Wed..9.2.15...An Unbelievable Story...John 8:1-11

Let me tell you an unbelievable story about the trustworthiness of the New Testament. Back 2,000 years ago, many books and letters were written down on papyrus, the ancestor to our modern day paper. You can imagine how quickly those pieces of paper of the New Testament would get worn out as they were passed around from one church group to another. Plus, if one person copied it and then others made copies of that copy, after a while, you could start to have copying errors being passed on, such as spelling errors, writing a word twice and skipping a word or a line. To err is human. (Just look at the the erors inn wat we right even today. Thank God for Spell Check, err, when people use it :) So God did an unbelievable thing. To prevent any chance of human errors, he himself wrote his words on gold tablets and kept them preserved inside a holy shrine guarded by the Knights Templar at Petra along with the holy grail. Those who could view them were limited to believers who would take a leap of faith to safely cross over a huge chasm guarding such. Like I said, it's an unbelievable story. ('Course I didn't entirely make it up :)

The truth is that ordinary people like you and me excitedly read the inspired books and letters of the NT and made copies for their church or for themselves. Eventually the originals wore out. We simply don't have them anymore. But we do have thousands of copies of the originals. When you have so many early copies saying the same thing, you know that is what the original also said. There is also a whole branch of scholarly study called textual criticism, which examines such things as the invariable variants between copies. (Don't know why those first copiers didn't just use Spell-Check:) None of those typos and variant readings between one manuscript and another affect any doctrine of Scripture. But this does bring us to a controversial subject, which we will see in our passage today, John 7:53-8:11. Does that cherished passage even belong in our Bibles? You will find good Christians on both sides of this controversial issue. The first link below argues more against it being included. The second link argues more in favor of including it. It's more reading than I expect you to tackle now, but at least you've got sites to go to when you have the time.

Now let's step out in faith, believing that God can minister to us from this event that both sides agree, surely happened. Read John 8:1-11. We are very familiar with it, but at the time, it was a stunning, unbelievable story of God's forgiveness. Look at verse 11. What a lot of Christians leave out these days is not this story from the Bible, but the call to leave their life of sin. Others may be so eager to win someone to Christ that they never include the call to repent. "Just believe." But the gospel is a call both to repent and to believe the good news. "Leave your life of sin." Jesus had a similar message for the invalid he healed. "Stop sinning or something worse may happen to you" 5:14. Hell!

1.- Jesus is so gracious. He did not come to condemn us, but to forgive us. What was one thing that his grace led you to leave (repent of) when you came to Christ? 

Perhaps people who knew the old you and heard of the changes God made in you, were saying, "That's an unbelievable story." But you and I know it's wonderfully true. "Neither do I condemn you, go now and leave your life of sin."

2.- See below.

Remember last week I asked you to go to the Contacts tab and fill in the names and email addresses of your two prayer warriors. Have you done that? I will be asking you to answer that Friday. Thanks for doing this. It's only to aid you with surface to air defense. 

Thank you Lord for the five new men who just joined us in August- Tim Dearborn, Lemmy Lukudu, Pastor Mike Berry, Kevin Long and Dave Ramirez (he first posted on the last day of August).

I want to honor the men who were Unstoppable on the blog every day for the month of August: Alex Dyckman, Andre Vargas, Armando Hernandez, Dave Heidekrueger, Eddie Morales, George Doherty, George Rabiela, Jack Rogers, Jose Billegas, Phil Raymond, Ricardo Guardiola, Robert Roman, Roger Vinlasaca, Sam Vargas, Vince Diaz and Tim Dearborn. Way to go men! You set a great example to all. You are Semper Fi- always faithful. 

Below are the results of everyone for the 21 days (M-F) in August. I noticed that those who missed only 1 day were quick to make it up. Remember, you can go back and make up any date you missed while we are going through the gospel of John (or any book or topical study we do) and then still earn your Recognition Of Completion toward your ABS one year certificate (Academy of Biblical Studies). If you didn't score well in August, simply join the others who have made the Unstoppable pledge. "No scripture, no sleep." My highest priority is to God's word and God's kingdom. I will be devoted to God's word and devoted to my brothers as we seek to advance God's kingdom. (See Mt.6:33; Acts 2:42; Rom.12:10) Be a no excuses man. Be an unstoppable man. 

2.- What is your goal for the 22 blogging days of September? Put a stretching number down and then aim to hit it. As it's been said, "If you don't aim at something, you're sure to hit nothing every time." 

