Mon.9.7.15 I Was Blind, But Now I See!...John 9

"I once was lost, but now am found; 'twas blind, but now I see!" I know you know those words. They come from the most popular hymn of all time. Enjoy this clip from the movie, Amazing Grace, about the author, John Newton. 

"I once was blind but now I see!" Where did John Newton get those words for his song? Right from our passage today. It's a great story with humor in it. It's rather long, and to divide it up would hurt the flow of the story, so I'll get out of the way so you can get right into it. Read John chapter 9 and enjoy.

Did you notice how the people were once again divided? First they were divided over the blind man (9:8-9), then they were divided over Jesus (9:16). Isn't it interesting that once again it's on a Sabbath day that Jesus healed the man? That's the same day he healed the invalid by the pool (5:9-10). Kinda makes you wonder if Jesus wasn't trying to prove a point. It's always a good day to do good, to do an Act of kindness. Their man-made rules were a heavy burden. They were the ones who were blind to see this and blind to see Jesus for who he truly was. 
Don't you just love that story of the man born blind? He told us what he was- he was blind. Then he told us what happened to him- he met Jesus and by faith did what He told him to do. Finally, he told us what happened as a result of trusting Jesus- he now could see. Amazing Grace! I once was lost, but now am found, 'twas blind but now I see. He gave his testimony. 

1.- Please share about a time recently where you were able to give your testimony or give out a Greatest Mini-movies card? 

2.- Jesus asked the blind man he healed, "Do you believe in the Son of Man?" When he found out the Son of Man was Jesus, he worshiped him. Why? Notice what Dan.7:13-14 prophesied about the son of man- "He approached the ancient of Days and was led into his presence. He was given authority, glory, and sovereign power; all peoples, nations and men of every language worshiped him..." No wonder the once blind man worshiped the Son of Man. That is a title for Messiah God. Copy the above words in bold on your MP3 and look for others to share this great prophetic passage. You will be there on that great day.

I trust you've had a good Labor Day weekend. This coming weekend, Sunday the 13th, we will be having a special M3 meeting at Jack's home in Palos Park at 2:00. If you live in the Chicagoland area, please make this a top priority to join us. (Call me if you can't.)

Wow! I'm looking at the scores of some great men who are doing great things for God's kingdom. This past week alone you all testified to others over 100 times! Watch that number grow. Congratulations to Squad 4 that took the lead this week. Fire team 1 of Squad 5 still retains the highest score of our fire teams. All their teammates were unstoppable- Roger, Armando and Jose. Also the following fire teams also had all their members unstoppable for the week- Gary, Luis and Alex/ Osiris and Ed/ Ricardo and Horacio. Watch this number grow as well, since all of you midweek committed to become unstoppable for the rest of September. Remember the secret is "No sharing of scripture, no sleep." I will not go to bed until I've fulfilled my commitment to God, myself and my team to read and share God's word. You are unstoppable in going to work, be unstoppable to the work of God's kingdom. "Seek first the kingdom of God." Make it your unstoppable, top priority. 

Use the following scoreboard like a fitness trainer would, to see where you're doing well and where you may need to tone up. For example, some of you may need to work on your encouragement and  prayer muscles. We are to be devoted to one another in brotherly love. Please don't go through the week not encouraging your fire team mates and praying for them. To help us improve in this, let's from now on give ourselves a point in the Attacking in prayer column only when we have included by name our fire team members. Who prays for you by name daily to be mighty for God? Now you know who, your own fire team brothers. So do the same and give yourself a powerful point.

For those who are new, Monday's you get to include points for what you did over the weekend. Don't forget to do that now.

