Th.9.3.15...I Am the Light of the World...John 8:12-30

Did you know that 2015 has been declared the International Year of Light? In honor of that, click the following link for some cool facts about light, with pictures to boot-

Speaking of light, on a dark night, you can see a lit match from a mile away. Speaking of dark nights, most children are afraid of the dark. Sadly, sin twists us. Many men end up loving darkness instead of light because their deeds are evil. John 3:19. Speaking of light, notice how today's passage (John 8:12-30) begins- 

Without light there is no life. They go in hand in hand. In that verse Jesus also adds an important dimension to what a true believer is, versus a nominal (in name only) one is. According to Jesus, a true believer is one who "follows me" not one who simply goes to a church service or even a small group. Remember the children's game, Follow the Leader? That's what Jesus is calling us to do. "Follow me." Do what he did. Our GREAT Leader wants us to follow him to live great lives and make a great impact. For example-
G- Jesus was devoted to God's word. The gospels record Jesus quoting from the OT 78 times. He was also constantly teaching others God's word. So glad you are also daily digging into God's word and sharing it with others.
R- He was also regularly Recruiting sidelined saints to get them into the game. "Follow me." Many of you are focused on doing that too.
E- Christ was also one who Encouraged his men. He believed they would make a great impact on others, and they did. I believe you will do that too as you continue to be faithful. And I love to see and hear how you are encouraging your teammates.
A- He Attacked in prayer and taught his disciples to pray. He also went about doing good, doing Acts of kindness. Keep practicing such too.
T- We all know Jesus was constantly Telling others of transformation. I'm so glad to see the way that so many of you are also sharing the good news with others. It can be as simple, yet as powerful as giving out your Greatest Minimovies cards. You're following Him, growing and doing GREAT things!

As you read through John 8:12-30, keep in mind Jesus is still in Jerusalem as he was in ch.7. Notice in this passage how Jesus and the Pharisees go back and forth, including three questions they ask regarding Him. I circled those question marks in my Bible. I also noted that four times Jesus said that the Father "sent me." I also I underlined those words in my Bible. I hope you're getting in the habit of doing the same regarding things that stand out from your own observations. It will also help you to quickly see your key insights when you revisit the passage down the road. Notice also how the Father/ Son relationship is stressed again as we saw in chapter 5. 

1.- From John 8:12-30, pick out a verse or phrase that impresses you and share it and some of your thoughts regarding it. Then write that verse on your MP3, being on the look out to share it with others. 

2.- The Father sent His dearly loved Son on a mission. "He who sent me is reliable, and what I have heard from him I tell the world" 8:26. That mission Jesus carried out, even though he was criticized for it and eventually crucified for it. Yet he remained reliable just as his Father was reliable. Please write out a short prayer for yourself to be reliable in the GREAT mission we have been given. It is so manly, so Christlike, when we are reliable, unstoppable.  

Thanks for being reliable regarding getting two prayer warriors and putting down their names and emails in the Contacts tab. I will ask you if you completed this tomorrow. We need prayer support. To accomplish our mission of multiplying MANLY men without it, we haven't got a prayer. 

It was great to see all of you choose to be unstoppable for the month of September. Many of you already have been unstoppable since you started M3 several months ago. For those of you that have struggled to become Unstoppable, I will share their secret. They live by the M3 motto, "No sharing of Scripture, no sleep." They seek first the kingdom of God as their highest priority. Manly soldiers rank the mission even over their sleep. Sleep is secondary. Students will stay up late to get a paper done. Parents will lose sleep to care for a sick child. Lots of people will stay up past their bedtime to watch the end of a late night program on TV. So we choose to lose sleep over something far more important. It's one of the few sacrifices we really make for God. He is worthy and so is your manly character. Way to go and grow!  
PS- Be unstoppable in going to the scoreboard after you comment as well.

What's seeing a classic clip from Star Wars got to do with our passage tomorrow? You'll see.  