For those who are new, the U indicates that these men have earned their Unstoppable award pin by being faithful every day for a month straight. Congratulations to Tim Dearborn who just completed such! The R column represents the number of brothers those M3 men have recruited. By recruiting one person and being Unstoppable for a month, you graduate from being a Pro in Basic Training and move up to being an M3 Coach. Several are on the verge of graduating. Go get 'em!

Squad 1
Eddie MoralesUR521
Fire Team 1
William DyckmanUR117
Phil RaymondU21
Ismael AndradeUR215
James SchmidtU18
Fire Team 2
Gary RemsonUR118
Luis OrtizU18
Alex DyckmanU21
Squad 2
Sam VargasUR321
Fire Team 1
Oscar NunezU15
Lou OjedaU18
Fire Team 2
Israel FuentesUR120
Dave Ramirez1/1
Dave DeBoerUR120
Tim DearbornU20/20 
Squad 3
Robert RomanUR121
Fire Team 1
Vince DiazUR121

Nic PalhegyiUR120
Mike Dunn13
Rich Petre8
Fire Team 2
Osiris AldayU20
Ed Lake13
Squad 4
George RabielaUR121
Fire Team 1
Dave HeidekruegerUR221
Michael Gonzalez13
Chuy CervantesU21
Fire Team 2
Rich GuardiolaUR121

Horacio De La TorreU20
Squad 5
Jack RogersUR521
Fire Team 1
Roger VinlasacaUR121
Armando HernandezU21
Jose BillegasU21
Fire Team 2
George DohertyUR121
Andre VargasU21
Lemmy LukuduR110/10
Kevin Long3/3
Squad 6
Mike Berry8/8


  1. 1. Having accepted Christ as my personal Savior at a young age I do remember wanting to be obedient to God and my parents and not just doing my own will.
    2. During the month of September I want to blog 22 days!

    1. Yes. Go for it Roger. I'm right beside you to help you achieve your goal.

    2. How great is his marvelous grace in your life Roger to spare you from the ravages of sin. May your tribe increase.

    3. Amen Roger, our will is nothing compared to Gods will.

  2. 1. I had to give up an unhealthy, broken relationship with a girl I was with for 9 years. It was actually around this time 4 years ago that the chaos began and the Lord started really knocking on my heart. Glad I responded to the knocking, I wouldn't change a thing. I was stiff-necked. As Pastor Mark mentioned on Sunday God called Israel stiffnecked people. Stiffnecked meant they wouldn't bow down and worship ok their own, so they had to be broken down by discipline.

    2. I'm going for 22 days straight and recruit 1 to the group.
    Also, keep me in prayer this month. I am in transition of jobs. There's a few offers out there, but need some clarity and direction from the Good Shepard on where to go next.

    1. Thank you for your openness. More than one job offer is already a blessing. I pray that no matter what job you get, you will be content.

    2. Wonderful Eddie! Looking forward to walking with you tomorrow.

    3. Amazing brother it must have taken a lot to walk away from her. But God has someone for you brother.

    4. Always encouraging to see all the Lord has done in your special life great brother.

    5. Im praying for your job changes brother. Thanks for you leadership.

  3. 1- about 5 years ago when I came back to church and Christ after stepping away for a few years. I was hanging around a very unhealthy crowd. Pretty much our aim was to party as much as possible and everywhere we went it resulted in drunkeness. Even after coming back to Christ I found no it very hard to leave that scene and group but Gods grace brought to me new friends who replaced the old ones and led into a life of transformation.

    2- I aim for 22 days. 2 down, 20 more to go.

    1. Luis, you underscored something so important- our friendships can greatly hurt us or help us. Glad you now have good and godly friends, including your friends within M3. As you know, we are about spurring one another one to love and good deeds.

    2. Brother Louis, I had that same problem before. But now my goal is to become a even more righteous and godly man.

    3. Luis , I glad that you allowed the Lord to work in your life.

    4. Luis thanks for expressing and now we can correctly keep each other accountable.

  4. 1- I first clearly understood the gospel and gave my life to Christ at age 18. I was a Freshman in College and had already started drinking regularly with my friends. I really enjoyed both the taste and the effects although it was already leading to problems. Immediately after I received the Lord my appetites began to change and I no longer could enjoy it. I was able to enjoy life without the 'crutch' of alcohol. Over the next 10 months I struggled at times but my desires had changed and I was able to walk completely away from it.
    2- I plan to blog for all 22 days and will also try to add some guys to this team.

