Wed.9.16.15...It Was You?!...John 12:1-11

In great stories found in books or movies, study the key characters. For example, note the development of the hero who ends up fighting for what is right. Then you will especially want to pay attention to his devoted friends. Be ready for surprises with them. We often are shocked when a "good friend" ends up betraying the hero. That was well illustrated in Air Force One.

"It was you?" If you had never read today's passage before, you would be shocked to see what is revealed. The pure devotion of one friend is shown in stark contrast to the selfish scheming of another- one who would ultimately betray the hero. 

Read John 12:1-11 now. 

As I read this story, questions came to my mind. Remember to ask questions as you read. Here's one that you won't find an answer to in the text itself- Why is this story included? It doesn't contain a miracle or a speech to help the lost believe, yet we know that is the theme of John's gospel. So why is this story included? In my Expositor's Bible Commentary, Dr. Merrill Tenney made this astute observation. He stated that chapter 12 of John presents a series of events which foreshadow that the end is near for Jesus. Jesus even acknowledges that Mary has prophetically anointed his body for burial. And then we are given another big surprise that also points that the end is near. The chief priests plot to bump off Lazarus as well! David Guzik's commentary has a great insight into this. 

1.- As you read through John 12:1-11, use Guzik's commentary to enrich your understanding of any or all of our passage.
Then share some of the gold you discovered to enrich us. 

2.- Watching that clip from Air Force One with Harrison Ford has got me in the mood to watch more. So pick out a Greatest Minimovies clip at  that you haven't seen yet. Share its title and briefly what it was about. Then be on the lookout to forward the link or pass out more cards to people who need new life in Christ.

Above I wrote, "The pure devotion of one friend is shown in stark contrast to the selfish scheming of another..." I want to be known as a man who was devoted to Christ and to you, not selfish or a quitter or two-faced. I am glad to be in a band of brothers, devoted to the Captain of our salvation and to one another. When your story is told, may it be about a man of devotion. How can I serve you better? Call me anytime.

Several of you shared good ideas to improve in GREAT ways Monday. Oscar wrote- "The two areas that I need improvement in my spiritual growth are to become more consistent in prayer and reading my Bible. I will start by making a concrete plan by setting a time to read and a time to pray. No matter how I feel. Philippians 4:13 I can do all this through him who gives me strength."
I love the part where he said, "No matter how I feel." That is so manly! We are in a spiritual battle. Way to fight!

"No matter how you feel" please also go to the scoreboard now. I see some of you haven't done that yet this week. "Faithfulness in a little thing is a great thing." Hudson Taylor

Hudson Taylor founded the China Inland Mission in the mid 1800s, when few people thought of going to China. He famously wrote, "China is not to be won for Christ by quiet, ease-loving men and women. The stamp of men and women we need is such as will put Jesus, China, [and] souls first and foremost in everything and at every time—even life itself must be secondary." Judas had none of that spirit. But you do!


  1. 1. In John 12:10-11 we read: "so the chief priests made plans to put Lazarus to death as well, because on account of him many of the Jews were going away and believing in Jesus".
    Once again here it is very sad to see that instead of marveling at the great power of Jesus for resurrecting Lazarus and accepting Jesus as the Son of God instead the chief priests choose to plan to kill Lazarus because having him around was a direct contradiction to their erroneous beliefs.
    Even today we see such situations when instead at marveling of the transforming power of God in someone's life people will instead mock and reject their only hope for salvation that is Jesus.
    2. "No longer a Muslim" is an inspiring testimony of Al Fadi and his spiritual journey from Islam to Christianity. Being a Muslim Al Fadi never felt he could be good enough to reach heaven even though he practiced his religion through:
    a. Daily prayers
    b. Fasting
    c. Giving to the poor
    But even so he had not guarantee of reaching heaven. The only sure way to reach heaven in Islam is to die in jihad so he tried to go in that direction but was stopped by his parents.
    He later came to the US to attend graduate school and also had the resolve to convert people to Islam but instead through the direct contact with loving Christians he was able to see a change and peace in their lives that he did not have.
    Eventually he gave his life to Christ and is now preaching the gospel to Muslims.

    1. Amen brother, That was a wonderful insight and correlation. Each time I read these beautiful scriptural stories, I question how I'm I different from people then? What mistakes I'm I likely to make that the Jews had?

  2. Roger, very good point and then summary of "No Longer Muslim"
    PS- Thanks for letting me beat on you at Sunday's mtg :)

  3. 1. John 12-11 for on account of him many of the Jews were going over to Jesus and believing in him.

    This made the problem of the chief priests worse. Lazarus was drawing people to Jesus and in the opinion of these religious leaders he had to be stopped.

    2. "That's my king" is the video I picked, very powerful it made me feel so proud to have made the choice to follow God. It's all about him this video just completely lifted up jesus, it's lifted me up as well. PRAISE GOD.

