Wed.9.30.15...Battle Ready?...John 15:18-16:4

Yesterday we read Jesus saying, "Greater love has no man than this, that he lay down his life for his friends. You are my friends if you do what I command" John 15:13-14. (Love was used 8 times.) But we will see in today's passage that Jesus is forewarning his friends that they will be hated and persecuted. (Hate is mentioned 7 times). Will you let your friends be persecuted?! Ugh! Someone has humorously quipped, "Lord, you would have more friends, if you treated them better." But that is our problem. We think that the Lord should treat us better. Yet Jesus makes his closest friends with those who enter into battle with him. The same is true of soldiers in battle who make such incredible bonds of friendship with those they fight alongside. They would die for each other. 

Christians sing the song, "I am a friend of God." But Jesus said, "You are my friends if you do what I command." And he commands us to go into battle to bear fruit- "I chose you and appointed you to go and bear fruit" 15:16. "You also must testify" 15:27. Tragically, a lot Christians don't go with the gospel, even though they know they should. Yet we've got it easy in America. We are not facing the hatred and persecution our brothers are facing elsewhere. If persecution came to our shores, how would we fare? I think a lot of people would wonder why a loving God would let them suffer. Yet Jesus has already told us, "If they persecuted me, they will persecute you" 15:20. Jesus, why are you telling us such bad news? "All this I have told you so that you will not go astray" 16:1. We need to be battle ready. (Here is a picture of you in the spirit with your shirt off :) So don't you dare turn away! The enemy has reason to fear when we war as a team.

Christians are glad Jesus suffered and died for them, but I fear many will hide their faith if they should face suffering. They may now boast as Peter did, "Lord, I am ready to go with you to prison and to death" Luke 22:33. Yet they might deny him before a servant girl. O Lord, help us to be manly! Help us to be like the apostles, who after being beaten for witnessing to the Sanhedrin, went away rejoicing that they were counted worthy to suffer for Christ (see Acts 5:41).

I really like the words from an old hymn, "Onward Christian soldiers, marching as to war, with the cross of Jesus, going on before." Men, let us keep marching into war. I love the epitaph Osiris chose for his tombstone- "Died at W.A.R."  We are at W.A.R. to-
Walk in a manner worthy of our Warrior King- Keep seeking to live a pure and pleasing life by God's power.
Activate the sidelined saints- keep seeking to recruit the fans in the stands.
Release the locked up lost- Keep sowing gospel seeds into the lives of the lost.

While so few regularly share their faith, I'm proud of you for the way several of you are doing so. Christians who don't share now, may be the ones to quickly cower in the future. But you are warriors. Fight the good fight of the faith.

1.- Share a time recently when you shared your faith or a Greatest Minimovies card or link to them.

2.- Read John 15:18 through chapter 16:4. Inspired by it, write a short warriors prayer for you and your fire team wingmen. Please mention them by name in this Attack prayer you're composing.  (This is a different type of prayer than yesterday's. Attack! Warfare! Endure.)

The smarter person has written goals they review and pursue. How ya doin' on yours? Anyone can drift but you are pursuing great things. It's not always easy, but fighting to advance for God's glory, your good, and the good of others is certainly worth it. 

It's coming Monday, October 12th!


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  2. 1
    I remember one quick time was where I handed one out to someone who was stranded and needed some gas
    Sometime it takes the percussion and the opposition to get us going.
    Lord I thank you for constant reminders and the word you have given us. Thank you for the nudge that we are still on mission and thank you for the brisk reminder that our time is designed by you and for you purposes.I pray for the enablement to activate the brother that might be only sitting, and even on the outside I pray to be enabled to release captives free from prisons

    1. That's great Gary. A spiritual fill-up....

    2. Thanks Gary, there are certainly a lot of captive that we need to set free by our prayers.

    3. Gary. I truly like your uplifting prayer. Thx bro

  3. 1. I still have yet to do so. I'm sensing a need to update my SMARTer goal...

    2. John 15:18 "If the world hate you, ye know that is hated me before it hated you."

    We're doing something right if their are people opposing us for our faith. Kind of cool, in a non-sinfully rebellious sort of way. Sticking it to the man, the worldly man!

    2. Father I pray that you would bless my wing men, Rich, Nick, Vince, and Antonio as they go about their days today.

    1. You got this Mike. May the Lord bless you throughout your day as well.

    2. chuckled at your "sticking it to the worldly man" comment. I pray you stay on mission brother. God bless.