    1. What wonderful fruits of repentance God has brought about through your life Mike.
      If the guys who shared the gospel with you could know you now- how encouraging!

    2. Wow, it must have been a rough transition at such an early age.

    3. I'm glad the Lord got a hold of you when he did and you were able to mature in your faith pastor. You've been a great encouragement to me. Thank you.

    4. Fantastic testimony , Pastor Mike.

  5. 1.Back in 1977 I went to Columbia South America where my durg addiction started. Thank you Lord for setting me free of a life of bondige.

    2 Blog 22 days and do some recutting.

    1. Didn't know that George. So glad he delivered and transformed you.

    2. Thank you for sharing brother, may the lord continue to bless you brother.

    3. Thank God , you are with us, George .

  6. 1. God freed me from the party scene (alcohol, drinking and driving), lust, worldly music,...

    2. Blog 22 days and recruit at least one brother.

    1. Thank you Lord for your wonderful work in my friend Sam's life.

    2. !. When Jesus grabbed hold of my life as a junior higher I truly felt lost and convicted of my sin. I really idolized music and musicians and filled my head with a lot of garbage. I was able to get rid of a lot of my ungodly music. I also turned away from a lot of media that was filling my heart with trash. I also felt convicted over lusting after girls and truly felt God's forgiveness. It was start of me beginning to recognize and fight my addiction. I was also given a deep hunger for God;s Word and His presence.

      2. Did it.

    3. Amen, It was hard for me to change the type of music I listened to, I still fall into temptation and often listen to rap and hip hop but it just spent feel the same. Christian hip hop gives me a more positive point of view.

    4. Thank u Jesus for saving my brother! ;)

    5. Sam, the Lord had a calling for you. Thank God you listened.

  7. 1. Our Father freed me from the street life, I was so stuck in my ways. I felt like violence was the solution to all problems. I lived life thinking fear, intimidation, and violence brought respect, I was so ignorant to what a peaceful life was like. Even as I went through my trials and tribulations I looked at them as karma to the horrible things I've done to others. But in reality it was god calling out to me and giving me a second and third chance at life, I'm thankful everyday that our Lord called out to me and showed me a new peaceful, loving, caring, forgiving way of life.

    Honestly, I can't believe I haven't done it yet but I need to confess my past sins to our Father, I know he knows what I done but a confession is still due. Thank you Dave for touching on this topic and making me realize I haven't confessed.

    2. I'm aiming for the whole 22 days.

    1. Amen! I thank God u ain't bout that life anymore! You have been renewed and restored!

    2. Jose it is so great to see the transformation in your life.

    3. You're right, José . God will call in different ways. Thank God paid attention to his call. Don't let go of the Lord. Stay in his path.

    4. Jose, so glad you heeded the Lord, "Go and leave your life of sin." Confession with thanksgiving for the forgiveness he has already given you is a great response.

  8. 1 I used to have an anger problem before I got saved.

    2 all 22 days is my goal.
    I'm also planning to share the minimovie link with some teachers and invite them to church and the blog.

    1. No more anger for brother Edward! That's amazing!

    2. Good move , Ed. Anger is very harmful to ourselves and to others.

    3. It's hard to picture you in the past as an angry person Ed. Anyone who knows you, knows you are a very peaceful person. Thanks be to God. Sounds like you've already found a home church. Bueno!

  9. 1. I am not sure past tense so much as an ongoing process, but I have had an addiction to computer gaming, which I am continually surrendering to God. (I have only played a couple times in the last several months, so making progress at keep the idol out of my heart.)

    2. 22 days.

    1. You got this Tim! Good work brother!

    2. Great progress bro, keep up the good work.

    3. Good job Tim, you area great testimony of faithfulness to God.

    4. That's God's grace and your cooperation Tim as you work on and are around computers all day.

    5. I use to be the same. I played games 7 to 8 hours a day. Glad your making big steps to change.

  10. 1. When I came to Christ I first gave up drugs and alcohal. I later gave up cigarettes. And just last year I gave up my foul, swearing language. Unfortunately I'm still working on the porn.

    2. I am gonna aim to have a total of 100 encouragement points for these 22 days in September!

    1. Hey bro, that is definitely a hard thing to overcome. As you grow you'll get stronger. Trust me, I've been there and so have many other guys in this group. I wont say that I'm 100% over it but I've come such a long long way in that area. I find myself winning most of the battles when I'm tempted by it. I'm still a work in progress. We have your back man.

