Th.9.10.15...The Anvil...John 10:22-42

When I was a boy, Saturday mornings were a favorite time to be in front of the TV. There were great cartoons to watch! One of them that came out was, The Road Runner. "That coyote is really a crazy clown. When will he learn that he never can mow him down?" So what's the following funny anvil scene have to do with today's passage? You'll see that it leads to a weighty subject. (Don't forget the anvil:)

Yesterday we saw Jesus dealing with the blind Pharisees who opposed him for healing the blind man on the Sabbath. They cared so little for the people. They were worse than bad shepherds; they were more like thieves and robbers of the sheep. Jesus is the good shepherd who lays down his life for the sheep. 

As we open our Bibles today to John 10:22-42, we'll notice first a change and then surprisingly no change. First there is a change- a change of season. Before, Jesus was dealing with the people and the blind Pharisees in the temple area during the autumn Feast of Tabernacles (ch.7 all the way through 10:21). Now the season has changed. It is winter during the Feast of Dedication (aka Hanukkah). But what hasn't changed is the subject matter. Jesus returns to the issue of being a good shepherd to his sheep, who listen to his voice. (His voice is recorded for us to listen to in the unbreakable Scriptures.)

In the middle of our passage today, we come to what some think is a weak moment in Jesus' life. They think that Jesus is trying to water down his claim to deity to save his skin from stoning. They think wrongly. Jesus was not afraid of anyone or any threats on his life. We read yesterday that he said, "No one takes it (my life) from me, but I lay it down of my own accord" 10:18. He wouldn't die by stoning, though the Jews sought on more than one occasion to stone him. To such untimely attempts on his life, Jesus could say, "My time has not yet come." The OT also predicted that he would be pierced through for our transgressions, not stoned to death. God rules and overrules.

Read our passage now, John 10:22-42. Then go to your excellent commentary on the Bible that you now own and have on your internet bookshelf- Scroll down to our passage and read through the comments especially on 10:22-25 and also on 31-39. If you have time, enjoy the great insights on the entire passage. 

1.- Share one insight you gleaned or a thought that impressed you from your reading today. 

So what's an anvil got to do with today's passage? Did you notice what Jesus said in 10:35? "The Scripture cannot be broken." A lot of critics have attacked the Bible, trying to break our confidence in it. But it only breaks them. It's like someone attacking an anvil with a hammer. The hammer or their hand may break, but not the anvil. Their plans of 'doing in' the Bible are no better than the crazy plans of Wile E Coyote. In the end, their plans will fall apart and the anvil of God's word and judgments will fall upon them. 

Here's how the anvil ironically fell upon one powerful man who attacked the anvil of God's word. He was a French infidel named Voltaire [1694-1778]. He was one of the most talented writers of his time. He sought to use his pen to destroy faith in the Bible and in Christ. "Of Christ, Voltaire said, 'Curse the wretch!' He once boasted, 'In twenty years, Christianity will be no more. My single hand shall destroy the edifice it took twelve apostles to rear.' Shortly after his death, the very house in which he printed his foul literature became the depot of the Geneva Bible Society." This story is from a book entitled, The Last Words of Saints and Sinners. Would you like to hear the last words of this sinner? Here's how the story concludes. "The physician, Trochim, waiting up with Voltaire at his death, said that the infidel cried out most desperately: 'I am abandoned by God and man! I will give you half of what I am worth if you will give me six months' life. Then I shall go to hell; and you will go with me, O Christ! O Jesus Christ!'" The anvil he sought to break, broke him. "The Scripture cannot be broken."

2.- Write a prayer of praise to God for his unbreakable word or a prayer of thanks for saving you from the anvil of God's judgment that would have rightly fallen on you and me.

3.- Hope you like the David Guzik commentary series I'm giving you. (Aren't I generous :) Please bookmark this link as a favorite on your computer. Then simply say, "Yes" if you've done so. (I spent mucho dinero buying commentaries like this years ago.)  

Horacio shared a great outreach story- "I was cutting my grass when the mailman came up and handed me the mail. I shut the mower off, received the mail, and said thank you and God bless. I turned around and started the mower, but from the corner of my eye I could see the mailman stop and pause while looking at me. I shut the mower off and walked up to him and introduced myself. Rod is his name. He asked me if I have ever listened to a pastor named Tony Evans. The ice was broken. We proceeded to talk and in return, I handed him an M3 card and a Greatest mini-movies card and invited him to watch the movies and consider M3. He also said that at night he goes for a run and enjoys listening to another pastor named Mark Jobe on Straight Talk." How cool is that Horacio! Way to go! 


  1. 1. Great explanation in the commentary of the Feast do Dedication. Very interesting and sad to learn how Antiochus Epiphanes (king of Syria) had committed so many atrocities against the Jews and desecrated the temple for three years Thus this Feast was a cleansing and re-dedication of the temple.
    Something else that I thought was important in today's reading was v 28 " I give them eternal life, they will not perish and no one will snatch them out of my hand". Such a great comforting statement from Jesus that if we are His followers nobody can take us from His hand.
    2. Dear Lord I thank you that because of your mercy and love I will not receive eternal punishment that I deserve but rather will get to spend eternity in your presence.
    3. Did it.