  1. 1. Great passage of scripture that begins in v.12: Again Jesus spoke to them, saying, "I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will not walk in darkness, but will have the light of life."
    This is the most important message and proclamation that we at M3 continue to share with those around us, that Jesus is the only answer for this dark and sinful world. Only by following Jesus that is the true light can we live a triumphant life over sin.
    2. Dear Lord I pray that I would never take for granted the great sacrifice that Jesus did on the cross in order to save me from my sins, that I would constantly be looking for opportunities to share the Gospel story so that many more will come to the knowledge of your love and grace. Amen.

    1. Yes Lord, grant my brother the strength to be a mighty warrior who attacks the darkness as he spreads your word.

    2. Brother Roger, well said! "Only by following Jesus that is the true light can we live a triumphant life over sin."

    3. Roger. Great verse selection and prayer-- as the light of Jesus is the only way-- and we follow him

  2. 1. John 8:23- "But he continued, “You are from below; I am from above. You are of this world; I am not of this world." Jesus did not fit into the world. His authority, values, and culture were different. He was born in that area, grew up there, looked like the people, spoke the same language, worked a job for years, and was a leader among men. However, He did not and could not be 'of the world'. As followers of Christ we are in the world but not of the world. We need to operate among people, be effective, shine our light, but never allow the world to assimilate us. We love the people of the world but abstain from the prevailing, selfish, man-centered ways of the world.
    2. Lord, without a strong and steady work of your grace I will fail in these GREAT areas. It is also possible that I could fulfill these commitments as 'a Pharisee' and complete the tasks with the wrong heart. So Lord I ask that you prepare my heart and mind to be faithful in your word, prayer, encouragement with the brothers, reaching out to new people, and influencing men to join this group. Do your work in M3 and do great things in all of our lives.

    1. Amen, Thank you for being involved in our lives pastor Mike. Thank you for your investments.

    2. Mike. Great insight and encouraging words about our journey as we follow Jesus. Thx

    3. Very good thoughts and insight, Pastor Mike! Also great prayer! I really enjoyed reading your post.

  3. John 8:23-24 (NIV) But he continued, “You are from below; I am from above. You are of this world; I am not of this world. 24 I told you that you would die in your sins; if you do not believe that I am he, you will indeed die in your sins.”

    Reminded me of Romans 6:23 (NIV) For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.

    The truth can sound harsh if you are in sin, but for those that have accepted Him, we rejoice in the everlasting truth.
    I pray that those we reach out to see/hear the truth and accept Him.

    2) I pray that we boldly proclaim the truth and do what we have been commissioned to do-Save the lost souls of this world in Jesus Christ's name.

    1. Amen bro, you have a heart to reach people. May the Lord keep building you up for you to win souls for his kingdom. *

    2. Brother Sam, my thoughts were also drawn to the book of Romans :-)

  4. 1- John 8:24
    I told you that you would die in your sins; if you do not believe that I am he, you will indeed die in your sins.

    This is the simple truth. Not to sound judgmental but its just that. Either believe and be saved or die in the sin that is choking you.

    2- Lord thank you for this day. Thank you for your grace and mercy. Father I pray that I would be a man who continually keeps perusing your will. Let me be a man after your own heart. I pray for godliness in my life. I pray that you will continue to strengthen my spirit, let me be unstoppable and faithful not only in this blog but in every area of my spiritual life. Strengthen me in my weaknesses, let me be a man of conviction and always have a repentant heart. Guide my steps and show me how to fully place my trust in you when nothing around me makes sense in the slightest. Build me up to be a GREAT man for your kingdom. I also pray for my brothers, that they would come to experience you more and more every single day. That we would be mighty warriors until the day we breath our last breath.
    In your name King Jesus I ask and pray all this.

    1. Brother Luis, "This is the simple truth. Not to sound judgmental but its just that. Either believe and be saved or die in the sin that is choking you." so true!

  5. 1. "I told you that you would die in your sins; if you do not believe that I am he, you will indeed die in your sins.” John 8:24

    Reminded me of Romans 10:9-10 "If you declare with your mouth, “Jesus is Lord,” and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. For it is with your heart that you believe and are justified, and it is with your mouth that you profess your faith and are saved."