    2. Great testimony of the power of God at work in your life. Keep up the good work.

    3. God can do anything. He is the one who made us . He can help us clean up our act.

    4. And I really like your Encouragement goal Phil! That's wonderful!

    5. Way to give up your sinful lifestyle. Keep pressing on Phil. God bless you bro.

  11. 1. I gave up the "Night life"
    2. My goal is to share more with others regarding M3.

    1. Good Robert. Set a stretching but realistic number and I believe you will hit it. You are so faithful!

    2. So glad you were able to step back from that life Robert! Prayed for you today my brother!

  12. 1. In 2005 i lost my little sister to cancer. She was one year younger then me and i was very angry at God for doing this. She was doing everything right and i was lost . I was the trouble maker. I should of been the one to die not her. For many years i was Angry and left New Life. God put someone in my path a lady the told me to read a boil by Joel olsteen. Become a better you. Wow life transforming. I repented and asked for forgiveness. I have a story to tell and a purpose why I'm still here with many but many close calls. Everything i do now is with God's grace and with him involved.

    2. My schedule should not be an excuse for not completing my task daily. Thursdays are usually the day i miss but i make it up on Friday. I need to take manage my time and be faithful.

    1. Thank God that he is alway in control. It's hard for us to understand the difficulties in our life. Only God knows why it happens. Horacio, I thank God that you are strong and faithful in the Lord.

    2. So very glad the Lord drew you back. You are a new friend whom I enjoy. You will hit 22.

  13. 1. I was saved 2 1/2 years ago and saw no way to be rescued before that. I had pride and judgement issues and once the Lord got ahold of me and I read the Word, I was broken and realized I couldn't do all myself any longer. I immediately took major steps to avoid judging others and said God please use me however you want and I realized he was at the wheel.
    2. Blog 22 days

    1. We are so happy that you are an important part of leading us in M3.

    2. Best when we allow God to fix us in his way. Thanks ,Jack.

    3. So glad he saved you and blessed me with your friendship Jack.
      We are praying for you all right now.

  14. 1) I have given up association with men whom I thought were friends but we're only in my life for negative things, I also gave up drinking and have been more of a Godly father and husband. What I mean by that is I involve him in many of my decisions

    2) did it

    1. Great testimony, continue to stay strong

    2. 1. Very good Ricardo!
      2. I think that means your normal, unstoppable nature :) 22.

  15. 1. About 15 years ago I went through a divorce. This shook my world. My biggest concern was not being with my children full time . 5 years later my 26 year old business suffered and had to close. One of the things I'm so thankful for is that I didn't fall into drugs,or alcohol . What did happen was that I became reclusive and started to pull away from my Lord. I didn't blame him but I was just in another world. I remember that when I was alone the enemy create a storm of worry in me.
    I finally went to an Elder from a church. He told me that God loved me , and wanted my full attention. He also said that in time God would heal me. His words broke me up . One of the things i realized was that i had to set God aside way back. God wanted me back. At times like these it's always best to seek Godly advice. I started praying again , and Jesus put me back together again. God never stop loving me. I accepted the lost and continued my walk with God. After that, when I would feel the enemies storm, I would pray. The Lord would quiet the storms into peaceful waters . Yes , I still have tough times. But now I know to trust in Jesus.
    2. My goal is to blog 22 days.

    1. So glad the good shepherd restored you to himself and to the fold. We are so glad to have you with us Louie!

    2. Thank God you have been restored

  16. 1. I came back to Christ almost exactly four years (9/29/2011). Since that point I have broken free of many chains but I think the one I am most proud of breaking free from was my addiction to self harm behaviors and suicidal tendencies which was an addiction I had since I was nine years old.
    2. I have a couple of goals, my end goal is to become unstoppable but I like to break things done into smaller more attainable goals so the goal before that is to blog for 2 straight weeks without missing a day. From there I know I can become unstoppable.

    1. So glad the Lord rescued you Michael! And I like your goal approach. You will achieve this as you determine to be unstoppable. No Scripture sharing, no sleep.

    2. Glad god got ahold of you and away from that lifestyle. Gods got big plans for you mike.

    3. Mike, I'm so glad to see these goals you are sharing with the M3 team. I know they were not easy goals for you to make with the all the new stresses your facing in your new teaching job. Matthew 6:33 - But seek first His kingdom and his righteousness and all these things will be given to you as well. Don't let slip your connection to His strength and wisdom.