    3. It's not bad. Too much to say here. I'll call one day soon.

  4. 1. There was a realtor agent handing out business cards so was quick to take one and in exchange I handed a Minimovies card, he was thankful.
    2. Dear Lord I thank you so much for my brothers Jack and Armando and their faithfulness to You. I pray that You would guard their heart against discouragement when they face rejection from people around them for proclaiming your Word. I pray that You would give them boldness and courage to continue being lights in this dark world and that many people would come to know You because of their testimony. I pray this in Jesus' name amen.

    1. Awesome Roger. Sounds like a good exchange. You gave him some info that would hopefully lead him to the Great Exchange.

    2. Reminds me of a great song- The Great Exchange-

    3. Thx for the great prayer Roger and thx for the support at the men's group last night

    4. Thanks for the encouraging prayer Roger

  5. 1- I haven't handed out any cards this past month.

    2- Father we praise you and love you. You are worthy of it all. Lloyd I thank you for my warrior brothers Ed, Ish, Will, James, Gary, Phil and Alex. I pray for encouragement and strength. Give them peace in their hearts when they feel that they do not fit in with this world for we know that we are not a part of it. However let us follow in your example of loving the people of this world just like you Jesus. All this I pray in your Holy mighty name Jesus. Amen.

    1. Getting all baptist on us. Lloyd, Lordy, Lawrd. : ) jk. Thanks for the prayers Lou.

    2. That is an awesome prayers and encouragement.

    3. Luis. Good prayer for perseverence no matter what we are faced with

  6. 1. I shared a mini movie card and M3 card with a Pastor in KC this last weekend and told him of our efforts toward multiplying Spiritual leaders. He was anxious to watch it and see how our ministry could be applied at Legacy Christian church.
    2. Father, I thank you for your transformation of Roger, Armondi, George, Jose, Lemmy, Kevin and myself- as you have chosen us to stand firm with our advocate to advance your Kingdom no matter the cost. Thank you for the blessing of your word that prepares us to battle for your glory and overcome whatever we are faced with. We are yours dear Lord-- use us as you like. This I pray in Jesus mighty name. Amen

    1. That's awesome Jack. You're fearless when it comes to talking to people about M3, Jesus and your faith. Bless you.

    2. Great job Jack. I am encouraged by your faith sharing experiences. May God continue to bless you with with the boldness of the Holy Spirit. Have a blessed day.

    3. Great to give the cards to shepherds of flocks.

    4. Great to give the cards to shepherds of flocks.

    5. That's right Jack, we are working to multiply spiritual leaders. Very good!

    6. Thanks for the prayer Jack. Great job on being unstoppable in giving out cards!

  7. 1)This weekend I met the Dad of one of my daughters’ roommates. I had briefly met him before but was able to talk more this time. I talked about the Lord and faith with him. He was friendly but didn’t say much about the spiritual life. He is an Air Force veteran so I invited him to a Veteran’s gathering we are planning for November.
    2)Father, I pray specifically for the two men I am talking to this week about M3. I ask that you work in their lives, give them boldness and wisdom to live for you in the midst of this world, the ability to stand against temptation and opposition, love for you that leads them to obey, and discernment in how to lead their families. Enable them to accept hatred from the culture of this world and continue to serve You.

    1. Great job Pastor Mike. I hope he comes through. Seeds were planted. Probably won't be the last time you see him.

    2. Great job as always Pastor Mike :)

    3. Excellent Mike! You are such a great example.

    4. Great prayer Osstir Mike and great job with ur daughters friend's father. Keep planting

  8. 1. I was working out with a guy and after we started talking. He said he wanted to grow spiritually. I ran to my car and said I know a place. Handed him two cards and talked to him about M3.

    2. Lord, we don't belong to the world any longer. We once did, but you have rescued us from darkness and into light. I pray specifically that Ish, Will, Gary, Alex, James, Phil, and Lou would not love the world, but love You and your Kingdom King Jesus. I pray that they would cling to what is good and hate what is evil. You have chosen them out of this world. You chose them before the foundations of this world were even laid down. May your Holy Spirit be with them today, powerfully guiding them into the battles of this life, allowing them to handie the things of this world, that we are in, but not of. En El Nombre de Jesus Cristo!

