Tues.9.22.15...Success?...John 12:37-50

Are you a success? 

I've read several books and thoughts on success. The above quote is definitely a key ingredient to a successful life. I'm glad you and I are on a team dedicated to inspiring others to mature and multiply their lives. Each day that you pursue GREAT things, you are inspiring others and carrying out Christ's great commission. 

Was Jesus' earthly ministry successful? He certainly has inspired and transformed more people than any other man, that's for sure. But during his earthly ministry, you might be surprised to discover what John reveals in our passage today. First, let me back up for a moment. Did Jesus’ messages and miracles lead many people to believe unto eternal life? Yes, many came to believe in Christ. Let’s review what John has said throughout his gospel:
"Many people saw the miraculous signs he was doing and believed in his name" 2:23.
"Many of the Samaritans from that town believed in him because of the woman's testimony...and because of his words, many more became believers" 4:39,41.
"Many in the crowd put their faith in him" 7:31.
"Even as he spoke, many put their faith in him" 8:30.
When Jesus retreated to the place where John had been baptizing, crowds came to him and "many believed in Jesus" 10:42.
"Many of the Jews" who saw Jesus raise Lazarus from the dead "put their faith in him" 11:45.
"Many even among the leaders believed in him" 12:42.

Yes, many believed, though many also were very shallow in their faith. But lest we think the majority of Jews got saved in Israel, John makes sure to point out that many more still opposed Jesus. He lets us know this right from the beginning of his gospel- "He came to that which was his own, but his own did not receive him" 1:11. The leaders and the crowds were divided regarding Jesus throughout the story. Some didn't understand his teachings, others ignorantly didn't think he fulfilled Scripture to be their promised Messiah. Some said he was illegitimately born, a sinner, a madman or demon possessed. Others claimed he was a blasphemer and sought to stone him to death a few different times.

Despite Jesus' divine messages and the many miracles he performed in the presence of the people (John only records seven miracles of countless ones), still the people would not believe. This is what John underscores as he draws the first part of his “two in one” book to a close- "Even after Jesus had done all these miraculous signs in their presence, they still would not believe in him." Then John supports his point by quoting from the great prophecy regarding Christ in Isaiah 53.
"Lord, who has believed our message (the majority did not believe Jesus' message)
and to whom has the arm of the Lord been revealed?" (to his own people he revealed God's miracles, yet they did not receive him.) 

That's certainly not a description of "success." Isaiah 49:4 even predicts how Christ would feel about such rejection of his outreach- "I have labored to no purpose; I have spent my strength in vain and for nothing" What heartache! Thankfully, Isaiah goes on to reveal how the Father would yet turn things around for Christ- Is.49:4b-9.) 

You and I know there are eternal consequences to rejecting Christ. Some can start even before a hardened sinner dies. John now points this out in our passage today (John 12:37-50). Because they would not believe despite Jesus' amazing messages and miracles, therefore they could not believe. God came down and made the blind see, yet the people willfully closed their eyes and hardened their hearts. So God rightfully gave them what they wanted- blind eyes and a hardened heart. John quotes Isaiah 6:10 to back up his words-
"For this reason they could not believe, because, as Isaiah says elsewhere: 'He has blinded their eyes and hardened their hearts, so they can neither see with their eyes, nor understand with their hearts, nor turn—and I would heal them.'”

Yet even as this first half of John's gospel draws to a close, still there is hope. To the very end, Jesus is inviting people to believe in him for eternal life. "Put your trust in the light while you have it, so that you may become sons of light" And thankfully, "many even among the leaders believed in him" 12:42.

1.- Now read John 12:37-50 and share one verse or phrase and some of your thoughts regarding it. Feel free to use your many commentaries on just one verse at 
http://www.studylight.org/commentary/john/ (Remember, you just click on our chapter for today, 12. Then click on the verse of your choosing from our reading of John 12:37-50.)  

How are you doing on your new SMART goal? I've got my goal on a sticky note posted on my laptop. "By God's grace, I will read and pray with Diane everyday this week." Guess what we did before I started typing you this? Dat's right!

2.- Many of you did a great job writing a SMART goal yesterday. Some needed to make theirs Measurable. Go back now to yesterday's blog and see what I wrote about your goal. (You probably know you can click Ctrl and F at the same time to open up a search within the blog. Just type in your name and click it, and it will take you right to your name.) If I asked you questions about your goal, then please modify it there to make it measurable. Click "Reply" underneath my comments and post your updated SMART goal there. Then copy it down and review it daily. I will go back and read your modifications there. If you need any help with this, call me or another brother. We are here to help each other succeed.