    1. Amen Roger. Praise the Lord for His mercy.

    2. It's great to know we are secure. God verse.

    3. Amen Roger. Great prayer acknowledging his mercy and good digging bro

  2. 1. The people that surrounded Jesus and questione him had a problem, a unbelieving heart. Jesus had told the people plainly and through stories and through miracles who He was, yet they did not believe.

    "The problem wasn't that Jesus was unclear about who He was and where He came from. The problem was that the religious leaders had hearts of unbelief that they wanted to blame on Jesus."

    They were not sheep, only those who truly believed were and are and we be His sheep.

    2. I want to echo David's prayer to the Lord this morning, found in 1 Chronicles 17:16, "Who am I, O Lord God, and what is my family, that you have brought me this far?... For you know your servant, O Lord. For the sake of your servant and according to your will, you have done this great thing...There is no one like you, O Lord, and there is no God but you."

    3. Saved the link.

    1. Very good point Eddie- "Jesus had told the people plainly and through stories and through miracles who He was, yet they did not believe."
      Love your echoed prayer. How fitting.

    2. Amen brother, no one can compare to our father.

    3. Good stuff Eddie! It's crazy how they denied Jesus even tho he showed proof of who he was.

  3. 1. It's unbelievable how even after everything Jesus done for so many they still didn't believe in who he was. How can they have been so ignorant.

    2. Lord, I give thanks for saving me from myself, for drawing close to you and taking control of my life. I ask that you continue to give me strength to fight temptation, thank to u lord for your blessing and unconditional love, in your mighty name Jesus Christ I pray amen.

    3. I will check out the link.

    1. Great prayer Jose. May God continue to use you to help save others.

    2. Amazing how many don't believe even tiday as he presents himself and demonstrates his miracles all the time

  4. 1. After Jesus has this confrontation he leaves to another place where many people believe in Him. Verse 41 says that the people said, “Though John never performed a sign, all that John said about this man was true.” It's interesting, as the commentary points out, that John didn't perform any miracles but he had a huge influence. Even as the people give John credit it is directly tied to Jesus. John was great because he spoke truth about Jesus. He wasn't great in Himself or because of his talent, hard work, charisma, etc. He was great because he was bold, determined, and fearless in pointing people to the truly Great One.
    2. "Lord, we are unworthy but you have given us all that we need. We do not live on bread alone but on every word that proceeds out of Your mouth. Thank You for speaking to us, for giving us each the right message at the right time, for bringing us fresh manna, a word that is alive and active every day. You give us the supplies and the knowledge to build our house on rock not sand. Enable us to build great lives and be a bright light to many."
    3. Done

  5. 1- It still amazes me, the ignorance and stubbornness of their unbelief. In verse 24 where they tell Jesus “How long will you keep us in suspense? If you are the Messiah, tell us plainly.” At first I thought that these were people who were curious about Jesus and wanted to hear from him himself. But the commentary shed some light that it was the pharisees who were continually instigating the situation.

    2- Lord and Father, I give you thanks for everything. Thank you for your gift of salvation. Thank you that you have taken me out of a life of sin and although I am not perfect and I fall at times. Your grace is so much grater than my failure and by your grace I am renewed daily and becoming stronger and having more of your character. Thank you that your words are true and never fail. In your name King Jesus I pray this. Amen.

    3- has been bookmarked. Thank your for the great resource Dave.

  6. 1. "Share one insight you gleaned or a thought that impressed you from your reading today."
    The historical account of "The Feast of Dedication" intrigued me.

    Where can these historical accounts be found?
    In the the "Apocrypha"?
    Book of Maccabees?
    Are these accounts drawn from Jewish oral and/or written traditions?

    Also "It's comforting to know that the hands that created the world hold on to the believer." (David Guzik Commentary)

    2. Lord Abba Father, I praise you for your unfailing Word that has transformed and saved me from eternal condemnation into an eternal loving relationship with you. In Jesus' name, amen!

    3. Yes

    1. I too am interested where the information was derived.

    2. Guzik's commentary highlights a number of things surrounding the feast of dedication, but I see that he didn't answer your good questions Robert. Some of the parts of the story come from 1 Macabees 4 and other parts are from Jewish oral then written traditions.

