Wed.9.9.15...The Good Shepherd...John 10:1-21

What's the most beloved passages in all the Bible? Many would vote for the 23rd Psalm. It's also known as the Shepherd's Psalm. You know it.

"The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not be in want.
He makes me lie down in green pastures,
He leads me beside quiet waters,
He restores my soul.
He guides me in paths of righteousness
   for his name's sake.
Even though I walk through the valley
   of the shadow of death,
I will fear no evil, for you are with me.
Your rod and your staff, they comfort me.
You prepare a table before me 
   in the presence of my enemies.
You anoint my head with oil;
my cup overflows.
Surely goodness and love will follow me
   all the days of my life,
and I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever.

As we look at today's passage in John 10:1-21, we see Jesus declaring, "I am the good shepherd." He is the embodied fulfillment of Psalm 23. We also see the blind religious leaders, who were opposing him, as the false shepherds. Ezekiel 34 tells of our Lord's indictment against the bad shepherds of Israel and how he himself would come to rescue and shepherd his people. Jesus is the fulfillment of that part of the OT passage too. Jesus also compares the Pharisees to un-devoted hired hands, who forsake the sheep in time of trouble. Worse yet, he compares them to thieves and robbers, out to steal, kill and destroy (a description worthy of Satan himself).

Remember that good Bible study begins with observation. So observe how Jesus begins by using an illustration about shepherds in John 10:1-5. But because the crowd didn't get it (10:6), he then makes it clear that he is talking about himself. Notice in 10:7-18 how he clarifies that he has been talking about himself as the good shepherd. He uses the word "I" 15 times. This includes two of the seven "I am" statements recorded in John's gospel. I'll let you discover those for yourself. When he is through, once again the crowd is divided regarding Jesus. Some were impressed, but many of them said, "He is demon possessed and raving mad. Why listen to him?" They didn't want to listen to him and follow him because they were not his sheep. Jesus makes it clear that his sheep listen to his voice and follow him. 

This leads me to a controversial issue that we need to tackle. What does Jesus mean by saying, "My sheep listen to my voice?" Some believers today act as if Jesus is continually talking to them. In a book, one woman recommends having coffee with Jesus. She recommends that you imagine that Jesus is seated across from you; then just talk to him as you would a friend. (You might want to have your cell phone out, lest people think you're crazy:) 

I have asked pastors and other men of God I respect if the Lord regularly talks to them. They have all given me the same answer- No. They may speak about how they have had impressions as to what they think he may want them do. But there is a big difference between hearing words from God on high and having mere impressions. For example, Moses didn't receive mere impressions. The Lord spoke sentences, even chapters to him. God also responded audibly to Moses' objections and prayers. Every time we read of God speaking to his people in the Bible, it was an audible voice, not some inner impression. 

I'm afraid many have created a new voice of God which they claim all of God's sheep should learn to hear. They coach you to get into an undistracted place, close your eyes, and really ask God to speak to you. But that's not what we read in Scripture. For example, Moses was busy tending sheep when God called him. He wasn't quietly seeking the face of God. Nor are we given instructions in Scripture on how to learn to hear the voice of God. There was no mistaking it. When the lion (the sovereign Lord) roared, who could but prophesy?! (Amos 3:8). 

Today's new voice of God has no scriptural support. It also is evidently hard to understand at times. In the books I've looked at on the subject, there is always a chapter on- "What if you get it wrong?" What if you thought God was saying, "Buy this house" but the deal falls through? "Prepare for a baby girl" but your wife delivers a baby boy. "You will land the job you have been praying about" but you don't. Ugh! We never read of such failures to rightly hear God's voice in Scripture, especially because it was supposedly so hard to discern. Can you imagine Abraham not clearly understanding God's voice when the Lord told him not to slay his son when the knife was above Isaac's chest? Oops! Disaster! Moses never got God's voice wrong, nor did any of the prophets or apostles. To get it wrong would mean they were false prophets, deserving death (Dt.18:20). Also none of them had to read books on learning to hear the Lord's voice. I am not denying that believers may have promptings or impressions, but let us not equate those with the voice of the Lord. Even lost people have impressions and speak about going with their gut. Then there is women's intuition. But even that has been proven to be far from consistently reliable. Just because you have a sense that you should do something, doesn't mean it is some divine leading. In people's zeal to be close to God, I fear they have equated noble thoughts with the voice of God. If you feel that the Lord is prompting you to do something, such as speak to someone about the Lord, by all means do it. But please be careful about saying, "God spoke to me and told me to do it." 