    1. Great observation Jose. I pray that we also lead others to Christ.

    2. Inspiring Comment Jose, For sure Jesus is our king and we are proud to be his humble followers.

    3. Indeed the chief priests were loosing followers and didn't want that. Instead they should have been pointing people to Jesus

  4. 1- John 12:3
    Then Mary took about a pint of pure nard, an expensive perfume; she poured it on Jesus’ feet and wiped his feet with her hair. And the house was filled with the fragrance of the perfume.

    I got a lot out of the commentary.
    "She considered her precious ointment only good enough for His feet."
    How much do we give our God. Mary showed her sacrifice by doing this. Judas was right, the oil could have been sold for a profit. Which is not a bad thing. However we see the love she has for Jesus here.

    She also let her hair down which was dishonorable for a woman to do. Again she didn't care about what others thought, her focus was on Jesus. As so should ours be.

    2- Caught by the FBI,
    Great story of how God can turn anyone around.

    1. Great comments Luis. That oil wasn't even good enough for His feet, but Jesus only wants the best we can offer. TYF!

  5. John 12:9-10New International Version (NIV)

    9 Meanwhile a large crowd of Jews found out that Jesus was there and came, not only because of him but also to see Lazarus, whom he had raised from the dead. 10 So the chief priests made plans to kill Lazarus as well,

    a. The chief priests plotted to put Lazarus to death also: The chief priests were mostly Sadducees, and the Sadducees didn't believe in the resurrection. Lazarus was a living example of life after death, and having him around was an embarrassment to their theological system. For them, there was only one solution to this embarrassing problem - to put Lazarus to death also.(Guzik)

    I did not know that the Sadducees didn't believe in resurrection. Interesting to know.

    2. Watched Falling Plates. The title doesn't do justice. Really good video of how we are broken and how we seek to fill a void in our lives before Christ. Jesus is the way, He loves us more than anyone.

    1. Thanks for sharing Sam. good research!

    2. Same thing I thought Too Sam, good words, love that video too

  6. 1. John 12:4-6 "But Judas Iscariot, one of his disciples (he who was about to betray him), said, “Why was this ointment not sold for three hundred denari and given to the poor?” He said this, not because he cared about the poor, but because he was a thief, and having charge of the moneybag he used to help himself to what was put into it."
    The commentary makes the point that Judas had a sharp sense of the value of this product but did not have a sense of what is important to God. Judas is a sad, tragic character. How could he be so close to Jesus, experience the miracles, teaching, and leadership of the Messiah, and yet never fully repent and change? As Gudzik mentions, this is the only place where we read about sin in his life prior to his betrayal of Jesus. Greed was an issue. He was willing to steal money that was given for the poor. It's also amazing that Jesus allowed it and eventually it was used for the glory of God. It's scary that Judas appeared to be a spiritual leader, favored by God, mentored by Jesus, part of a core team that was making a difference. Somehow he was so close and yet so far.
    2. "Falling Plates". I had no idea what this video was about but the title was interesting. It's a great gospel explanation that is artistic and creative. Very good. Interesting images representing creation, sin, redemption, forgiveness. I want to pass this one on to people.

    1. Good point Pastor Mike. That is scary. One of Dave G's mini-movies states. I go to church to worship God not the hypocrites. Unfortunately, some use that as an excuse not to worship Him.

    2. I appreciate your description of Judas and how you point out those contradictions in his life. He may have been a double minded man, sometimes feeling 100% wanting to follow Jesus and then doubtful and unsure and sometimes pulled away more or less by a divided heart. This is a great warning that there may be some Judas in us. Oh Lord, unite our heart to be solely given to you. Expose those things that we allow to pull our our hearts from completely following you.

  7. 1. John 12:9-11 NIV
    [9] Meanwhile a large crowd of Jews found out that Jesus was there and came, not only because of him but also to see Lazarus, whom he had raised from the dead. [10] So the chief priests made plans to kill Lazarus as well, [11] 11 for on account of him many of the Jews were going over to Jesus and putting their faith in him. …
    - 12:10 The Jewish leaders previously had spoken of the death of one man (see 11:50 and note, but now they wanted another death. Sin grows (cf. Jas 1:15).
    2. Watched "The Bridge". It's a great explanation of Christ's role of reconciling back to God.

    1. It's crazy they want to kill innocent people so they can keep there power. Good point Dave that sin just continues to grow.

  8. 1.God plan included a thief."He did not say this because he cared about the poor but because he was a thief; as keeper of the money bag, he used to help himself to what was put into it."
    John 12:6

    2."321" is a good explanation of the gospel.