Perhaps one of your goals is to post your points as soon as you finish on the blog. Then I guess you don't me to remind you, do you? :)

Christ poured into people who rejected him. Ugh! That doesn't sound like success. Did you ever pour into someone who turned away? That can be so discouraging. Christ has felt that pain too. Yet God ultimately and greatly rewarded him (Is.49:4-9). And he will reward you too. Take comfort in these words- "Always give yourself fully to the work of the Lord, because you know that your labor in the Lord is not in vain" 1 Cor.15:58. That is ultimate success!


  1. 1. John 12:43 says : "I have come into the world as light, so that whoever believes in me may not remain in darkness." Great verse that clearly explains why Jesus came to this world, so that anyone that puts their trust in Him shall be saved from their sins and be spared condemnation.

    Poole's English Annotations on the Holy Bible says this about verse 46:
    "I am come a light into the world; this is no more than what our Saviour hath often said, John 3:19, and John 9:5; and it was according to the prophecy of him, Isaiah 42:6.

    That whosoever believeth on me shall not abide in darkness; that he who receiveth and embraces me, as his Priest and Prophet, though he may be in darkness naturally, Ephesians 5:8, yet should not abide in a state of ignorance, and sin, and guilt, John 3:36 8:31. Men and women, before they believe in Christ are in darkness; but upon believing, they are translated out of their state of darkness into a state of marvellous light; they do not abide in darkness. "
    2. Did review my goal and plan on talking to al least one person tonight at men's group about M3.

  2. 1. John 12:48 'The one who rejects me and does not receive my words has a judge; the word that I have spoken will judge him on the last day.' Barnes says this about v. 48, "The word that Christ has spoken, the doctrines of his gospel, and the messages of mercy, will be that by which the sinner will be judged in the last day. Every person will be judged by that message, and the sinner will be punished according to the frequency and clearness with which the rejected message has been presented to his mind, Matthew 12:41."
    Matthew 12 is an interesting parallel as this is the place where Jesus says we will judged by every word we speak (12:36-37) and that people from other places and times will be part of judgment. He mentions the people of Nineveh and the Queen of the South/Sheba who visited Solomon. This is a deep subject and I think a lot of it is beyond our reach but it seems clear that we will be held accountable for what we have heard and known. God's Word will not fail. It will have authority over people even after they die. What a tragedy that most people either don't know about the Word, don't care, have been told it is not really authoritative, take it lightly...
    2. I looked at the goal of talking to 2 people. I'm going to contact one guy this morning and set up a time to meet this week.

    1. Good word and parallel Mike, we as believers cannot claim ignorance, we are held accountable to our walk and obedience to God's principles

    2. Powerful passage Mike. It's as if Christ himself will not have to say a word, but can simply let "the video" of their lives when they heard the word, do the convicting.

    3. It breaks my heart too, Mike! Thanks for your share.

  3. 1.- Jn. 12:50
    "I know that His commandment is eternal life; therefore the things I speak, I speak just as the Father has told Me."

    Jesus here is telling us he has fulfilled his mission to his Fathers will, and that the end of his presence and ministry is complete and that He is returning to his eternal life.

    Barnes commentary
    Is life everlasting - Is the cause or source of everlasting life. He that obeys the commandment of God shall obtain everlasting life; and this is his commandment, that we believe in the name of his only-begotten Son, 1 John 3:22. We see here the reason of the earnestness and fidelity of the Lord Jesus. It was because he saw that eternal life depended on the faithful preaching of the message of God. He therefore proclaimed it in the face of all opposition, contempt, and persecution. And we see also:

    1.That every minister of religion should have a deep and abiding conviction that he delivers a message that is to be connected with the eternal welfare of his hearers. And,

    2.Under the influence of this belief, he should fearlessly deliver his message in the face of bonds, poverty, contempt, persecution, and death.
    It may not be improper to remark here that this is the close of the public preaching of Christ. The rest of his ministry was employed in the private instruction of his apostles, and in preparing them for his approaching death. It is such a close as all his ministers should desire to make a solemn, deliberate, firm exhibition of the truth of God, under a belief that on it was depending the eternal salvation of his hearers, and uttering without fear the solemn message of the Most High to a lost world.

    2.- Not able to modify on yesterday's blog, almost deleted posting.

    I will encourage my wingmen each day this week, via posting n texting.

