Tues.9.29.15...The Secret to Being Fruitful...John 15:1-17.

When you were a kid, did you ever make secret messages? 
This kid will make you smile :)

What's that got to do with today's passage- John 15:1-17? Well, to many people, it seems like Jesus is giving a secret message for being a fruitful Christian. Thankfully, it's not written with lemon juice. It's there for all to see, but a lot of people just don't see it. Perhaps the many words surrounding Jesus' main points make it hard for them to see. Thus, lot's of people come up with mystical efforts to remain in the vine to bear fruit. (Hey, we all want to be fruitful.) They put the focus in the wrong place, perhaps because they don't read far enough. So let's look at all the passage- 15:1-17. Let's also focus on key words. Sometimes all the surrounding words can hinder a person from seeing the most important words. It reminds me of another decoder you may have used as a kid to decode a secret message. 

So here is John 15:1-17 passed through the decoder. Focus on those highlighted words and see if the secret starts to be revealed to you on how to bear much fruit.

1“I am the true vine, and my Father is the gardener. 2 He cuts off every branch in me that bears no fruit, while every branch that does bear fruit he prunes so that it will be even more fruitful. 3 You are already clean because of the word I have spoken to you. 4 Remain in me, as I also remain in you. No branch can bear fruit by itself; it must remain in the vine. Neither can you bear fruit unless you remain in me.
5“I am the vine; you are the branches. If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing. 6 If you do not remain in me, you are like a branch that is thrown away and withers; such branches are picked up, thrown into the fire and burned. 7 If you remain in me and my words remain in you, ask whatever you wish, and it will be done for you. 8 This is to my Father’s glory, that you bear much fruit, showing yourselves to be my disciples.
9“As the Father has loved me, so have I loved you. Now remain in my love. 10 If you keep my commands, you will remain in my love, just as I have kept my Father’s commands and remain in his love. 11 I have told you this so that my joy may be in you and that your joy may be complete. 12 My command is this: Love each other as I have loved you. 13 Greater love has no one than this: to lay down one’s life for one’s friends. 14 You are my friends if you do what I command. 15 I no longer call you servants, because a servant does not know his master’s business. Instead, I have called you friends, for everything that I learned from my Father I have made known to you. 16 You did not choose me, but I chose you and appointed you so that you might go and bear fruit—fruit that will last—and so that whatever you ask in my name the Father will give you.17 This is my command: Love each other.

Do you see the secret now to bearing fruit? It's remaining in Christ. (The Greek word for remaining is "meno" which is used often in this passage.) Jesus repeatedly emphasized the vital importance of remaining in him as you saw above. But what does it mean to remain in Him? Great question! Do you see how Jesus progressively reveals the answer? After telling us to remain in him, he then ties it to remaining in his word (v.7. You can't separate the person of Jesus from his words). Next he says, "Remain in my love" (v.9). Then he tells us how to remain in his love- by keeping his commands. Lastly, he reveals exactly what command is of foremost importance to this remaining- "My command is this: Love each other...v.12. Lest we miss it, he ends the passage on fruit bearing by saying, "This is my command: Love each other" v.17. 

Thus, to remain in him is not reached by pursuing some mystical experience with Christ or by practicing some private spiritual disciplines. Nor is it even developed by some deeper, exchanged life. Note the individualism in those attempts. Our individualistic society blurs our vision. So we end up viewing the Christian life and remaining in Christ as an individualistic thing. "I go to church. I read my Bible. I pray. I was told that's how to remain in Christ."  But to the ancients, such individualism was a foreign concept. They saw themselves as part of a community. Jesus was talking to his team. The "you" in his speech is plural. "You all cannot bear fruit unless you all remain in me." This was Jesus' last supper message to his team, whom he was preparing to send out into the world with the gospel. They needed to remain dependent on his word, specifically his command to love one another. His team would fail if they didn't learn to love one another. (And Luke reveals they had just been arguing about who was the greatest. Ugh! See Luke 22:24.) Jesus is re-emphasizing what he had already said, "By this all men will know you are my disciples, if you love one another" 13:35. Want more proof? John writes elsewhere that whoever loves his brother remains ("meno") in the light. See 1 John 2:10; also 3:23-24; 4:16. If I am going to remain in Christ and be truly fruitful, I can't be a Sunday morning spectator. I need to be devoted to others in brotherly love. Hmm. I need a band of brothers, whom I am learning how to devote myself to.  It doesn't come naturally, especially in our day. But we are growing in our love for each other as we pray by name for each other, as we share Scripture with one another, encourage one another, as we bear one another's burdens and thus fulfill the law of Christ- love (Gal.6:2).

Yes, to remain ("meno") in Christ requires being devoted to one another in brotherly love. Judas was self-centered. He did not remain with them. John writes "If they had belonged to us, they would have remained ("meno") with us" 1 John 2:19. If the disciples were going to be fruitful in life and ministry it would not occur by being lone ranger Christians as so many are today. They needed to remain in Christ by remaining in his words or commands he was giving them- especially to love one another. So let's put the emphasis where Jesus did: Be fruitful by remaining devoted to Christ and to one another in brotherly love. The person who loves his teammates is a fruitful man indeed! 