    1. Good verse George! Judas was an evil man.

    2. Yes George his interest wa only money and not following Christ

  9. 1.

    a. Judas Iscariot . . . who would betray Him: In a short time Judas would betray Jesus, and his betrayal is so much darker when contrasted with the light of Marys devotion to Jesus. No doubt, Judas objected to Marys gift because he was convicted by her simple and powerful display of love.

    i. This is the only place in the New Testament where Judas is mentioned as doing something evil other than his betrayal of Jesus, and even this was done in secret. Judas successfully hid the darkness of his heart from everyone except Jesus.

    ii. Judas teaches us that outward appearances can be deceptive. Many people have a religious facade that hides secret sin.

    It's crazy how sinful judas was. He had the nerve to tell Mary that she should of gave that to the poor and not Jesus.

    2. I watched kkk leader. It's a powerful testimony of a leader of the kkk who grew up with a rough past and ended up joining the kkk to feel accepted in life. He later left the kkk because he was being threatened to be thrown in jail. Almost killed himself until he seen a bible. He decided to start going to church and turned his life around and became a alder of the church which was marjority black. Good video!

    1. Good point James. It was said boldly to Jesus.

    2. I know! Good post James! Yeah, it is crazy that Judas was there with Christ, a witness to Him himself, and still had a heart like that. Makes me see myself in there at times. Seeing all the Lord has done in me, yet still falling at times. Awesome job!

  10. 1. "Then Mary took about a pint of pure nard, an expensive perfume; she poured it on Jesus’ feet and wiped his feet with her hair." John 12:3a

    David Guzik's commentary
    "This was the moment at which Jesus was symbolically set apart for burial by one who really understood what was happening (Boice)"

    2. Watched "Lives cahnged, Lyrycyst"
    It's about Steven's abusive upbringing and thoughts of suicide. How through his friend's invitation to church, he came to know the Lord. His transformation lead to his mother and her husband giving their lives to the Lord as well, restoring his family (had a "Domino effect"). He now uses his talents to share an uplifting message when he performs.

    1. I also used that same verse. I think it's the most capturing part of the chapter. Thanks brother Robert.

  11. 1) Mary’s gift was remarkably humble. When a guest entered the home, usually the guests feet were washed with water and the guests head was anointed with a dab of oil or perfume. Here, Mary used this precious ointment and anointed the feet of Jesus. She considered her precious ointment only good enough for His feet.

    The thought came to mind is how how the feet were exposed to the variety of environments, terrain, etc. due to the footwear worn in those days. I could imagine that this would evidently leave the feet smelly. I immediately thought of how, not our feet but our minds, are exposed to the day to day temptations, memories, etc. but yet how Jesus washed us by His precious blood.

    2) Video I watched was entitled: Come Home. This video was about how a mother went to great lengths to place reminders of her love for her daughter who ran away from home. This video parallels how God went to great lengths to remind us that He too loves us, especially after we've messed up.

    1. Great information into the text Dave. Thanks for sharing.

    2. Brother Dave R, good thoughts "immediately thought of how, not our feet but our minds, are exposed to the day to day temptations, memories, etc. but yet how Jesus washed us by His precious blood."

    3. Very good observation Dave about our minds being contaminated and Jesus cleaning them.

  12. 1. – John 12:9 Meanwhile a large crowd of Jews found out that Jesus was there and came, not only because of him but also to see Lazarus, whom he had raised from the dead.

    More and more people were believing and putting their faith in Jesus because of Lazarus whom he raised from the dead. Jesus is the resurrection and the life. And for this reason the chief priests plotted to kill both Jesus and Lazarus. For this I pray to continue to believe in Jesus and not fear death. Amen.

    2. – Greatest mini-movies – Come Home! This clip shows how we human beings can be like Jesus and accept any one no matter their many sin. Meaning that a sinful person can be restore and be given back there live by returning to God. God will forgive us and give us an everlasting life. Amen.

    1. No need to fear Oscar, you're a son of the Most High God!

    2. Brother Oscar, like St Paul said in Philippians, to die is gain :-). God bless you

    3. Amen Oscar I also pray that I may always believe in Jesus and never fear death.

    4. Thank you guys for the encouragement. amen.

  13. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Wow. Good point Robert. Washed and anointed by the blood.

  14. 1. There's a song I love that talks about just being with Jesus, spending time with Him, and this passage reminds me of that ( It's easy for me to think of Jesus as my King or commander leading me into battle, but it can be more challenging for me to think of Him as an intimate friend and passages like this draw me back to that. He's not only powerful and holy, but He desires to be close to us and for us to be close to Him. Mary just lays it all down at His feet and it's beautiful.

    2. I watched "I Thought" which is about "unsanctified" versus sanctified thinking; the Bible brings clarity and is our measure for truth and source of transformation (Rom. 12:2), it's the light we shine on ourselves to become more like Christ.

    1. Thanks for sharing the song Mark. Deep intimacy can be a scary thing at times, it means being totally vulnerable to the other person. Glad you got something powerful out of todays reading.