    1. Amen Hermano. I'm glad you are on mission even through the tough times. Great prayer for your squad. God bless.

    2. Eddie that's good that you are working out for your physical body and your spiritual body also.

    3. Awesome Eddie, you were at the right place at a right time. And hopefully you will soon change someone's spiritual life.

    4. You are alert to seize those opportunities Eddie. Very good!

    5. Eddie. Love ur prayer and keep multiplying brother

  9. 1. I gave a mini movie-card to the bus driver that took us to my son's school Springfield trip. Just curios does the website pick-up an approximate location when the site is visited?

    2. Dear God, I pray for my brothers Tim, Dave D, Oscar, Dave R, and Lou. I pray that we are worthy of persecution. I pray that we boldly share our faith no matter the outcome. I pray you strengthen us when we are weak. Please work through us Lord and continue to sharpen us, In Jesus name I pray.

    Ephesians 6:13-17 (NIV)

    13 Therefore put on the full armor of God, so that when the day of evil comes, you may be able to stand your ground, and after you have done everything, to stand. 14 Stand firm then, with the belt of truth buckled around your waist, with the breastplate of righteousness in place, 15 and with your feet fitted with the readiness that comes from the gospel of peace. 16 In addition to all this, take up the shield of faith, with which you can extinguish all the flaming arrows of the evil one. 17 Take the helmet of salvation and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God.

    1. Sam that's great that you're giving the cards to bus drivers what a great opportunity to spread the seeds.

    2. Good seed sowing Sam! Tim can tell us how specific the tracking gets regarding the site's traffic.
      Great prayer- that we would be worthy of persecution. Oh that we would be such a strong end times army.

    3. Great job ar reaching out to people you come in contact with

    4. Sam. Great perseverence brother. Keep pushing forward

    5. Sam - we are recording how many visits are made to the movies site, and how many times each movie is watched, but I am afraid we do not have specific location information. If I saved the IP address of the visitor, I could narrow it down to a country, internet provider, and perhaps general region of the country, but it wouldn't be more specific than that. Great job being on the lookup to share a card!

  10. Oh and so far so good on the goals :)

  11. 1. I have a fire truck, and go to peoples homes to do parties. When I did a birthday party for a 5 year old boy i gave him a fireman's bible for his birthday.

    2. Lord help us to know is that we do not belong to the world. We have to live in the world. I pray for mike and David and the rest of the man from M3. Help us to receive the consular that you have sent. And not lean on our own understanding, in all your ways acknowledge you Lord Jesus.

    1. Good George. You are around a lot of people. I'm going to have to load you up with more cards.

    2. Good job brother George, lets continue to propagate the seed whenever opportunity avails.

    3. Yes amen George, we should always acknowledge Him .

    4. Great gift bro. Praying it touches all hearts that were present

    5. Yeah, great gift. I pray that that young boy would ask his parents to read it to him often.

  12. 1. – I spoke to my cousin about how he needs to make some changes in his life. I mention you need to attend a church and establish a relationship with God. God will enable you to be a better man and He will transform your life. You do not need attend my church but do attend a church. I am sure they will accept you as a brother and lead you to God. But if you ever need some guidance ask me and I will pray for you and invite you to church. Remember God love you and let me know when you are ready. Amen.

    2. – Dear Heavenly father, our father in heaven hallowed be your name your kingdom come, I ask lord that you protect Lou, Rick and Sam as they engaged in delivering the Gospel to unbelievers. Please be with them and enable them to be bold to testify that you are Lord of Lords and King of kings. Lord grant them your holy spirit and help them correctly handle the word of God. In Jesus mighty name Amen.

    1. Wow Oscar, very good!
      And what a good prayer.

    2. Oscar great job in testifying about God to your cousin.

  13. 1. I have not shared my faith outside of my family recently.

    2. Lord, I pray for George, Andre, and Lemmy. Thank you for choosing us out out of this world, we understand that this world hates us because of you and that we may be persecuted because of you, but you are too great a portion, and heaven too good of a prize for such a small cost. Thank you for laying down your life, for doing the works no one else can, and offering this world
    a choice and a way to the Father. I pray that you would prepare and strengthen these men to remain in you, bearing abundant fruit, no matter the struggles, hatred, or persecution this world may send their way; that we may remember your command to love one another.

    1. Kevin. Great prayer. Try some outreach as it gets easier after you try it bro

    2. Kevin, thanks for the prayer. Like Jack said, the more cards I give out or conversations I have about my faith makes it easier.

