Yes indeed Phil- "His sufferings, death, and resurrection would be the "glorification" referred to here."

  30. 1.John 12:23 And Jesus answered them, saying, The hour is come, that the Son of man should be glorified.

    Awesome verse. It tells it all. Jesus tells everyone he is going to die for our sins.

    2.. done.

  31. 1) The verse I looked further into is:

    John 12:20 “Now there were some Greeks among those who went up to worship at the festival.”

    It is fascinating that these Greeks were there to see Jesus. Up to this point it was primarily the Jews that were being spoken to. Now we get a glimpse of the heart of God, His calling, even to the Gentiles.

    The Fourfold Gospel Commentary says the following:

    GREEKS SEEK JESUS. HE FORETELLS THAT HE SHALL DRAW ALL MEN UNTO HIM. (In the Temple. Tuesday, April 4, A.D. 30.) John 12:20-50
    Now there were certain Greeks among those that went up to worship at the feast. The language indicates that they were Greek converts to Judaism, such as were called proselytes of the gate. It is also noted that as Gentiles came from the east at the beginning of Jesus' life, so they also came from the west at the close of his ministry.

    2) Did it!

    3) I texted a couple of Fire Team Members to see who they are working on recruiting, so I can come alongside and pray for these men.

    1. Good gold you found there Will.
      I am super pleased to read your response to #3. Very good!

    2. Brother William, beautifully stated "Now we get a glimpse of the heart of God, His calling, even to the Gentiles."

  32. 1. John 12:22 "Philip went to tell Andrew; Andrew and Philip in turn told Jesus."

    As a young boy, I grew up very much under the wing of my older brother. Having a three year advantage over me, my brother was my go-to-guy for advice and support. This was also true when it came to approaching my father with a question. I would first go to my brother, and together we would make our petition to dad. Ellicott's Commentary highlights an interesting and similar relationship between Philip and Andrew, here, that is echoed from John 1:44 and John 6:7-8, and that is that Philip, being a more recent follower of Christ than Andrew, turns to Andrew for support in petitioning Jesus on behalf of the Greeks who wish to see Him. The bonds between wingmen in M3 are not much different. Those of us more recent to M3 know the value of seeking the advice and support of those among us who have been members longer, and are perhaps more deeply rooted in our faith-based community than others. Scripture, here, supports that practice by drawing attention to the bond between brothers in Christ, and the need we sometimes feel to go to one of our brothers before approaching the throne ourselves. It is a gentle and heart-warming reminder that we are not alone, and that we have our brothers to petition Christ with us. Whether in matters of prayer to our Lord or matters of advice about how to be disciples of our Savior, we each have someone we can rely on to stand by our side in times of uncertainty.

    Ellicott's Commentary for English Readers

    (22) Philip cometh and telleth Andrew.—It is a striking coincidence, and perhaps more than this, that the Greeks thus came into connection with the only Apostles who bear Greek names; and may themselves have had some special connection by birth, or residence, or culture with Greek civilisation. The names have occurred together before (John 1:44; John 6:7-8): they were fellow-townsmen and friends. But Andrew was also brother of Simon Peter, and is one of the first group of four in the apostolic band. (Comp. Mark 13:3.) The Greeks then naturally come to Philip, and Philip consults his friend Andrew, who is in a position of greater intimacy with the Lord than he himself is, and they come together and tell Jesus.

    2. Done.

    3. Thank you to my M3 brothers who reached out to me in my time of illness. It is always comforting to hear from you and to have the opportunity to pray for you by name, as I am certain you do for me. I am doing better each day, regaining my strength and taking in the necessary rest to keep moving forward.

    1. "Wow!" Is what fell off my lips after reading your thoughts on the verse Osiris. Great application!

    2. Brother Osiris, glad to see you up and about. Wonderful comparison regarding siblings & our brothers in Christ :-)

  33. 1) John 12:19 "So the Pharisees said to one another, "See, this is getting us nowhere. Look how the whole world has gone after him!""

    2) did it.

    3) Done

    1. How did you like the commentaries site Alex?

    2. Sorry, Pastor Dave. I had a friend over at the time and since I needed to wake up 3 hours a later for work, I didn't write down what I found in the commentary. I like that there are so many commentaries.Which do you particularly like?

      In the commentary I read, it said that the pharisees said this as a realization of their defeat.

    3. Brother Alex, "pharisees said this as a realization of their defeat." Yet in their desperation to hold on to power they walked right into God's Devine plan of redemption for all humanity.

  34. 1 (9) Much people of the Jews therefore knew that he was there.—Some of the pilgrims who had come from Jericho would have told this in Jerusalem, where those who had previously come up from the country were earnestly asking about Him (John 11:55). They go forth, then, in large numbers to Bethany to see Him; and this reminds the writer that many of them went not for this purpose only, but also that they might see Lazarus.

    2 did it

    3 will do now

    1. Good to see your smiling face Ed!
      Good thoughts from the commentary.
      Best of blessings!

    2. Brother Ed, great point "many of them went not for this purpose only, but also that they might see Lazarus."

  35. 1. John 12:24 says ""Truly, truly, I say to you, unless a grain of wheat falls into the earth and dies, it remains alone; but if it dies, it bears much fruit."
    --- I really enjoyed what the "People's New Testament" wrote --Except a corn of wheat fall into the ground and die, it abideth alone. This statement, prefaced by the verily, verily, that gives solemn emphasis, enforces a great truth. The grain of wheat may remain in the granary for a thousand years and be preserved, but it is useless there. It neither reproduces, nor is food. It is when it falls into the ground and undergoes dissolution, that it brings forth fruit. It is fruitful by {giving itself up}. So, too, Christ must give himself up. His death was needful in order that he might impart life to the nation. There is a lesson here for disciples who would "bear much fruit."

    2. Did it
    3. Will do, it is too late right now

    1. Brother Israel, deep & insightful "His death was needful in order that he might impart life to the nation. There is a lesson here for disciples who would "bear much fruit."