    2. Lord I ask that you would make me steadfast, faithful and reliable in all areas of life. In Jesus' name I pray, amen!

    1. You already are a steadfast, faithful brother. Keep it up Brother Robert!

  6. 30 even as he spoke, many believed in him.

    It seems that even though there are many who seem to not understand Jesus' purpose, many others understand and believe in him.

    2 Dear Lord help me to be faithful where you have sent me. May I be faithful to sow seeds and may you cause these seeds to grow and increase.

  7. 1. John 8:19(MSG)
    They said, “Where is this so-called Father of yours?”

    Jesus said, “You’re looking right at me and you don’t see me. How do you expect to see the Father? If you knew me, you would at the same time know the Father.”
    - Wow! What an Awesome claim! Seeing Jesus is seeing the Father !
    2. Father, for your pleasure and glory use me to share the gospel with those around me. Help me see he opportunities that you put before me!

    1. Yes Dave may we all share the gospel.lets all look for those opportunities.

  8. 1.John 8:26 I have much to say about you and much to condemn, but I won’t. For I say only what I have heard from the one who sent me, and he is completely truthful.”

    2. Lord, as I come before you, I ask that you let the holy spirit speak through me, to give me the courage to approach those in need of your love. In Jesus Christ mighty name I pray Amen.

    1. Yes may we all have the courage to approach people that need to hear the gospel.

  9. 1. john 8:12 " I am the light of the world, whoever follows me me will never walk in the darkness; but will have the light of life." Jesus was a great story teller through parables as he had a great way of getting his message across to his people and those the Father led to him. As we read the word and listen to his will and guidance, and we get it! A light bulb goes on within us and we understand that he is the only way and the light of the world. He came to rescue us as he came to seek the lost and only asks for our hearts to follow him.

  10. 2. Father, I thank you for continuing to mold me and use me for your purpose, now i ask that you help me keep my focus on you alone and guide me as I help you lead others to advance your Kingdom

  11. 1.So Jesus said, “When you have lifted up the Son of Man, then you will know that I am he and that I do nothing on my own but speak just what the Father has taught me.

    John 8:28 Jesus was speaking about his crucifixion.

    Thank you Lord Jesus for being in our lives I pray that wewould walk in your spirit Lord.. help us to complete the Great Commission.

  12. 1
    I noticed where Jesus says verse 8:17 In you law it is written that the testimony of two people is true.” This had a heavy meaning for the pharisees who he was speaking to, but more for us how we can prove to a person who ask us ‘how we believe’ or ‘how is this true,’ which it is clearly stated just like the video earlier this week, that the testimony by the apostles give testimony to Jesus; and the prophetic testimony of Jesus’ works also bear testimony. So the more we train and learn and practice the more we are equipped to point people to Jesus
    Dear Lord I commitment myself toward living as a GREAT man for christ standing for what Jesus stood for and not taking in any compromises or detouring from the directive you have Given me. I no loner ask to be changed in to living in such a way as I am changed but to grow more each day; I ask that that you continue in enabling me, and remind that I am being sent in all the paths of my life. I thank you for this team and what we all stand for.

  13. “When Jesus spoke again to the people, he said, “I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life.””
    ‭‭John‬ ‭8:12‬ ‭NIV‬‬

    I chose this verse because it also touches on the whole "light" concept. As we walk in sin we are in the dark, but once we accept Christ we see things differently and are not ashamed of our lifestyle and keep things hidden "in the dark"

  14. 1. John 8:12 Again Jesus spoke to them, saying, “I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will not walk in darkness, but will have the light of life.”

    He is the light and we walk in darkness when we chose not to listen. As clearly as it's written we must have faith and trust that he is in control of our life. I would like to state that when i hey closer to Jesus i find that i have more trials in my life. I get attacked but i have faith and many issues have been resolved. At the end Jesus is the light and i do see it but first i must clean my own worldly baggage.

    2. Thank you Lord for letting me see another day and experience your glory. Jesus i pray that you open my heart and expand my boundaries for your work. Give me the ability to conquer any obstacle that i may come across so i can continue to better my walk. Amen.