1.- Read John 15:1-17 and share one thing that grabs your attention.

Note: The team that loves the Lord and each other can bear fruit in prayer and evangelism. "I chose you to go and bear fruit- fruit that will last" John 15:16. 
This is my command: Love one another" 15:17. All  the other kinds of fruit mentioned in Scripture grow best in this...
Corporate fruit setting: (just as children grow best in a family setting)
   Character fruit- such as the fruit of the Spirit- Gal.5:22-23
   Conduct fruit- Eph.5:9; Phil.1:11; Col.1:10
   Contributions fruit- financial giving- Rom.15:28 
   Conversation fruit- the fruit of our lips- Heb.13:15; Hos.14:2
   Converts fruit- as we see at the end of our passage today John 15:17; Col.1:6.

2.- We are growing in the fruit of brotherly love. Write a loving, encouraging prayer for your wingmen, including their names in your prayer. (Love is the greatest.)

It was a long work day and late before I got to reading your blog entries last night, but I was very impressed with how so many of you are doing. Your SMART and SMARTER goals are enabling you to grow and impact more people in GREAT ways. I salute you!

Speaking of being fruitful in  today's blog, I want to congratulate a man I consider to be very fruitful, Pastor Mike Berry. Characteristic of Mike, he has been faithful every day since he joined M3 over a month ago. So it will be my privilege to honor him at our next M3 meeting with the Unstoppable award pin which he has so faithfully earned. Well done Mike!

Our next M3 meeting will be Sunday, Oct.18th at 3:00 PM. Mark your calendars. Come early if you wish and help us cheer the Bears on. We''ll throw in for pizza. See you there.  

Up for a hike? We will be rendezvousing at my home (9541 S. Oakley) this Saturday at 8:00 AM to go hiking in the Indiana Dunes. Just bring lunch money. We will  be back by around 1:00 PM. If you don't have to work, sure hope you can join us. You'll be glad you did. 

Happy birthday Luis Ortiz!


  1. 1. John 15:5 "I am the vine; you are the branches. Whoever abides in me and I in him, he it is that bears much fruit, for apart from me you can do nothing."
    This verse really stood out to me because it reminds me that apart from a life that is constantly in communion with Christ we cannot do anything of eternal value. Let's continue to seek Him every single day so that we may also bear fruit for Him.
    2. Dear Lord I thank you so much for our group M3, specially for my brothers Jack and Armando that have been of great encouragement and example to me, continue to bless them and their families as they submit to you on a daily basis. May they continue to be bold in sharing their faith so that many more will come to saving knowledge of Christ. This I pray in Jesus' name, amen.

    1. Thanking God for our teammates and fellow soldiers in Christ. Stay connected Roger.

    2. Thank you Roger for the encouraging heartfelt prayer, good words on your verse choice, bless you brother

  2. 1. John 15:15 I no longer call you servants, because a servant does not know his master's business. Instead, I have called you friends, for everything that I learned from my Father I have made known to you.

    I love the fact that Jesus uses the illustration of a master and servant relationship vs. friendship. Masters don't tell their slaves or servants anything of value or importance except the tasks they need to do. Whereas in a friendship, especially a deeper and true bond, (like marriage or a strong brotherhood you find with M3 men,) friends can go deep and intimate with there thoughts, feelings, struggles, emotions, etc. Jesus is showing that there is a level of intimacy established here, one that has been developed because of a friendship, which has happened through obedience and remaining in Him.

    2. Lord, I pray for my Squad this morning. May Alex, Phil, Luis, Will, Ish, Gary, and James stay connected to you, oh Previous Vine. May they receive the nutrients of your loving kindness and reflect you. May you be their energy and strength as they toil endlessly with your power that works in them to be the light to the world. In the Powerful and Loving Name of Jesus I pray.

    1. Great point Eddie that "friends can go deep and intimate with there thoughts, feelings, struggles, emotions, etc."
      I think of how Jesus shared how his heart was troubled John 12:27 and then shares with them in the garden, "My soul is overwhelmed with sorrow to the point of death. Stay here and keep watch with me" Mt.26:38. Many take a nonChristlike view of leadership that seeks to show no weaknesses or struggles. They want people to admire them as supermen I guess. I believe a better and far more healthy type of leadership is honest friendship. Glad you've got good friends whom you honestly share with.

    2. Good word Eddie, you are a loving friend to us all and a good example for us. Soulful prayer brother

    3. Good verse Eddie. Thanks for the prayer. God bless you bro.

    4. Brother Eddie, as usual, great work :-)

  3. 1- John 15:2
    He cuts off every branch in me that bears no fruit, while every branch that does bear fruit he prunes[a] so that it will be even more fruitful.

    This verse reminds me of Jeremiah 18:3-4 *** So I went down to the potter’s house, and I saw him working at the wheel. 4 But the pot he was shaping from the clay was marred in his hands; so the potter formed it into another pot, shaping it as seemed best to him.

    I like how both these verses talk about God working to shape our lives. In both of these there is an artist at work. Crafting its object to its desire. Both the potter and the gardener work at the object with care and with skill having something in mind of what the outcome of what they are working on will be. Thank you lord that you are never done working in our lives.