    1. Powerful words you found and shared with us Armando.
      2.- Just type your modified SMART goal by clicking Reply. Since reading your words here, I have since clarified that.

    2. Great verse Armando, thank God for eternal life.

  4. 1- John 12:41
    Isaiah said this because he saw Jesus’ glory and spoke about him.

    I didn't read the commentaries but.....
    This verse stuck out to me. Its kind of funny if you really think about it hard. Here John is writing down his encounter with Jesus while he quotes Isaiah who wrote down what he saw when he encountered Jesus. It also sticks me funny that Isaiah is a major prophet who through him was foretold a lot of Jesus first coming and John was the only disciple to die of natural cause and at his old age he was given the revelation Jesus' second coming. John here says that Isaiah "saw Jesus' glory". John also experienced this when he along with 2 other disciples saw his glory as well when he transformed in front of them once when he took them to a mountain.

    Isaiah and John experienced his glory in a more physical way and went on to tell the world about it. But even us as believers in our age have experienced his glory. I have in my personal life many more times that i can count. One day I am confident that I will also experience his glory physically.

    2- I did pray last night before bed and again this morning before I got out of bed but I didn't do my outside of M3 reading. I was on the phone for over 4 hours until late into the night.

    1. Amen Lou. His physical glory is sone thing we can only try to imagine. Stay strong in your prayer goal this week.

    2. Great job experiencing His glory Luis. May you continue to be on fire for the Lord!

  5. 1.42Yet at the same time many even among the leaders believed in him. But because of the Pharisees they would not openly acknowledge their faith for fear they would be put out of the synagogue; 43for they loved human praise more than praise from God.

    As we talk about the narrow way, Pastor Mark said something Sunday to the effect of this:
    If you are looking for acceptance, popularity, then this is going to clash with your following Jesus.
    We see that here with the leaders.

    Lord God protect me from people pleasing. You know me Lord, you know that at times I want to be accepted and liked. I don't want that to put our relationship at risk. I don't want to jeopardize our relationship to chase after the pursuits of this world. It is good to be liked and accepted but not at the expense of the Gospel and my testimony. So give me the boldness, power and courage to stand strong even when it may not be the popular thing, but I know it will be right and honoring to you. In Jesus Name.

    2. On track. 2 days accomplished of uninterrupted prayer time.

    1. Looks like we were thinking the same this morning :). Excellent prayer, Amen to it brother!

    2. Amen bro. Our priorities should be evident in our life.

    3. So appreciate your prayer in light of the passage Eddie.
      2. Way to go!

    4. Go Eddie! Prayer is powerful. Keep it up! Yes its hard not to be accepted or popular in this world. Following Jesus at times will require us to go against the flow!

    5. Go Eddie! Prayer is powerful. Keep it up! Yes its hard not to be accepted or popular in this world. Following Jesus at times will require us to go against the flow!

    6. Keep up the prayer time Eddie! Be encouraged. God is going to bless you as you spend time in His presence.

    7. Eddie great prayer, I can surely identify with what you are saying.

  6. John 12:43 43 for they loved human praise more than praise from God.

    This verse reminded me of 1 Thessalonians 2:4 (NIV) On the contrary, we speak as those approved by God to be entrusted with the gospel. We are not trying to please people but God, who tests our hearts.

    I pray that we do not fall into the temptation of others praise while doing the work of God. I also pray for those that are not in God's work, that they seek to serve God today!

    1. Very good cross reference verse Sam!
      And I prayed your prayer as well.

    2. Amen Sam, that we all continue doing Gid's work without seeking man's praise.

    3. Nice comment brother Sam, I also picked the same verse. Isn't it quite paradoxical that human seeks earthly temporal praise/glory that perishes?

  7. 1
    The truth of Jesus words and the backing of his miracles is everything that causes heats to harden against the truth. Therefore to be blind an reject was already expected by God.
    So ultimately for God to reconcile humanity to himself and best show His love He knew that some would need the burdening truth that would cause them to turn away.

    I was blogging quite late last night but I will continue to be diligent in putting my points down.

    1. Well good morning brother Gary. Glad to see you post in the morning. Glad you are being diligent. God bless.

    2. Brother Gary, way to be unstoppable! Keep up the good work :-)

    3. From night owl to early bird :) Good Gary!

    4. Good thoughts Gary, continue to be faithful.

  8. 1. "I (Jesus) have come into the world as a light, so that no one who believes in me should stay in darkness." John 12:46

    Light expels darkness!