  15. John 8:24 "Therefore I said to you that you will die in your sins; for unless you believe that I am He, you will die in your sins." The word "He" is not in the Greek. It should be translated, "Unless you believe I am, you will die in your sins".

    "I am"? "I am" what? The Jews would have instantly thought of Exodus 3:14, "God said to Moses, “I AM WHO I AM". They knew (as is evident by their actions later) that He was claiming to be God. And more than that, Jesus was saying, "Unless you believe that I AM [God], you will die in your sins." (By the way, it's really hard to claim that Jesus is a mere good teacher at this point; God or delusional, but not just a good man.)

    Jesus, may I be faithful in being a light and testifying about You, just as you were faithful in testifying about your Father. May I care more about what you think about me, than what others think about me. Amen.

    1. Well said, brother Tim: "May I care more about what you think about me, than what others think about me." I confess that my self-consciousness often keeps me from being the man God gives me the ability to be...from ministering to others and sharing God's word. "Who am I," I ask myself. Your prayer reminds me that I am a child of God.

    2. Tim, so glad you're with us in M3. Your posts are very helpful to my understanding and encouraging.

  16. 1. John 8:12 When Jesus spoke again to the people, he said, “I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life.”

    Great words! He is telling everyone that we will have eternal life if we believe in him. They could of easily took him away if they really believed he was a fake. But they knew even though they were questioning him.

    2. Thanks God for always looking out for me and my family.

    1. Those words of Jesus are very meaningful and powerful Chuy. Jesus told the Jews that unless they believed in Him, that they would die in their sins. Some did believe, but many did not. Somehow those that still wanted to kill Jesus were prevented. (Probably by the Holy Spirit because Jesus' time to die had not yet come yet.)

    2. Father in heaven bless my brother Chuy and his family. Be with them always.

  17. For me, it was what Jesus said in verse 24 "I told you that you would die in your sins; if you do not believe that I am he, you will indeed die in your sins.” Proof that Believe and Repentance go hand in hand.

    Abba, I've chosen to walk in the shadows... I'm tired of this spiritual battle... thank you for Dave G. and for M3 and thank you for your patience...
    I long to see and hope the day will be soon where I can be GREAT for you once more!

    1. Jedi, you do well to begin your prayer by calling out to God as a child would to his Christ did on the cross. Abba, dad, papa, help me. You surrender the burden of battle at His feet. What an awesome, honest prayer brother.

    2. So glad you're with us Dave. You will do GREAT things and surely triumph.

    3. Father in heaven , bless my brother, Dave (jedi).
      Help this warrior of M3 with his victory!

  18. 1. Then Jesus again spoke to them, saying, “I am the Light of the world; he who follows Me will not walk in the darkness, but will have the Light of life.”
    Jesus is the capital L "Light of Life. He is our true guide. He illumines the darkness so that we can walk securely through the dungeon of this world. When our eyes are on him we can see clearly the pitfalls and temptations that await us. Their are many lesser lights and things that can bring temporary happiness. But following his brings true joy an delight. Help me Lord to follow you the Light of life.

    2. Lord, please help me to see outside myself and my world. Help me to remember I am not the center of the world. Help me to reach out to brothers in need and help me not be ashamed when I am a pauper at their doorstep. I thank you for the fellowship of believers.

    1. Brother Nic, I love the opening of your prayer. It speaks to the heart of a man ashamed of his own selfishness. "Help me to see outside myself and my world." Though many of us battle our own internal demons, a war is raging on outside us also, claiming countless souls that do not know the Lord. So many live in poverty. So many hunger and thirst for the love of God but need a helping hand to lead them to Him. Very well written prayer, brother.

    2. Nic, my brother , thank you for your encouraging post. May the Lord bless you and make you a strong warrior.

  19. 1. John 8:28 "...I do nothing on my own but speak just what the Father has taught me. 29 The one who sent me is with me; he has not left me alone, for I always do what pleases him.” Verse 29 of John 8 stands out to me because it reads a lot like a psalm (see Psalms 16:8, 27:1, 118:6, and 118:17 as examples): God has not left me alone, Jesus tells us, for I always do what pleases him. This verse inspired my personal prayer below.

