Fri.9.4.15...Who's Your Father?...John 8:31-59

Remember this classic scene in Star Wars?

What a downer for Luke to discover from Darth Vader's own lips, "I am your father." That scene sets the stage today for another fight regarding the revelation of paternity issues. It's in our passage before us. 

1.- So read John 8:31-59. Then go back and pick out one verse that you want to learn more about. Click the link to David Guzik's online commentary or other sites or commentaries you may use to help you learn more about such. Then share the verse and the gold you discovered with us.  

Here's an insight I want to share. John 8:30-33 seems to be almost contradictory. First, we are told that many put their faith in Jesus. But then it seems that those very Jews are the ones who argue with Jesus throughout the rest of the chapter. They are the ones Jesus says are the slaves of sin and have the devil as their father. (That's a whole lot worse than even having Darth Vader as your father :) Perhaps what we have here is simply this. Many of the Jews in the crowd put their faith in him (v.30). Jesus gives them some initial instruction to hold to his teaching as the path of freedom (v.31). But also in the crowd of Jews were the ones who had been hostile to him earlier in the chapter (v.13,19,25). They were unrepentant and spoke up in opposition to what Jesus had just said to his new children in the faith. Their hostility proved they were not children of God or even of Abraham, but children of the devil. You'll also note that while Jesus was at the same feast earlier in chapter 7, that within the crowd there were those who put their faith in him and those who also wanted to seize him (7:30-31). I know my view on 8:31 is different than what David Guzik states, but it makes more sense to me. Happy digging!

Thanks for remembering to put all your points on the board. I will be working away this weekend to tally everything up for Monday and want to be able to credit you for all the GREAT things you have been doing to serve the Lord and others. 

2.- Go to our Contacts tab at the bottom of our Scoreboard. Remember last week I asked you to fill in the names and emails of two prayer warriors on the Contacts tab? If you're married, please feel free to have your wife be one of them. Ideally, have your second person be a Christian guy whom you hope will join M3. Write "Did it" if you have now got your two recorded. If not, please contact me and let me know why. Thanks.

Tomorrow is Tim Dearborn's birthday! Happy birthday Tim! 

It's coming. Sunday, September 14th. It's not the Return of the Jedi, but it's the Return to Jack's Place for our next M3 meeting. It will be at 2:00 PM which will enable men from other Chicagoland congregations to join us as well.
See you there at 10749 Cherrywood Dr. Palos Park. If you can't make, let me know. (Those who live out of the area, don't need to do so. We understand.)
And congratulations Grandpa Jack on the birth of your first grandchild, a little girl, Callen!

PS- Though I commented on only a few of your responses on yesterday's blog, I read every one of your prayers out loud for myself and for you. They were so on target and touched my heart. I am with great brothers whom I love and appreciate. Bless you! 


  1. 1.- Jn. 8:37
    I know that you are Abrahams descendants. Yet you are looking for a way to kill me, because you have no room for my word.

    Reference from Guzik's commentary

    Jesus acknowledge that they are of Abrahams genetic descend but have lose their spiritual sense of Abraham.

    Clearly their evil and sinister reaction to Jesus is not of God's teachings and they follow now in the way of Satan, their father, planing on killing him.

    Jesus states that their rejection of his word that he brings from the father is proved that they are not of Abraham and did not have the freedom that comes from abiding in His word.

    i. Spurgeon considered several ways that God's word should have a place in the believer.

    The word of God ought to have an inward place

    The word of God ought to have a place of high honor

    The word of God ought to have a place of trust

    The word of God ought to have a place of rule

    The word of God ought to have a place of love

    The word of God ought to have a permanent place

    The word of God ought to have an inward place

    2.- will do

  2. Happy birthday Tim
    Congratulations grandpa Jack, on God's blessings and special gift to your family

  3. 1. John 8 : 44 You are of your father the devil, and your will is to do your father's desires. He was a murderer from the beginning, and has nothing to do with the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he lies, he speaks out of his own character, for he is a liar and the father of lies.