  14. 1. On Monday as I was attending a funeral wake, I shared my faith with a gentleman by the name of Tony. It turns out that he too is a believer and fellow brother in Christ, a member at Newlife Covenant Church on the northside. Then this morning as I was fueling my truck at the gas station, when I noticed a vehicle pull up to the other side of the gas pump I was using. I felt compelled in my spirit to pray for the person. When I finished, I approached the man who happened to be a Sheriff and asked if i may pray for him. He said yes, I introduced myself and we prayed. He thanked me and we both proceeded about our day.

    2. Lord Abba Father, I lift up my brothers Vince, Anthony, Mike, Mark, Ed, Osiris and Rich before your holy throne and presence. I ask that you would cultivate in them the spiritual growth and maturity to become great spiritual warriors and giants to help build and advance your Kingdom. I ask that you would dress them with your heavenly armor from head to toe, so they may go out into the battlefield and be victorious and not fall victim to the enemies attacks, nor to the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes or the pride of life but gain new ground for your namesake, honor and glory Lord. Quicken their spirits and stir their hearts to not only be attentive to your still small voice, but to obedience as well. I ask all these things according to your good and perfect will. I praise you for all that you have done, all that you are doing and what's to come, in Jesus' name I pray, amen!

    Goals have been exceeded not artificially, but to the will and glory of God :-)

    1. Great prayer my brother. Great boldness you have to pray at a gas station.

    2. Well done brother. I am encouraged by your boldness. Thank you also for the prayers.

  15. 1- I recently talked to one of my co-workers who I had not been able to talk to for a while. I put some Christian music on in my truck and I noticed his attitude change. He began to open up to me. I just talked to him about what Jesus has been doing in my life. I encouraged him to go to church. I pray he does go to church faithfully and make Jesus shine in his life.

    2- Lord Jesus thank you for all you done. Thank you for activating Robert Roman , Antonio Palomar, Nic Palhegyi, Mike Dunn, Rich Petre, Osiris Alday, and Ed Lake. I pray that you use them to activate sideline saints. I pray that they will be bold and that they shine your light Jesus. I believe Jesus you have equipped them with all they need for this battle. Jesus that they may put their trust in you Jesus not in man. With you in front leading the way Jesus we will win this battle. Not that we get the glory and praise No but that you will. For Lord it is all about you. For Lord I believe these great men of yours want to see you higher lifted up. I pray this in the name that is above all names Jesus. Amen.

    1. Way to share your testimony at the right time Vince. Continue to press on bro. Good stuff.

    2. Brother Vince, way to go, being salt & light in the workplace. Wonderful prayer as well :-)

  16. 1. I just moved a couple months ago and have been getting to know my neighbors. My upstairs neighbor is a believer, but I haven't met anyone else on the block who is. Just invited another neighbor over for dinner to build relationship. My wife even baked chocolate chip cookies and we took them to some of the neighbors we feel God has been highlighting to us.

    2. Jesus, King of kings, build in Ed and Osiris the kind of courage and committed love that sustained You from the garden to the cross.

    3. Two days deep on my SMART goal.

    1. Wow Mark. You and your wife must have the gift of hospitality. May your acts of kindness result in many good friendships with your neighbors and make a way for their friendship with our Savior.

    2. Great post of encouragement yesterday to Jose. Thx so much bro

    3. Mark, great reaching out to the neighbors. You're really showing God's love.

    4. Very good Mark!
      Wish I was one of your neighbors :)

    5. Brother Mark, mmmmmm coookies ;-). Great outreach :-)

  17. 1) It wasn't that recent, but I gave out a Greatest Mini-Movies card to an older teen who visited Soul Purpose, a week before last Sunday. After the lesson he stayed and talked with me for a little bit. He told me he was agnostic. I was surprised because he seemed to have some Bible knowledge. He came because his parents were visiting New Life. We talked about the Bible being the truth and about reality from God's perspective. He didn't feel comfortable giving me his phone # but accepted the Greatest Mini-Movie card.

    2) Lord, I pray now as I have been asked to do for my M3 Fire team wing men: Chuy, Michael, George and also for myself. Heavenly Father, you made it clear in your Word that you chose and appointed us to bear much fruit. We can do nothing on our own that will last or bring You any honor and glory. We need your help to even the desire to do so. So Lord Jesus, fill us with your Holy Spirit. Empower us to take those steps to encounter and connect to you the Vine and source of our spiritual life. Stop us from just going through the motions of doing spiritual exercises. Help us to truly meet with You in your Word and touch our hearts so that we can know your presence and respond with joyful obedience.