    2- Father I pray for my whole squad. I pray for the gentlemen that I am privileged to do life with. Build them up as godly men, warriors for your kingdom. Lord I pray for my brother Alex, I pray that you guide him in daily life. Be with him wherever he may go, I ask that you bless him in his studies at school. I also pray for my brother Gary. Lead and guide him as he seeks out changes in his job. Lead him as he transitions in his leadership role from fiance to husband in the up coming future. Thank you Lord, in the name of Jesus I pray, Amen.

    1. Amen Luis! And I pray that you will have a great day today on your birthday. I just noticed today is your big day and have since let all the rest of the men know that on the blog. We are enriched to have you with us!

    2. Amen brother, God's work is continuous. Happy Birthday Luis, enjoy!

    3. Brother Luis, "an artist at work" yes, and it's amazing that He's still at work. Happy Birthday brother :-)

    4. Good observation Luis. He is shaping are lives on a daily basis. Happy bday luis! Hope you have a blessed day.

    5. Great Thouts Birthday boy! And great prayer!

  4. 1. "apart from me you can do nothing." John 15:5b

    " I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me." Philippians 4:13 NKJV

    2. Lord I lift up my brothers in arms, Vince, Anthony, Nic, Mike, Rich, Osiris and Ed. I ask that you would keep them in your loving embrace, strengthen them to do battle and be victorious for your namesake, honor and glory Father. In Jesus' name I pray, amen!

    1. Amen, In Christ all things are possible! Good prayer brother Robert

    2. Amen Robert apart from Him we can do nothing

    3. Thank you for that beautiful prayer, brother. And thank you for your encouraging phone call today. You have no idea how much I need to hear the words you shared with me today. Thank you also for the opportunity to pray for you. You remain in my prayers.

    4. Very good Robert. I was praying of you again by name this evening.

  5. John 15:4 (NIV) Remain in me, as I also remain in you. No branch can bear fruit by itself; it must remain in the vine. Neither can you bear fruit unless you remain in me.

    This verse certainly drives home the point of being fruit bearing disciples of Christ. The rest of the chapter has the "secret sauce" of multiplying disciples.

    2. I pray that Tim, Lou, Oscar, Dave R., Dave D., and Israel remain in His Word, love and obedience. I pray that they continue to know you personally. I pray that You continue to provide wisdom and the necessary tools to fruitful disciples of Christ.


    1. Brother Sam, I chuckled when I read "secret sauce"! God bless you :-)

    2. Yes Sam we all need to produce fruit.

    3. Yes indeed, the secret sauce of devoted love for one another. You're a loving man Sam!

  6. 1)John 15:9-10: “As the Father has loved me, so have I loved you. Now remain in my love. If you keep my commands, you will remain in my love, just as I have kept my Father’s commands and remain in his love.”
    Thanks Dave for this tremendous explanation of John 15. This is a great teaching that is clear, practical, and strong. These truths are so vital. Simple yet difficult to maintain. As someone who is more naturally task-oriented I am always convicted when I read this passage and others like it. The Christian life is difficult but in some ways it is basic. He gives us the ability to truly love others, which will keep us effective (fruitful), secure, and strong in His love, and will give us a joy that sustains us through any valley.
    2) I’m trying to build a team so I pray, “Lord, thank you for the ministry of M3 and may You use it more and more to help men truly follow You and live for You. I pray for the two men that I will meet with today. If they belong in this ministry then I ask that you will give them the desire and conviction to join. Enable us to build a great team and to be a launching place for other teams. Regardless of whether these two guys join or not I do ask that you work in their lives and keep them close to you.”

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Pastor Mike, "Regardless of whether these two guys join or not I do ask that you work in their lives and keep them close to you.” Amen and amen!

    3. Thanks Mike. I am praying daily for you. May the Lord open men's hearts to be power HOUSE men- Hungry, Obedient, Unstoppable, Strong in the Lord and Encouraging.


  7. 1.- Jn.15:7
    If you remain in me and my words remain in you, ask whatever you wish, and it will be done for you.

    A declaration of certainty;

    If you believe faithfully in JESUS and his teachings and obey God's commands, your prayers will be answered to the glorification of our Father. One who is truly align and in union with God will pray in JESUS name with help of the Holy Spirit, seeking for just and righteous cause in prayer, thereby enacting gods answer to one's prayer.