     (44) Jesus reveals the identity of their true father.

    a. You are of your father the devil, and the desires of your father you want to do: The religious leaders brought up the issue of parentage by insulting Jesus in John 8:41. Jesus replied by explaining their spiritual parentage - they were the spiritual children of the devil. This was evident in that their desires matched the devil's desires: the desire to kill and deceive.

    i. "This verse is one of the most decisive testimonies for the objective personality of the devil. It is quite impossible to suppose an accommodation to Jewish views, or a metaphorical form of speech, in so solemn and direct an assertion as this." (Alford)

    ii. He was a murderer from the beginning: "Cyril and some others think it is the first murder, that of Abel, that is in view (1 John 3:15), but far more probably it is the introduction of death through the first sin." (Dods)

    The devil had bin around from the beginning. He is always trying to munipulat himself so we can fall from the glory of God. Jesus speaks to them and let's them know what's thier problem but they still have not listened. He called them out on lies that have caused them to sin. Is like they are dead spiritually and don't realize it. At time we to can get caught in this Web of lies but I'm glad to have brothers that can help each other out and correct us. The devil will try to do whatever is possible so we can be in complete darkness.

    2. Did it, me Wife and a brother from NL Eugene.

    Congrats Jack and family on your granddaughter! Happy, happy, happy!

  4. 1. John 8:51 "Truly, truly, I say to you, if anyone keeps my word, he will never see death."
    The commentary was very helpful in explaining this verse.
    - Jesus could have only made this claim if He was God and also one with the Father.
    - The word "see" has a stronger meaning in the original Greek, it implies a complete turn around in our lives once the Gospel becomes part of our life. "My back is upon death and my face is towards eternal life" . (Spurgeon)
    2. Did it.

    1. Roger, good quote from Charles Haddon Spurgeon.

  5. 1.- Jn. 8:37
    I know that you are Abrahams descendants. Yet you are looking for a way to kill me, because you have no room for my word.

    There was no application of the word in their hearts. They didn't believe the Truth, The Word.

    i. Spurgeon considered several ways that God's word should have a place in the believer.

    The word of God ought to have an inward place

    The word of God ought to have a place of high honor

    The word of God ought to have a place of trust

    The word of God ought to have a place of rule

    The word of God ought to have a place of love

    The word of God ought to have a permanent place

    Congrats Jack. Happy birthday Tim.

    1. O Lord, help Your word to have that kind of place in our lives.

    2. Thx Brither Eddie. Congrats on your family reunited

  6. 1.They answered him, “We are Abraham’s descendants and have never been slaves of anyone. How can you say that we shall be set free?”
    John 8:3

    Jesus is the truth and the Word made flesh. If we believe in Jesus we are set free from sin through the Holy Spirit.

    2.Did it.

  7. 1. "If God were your Father, you would love, Me, because I came from God and I am here. For I didn't come on My own, but He sent Me." (Jn 8:42). Gudzik says "Jesus again made the remarkable claim that He and His Father were and are so close in nature that if one truly lives as if God is their Father, they would also love Jesus." This is where the gospel becomes divisive and unpopular. At some point we need to tell people that without Jesus there is no access to God, no relationship with God, no promise of God's forgiveness, protection, provision, and blessing.
    2. I picked two good candidates for prayer partners and just texted & called them today. Didn't get a hold of them yet. Apparently they are praying about it! I should have them locked in within a day.

  8. 1
    Here is what grabbed my attention. Similarly to what Dave had shared, there indeed is a transition among the people who were following Jesus. Specifically what I noticed it in verse 8:37 know that you are offspring of Abraham; yet you seek to kill me because my word finds no place in you.
    This was an abrupt transition that in their own narrow sense that they are decedents of Abraham in the flesh as in Romans 9:8 but truthfully not “children” as heirs nor children of God because John 8:39

    Did it

    1. Good cross ref there Gary to Rom.9:8.
      Glad to see your two prayer warriors.

  9. John 8:34-36 (NIV) Jesus replied, “Very truly I tell you, everyone who sins is a slave to sin. 35 Now a slave has no permanent place in the family, but a son belongs to it forever. 36 So if the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed.

    ... If we are set free from our slavery to sin - set free by a Son, and set free by abiding in Jesus word and being His disciple - then we are free indeed, having a true freedom that contrasts to the freedom the Pharisees blindly claimed in John 8:33.

    i. The Son makes you free: "So the slave of sin cannot by himself change his status. He cannot convert himself, nor can he be converted by any fellow-sinner The liberator from our bondage must come from outside the ranks of enslaved humanity." (Tasker)

    ii. "If we are slaves of Sin, then we may be transferred from its household and brought into our true home in our Father's house. Here, then, is the blessed hope for us all." (Maclaren)

    For those not saved it should be an eye opener. You can't free yourself from sin, only through God's gift of grace and sacrifice you are set free. I pray that eyes will be open to His everlasting love He has for us.

    2) Done

  10. 1. "They answered him, “We are Abraham’s descendants and have never been slaves of anyone. How can you say that we shall be set free?" John 8:33
    It's interesting how they were in denial.