The Lord loves us and has spoken to us in his perfect word. He is continually speaking to us through the Bible. Sadly, some Christians would rather leave their Bibles on the shelf and just claim certain thoughts as God speaking to them. It seems so inviting and spiritual. How nice to never have to make a decision that would turn out poorly. Just ask the Lord first to speak to you regarding it. Yet others beat themselves up when things go South, feeling like they just didn't linger in prayer (or fasting) long enough to hear from God. Following their line of thought, if Jesus wants to speak to you about every area of your life, then why not ask him to speak to you about your finances? Ask him what stocks to invest in and when to get out of the stock market. Christians then would be so prosperous. Oh, but that leads us to another controversial subject, prosperity preachers, but we will have to deal with that some other day. If you'd like to read what Pastor John Piper has to say on the subject of hearing the voice of the Lord, here's a good, short article on such-

In Jesus' time, most people didn't have the money to own their own copies of scripture, so they listened to God's word being read and taught. They were hearing God's voice, God's word. Oh that more people would listen to God's voice in his word and read and study it. The Lord took 1,400 years and used 40 different authors, on three different continents, writing in three different languages to speak to us. How tragic that believers are ignoring it. I'm so glad you are not. You make me right proud!

1.- Read John 10:1-21 and share a verse that grabs your attention and some of your thoughts regarding it.

2.- Thanks for being a good shepherd to your teammates, especially to your wingmen (the men in your fire team). Give one or more of them a call. Let them hear your voice. Find out how they are doing. Way to go! 

3.- Are you up to date on putting your points on the board? Yes or No. (Not, Will do or Will be working on it :) Take the time to make it a Yes. Bueno!

Happy Birthday Mike Dunn! Your band of brothers wishes you the best! 

And welcome Michael Johnson to a great band of brothers! Michael just got baptized in May at New Life Midway. I've enjoyed talking to Michael and he is excited to grow with us. 

Kudos also to Phil for first evangelizing and then later recruiting Michael "Jordan" Johnson to M3. Since Phil has already earned his Unstoppable award pin (being unstoppable on the blog for a month), he now graduates from Basic Training (aka boot camp). He is no longer a protege, but a coach. Congratulations Coach Phil "Jackson" Raymond :)

See you all this Sunday 2:00 at Jack's home 10749 Cherrywood Dr. in Palos Park for a very important M3 meeting. If you need a ride, just let us know.

Speaking of God speaking to us, I like Pastor Mike's recent witnessing story he shared.  He didn't say, "God spoke to me" but he felt the Lord wanted him to talk to a young man. I'll let him tell the story. 

"I was on the Orange Line L with my son as we were returning home. As we approached Pulaski I saw a young man sitting alone holding a large skateboard. He was either getting off at Pulaski or Cicero so either way he probably lives close to our Midway location. I felt that the Lord wanted me to talk to him, so it was good to have not only a church invite but a mini-movies card. I gave him both cards and talked to him a little. He didn't say much but he did take a long look at the cards. So hopefully we will see a young guy riding a large skateboard into a church service someday soon. It really is helpful to have the card that points them to something besides a church service. Most church websites talk mainly about the church so the greatest mini movies site really meets a big need." Excellent Mike!

Final thought on "My sheep hear my voice..." Sheep belonging to another shepherd could certainly also hear a neighboring shepherd's voice, but they would not follow him. What Jesus is saying is that his sheep hear and obey his words, which we now have written down to follow. The Jews who opposed him certainly heard Jesus' voice, but refused to obey him. Thus, to hear his voice, means to obey his words. Once again, I'm glad your heart is to do just that.


  1. 1. John 10:11 I am the good shepherd. The good shepherd lays down his life for the sheep.

    How many people do we know who will put thier life on the line for you. Not many that i know but Jesus did for all of us. I'm so loved by God that he sent his only son to die for my sins. He did this because he loves us and yet people take him for granted.

    2. Will do

    3. Yes

    1. Good morning early bird!
      I appreciate your appreciation for our Lord and your faithfulness, Horacio.

    2. So true-- the only one we can count on faithfully is the Lord. He won't let us down!

    3. The reading started with I'm the good Shepard, meaning there are Shepard out there that are not so good and we should watch out for them. Nice comment brother Horacio.

    4. That is right only God would send his son to die for us that didn't deserve it. He does love us so much.

    5. Is that your normal wake up time? Or bed time? Any way great that you have the Lord on your mind at all times.

  2. 1. John 10:10 "The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy. I came that they may have life and have it abundantly."
    The work of 'the thief' is evident today in our world, every time you listen to the news there is death and destruction everywhere not only in our city but around the world. How comforting it is for us that have put our faith in Christ, that He came not only to give us eternal life but also so that we can have a rich and joyful life, living with the favor and blessing of God. Let's continue to share the Gospel so that others may also experience the love and grace of God.