    Guzik's comment;
    You will ask what you desire: Jesus connected abiding to the idea of answered prayer, as previously mentioned in John 14:13-14. "Prayer comes spontaneously from those who abide in Jesus...Prayer is the natural outgushing of a soul in communion with Jesus." (Spurgeon)

    i. Abiding in Jesus means abiding in His words, and having His words live in the disciple. We should not overlook the importance of the reference to my words. The teaching of Christ is important and is not lightly to be passed over in the interests of promoting religious feeling. (Morris)

    ii. The connection is maintained by obedience and prayer. To remain in Christ and to allow his words to remain in oneself means a conscious acceptance of the authority of his word and a constant contact with him by prayer. (Tenney)

    iii. This faithful, abiding disciple should expect answered prayer as part of their relationship with Jesus. A failure to see prayer answered means something is not right in the disciples relationship. Perhaps something is not right in the abiding, and prayers are amiss and unanswered. Perhaps something is not right in the asking and there is no perception of what Jesus wants to do in and through His disciple.

    iv. It shall be done for you: "It becomes safe for God to say to the sanctified soul, 'Ask what thou wilt, and it shall be done unto thee.' The heavenly instincts of that man lead him right; the grace that is within his soul thrusts down all covetous lustings and foul desires, and his will is the actual shadow of God's will. The spiritual life is master in him, and so his aspirations are holy, heavenly, Godlike." (Spurgeon)

    2.- Heavenly Father I humbly come in prayer in my Lord Savior Jesus name, requesting that my love for my brothers Jose and Roger be solidify and unify with each other to help and support one another in our daily life for the advancement of our Spiritual growth to equip us to go forward glorifying and serving You. Amen!

    1. Brother Armando, thanks for sharing the gold you mined :-)

    2. Thank very much Armando for that very uplifting prayer. God bless

  8. 1. John 15:2 He cuts off every branch in me that bears no fruit, while every branch that does bear fruit he prunes so that it will be even more fruitful.

    2. Heavenly Father I pray for my team leader Eddie and ask that you help heal his dad and be with him and his family while he is recovering. Lord bless my brother Ish and his wife. Help her overcome her injury and let them enjoy there new beautiful family. Father I ask that you guide my brother James into his new job and to fill him with overflowing blessings. Also God please be with brother William and to guide him to always follow your will and to make him the spiritual leader of his family and I pray this all in Jesus name. Amen!

    1. Thanks for the pray Phil. It's blessing to know I have awesome brothers praying for me.

    2. Brother Phil, you're a blessing to many :-)

    3. Thanks for being such a blessing to me Phil!

  9. 1. “No longer do I call you servants, for the servant does not know what his master is doing; but I have called you friends, for all that I have heard from my Father I have made known to you.” John‬ ‭15:15‬ ‭ESV‬‬

    It's awesome being called friend from the great almighty.

    2. I pray for my m3 brothers Eddie, Ish, Will, and Phil. I pray that you continue to give them direction of your will for there lives. I also pray for a hand of protection over there lives. We all know satans out there to destroy so be with them as they advance your kingdom. I pray these things in your name. Amen

    1. Brother James, reminds me of the song "I'm a friend of God" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lcxKRsn-hGc

    2. We are indeed no longer servants but friends; thanks brother James

    3. Great thought on the scripture, and great prayer!

  10. John 15:12-13 “This is My commandment, that you love one another, just as I have loved you. Greater love has no one than this, that one lay down his life for his friends." -That's a pretty heavy-duty example to follow!

    Father I pray for Israel right now, that you would alleviate or at least lessen his pain. I pray that his kidney stone surgery would go smoothly this afternoon, and that kidney stones would be totally obliterated. I pray that there would be no complications and that you would help him to recovery quickly. Fill him with your peace and a special awareness of your presence.

    Encourage Dave R. Use him in a special way to be your hands of love to all he interacts with, especially his wife and children. Fill him with the fruit of your spirit as he abides in you.

    I ask that you would strengthen Dave D and help his body to fight whatever has him under the weather. Use him in a special and powerful way as lead and teaches various youth groups. Work in a powerful way through the outreach group that he may have this evening.

    Thank you fro these brothers that you have placed in my life. Amen.

    1. Thanks brother Tim for your prayers to brother Isreal. Loving one another is not a request or a suggestion that Christians are asked to do, instead, it is a command that we love one another.

    2. Wonderful insight as always Tim. Great prayer as well!

  11. 1. - John 15: 5 “I am the vine; you are the branches. If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing.

    2. – Dear heavenly father I pray that you may enable Lou my wingman and Sam our team leader to be great shepherds to your sheep. I ask that you be with Lou’s family members and bless them with direction and love. Lord, I ask that you be with Sam and continue to lead him to be a great leader for your glory. Lord, I pray that we may remain in your word, love and be obedient to the end. In Jesus mighty name, Amen.

  12. 1) “Remain in me, and I will remain in you. A branch can’t produce fruit by itself, but must remain in the vine. Likewise, you can’t produce fruit unless you remain in me.”
    ‭‭John‬ ‭15:4‬ ‭CEB‬‬

    2) Heavenly Father I ask you lord to please be with brother Marcos lord, to give him the patience, strength and wisdom he needs as he goes about his day. I pray lord that as he is out there working that you keep a hedge of protection around him and that you bless him with the knowledge he needs as he continues his education. Father God I also ask you to be with brother Horacio, hear his prayers and continue to bless him with the reliable transportation he needs to get back and forth to work. Amen.

  13. 1. John 15:15 No longer do I call you servants, for the servant does not know what his master is doing; but I have called you friends, for all that I have heard from my Father I have made known to you.