    2. Did it.

  11. 1- John 8:35
    Now a slave has no permanent place in the family, but a son belongs to it forever.

    The commentary was good. But even without the commentary it had me thinking. Jesus used the word slave with is a servant. So a slave to sin lives to serve that sin. A person could be in community with Gods children but be serving a certain sin. Therefore not being a real child. Another way I can think of it that would make more sense to me is a kid who hangs out at a certain friends house all the time. He may be in relationship with that family but its only to an extend. He eventually has to go home because he doesn't have the privilege to be there. And the homeowners have no legal or actual responsibility for this kid who is only there to hang around their actual children.

    2- Still working on it. Sorry, I know I procrastinate a lot. The Lord is still working in me. However I have seen some improvement in my life.

    1. 1. Good thoughts Luis.
      2. Being accountable to a team helps us to improve much faster. We are here to help you grow and mature. So what is your deadline for having this done? What will be your self imposed consequence if you don't? Text me this please. Thanks. :)

    2. Luis thank you for sharing those interesting thoughts.

  12. 1) “Now a slave has no permanent place in the family, but a son belongs to it forever.”
    ‭‭John‬ ‭8:35‬ ‭

    A) slave does not abide in the house forever, but a son abides forever: Slavery to sin is the worst kind of slavery, because there is no escape from our self. A Son must set us free, and the Son of God sets us free and brings us into the household of God.

    1. 1. Good Ricardo.
      2. Who is your second prayer warrior? How about your wife? Text me. Thanks :)

    2. Amen only the Son of God can set us free.

  13. John 8:56; Your father Abraham rejoiced to see My day, and he saw it and was glad.”
    57 Then the Jews said to Him, “You are not yet fifty years old, and have You seen Abraham?”
    58 Jesus said to them, “Most assuredly, I say to you, before Abraham was, I AM.”
    59 Then they took up stones to throw at Him; but Jesus hid Himself and went out of the temple,[c] going through the midst of them, and so passed by.

    Before Abraham was, I Am: With this dramatic phrase Jesus told them that He was the eternal God, existing not only during the time of Abraham but before unto eternity past. Jesus claimed to be the great I Am, the voice of the covenant God of Israel revealed at the burning bush (Exodus 3:13-14).
    I Am: This is the third time in this chapter Jesus uses the phrase I Am (John 8:24, 8:28), and here in John 8:58. The ancient Greek phrase is ego emi, which was the same term used in the Greek translation of the Old Testament in Jesus day to describe the Voice from the burning bush. "All the previous lightning flashes pale into significance before the blaze of this passage." (Barclay)

    In using the phrase I Am (John 8:24, 8:58, 13:19) Jesus used a clear divine title belonging to Yahweh alone (Exodus 3:13-14, Deuteronomy 32:39, Isaiah 43:10) and was interpreted as such by Jesus listeners (John 8:58-59). "I AM was recognized by the Jews as a title of deity." (Tenney)

    "Before Abraham came into existence I am, eternally existent No stronger affirmation of pre-existence occurs." (Dods)
    "If Jesus' claim was not well founded, then his words were openly blasphemous: he was using language that only God could use." (Bruce)

    John made it very clear to the Jews that Jesus was God when he first started writing his letter. Saying "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was in the beginning with God. All things were made through Him, and without Him nothing was made that was made. In Him was life, and the life was the light of men. And the light shines in the darkness, and the darkness did not comprehend[a] it." "David Guzik Commentary"

    Though we know God and have heard about him preached several times in the pulpits of our churches; it is possible just like the Jews who had all truth about Messiah but still lost sight of him. They indeed kept the Mosaic law and other ceremonial laws and are the true descendants of Abraham but lost sight of the coming of their Messiah and of his presence in their midst. His immediate family, found it difficult to grasp the fact that their family member is GOD(JESUS). Joseph dreamed the sun, moon, and eleven stars bowed low before him. it infuriated his brothers and that compelled them to sell him out to the Ishmaelite traders for twenty pieces of silver. And the traders took him to Egypt. Jesus said, “A prophet is not without honor except in his own town, among his relatives and in his own home.” Mk6:4

    1. 1. Excellent Lemmy! "All the previous lightning flashes pale in significance before the blaze of this passage." (Barclay)
      2. Please fill in your two prayer warriors on the Contacts sheet and text me this weekend when you have done so. Thanks :)

  14. 1. John 8:44 "You are of your father the devil, and you want to do the desires of your father. He was a murderer from the beginning, and does not stand in the truth because there is no truth in him. Whenever he speaks a lie, he speaks from his own nature, for he is a liar and the father of lies.