    2. Will do
    3. Yes

    1. Good Roger. You are rock solid faithful, a reflection of our Lord- a chip off the old Rock :)

    2. Roger. Great reflections. God loves us so and is using you to impact so many lives. Thx

    3. Amen, it cannot be put better than that, may his name be praise for ever.

    4. Amen Roger! Let's continue to share the good news.

    5. Amen roger! Let's not just keep but share what we have.

  3. 1. John 10:4 When he has brought out all his own, he goes on ahead of them, and his sheep follow him because they know his voice.

    A good shepard never is behind his sheep pushing them forward. A Good Shepard leads and goes before them to protect and guide and make a way to greener pastures and flowing waters.

    2. Will call.


    1. Eddie, your great growth is due in large part for your hunger for the Lord and your involvement in shepherding others. You are a good shepherd.

    2. Eddie. You are unstoppable brother. You lead by example and take great strides to lead others and serve the Lord

    3. great visual bro. A GOOD SHEPHERD leads. The word good stood out to me because there can be shepherds of many kinds but not all are with good intentions.

    4. Very comforting thought, Eddie.

  4. 1.I have other sheep that are not of this sheep pen. I must bring them also. They too will listen to my voice, and there shall be one flock and one shepherd.
    John 10:16

    I believe Jesus was referring to his future church. Which would be us.

    2.will do.


    1. The love for Jesus opens up our mind to understand the word of God.od message George.

  5. 1-
    “When he has brought out all his own, he goes on ahead of them, and his sheep follow him because they know his voice.”
    ‭‭John‬ ‭10:4‬ ‭NIV‬‬

    Concerning today's topic. I believe this topic is a bit sensitive and controversial but the scripture clearly tells us that if we are his sheep we will know His voice. I believe that a follower of Christ who has learned to hear his voice has no doubt when the Spirit speaks to them. I do agree with you that God doesn't speak to us on every matter of life just like the examples you used. Otherwise he would have given us a step by step instruction guide to live by. However he has given us Hos word. In His word we learn how to love according to his will and make decisions that are both good for us and honoring of him. I also do believe that God speaks to his people regularly, but.... It's up to us to realize it and recognize his voice. I believe Godspeaks to us in various ways. His word, preaching, through others and even internally.

    I can say this because I've experienced it. One time I felt God ask me to do something that is pretty embarrassing and awkward. I went ahead and did it. after that I felt within me that God was testing my obedience. Right after that it was confirmed to me when I went to church through the preaching. Just last week I was praying and thanking God at work. I was on the 32nd floor looking out the window over the south side of the city. Concerning what I was thanking God for I feel His Spirit tell me. "Remember 6 years ago when you left the loop? You never thought you'd come back to work in the area and come to work at an even better job. Now you have no idea where I am able to take you next".

    So my personal belief and experience is that God doesn't speak to us on a step by step guide that's why we have His word (you're light is a lamp onto my feet). But I do believe he speaks to his children on a regular basis.

    2- I will hit up my brothers

    3- yes I am up to date.

    1. Luis , I agree with you. I'm just glad you were the one to bring it out. You have a great way of doing it. It must be because you messages come from the heart.

    2. Thanks for sharing your thoughts Luis. My concern is when people say, "God spoke to me." We simply don't have the equivalent of such to point to in scripture. I think we would be better off speaking of impressions, promptings or leadings. Thoughts in our head aren't the biblical equivalent to God's prophetic voice. Best of blessings!

  6. 1. There are many in the world who are not of our flock, that we need to let the the light of Lord shine through us to reach them and lead them home.
    I also believe God is reflecting on opening his way of Salvation to Gentiles as well as Jews.
    " I have other sheep that are not of this sheep pen, I must bring them also. They too shall listen to my voice and there shall be one flock and one shepherd "
    John 10:16
    2. Will do
    3. Yes. Always

    1. Awesome stuff Jack! Congrats on being a new grandpa! I hope to see you tmrw ;)

    2. Yes indeed we need to let the light shine so that more will come to faith.

    3. Jack, you do a great job in letting the the light of Lord shine through you to reach others.

  7. 1. "I am the gate; whoever enters through me will be saved." John 10:9a

    The only access to God is through Jesus! "Jesus answered, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me." John 14:6

    2. Will do

    3. Yes

    Welcome Michael Johnson, looking forward to getting to know you and read your postings.