  7. 1. What a promise Jesus gives us here eternal life and no one can snatch us out of his hands thank You Lord !!!I give them eternal life, and they shall never perish; no one will snatch them out of my hand.
    John 10:28


    1. Good verse George. We will always belong to him. God bless you bro.

    2. Good verse and thoughts, George!

  8. 1.“and I give eternal life to them, and they will never perish; and no one will snatch them out of My hand.” -‭‭John‬ ‭10:28‬ ‭
    - this is one of those verses that has brought me much comfort in God's sovereignty. This means that there is nothing that can take me out of God's hands. Not only is He the author of my faith is the perfecter of it as well.
    2. God thank you that you always hear me when I call to you! Thank you that you were there and you were saving from my sinful self! I'm totally undeserving of your grace!
    3. Yes

    1. Thank you Father for my nephew, brother and friend. I so enjoy his company.

  9. 37 Do not believe me unless I do the works of my Father. 38 But if I do them, even though you do not believe me, believe the works, that you may know and understand that the Father is in me, and I in the Father.”

    d. The works that I do in My Fathers name, they bear witness of Me:

    Jesus had told them by His words who He was. Yet, the works Jesus also demonstrated that He was from God, and that He was true to His word.(Guzik)

    It is interesting to note that He was giving them a chance to believe and they still refused to accept Him. You can lead a horse to water, but can make it drink. God continues to work in our life. I pray that we let the work He started in us become more fruitful.

    2. Dear God, I thank you for your holiness, thank you for paying the price for me, thank you for your patience with me, continue to transform me into the man you want me to be, in Jesus Christ name I pray.

    3.did it

    1. Thank you for my friend Sam and how you are at work in his life Lord.

  10. 1. “My Father, who has given them to me, is greater than all, and no one is able to snatch them out of the Father’s hand.” ‭‭John‬ ‭10:29‬ ‭ESV‬‬

    d. No one is able to snatch them out of My Father's hand: God's sheep find safety in the both the hand of the Good Shepherd and God the Father. Its comforting to know that the hands that created the world hold on to the believer.

    2. Father God thank you for giving me many chances. I'm grateful for the greatest sacrifice you have given to us. It shows how forgiving, graceful, and loving you are. May you continue to lead my life. Amen

    3. Did it.

    1. Amen, that is one of the praise and request that our heavenly father won't deny or delay to answer. PTL.

    2. Amen bro. Thank God for the many chances he's given us time after time. Keep pressing on bro.

  11. 1. John 10 : 37 If I am not doing the works of my Father, then do not believe me; 38 but if I do them, even though you do not believe me, believe the works, that you may know and understand that the Father is in me and I am in the Father.”

    We live in a society with many people truly following God's word but we still have many false people within our lives. Practice what we preach. This is hard for me but i try every day but living as Godly as i can. One can see the way one carries himself as a true follower of God by the works they perform. We always look for miracles so we can believe. What strong faith one must have to believe. We see God's work everyday, all we have to do is stop from our busy schedules and watch, see. They are all around us everyday and we take them for granted. God is good, great, loving, merciful and in control of all, yes all situations like it or not.

    2. Lord Jesus, thank you again for today's blessings. Thank you for giving me the ability to break away from the bondage of denial. I understand you are the light and are my salvation. I pray for the heart of any person that might be struggling with baggage or bondage that might be holding their walk with you back. Lord you are in control of my life and theirs and thank you for the ability to share the good news with those that are seeking you.

    3. Done

  12. 1) “My sheep listen to my voice; I know them, and they follow me. I give them eternal life, and they shall never perish; no one will snatch them out of my hand.”
    ‭‭John‬ ‭10:27-28‬ ‭NIV‬‬

    2) Heavenly Father thank you forgiving me and taking all my worries away, I give you thanks for being patient and not forsaking me the many times I failed you.

    1. Praise the lord. We all fail our father in heaven just as we might to our earthly father; However our heavenly father is abundance in love and grace and is willing to forgive, guide, and provide.

  13. 1-Jhn.10.27-28.niv
    My sheep listen to my voice; I know them, and they follow me. I give them eternal life, and they shall never perish; no one will snatch them out of my hand.
    Christ was soon to leave His disciples, and He said this to give them comfort. When He should be no more with them, they would remember His words.
    Whenever they saw a shepherd watching his flock, they would think of the Saviour’s love and care for them.
    In that land the shepherd stayed with his flock day and night. Over the rocky hills and through the forests he led them by day, to pleasant, grassy fields and by the riverside.
    Through the night he watched them, guarding them from wild beasts and from robbers, that were often lurking near.

    2- Heavenly father we thank you so much for your only begotten son who didn't hold back but laid down his life for his sheep. We haven't done anything to deserve you love and forgiveness but you love for us is from everlasting.


    1. That is so right "we haven't done anything to deserve your love and forgiveness..." Indeed His love is everlasting.

    2. What a great gift he gave us-- now let's continue to serve him and advance his Kingdom

  14. 1. – John 10:25 Jesus answered, “I did tell you, but you do not believe. The works I do in my Father’s name testify about me, 26 but you do not believe because you are not my sheep.

    This impressed me because Jesus reveals himself to be the Son of God through the miracles he had performed but the religious people do not believe because they do not know Jesus or the father who sent him. The John writes how Jesus reveals himself to the religious leaders but they refuse to believe. Jesus is the good shepherd. Amen.