    2. Lord, may I, like you, do nothing on my own but speak as you have taught me. You are with me; you have not left me alone, for I strive to do what pleases you. May I always do what pleases you and be a light onto the world; may that light be your own, shining forth from my humble but loving heart.

    1. Great Prayer. My brother you are doing a great job on the blog continue to be unstoppable. May God continue to bless you and your family. God is always faithful. God bless.

    2. Good eye for details Osiris, God bless you brother!

    3. Thank you my Father, for your servant, Osiris. Thank you for filling his heart with wisdom and love for your Son, our Lord Jesus. Bless him and his wife. May you one day answer their prayer and request.

  20. 1. John 8:12 When Jesus spoke again to the people, he said, “I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life.”
    Reconnecting with what we talked about yesterday, Jesus is the light of the world. It was through him that we were able to break free of the chains that bound us and why we will continue to break free of any snares and chains that entrap us. Even back then Jesus was doing what he could to save those around him.
    2. Lord I just pray that you continue to shine though in my day. I want you to be my first thought when I wake up and my last thought before I sleep. Help me remain reliable on this blog and help me organize my schedule around you because you are the true purpose for my life.

    1. Great prayer. Great verse continue the great work on the blog.

    2. Good prayer Michael. I believe in you. You will become an unstoppable warrior.

    3. Michael, may God's light shine on you and make you strong in your mission for the Lord .

    4. May God grant you wisdom so that you break through to connect and reach your special students Mike. You have what they need most.

  21. 1. John 8:25 "So they were saying to Him, "Who are you?" Jesus said to them, "What have been saying to you from the beginning?"

    Translation in today's dialect: "Duh!!!! I AM THE SON OF GOD!!!"

    2. Father, please continue to soften my heart and remind me of your love. Help me to be more gentle, loving, and kindhearted to my family. Please bless my business/career or whatever I end up doing to provide for my family.

    I have some praise reports. I was at the grocery store, picking up some forgotten items from a previous trip, when my LINK card was covering all but $13.02 of the roughly $65 total. I knew there was more than enough funds as I had checked the balance the night before. I also knew there was no items that would not be covered by LINK. Such as paper plates, toilet paper, etc... (poor people don't need to wipe their bums I guess... lol) When I saw a friend from church at the customer service desk about 20ft away. I was standing there for quite a while trying to figure out why it wasn't covering every item. To make matters even more interesting this person and my wife had a bit of a 'falling out' earlier. Anyway, she noticed something was going on. She knows of our financial struggles. She walks by and says, "are you good?" I said, "Uh, not really..." She said, "How much do you need?" I replied, "$14." She said, "...I have EXACTLY $14."

    Then in the last couple of days I landed a few small, but easy jobs that will bring in several hundred dollars.

    1. Great stuff my brother. I pray that God continues to bless you. I hope to hear more praise reports.

    2. Praise the lord brother Michael. Your testimony is very encouraging and may the good Lord of harvest open up the windows of heaven to bless you.

    3. I have been praying often for you Mike and am so glad you have hung tough. Please feel free to call me anytime.

    4. Michael, first I want to say continue in your faith. Jesus always make a way for us to make it through. Second, don't lose your good humor. What type work do you do?

    5. Louie, I mainly build furniture, I am also a freelance sound engineer. I have a degree in Electronics Engineering Technology. I've worked in Telecommunications for almost 12 years. I do a lot of things. I do all of them quite well too.

  22. John 8:27-30 New International Version (NIV)

    27 They did not understand that he was telling them about his Father. 28 So Jesus said, “When you have lifted up[a] the Son of Man, then you will know that I am he and that I do nothing on my own but speak just what the Father has taught me. 29 The one who sent me is with me; he has not left me alone, for I always do what pleases him.” 30 Even as he spoke, many believed in him.

    1- I love that Jesus never quit. He kept teaching and repeating the good news to them. He repeated to the people his mission in this earth. I need to have that same mindset. Continue to bring the good news people even if some don't believe. There are still many that will believe.