    Happy birthday Mike Dunn !!!!!!!!

    Congratulations Phil on your "Coach" status :-)

    1. Amen Rob. Great cross reference.

    2. Great post bro-- 2 of my favorite verses. God Bless

  8. 1. John 10:4 "“When he has brought out all his own, he goes on ahead of them, and his sheep follow him because they know his voice.”
    - How I long to hear the voice of my shepherd! Jesus help me pick up my head and perk up my ears and run back to you when your voice grows faint and far off.
    2. Consider it done!
    3. Yes

    1. May His voice never go faint in our lives Dave. God bless.

    2. "Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest." Jesus longs to see that all who are burdened by the results of sin to come to him for rest. And sure brother Dave one day you will hear his voice.

    3. This comment has been removed by the author.

    4. If you are his sheep (and you are :) Jesus says you hear his voice. It's not something hard to hear. We hear it every time we read his word or hear it taught. If we are longing for some mystical experience, then God is quite cruel not to speak daily to his children. I think he would prefer that we walk by faith in what he has been saying. Speaking of walking, let's go for another one soon :)

    5. Will be great ,one day, not only to hear the voice of Jesus, but to have his arms around us.

    6. Will be great ,one day, not only to hear the voice of Jesus, but to have his arms around us.

  9. John 10:14-16 (NIV) “I am the good shepherd; I know my sheep and my sheep know me— 15 just as the Father knows me and I know the Father—and I lay down my life for the sheep. 16 I have other sheep that are not of this sheep pen. I must bring them also. They too will listen to my voice, and there shall be one flock and one shepherd.

    I pray that those that have not listened\obeyed, will listen. Jesus already paid the price.

    2. will do


    1. Yes Sam, let's all continue to pray for those that haven't made the decision to follow Christ yet.

  10. Welcome Mike! Congrats Phil! and Happy Birthday Mike Dunn!

  11. John.10.14-15.niv “I am the good shepherd; I knw my sheep and my sheep know me— just as the Father knows me and I know the Father—and I lay down my life for the sheep

    As the shepherd goes before his sheep, himself first encountering the perils of the way, so does Jesus with His people. “When He putteth forth His own sheep, He goeth before them.” The way to heaven is consecrated by the Saviour’s footprints. The path may be steep and rugged, but Jesus has traveled that way; His feet have pressed down the cruel thorns, to make the pathway easier for us. Every burden that we are called to bear He Himself has borne.

    Through all our trials we have a never-failing Helper. He does not leave us alone to struggle with temptation, to battle with evil, and be finally crushed with burdens and sorrow. Though now He is hidden from mortal sight, the ear of faith can hear His voice saying, Fear not; I am with you. “I am He that liveth, and was dead; and, behold, I am alive forevermore.” Revelation 1:18. I have endured your sorrows, experienced your struggles, encountered your temptations. I know your tears; I also have wept. The griefs that lie too deep to be breathed into any human ear, I know. Think not that you are desolate and forsaken. Though your pain touch no responsive chord in any heart on earth, look unto Me, and live. “The mountains shall depart, and the hills be removed; but My kindness shall not depart from thee, neither shall the covenant of My peace be removed, saith the Lord that hath mercy on thee.” Isaiah 54:10.

    1. Thanks for the scripture bro. Good stuff!

    2. Well said Lemmy. I always enjoy reading your posts.

    3. Great post bro. Thx for your encouragement. Gid Bless and all the success tomorrow for ur interview

    4. Hey Lemmy! It was great talking with you earlier today. I see you quoted from Ellen G. White's devotional. Please don't forget to cite your sources. Thanks!

  12. 1. (John 10:16 NASB) "I have other sheep, which are not of this fold; I must bring them also, and they will hear My voice; and they will become one flock with one shepherd.

    Who are the ones "not of this fold?"

    This is a nice nugget of gold in the way of reaching out to non-Jews in my mind. This way he affirms the validation that others will hear his call too and recognize him. Last I checked, I am not an Orthodox Jew. But he will still accept me and bring us in together. The Theology of Jesus reaching out of the cultural and social circles of the people to 'other lost sheep' in the world is my foundation for being a Christian, it is not a cultural thing- but loving Jesus thing.

    Have you ever done that, and said, "No way- that guy is a Christian?" Well, why? Are they not sheep needing a shepherd too?
    But he wants them, the ones that are not in the fold, and he wants to protect and bring them in.

    I know the rod has been a weird comfort for us sheep, but we know it is there- Sheep do not defend alone against the wolves, soon they are wild, or starved or dead. He wants to lead us, and guide us, and go after the stray ones to bring them back in. I'm glad he brought me in.