    2. Dear heavenly father thank you for saving my life from destruction and meaningless to a life full of hope and eternal life in You Lord. Father forgive me of my sins and help to repent every day of my foolish ways and enable me to serve you with compassion and love. Lord I come to you to received your daily bread and glorify you by feeding your flock. Lord I pray in the name of Jesus Christ my Lord and Savior. Amen and Amen.

    3. Yes.

    1. Thank you Lord for Oscar and what you have, are, and yet will do in his life.

  15. 1. John 10:30 "I and the Father are one.” One of the most clear and succinct claims that Jesus is God. You can't get much more plain than that. And the Jews showed by their response that they clearly understood this claim. They picked up stones to stone Him. Why? "“For a good work we do not stone You, but for blasphemy; and because You, being a man, make Yourself out to be God.” v.33

    On a side note, I believe this event takes place around Jesus' birthday, based on a calendar that was produced in 354 AD. That calendar, in "Part 6", lists some Roman games that take place on December 25th. But in a completely separate section, "Part 12", it contains the birthdays of a list of Martyrs. The first one on the list is... Jesus Christ, with a birthday listed of December 25th (around the Feast of Dedication or Hanukkah). The focus of the Bible is on Jesus' life, death, and resurrection, not particularly His birth, but I find it interesting. God began a real man on a real date in history.

    2. Dear God, Thank you for rescuing me from your judgment. Thank you for the solid foundation, the anchor, indeed the anvil of Your Word, which does not change with season, times, or philosophical thought. Amen.

    3. Bookmarked

    1. Bueno Tim! Glad to talk with you earlier today. Hiking with you and other M3 brothers will be a very enjoyable thing to look forward to :)

  16. 1)I like the fact that Jesus's always did everything on his terms. He never let man put fear in him but man made the mistake of not believing in him.

    2) God i thank you for my struggles and success give me strength the next couple months in everything I do. In Jesus name amen

    3) done

    1. interesting stuff. Great prayer

    2. He will always give you strength. " I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me"
      Phil 4:13

  17. 1
    This was a very loaded passage and so I was focused on the statement by the jews verse 10:34: “The Jews answered him, "It is not for a good work that we are going to stone you but for blasphemy, because you, being a man, make yourself God."
    They were unraveled by the total blasphemy of Jesus claiming to be God. However unlike times today where many cultures and viewpoints miss that Jesus directly claims to be God through the word; the fact for the Jews is that they miss what should be relied upon. That is the foretelling and performance of the miracles by Jesus. His works are the proof of himself and the father, Looking back to verse 5:36
    I praise and thank you God for the mighty work you have done and are continuing to do as I speak. And I thank you for your incredible word that is timeless and can always stand on its own.

  18. 1- John 10:37-38New Living Translation (NLT)

    37 Don’t believe me unless I carry out my Father’s work. 38 But if I do his work, believe in the evidence of the miraculous works I have done, even if you don’t believe me. Then you will know and understand that the Father is in me, and I am in the Father.”

    2- Jesus thank you for the things you have done and the things you are about to do. Jesus thank you for dying for my sins. Thank you for love and compassion for me. I pray that I may lift your name up on high. Thank you for paying a debt you did not owe. In Jesus name amen

    3- Yes all good.

    1. Amen and Amen! Just beautiful brother! It was good to see u doing service work at the block party. Your a good man Vince!

  19. 1.- Share one insight you gleaned or a thought that impressed you from your reading today.

    What I found interesting was when Jesus told the religious Jews “I told you, but you don’t believe... You don’t believe because you’re not my sheep." (MSG version).

    2.- Write a prayer of praise to God for his unbreakable word.

    Thank you for your word, letter to us, always being true, either to convict us, encourage us.

    3. Yes (bookmarked)

  20. . 1.John 10:37-38 " Do not believe me unless I do the works of my Father. But if I do them, even though you do not believe me, believe the works that you may know and understand that the Father is in me, and I in the Father."
    Jesus is God! "Most assuredly I tell you, before Abraham was, I AM" John 8:58
    "I and the Father are one" John 10:30
    "The Father is in me, and I in him" John 10:38
    2. God you are so good and faithful always, as you rescued me when I was and am not worthy. Thank you Lord for showing me your will through your word; use me however you choose to serve you. Amen
    3. Yes

    1. I love how you pray Jack! I really enjoyed talking with u today and I love the encouragement that u gave me about praying with my wife in the morning. I want to start doing that!

  21. 1. From David Guzik
    c. I told you, and you do not believe: Jesus did not often specifically refer to Himself among the Jews as the Christ, the Messiah. He did this because messiah was a word with political and even military implications that Jesus wished to avoid. Yet Jesus could rightly say that in many ways, I told you and you do not believe.

    I always was puzzled by the fact that Jesus didn't seem to come out and say he was messiah. But this explanation makes sense.