    2. Remains the same

    1. Thanks for all the encouraging you do Robert. We need men to set the example for others to follow. Teamwork makes the dream work :)

    2. Most Christians like the ancient Jews think they 're already in light and don't need greater revelation.

  9. 1."for they loved human praise more than praise from God."
    John 12:43
    Because they loved the approval of their fellow human beings many sacrifice their convictions and actions contrary to their conscience . They are ready to join the majority and seek the favorable opinion of the powerful or the crowd. What is the secret of gaining victory over the fear of others and the desires for their praise? It is our faith the faith that sees God , Christ ,heaven, hell and the judgment and eternity is ultimate reality. Professing to follow Christ while loving human glory above God's glory is blatant hypocrisy.

    1. Thank you for your words George, may we all be faithful in seeing God without seeking praise.

    2. Human approvals die off at death. But God approval last beyond the grave.

  10. Brother George, very good "It is our faith the faith that sees God , Christ ,heaven, hell and the judgment and eternity is ultimate reality. "

  11. 1. - John 12: 46 I have come into the world as a light, so that no one who believes in me should stay in darkness.

    Gill's Exposition of the Whole Bible
    I am come a light into the world, And even as the light of it, being the sun of righteousness, that was to arise, and now was risen, to enlighten men with the light of the living; see John 3:19;

    that whosoever believeth on me should not abide in darkness; God's elect themselves, whilst in a state of unregeneracy and unbelief, are in darkness; when Christ shines in upon them, and infuses the light of faith into them, they are no longer in darkness; the darkness is past, at least in a great measure, and the true light shines; in which they see light, see glory and grace of Christ, and the invisible realities of another world: nor do they continue in the darkness of sin, ignorance, and unbelief; but walk in the light of truth, faith, and holiness, until the perfect day comes, when all the shadows of remaining darkness will flee away. (Verse-by-Verse Bible Commentary)

    2. - One accomplished day, 6 more days to go.

    1. Believing in the lord Jesus Christ enlightens our hope for life to come. Thanks brother Oscar.

  12. 1. John 12:41These things Isaiah said because he saw His glory, and he spoke of Him. 42Nevertheless many even of the rulers believed in Him, but because of the Pharisees they were not confessing Him, for fear that they would be put out of the synagogue; 43for they loved the approval of men rather than the approval of God.

    Nicpal "Its puzzling and sad that these leaders believed but were to ashamed to stand up to the Pharisees. I smell some fans but not followers of Jesus! I hope they repented after the resurrection.:

    48John 12:48 “He who rejects Me and does not receive My sayings, has one who judges him; the word I spoke is what will judge him at the last day.

    David Guzik d. I do not judge Him: Jesus stressed His love and acceptance for the sinner; yet the word that I have spoken will judge Him - there are inescapable consequences for rejecting Jesus.

    Nicpal It's sad that so many in our day hear Jesus' Word at church, on television, on social media, and greatestminimovie cards, and still don't believe. When they stand before the judge Jesus, He will remind them of the time when His words were clearly spoken to them. It breaks my heart.

    2. Did it!

    1. Great connection between the leaders and our study of the difference between fan and follower. You came across the answer to those foolish fans who believe that it is enough to be a fan, but do not live as though they have consciously chosen to follow Jesus..there are inescapable consequences for rejecting Jesus. Hearing His word but not living by it is certainly a rejection of Christ, much like listening to good advice but not applying it is a rejection of that advice. Great connections, Nic.

  13. 42 Yet at the same time many even among the leaders believed in him. But because of the Pharisees they would not openly acknowledge their faith for fear they would be put out of the synagogue; 43 for they loved human praise more than praise from God.

    This is a nice parallel and example of one of the themes of Matthew 6:

    6 “Beware of practicing your righteousness before men to be noticed by them; otherwise you have no reward with your Father who is in heaven.

    In Matthew 6 (Sermon on the Mount) Jesus provides trough the examples of giving, praying, and fasting how people, such as the Pharisees and myself more often that I'd like, do what we do for the approval or rewards of men. In doing so, He says that we will get our rewards from men, on earth where moth and rust and theif will destroy it; but if we do what we do for God, we will have an eternal reward in heaven that cannot be destroyed or stolen.

    Then I look back a few verses and remember, as Dave pointed out in the blog post: God made them so they could not believe (v39) because they would not believe (v37). Were these the same people from v42 who were afraid of being put out of the synagogue?