    2. got it.

    3. done

    1. Good stuff Richard! My god continue to lead us and may we lead others to him.

  13. 1. John 10:16 "I have other sheep that are not of this sheep pen. I must bring them also. They too will listen to my voice, and there shall be one flock and one shepherd."

    Blessed be God, that through His Son He has adopted even those of us not belonging to God's chosen people. Through Jesus Christ, we are made His chosen if we choose to believe in the Good Shepherd and follow Him.

    2. Will do.

    3. Staying on top of it.

    1. Yes amen Osiris we have been adopted into the family.

    2. So glad we are his Osiris.
      I'm praying for you.

  14. 1) So Jesus again said to them, “Truly, truly, I say to you, I am the door of the sheep. All who came before me are thieves and robbers, but the sheep did not listen to them. (John 10:7-8 ESV)

    it is amazing to know that if you follow jesus he will do the rest. the devil calls us sometimes with temptation and non sense. But if you follow God his voice will alwasy over power those that try to set you back in life and try to run you away from God.

    2) ok

    3) updated it

    1. Yes very good observation... All we have to do is follow.

    2. Andre, your comments got me think and made me think of this song.

    3. Andre. Amen trust in him and he will never give you more than you can handle

    4. Interesting observation and that is HOPE for us who are called by his name Christ-ians.

  15. 1. "The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I came that they may have life, and have it abundantly." (John 10:10)

    2. Met with teammate in person.

    3. Yes

  16.  John 10:7 Therefore Jesus said again, “Very truly I tell you, I am the gate for the sheep."

    Jesus is the way to get to heaven. He is the only way to the Father.

    2. Did it

    3. Yes

    Welcome Michael Johnson!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Happy birthday Michael Dunn!!!!!!!!

    1. So true Phil! Keep up the good work. Sorry I missed your call. I'll call you tomorrow. God bless.

    2. Phil. Thx for the post bro. "I am the way the truth and he life." The only way to the Father
      John 14:6

  17. 1. John 10:3 "To him the doorkeeper opens, and the sheep yea his voice, and he calls his own sheep by name and leads them out."

    2. Will do.

    3. Yes.

    So I went to the job interview. Long story short, it's mine if I chose to accept it. I have to do some serious thinking and praying about it. It's less money than I need. Dave and I spoke about it and there are some options for me to consider. I am still sending out resumes. It is comforting to know that the job is there and I can start if I want. I just need about 20-25% more money than they offered.

    1. Happy Birthday Michael! Good luck with your job search, it's nice to be wanted and have options.

    2. O Lord, we pray that you would open the right doors for Mike.
      Happy birthday Mike!

  18. Why i say this bcuz when God spoke to me and my thoughts and everything transformed. I went to the church talked to pastor Mark told Phil Raymond. God told me to go away from everyone and fast meditate and pray. The 23 psalm to be exact as well as other scriptures. I was told i was crazy not to go starve myself that maybe i should go to a doctor. Well im not crazy bcuz i witnessed supernatural events my thinking changed from my own to almost pure. I loved everyone didn't judge wasn't looking at woman would wait and get to the back of the line to get on the bus all types of stuff. When i would go around The gang members i was hanging around they would get headaches feel lightheaded and the same when i was on the train one time. this woman just started pointing at me and speaking in some language i have never heard the people she was with started fanning her with a piece of paper. i was born with intuition or pshyic abilities or discernment if you want to call it. It intensified when this happened to me. As well as many other blessings or miracles. What drained my energy was listening to men and not God and smoking weed bcuz i was freaked out. I will tell you exactly what God said Michael you no longer have to sacrifice yourself to this earth or anything in it Bcuz you are not of this earth i give you the power of the sun moon and stars. You need to get away from everyone find a quit spot do not eat drink and purify your body and mind pray and meditate day and night i will nourish you and everything you need for the rest of your life will be provided i now give you this earth and everything in it you need to pick a side light or dark . plain and simple i woke up the next day knowing all types of stuff from the bible history quantum physics metaphysics and science.Plus alot of other sick stuff that is going on in our world and how to fix it. I know where my heart stands with God and everyone else. so If you want to covet me and try and use my relationship with God against me so be it I forgive. Jesus was persecuted and called a liar and fake too. His last words were Father please forgive them for they Know not what they have done. what i have is called a conscious contact with God. How did i achieve this by balance of my mind body and spirit. how do i lose this by listening to human beings. So if you would like to take me off of here and rob me of my efforts to give and share and make passive statements against me . I'm okay bcuz you cant take the relationship I share with god away from me. All i want is to share love and uplift one another not judge and try to break others down. why do people need to quit there mind and why did Jesus and Moses and the others need to get away to speak with god. This is why and look at our crazy world we live in. It is nearly impossible to get peace. Btw i was on a bus full of people when God spoke to me.