    2. Brother Mark L, I agree that it's easy to think of Jesus as King but not so much as an intimate friend. Welcome to M3, God bless you :-)

  15. 1. This portion, as Dave and others mentioned, is a contrast between and Judas. It gives us insight to who Judas is,his character.

    My question was how did John know about Judas' corrupt ways?

    And a great question for us all is this: do we disguise our true intentions?

    Judas did. He wanted the perfume to be sold to give to the poor. Atleast that's what he claimed. But in reality, he wanted to take for himself.

    A contrast between selfishness and selflessness on Mary's part. Beautiful and deeply hitting portion of scripture.

    2. I am an Atheist, that's the mini-movie I watched today. Many people who claim to be Atheist have a feeling of being hurt or rejected by God (or his people) in the past.

    God bless you all. Highly encouraged by each of you.

    1. Brother Eddie, good question regarding how did John know about Judas. Never really gave it any thought until you mentioned it. Keep up the great work, you're an inspiration my young brother :-)

    2. Wow Eddie great question you have challenged me to think about... Do we disguise our true intentions?

  16. (1)Mary took a pound of very costly oil of spikenard, anointed the feet of Jesus, and wiped His feet with her hair.

    Perfumes and spices were used as we use money, an easy to trade store of wealth (Judas knew exactly how much it would be worth).  Mary poured out her life savings at the feet of Jesus. How many of us can say that we've given our fortunes and futures to Christ? 

    (2) What if I choose to do nothing?

    Many people know about Christ or have heard the Gospel but try to "ride the fence" and not make an actual decision. This video compares putting off making a decision for Christ with Russian Roulette. We don't know when our time here will be up, and there are only two possibilities after death: eternal life by following Christ, or eternal torment by not following Him. Like the Rush song says: "If you choose not to decide, you still have made a choice..."

    1. Great post Kevin. I thought the whole part about the perfume being like an investment was very interesting!

    2. The end part of your comment was specifically interesting to me  "If you choose not to decide, you still have made a choice..."

  17. 1) A verse that was something new to me was:

    John 12:9-10 “Meanwhile a large crowd of Jews found out that Jesus was there and came, not only because of him but also to see Lazarus, whom he had raised from the dead. So the chief priests made plans to kill Lazarus as well,”

    I was stunned for a second. These men, these Religious men.....they knew that Jesus has brought Lazarus back to Life, and yet, wanted to hide that. Instead of praising God, instead of worshipping Jesus, instead of proclaiming Him the Messiah----They plotted to kill the man who was alive again, to cover up to miracle that their "enemy" had done. No wonder Christ Jesus reserved some of His most harsh words for the likes of these men.

    In the Commentary it states:
    a. The chief priests plotted to put Lazarus to death also: The chief priests were mostly Sadducees, and the Sadducees didnt believe in the resurrection. Lazarus was a living example of life after death, and having him around was an embarrassment to their theological system. For them, there was only one solution to this embarrassing problem - to put Lazarus to death also.

    2) I watched "No Longer A Muslim" about a Muslim man that was totally steeped in Islamic teaching, and devoted to it, coming to Christ through his Spiritual hunger and Believers in his life that showed something he wanted that they had in their life. It is remarkable to see how we as Christians can have such a remarkable impact on those around us, if we walk with the Lord, are loving and Bold about the God we serve and His son, Jesus Christ.

    1. I agree with you my brother. "how we as Christians can have such a remarkable impact on those around us, if we walk with the Lord, are loving and Bold about the God we serve and His son, Jesus Christ."
      Continue the great work on the blog. God bless

  18. John 12:10-11 "But the chief priests planned to put Lazarus to death also; 11 because on account of him many of the Jews were going away and were believing in Jesus."

    Like William in the post above, I found this ironic. The religious leaders found it very inconvenient to have Lazarus walking around as living proof that Jesus was who He said He was. Their solution was not to acknowledge Jesus' claims, but to try to hide the proof by plotting to to Lazarus to death also. I wonder if any suggested to put Jesus to death first. If they put Lazarus to death first, then it might not be permanent, as Jesus might just raise him again! Now that would really be embarrassing!

    I watched "Come Alive", a retro-looking music video of the song "Come Alive".

  19. 1. John 12:8 For the poor you always have with you, but you do not always have me.”

    Jesus talking about Judas and his money that he was taking. Jesus acknowledge that he was aware that judas was skimming the money. He sees everything, nothing is hidden or forgotten. One might thing they pull fast ones on people but Jesus will be judge and jury.

    2. Never been unloved. In difficult times i feel like this. Sometimes i wonder if I'm unloved forgotten but watching this movie it let's me know that I'm loved. I'm not forgotten and Jesus is always thier in control. Lately i have been in a great storm in my life. I will ride it out and be victorious .