    I am thankful and do take solace in knowing that we serve a grace-filled God. That at least some of the leaders seem to have come to believe in Him: Nicodemus and Joseph. That though Peter denied Him under fear for his life, he soon after repented and ultimately became a powerful preacher for Him.

    2) Since I haven't done a comment for yesterday, I will enter my goal right now.

    1. Awesome parallel, Kevin! You really dug deep and struck gold. Being a married man, I too struggle with not sharing my good deeds with my wife. I want her to know she married a kind and charitable man, but not at the risk of boasting of my good deeds. I have noticed though, that my good deeds have a lingering effect. When I show kindness to others, I take joy in having been the hands, arms, and feet of Christ, and that joy extends to my marriage and my relationships with others. Without boasting of the good I do, I feel the presence of God manifesting in my actions and in my words. I do not need to speak of the good I do. Gods love, reflected, speaks for itself.

    2. Good observation brother Kevin Long.

  14. 1) “He made their eyes blind and closed their minds so that they might not see with their eyes, understand with their minds, and turn their lives around— and I would heal them.”
    ‭‭John‬ ‭12:40‬ ‭CEB‬‬

    1. Praise God, great verse brother. Through god anything is possible.

  15. 1. John 12:44 Then Jesus cried out, “Whoever believes in me does not believe in me only, but in the one who sent me.
    Gills commentary:
    which is not to be understood simply and absolutely, for this would be a contradiction in terms: they that believe in Christ, do believe in him, and they do right to believe in him.

    2. I read the comments. Working on passing cards before Monday. At least 3.

    1. Good verse Chuy and research. I believe you can pass out those cards bro. Keep up the good work bro.

  16. 1. John 12:56 I have come into the world as a light, so that no one who believes in me should stay in darkness.
    2. Did it. By God's power I will pray with my wife all 7 days this week and also hand out a Greatest Mini Movies card each day.

    1. You got this, Phil! Way to be a MANLY man and head of your household. May God enrich both of your lives as you grow in Him together.

    2. Good goal to pray with your wife. I have not done that in many moons. I shall add that to my goals.

    3. Amen brother, great verse. I also need to pray with my wife.

    4. Wow, great goals brother. May it draw you and wife closer together in oneness and give you the boldness to share the "Good news"

  17. 1. John 12:47 “If anyone hears my words but does not keep them, I do not judge that person. For I did not come to judge the world, but to save the world. 48 There is a judge for the one who rejects me and does not accept my words; the very words I have spoken will condemn them at the last day."

    Gill's Exposition of the Whole Bible

    And if any man hear my words and believe not,.... Men may hear the Gospel of Christ, and not understand it; and they may understand it literally and grammatically, though not spiritually and experimentally, and not believe it; not so much as give credit or an assent to the truth of it, but reject and deny it; for though faith comes by hearing to some, it does not come to all: some receive no profit by hearing it, because it is not mixed with faith by them. The Alexandrian copy, and all the Oriental versions, and also Nonnus, read the last clause thus, "and keep them not"; or does not observe them, is negligent of them, and shows no regard, and yields not the obedience of faith to them; the sense is the same.

    There is an important distinction here between those who hear the Word, but do not keep it (in their mind, in their heart, on their MP3 cards) and those who do. It is not enough to know the Word of God if we do not apply it to our everyday life. What comes forth from each of us should reflect God's presence within us. Greater than the consumption of a wafer as a form of communion with God, is the consumption and application of His Word. Those who hear and live by the Word of God will never hunger or thirst, but as those of us who have lives for the world can attest to, our willful separation from God only results in a life of hunger for carnal desires and a thirst for earthly satisfaction, neither of which ever satisfies.

    I judge him not; I do not accuse him to the Father, nor do I condemn him, nor shall I take vengeance on him for so doing; meaning, that he should do none of these things now, though hereafter he will be a swift witness against him, and will convict and condemn him, and pass sentence on him, and execute it:

    The time to live by God's Word is NOW. This life is our opportunity to live by faith and seek a relationship with the Lord. Once this life and this world have passed, there will be no time for atonement. Our opportunity would have been missed.

    for I came not to judge the world, but to save the world. Christ, at his first coming, came not under the character of a judge, but a Saviour; wherefore suitable to his character, and the end of his coming, he would not accuse, condemn, or judge any man, even the greatest unbelievers in him, and despisers of him, but would leave them to another day, when righteous judgment shall take place.