    2. Doing it now...

    1. Whew! I felt the heat reading that passage Mike! Jesus wasn't playing games. He was telling it as it was.

    2. Jesus pulled out the dynamite to blast through their hardened hearts.

  15. Bastard. The name simply means that your father (or mother) is not who he should have been. However, the negative connotations that go along with that word are so strong that it can be considered a cuss word. The idea is that if your father is not who he should have been, you are less than you should be.

    The Jews called Jesus this (John 8:41). They understood that Joseph was not Jesus' father. However, the part they missed is that God was His Father (literally, as well as spiritually).

    Jesus, in response, pointed out that it was not He who had the wrong Father. Indeed, it was the Jewish leaders who had the wrong father. They should have been children of God, spiritual as well as physical descendants of Abraham. Instead, their father, through action and heart, was Satan. Bastards.

    2. Waiting on confirmation of 2nd prayer warrior before I add him.

    1. Happy Birthday Tim! Good explanation.

    2. One way to grab attention is to start with a powerful statement or word. You got my attention Tim! :)
      Great point!
      Hope Saturday is great day for you and you're able to walk around better.

    3. Happy Birthday, Tim! Good post by the way. I enjoyed it!

    4. Happy Birthday Tim! It's great to know you. Appreciate your consistency and commitment to Christ and His people.

  16. 1) Jesus was calling-out these Jews! I was riveted to each word in the exchange today lol. The verse I chose is a small one at the end:

    John 8:56 “Your father Abraham rejoiced as he looked forward to my coming. He saw it and was glad.”

    The commentary quotes this:

    a. Your father Abraham rejoiced to see My day, and he saw it and was glad: Jesus made another remarkable claim, answering their questions in John 8:53. Jesus claimed that not only was He greater than Abraham, but Abraham himself also acknowledged this.

    i. "But when did he 'exult' to see the day of Christ? Perhaps when he said to Isaac on their way to the place of sacrifice, 'God will provide himself with a lamb for the burnt-offering' (Genesis 22:8)." (Bruce)

    ii. "It is interesting also that the Hebrew expression in Genesis 24:1, which stated that Abraham 'went into the days' (an expression translated in our Bible 'was well-stricken in age') was taken by some Rabbis to mean that he saw into the distant future." (Tasker)

    This is awesome how Jesus shows God's love for those who live according to Him. Abraham was in no means perfect yet he is mentioned by Jesus, saying great things about His servant. Love that.

    2) Did it! My wife and great friend and one of my mentors, Eric Reyes. :)

    1. Great verse you chose there Will! And good choices on your prayer warriors! ;)

  17. c. Before Abraham was, I Am: With this dramatic phrase Jesus told them that He was the eternal God, existing not only during the time of Abraham but before unto eternity past. Jesus claimed to be the great I Am, the voice of the covenant God of Israel revealed at the burning bush (Exodus 3:13-14).

    i. I Am: This is the third time in this chapter Jesus uses the phrase I Am (John 8:24, 8:28), and here in John 8:58. The ancient Greek phrase is ego emi, which was the same term used in the Greek translation of the Old Testament in Jesus day to describe the Voice from the burning bush. "All the previous lightning flashes pale into significance before the blaze of this passage." (Barclay)

    ii. In using the phrase I Am (John 8:24, 8:58, 13:19) Jesus used a clear divine title belonging to Yahweh alone (Exodus 3:13-14, Deuteronomy 32:39, Isaiah 43:10) and was interpreted as such by Jesus listeners (John 8:58-59). "I AM was recognized by the Jews as a title of deity." (Tenney)

    iii. "Before Abraham came into existence I am, eternally existent No stronger affirmation of pre-existence occurs." (Dods)

    iv. "If Jesus' claim was not well founded, then his words were openly blasphemous: he was using language that only God could use." (Bruce)

    2 Did it

  18. 1. John 8:42 Jesus again made the remarkable claim that He and His Father were and are so close in nature that if one truly lives as if God is their Father, they would also love Jesus. There is no room left for the person who says, "I love God but reject Jesus."

    2. Did it

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Great on both points Phil! Thanks for calling me earlier with the good news about Michael being soon ready to join M3. Way to go!

  19. 1. John 8:32 Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.”

    This is the result of abiding in the word of Jesus. We prove ourselves to be His disciples and we know the truth, and God works His freedom in our life through His truth. The freedom Jesus spoke of doesn’t come from just an academic pursuit of truth in general; but from abiding in His word and being His disciple.