    I'm a friend to the most high! I pray for wisdom and a strong heart to continue doing your work. I have accepted Jesus as my savior and i understand my duties. Thank you for being faithful, loving and always protecting me. Jesus love is un measurable and to know he will be by my side in my walk isvery encouraging.

    2. Heavenly father, thank you for my brothers in M3. You are so great and loving. I pray for your shield of protection to be over George, Rich and Mark. Let them be fruitful in your works and be leaders as you have made them. Thank you for the opportunity to put them in my life. Give my brother Dave an extra dose of the Holy Spirit for the works he does. Guide him in any direction he may walkto honor your glory. Amen

  14. (1) 1“I am the true vine, and my Father is the gardener. 2 He cuts off every branch in me that bears no fruit, while every branch that does bear fruit he prunes so that it will be even more fruitful.

    Jesus doesn't tell us we will have an easy life, in fact this seems to be saying that even when we bear fruit, God (the gardener) will "prune" (I believe this means to allow hardships and troubles) us to make us even more fruitful.

    (2) Father I thank you for all my brothers in M3 especially my wingmen: George, Andre, and Lemmy. I pray that you would strengthen each of us to remain in Jesus, bearing fruit. I pray that you bless them and their families, give us boldness to proclaim your message, and convict us to seek you in prayer and study of your word daily.

    I pray that you would bring people across each of our paths that will strengthen and encourage us, but more so bring people whom you need us to tell about Jesus, that you would give us the words to minister to them, and the burden and conviction not to let them pass without sharing what you've put on our hearts.

    1. Excellent prayer Kevin! LOrd use us all the more to reach people.

  15. 1. John 15:4 Remain in me, as I also remain in you. No branch can bear fruit by itself; it must remain in the vine. Neither can you bear fruit unless you remain in me.

    2. Please watch over my team members David, George, and Michael. They are good people and do good things in this world. They love you and pray to you often.

  16. Wow, that was a powerful prayer brother Kevin, We all need a little prayer and I am humbled.

  17. 1. John 15:2 "Every branch in me that beareth not fruit he taketh away: and every branch that beareth fruit he purgeth it, that it may bring forth more fruit."

    The pruning process is so much fun. Just like deadlifts and squats!!!

    2. Father, I thank you for my team, I pray that you would bless Rich, Nick, Robert, Antonio, and Vince. (I think that's all of them...)

    1. Beautiful Scriptures brother Michael, we are branches that are attached to the vine(Jesus) for the purpose of bearing fruits. But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control. Against such there is no law. Gal 5:22

  18. 1-Greater love has no one than this, than to lay down one’s life for his friends. You are My friends if you do whatever I command you.
    John 15:13-14 NKJV

    How did Christ manifest His love for poor mortals? By the sacrifice of His own glory, His own riches, and even His most precious life. Christ consented to a life of humiliation and great suffering. He submitted to the cruel mockings of an infuriated, murderous multitude, and to the most agonizing death upon the cross. Said Christ: “This is My commandment, That ye love one another, as I have loved you. Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends. Ye are My friends, if ye do whatsoever I command you.” We give evidence of being the friends of Christ when we manifest implicit obedience to His will. It is no evidence to say, and do not; but in doing, in obeying, is the evidence. Who are obeying the commandment to love one another as Christ has loved them? Brothers, you must have a firmer, deeper, and more unselfish love than you have ever yet possessed, if you obey the commandment of Christ.

    2- gracious heavenly father, I thank you because of your everlasting love for us fallen beings. I thank you for our master & friend Jesus who did not hold back his life but sacrificed it to free us from the chains of hell. I would like to pray for brother Kevin, brother Andre, and brother George lord. That you guide them and provide them with their needs lord. You said if we keep your commandments whatever we ask in your name you will grant us. I am thankful for this courageous group of men encouraging each other daily.

    1. Great prayer my brother. Continue the great work on the blog.

  19. 1- John 15:16New International Version (NIV)

    16 You did not choose me, but I chose you and appointed you so that you might go and bear fruit—fruit that will last—and so that whatever you ask in my name the Father will give you.

    This is a great verse. It's very encouraging. I agree that we should love one another. Great stuff brother Dave.

    2- Lord I pray for Robert Roman, Antonio Palomar, Nic Palhegyi, Mike Dunn, Rich Petre, Osiris Alday, and Ed Lake. That you may use them for your honor and glory. I pray that they seek you daily. May they make disciples. I pray that their homes and family be blessed. In Jesus name Amen

    1. Thank you, brother, for your prayer. May you, likewise, be blessed and enjoy the fruit of your love.

  20. 1. John 15:13 "Greater love has no one than this: to lay down one’s life for one’s friends." This is what Jesus did for us.
    We gave this scripture on a plaque to Mrs.Janice Watroba a widow her husbad ,Firefighter Walter Watroba died in the line of duty.

  21. 1) John 14:13 Greater love has no one than this, that he lay down his life for his friends.