    Like a loving Father, God watches over us, vigilant that we may not fall too far or too hard, but He gives us our space and allows us to make choices for ourselves and this precious life He gives us. We will falter...we will fall. It is an inevitable consequence of our sin-state. The question is, will we keep God's Word? Will we choose to live by it, and repent when we do fall, or will we allow ourselves to get comfortable on the ground and refuse the hand of our Lord when He extends it to lift us up?

    2. Update on my SMART goal. I digitized my M3 card and will now compose a letter of invitation to my friend, whom I have lost communication with over the years.

    1. Good idea to digitize the M3 card. That's the only way I can guarantee I will not lose it!

    2. Brother Osiris, ditto on Mike's comment. Your statement "It is not enough to know the Word of God if we do not apply it to our everyday life." also reminded me of James 1:22-25

  18. 1.John 12:47 “If anyone hears my words but does not keep them, I do not judge that person. For I did not come to judge the world, but to save the world.

    -to judge.Not the purpose of Jesus’ coming (3:17 – 18), but judgment is the other side of salvation. It is not the purpose of the sun’s shining to cast shadows, but when the sun shines, shadows are inevitable.

    2. Done

    1. Good stuff dave! Doing a good job keeping consistent on the blog bro. Keep it up.

  19. 1. John 12:43 " for they loved the approval of men rather than the approval of God." Note that this is not referring to the mean, bad Pharisees, but this is referring to rulers who "believed in Him" (v.42) This is referring to me. I often struggle with being more concerned about what my peers think, than what God thinks.

    2. Goal already SMART :)

    1. Good job with your SMART goal Tim!

    2. Amen brother, don't let others opinions discourage you.

  20. 1. John 12:40 "He has blinded their eyes and hardened their heart, so that they would not see with their eyes and perceive with their heart, and be converted and I heal them."

    This verse is taken from Isaiah 6:9, and, perhaps, refers more to the judgments that should fall upon them as a nation, which God was determined should not be averted, than it does to their eternal state. To suppose that the text meant that God was unwilling that they should turn unto him, lest he should be obliged to save them, is an insupportable blasphemy.

    I've always had a hard time dealing with verse like these. God, hardening our heart. Even if I harden it first. It just seems wrong.

    2. Is there anything for me to do here if there was no suggestion for improvement yesterday?

    1. Brother Mike, I too have had a difficult time reconciling verses such as these "hardening our heart". God bless you :-)

  21. 1. John 12:48  There is a judge for the one who rejects me and does not accept my words; the very words I have spoken will condemn them at the last day.

    The word that I have spoken - shall judge him - Ye shall be judged according to my doctrine: the maxims which ye have heard from my mouth shall be those on which ye shall be tried in the great day; and ye shall be condemned or acquitted according as ye have believed or obeyed them, or according as ye have despised and violated them, See this proved, Matthew 25:35; (note), etc.

    2. Done.

  22. Nevertheless, many even of the authorities believed in him, but for fear of the Pharisees they did not confess it, so that they would not be put out of the synagogue;
    (John 12:42 ESV)

    This is many of us today when we believe in God but have guilt to talk about him around certain people because we are afraid of what they might say.

    2) I will wake up everyday with a prayer that will lead me through the day.

    1. I found myself guilty of this plenty of times. Thanks for the eye opener Andre. Got to fear God more then people on this earth. Thanks for sharing bro.

  23. 1- John 12:47New International Version (NIV)

    47 “If anyone hears my words but does not keep them, I do not judge that person. For I did not come to judge the world, but to save the world.

    I love to hear Jesus stating his mission. It's a strong yet compassionate verse. Thank you Jesus for coming into this world to save us. We owe a debt we cannot pay, yet Jesus paid a debt he didn't owe.

    2- Done I modified it.

    1. Brother Vince, "a strong yet compassionate verse" such a perfect balance!

  24. 1-John 12: 43. for they loved the praise of men more than the praise of God.

    "The praise of men. What our Lord calls "honour one from another." The praise of men will bid us to be moral, to be diligent, to be exemplary, to be religious. Thus far, it runs side by side with the praise of God. But there are points in every life, or there is one point, where the two roads diverge. Now and then the alternative is proposed, suddenly, seriously, decisively, "Who is on the Lord's side?" A word must be spoken, or not spoken. Any social table, any home fireside, may furnish the occasion, an act must be done or not done, a gain made or refused, a hopeful prospect hailed or thought scorn of. What manner of persons ought we to be, on whose innermost motive those momentous issues hang." (Sermon Bible Commentary)

    Most often the praise of men seems immediate and visible to the human eye, unlike the praise of God that needs to be believe by only those who practice true faith in God. Jesus said my kingdom is not of this world, but of heaven. We as human beings struggle with the thought that we need to serve our fellow mankind. Human needs forces us to the source(provider), but does not mean we adhere and surrender to the one who provide. For those who seek earthly glory and praises, them will perish with the world but those who seek Gods approval will forever enjoy eternal glory with the lord.