    There is nothing like the freedom we can have in Jesus. No money can buy it, no status can obtain it, no works can earn it, and nothing can match it. It is tragic that not every Christian experiences this freedom, which can never be found except by abiding in God’s word and being Jesus disciple.

    2. Did it.

    1. Very good quotes Oscar and glad to see your two prayer warriors. Hope you all feel better soon.

  20. 1. John 8:35 " a slave does not stay with a family forever; but a son s is with a family forever."
    Slavery to sin is the worst kind of slavery, Because there is no escape to ourselves. We must have the Son of God to rescue us. I know this 1st hand as for so many years I knew no escape and was consumed with guilt and shame, until I was rescued by my Savior.
    2. Done

    1. "Slavery to sin is the worst kind of slavery, Because there is no escape from ourselves." Great quote Jack.

  21. 1. John 8:36 So if the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed.

    If we are set free from our slavery to sin - set free by a Son, and set free by abiding in Jesus word and being His disciple - then we are free indeed, having a true freedom that contrasts to the freedom the Pharisees blindly claimed in John 8:33.

    The point is clear: freedom does not consist in the word freedom, or in words, but in relationship to Jesus Christ, through abiding in His Word, and being His disciple.

    2. Will have it done in the morning.

    1. Very good Michael. And we abide in his word by abiding by what he says, not simply reading it, but heeding it. I'm so glad you are with us in that focus. We are seeking to be on mission with Jesus- multiplying MANLY (Christlike) men.

    2. Praise God that we are free from our past because God has made us new.

  22. 1.“Jesus said to them, “Truly, truly, I say to you, before Abraham was, I am.”” John‬ ‭8:58‬ ‭ESV

    c. Before Abraham was, I Am: With this dramatic phrase Jesus told them that He was the eternal God, existing not only during the time of Abraham but before unto eternity past. Jesus claimed to be the great I Am, the voice of the covenant God of Israel revealed at the burning bush (Exodus 3:13-14).

    i. I Am: This is the third time in this chapter Jesus uses the phrase I Am (John 8:24, 8:28), and here in John 8:58. The ancient Greek phrase is ego emi, which was the same term used in the Greek translation of the Old Testament in Jesus day to describe the Voice from the burning bush. "All the previous lightning flashes pale into significance before the blaze of this passage." (Barclay)

    ii. In using the phrase I Am (John 8:24, 8:58, 13:19) Jesus used a clear divine title belonging to Yahweh alone (Exodus 3:13-14, Deuteronomy 32:39, Isaiah 43:10) and was interpreted as such by Jesus listeners (John 8:58-59). "I AM was recognized by the Jews as a title of deity." (Tenney)

    iii. "Before Abraham came into existence I am, eternally existent No stronger affirmation of pre-existence occurs." (Dods)

    iv. "If Jesus' claim was not well founded, then his words were openly blasphemous: he was using language that only God could use." (Bruce)

    2. Did it!

    1. Great quotes James!
      Glad to see your two prayer warriors includes your dad.

  23. John 8:42-43New International Version (NIV)

    42 Jesus said to them, “If God were your Father, you would love me, for I have come here from God. I have not come on my own; God sent me. 43 Why is my language not clear to you? Because you are unable to hear what I say.

    d. Why do you not understand My speech? Because you are not able to listen to My word: Jesus explained that the problem with their lack of understanding was rooted in their failure - even inability - to listen to His word. This reminds is that the ability to listen to His word is a gift that one should be grateful for.

    2- Did it

    1. Thank you Lord for the ability to listen with a desire to follow your word.
      The Pharisees could certainly hear Jesus' words, but following them, seemed ridiculous to them.
      We got Roger's email filled in now too.

  24. 1 – John 8: 51 I tell you the truth, anyone who obeys my teaching will never die! This verse caught my eye tonight, it seems simple but the commentary has a good explination.

    If anyone keeps My word he shall never see death: This is another remarkable claim that only makes sense if Jesus is God, and is one with God the Father. Jesus promises eternal life to those who keep His word.

    i. "To keep my word, as, 'to continue in my word,' verse 31, is not only outward obedience, but the endurance in, and obedience of faith." (Alford)

    ii. Never see death: "Our face is turned away from death” The Greek is not fully interpreted by the word 'see': it is an intenser word. According to Westcott, the sight here mentioned is that of 'a long, steady, exhaustive vision, whereby we become slowly acquainted with the nature of the object to which it is directed.' While unforgiven, I cannot help gazing upon it, and foreseeing it as my doom. When the gospel of the Lord Jesus comes to my soul, and I keep his saying by faith, I am turned completely round. My back is upon death, and my face is towards life eternal." (Spurgeon)

    2 – Did it

  25. 1. John 8:44 "You belong to your father, the devil, and you want to carry out your father’s desires. He was a murderer from the beginning, not holding to the truth, for there is no truth in him. When he lies, he speaks his native language, for he is a liar and the father of lies."