    Jesus is our ultimate example of love by how He laid down His physical life through a painful death for our eternal benefit. I think that there never was, nor will there ever be again, such an act of love equal to what Jesus did for us when He paid the penalty of our transgressions and offenses before God through His sacrificial death. Our own acts of love can never measure up to Jesus' great love. But Jesus shows us how to grow our love into a greater love by following His sacrificial example. Laying down our life for our friends does not have to take the form of physical death. But to have and show a greater love requires sacrificially putting aside or postponing our own needs, wants and desires in order to do an act that is needed to best help another. Putting the needs of others before our own is a form of laying down our lives for each other. And Jesus says that there is no greater love then this. Praise be to God that His Holy Spirit can accomplish generating this kind of love within us as we abide in Jesus.

    Thank you David Garratt for your laying down your life for your M3 brothers by your time and continuous efforts in developing, maintaining and leading M3. God has been using you to strengthen our spiritual lives in powerful ways.

    2) Heavenly Father, I pray for my wingmen, Chuy Cervantes and Michael Gonzales. Thank you for calling them to yourself. I ask that you draw them ever closer to wanting to know you and to serve you with their lives. Lord help them to learn how to abide in you more and more. Place within them a hunger and desire to be more fruitful in their lives and to urn for you to be exalted and glorified. Help them to see how M3 can help lead them down this path. Help them to be more consistent and to not give up.

    1. Thanks for your grateful and encouraging words Dave. Udabest!

  22. 2. I pray for all my M three brothers and especially for my two wingmen Dave and Mike. I pray that the Lord would strengthen them and fill them with the power of the Holy Spirit.

    1. Lord, I pray for George Rabiela also. Thank you that he shares in your passion for the lost. Thank you for his faithful example to us in M3. Continue to use him, Lord in sowing the seeds of the Gospel to many.

  23. John 15:4 "No branch can bear fruit by itself; it must remain in the vine." For years, I have cloistered myself away from my colleagues and friends, choosing to work alone and building myself up to my fullest potential, but I have learned that despite all that I have accomplished I can never be complete if I don't learn to work with others. How much greater my efforts will be when amplified by the fruits of others.

    John 15:11 "I have told you this so that my joy may be in you and that your joy may be complete." This school year, I made a commitment to communicate love in all that I do. I want my students to know that hey are loved. I want my colleagues to know that I love them for the work they do, because I believe the work we do is second only in importance to sharing God's word. This philosophy of love has brought me improved relationships with my colleagues and tremendous joy with my students, who shower me with appreciation and and gratitude through their positive attitudes and hard work. I cannot make their school a loving and welcoming place if I don't first spread the love that God allows to flow through me.

    John 15:13 "Greater love has no one than this: to lay down one’s life for one’s friends." I would give my life for my students. I would literally take a bullet or jump in front of a moving vehicle to protect them. I have no fear of death so long as my life, and my death, serve a greater purpose. When that day comes, I know I will not hesitate. The same is true for my wife and family, for what is the meaning of my life if not to love and be loved. I have been greatly loved, and out of love, I would lay down my life for those I love.

    Loving Father, I thank you for the brothers you have gained for me by your sacrifice. These men, whose lives are tied to mine through our love for you and your word, are worthy of my love, because it is by love that we are family to one another. Lord, you know their personal struggles better than I, and you know the love I have for them. By that love I ask that you bless them, Father, with their every need. Bless Robert and Vince as they explore new opportunities to provide for their families and as they take on new responsibilities as heads of their households. Bless Roberts son, fruit of his love, as he begins his collegiate studies. Bless Ed, father, as he and his family settle into a new life in a foreign land. Surround them with loving and compassionate neighbors who will see to their well-being and help them acclimate to their new home. Grant Ed the knowledge and grace to teach his students, but more importantly, to teach them the value and merit of love. Bless my protege Mark, Father, a man who so loves your word that he has devoted his life to studying it and sharing it with the world. Bless his discipleship and bring him to hearts that do not know you, but thirst and hunger for your love. Bless all my M3 brother, lord, for they have committed themselves to remain attached to this vine of fraternal love in the hope of bearing fruit that glorifies your holy name through their discipleship. Guide them through their trials and let them see your light at their trials' end. Nurture their heart that they may increase in their ability to reflect your love for all your children. I know that even as I pray for these blessings, you are already working through these men to prosper them. Thank you, Father, for your love. In Jesus, my Savior's might name I pray. Amen.

    1. Beautiful Osiris! And your prayers reflect that you've gotten to know your brothers. Wonderful!

    2. Keep it up Osirus! God is really using you.

  24. 1. John 15:16 You did not choose me, but I chose you and appointed you so that you might go and bear fruit—fruit that will last—and so that whatever you ask in my name the Father will give you.

    This passage stood put to me because, I use to think I chose to follow the Lord, I often told myself I made that choice to follow God and I can make the choice to stop following him. But as I got deeper into the word of God I came to realize that he drew me closer to him little by little, it might sound funny or whatever but before I started attending new life midway I use to tell my wife I wanted to get a new tattoo that said new life. And I was so determined that that's what I wanted, then I ended up getting invited to new life only I was never told what the name of the church was only it's location. Was it a coincidence? I don't know but I'm definitely in a New Life. :)

    2. Let me be completely honest here.... I'm in no position to pray for my brothers at this point, I'm sorry my brothers I read in scripture that a righteous persons prayer is more powerful than an unrighteous persons or something like that. But I don't consider myself to be a righteous person at this time. Again my brothers I'm sorry if I let anyone down.