    1. Love you bro! I believe that you are filled with the Holy Spirit and I am happy that you are my friend and now a M3 brother!!!!

    2. Hi Mike! Welcome to M3. It's a great band of brothers who help each other grow. You've brought up some interesting and important things today, so let's talk tomorrow.

    3. Welcome Mike! God bless you brother!

  19. 1- John 10:17-18New International Version (NIV)

    17 The reason my Father loves me is that I lay down my life—only to take it up again. 18 No one takes it from me, but I lay it down of my own accord. I have authority to lay it down and authority to take it up again. This command I received from my Father.”

    I love how Jesus speaks with such confidence. He was encouraging the people giving them the good news that he is the good shepherd. That he is there for his sheep, giving up his life for them. He was telling them what he is willing to do for them. Yet they thought he was possessed. Jesus was relentless in spreading the good news.

    2- Done

    3- Good

  20. 11“I am the good shepherd; the good shepherd lays down His life for the sheep.

    12“He who is a hired hand, and not a shepherd, who is not the owner of the sheep, sees the wolf coming, and leaves the sheep and flees, and the wolf snatches them and scatters them.
    13“He flees because he is a hired hand and is not concerned about the sheep.

     These three verses spoke to me today in two different ways:

    First verse 11: Jesus is the Good Shepherd and of course he laid his life literally and ultimately down for his sheep.  I'm thankful that we have a God who would do such a deed.

    Second, the three verses show how we are to emulate Christ, especially in leadership -- as a servant, a shepherd not a hired hand. 

    As followers of the Lord we are all and always leaders, called to show the way, the door of verse 9 (Jesus).

  21. 1. "I am the good shepherd. I know My own sheep, and they know Me, as the Father knows me, and I know the Father. I lay down my life for the sheep.' (verses 14-15) Jesus says that His knowledge of His people is like the connection that He has with the Father. This is amazing to think that we can have unity with God that is comparable to the unity that God has within Himself.
    2. Talked to one guy
    3. Yes

  22. 1. John 10:11 I am the good shepherd. The good shepherd lays down his life for the sheep.
    Jesus died for our sins. People who are frauds will not do so. He knows every one of us and deeply cares for us.
    2. Will do
    3. yes

  23. 1 – John 10:7 Therefore Jesus said again, “Very truly I tell you, I am the gate for the sheep.” I had no idea why Jesus would say this so I looked it up in my study bible. It says that in Biblical times the shepherd would bring the sheep into an area boxed in by rocks or brush for the night. The shepherd would then sleep at the opening becoming the gate to protect them from a thief or animals. It’s what Jesus is still doing for us, protecting us from harm. We just have to put our trust in him.

    Reading that reminded me of John 14:6 Jesus answered, "I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.”

    2 – Done

    3 – Yes

    1. George. Great digging and findings brother. Thx for your continued dedication to M3 and Jesus

  24. 1) ““I am the good shepherd. The good shepherd lays down his life for the sheep.”
    ‭‭John‬ ‭10:11‬ ‭NIV‬‬
    Jesus died for our sins, this is another reason why I am very proud to be a man of Christ, I mean how many people would actually give up there life for someone they never even met!!

    2) will do

    3) yes

  25. 1. – John 10:11 “I am the good shepherd. The good shepherd lays down his life for the sheep.
    I am the good shepherd: There is nothing but truth is Jesus words because he know God’s will. Jesus fulfills the ideal of shepherd-like care for the people of God. This is my prayer to be a good shepherd to God’s flock, to have compassion like Jesus to take care of friends with the word of God.

    2. – Done.

    3. – Yes.

    1. That's a great prayer Oscar.

    2. I agree with you elaboration brother Oscar, Jesus fulfilled the ideal of shepherd-like care. He not only tents for his sheep but died to set them free from the bondage of sin and death so that he will spend eternity with his sheep(People).

    3. Thank you Guys, and Amen Lemmy. I also pray wisdom because sometimes I am clueless.

  26. 1.“I am the door. If anyone enters by me, he will be saved and will go in and out and find pasture.” John‬ ‭10:9‬ ‭ESV

    Believe in him and you will be saved. You also will find fulfillment in life.

    2. Will do

    3. Yes

  27. 1) John 10:11 I am the good shepherd. The good shepherd lays down his life for the sheep.