    In verse 44, Jesus refers to Satan as "the first murderer." This got me thinking, "Did Satan commit murder?" I have always been intrigued by the stories I grew up with concerning Lucifer's betrayal of God, his rebellion, and his fall from grace. I couldn't recall anything in those stories mentioning Lucifer committing murder, but this is put into perspective in David Guzik's commentary: He was a murderer from the beginning: "Cyril and some others think it is the first murder, that of Abel, that is in view (1 John 3:15), but far more probably it is the introduction of death through the first sin." (Dods). What follows in the commentary stunned me: "When he speaks a lie, he speaks from his own resources: Jesus gives us some insight into the character of Satan. The lie is core to the devils character, and he is the deceiver most dangerous of all - the deceiver who has deceived himself." That last statement in particular, that the deceiver that deceives himself is the most dangerous of all, got me reflecting about my past and a characteristic I have been guilty of. In my moments of greatest sin, it has been my ability to justify my actions, or convince myself that I am somehow in the right, that have led me to do those things in life I am most ashamed of and regret. What does that make me, that I can deceive myself, a deceiver who has lied to those he loves and who love him?

    2. Did it.

    3. My wife and I received painful news again today. Our second attempt at becoming parents was not successful. While I did not make the same mistake I made last time (becoming angry with God), I have been on an emotional rollercoaster all day that almost brought me to the point of calling a broken arrow. I am broken right now, brothers. This struggle to be a father has broken me to my very core. I have contemplated leaving M3 and renouncing my faith. More painful, I think, than losing a child, is the thought that I may never have children of my own. I know God is greater than this fear I have, but the fear becomes all to real when your best efforts fail and you find yourself trying to console your wife, whose pain has been both physical and emotional. I do not feel manly today...I feel empty, forsaken, and alone. My only comfort has been reflecting on Christ's passion, and how his pain on the cross makes my pain seem so trivial, but I am only a broken man and in my sorrow, I do not hear the voice of God speaking to me. Please pray for me, brothers, and for my wife. Only faith keeps us moving forward.

    1. Oh Osiris, I am so sorry. I can't explain such. And if I could, it wouldn't change your hurt. Thank you for trusting us to pour out your feelings with us, rather than bottling them up to sour into bitterness. I'd probably feel the same- empty. But you know that you are not forsaken and alone. The voice of God has spoken. He has said, "Never will I leave you; never will I forsake you." Heb.13:5. We certainly will be praying for you both. And I will call you come daylight. We love you and appreciate you.

    2. Our hearts are truly heavy for your family's loss and this huge set back to your dreams and expectations brother. 1 Corinthians 13:26 - refers to the body of Christ including the M3 team. - "If one part suffers, every part suffers with it" Oh Lord, comfort Osiris and his wife in their grief and sadness. Help them sense your presence, your nearness and especially assure them of your love for them. Heal their hurt and pain. Help them to still look up to You and worship who You are and for your perfect sovereignty over their lives.

      Every blessing You pour out
      I'll turn back to praise
      And when the darkness closes in, Lord
      Still I will say Blessed be the name of the Lord

      Blessed be Your name
      On the road marked with suffering
      Though there's pain in the offering
      Blessed be Your name

      Matt Redman - Blessed Be Your Name

    3. Osiris. I am so sorry to hear of your loss Brother, for each person handles situations in their own way-- but know that God has his plan and loves you and your wife. Please don't feel alone and abandoned, as I understand the pain you are going through and we are here for you. It has happened to my wife and I on 5 separate times. We lost 3 children before we finally had our 1 and only daughter at which point we thought all was good going forward. Then we lost 2 more, and couldn't try again. My heart pours out to you Brother as it is disheartening. But there is always joy in every trial brother and today our daughter reproduced my grand daughter. He is faithful always and loves us. I understand the drain on you and your wife, but show her your love and that of Christ to encourage her, then reassure her that you are 1 flesh forever and that you will follow Jesus into eternity. Stand strong and trust in the Lord. I will call you to encourage you through this to victory in Christ. I will reach out to you later this morning or feel free to call me 417-459-8342. My wife and I would welcome the chance to share on the phone or in person I'd be happy to meet. We are here for you

    4. Bro, I'm here and I hear! I have no words. Many close to me have lost those so close to having their children. No rationale can explain our hope amidst pain. It's for you we are here. I will call tomorrow bro, keeping you close right now in my thoughts and prayers.