Squad 131.85
Eddie MoralesUR563305852
Fire Team 1
William DyckmanUR110324203938.5
Phil RaymondU109257152
Ismael AndradeR273113024
James Schmidt941214039
Fire Team 223
Gary RemsonUR182124127
Luis OrtizU51134326
Alex DyckmanU7081016
Squad 231.8
Sam VargasUR31721251652
Fire Team 140.5
Oscar Nunez101010101027
Lou OjedaU50425254
Fire Team 225
Israel FuentesUR190103022
Dave Ramirez11010New
Dave DeBoerUR118062329
Tim DearbornU8448024
Squad 326
Robert RomanUR1102256043
Fire Team 120.75
Vince DiazUR150375047
Nic PalhegyiUR15025113
Mike Dunn80015023
Rich Petre000000
Fire Team 236.5
Osiris AldayU88915444
Ed LakeU53813029
Squad 435.8
George RabielaUR114318191973
Fire Team 130.33
Dave HeidekrugerUR280107227
Michael Gonzalez71207531
Chuy Cervantes56111023
Fire Team 244
Rich GuardiolaUR11251710347
Horacio De La TorreU748121041
Squad 534.85
Jack RogersUR54114864100
Fire Team 147
Roger VinlasacaUR1450236074
Armando HernandezU30018544
Jose BillegasU11345023
Fire Team 225.75
George DohertyUR1100135028
Andre VargasU801218038
Lemmy LukuduUR1551211033
Kevin Long200204
Squad 629
Mike BerryU7486429


  1. 1. This week I gave my testimony to a couple who were looking at my house in Missouri. Once we met he announced that he was a Pastor and was moving from New York to take over as lead Pastor. I started asking him about his family and then lead into my testimony which intrigued him. Then I told him of my involvement in M3 and we agreed to discuss it further at our next mtg.
    He is leasing my house with possible intention to buy it in 1 year as a parsonage, as it's only 2 minutes from the church.
    Then another man called about the house and I told him I thought it was already leased, but then he told me that he was moving to Springfield to launch a new church and again I gave him my testimony. He then asked if we could meet the next time I'm in Springfield
    2. Done

    1. I am laughing Jack with joy. You are a ministry magnet!

    2. That is remarkable Jack. I know it's on your heart to reach other New Life Pastor's to be aware of M3 and make it available to the men in their congregations. That is so interesting to hear the Lord is using your property in Missouri to bringing Pastors to you who will be leading other churches. Perhaps this may be a way for M3 to spread to more men in other church congregations. Praising God for your special ministries and your concern for other men Jack.

    3. That's awesome Jack :) Keep up the good work brother.

    4. Praise the lord brother Jack, you are unstoppable, may the lord continue to bless you as you minister to this fallen world.

  2. 1.I haven't given any out l have been out of them. I scader them out like seeds,some fell on good ground, God word will not come back void but will accomplish what God wants.

    2. Ok

    1. Glad you've given so many out George. Let's see if we can meet up this week and I'll re-arm you.

    2. George. All we can do is plant those seeds and its great that you are truly focused on planting a lot . God Bless

    3. Tocayo, thanks for the Spanish lesson and the fire truck rides on Sunday. You, Brady and the truck were a hit at the block party.

  3. 1. I shared my faith during an interview I had for a job recently. When you ask someone like me, "why do you think you are the best person for this job" my answer has never been confident - but I am confidant in my Savior Jesus Christ. He has given me the strength and the will to do as much as I can in devotion to any task. And that devotion to work and care to those I work with is the result of Him coming in my life and saving this wretch.

    I say this during every interview - my devotion must be known and yes there is the risk of not getting a job- but I do not want to lie- the reason is Because of Him.

    2. Got it.

    1. I admire the way you shared your devotion to Christ. That's powerful Rich.
      Don't forget to put your points on the board :)

    2. Rich. That's beautiful as you stand firm in Christ.
      It is so easy to take the other path and live under cover- but he chose us as his children to boast in the Lord and advance his Kingdom. Even as we may face persecution- you stand firm. God Bless you

    3. Good job brother :) One of the reasons I have my current job/career is because I shared my faith with my neighbor. He referred me to another brother and now I work with a group of brothers. Way to be bold in Jesus Christ name.

    4. Richard powerful testimony, thank you for being such a bold example.

  4. 1) The Holy Spirit guided our conversation and opened the door for me to be able to share my testimony, explain the Gospel and to give a Greatest Minimovies Card to Roberto - one of the Security / Maintenance Team Members at work two Saturdays ago. He is Catholic and I can tell that he still is counting on his good works to get to heaven as I once did. He said he would check out the videos.