    1. Great Verse brother! Sounds like an interesting movie, I will have to check it out

    2. Amen, victory is yours brother Phillips in Jesus name. Mary served the lord at all cost, we like Mary should do likewise.

  20. 1) i. This is the only place in the New Testament where Judas is mentioned as doing something evil other than his betrayal of Jesus, and even this was done in secret. Judas successfully hid the darkness of his heart from everyone except Jesus.

    ii. Judas teaches us that outward appearances can be deceptive. Many people have a religious facade that hides secret sin.

    2) "come awake"

  21.  1. John 12:3 Then Mary took about a pint of pure nard, an expensive perfume; she poured it on Jesus’ feet and wiped his feet with her hair. And the house was filled with the fragrance of the perfume.

    2. "KKK LEADER" Is the name if the movie u watched, and what an amazing video it was! I highly recommend this one! One of the KKK leader gives his testimony about being abandoned as a child and joining the KKK and becoming a very bad man. But one day he opened his bible up and started reading, then he got on his knees and prayed. Next thing u know, he is giving his life to Christmas in a black church! Amazing !

    1. Phil my brother. Its great to see you growing in Christ. Praying for you my brother

  22. John 12:4-7New International Version (NIV)

    4 But one of his disciples, Judas Iscariot, who was later to betray him, objected, 5 “Why wasn’t this perfume sold and the money given to the poor? It was worth a year’s wages.[a]” 6 He did not say this because he cared about the poor but because he was a thief; as keeper of the money bag, he used to help himself to what was put into it.

    7 “Leave her alone,” Jesus replied. “It was intended that she should save this perfume for the day of my burial.

    Gold Found= b. Why was this fragrant oil not sold for three hundred, denarii: Judas had a sharp sense of financial values, but no appreciation of what God valued. He thought this was too much love and devotion to show to Jesus.

    i. If we are extravagant in our love for Jesus, He will not criticize us; that is what Judas did. Are we like Mary, extravagant in our love for Jesus, or are we like Judas, criticizing others who are?

    c. She has done this for the day of My burial: Mary knew something that the disciples didnt understand. She knew that Jesus was going to die, and so she was compelled to offer this extravagant gift of devotion to Jesus. Mary had more insight than others because she spent time at the feet of Jesus.

    i. This was the moment at which Jesus was symbolically set apart for burial by one who really understood what was happening.

    2- Come Home
    it doesn't matter what you have become or what you have done. Just come home. It's great to know that Jesus loves us so much. Thank you Jesus for loving me so much.

    1. Great gold you unearthed there Vince.
      And what a powerful video that is!

  23. 1.- Mary took a pound of very costly oil of spikenard, anointed the feet of Jesus: This reminds me of how some of things that we view as most precious; money, status, material things are barely worthy of even being walked on.

    2.- KKK Leader. This is a miraculous story of a Klan leader that turns his life around and comes to know Jesus as his Lord and Savior.

    1. Right on the point brother Marcos. Earthly things perish with the flesh but spiritual things last forever.

    2. Good point Mark and that's a good minimovie you watched. Let' me know if you need cards.

  24. 1-John 12:3; Then Mary took a pound of very costly oil of spikenard, anointed the feet of Jesus, and wiped His feet with her hair. And the house was filled with the fragrance of the oil.

    "Mary took a pound of very costly oil of spikenard, anointed the feet of Jesus: In the midst of the supper, Mary gave a remarkable gift to Jesus. It wasnt unusual to wash the feet of a guest, but it was unusual to use very costly oil of spikenard to do it, and remarkable to wipe the feet with her hair.

    i. Marys gift was remarkably humble. When a guest entered the home, usually the guests feet were washed with water and the guests head was anointed with a dab of oil or perfume. Here, Mary used this precious ointment and anointed the feet of Jesus. She considered her precious ointment only good enough for His feet.

    ii. Marys gift was remarkably extravagant. She used a lot (a pound) of a very costly oil of spikenard. Spices and ointments were often used as an investment because they occupied a small space, were portable, and were easily negotiable in the open market. Judas believed this oil was worth 300 denarii (John 12:5), which was worth a years wages for a working man.

    iii. Marys gift was remarkably unselfconscious. Not only did she give the gift of the expensive oil, she also wiped His feet with her hair. This means that she let down her hair in public, something a Jewish woman would rarely (if ever) do." (David Guzik Commentary on the Bible)

    Two opposite entities sat in the same room, Mary with deep appreciation of her friendship with Jesus, and their brother Lazarus brought to life, beholding the love and humility Jesus portrayed; She unknowingly anointed the body of her lord for a burial. "For I am persuaded , that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor powers, nor things present , nor things to come ,
    Nor height, nor depth, nor any other creature, shall be able to separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our lord." Roman 8:38

    2- I watched the mini movie come awake. Very inspiring and building.