    1. Dave thanks for being a model for young men and not flinching even when its out of your comfort zone. We need more seasoned men like you!

  18. On Thursday, I had the opportunity to meet with a retired coworker who is Jewish. We had the opportunity to open up the Bible and study it together - a first for her. The rabbis read it at Temple, but she had never studied it for herself. We looked at Abraham and Isaac and talked about how God provided another lamb - the Lamb of God - on the very same hill where he provided a lamb for Abraham. We talked briefly about Daniel and mention of the Messiah in chapter 9 (whom Daniel says will be killed before the temple will be destroyed - which happened in 70 AD). Though no professions in Jesus as the Messiah, it was a very positive time for both of us.

    Father, I lift up my brothers Dave Ramirez, Dave DeBour, and Israel to you. I pray you would fill them with the control, power, and fruit of the Spirit. I pray that you would fill them with a boldness to stand for you and a love to reach out to others for you. Provide opportunities for them to be a light for you, provide them with eyes to see those opportunities, and provide them with a heart to make use of those opportunities. I pray also for continued recovery healing for Israel, and strength for Dave D to kick the bug that he has. In your Son's name, Amen.

    1. That opportunity in sharing the scriptures with your Jewish retired co-worker must have made your day Tim. How wonderful to be used by the Lord in that way. I'm sure you were filled with the joy of the Lord afterward. Oh Lord, continue to use Tim to draw his friend to yourself.

  19. 1. I shared my faith with some Spanish mothers from our back yard bible club and later one of the Spanish speaking ladies from the church this week prayed with one of the mothers to recieve Jesus!
    2. Lord I thank you for the strength of my brothers, though I'm weak and infirm they carry me with their prayers! Continue to strengthen them to follow hard after you!

  20. 1. I passed out 3 mini movie cards at an apple orchard I went to over the weekend. I was waiting in line for 2 of the cards I passed out. They acknowledged it and asked what it is. I told them they have short clips about how to live life. A third one I gave was to an elderly person I walked by. He took it but just stuffed it in his pocket.

    2. David, Michael, George, and I are warriors and we will not be afraid to spread the word. People may ridicule us for it, but God give us courage to not be afraid. .

    1. Chuy, you inspire me with your growing boldness. Way to go bro.

  21. 1.- During a cold call from a company that wanted me to buy from them, I shared my faith. Come to find out, the sales rep on the phone was a Christian too.

    2.- Lord, I pray for Rich Guardiola and Horacio De La Torre. I pray Lord that they know what it is to live, walk and demonstrate true sacrifice. I pray Lord that they come to know you so deeply that they love recklessly and live selflessly. Please help them know what it is to love you more than themselves.

    1. That's great you stepped out in faith and trusted in God. That was bold and warrior like. Maybe this will be a divine connection for you.

  22. 1. I have not passed a card or lately but i did talk to a brother from Moody and will give him one.

    2. John 15; 20 Remember the word that I said to you: ‘A servant is not greater than his master.’ If they persecuted me, they will also persecute you. If they kept my word, they will also keep yours.

    Lord please give my brother Mark,Rich and I the mindset andability to stand firm in your word. Protect us from all evil and enable us to bear fruit in your name. Let our hearts be true and let us stands firm in our mission in this world. Amen

    1. Thanks Horacio, there is No servant that is greater than his master. We will overcome by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of our testimony.

  23. 1) I was recently speaking to somebody about the whole situation with my dad and his passing. During his whole time that he was going thru surgeries and and then his final days, I never lost faith in God, I truly believed my father was gonna pull they the surgeries, and he did. Unfortunately he passed about a year later but I was thankful that the lord blessed me and my family with one more year with my dad, he was able to hold his youngest grandson.

    1. Amen Ricardo, praise God for giving you that extra time with your father brother

    2. Amen, beautiful testimony brother Ricardo. And I am proud of you for holding on to your faith. God bless.

    3. So sorry about you losing your Dad. I'm proud of you for holding tight to your faith. This is a beautiful testimony, Ricardo.

  24. 1. - I had shared with my co-worker how I have been sober for 18 years.

    2.- Thank you Lord Jesus for your promises and for showing us how to endure during persecution.
    Thank you for telling us this so that we would not fall away. Please sustain Dave D, Tim D., Isreal and Dave G.