    2. Lord thank you for sparing me from the coming wrath and judgement of hell. But thankyou for saving me from a hellish life to a good life filled with promise and freedom. You are good and your love endures forever1

    3. Bookmarked it!

    1. I can not imagine the huge number of people refuse to accept God's gift of life. I glad you made the right choice, Nic.

  22. 1. If He called them gods, to whom the word of God came: Jesus reasoned, If God gave these unjust judges the title gods because of their office, why do you consider it blasphemy that I call Myself the Son of God in light of the testimony of Me and My works?
    "The argument is from the greater to the less. If in any sense they could be called gods - how much more properly He." (Alford)

    2. Heavenly Father I just want to thank you for your Grace and Mercy. You pick me up when I fall and you lift me up when I'm down. I thank you for rescuing me and filling me with your spirit. Thank you for sending your Son to save us. In Jesus name I pray Amen.

    3. Done

    1. Beautiful prayer Phil, and thank you for your timely call this morning. Udabest!

    2. Our heavenly Father loves his son , Phil, so much that that he picked him up when he fell . Phil, hold on tight and stay on the straight path. I'm praying for you.

    3. Phil, I saw your comment about praying with your wife. Below is a link to the Family Life 30 Day Oneness Prayer Challenge. It already started but if you sign up you can still look at the past days.

  23. 1. John 10:34 "Jesus answered them, “Is it not written in your Law, ‘I have said you are “gods” ’d ? 35 If he called them ‘gods,’ to whom the word of God came—and Scripture cannot be set aside— 36 what about the one whom the Father set apart as his very own and sent into the world? Why then do you accuse me of blasphemy because I said, ‘I am God’s Son’? 37 Do not believe me unless I do the works of my Father. 38 But if I do them, even though you do not believe me, believe the works, that you may know and understand that the Father is in me, and I in the Father.”

    Without a doubt, Jesus would have made an amazing attorney (though given the reputation of attorneys...well...). In these verses, He masterfully makes His case for calling himself the Son of God in a way that should have been familiar and accessible enough to the pharisees (unfortunately, because they do not truly know the Word, it goes over their head). What strikes me though is the authority with which Jesus makes crystal clear that the word of God cannot be broken. Scripture, the inspired word of God as recorded by divinely inspired men, is cannot be argued or is not opinion, but fact, in its entirety. What other text can make this claim. David Guzik comments:

    And the Scripture cannot be broken: This is a general rule for all Scripture, but Jesus applied it here to a fairly obscure passage where the essential point rested on one word God used to refer to human judges. It is a remarkable demonstration that the specific words of Scripture are inspired, not only the broad themes and ideas.

    i. "It means that Scripture cannot be emptied of its force by being shown to be erroneous." (Morris)

    ii. " 'Scripture cannot be annulled' or 'made void' (Mark 7:13); it cannot be set aside when its teaching is inconvenient. What is written remains written." (Bruce)

    iii. "Notice that he says this, not in connection with some declaration which might be regarded as among the key declarations of the Old Testament, but of what we might perhaps call without disrespect a rather run-of-the-mill passage." (Morris)

    iv. The word of God can't be broken; it breaks whatever opposes it.

    2. Father, though I may have turned and continue to turn my back on you, you embrace me ever closer. You hold me through my pain and sorrow. You shower me with the gifts of Creation and make sweet even the most bitter days. You remind me in the little details that you draw my eyes to throughout the day that you are almighty and merciful. You make known your presence in the subtleties of my day to day life...a cooling breeze, a pleasant aroma, a kind word, a warm smile, a loving hug. In all these, I see only you, Lord, and I am reminded that you are with me. You stay your wrath even when I do not contain mine. You stay your hand even when my heart rebels against you. You keep your covenant, and my sins are truly paid in full by the precious blood of my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. I am unworthy of your unconditional love, but still I thank you and praise you, Father, that you would love a wretch like me.

    3. Yes.

    1. What a powerful, honest prayer Osiris. I love and respect you.

    2. Osiris, thank you for your prayer . It brings me peace and comfort in my time of sadness. May Jesus also give you peace in your heart . May The Lord answer your prayer .

  24. 1. John 10:22-25
    In these four verses, Jesus is surrounded what seemed more like a gang of rough necks. Although Jesus made it clear that he is the Messiah to all who heard him, the religious leaders still want him to tell them plainly that he was the Messiah. It wasn't because of deafness, or misunderstanding, or a different language. The religious leaders hearts were hardened with disbelief. Jesus told them they were not his sheep . The sheep of the Shepard recognize his voice .
    2. Father in heaven, thank you for the love you have for me. Thank you for being patient with me. Thank you for letting me call you Father. At one time I felt a heavy weight of problems that were distorting my walk with you. You pulled that load from me and let me hold on to your shoulder. You have taught to walk your straight path . Father continue to help me stay on this path and complete my mission. Bless my brothers of M3. I ask that you give strength and courage each one of them. I pray and ask this in the name of my Lord and Savior, Jesus.
    3. Done
    4 brothers of M3, continue to pray for my brother , Rick. He was diagnosed with West Nile virus. He has shown signs of improvement . His next step is therapy. This is due to weakness in his left arm and right leg. Please pray for strength and patience for his wife, children and grandchildren, as they wait on his recovery. Thank you , Louie

    1. Ugh! Will keep your brother Rick in prayer. I know this can be a long ordeal.

  25. 1.- Share one insight you gleaned or a thought that impressed you from your reading today.