    2- Jesus help me to use the strength you have given me to complete the great mission. I pray that you Jesus be lifted up. That my life be Christ centered and the people I come across see your work in my life. In Jesus name I pray, amen

    1. May the light that shines on you show your great love for Jesus . I pray that you become a strong soldier for the Lord .

  23. 1) They said to him therefore, "Where is your Father?" Jesus answered, "You know neither me nor my Father. If you knew me, you would know my Father also." John 8:19

    Jesus keeps things so simple and yet these high priest never understand that the Person they read and teach about is right there in front of them.

    2) lord Heavenly Father I ask that you give me strength when I am weak, that you give me knowledge when I am doubted, that you give me sight when I am blind and that you give me light when I am in darkness. For I fall short of your glory I ask that you forgive me for all the time I fail to to give you all glory, in Jesus name I pray. Amen

    1. Same thought here, Andre. These leader were so blinded by sin that they could not accept the truth. Continue in your strong faith and willingness to work for the Lord.

  24. 1. “In your Law it is written that the testimony of two people is true. I am the one who bears witness about myself, and the Father who sent me bears witness about me.”” John‬ ‭8:17-18‬ ‭ESV

    I like how Jesus uses the Pharisees laws against them.

    2. Lord I pray that you continue to work in me. I pray that i try harder to stay on the plans you have set for my life. Amen

    1. Yes Jesus was a wise man brother James ;)

    2. Oh Lord, help James and I stay sensitive to Your Spirit and Your leading, in Christ's name, amen.

    3. James , my brother, continue strong in the work of the Lord. He does have a plan for you. Never let you sight off Jesus, our Lord and Savoir.

    4. Thanks for being unstoppable and committed James.

  25. 1. John 8:21. Later he said to them again, "I am going away; and you will search for me and die in your sins. And you cannot come where I am going.
    The Jewish leaders refused to accept Jesus. He knew that he would return to the Father in heaven. The Jews would continue to search for the Messiah and never know that he was there with them and rejected him. Because of their unbelief, they would never enter heaven, but die in their sins.
    What a tragedy for anyone who hears the word of God and refuse him. To refuse eternity with God. Our work in M3 is to well equip ourselves with God's word , and share it with those needing Jesus in their life.
    2. Father in heaven, thank you for allowing me to be your servant. Continue to prepare me. Help me to understand your word so that I can teach others. Give me strength so that I can be unstoppable in searching your word . Give me courage to go forward to share your word. Bless my brothers in M3. Bless their families . Thank you , for your Son Jesus, my Lord and Savior. Amen

    1. I love your heart Louie, I agree with you in prayer, amen

    2. Thank you my brothers, for your kind replies.

  26. 1.When Jesus spoke again to the people, he said, “I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life.”
    This is one of my favorite bible verse :)

    2. Heavenly Father I thank you for sending Jesus to save us. I thank you for your unconditional love, mercy, and grace. I pray Lord to be on fire with your Word. I ask you to strengthen my desire for you and to guide me on how to share your good news. Help me to help others Lord. Help me to encourage and lift people up. Lead me to be a leader God and to be unstoppable. In Jesus name I pray, Amen!

    1. I agree with you in prayer my brother, amen.

    2. Phil, I agree with you about the verse. In fact it was my mom who showed me this verse when I was a child. That was many good years ago. Phil, may the Lord bless you, and give you strength , wisdom , and courage to continue in his work.

  27. This comment has been removed by the author.

  28. 1. John 8:21 says "Once more Jesus said to them, "I am going away, and you will look for me, and you will die in your sin. Where I go, you cannot come." --I like the way Matthew Henry' commentary put it, " Those that live in unbelief, are for ever undone, if they die in unbelief. The Jews belonged to this present evil world, but Jesus was of a heavenly and Divine nature, so that his doctrine, kingdom, and blessings, would not suit their taste. But the curse of the law is done away to all that submit to the grace of the gospel."