  17. 1. When in highbschool, I felt a strong temptation for the need of relationships with girls. I never understood how the very aspect of dating was the aspect I would have to give to God and repent for. I had so many broken relationships that I dedicated much time to bring friends and learning to have respect.

    In light of that I am trying to be teaching my son patience in many things. So it was today that he almost jumped on a hotbpan of Donuts my wife had baked. And it was my wife who said tonight to him,"Teo, your mom and dad want the very best for you so that you can experience the best tasting donuts ever but you have to wait."

    My wife and I have only been with each other, we have waited for our relationship to be right before we made that lifelong commitment. I really do think God wants us to wait for him and to be patient and all the best things he can give us.
    2. I hope to hit 22 days completing all of the assignments and readings

    1. Richard I believe the same thing. We need to remember that everything is on God's schedule not ours.

    2. Great thoughts on patience Rich. "Through faith and patience we inherit what has been promised." Heb.6:12.
      Here's the M3 secret to hitting 22 days in a row- "No sharing of Scripture, no sleep." This is the path to becoming unstoppable with anything you want to accomplish. I will not go to sleep until it's done. Choose to live by this motto and you will become unstoppable.

  18. 1. I accepted and gave my life to Jesus Christ at an early age of fourteen. Like most of my M3 brothers, I lost a few worldly friends. In that part of the world where I grew up almost everybody was seeking for hope. Life was already harsher than most could bear. Finding Jesus was an ultimate hope that provided joy even in the midst of instability, famine, persecution disease and poverty.

    I now know it's difficult to follow the lord in plenty and abundance of the world riches than in scarcity, desperation and in poverty.

    2. My goal is to introduce friends to M3 and blog for 22 days.

    1. Awesome testimony Lemmy :). I am praying for you brother, that God continues to do a mighty work in your life, all for His glory :)

    2. Well put Lemmy - I now know it's difficult to follow the lord in plenty and abundance of the world riches than in scarcity, desperation and in poverty. -

    3. You have lived through so much Lemmy. You have a message to share with others.
      I know you will achieve your goals.

  19. 1. I am very prideful at times but it was worst before I had God. I've gotten better at saying sorry to my wife even when I think she is wrong. Sometimes I fail at that but I've gotten better.

    2. I want to not miss the next 22 days and give out more cards to people.

    1. Great goal of all 22 days my brother:). So glad God has helped you with your past pride issues :)

    2. Those are very good goals Chuy, especially since you told me that you are putting in more hours at work to get those projects done in time. Hang in there and persevere especially when the day goes extra long and your energy drops short.

    3. I believe in you Chuy and believe you will achieve your goals.

  20. 1. I let go of Drinking and smoking weed. I knew I was doing wrong the whole time. Im glad god opened my eyes showed me I can't truly believe if I don't give up my sinful habits.

    2. 21days since I missed yesterday but I did make it up.

    1. So glad you made up your day yesterday:). That' s determination, my brother :). Keep it up :)

    2. Praise God James, so proud of you pulling through with the Lords help!

    3. Thank you Lord for working wonderfully in James. He is an unstoppable brother.

  21. 1. I had to deal with a very prideful heart that I was such a good person :( Ugh!! Talk about being deceived!!! I was also very perverted, in everything that I did :( and in the way I thought.

    2. All 22 days

    1. Israel, it's great to see God working in you. I use to think I was such a good person too when I compared myself to others. It wasn't util I compared myself to God's standard that I saw I still had a long way to go.

    2. Thank you Lord for how you have transformed Israel. According to his name, you have made him one who now prevails. He is an unstoppable man.

  22. 1. LIke many here I grew up seeking the party life, at least using alcohol for enjoyment and trying other chemicals from time to time (I'm so thank full I disn't have serious addictions.

    After coming to Christ, my language cleaned up effortlessly, I quit drinking, my friends left. Soon I was convicted about smoking and porn -- they took some work to leave behind, but I thank the Lord for the trouble of it.

    2. My goal is to post everyday.

  23. 1. LIke many here I grew up seeking the party life, at least using alcohol for enjoyment and trying other chemicals from time to time (I'm so thank full I disn't have serious addictions.

    After coming to Christ, my language cleaned up effortlessly, I quit drinking, my friends left. Soon I was convicted about smoking and porn -- they took some work to leave behind, but I thank the Lord for the trouble of it.