    I often think of what my dad once told me about Christians that felt “they had no testimony.” "The Scripture cannot be broken” and neither could “your story” is what my dad used to tell me. Even if you don’t memorize scripture, you memorize your story. People often condemn their own story and in turn, condemn what God has done in their life.

    2.- Lord, I thank you for rescuing me from a life of searching, reaching and missing-out on the gifts that you freely offer.

    1. More good words from your dad. I'm glad I knew him.
      Thanks for calling. It's always enjoyable talking with you.

  26. 1. John 10:27 "My sheep hear My voice, and I know them, and they follow me."

    Others have commented on these verses (v22-v42) about their unbelief... They were not His sheep. That is all.

    2. Father, thank you for the job opportunity that I have. I pray Father that you would help me not to lose faith as trials come.

    3. Done.

    1. It was good talking with you tonight Mike. So glad for the job opportunity before you.
      Now we see through a glass dimly, but when all the smoke clears from our trials, we will see him face to face and know what we questioned- God truly is good, loving and worthy of all our praise. May we walk by faith in that now. You are getting your legs back under you and it's a good thing to see.

  27. 1 – John 10: 24-25 The Jews who were there gathered around him, saying, “How long will you keep us in suspense? If you are the Messiah, tell us plainly.” Jesus answered, “I did tell you, but you do not believe. The works I do in my Father’s name testify about me,

    I love the way highlights all the times Jesus tells them who he is. I think by listing them out it really highlights that He told them 16 times. With Him telling them so many times and doing all the miracles how could they not believe Him?

    I told you, and you do not believe: Jesus did not often specifically refer to Himself among the Jews as the Christ, the Messiah. He did this because messiah was a word with political and even military implications that Jesus wished to avoid. Yet Jesus could rightly say that in many ways, I told you and you do not believe.

    I told you, I am the one who came from heaven (John 3:13, 6:38)
    I told you, whoever believes on Me has eternal life (John 3:15)
    I told you, I am the unique Son of God (John 5:19-23)
    I told you, I will judge all humanity (John 5:19-23)
    I told you, all should honor Me just as the honor God the Father (John 5:19-23)
    I told you, the Hebrew Scriptures all speak of Me (John 5:39)
    I told you, I perfectly reveal God the Father (John 7:28-29)
    I told you, I always please God and never sin (John 8:29, 8:46)
    I told you, I am uniquely sent from God (John 8:42)
    I told you, before Abraham was, I Am (John 8:58)
    I told you, I am the Son of Man, prophesied by Daniel (John 9:37)
    I told you, I will raise Myself from the dead (John 10:17-18)
    I told you, I am the Bread of Life (John 6:48)
    I told you, I am the Light of the World (John 8:12)
    I told you, I am the Door (John 10:9)
    I told you, I am the Good Shepherd (John 10:11)

    i. The problem wasn't that Jesus was unclear about who He was and where He came from. The problem was that the religious leaders had hearts of unbelief that they wanted to blame on Jesus.

    2 – Lord God, thank you for everything you have done and are doing for me. Thank you for leading me out of the dark into your light. Thank you for surrounding me with strong men of Christ to help me continue to grow in my faith. In Jesus' name, amen.

    3 – Yes

    1. Excellent George! Thanks for sharing that great list.

  28. 1) John 10:29 - My Father, who has given them to me, is greater than all; no one can snatch them out of my Father’s hand.

    Arthur Pink, in his Exposition of the Gospel of John explains that there is no stronger passage in all the Word of God guaranteeing the absolute security of every child of God. He shares about the seven strands in the rope which binds every believer to God:
    1st – They are Christ's sheep and He will not loose one of them.
    2nd – They follow Christ. Jesus declares that they do follow Him and so they must reach Heaven their destination.
    3rd – The sheep are given eternal life. To speak of eternal life ending is a contradiction of terms.
    4th – This eternal life is given to them. . They did nothing to merit it, and so can do nothing to demerit it.
    5th – The Lord declares that His sheep shall never perish. God would be a liar if a child of God went to hell.
    6th – None are able to pluck believers out from the Shepherd's hand. (Even their greatest enemy)
    7th – Above them is the Father's hand, hence it is impossible for believers to jump out of Christ's hand, even if they desired to do it.