    2 Did It

    1. That's fantastic Dave! Well done!

    2. Awesome Dave. Thank you for being obedient to the Spirits promptings and leading.

    3. Dave. That's great Brother-- reach out and plant the seed and he will do the rest.
      Then watch the trickle down effect as others are lead

    4. Fantastic David, keep up the great testimony

  5. 1. Last week I had someone "randomly" knock on my door. Aladan was walking, had made a wrong turn, was lost, and needed to borrow a phone to get directions. In the process of talking with him, I told him I was a follower of Jesus. His eyes lit up and He explained that he had trusted Christ and been baptized 3 months ago. I gave him a mini-movies card, M3 card, and a ride to where he needed to go.

    2. Did it.

    1. Wow. That's a crazy crazy story. Encouraging Tim. Glad you're a part of M3.

    2. Tim. That's great how you share your faith with others-- keep planting those seeds Brother

    3. Fate. God encounter. Great job sharing your faith.

    4. Just gave Movies card that I prepped today to Jehovah Witnesses that came to door.

    5. My son would say, "That's cra, cra!" Wonderful Tim! You lived out the Scout motto well, "Always Be Prepared."

    6. Tim that is so great how you were ready to give testimony.

    7. Talk about a devine appointment!

    8. Tim, it's great that you not only shared your testimony but that you went out of your way to give him a ride.

  6. 1. A brother called me and asked if we could meet. He has been down and was looking for encouragement. I spent some time with him, but before I left I told him I knew a place that he could be connected to that is an environment full of encouraging men of God. I handed him two cards before we ended our time together.

    2. Sharing it.

    1. Eddie that is so great how you make yourself available for brothers in need. Keep up the great work.

    2. Awesome step Eddie. Thanks for sharing.

    3. Love the heart you have brother! Always so awesome to see brother.

  7. Eddie. I love to watch you continue to grow brother.
    God is using you to do wonderful things
    God Bless

  8. 1) Last week I had the opportunity to pray for Glen Zapata and I shared some of my testimony. He made the bold step of getting baptized. Someone else or I will take him through the blue book.

    2) will do

    1. I have a sneaking suspicion you will help him beyond the Blue Book.

  9. 1- Last week we had a back to school rally at Union Park. I was stationed at an inflatable slide. I got to talk to a few mothers there whose kids were running wild. I didn't want to just hand out cards because I know personally when someone gives me something I'm not likely to look at it. Rather I built rapport with 3 mothers by talking about their children and how energetic they were. Before each of them left I handed each a card. I felt they were more likely to visit the site this way. One of them wanted to do it right there but she didn't because she had gone over her data and wanted to wait for a wifi connection.

    2. Will do.

    1. Fantastic job Luis at actively seeking opportunities to share the good news.

    2. Building even brief rapport is so key Luis. I practice this as well. Very good!

  10. 1. I gave out two min-movies cards this week. One I gave to one of my students who is a retiree and a believer. I told her to pass it on to anyone in her church. I gave another one to a high school student who is trying to get his life together. I encouraged him to check out the website and gave him a card.

    2. Done.

  11. 1. A weekend ago while at a cookout with a good friend and brother in Christ, José Castillo. I shared M3 and even viewed a few videos with him.

    2. Did it.

    1. God at work through you brother. Thx for your dedication to Christ and M3

  12. 1. Last person I gave a min movie card, M3 card, and an invitation to church was Dave, the lawn care guy. We've talked very few times. Our only communication is when he texts me to let me know he stopping by to cut lawn and pick up months payment. This time I left him an additional envelope with cards. Later that night I called to see if he got them . He did and said he would review them later. He thanked me for the cards and the invitation to church. One thing I know about Dave , is that he is honest, and has a good heart.
    2. Did it

    1. That is so great Louie how you took that opportunity to share the cards. Keep up the good work

  13. 1. A friend whom I had given a greatest mini movies called me this morning and asked me to help him find a ticket online to fly to Mexico today since his sister had passed away. We were able to find a ticket and he is on his way now.
    But I also took the opportunity to tell him how God had helped me get through similar times in the past with passing of my dad and then my mom. Since he has been battling alcohol addiction and this coming Sunday would be four months that he has been sober, I encouraged him to seek God and rely on Him only and to not let the loss of his sister take him back to drinking since that was the way he dealt with problems in life. I encouraged him to call me if he needed help and told him I would be praying for him. He was very thankful for my words. Please pray for him, his name is Alfredo, that he would surrender his life to Christ and stop trying to fight all his battles alone.