    1. Jose,

      I don't know what you're going through, but I thought of this verse: "Therefore there is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ." I have to say, it doesn't matter whether you consider yourself righteous. If God considers you righteous because of the blood of Jesus, you are righteous no matter what. We don't work for our salvation, it's a gift from God. So even when you don't feel righteous, you still are because God says so and He's not a liar.

      That said, whatever you're going through, you're not alone. We've been there and we're here for you. No judgment. Nobody on this group is perfect, so you're in good company, man of God.

    2. I echo the very good words Mark has already written you Jose. You also have your wingmen and squad members to talk to when you're going through it.

    3. Jose, I'm praying for you tonight, that you will feel God's love and use his strength to get you through this.

    4. Brother Jose my heart aches for you right now, I know that feeling, we are here at M3 for you. Keeping you and family in prayer

    5. It's ok, Jose, start praying. Let the Holy Spirit guide you.it doesn't have to be fancy words. Let it be from your heart. I'm praying for you.

  25. 1.- Read John 15:1-17 and share one thing that grabs your attention.

    6 If you do not remain in me, you are like a branch that is thrown away and withers; such branches are picked up, thrown into the fire and burned.

    2.- We are growing in the fruit of brotherly love. Write a loving, encouraging prayer for your wingmen, including their names in your prayer. (Love is the greatest.)

    Gentlemen, in this season of life, I find it difficult to remain focus and committed to this program. I thank God for men that are at my side praying for me daily. It is through the encouragement that I reeive daily that gives me the motivation to preserver through my tired eyes to write ‘something.’ You haven’t given up on me and I appreciate it.

    1. You are an encouragement to me the way you stay committed in the midst of your hectic schedule Mark, thank you for your example brother!

    2. God is at work in and through your life Mark. The prayers for you above by your wingmen Horacio and Ricardo are encouraging as well. You are a warrior. "No Scripture, no sleep." Those who live by it become unstoppable.

    3. Thanks Marc I can relate and thanks for the honesty. I'm glad your still here and pressing into His Word. That shows character.

    4. Marcos, I can relate to what you go thru. I would sometimes comment on the blog late at night because of my tight knit schedule. What's worse is when I would hit a wrong button and erase everything I wrote. At times like this its so discouraging , I want to give up.
      When that happens, I stop and realize that Jesus will never gives up on me. Jesus is my strength to continue. Marcos, remember, scripture before sleep! I'll pray for you. You pray for me.

  26. 1. It's amazing our God is a God of love. Not just infinite power, not just infinite wisdom, but also love. He is a God who lavishes His love on us and gives it freely. And not only are we the immeasurably blessed recipients, but we also carry the mantle of spreading His love and being tangible examples of His love in the world and to each other.

    2. Jesus, for Osiris and Ed, lift their heads and hearts. Fill them with revelation and certainty of who they are in You. By Your mighty right hand, bring them to maturity and make them a blessing to all those around them. Amen.

    3. SMARTER goal: to earn a U in M3 by October 27th.

    1. Thank you Mark for your good prayer and goal here, and your good counsel to Jose above.

    2. What a great comment, Mark. Thank you.

  27. 1) the verse that stood out to me was:

    John 15:15 “I no longer call you servants, because a servant does not know his master’s business. Instead, I have called you friends, for everything that I learned from my Father I have made known to you.”

    It is so encouraging how Jesus referees to us as His friends. What caught my attention was how He is telling His disciples that He shares everything with them. In it, ultimately, they can trust God. They can trust that he is not hiding a secret. He is giving them full knowledge for their Soul and for life.

    It stand in stark contrast to the stance that Adam and Eve took. They were duped by Satan into believing that God was withholding, or keeping, knowledge to Himself.....as if to keep them below Him. Here, Christ is saying the opposite is true. "....everything that I learned from my Father I have made known to you.”

    2) Father, I pray and lift up Phil and Alex to you, as I did privately earlier. I pray that they will continue to remain in you, and to feel the limitless love that shines forth from you on to them. May you keep them from temptation and trials, but where they face it, may your strength sustain them completely. Thank you for their lives, and may they continue to touch many lives for your name. Amen.

    1. Great thoughts William to note the contrast between Adam and Eve's view of God and that of Jesus.

    2. I have written I am the Lord's servant. I'll have to get use to writing " I am the Lord's friend."

  28. 1. “I no longer call you servants, because a servant does not know his master’s business. Instead, I have called you friends, for everything that I learned from my Father I have made known to you.”
    ‭‭John‬ ‭15:15‬ ‭
    I like this verse as I have always believed that a friend is the deepest relationship between 2 people and I have always been prepared to do anything for a friend and I know they will do the same. The 1st century church never distinguished between owner and slave as a slave could be be served by his owner. They were friends in God and that's what we are in M3 close and dedicated to one another and building our solid foundation in Christ for a lifelong friendship and brotherhood in Christ.
    2. Father I give thanks for your kindness and love you have displayed by solidifying my friendship and brotherhood with Jose, Armondo, Roger, Lemmy, Kevin, George, and Andre-- as I praise you for opening their hearts and mine to each other as we build our solid foundation on each other to advance your Kingdom. Thank you for their dedication and movement with you as our focal point dear Lord.
    In Jesus name I pray. Amen