    I love this symbolism that Jesus is our shepherd, who loves and cares for His sheep who are His followers. He is a good shepherd. He knows how to lead and handle His sheep very well. He knows each sheep/follower by name. (I wonder if He has his own nick name for each one?) He knows their strengths and their weaknesses. He knows their thoughts, their attitudes and their temperaments. Some earthly shepherds risked and lost their lives in trying to keep their sheep safe from dangers. But Jesus the good shepherd, knows how to protect His sheep/followers so that nothing and no one can pluck them out of His hand. Still He so highly values His sheep/followers that He is not just willing too, but He does lay down His life to redeem them and purchases them to be His very own. His sheep/followers also know their good shepherd. They know His words and His deeds . And they have been taught by example how to lay down their lives for Him and the other sheep.

    2) I will contact them.

    3) Yes, I will put points on the board.

    1. Dave, your comment made me laugh - I wonder if He has his own nick name for each one?

  28. Questions:
    1 How did the pharisees "climb in the sheep pen by some other way"?

    * Who is the "hired hand"? Are all hired hands the same? (is this to contrast hirelings with heirs?)

    2 Just did it.

    3 done.

    Thanks for the great thoughts on hearing God's voice. Of course the scriptures should be our first means of hearing from God, but there are many decisions which are not spoken of in the scriptures for which we need to pray and seek out God's voice. Many of us want to get an instantaneous response to our questions, but God doesn't want to answer quickly sometimes so that he can grow our faith or build up the communication lines, since most people pray more and spend more time listening to God when they are in a trial or waiting to know what to do from God.
    The biography that I read recently about George Muller explains that Muller wanted to go to Asia to preach the gospel directly after his conversion. God seemed to put that on his heart, but kept that door closed; in the meantime God impressed on his heart the need to build an orphanage in Bristol, which Muller opened and later 2 more orphanages. It wasnt until Muller was in his 70's that God sent him on a speaking tour which included Asia (as well as the rest of the world).

    I could probably keep writing about this for another 30 mins, but I have to prep for my next class.

    1. Interesting thoughts Ed. I would still like to use different words to distinguish between the way God speaks to us through his word and the way he may guide us. Prayer, weighing options and seeking advice as you did with your big move, are all commended in scripture, but they aren't equated with God speaking to us. Hope your kids are well behaved :)

  29. 1. “I am the door; if anyone enters through Me, he will be saved, and will go in and out and find pasture.”
    ‭‭John‬ ‭10:9‬ ‭NASB‬‬
    Jesus makes it pretty clear that the only way to eternal is through Him. Excluding the all roads lead to heaven theory.

    2. Will have to do tomorrow. I got on blog too late.
    3. Yes


  30. 1. 4 When he has brought out all his own, he goes on ahead of them, and his sheep follow him because they know his voice. 5 But they will never follow a stranger; in fact, they will run away from him because they do not recognize a stranger’s voice.”
    This reminds me of my time in Boot Camp. As a test of loyalty, Drill Instructors would get their Drill Instructor friends from another company to pass their platoon of recruits while marching by and give random commands. Some of the recruits would invariably hear the command and obey, while others who knew it wasn’t from their Drill Instructor would not execute. This caused chaos within the ranks and gave the Drill Instructors an excuse to torture their own platoon for executing the command of anther Drill Instructor.
    2. I’ve been receiving daily texts from a member of my team and even received a call. I really appreciate it.
    3. Putting the points on now…..

    1. Great story Mark!
      I'm guessing it's been Horacio, your fire team brother. Not much of a guess since we were talking earlier this evening and he said he's been reaching out to you. You've got a good wingman there. Hope you can talk together soon.

    2. Wow Mark. You noted down something important that stood out for me. By listening to instructions that was not by their drill instructor, it caused chaos! I'm guilty if that, followed at times my own decion making causing some type of consequences

  31. 1. John 10:9. I am the gate; whoever enters though me will be saved.
    Jesus, the only way to God. Great message on the mini movie, The Bridge , the Good News.
    2. Done
    3. Soon as I get home.

  32. This comment has been removed by the author.

  33. 1. John 10:9 I am the gate; Whoever enters through me will be saved. They will come in and go out, and find pasture.