    1. Praying for Alfredo. God please do ur thing and lead Alfredo to your cross.
      May he know Jesus and all his beauty. From the cradle- to the cross- to the crown!

    2. Roger, very good sharing with Alfredo, especially cautioning him about turning back to alcohol at this difficult time. I wrote down his name and will pray for him.

  14. 1. I was on the Orange Line L with my son as we were returning home. As we approached Pulaski I saw a young man sitting alone holding a large skateboard. He was either getting off at Pulaski or Cicero so either way he probably lives close to our Midway location. I felt that the Lord wanted me to talk to him so it was good to have not only a church invite but a mini-movies card. I gave him both cards and talked to him a little. He didn't say much but he did take a long look at the cards. So hopefully we will see a young guy riding a large skateboard into a church service someday soon. It really is helpful to have the card that points them to something besides a church service. Most church websites talk mainly about the church so the greatest mini movies site really meets a big need.
    2. Done

    1. Great outreach Pastor. Thx for your posts as they give great insight and help me a great amount

    2. Wow that awesome Pastor Mike! I love that!

    3. Very good Mike! I'm sure it's not the first time your son has seen you respond to God's prompting. It's so good for sons to see their fathers reaching out to people. Glad you like the Minimovies cards too. I was going through withdrawal pains as I forgot them while we were back in Michigan.

    4. That's great Pastor Mike! You are totally right, having that other card helps to give many people a starting point, even if it serves to pique their curiosity! Can't wait to meet with you soon :)

  15. 1.- Please share about a time recently where you were able to give your testimony or give out a Greatest Mini-movies card?

    To be transparent, I've been out of touch and have doing my own thing for sometime. I'll be transferring to another store in a couple of weeks and I plan on asking my co-workers in my department for forgiveness for not being the example I've should've been along with my testimony.

    1. You are heading back putting Christ first Dave. Very good.

  16. 1- One of my friend passed away a week ago. This past Friday was his funeral. I was given time to speak in front of many youth. I was able to openly share my testimony but most importantly share the gospel. I had some people, young people come up to me after the service and tell me that was a great message and that they need to seek God. I give the Glory and Honor to God. I hope and pray that these young people not only hear the word but repent and accept Jesus into their hearts.

    1. Very good sharing Vince. I pray that word will move a long way in the you g hearts you spoke to.

    2. Brother Vince.I'm really sorry to hear about the loss of your friend. However, you really do have a gift. God has blessed you with the ability to share God's word in a very special way. I always get a lot out of you when we talk about God or when I hear you pray. You have the ability to help some people Vince and I see you are using it ;)

  17. Replies
    1. Glad you're hanging tough with us and with the Lord Mike.
      I'll be calling you.

  18. 1
    Just recently i was washing clothes at the laundromat and a older lady approached me and with light discussion and as she was talking she was reflecting on how people would rather avoid conversations or would not respond to small talk at all and I mentioned to here there is a great joy in conversing and just speaking to one another, and she was grateful for the talk. I stepped to my car to get one of the mini movie cards and I handed to her and she said thank you very much so I prayed for her before I left the place.

    Got it

    1. Please pray as I will have a job interview tomorrow.

    2. You got it. Good luck tomorrow.

    3. Ah, that's beautiful that you would also pray for her Gary!
      Oh Lord, bless our brother on this job interview!

  19. Most of my conversations start off with fellow employees talking about how they party and drink and then they ask me "you know what I'm talking about right?" Or "did you party hard this weekend?" That's when I tell them I don't drink and they either apologize because they think it's because of health issues or they just stay quiet, lol. I just tell them no need to apologize, I wasn't forced to stop drinking, it was a choice. One of the awesome things though, is that a good amount of the people's tell know of new life!

  20. 1. This well i was cutting my grass when the mail man came up to me to hands me the mail. I shut the mower off and received the mail. I said thank you and God bless. I turned around ands started the mower but from the corner of my eye i could see the mail man stop and pause while looking at me. I shut the mower off and walked up to him and introduced myself. Rod is his name. He asked me if u have ever listened to a pastor named Tony Evens and the ice was broken. We proceeded to talk and i in returned handed him a M3 card and greatest mini movies card. He also said that at night he goes or for a run and enjoys listening to another pastor name Mark Jobe on straight talk. I invited him to watch the movies and consider M3.