    1. Very good Lemmy!
      Yes, that is a wonderful video.

    2. Lemmy, I found that verse interesting too. It's interesting that the 3 times she is mentioned in the gospel she is at Jesus' feet.

  25. 1. David Guzik Commentary, " She has done this for the day of My burial: Mary knew something that the disciples didnt understand. She knew that Jesus was going to die, and so she was compelled to offer this extravagant gift of devotion to Jesus. Mary had more insight than others because she spent time at the feet of Jesus.

    i. This was the moment at which Jesus was symbolically set apart for burial by one who really understood what was happening. (Boice)

    What a great application that Mary was more in tune with God's plan because she spent time at His feet. Spending time at Jesus's feet is one of the most important things we can do as a Christian. But I also find it the hardest. When I have I have felt the most alive and have had greater assurance and direction. I want to know His purposes in the world and in my life. I hope to get back to His feet.

    2. Lives Changed. It's about a guy who had a troubled childhood and an abusive father and mother who was a drug addict and exotic dancer. It's a testimony of how he came to Christ and the domino effect on his family. His mother, new stepdad and brothers all became believers through his testimony. He currently uses his talent to sing and rap to minister to others.

    1. Very good Nic. And glad you liked that video. May the Lord continue to use you to spread the word.

  26. 1. John 11:10 "But the chief priests planned to put Lazarus to death also."

    What is it with these guys and killing people? Geeze...

    2. Falling Plates - It's about God creating us, sin, us choosing sin over God, and Jesus saving us.

    1. Ah, you made me chuckle Mike- :) What is it with these guys and killing people? Geeze.

  27. 1) "Why was this ointment not sold for three hundred denarii and given to the poor?" John 12:5

    I think many people think this way with things they have. Always looking to make personal profit and not help others

    1. Andre, I think you're right. There are a lot of people who are only concerned for themselves.

  28. 2) I don't believe in the bible- when faced with a person that says this it would be pretty hard to have a conversation with. The big question the video ask is do you understand what the bible is saying?

    1. The mysteries of heaven disclosed through the word.
      God tells us his will though it.

    2. Good thoughts above and glad you liked the minimovie Andre. Glad you made it safely down to Missouri.

  29. 1. John12: 10
    Then the Chief priests decided to kill Lazarus too.
    Guzik commentary says: The chief priests were mostly Sadduces and the Sadduces did not believe in resurrection. Lazarus was a living example of life after death. And having him around was an embarrassment to their theological system. For there was only one solution to this embarrassing problem - put Lazarus to death too.

  30. 2. The greatest mini movie I watched was, what does God look like. People have different views of what God looks like. Some say God looks like an old man, a policeman, a good luck charm, a landlord . No one has seen God. Want to know what God looks like? Take a look at Jesus.

    1. Yes indeed Louie!
      And I am keeping your brother Rick in prayer.

  31. ““Why wasn’t this perfume sold and the money given to the poor? It was worth a year’s wages. ” He did not say this because he cared about the poor but because he was a thief; as keeper of the money bag, he used to help himself to what was put into it.”
    ‭‭John‬ ‭12:5-6‬ ‭NIV‬‬
    I found out that this was only the 2nd time throughout the bible that it mentions the dark side of Judas I. As he was able to hide his evil side from everyone else except Jesus who knows what's in our hearts before we are even born-- because he is God who created us.
    God knows all and we can hide nothing from him- even though so many think they can sin when all alone in secret. The 2nd point here is that we need to always show love to others, but rely on the Holy Spirit to see through a false heart.

    1. Very good Jack! Glad you also made it safely to Missouri. We'l keep in touch.

  32. 1) John 12:2-3 Here a dinner was given in Jesus' honor. Martha served, while Lazarus was among those reclining at the table with him. Then Mary took about a pint of pure nard, an expensive perfume; she poured in on Jesus' feet and wiped his feet with her hair.

    Although Jesus had a genuine care and concern for everyone that He encountered, including His enemies, He seemed to especially to be drawn to the hospitality of Lazarus, Martha and Mary. This family in Bethany was always especially very warm and friendly. Their home may have been one of the few places where Jesus really looked forward to visiting. Perhaps in the midst of these three, Jesus felt He could relax and even laugh with His disciples. But then after raising Lazarus from the dead, the appreciation and love for Jesus of these three was overflowing. They must have sensed the nearness and acceptance of God in Jesus' presence. This last visit of Jesus to their home was like a final oasis for Him before the storm. Here Jesus would be worshiped, ministered and loved with all they had to give Him. And these three were thrilled and fulfilled in that Jesus accepted and received all they had to offer Him. For in a few more days, He would give all He had for them and for us.

    2) I'll have to watch the mini video tomorrow.

    1. Good commentary Dave. Until now I didn't really picture Jesus relaxing.

    2. Excellent Dave!. Great insights!

  33. 2. This is the Gospel-- talks about how we all believed in ourselves more than Gid at 1 time or another, but Jesus made the sacrifice for our sins to free us. He took the wrath of God and shed his blood for us. The realm of Salvation. Thank Lord for grace!