  26. I'm praying for you and your wife now.

  27. 1. You are of your father the devil, and you want to do the desires of your father. He was a murderer from the beginning, and does not stand in the truth because there is no truth in him. Whenever he speaks a lie, he speaks from his own nature, for he is a liar and the father of lies.
    David Guzik says,

    i. "This verse is one of the most decisive testimonies for the objective personality of the devil. It is quite impossible to suppose an accommodation to Jewish views, or a metaphorical form of speech, in so solemn and direct an assertion as this." (Alford)
    Jamison Faucett Brown Commentary says,
    b. When he speaks a lie, he speaks from his own resources: Jesus gives us some insight into the character of Satan. The lie is core to the devils character, and he is the deceiver most dangerous of all - the deceiver who has deceived himself.
    He was a murderer from the beginning—The reference is not to Cain (as Locke, De Wette, Alford, etc.), but to Adam [Grotius
    , Calvin, Meyer, Luthardt, etc.]. The death of the human race, in its widest sense, is ascribed to the murderous seducer of our r

    Nick Palhegyi

    We cannot deny from this passage that Jesus believed in a personal devil not just some evil force out there. There is debate among scholars that the reference about the Devil being a murderer from the beginning is either refer to the death of Cain or death resulting in the Fall. We have to look at what Jesus means by beginning. Does that mean mankind or the universe or something else? Either way Satan has been behind sin and enciting men to sin from the beginning whether he was the snake in Genesis or perpetrating evil behind the scenes as we see in the book of Job. I would like to look at this further and get a better understanding on the origin of Satan and how he was viewed prior to the time of Christ and after. Obviously there are references in the prophets of him being a fallen angel. But the references are pretty scarce. I'm not saying he wasn't a fallen angel but it is interesting there is not a heftier theology of him in the O.T. We still don't know a lot about his origins. There is also a lot of theological questions that come to mind when pondering this powerful evil being and why God would allow him to exist. But that is for another time. The context is referring to people who sin and people who sin are slaves of their father the devil. Jesus said he is the one who can set them free! Praise the Lord!

    1. Good ponderings Nic and glad to see you've got two fine people praying for you.

    2. You ready layer this one out, Nic.

    3. Very interesting insight Nick

  28. 1I know that you are Abraham’s descendants. Yet you are looking for a way to kill me, because you have no room for my word. I am telling you what I have seen in the Father’s presence, and you are doing what you have heard from your father. ”
    John 8:37-38 NIV
    Interesting view Dave Guzik had on this that made sense to me. Explaining that yes they are descendants of Abraham’s but children then gives us valid reason as to why, A) not having the "word" in them which is Jesus himself being son of God. B) looking for ways to kill him vs Abraham longed for the day to come and be with Jesus. C) Jesus explaining what He has seen what God is doing and telling them that that doing what they heard from their father which is the devil.

    2. Did it
    P.s Congrats Jack, so awesome and beautiful to have a little one in your family.
    Happy birthday Tim.

    1. Good thoughts Ismael and good prayer partners.

    2. Thx brother Ismael. Blessings to you and ur family

  29. 1) John 8:32 Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.”

    I wanted to see if the commentary explained specifically what the truth would free believers from. In the Exposition of the Gospel of John Commentary, Author W. Pink, lists freedom from 4 negative things and freedom to do one positive thing. The freedom from the four negative things were: 1st – freedom from the condemnation of sin, the penalty of the law and the wrath of God. 2nd -deliverance from the power of Satan. 3rd – freedom from the bondage of sin. 4th – Freedom from the authority of man.
    The freedom for believers to do a positive thing was being free to serve God.

    2) This was already done.

    1. "Free to serve God." The Jewish leader were so shackled to sin, that they did not have the freedom to understand and accept Jesus.

  30. 1. John 8: 43. Why do you not understand what I say? It is because you can not bear to hear my message.
    When Jesus would speaks, he would uses words like bread, which they thought as bread to eat. When he spoke of water, they thought water that we drink. He asked "can't you understand the way I use my words?" Jesus then tells them " you don't understand because you don't want to accept my teaching.
    This also reflects In our lives as well. When a person reads the bible without knowing Jesus, it is only a book. In order for a person to understand the bible , he has to accept and love Jesus as our Lord and Savoir. When we have love for Jesus we want to know more of his word. As love grows , we also want to share it.
    2. Did it

  31. 1) John 8:58 "Very truly I tell you," Jesus answered, "before Abraham was born, I am!""