    2. Will do

    1. I'm laughing on that one! That is so crazy, cool Horacio! Way to go!

  21. 1. Lately, I have only shared my testimony with you, brothers, and with my wife. As I spend the majority of my day at work (where I am not allowed to engage others in religious or spiritual practices) and then come straight home, I have not had many opportunities to share any greatest mini movies cards. I do, however, appreciate those of you who have taken the time to read my sometimes lengthy testimonies and commented in reply. I enjoy sharing God's word with you.

    2. Did it.

    3. I am ashamed at myself, brothers. Today my wife asked me to speak my mind about how I have been feeling in light of the emotional and spiritual pain we have endured this summer as we attempt to start a family. I told her I am struggling to believe that anyone is watching over us. Since I was a young adult, I have struggled to believe...sometimes, things just don't add up for me. I feel that I am being punished. That perhaps my sins or the sins of my parents have brought these trials upon me. Perhaps I am being made an example of...if so, I think that is cruel, and not the work of a loving God. I thank all of you who have reached out to me, offering your precious time, support, prayers, and wisdom. If I have not replied to you, it is out of cowardice that in my current state of anger and grief, I might reveal what is in my heart. Thank you, Dave and Jack, for offering to sit and speak with me. Thank you, Vince, Jose, and all my brothers who have been praying for my wife and me through this period of trial. Know that I will take the necessary steps to get back to the frontline and back in this WAR. God bless all of you.

    1. Osiris, we are glad you would even honestly share with us. None of us would want to be going through the trials you have been going through. God understands and even lets us beat on his chest. That is far better than turning our backs on him in bitterness. Job is a great example of this. I believe in you. You will make it through this ordeal. Life is certainly not fair and Christ suffers with us through it all. Love, dave

  22. 1. – A few days ago I gave the great movie card to my Christian Brother and co-worker Joseph Kim. We sometimes have lunch and we talk about how we share our testimony with the students. I gave him the great movie card and said to him this card is a helpful way to share Jesus with the students. I told him that I hand the card out and I ask them to view a few mini movies and if they have questions to call me or text me that I am available to talk about it. I told him to give a try and handed it out but first view the movies. Now I need to follow up with Joseph.

    2. – Did it.

    1. That's excellent Oscar! you are training others to share as well!

  23. Last Week Thursday I meet a few friends whom we had bible studies together. The interesting point in our studies was not only the lesion we had but the testimony of my life. God carried me life an eagle carrying its young ones during my times on troubles in my country of birth; and he has never let me down. My prayers might take a little longer to get answered but he sure answers prayers.

    1. Amen! God does amazing things! I'm grateful that He carried you just like He carried me ;)

  24. 1. I gave one out to a homeless man. I hope he gets a chance to check it out.

    2. Did it

    1. Awesome! That's a great idea James! I want to do that too

    2. Homeless but not computerless? :)

  25. 1 I dont really have cards, but I invited a coworker to church, he said he is catholic, but I think we might start a bible study with some other men from church so that he can be won over by the word.

    1. Amen! I once was Catholic too. However i did have a change of heart once the real Word of God was shared with me.

    2. Awesome Edward:). Wow, possibly starting a bible study is powerful. Letting God do all the work is very wise. Having your coworker read the word and trusting God to work in his life, I like it!!

    3. Excellent Ed! Please feel free to pass on the link to others-

  26. Recently I asked one of my gym buddies, whom is also a brother in Chist, to come over so that I can share with him about this amazing group of men called M3. When he came over I had some chicken, rice, and broccoli cooked ready to feast. So as we ate lunch together I showed him a couple blogs and told him how much that it's been helping me build a relationship with Christ. He really liked the concept of it but said he would get back to me. I'm still waiting. But I did give him a greatestminimovies card and he watched a couple videos.

    1. Awesome way to share, over a nice meal :) Yum, yum :)

    2. How very nice of you to have him over to eat Phil!
      I've learned that people need a courtesy follow up call. With the speed of life, people get busy and forget.

  27. 1 - I don’t remember giving out any cards in the last couple of weeks. I’ll make it a point to look for opportunities to give some out this week.

    2 – Did it.