    1. Jack, That's a good video. I watched the same one tonight.

  34. 1 – John 12: 9-10 Meanwhile a large crowd of Jews found out that Jesus was there and came, not only because of him but also to see Lazarus, whom he had raised from the dead. So the chief priests made plans to kill Lazarus as well. I found it interesting as David Guzik’s commentary points out that the Sadducees didn’t believe in resurrection so that is one of the reasons they felt they had to kill Lazarus too.

    2 – I watched This is the Good News (or This is the Gospel) tonight. It’s a excited man’s voice reading text that is popping up on the screen. I watched it 3 or 4 times to make sure I hear and saw it all. It highlights all the things we do against God’s wishes while using the gifts God has given us. It then goes on to say how it’s through Jesus' sacrifice and God’s grace that we are saved.
    I think my favorite line from the video is – “That same power that raised Christ from the dead is now at work in those who believe.” It’s easy to understand God using His power to raise His own son from the dead but what amazes me is that God uses his power in me, a sinner who doesn’t deserve his grace.

    1. Ah, you're bringing a smile to my face George with your good words- "It’s easy to understand God using His power to raise His own son from the dead but what amazes me is that God uses his power in me, a sinner who doesn’t deserve his grace."

  35. 1. John 12:2 Here a dinner was given in Jesus’ honor. Martha served, while Lazarus was among those reclining at the table with him.
    There they made Him a supper: Less than a week before His crucifixion, Jesus attended a dinner in His honor at the home of Simon the Leper (Matthew 26:6 and Mark 14:3). His friends Martha, Lazarus, and Mary were also in attendance

    2. I watched come awake. It was inspiring to watch how having Jesus in your life will change how you look at life.

  36. 1.- Jn.12:6
    He did not say this because he cared about the poor but because he was a thief; as keeper of the money bag, he used to help himself to what was put into it.

    Judas a devoted disciple, chosen by Christ Jesus, entrusted to keep the coffers of the disciples that are used for their expenses and for the poor. One of the twelve Jesus instructs to go out and preach the gospel. Why is his faith and conviction compromised, what happen? He is remembered for the kiss and betrayal of Jesus to the Sanhedrin for thirty silver coins. His name is often used to accuse someone of betrayal.
    Judas was Gods instrument and he is predestine to set the motion of Jesus's crucifixion and resurrection for the salvation of humanity.

    2.- watched "The Uniqueness of Christianity"

    Movie tells us that through Jesus our lives are saved, that no other religion offers a savior for there lives as Christianity does.
    Jesus is our Savior and offers eternal life for those who repent and believe in Him.

  37. 1) John 12:9-11 "Meanwhile a large crowd of Jews found out that Jesus was there and came, not only because of him but also to see Lazarus, whom he had raised from the dead. So the chief priests made plans to kill Lazarus as well, for on account of him many of the Jews were going over to Jesus and believing in him."

    Reading this verse made me feel sick. Those heartless pharisees were planning not only to murder one innocent man, but to even kill a second innocent man who was just resurrected from the dead after a horrible death. They couldn't even praise and thank God for the blessing that was done for this man, It's sickening!

    2) I watched "I Think Jesus is a Good Example But...". It was a good movie. I like how it told the story of many atheists and skeptics who set out to disprove Christianity but were converted during the process.

  38. 1
    I was looking at the actions by the chief of priests verse 12:10 and how they continued to react to feeling embarrassed. It may also seem that jealousy was the factor here however they in full were continually being proud wrong and loosing followers to Jesus who had done the miracle

    I watched I don’t think a loving God would Judge me.
    Theres a God sized hole in our hearts that He would want to fill but our human tendency is to fill it with everything but Himself and continue a revolving door with what can bring false and temporary pleasure.
    Also I liked the quote about hypocrites “every church is full of them, Life attracts bugs.”
    Love it. Its not demanding and we can continue to the point.

  39. 1.Mary took a pound of very costly oil of spikenard, anointed the feet of Jesus: In the midst of the supper, Mary gave a remarkable gift to Jesus. It wasn't unusual to wash the feet of a guest, but it was unusual to use very costly oil of spikenard to do it, and remarkable to wipe the feet with her hair.
    First didn't even know it was common for people to wash guests feet as they enter their homes, jot only that dab it with oil. Then again, almost common when someone enter your home to wash their hands before they do anything. Mary did a humble thing, makes me wonder now how many of us would do that for each other (being a servant)...