    2. My goal is to post everyday.

    1. Kevin, it's great to have you with us. I'm sure you'll make your goal.

    2. Thank you Lord for the transforming work you've done in Kevin's life!

    3. You are right to praise God even in the storm, brother. God never gives us more than we can handle, and your transformation is a testament to that. Keep up the fight. God bless you.

  24. 1 – Coming to Christ made me realize that I was being selfish in my marriage and not treating Janette the way she deserved to be treated. I’d say I’m a work in progress, there are still things in me that I’m working on changing and I know I’m heading in the right direction.

    2 – I will blog all 22 days and give out 22 Greatest Mini Move cards.

    1. "Ho, ho!" I said as I read your good goals George! Excellent! I give cards out daily, but I interact with people more than a lot of others.

  25. 1. I left behind many bad habits. Foul language, for one. I actually chose to read the thesaurus and the encyclopedia to build up my vocabulary. Also, lying and stealing.

    Ironically, pornography was not a huge problem before I came to Christ. I had viewed some before for sure. But it wasn't a gripping habit. However, after I came to Christ and surrendered many other bad habits I was soon a full fledged porn addict. This is partially due to the change in technology with the advent of HSIA (High Speed Internet Access). Long story short I just celebrated 3 year clean on August 24th.

    To all who struggle with porn. I know the feeling of hopelessness and powerlessness. I used to never even promise my wife I'd never look again. I had no hope that that was even possible. In fact, in the past I told her, "I'm sorry, but I cannot even promise you that I won't do it again." If you don't believe that you CAN do it, you are setting yourself up to fail again, and again.

    Believe me, I am NOT looking down on you. I know the addiction. I know the numbing of ALL of life's problems for the time being. More so, I know the regret and the self loathing. The anger and the hatred. I know. I've been there.

    You CAN overcome. I know it sounds cheesy and all "After school special" about it. But you have to believe that it IS possible. ALL things are possible through Christ.

    Discipline is not something you have or do not have. It is something you choose.

    2. To not miss another day on the blog. I was at the computer before bed last night and was just too tired to read. I missed many opportunities earlier in the day. No excuses.

    1. Great stuff my brother. God is good. Continue to seek his presence.
      God bless

    2. Such an encouraging testimony Mike! God bless you brother :)

    3. You have proven that you are an overcomer in Christ, Mike. If you can conquer that terrible addiction, I believe through the word of God, the Spirit of God, and the army of God, you can conquer more and more. Glad to see you are choosing to be unstoppable. "Discipline is not something you have or do not have. It is something you choose."

    4. I'm with you Mike on porn. It wasn't really an issue for me before I had access to a laptop or even smartphone. Back then it my access was either thru cable channels or magazines and I couldn't afford either! LOL

      I like your take on self discipline. Thanks for being transparent!

  26. Michael, thanks for your honesty. I like the way you put this - Discipline is not something you have or do not have. It is something you choose.

  27. 1)What was one thing that His grace led you to leave (repent of) when you came to Christ?

    By God's grace I was able to step away from my self righteousness. God enabled me to see that all that I counted on to be considered worthy to go to heaven was only filthy rags. The Holy Spirit showed me that all the good things I thought I had done were utterly valueless to diminish my sinful debt before God.

    My goal for September:
    -be unstoppable and blog each week day .
    -give encouragement to at least one of my wing men each day.
    -continue to attack in prayer each day but more focused on the Special Forces Team.
    -Intentionally look to do at least 1 special acts of service each week.
    - give out at least one Greatest Mini Video card to someone.
    - as the new point man for the Special Forces, lead the team to move forward together with a weekly informative email and
    contacting the team with texts and phone calls as needed.

    1. Lots of goals. We have a great God I believe with Gods help you can complete them.

    2. Fantastic Dave! You are leading the field with your great goals.

  28. 1) When I started walking with the Lord in 2011-12, I was freed from a lot of Anger and Argumentativeness. I was able to repair relationships and grow in them because my way of life was destructive to them before. A new heart that would beat differently, selflessly, love people, where once there was only selfishness & bitterness

    2) I did it. Blog everyday, this month and share my faith with 3-5 people.