    2. Will do.

    3. Yes

  34. 1
    Verse 10:16; Jesus foreknew which sheep were not of his immediate fold, and would bring them too, these sheep which would be individuals to be known as gentiles. He clearly identifies that He gathers a different people for himself as well; “I must bring them also,” Jesus takes the ownership of all sheep and again displays his authority given by God by saying “I must.”
    Wil do

    Thanks Dave for detailing about the word of God. Hearing the voice of God is a very intimidating and cloudy topic to navigate through. But in agreement the voice has been renewed and even replaced by perspective hearings or even rumblings or whatever it may be that some might call His voice. Ultimately however what if one person can hear the so called voice of God and another cannot maybe even a new believer. I know a few people quite closely that were greatly troubled by family and dealing with promptings and wondering if their salvation was even real because they could not communicate with Jesus.
    A detailed study I did a while ago led me to warnings away from the Charismatic Church; I however care not to divulge in bashing that topic, although at the core of what I learned is the the God left us his word to Speak to us. The revelation in it is complete and inspired by God given by God and secured by God. Out of the many resources I found this sermon by John MacAuthur was very helpful

    1. I appreciate your words and that you've done study on this controversial topic Gary. Your quote is why this is not just a theoretical discussion- "I know a few people quite closely that were greatly troubled by family and dealing with promptings and wondering if their salvation was even real because they could not communicate with Jesus." It says "My sheep hear my voice." So if a person doesn't hear voices, even in his head, then no wonder he thinks he's not saved.


  35. 1.- Jn.10:18
    No one takes it from me, but I lay it down on my own accord. I have authority to lay it down and authority to take it up again. This command I received from my Father.

    Here Jesus is telling them of his deity, his divine right, that he has the power of his own death and the power of his own resurrection as he wishes to use it. This power is given to him by his Father. Therefore knowing this, Jesus
    could at any time intervene and stop his death from ever happening. Because of his manifestation as a human in this world he also has super free will and can choose not to be crucified, but because he is commanded by the Father and his love for us in this world, Jesus knows, his death is required, our sacrificial lamb, so that our sins can be forgiven and the veil will open for us to have access to our Father through Him and the Holy Spirit.

    For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.

    2.- Would love too, I'm restricted by my working hours and why I mostly post late into the night.

    3,- yes

    1. Very good Armando!
      I understand. Just contact them before work as I believe you do.

  36. 1) John 10:9 "I am the gate; whoever enters through me will be saved. They will come in and go out, and find pasture."

    Another verse that shows us that Jesus is the only way to the Father.

    3) Yes.

    1. Mmm yes " I am the gate, whoever enter through me will be saved". Spot on brother, I pray the Lord uses you as vessel for presenting His gospel simple and clear.

  37. 1.When he has brought out all his own, he goes on ahead of them, and his sheep follow him because they know his voice.
    John 10:4 NIV
    Like how NIV illustrates that "he goes ahead of them" for as the shepard, Jesus is the one I pray I continue to follow whole heartedly and not be unwavered by the deceitfulness of satan.

    2. Did it
    3. Yes

    1. Beuno Ismael! I think you follow the Shepherd well.

  38. 1. John 10:11 says " “I am the good shepherd; the good shepherd lays down His life for the sheep." --- after reading this passage, what crossed my mind is a question, "Did Jesus die just for His friends or for His enemies too??
    There seems to be a problem. John quotes Jesus as claiming that "He laid down His life for the sheep." But the apostle Paul claims "Christ died for the ungodly" and while they were still "enemies", according to Romans 5:6, 10. How can both of these verses be true?

    There is an easy solution. Jesus died for both his friends, (disciples,) and his enemies. In fact, his "friends " were enemies when he died for them. There's no contradiction here, since the Bible does not say that Christ died "only "for his friends. He did die for those who would become his friends, but he also died for those who would remain his enemies. No worries :-) Jesus died for both his friends and his enemies!

    2. Will do tomorrow , it's too late now :)
    3. Yes

    1. Great thoughts brother, always enriches me to read your posts.

    2. Good ponderings Israel. You're right.
      And He continues to shepherd us (10:16) and lay down his life for us, not in the Catholic re crucifixion sense, but in a serving sense.

  39. 1) The verse I chose is:

    John 9:10 "I am the gate; whoever enters through me will be saved. They will come in and go out, and find pasture.”

    The Lord giving more insight to how the He wants us to come before Him with what we need.

    2) It is late tonight, but I will make sure to do so tomorrow 😊

    3) Doing it!

  40. 1. John 10:5
    "But they will never follow a stranger; in fact, they will run away from him because they do not recognize a stranger’s voice.”

    Regardless of what you chase after in life if it isn't God you will always be left wanting more. It is never good enough, you will always feel empty in the end. This is because Jesus is are true calling. He fulfills us and why are souls yearn for something more.
    2. Will do
    3. Yes

    1. I like that Michael- "Jesus is our true calling." Very good.