  25. 1. 1.- 37 Even after Jesus had performed so many signs in their presence, they still would not believe in him.

    It is unreal how many of us can witness miracles first-hand and STILL don’t believe what God can do in our lives. We have the privilege and honor of walking with Him but given the chance to do something else, we tend to choose the ‘other’ thing.

    2. Done

    1. What you point out is so true Marcos. All the more reason why we need M3 so that as men joined and walking together, we are less likely to face the other way with all the encouragement and accountability we receive.

  26. “I know that his command leads to eternal life. So whatever I say is just what the Father has told me to say.””
    ‭‭John‬ ‭12:50‬ ‭
    Jesus stressed his own submission to God the Father.
    His authority flowed from his submission to God the Father-- as Guzik states. Emphasis is again on Jesus is God and they are 1 in the same and the message is clear his is the only way to eternal life.
    2. Goal is set and completed today

  27. John 12:42-43 Yet at the same time many even among the leaders believed in him. But because of the Pharisees they would not openly acknowledge their faith for fear they would be put out of the synagogue; 43 for they loved human praise more than praise from God.

    John Piper gave two reasons why human praise is contradictory to Faith. “The first is that true faith in Jesus gives all glory to God and none to ourselves. Faith comes to Christ destitute of any claim to be glorious or to be praised. So the love of human praise is a great obstacle to faith. It must die. ... The other reason the love of human glory is contradictory to faith is that faith is a drinking of living water for the satisfaction of our souls. And the well of that water is the glory of Christ. And when we are satisfied with him, the enslaving power of the craving for human glory is broken. Broken by the power of a superior satisfaction. When you have tasted the beauty of God and the approval of God in Christ, the addiction to human approval is broken. And you are free. “

    2) Did it.

  28. 1 – John 12: 50 I know that his command leads to eternal life. So whatever I say is just what the Father has told me to say.”

    Pett's Commentary on the Bible
    ‘And what I say, therefore, I say as the Father has told me I must’.

    Jesus confirms that all He has said has been because God has instructed Him in what to say and has made Him say it under the divine necessity. He is God’s mouthpiece, God’s voice.

    So John stresses at the end of this section which began with John 1:1, and ends here, both the Messiahship and Sonship of Jesus, and the essence of His teaching, along with the certainty that it has come directly from the Father, and is in accordance with His Father’s instruction. This is the message for which He will die, and now His ministry is complete He can go on to the preparation of His disciples for His final act.

    2 – Done

  29. 1. John12:42,43
    However, Even many of the Jewish leaders believed him to be the Messiah but wouldn't admit it to anyone because of their fear that the Pharisees would excommunicate them from the synagogue; for they loved the praise of men more than the praise of God.
    Back in John 5:44, it reads" you like to receive praise from one another, but you do not try to win praise from the one who alone is God ; how then , can you believe me." The Jewish leaders held very high position and had many friend who looked up to them. Many believed in Jesus , but they felt they had much to lose if they would follow the Lord. How tragic were their views on weighing their earthly riches and lose eternal life.
    2. SMART goal modified.

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  31. This comment has been removed by the author.

  32. 1. ““He has blinded their eyes and hardened their heart, lest they see with their eyes, and understand with their heart, and turn, and I would heal them.”” John‬ ‭12:40‬ ‭ESV

    He hath blinded their eyes; by presenting to them truths which they would reject, their rejection bringing them into greater darkness. In a similar sense it is said, that Jesus Christ came into the world to set members of families at variance, by leading some to trust in him, while others on this account opposed them and sought their death.

    Wow there's people that will know God is real but choose to not follow him. Even if there is proof right in front of them.

    2. Done

    1. James, good point. Knowing what I know now I don't understand why someone who know's there is a God wouldn't follow Him.

    2. Thank you Lord for opening my brothers eyes and has directed his faith to you. Thank you for softening his heart and turning to you.