    2. Dear Lord, help me to be devoted to Your word like Christ was, to quote and memorize both the OT and NT scriptures. May I constantly and bodly share Your word as I should. As I follow You, may I lead others to follow You as well. teach me how to encourage others and have a great impact on others, all for Your glory! Lord, cover me from the enemy as I intentionally advance Your kingdom. Help me to be a Manly Christian as I live for You and use me in any way that You wish to, mold me and shape me in to an instrument to be used for Your purposes:). In Jesus name, amen.

    1. Father in heaven , bless my brother Israel and his wife. Hear this warriors prayer. Be with him in his mission of sharing your word.

  29. John 8:12; Then Jesus spoke to them again, saying, “I am the light of the world. He who follows Me shall not walk in darkness, but have the light of life.”

    If you are thirsty Jesus Christ is the living water, if you are hungry he is the bread that comes from heaven, if you are lost he is they way, sick, he is a healer, in need of a friend he is trust worthy friend. Dead, he is the resurrection. How about scared of darkness? He is the light....praise the Lord all the inhabitants of the earth for he is worthy of our praise and worship. Jesus Christ is all and all that we need in our lives.
    I am in deed happy to call him my friend and my savior now and forever and ever.

    REV.1.5-6.NIV; And from Jesus Christ, who is the faithful witness, the firstborn from the dead, and the ruler of the kings of the earth. To him who loves us and has freed us from our sins by his blood, and has made us to be a kingdom and priests to serve his God and Father—to him be glory and power for ever and ever! Amen.

    1. Brother Lemmy, I'm glad you joined M3. Your posts are very helpful and encouraging. May the Lord bless you my brother.

  30. 1. John 8:20 He spoke these words while teaching in the temple area near the place where the offerings were put. Yet no one seized him, because his time had not yet come.

    I underlined this right away. The first word "offering" interested me. I thought here is Jesus, the perfect offering of the World, the Lamb of God, speaking about himself in the place of offerings. I dug a bit more and found that this place was in what was called the court of women. This was were Jewish men and women could gather, but not gentiles. Interestingly enough the court of women and the court of priests (were only men could go) was separated by a wall, dividing line. Just so happens that just a few days earlier, the Pharisees and religious leaders were starting to plot against Jesus in that court of priests, yet Jesus was boldly and fearlessly preaching to a large crowd right in the place next to where they plotted. But nothing happened because it wasn't his time yet. Wow. Just digging into the story and understanding the situation makes this so much more powerful. Especially in verse 30, when it says, "even as he spoke, many put their faith in him."

    2. Lord, I want to be a Great man. I want to be more like you. Help me to decrease, so that you can increase. Help me to decrease, so that you character, your love, your grace, your reflection would increase more in my life. In Jesus name I boldly pray! AMEN.

    1. Love the digging brother! Great info and finds, I know the Lord is already working in you and through as you pray this.

  31. 1) I am really loving this study through John. For my verse choice:

    John 8:24 “That is why I said that you will die in your sins; for unless you believe that I AM who I claim to be, you will die in your sins.”

    Just a very somber and urgent reminder of the state of our Souls. Without Christ's blood covering us....we will die. Die in our sins, and face an eternity apart from God. Really makes me want to go out and share with those who have no clue.

    2) Lord God, I thank you for your grace and mercy you have shown me, giving me a life that is part of your purpose and plan. I pray that you will continue to grow my heart for people, that you will give me insight to help touch their hearts with your good news, and to be the best representation of Christ I can be to those I come across. In Jesus' mighty name, Amen.

    1. Very good prayer and thoughts, Will! Keep up the good work!

  32. 1) John 8:12 - When Jesus spoke again to the people, he said,“I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life.”
    When Jesus said that He was the light of the world, I think He meant that He was the only one who could illuminate God's purpose and meaning of the life He gave to man. Coming from above, only He could provide the right perspective on man's condition and problem. Only Jesus could reveal God's Merciful and Holy Character and expose man's evil, wickedness. Only Jesus, “God's Sent One” could reconcile God and man. Those who then follow Jesus and walk in the truth and the in the light of Jesus will not walk in the darkness, but will be given eternal life.