    1. Wow 18 years, what a testament to God, Dave!

    2. Keep on the straight path with Jesus, Dave!

  25. 1) Unfortunately, since last week when I shared my faith a had a good talk with a coworker, I haven't identified a good opportunity to do so again. Unknown I have to work harder, even if it is as Dave G mentioned, giving a quick card in line. I am still committed to doing that twice before the week is up.

    2) Father, reading the words of your Son in John 15-16 is so sobering for the fact that the world will hate us, persecution will come. But we take heart for we can rely on you, we can put our faith in the one they hated first. You know how the message of of life would be received by many, hostile, yet you knew that it was for their salvation, and you spoke anyway. I pray for my brothers in the squad, Eddie, Luis, Alex, Phil, Gary, and Ish, and also my sweet wife, Nori (another passionate spiritual warrior in our fight), that they and myself would be warriors, taking on the world and its ways, the ways of Satan, and claiming them in the name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. May they find strength in the Holy Spirit, guidance to move forward always. And may they stand until the last man, even with the world closing in on us, never denying our Lord, but praising Him until their last breath. In Jesus Name, Amen.

  26. 1 - Friday I had a conversation with someone I work with about M3 and gave him the M3 card. He’s out of the office this week so I’m hoping to catch up with him next week to see if he looked at the links and show him the blog.

    2 – Lord, thank you for bringing us together through M3. I pray that You will give Andre, Kevin and Lemmy the strength and courage to share Your word with others. Lord, give them a craving for Your word, help them to stay in it daily and to see how to apply it to their lives. I pray this is Jesus name, Amen.

    1. Thanks George, that is a powerful prayer. May the good Lord extend his blessings to you and you entire family as well.

    2. George, seems like you always have pockets full of cards. Great job!

  27. 1-“If the world hates you, you know that it hated Me before it hated you.
    John 15:18 NKJV

    Although Jesus heal the sick, the blind could see, deaf could hear, the dead brought back to life and those possessed by evil spirit set free. The Jews hated Jesus Christ to an extend of putting the son of God on the cross. So when the world hates you my brothers for the sake of Christ, rejoice for your salvation is near. The world hated our master, we are never exception. Let us continue to pray for one another continually.

    2- Father in heaven, I would like to thank you for Jesus Christ our master. I pray and dedicate Kevin, Andie, and George to you lord that you may strengthen them spiritually to withstand the dark days. For this is my prayers in Jesus Christ Name.

    3 - I shared with a friend the M3 card and minimovie card. I spoke to another friend who is himself a pastor about M3 and he is excited hopefully he would join our band of brothers.

    1. Thanks for the prayer Lemmy. Great job on sharing M3 with others.

  28. 1. I was able to share my faith with someone today! Was talking to a coworker about how I always manage to stay calm/collected when things are crashing around me.

    2. Lord, thank you for surrounding me with such a strong group of believers that make up my team. Thank you for Dave, Chuy and George who always go out of their way to keep me on top of my game. I pray that you give each of us the strength and courage to witness to those around us and to bring more and more into your loving arms.

    1. Very good prayer, Michael. Keep up the great work in sharing the word.

  29. 1. Earlier this week I texted a mini movie card , an M3 card , and a New Life card to a guy I met. I had answer his sales ad on a used Jeep. Although we did not come to an agreement, we spoke for a while. Later I thought I had missed my chance to pass out my cards. So along with the cards I sent an invitation to church. He texted back to thank me.
    2. Father in heaven , thank you for your many blessings. I come to you , Father , to ask that you be with my two wingmen, Sam Vargas, and Oscar Nunez. Give them courage and strength . Make them powerhouses in your word. Make them unstoppable in your scriptures. Prepare them for anything that may come against them . Thank you my Father. I pray and ask in the mighty name of Jesus, my Lord and Savior, Amen.

    1. Louie way to plant a seed. I pray that he will see the truth and come to church. Keep advancing his kingdom bro.

    2. Yours is truly a soul on fire, Louie. Fantastic example of discipleship reaching out to a complete stranger and inviting him to know Christ. Great thinking texting them the links to both M3 and our greatest mini movies website.