    2) Heavenly Father, thank you breathing life into your recorded Word that has been so well preserved and made abundantly available for us to have and read. Thank you for enlightening our minds by your Holy Spirit to help us understand it and to be able to apply it to our lives. Thank you for the power and authority your Word contains to transform our hearts and to guide us in your ways. Thank you for its warnings and the promises to speed us on to complete our mission to reach our eternal destination.

    1. Brother Dave, these are wonderful points securing down our eternal security :). Woo Hoo.... We are guaranteed heaven and spending all of eternity with Christ :-) wow, what a confidence!

    2. Excellent digging and discovering gold Dave!

  29. 1. John 10:34 says " Jesus answered them, “Has it not been written in your Law, ‘I said, you are gods?" --- question-did Jesus advocate that man can become God, like the Mormons believe, as pantheistic religions believe, and New Age advocates claim? Absolutely not!
    The context of this passage reveals that Christ had just pronounced Himself one with the Father by saying, "I and my Father are one", John 10:30. The Jews wanted to stone him because they thought Christ was blaspheming since he was making himself out to be equal with God the Father, versus 31-33. Christ responded by quoting psalm 82:6 which says, "I said, you are gods." This psalm addresses judges who are judging unjustly. The title of "gods" is not addressed to "everyone", but only to these judges about whom Jesus said are those to "whom the word of God came", verse 35. Jesus was showing that if the Old Testament Scriptures could give some divine status to divinely appointed judges, why should they find it incredible that he should call himself the son of God? Thus, Jesus was giving a defense for his own deity, not for the deification of man.

    2. Lord God, thank you so much for giving us your written word. I love when Christ said "Man does not live on bread alone, but on every word that comes from the mouth of God". I also thank you for preserving your word in a supernatural way. You are just truly awesome. Thank you for my M3 brothers and the privilege to study Your word, in Jesus name, amen.
    3. Yes

    1. And thank you Lord for Israel who so loves you and your word. Use him all the more as he teaches others.

  30. 1. John 10:34Jesus answered them, “Is it not written in your Law, ‘I have said you are “gods”- he's not speaking as if they, his persecutors or anyone else are gods, but that they trust writings by far lesser men than can proved over him. - the context of the translation doesn't make it too clear but, it is studied by Guzik and others to be used as an argument device- showing Lesser to Greater as is Jesus.

    Lord I thank you for all the provided and all that you're going to continue to provide. Thank you for families and for the friends and for the brothers that we have before us. Thank you for those who have not given up on us. Thank you for your word being the guiding light in our dark paths- we were not worth it Lord we know that you help us- please give us the wisdom to see humility and grace through your Word. May your kingdom come andsy we ever seek your way.

    3. Yes what a great resource.

    1. Bless you Rich! Glad you liked the Guzik commentary set.

  31. This comment has been removed by the author.

  32. 1) I'm enjoying the entire tenth chapter of John and the commentary. One thing I liked from the portion of the commentary was David Guzik's comment on this phrase from John 10:35 "....and the Scripture cannot be broken--". Guzik's words were "The word of God can't be broken; it breaks whatever opposes it." That is a very true statement. One example of that I think of is Lee Strobel. He set out to disprove the Bible, but he instead became a believer.

    2) Thank You, Lord Jesus, for Your Word. Thank You for protecting it throughout the ages, so that we can be sure of it's reliability. What a gift it is! In addition, Thank you for the love, mercy, and generosity you show to us every day. In Your mighty name, amen.

    3) Did it.

    1. Great example Alex of Lee Strobel.
      Hope you're enjoying your new school and job. Lot's of students to give cards to now. :)

  33. 1. In verse 24 it reads:

    “The Jews who were there gathered around him, saying, “How long will you keep us in suspense? If you are the Messiah, tell us plainly.” John 10:24

    As I read this, I saw in the commentary:
    ii. "The Jews asked this question through extreme perfidiousness: they wished to get him to declare himself king of the Jews, that they might accuse him to the Roman governor; and by it they insolently insinuated that all the proofs he had hitherto given them of his Divine mission were good for nothing." (Clarke)

    It is a small thing that catches my eye about this. The idea or anticipation of the wait of the Messiah by these Jews, and just for them to push for Jesus' arrest, it is crazy how they let their wicked hearts control them.

    2. Thank you Lord, for yours unshakeable Word. No matter what device or weapon man brings to do harm to it, it still stands without flinching. May we always place our full trust and confidence in your Word to us, the Bible, and may we spread the good news it contains throughout our world.

    3. Did it.

    1. Very good Will! The Bible stands like a rock or an anvil.

  34. 1.- Jn.10:30
    I and the Father are one.