  28. 1.- Just this Saturday night/ Sunday morning while sitting by a campfire in Knox Indiana, with my niece's husband, admiring the stars in the heavens, the beauty n solitude of this night, away from the city, enjoying Gods creation. I notice he was talking with some biblical references I never heard him say before, gods will, the light. I found out that he and his family were raised in a non-denominational church. We talk for some time on God, Jesus and the decline of morality, how this world is Satans domain and spiraling down the drain. He said he believes in God and the bible but that he does not follow it totally, told him there are many who believe until it comprises some of the things, behaviors they do that are not acceptable to God. He told me his mother and grandmother would love to have talk about Jesus with me. I told him this is the first time I was able to talk with someone in the family who actually contributed into the conversation of Jesus n God with me. That it has been uncomfortable for them to hear my love for Jesus and his salvation work in my life. That some in my family don't understand this change in me and prefer not to hear about it, one sister said I abandon my catholic faith? She never reads bible or goes to church. I'm waiting for that kairo (spelling?) moment when someone in my family takes real interest in my change to have my testimony talk with them, so far one sister has heard some of my testimony.

    God is good! I hope I'm ready to seize the opportunities to glorify him when they come.

    2.- Did it.

    1. Excellent Armando! God loves you and it's great to see him using you.

  29. 1. Through work the last couple weeks I was given the opportunity to mentor someone underneath me. I took it, as my co worker riding along with me showing him the proper ways, I also was given an opportunity to share my testimony to him on how I came to Christ.... (his eyes were caught on verses I had taped in front of glove compartment). He didn't say much after, but actually gave room to share more personally and on deeper level his life.

    2. Will do.

  30. Very good Ismael! I'll be quoting you :)

  31. 1. One of the ways that I share my faith is by asking people or clients or fellow brokers if I can pray for them. They never say "no" :) I then pray for them to come to know Christ personally and ask God to draw them and their families to Himself. Sometimes after I pray, people will ask about God and that is when I tell them what God has done in my life :) and share my testimony. I have done this recently with a couple of people.

    2. Ok

    1. That's fantastic Israel- a blessed blend of beautiful and bold!

  32. 1. I was able to share the gospel with a group of young Spanish speaking kids using the wordless gospel and a translator!
    2. done

    1. That is a wild opportunity that I look forward to hearing more about. Call you soon.

  33. 1) unfortunately, I haven't had too many opportunities as I would like to give out a card or say my testimony. One time a couple weeks ago, a gentleman was asking for change for a bus pass. I had given him money before, and I didn't have any on me, so I didn't feel bad passing him by. As I went into my office, I felt strongly that it was a chance to give the greatest movies card to him, so I grabbed some change in my office and went back out with a card. I told him to go on this site when he can and view some videos, it will explain about God's Son, Jesus Christ and also about so many questions he may have on God and Life. He thanked me for the card and money and seemed happy.

    2) I made sure to send it and the corresponding verses in John 9 to a good brother I know. It was so interesting to see prophecy yet again calling Christ for who He is! I love this study through the Book of John, I am starting to sense the growth in my spirit as we read the words and actions of the our Lord and Savior!

    1. Oh Will, you do my heart good hearing how you are enjoying our study through John's gospel. Thanks!

    2. Good story, Will! That was a very good way to give out the card!

  34. 1) I haven't shared cards.I have realized one of the primary reasons though when it comes to this: I haven't kept any cards in my wallet. As a result, I'm now making room for them, so that I can make opportunities to give some out.

    2) Will do.

  35. 1)I was asked to be part of a Non-profit Board and the application process was based of how God has changed my life and why I wanted to help out. I gave them my story and now waiting to hear back.

    2) on it

  36. 1. I gave out a Greatest Mini Movies card to the door guy at Costco. He was checking my receipt and he gave me a flyer and I gave him a card. He said thanks.
    2. Done.

  37. 1. I got to share my testimony with a relatively new campus minister of the youth group I go to who wanted to get to know me more. I know it wasn't with a nonbeliever but it was still nice to be able to share with him what I've been through and what God is doing in my life. I also got asked to share my testimony with the new students of the group to serve as a role model to them especially to the new males of the group.

    2 Done
    Thanks Dave for the opportunity to make up today! It completely slipped my mind that yesterday was Monday and not the weekend still!

  38. 1. I handed a mini movies card to a cashier at walgreens, I told her that it had some very powerful videos and she may find to help her in life.

    2. Done.