    1. You're a great friend to me as well Jack. Thank you!

    2. Good insight Jack! Love the image of a owner and servant fellowship ping and worshipping together.

    3. Jack, thank you for the prayer and for being an unstoppable leader, you set a great example for the rest of us.

    4. Thank you Jack, for your prayer of love and friendship, you are loved brother.

  29. 1 – John 15:8 This is to my Father’s glory, that you bear much fruit, showing yourselves to be my disciples.
    To me this we a good reminder that everything we do is for God’s glory. It’s not only a reflection of us but Him too. By saying we’re Christian our actions have the power to bring people to Christ.

    2 – Lord God, thank you for bringing the men of M3 together to study your word and spread the gospel. I pray for my fire team, Andre, Lemmy and Kevin. Lord, help them to see how You are always at their side. Please guide them in studying Your word, give them understanding and allow them to see how to apply it to their lives. I pray this in Jesus name, amen.

    1. Amen brother George, God is mighty n awesome who keeps his covenant of love

  30. 1. “I am the vine, you are the branches; he who abides in Me and I in him, he bears much fruit, for apart from Me you can do nothing.”
    ‭‭John‬ ‭15:5
    Jesus said "apart from me you can do nothing." That is the part I most forget. I think it's by my will and striving that I will remain in in him. It's my self dependence and denial that keeps me from truly remaining. Having the false sense of security that I'm ok when the storms have passed. I can coast for a long time and deceive myself that I'm bearing fruit. Real fruit shows up in changed lives.

    2. I pray for rich that he would be rich in love and grace that he would be a light to his family and the dark world he inhabits to bring light. I pray for mike d. That u would bless his finances and strengthen his family. I pray that he would experience you lord in a tangible way.


  31. 1. John 15:5 NIV
    “I am the vine; you are the branches. If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing.
    - There is nothing of spiritual significance I can do apart from abiding in Him.

    2. Did it.

  32. 1. John 15:5. Yes, I am the Vine; you are the branches. Whoever lives in me and I in him shall produce a large crop of fruit. For apart from me you can't do a thing.
    As believers, we are to let Jesus live in us and thru us just as the the life of the vine flows thru the branches. When do this we will be a more efficient and productive servant for the Lord. One commentary says; Without Christ, we can do nothing. A vine branch has one great purpose- to bear fruit. It is useless for making furniture or for building homes . It does not even make good firewood. But it is good for fruit bearing-as long as it abides in the vine.
    2. Father in heaven , I give you thanks for my two wingmen, Sam Vargas and Oscar Nunez. When I fall behind, they encourage me. When I'm down ,their daily verse comes in at the right time. When I need prayer, they are only a phone call away. Father , you have blessed me with these two brothers . I thank you. Bless them and their families. Continue to pour your wisdom over them. Give them strength that they will be unstoppable in your word. Bless all my M3 brothers and their families. I pray and ask in the name of Jesus, my and Lord and Savior.
    3. Dave G, thank you for your prayer. May the Lord bless you.

  33. 1. John15:16 "You did not choose me, but I chose you and appointed you so that you might go and bear fruit—fruit that will last—and so that whatever you ask in my name the Father will give you."

    Reminds me of a comic, when Jesus knocks, by adam4d.com

    He already knows you're gonna follow. That's why he changed your heart to ask Him in.

    2. I pray for Osiris and Robert tonight, Lord give them strength in their lives to see your directions and to follow.


  34. 1
    Verse 15:8
    The proof in our fruit or as I have alternatively heard that the proof is in our effects; al of this stems from the fruit we bear in christlikeness

    Also note the number of times that Jesus says o abide. So what does that mean.
    “To accept or act in accordance with; or comply, obey and observe.” This from the dictionary defines things pretty well. to abide in Christ is to be His friend, is to bear fruit and most importantly be confident in in Knowing God.

    I thank you for this team and being a part of M3 and for my two wingmen; for Luis to continue in upstanding relationships with the people around him and further maturity as he goes fourth to spread God’s word. I pray also for Alex and that his schedule is not burdensome and you always guide his heart toward what you would have him to do. I pray for each of us to grow stronger encouraging and enabling men in our communities.

  35. 2 He cuts off every branch in me that bears no fruit, while every branch that does bear fruit he prunes[a] so that it will be even more fruitful.
    I am thankful that God is continually training us and his aim is for us to be more fruitful.

    3 Thank you God for my brother Robert and for his faithfulness and encouragement. Thank you also for brother Osiris and for his dedication to blogging and encouragement of us in the M3 group.I pray that you would bless them and use them in a mighty way for your glory.

  36. 1) John 15:5 ""I am the vine; you are the branches. If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing."

    2) Dear Lord Jesus, thank You for my wingmen Gary and Luis. I pray that You bless them in life. I also pray that you keep them encouraged. In Your precious name. Amen.