    3. I'm proud of you brother Lou :-)

  30. 1. I was able to give the link to one of my students who is a single mom. She asked if I went to college. I told her I graduated from Moody and studied to be a pastor. She told me that she is Catholic and has been reading the Bible a lot lately. Her best friend recently turned atheist and that concerned her. I told her I know this website that will answer a lot of skeptics questions and would be good to sharpen her faith. She said she is going to check it out. I also gave one to a Muslim student of mine who I had to administer a test. He said that he is Muslim but open to other faiths and Christianity. Sadly, I had to fail the student for poor driving but he took it well. I was still able to give him the web address and he said he would check it out.

    2. God I pray for my team that you would lift them up. May that not be sidetracked by the busyness of their lives to take time to seek you. I pray for Rich that you would bless him as he enriches his family and make him a bold witness for you. Give Mike grace in his new job to prosper there financially and spiritually. Give Robert strength as he goes about his work day and continue to use him as a leader in your church. Bless Vince and Tony in their walks with you. May they experience your peace and prescense and may you keep them pure and holy in your sight. Help them also experience your amazing grace and forgiveness. Help me Lord not be side tracked. Keep me holy and pure and help me to trust you with everything in my life.


    1. Way to be bold in your faith by spreading the gospel Nic! Also good prayer bro. Keep up the good work.

    2. Your discipleship knows no limits, brother. It is difficult enough sharing the Word with fellow Christians, let alone people of other faiths. I pray that your student will come to know Christ through you (and improve their driving skills).

  31. 1. I haven't shared anything lately. This is a area I really need to grow in. Please pray for me to grow in this area. Thanks.

    2. I pray for my brothers Eddie, Phil, Will, Ish, and myself to be strong and bold warriors for you. I pray that we continue to grow in you and be fearless of this world. I also pray we continue to rely on you and not this world. I pray these things in Jesus name. Amen

    1. I will pray for you as you have requested brother. Ours is not a simple mission in this secular world we live in, but it is not an impossible mission. I pray that God lead you to those who need to hear His word, and that he grant you the grace to cease on the opportunities to speak truth and life into their lives.

    2. Amen! Thank u so much my brother for always keeping us in your prayers!

    3. Why not make outreach a SMARTER goal James? Think about what you'd like to aim for and put it down next Monday.

  32. 1. This past Sunday, my wife and I sat together and spoke about how our faith has been tested by our failed attempts to become parents. It was refreshing to share our faith with one another openly and honestly. We have both experienced bouts of doubt and struggle to understand God's purpose for our lives and marriage, but sharing in this struggle has brought us closer together. Now more than ever, we must be a source of encouragement to one another and remind each other of God's love. Our marriage is not contingent on our ability to have children. When God brought us together, he made us a family, and whether or not we are blessed with children, we have one another and are responsible for one another's relationship with God.

    2. Heavenly King, we have consecrated our lives to you, sworn a sacred oath to carry your word to the ends of the Earth, taken vows of love and fidelity as heads of our households, and are prepared to surrender the life you give us to glorify your name. We W.A.R. for you, a King above all Earthly princes, and for your kingdom, which is not of this world. We know you only through your begotten Son, Jesus Christ, but it is by faith that we believe in your lordship above all of creation. You have called us to the frontline, knowing our brokenness and in spite of our many flaws, because in you we are renewed. You have assembled among us a fine regiment capable of executing the great commission with which you have entrusted us: Roman, a born leader and seasoned veteran of WAR; Diaz, a well-versed orator of your word; Lake, a teacher after your own Son; Palomar, a gifted scholar of your wisdom; Palhegyi, a man standard-bearer of your Holy Spirit; Lauber, a highly trained disciple on a mission; and Dunn, a prodigal son and witness to your boundless love. IN your great wisdom, you have placed me in the company of great men of God. We pray that you will teach us how to best use the graces with which we've been blessed to walk in a manner worthy of our Warrior King, activate the sidelined saints, and release the locked up lost, for the glory of your name. We ask this in the name of Jesus Christ, your Son and our Savior. Amen

    1. This is all excellent Osiris! It's late or I would write more to you and other men.

    2. Brother Osiris, wow!!! Great prayer and insight on you marriage relationship ;-)

  33. 1. I have been giving out lots of mini movie cards lately. I gave one to a lady in the DMV. I gave one to a co-worker. I gave one to the cashier at Fannie May, my wife's brother, and a couple friends within the last 2 weeks.

    2. Father God I pray for my brothers Eddie, Ish, James, and William that u give them the strength and courage to be the men that u want them to be and fill them with your Holy Spirit Lord. I ask a special blessing for them and there families in Jesus mighty name!