    Repeatedly Jesus makes this declaration, to no avail, they continue in their pursuit to kill him.
    a. I and My Father are one: This is an important statement regarding the deity of Jesus and the nature of the Godhead. I and My Father means that the Father and the Son are not the same Person, refuting the Jesus Only doctrine (anciently known as Sabelianism). Are one means that the Father and the Son are equal in nature, in essence, what they really are - refuting the teaching that Jesus isnt God (anciently known as Arianism).

    i. "One in essence primarily, but therefore also one in working, and power, and in will." (Alford)

    ii. "Notice, one is neuter in gender, not masculine: the Father and the Son are not personally one, but essentially." (Alford) "In the sentence, 'I and the Father are One,' the word 'One' is neuter, and means one Essence: it is not masculine, which would have been one Person." (Trench)

    iii. Opponents of the deity of Jesus say that the oneness Jesus had with the Father was nothing more than a unity of purpose and mission - even as a husband and wife or father and son may have a unity of purpose of mission, yet still they are not the same person. This however misses the point. First, we never argue that the Bible teaches that the Father and the Son are the same Person - they are one God, but distinct in their Persons. Second, it misses the most obvious point: that even true unity of purpose and mission between a husband and wife or father and son exist only because they are each equally and totally human. The Father and the Son have this unique unity because they are equally and totally God - that is, Divine Being.

    iv. Jesus wanted us to be one as He and the Father are one (John 17:11, 17:21). Such oneness cannot exist without an equality of essence, and all believers have this equality (Galatians 3:26-28), even as the Father and Son have this equality.

    In the words of the Athanasian Creed:
    we worship one God in trinity and the trinity in unity, neither blending their persons nor dividing their essence.

    :a Christian creed originating in Europe about a.d. 400 and relating especially to the Trinity and Incarnation
    First Use: 1586

    The Athanasian Creed is traditionally ascribed to Saint Athanasius (296-373), from whom it takes its name. (It is also called the "Quicumque," which is the first word of the creed in Latin.) Like other creeds, such as the Apostles' Creed, it is a profession of the Christian faith; but it is also a full-fledged theology lesson, which is why it is the longest of the standard Christian creeds.

    Saint Athanasius spent his life combating the Arian heresy, which denied the divinity of Christ by denying that there are three Persons in one God.

    2.- Father GOD thank you Lord for your word that you give me, my daily bread that nourishes my body and soul. May I continuous learn n be obedient to your word so as to be prepared and equipped to seek others to share with them of your glorious love and mercy for us. This I pray in our LORD SAVOIR JESUS name, Amen!

    3.- Yes

    1. Excellent Armando! I laughed with joy seeing you quote such heavy weights :) You are building strong muscles.

  35. 1. I think the thing that interested me more than anything was what the people said about John.
    b. John performed no sign: It is of both interest and significance that as remarkable as the ministry of John the Baptist was, it was popularly known that he performed no miracles. Yet, everything he said about Jesus was true (all the things that John spoke about this Man were true).

    John 10:41-42 say that because of John's word alone many people came to know Jesus simply out of what John said about him and the fact that people held John in such high regard as a person. That is what interests me the most and what we as believers should strive to be like: that people would come to Jesus based off of how we live our lives and the type of people we are.

    2. God, I just want to thank you for never giving up on us. Time and time again we have turned from you, didn't listen, or believe you. Yet you continued to work to bring us back to you and for that I will always be thankful. Thank you for your persistence and everlasting love that you would do all of these great things for the sake of my life. That you would hold me in such high regard to give your son for me. I pray that I continue to model my life after you and your word so that people may come to you based on how I live my life.

    3. Yes

    1. Great heartfelt words Michael- "That you would hold me in such high regard to give your son for me."
      Truly that is wonderful, for us so undeserving.

  36. From the commentary. .
    1.b. The Jews took up stones again to stone Him: Some would lessen the power of I and the Father are one by saying it only refers to a unity of purpose and will. But how could a statement like that be considered blasphemy by the Jews who heard Jesus say these words?

    i. The Jews of Jesus' day see clearly what the Jehovah's Witnesses and others seem to miss: that Jesus clearly claimed to be God (because You, being a Man, make Yourself God).

    2. Father, you are worthy of all praise. I am blessed blessed because of what your son did on calvary and gave me eyes for to see how much in need I am of you. Thank you that you have breathed this book for many generations and generations to come, for your word and and presence is timeless and limitless. I am forever grateful that I am standing on solid ground and that is through your Word.

    3. Yes

    1. Very good Israel!
      And if you start doing today's lesson at this time of the morning, you will be leading the field :)

  37. 1. John 10:36 what about the one whom the Father set apart as his very own and sent into the world? Why then do you accuse me of blasphemy because I said, ‘I am God’s Son’?
    Reference : Him whom the Father sanctified and sent into the world: This was a wonderful way for Jesus to speak of Himself. He is the One whom the Father sanctified, and the One whom the Father sent into the world.

    2. Thank you God for sending your only Son to save us of our sins. We have the opportunity to have eternal life because of this.

    3. Yes

  38. 1 I was initially confused about verses 34-39, but the commentary explained that God called the judges of old gods (psalm 82:6 and Exodus 21, 22)

    2 Thank you Lord that you have promised that "And whosoever shall fall on this stone shall be broken" and that by doing so we will avoid being crushed by this same rock.

    3 Yes