    2) Heavenly Father, thank you that you have snatched me out from the kingdom of darkness and doom, and now I am Yours. I want the remainder of my life to count to reflect Your Glory. I want to complete the mission you have for me and to do it in your strength and power. I also thank you to be able to be part of M3 and the men who are also committing themselves to live for you and to advance Your Kingdom. Help us to be reliable and dependable before You and each other.

  33. This comment has been removed by the author.

  34. 1 - John 8: 21 Once more Jesus said to them, “I am going away, and you will look for me, and you will die in your sin. Where I go, you cannot come.” With all the signs these people still did not believe who Jesus was, if only they had listed they would be in Heaven with Him.

    2 – Lord God, thank you for bringing me to M3. Please give me the courage and confidence to help spread your word. Guide me and help my life stay focused on You. I pray this in Jesus’ name Amen.

  35. 1) John 8:12 "When Jesus spoke again to the people, he said, "I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life.""

    2) Dear Lord Jesus, thank You for Your generosity that You have shown me throughout my life. I did not deserve it, but You have shown it to me anyway. Please help me be faithful with what You have given me.In addition, please help me have the courage and faith to reach others for You. I really want to be productive and intentional in this life, living with purpose. In Jesus' name Amen.


  36. 1.- Jn. 8:21 "Then Jesus said to them again, I am going away, and you will seek Me, and will die in your sin. Where I go you cannot come."

    Jesus knows his time is soon to come, to be taken back to heaven and is telling them that because they do not believe him and sinfully conspire to kill him, they will not be in the eternal life with him.

    Amazing how Jesus continuously tells them who he is and why he is there and that his words are of the one who sent him. Yet they are not listening and are blinded by their prideful selfs. This behavior is still with us today, many interpret scripture for their own selfish gain, hate correction of their lifestyles and who question Gods existence.

    2.- Father God thank you for the lighted path you have given me to live by, I pray you give me the words to share with others of your glories love and mercy you have given me, so that your light that radiates from you can also be received by them. I pray this in my LORD SAVIORS name JESUS CHRIST!

  37. 1.But he continued, “You are from below; I am from above. You are of this world; I am not of this world. I told you that you would die in your sins; if you do not believe that I am he, you will indeed die in your sins.”
    John 8:23-24 NIV
    Just so amazing how yet again that Jesus gives these pharisees second chance to repentance but to BELIEVE that Jesus is our Lord & Messiah.

    2. Father, I am blessed to be where I am today, a living transformation only by your grace seeing the light that comes from Jesus and walking in that light. I lift up myself, that my heart, my mind,my soul may continue to be authentic so that others may see your glory of what you have done in me. With out you I can not do anything, with out you I am nothing.

  38. 1. - John 8: 12 When Jesus spoke again to the people, he said, “I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life.” I love this verse because it reminds me that I no longer walk in darkness but in Jesus who is the light of the world.

    2. – Dear Heavenly Father, Our father in heaven, hallowed be your name, your kingdom come, your will be done. Dear Almighty Lord, I pray for wisdom to be a good shepherd to your flock, Please help me overcome my sinful nature and serve you wholehearted, Lord give me compassion to care for those around me that need to know the truth. Lord thank you for calling me and given me hope. I pray to glorify you in everything I do. Amen and amen.

  39. Make up Post.
    1.John 8: 23 "But he continued, “You are from below; I am from above. You are of this world; I am not of this world. 24 I told you that you would die in your sins; if you do not believe that I am he, you will indeed die in your sins.”"

    In-deed we are from this world. Our deeds fall short of all God has wanted of us. Jesus gave us the way, the chance, the light to our dark tunnel.
    Jesus also paints himself as this alien- not from this world- in the later parts. In it- not of it.

    2. Lord, before your throne I kneel and ask that you teach me to go with you- to be in you. Lord, I know that you do not stray from us, it is our way with you. Keep us Close to you in all our matters, draw us near to hear you, give us the courage to fight along your side and see the spiritual matters around us. Give my brothers this strength and courage, we need to remember our decisions are to be in line with you- lift us up in the fights we have, let your words come forward.