    One of my favorite verses from this chapter. There are many people who try to say that Jesus was only a good teacher. However, that is not what He claimed to be. He claimed to be God. As a result, this is a very important verse to remember.

    2) I will fill them out tomorrow.

  32. 1) Truly, truly, I say to you, if anyone keeps my word, he will never see death." John 8:51

    I wanted to see if I can answer what death really is. It is where you no longer live in this world but live forever with the lord in his kingdom.

    1. Hi Andre! Glad to see you have one of your two prayer partners listed.

  33. 1. John 8:42 Jesus told them, “If God were your Father, you would love me, because I have come to you from God. I am not here on my own, but he sent me.

    2. I haven't done it but I will tomorrow.

  34. 1.John 8:56 NIV
    Your father Abraham rejoiced at the thought of seeing my day; he saw it and was glad."
    -Referring to Genesis 12:2 NIV
    [2] "I will make you into a great nation and I will bless you; I will make your name great, and you will be a blessing."
    Abraham was excited to know through his drawn dance the messiah would come.
    2. Did it!

    1. Here's another great cross ref- "And through your seed all the nations of the world will be blessed" Gen.22:18
      And I rejoice at seeing you later today :)

  35. 1. John 8:34 Jesus replied, “Very truly I tell you, everyone who sins is a slave to sin.

    Cross Reference from commentary:

    ii. "There is another kind of slavery than social or economic slavery. Sin is a slave-master, and it is possible even for people who think of themselves as free to be enslaved in sin." (Bruce)

    2. Did it a while ago

  36. Late post.

    1.John8:46 "Can any of you prove me guilty of sin? If I am telling the truth, why don’t you believe me?"

    Prove that Jesus is Guilty of Sin... What a thought. I mean that right there was what drove me to immediate omission of my need for him. In all of Jesus' years living there- not ONE offense ever!?! Really, I mean that is a self indignant statement of his own admission~ anyone could have accused him. "Like what about when Jesus broke Sabbath that one time, or lied or disrespected his mom..." Like call me crazy, but that wouldve-shouldve been it. Signed. Done. Case closed. - but He was not!

    He made a declaration that no one logically ever could make. And they didn't even see it.

    I know its late and by no means will I edit this again, but thinking of all the things I regret, I truthfully would never make that statement.
    David Guzik-
    "d. Which of you convicts Me of sin? Again, Jesus gives His enemies - who hate Him so badly they want to kill Him - an opportunity to declare some sin in Him - and they cannot! This is nother remarkable testimony to the sinlessness of Jesus Christ."

    2. On it

  37. 1. John 8:31 says "So Jesus was saying to those Jews who had believed Him, “If you continue in My word, then you are truly disciples of Mine". --- I really liked what this commentary wrote: Jesus offers discipleship and freedom to those believing in Him.

    a. Jesus said to those Jews who believed Him: The previous verse tells us that many believed in Him (John 8:30). Jesus spoke to those who had that beginning of belief, telling them what they needed to continue in belief.

    i. "This section of the discourse is addressed to those who believe, and yet do not believe. Clearly they were inclined to think that what Jesus said was true. But they were not prepared to yield Him the far-reaching allegiance that real trust in Him implies. This is a most dangerous spiritual state." (Morris)

    b. If you abide in My word, you are My disciples indeed: If we will be Jesus disciples, we must abide in His word. There is no other way. To be a follower of Jesus - the Word made flesh - is to abide (to live in, to dwell in, to make your home in) His word.

    i. If you abide in My word: "To those who have just been described as believing on Him Jesus went on to say, 'If you' - emphasized in distinction from those who had not believed - 'abide in my word' - not content with making the first step towards faith and obedience - 'then' - but not till then - 'are ye really my disciples.'" (Dods)

    ii. Tasker described what it means to abide in His word: "Welcoming it, being at home with it, and living with it so continuously that it becomes part of the believer's life, a permanent influence and stimulus in every fresh advance in goodness and holiness." (Tasker)

    iii. This too is another statement reflecting the unity between the Father and the Son. Jesus called men to abide in His word. In the mouth of anyone other than Jesus, these words would be absurd.

    iv. "Our treatment of our Lord's words discriminates us: He that hath my commandments, and keepeth them, is he that loveth Me." (Meyer)

    A couple of great references are : John 5:8. -- This is to my Father's glory, that you bear much fruit, showing yourselves to be my disciples.

    2 John 1:9. --Anyone who runs ahead and does not continue in the teaching of Christ does not have God; whoever continues in the teaching has both the Father and the Son

    2. Did it