    2. Was not loading to website. Must be my device but watch a few great mini's.

  40. 1. I really love the insight gained by this commentary, regarding the treasurer, Judas Iscariot . . . who would betray Him: In a short time Judas would betray Jesus, and his betrayal is so much darker when contrasted with the light of Marys devotion to Jesus. No doubt, Judas objected to Marys gift because he was convicted by her simple and powerful display of love.
    i. This is the only place in the New Testament where Judas is mentioned as doing something evil other than his betrayal of Jesus, and even this was done in secret. Judas successfully hid the darkness of his heart from everyone except Jesus.

    ii. Judas teaches us that outward appearances can be deceptive. Many people have a religious facade that hides secret sin.

    III. If we are extravagant in our love for Jesus, He will not criticize us; that is what Judas did. Are we like Mary, extravagant in our love for Jesus, or are we like Judas, criticizing others who are?

    2. The movie I selected was " KKK Leader". And it was about a man named Johnny Clary, who was once a hateful bigot who rose in the ranks of the KKK to a Top Arian Leader. Then, his own gang turned on him. He was lost and started reading the bible and came to accept Christ. Now, Mr. clary is born again and was the first white "elder" in a predominant African American church. Wow, God turned his life around. Glory to God!!

  41. Make up Post

    1. John 12:8 ESV. 8 For the poor you always have with you, but you do not always have me.”

    There was a time when hope in the realm of battling 'what makes people poor' is not having Jesus. Having the Spirit of God in your life makes you quite Rich- Wealthy and full - but Poor is not the noun- it is more the adjective of the circumstance. We should not be defining people by the 'poor-ness' but by what they lack in the Lord and he is sufficient.

    2. Watched KKK leader- What a powerful testimony of triumph and conviction in a mans heart to come to God through His word.

  42. My apologies for not posting yesterday. I went to work feeling a little feverish, only to have that fever spike up into the hundreds during the work day. Wednesday is now my evening class day, and I was scheduled to present before the class, so you can imagine what going over 14 hours without medical treatment did to my body by the time I made it home (by God's grace). I am gradually feeling better, but it may be time to have my tonsils removed. I am making up for yesterday's missed post.

    John 12:3 "Then Mary took about a pinta of pure nard, an expensive perfume; she poured it on Jesus’ feet and wiped his feet with her hair. And the house was filled with the fragrance of the perfume."

    As a reading teacher, I teach my students to read between the dig up the hidden gems in the carefully chosen words of outstanding writers. David's commentary of this one short verse, however, is simply masterful. Truly, the inspired word of God, as recorded by man, is recorded in such a way that it is accessible to all readers, and perhaps intentionally so. So much more could have been written about Mary's expression of love for her Lord and Savior, building her up to be a much more reputable disciple of Christ than she is given credit for today, but that would go against everything that it means to be a disciple of Christ. As incredible as her expression of love is, it should serve as a model to all modern day disciples that though our works in the name of Jesus may not be trumpeted for all to know, their is great merit in expressing our love for Jesus through the sacrifices we make to glorify His great name. Mary did not think twice about her act of love. She placed no concern on the cost to her or the opinions of others. Oh, that we should all be so bold and unafraid of ridicule in expressing our love to Jesus through the work we do in His holy name.

    b. Mary took a pound of very costly oil of spikenard, anointed the feet of Jesus: In the midst of the supper, Mary gave a remarkable gift to Jesus. It wasnt unusual to wash the feet of a guest, but it was unusual to use very costly oil of spikenard to do it, and remarkable to wipe the feet with her hair.

    i. Marys gift was remarkably humble. When a guest entered the home, usually the guests feet were washed with water and the guests head was anointed with a dab of oil or perfume. Here, Mary used this precious ointment and anointed the feet of Jesus. She considered her precious ointment only good enough for His feet.
    ii. Marys gift was remarkably extravagant. She used a lot (a pound) of a very costly oil of spikenard. Spices and ointments were often used as an investment because they occupied a small space, were portable, and were easily negotiable in the open market. Judas believed this oil was worth 300 denarii (John 12:5), which was worth a years wages for a working man.
    iii. Marys gift was remarkably unselfconscious. Not only did she give the gift of the expensive oil, she also wiped His feet with her hair. This means that she let down her hair in public, something a Jewish woman would rarely (if ever) do.
    iv. In all of this, Mary is a study of devotion to Jesus. The life of Mary is painted for us, in three memorable pictures, in each of which she is at the feet of Jesus. (Eerdman)

    2. I watched "5 Objections to Christianity". If you've ever been confronted or challenged about your choice to accept Jesus as your Lord and Savior, you are not alone. many people equate our conscious choice to follow Jesus with religion. This video sets straight the difference between practicing religious traditions and seeking a relationship with Christ. What a great resource for activating the sidelined saints.

  43. 1 I find it shocking that the pharisees wanted to kill Lazarus since it spoke so clearly of Jesus' authority and power.

    2 I watched Lives changed about a kid that grew up with lots of problems and became a rapper who eventually got saved. His salvation also impacted his family and they also gave their lives to Christ.