  29. 1- I found love and direction in my life. I was always alone and not accepted. Never had a person to believe in. God gave me this peace. I know that he is faithful and will never leave me. I know there is going to be someone who loves me for the rest of my life. I have to say it's a decision I am so happy I took. Thank you Jesus

    2- My goal in September is to increase spreading the word of God and share with other men about M3

    1. I like you have my current battles faced with repenting from having thoughts of being alone and forgotten. But you already know God is the someone who will love for the rest of our lives and beyond.

    2. Very good Vince. You already are an Unstoppable man. How many men are you aiming to share with?

  30. 1
    I admit that I hugely speed by repentance and totally get zeroed in on the bad news to good news; but as I have missed how are people changed. God is very graceful in reminders
    I needed to repent of using work and taking responsibilities as a share over building relationships and hiding from truly connecting to people.

    I am aiming for all 22 days.

    1. You have proven in the past that you are unstoppable Gary. I believe you will achieve your goal.

  31. 1. I was called out of my selfishness
    2. 220

    1. If anyone could achieve that goal, you could Dave :)

  32. 1) I was in Afghanistan when I surrendered to the lord and I stopped looking up pornographic websites. I knew I wanted to change myself so I made sure I could change as much things as possible. While I was out there.

    2) I will do 22 days

    1. Way to go, Andre! One day at a time brother. The Holy Spirit is already changing you...transforming you into the man God desires you to be. Keep up the good work on the blog and don't let up.

  33. 1) God's grace led me to repent and turn from my selfishness and unbelief. For many years I acted selfishly, living only for myself and my personal satisfaction (whether through work, infidelity, or neglecting those who love me). I am not a perfect man, far from it, but I strive each day to be a better man than the day before, and I make a conscious effort each day to abstain from those temptations and habits that bound me and kept me from seeking the Lord.

    2. I will commit to doing all 22 days.

  34. This comment has been removed by the author.

  35. 1) I struggled with important heart issues. As a result, I had to repent of my secret envy, bitterness, and anger towards my peers and others who had hurt, ignored, rejected, and belittled me. I also struggled with intense self-hate. However, after I decided to follow Jesus, I became a lot more forgiving with others and content with myself. I also have a better attitude and a lot more love in my heart towards my peers. I'm a work in progress.

    2) My goal is to continue blogging everyday despite my weird schedule. I also want to try inviting at least one person to church or the young adults group before the end of the month (This may sound quite easy, but it is very difficult for me).

  36. 1.- It's been 4 years this pass Aug. 30, since I bowed down on my knees, repent of my sins and given my life to Christ. My sinful ways are gone and at over 55 years of age I have been given a cleanse and purify new life. That day was the start of my transformation and continues to this day.
    You Lord brought me into your light from the darkness of evil, I am yours, may I be obedient to all that you call of me.

    I pray in Jesus name for healing from all the pain and hurt I've done to my family.

    2.- I hope I can recruit a brother into M3

  37. 1. By God's grace upon me I was revealed unto my eyes how the way I spoke to people, act towards people and thoughts towards people. You see I was quick tempered guy who had a mouth of a truck driver but also knew how to use my mouth to demean, manipulate and hurt people especially if something did not go my way. By His Grace , God gave me a tender heart to genuinely love people, to listen before speaking (work in progress) and gave me an understanding that this world does not revolve around me but to seek humility in Christ.

    2. Making the intention to pass more cards but also be able to carry a meaningful conversation that by God doing may sow some seeds unto that person. Also being Punta on 22days. :)

    1. Thanks for defining terms :) I went online to find it's meaning. I believe you will achieve such.

  38. This is Dave Ramirez & sorry for the late entry:

    What was one thing that his grace led you to leave (repent of) when you came to Christ?
    Since 1998, out of Cigarettes, Beer drinking, pride, lust and pornography; drinking and smoking are no longer my struggles - Woo Hoo! Sadly tho, I still struggle with the last three. At lest now I can identify it and know that God doesn't want to leave me the way He found me.

    As for blogging, If it's ok, I'd like to take baby steps.

  39. 1. Jesus Christ came to die and give his life for my sins. He has forgiven me for all my wrong doings and I need to repent every day of my sinful nature to be able to serve him and proclaim that Jesus is Lord of my life. Now that Jesus has forgiven me I know life to serve him but sharing the word of life to my friends and coworkers. I need not to be shame but courageous to share my testimony to the world. Amen.

    2. – I my goal is to keep reaching out my coworkers that they may attend church or at least listen to the mini great movies. I also want to dedicate my more time in pray and in meditation with my Lord.