  34. 1. After attending a fusion group on Tuesday night, I gave a brother named Tom not only a mini movie card but I also gave him a M3 card told him about what we do here on the blog and how we fellowship as well, he seemed really interested. I'll pray that he decides to join our band of brothers.

    2. John 15:19 If you belong to the world, it would love you as its own. As it is, you do not belong to the world. That is why the world hates you.

    Father as I come before you I ask that you equip my brothers Jack, Roger, Armando, George, Andre, Lemmy, Kevin, and myself with the weapons we need to defend ourselves from the wicked ones attacks. Give us the strength and courage to jump into battle with no hesitation, fit us with our armor LORD, let us stand together as a band of brothers, all our faith is in you father we ask that your will be done in Jesus Christ mighty name I pray Amen.

  35. 1. Last week I shared a mini movies card with my neighbor alex. He and his mom were just there that day to visit his dad. He is 14-15 years old and dropped out of school. His dad is not with with his son and the wife. Well, I noticed him around that day and told him I missed seeing him around and I could help him with GED stuff as well as invited him to church. Gave him a card and told him to check out a movie- and I'd be praying for his family.

    2. Praying for Mike and Nick tonight, "Lord keep these men bound to you, help us in our marriage s and our spiritual care for those we work around. Lord I know we don't think highly of ourselves as the best fathers or even husbands at times, but to be honest I know there are families out there that don't have near the love, compassion and dedication that these brothers display. Don't let them lose faith in the their reflection to the iniquity of this world, but fasten them to your grace and confidence." Amen

  36. 1. Last week I shared a mini movies card with my neighbor alex. He and his mom were just there that day to visit his dad. He is 14-15 years old and dropped out of school. His dad is not with with his son and the wife. Well, I noticed him around that day and told him I missed seeing him around and I could help him with GED stuff as well as invited him to church. Gave him a card and told him to check out a movie- and I'd be praying for his family.

    2. Praying for Mike and Nick tonight, "Lord keep these men bound to you, help us in our marriage s and our spiritual care for those we work around. Lord I know we don't think highly of ourselves as the best fathers or even husbands at times, but to be honest I know there are families out there that don't have near the love, compassion and dedication that these brothers display. Don't let them lose faith in the their reflection to the iniquity of this world, but fasten them to your grace and confidence." Amen

  37. 1. This past month I couldn't pass the opportunity to give card of "greatest miniclips" to person I was mentoring. To he intentional with what I gave him but also be influential wanted to keep touch. I asked him a two weeks ago what has thought of clips, his response was " I love them and planning on sharing these to others". Being intentional on sharing Gods message.

    2. Lord, you gave us life instead of death but first we had to die of self before to give us life(spiritually). I lift up my fellow brothers in battle Phil,Luis,Gary,Will,James,Eddie,Alex that they may carry out your message by testifying to the truth that is carried by love,grace and truth of your gospel to others who might be blinded in darkness of this world. You (Jesus) have selected us to be ambassador of your Word. Let us hold honor to that and continue mounting hurdles that may come our way.

  38. 1.- This pass Saturday at Cicero men's breakfast I was able to give a M3 and a mini movie card to brother Art of Cicero New Life and I told him about M3. Showed him blog site, he liked what M3 was doing and seem interested but indicated he really couldn't make that commitment.

    2.- Father God I thank you for the spiritual armory your word has given me and my brothers Jose n Roger.
    Praying we stand strong and might, never surrendering to worldly entrapments, defending the right and just for the glory of God.

    1. Way to go. Hope all is well.

    2. Brother Armando, God knows your efforts and He will reward you in due time :-)

  39. 1) I need to work on it.

    2) Dear Lord Jesus, please keep Luis and Gary encouraged throughout the week. I also pray that You empower them be strong in the face of any persecution or opposition they may face. In addition, I pray that You bless them and that You help them keep their focus on you. In Your powerful name, amen.

    1. Brother Alex, I come into agreement with your prayer and ask God He does the same for you brother :-)

  40. 1 I shared the link to my sister earlier this week. She has been going to a Christian church for a while, but has abandoned Christ when she met a hindu guy. I sent the video I watched last week about how Christianity is unique. I haven't heard anything back from her, but I hope God uses the video in her.

    2 Thank you Lord for my brothers. I pray that you would fill them with your Holy Spirit and guide them to impact lives for your great name's sake. Encourage them and walk alongside them through difficult times and give them boldness to share your gospel with those around them.