  33. 1. John 12:50 says "I know that His commandment is eternal life; therefore the things I speak, I speak just as the Father has told Me ". ---
    Is life everlasting - Is the cause or source of everlasting life. He that obeys the commandment of God shall obtain everlasting life; and this is his commandment, that we believe in the name of his only-begotten Son, 1 John 3:22. We see here the reason of the earnestness and fidelity of the Lord Jesus. It was because he saw that eternal life depended on the faithful preaching of the message of God. He therefore proclaimed it in the face of all opposition, contempt, and persecution. And we see also:
    A. That every minister of religion should have a deep and abiding conviction that he delivers a message that is to be connected with the eternal welfare of his hearers. And,

    B. Under the influence of this belief, he should fearlessly deliver his message in the face of bonds, poverty, contempt, persecution, and death.

    2. Did it

    1. Good commentary Israel, it reminds me of Sunday, Pastor Mark said something along the lines of when he's standing before God he needs to be able to account for his teaching. That he did his best to teach us the whole truth not skipping over the hard parts and only preaching the easy.

  34. 1. ( John 12:47-48) And if anyone hears My words and does not believe, I do not judge him; for I did not come to judge the world but to save the world. He who rejects Me, and does not receive My words, has that which judges him; the word that I have spoken will judge him in the last day.
    You judge yourself if you have heard the word and have never heard it in your heart.
    Jesus' last recorded public speech too- imploring those to follow and hear.
    2. Doing well but limited on internet most of the days, time getting in the word is good but playing on the phone and computer are the challenge.

    1. Brother Rich, sobering thought! "You judge yourself if you have heard the word and have never heard it in your heart."

  35. 1. John 12 : 47 If anyone hears my words and does not keep them, I do not judge him; for I did not come to judge the world but to save the world.

    Jesus is giving us a choice to follow him. I love that he will not judge me but that he came here to save me because he loves me. How many times i have walked off path and have been discouraged and yet with the grace of God i still try to be faithful in the word. I have heard his word and yet I'm still amazed that sometimes a verse might give me a different interpretation. Sometimes i feel like he is only talking to me.

    2. I have been contacting my wing men and will continue too. It's important to stay strong and faithful. 

    Contact my brothers twice a week.

    1. Yes how amazing is His grace to us. His love is so abounding, His mercy limitless. Thank you Lord for my brother Horacio

    2. Brother Horacio, keep up the good work for God is a rewarder of those who diligently seek him. God bless you :-)

  36. 1. Yet at the same time many even among the leaders believed in him. But because of the Pharisees they would not openly acknowledge their faith for fear they would be put out of the synagogue;
    John 12:42 NIV
    Commentary: They did not confess Him: Though some of the religious leaders believed in Him, they would not publicly proclaim it, because they were afraid to loose their position. This love of the praise of men is deadly, and keeps many from a life fully committed to God.
    It truly applies to fan or follower? For the word is here and may cause division towards family,friends,wives, money, etc... Counting the cost will be at your face constantly but it is by God's grace that we can bare such things. I pray that my M3 brothers may not focused or steered to being "people pleasers" but pleaser of God.

    2. Did it

    3. From yesterday's blog:
    First thing thing tomorrow morning, once I get to work I will write down on post note and tape it on visor..SMART GOALS.

    1. So true Ish, we need to pray and rely on the Lord that we would never put people pleasing above seeing the truth of the Lord

    2. Brother Ismael. I come into agreement with your prayer!

  37. John 12:42-43 "Yet at the same time many even among the leaders believed in him. But because of the Pharisees they would not openly acknowledge their faith for fear they would be put out of the synagogue; for they loved human praise more than praise from God."

    We need to make sure to always have our priorities straight. We serve God not man.

    1. Prayer Request: Please pray that God gives me the creativity to finish the last page of my paper that is due at noon later on today. I've been having trouble writing it and coming up with ideas, so your prayers would be greatly appreciated.

    2. Brother Alex, praying for you my young brother and co-laborer in Christ Jesus!

  38. 1) John 12:47 “If anyone hears my words but does not keep them, I do not judge that person. For I did not come to judge the world, but to save the world.”

    I always thought this was such a reflection of the true Jesus' character. Not what many say about a God that Judges, but instead a God that loves us and would rather that None should perish. Christ's mission was to save not to condemn

    2) I made sure to put a more solid number in the comment :)

    1. Brother William, what a wonderful thought! "a God that loves us and would rather that None should perish."

  39. 42 Yet at the same time many even among the leaders believed in him. But because of the Pharisees they would not openly acknowledge their faith for fear they would be put out of the synagogue; 43 for they loved human praise more than praise from God.

    2 It is already measurable.

    1. Brother Ed, I pray and hope all is well with you. God bless you :-)
